DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. t VOL, 8. SALEM, OBEGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBl&t 1, 1896. KO, r THE O.RfMET offers a line line of the best grades of clothing at vcrv low prices. Guilds knee pants suits from $1.2.") to $3.15. Youths' three part suits at $2.75 to $"i.or giving excellent (luallty for the prices. Mens' suits from $3 75 up to a fine clay, all wool, worsted suit in sack or frock. "We will saw you money on clothing. Our line of "Star 5 Star" boots and shoos is unsur passed in quality, and all sold at low prices. The line of uhlldrens' underwear is complete, also for men and women, all are sold at the lowest rate of profit from low price to better quality. We have oil and duck coats, slickers, rubber coats and mackintoshes at low prices. Our stock of hosiery, notions, German knitting, Span ish and Saxony yarn, is offered at close prices. We give bargains In all lines saying you 15 to 25 per cent. Call and see E.T.BARNES, PROPRIETOR. 6 mm That Is going on atour store, Is the chance for you to save money If you need anything in our line, dry goods, clothing, huts, shoes, trunks, valises, lurnish ing goods, etc., etc. We are having a heavy run on those childs' "bi metallic" suits, ranging in price from $1.50 to $4.00. Then there is the "goir combination'' suit, that is the wonder of the times, 1 coat, 1 rap. 2 pnli- pants, 1 tie, 1 pair suspenders and an extia set of buttons. They range in price from $3 50 to $5 00. .Ages from 3 years to 10 yea is, and all under the knife. Ask to see our prizes, which you get free of charge. -E. F. N EFF- "The Boys' Outfitter" 97 ommercialSt, - - Salem, Or, Our stock is Now :o:- At prices lower than ever before, Call and examine our different lines and be con vinced, We are here Iwill not allow any )uality and the prices what tells the tale, Don't be persuaded into buying until you have Remember the place, . l. Johnson & son 120 STATE STREET. 6! a Gomolete. to sell goods, We one to undersell us. we make you are seen our line. FOUGHT And Disgraced the 'Profesh. McAulifle and Carroll Frauds the,First Water, of San Francisco, Nov. 21. Jack McAullffe. the light weight champion and Jimmy Carroll, his old-time rival and three times his antagonist In the ring for that honor, met last night before St George's club in a tenround bout to forever settle the question of supsriority. Again as In all their previous contests, McAnliffe was the victor. At the end of the tenth round Referee Armstrong cave the decision to McAullffe. The audieuce was not entirely satisfied with the manner In which the men fought the last round, but the decision appeared to meet the approval of the majority. In the eighth round Cafroll was knocked down. Both men were very weak at the close. At thcbtginnlng of the fight Mc- Autlffe adopted rushing tactics forc ing his oponent to the ropes repeat edly, but the pace was too hot to last, andat theend of the third round he had bellows to mend. From that time until the last his blows lacked steam and it was noticeable that whenever he got Carroll In a tight place, after one of these rushes, he dropped his hands and retreated to the center of the ring. The men frequently Indulged in con versation during the last few rounds, but In such low tones as to be Inaud ible to those at the ring side. In the last round there were evidences of a mutal understanding which did no(. escape the crowd for the men stood ,up in the center of the ring and ex changed blows which would have shamed exhibition lighters until the gong sounded. The concensus of opinion was that both men had outlived their reputa tions as fighters and that they had agreed to makjcJtjippear a genuine fight, but to avoid a knockout. Mc AulilTe alsfl appeared to know that he would get tiie decision from the off set. Will Stretch Hemp. Napa CiTY.Cal., Nov. 21. Win. Hoc, alias Mooie.was found guilty of the murder of. Mrs. Greenwood and -was sentenced to lie hanged. According to. Roe's confession he has committed" many murders in various sections of the country. ACQUITTED. Mr. G, White, of Woodburn, Who Was Tried on a Charge of Cruelty to Animals. The case of the State vs. G. White, charged with cruelty to animals, con sisting of depriving them of their necessary substance, a The trial was before Justice Hayes and a Jury. A. C Hough defended Mr. White, whose testimony showed that the horse belonged to his son, a young man who Is studying for the ministry. Evidence was offered to show that the horse In question got so poor, It got down and could not get up and was trampled upon so that It had to be killed. White's plea was that he did not own of control the horse and hence was not responsible. District Attorney Ilqyden repre sented the state and at about 5:30 the case went to the Jury. A verdict was soon rendered acquitting the accused. There Is no doubt but that some one has been criminally liable and ought to be punlsliea out it is not wr, White, Sr. Fabio Ramonu At the play last night was witnessed some .very line acting and dancing, which was met with a very discourag ing house in face of which the play was admirably rendered. The actors met the chill of the evening bravely and deserved a .better house. Miss Alice West and Aden Benedict de serves special mention for their fine work. Respetta," the ragpicker of Naples, received a generous applause for the fine acting which he duly de served. Quahtehly Meeting. Last even ing the opening services of quarterly meeting were held in the friends church In Highland. The meeting will continue today, and will conclude tomorrow evening. FOOT BALL. Oame Bet wee Ji Salem and Newberg Team Thanksgiving Day. Manager I. II. VanWlnkle,ot Wil lamette University foot-ball team, who recently wrote the Newberg team with regard to-' having an exhibition game on Thanksgiving day, received a favorable answer this morning from Oscar Coxj manager of the Newberg team. The Newberg team seems de lighted at the prospect of playing the Salem team and anticipates a very In tcresting game. Arrangements arc about completed with one of the steamboat companies whereby a re duced rate will be given all who wish to attend the game. The boat will leave Salem probably at 7 a.m. and re turning will remain at Newberg until the game is over when she will bring the excursionist Jionie. It is likely a round trip rate of 75 cents may be se cured provldlngU sufficient number will go. Lei Salcmltcs respond promptly and may' a large delegation accompany the team that enthusiasm may not be lacking. All whs will go are requested to leave their names with Manager H ll. VanWlnkle, at the ''Spa" or with J. W. Cochran, at the Journal office. The probable line up of the t o teams Is as follovs:i NnWDEKQ POTIONS SALEM W. Macey ,,. center Webb G. Heater r gfaard Ridings W.Metcalf r 'tackle.... B. Macey G. Larkin 1 tackle B. Savage O. Cox.., r end J. Evans H. Nelson. .,..cend II. Olinger O. Price..... (q back1. Aleck Moir C. Wilson r h bitck W. Evans Van Lealtt .'... 1 h back J. Legg B. Patton . . . .f back. . . .J. McCormlck Substitutes Newberg, W. Allan, D. Price, C. Martin, R. Chapman, M. Davis and O. Hodson: Salem, John Chase, Max Miller, Pugh and Judd. TOO LATE. Members of the Corvallls football team held a conversation with Mana ger Van Winkle, of the Salem team, thlstuornlng, requesting that If pos slblo the team come to Corvallls on Thanksgiving day, but arrangements having been completed for the game at Newberg' on that day, It was Im possible to consider the request of the Corvallls eeam. SALEM VS. CHKMAWA. The return game of football betweon the second University and the Chera aiwa Junior team Is being played on the University campus this afternoon. The game at Chemawa last Saturday resulted 18 too In favor of the In dians. The Salem boys propose to come out victorious this afternoon if possible. The game was called at 2:20 p. m. and the teams were lined up as follows: Salem Positions Chemawa Farrar c Lewis Baxter r. g Young L. Becler 1. g Pulsirer Looney r. t Butler Brown 1. t Norton Winters r. e Davis Richardson 1. e Ingle Moran q.b Eley Southwlck r h. b Regon O. -Beeler I. Ii. b Teubo M. Miller f. b Gray BANQUET." Given to Hon. Sol. Hirsch. The Republican Leader Will Dine the Workers. . Now The big banquet at Hotel Portland Saturday evening (Nov. 21.) to Hon. Sol. Hirsch, the State Republican chairman and virtually the Mprk nanna of Oregon.stlra political gossip to Its greatest depths. Judge Mallory, who was the Bpcaker for the antl-Mltchell forces last spring In Multnomah county, expressed him self In Salem this week very bitterly against Mitchell that he would ruin the party. The big three are Dolph.Corbett and Mitchell, with a dark horse against Mitchell already agreed upon. Dolph claims the November elections In dicated him on the money question. The Oregonlan and its henchmen are reading the Levltlcal laws to John II. Mitchell and -he must kneel and kiss the golden calf tonight, or be cast Into outer darkness. It is claimed by Marlon county Re publicans, who will attend the ban quet, that they have letters, la their pockets from Mitchell, written last spring to the effect that not for fifty elections would he compromise his personal convictions for free silver. Those who believe In John II. Mitch ell's manhood declare he will not bow the knee at the Hirsch banquot, oastoht.. TUtit' llaili tfjWtSM UM tTMf UHU1 ZjffEs&i WHEAT. Markets Badly Demoralized, Liverpool Closes Four Cents Lower Than Yesterday. Salem, Or., Nov. 21. Stocks of breadstuffs In the United Kingdom on the first of the month were but 10,000,000 bushel compared with 25, 200,000 bushels a year previous. It Is true that there Is a large amount for the United Kingdom, and for orders, but visible stocks on hand would not supply the consumptive demand for a fortnight. The tendency on this side of the water U Illustrated iby the fact that visible stocks October 1 were nearly 7,000,000 more than on the same datea year ago. A month later they were 4,000,000 less than on No vember 1, 1805.., Visible Hour stocks In the United States and Canada are nearly 250,000 pounds less than a year ago. The cables today speak of re stricted sowing In Russia, and the total destruction of the young wheat in one or two provinces by drought. There Is one alleged to be from Argen tine, stating that the apprehended damage to wheat by locusts Is serious. Cash wheat was 7Gc In Chicago. The market opened nt 761u and closed at75c. Liverpool wheat was today quoted atOs Cd, a falling off of 4c from yesterday's quotations. fEACHERS State Association Coming. But Will Not Assemble in the Legislative Halls, State Superintendent of Public In struction Irwin has been agitating holding a winter session of the State Teachers' Association at Salem. The secretary of stato will not .consent to the use of the representative hall as a place of meeting. An effort has since been made to secure the opera house, but that is engaged for the time set for the association meeting. No other suitable building Is to .bo laid In Sa lem unless It Is one of tho society halls. Secretary Klncald consulted tho members of the legislature and about 90 per1 cent wero opposed to holding an inaugural ball or any kind of con ventions or grand lodgen In the legis lative chambers. Now the chambers are to be made ready for the legisla ture. The teachers had a state association meeting In the summer uf. Newport. Tho law requires the state superin tendent to hold a stato teacher's asso ciation at least once a year. It ha? been the custom to hold a summer and winter meeting, The Weatjikb. Sileet and fine rains fell Friday night, but tho snows d id not go off. The molsturo Is cold under foot and causes unfortunate stock exposed in it to shrink In flesh and mllk-glving qualities. Tho I government forecast for Sdnday Is rain and warmer temperature!. Lost Spuds. In one neighborhood about 1000 bushels of potatoes are lost by the fiood on Brown's Island. Tho losers are Wagner, Bowen, Hannah, and Martin. These potatoes muy be saved yet after the waters go down. But they will havo to be washed off and got dry or they will rot. Bucklen's Arnica balve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruised, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, tetter.chappcd hands.clillblalns, corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Fred A Legg. City Warrants, Notice Is hereby given that I have in hand funds applicable to tho pay ment of all warrants of city of Sa lem drawn on tho general fund und endorsed before December 5, 1805. In terest will cease on said warrants from date of this notice. E. J. Bwafvokd, City Treasurer. Salem, November 12, 1800. 11-12-lOt Notice. AH accounts against the asylum should be handed In triplicate on or before the 2th (net. Our books will close for tho biennial period at that date and all accounts not in at that time can only be paid by a ipeclal act of thelegslaturo. D. A. Paine, 11-17 codtd Superintendent. Telephone 40 oh Blue Boxes. For a bicycle messenger. Turkey ut Doty' market. The Social Events. THE "JOINT" MEETING. As Is inyarlably tho case when n party of college students congregate, the occasion of tho joint meeting of the Willametto University Literary boclctlcs held last evening was an oc casion of genuine enjoyment. A pro gram of choice musical and literary numbers was happily carried out. Arthur Bocschcn in his Instrumental solo exhibited rare skill as u musician. President Van Winkle In a few re marks, extended n hearty welcome to those who had assembled. When "Van" undertakes anything ho al ways acquits himself creditably and last evening was not an exception to the rule A. O. Garland's rich bass voice was next heard in a difficult solo that was greatly appreciated by his auditors. In his his society prophecy Ralph A. Watson's literary abilities were displayed toexccllcntadvantage. Mr. Watson did not engage to a very great extent In personalities hut the Improbability of the final disposition ho mado of his classmates was not In tho least discussed. Its presentation evoked considerable amusement und the appreciation or his auditors was unmistakably manifested. Tho ora tion by I. P. Calltson showed consid erable preparation and was well re ceived. The selection by tho Ladles Quartette consisting of Misses Myra and Ethel Raymond. Clara Pooler and VcuU Southwlck received an encore ana ine ycting vocalists re sponded with that popular selection, 'Just Tell Them That You Saw Mo" and were warmly applauded. The number was announced as a "trio" but tho audience was agreeably sur prised by the appearance of a quar tette Instead MfcsD.Gnnn read an Interesting paper on "Woman as a Materialist." Miss Jessie Holmes was heard In her rich soprano, und was obliged to respond to an encore. The young folks then entered Into games and other amusements until a lato hour when they departed looking forward with pleasant anticipation to an early repetition of such a pleasant affair. WONTHKHANNKH. Last evening was Indeed a pleapant occasion to tho Queen Hive, No. 6, Ladies of tho Maccabees, of Salem. Tho local lodgo had won tho banner offered by the supreme hive, of that order, to the hive In Oregon that should havo the largest number of beneficiary members by July 1st, of this year, and last ovcnlng was the date determined upon for tho presen tation of tho banner. Preceding this Interesting feature of tho evening a short musical and literary program was given, tho appreciation of which was quite evident from tho hearty ap plause accorded each number. The program consisted of recitations by Misses Mlnnlo Ireton and Musa Geer and a vocal solo byJMIss Adda Irwin. In bchulf of the supreme hive Mrs Holman presented the banner In a ncut presentation speech that was most fittingly responded to by Miss R. T. Smith. Thus ended an ex tremely pleasant affair. "LEAP YEAH" HALL. One of tho most successful society events that has taken place In this city was a Leup Year ball given In the Opera House Monday evening. The committee having charge of tho affair spared no pains to mako It a decided success and there efforts were duly appreciated. The main auditorium was most beautifully decorated In national colors which had a pleasing effect. Music was furnished by Mc Elroy's orchestra and nothing was wanting for tho entertainment nud enjoyment of all present. Fully forty five couples tripped the "light fantas tic" and tho merry party did not disperse until tho "wee sum" hours had arrived. DECIDED AKFIKMATIVELY. Last evening the Y. M. C. A debat ing society held Its first meeting. The subject for debate was "Resolved, That the legislature should, at its next session, pass a Ian providing for tho registration of voters," and It was most thoroughly discussed. A decis ion was rendered In tho affirmative. Tho subject for discussion next Fri day evening Is, "Woman Suffrage Desirable In tho United States. This Highest of all in Leavening vm?s ABSOLUTELY PtJE will no doubt prove htghlr Interesting and tboso who attend .will be ablo to determine where Salem's young men stand on the question of Worn an's suffrage. EDUCATIONAL LECTURE. Rev. W. C. Kantner, pastor of the First Congregational church, will de liver an address before the Salem teachers' association at Its next reg ular meeting on Monday evening, at the East Salem school building at 3:30 p, m. Subject: "Tho Teacher of Tomorrow. ' An Invitation U ex tended to the students of Willametto university, and to all Interested friends of education to attend. REBELLION, Cuban Situation Unchanged. The Spanish Are Disappointed the Result. at Washington, Nov. 21. Tbero Is noolllclal verification of reports which hayo been current here and in Lon don of a Spanish-Cuban armistice, and, In fact, every avenuo of official Information In Cuba Is closed. ' Tho United States, In tho previous Cuban wrs, songht to have adopted an -agreement for an armistice. At that time, one of the chief difficulties In conducting peace negotiations was In securing tho assent of tho insur gents, and to this end .Secretary Fish, on Juno 23, 1809, secured tho signature of Morales Lounics, as, "the author ized ngent of tho revolutionary -party In Cuba," to a documont agreeing to an armistice pending negotiations for u settlement. Tho settlement con templated tho independence of Cuba, and for this reason was not accepted by 'Spain, and tho armistice failed. The government sougut to bring about a truce for the reason that It thought In tlirco or four months passions might havo cooled sufficiently to mako posslblo a permanent peace arrange ment. Panama Canal. Panama, Nov. 21. There has been much activity on tho work on tho canal during the last few months. Another batch of 150 laborers has ar rived from tho West-Indies, and has been put to work on tho Culabrn cut Tho steamer Castlo Edon is dally ex pected to arrive at Colon with anothor consignment of 500 laborers from tho west coast of Africa. PROBATE. And Other News Gathered at Old Marion's Capital. Mrs, Olivia E. nV nolmcs'has been appointed administratrix of tho estate of her. husband Dr. H, R. Holmes.who died In Portland on Octo ber 21. ncr bond for $13,470 was also filed with tho county clerk. W. n. nolmcs and A. J. Swelglo acting as sureties. The deceased left property In Marion, Clackamas .and Multono mah counties aggregating 90685-20 Tho widow is the only heir-at-law and resides at Salem. Runnino Peu Schedule. Cou mcnclng with tho north bound Cali fornia overland which arrives in Salem at G a. m., trains over tho S. P. railroad, resumed their regular runs this morning. There was no overland train passing through Salem last night. AH water has receded from the track in tho vicinity of Oregon City, and trains can now bo safely operated over tho whole road through the Willamette Valley. Oiidek Youu Cakes and Ties Of tho young pcoplo of the Congregation al Church will take orders for cakes and pics. Leave all orders at Stein cr & Co. and Branson & Co's stores. All homo made. 21 3t Holiday Novelty. Miss Spc.rry, tho Artist Is showing a beautiful novelty for tho holiday trade, and those desiring something lino at a low prico will do well to glvo an order at once. . 11-16 1 w The now coin toes ara tho latest lu hoes. Krausso Bros, havo them. ll-13-tf. Ludlcs' heavy solo laco shoes, tho new thing, also In at Krausso Bros 11-13-tf. Power. Latest U. d. Gov't Report.