Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 18, 1896, Image 4

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ttMitfnrrTnKw 111 n ini'i imnpsa
T"- 'i ra'iii" "' iir-rm r-""" infP
Daily Caplial Journal.
I Altona and Ramona
(j dAily.
M Portland, 6:45 a. m.
JJ Salem 7:5 a. ra., except Sunday.
j Quick time, regular service and cheap
1? .... rates ...
jJ Agent, Salem.
JoJ9Jm . -" " ' '" '
Suit Pattern Sale,
Tli3 week we cider at special price?
some very choice thing In single suit
n.itt.rna. Tliev comnrise the latest
effects In Persian mixtures slk and
wool comblnatlonl, Uouclct, etc.ect.
Any $14 suit $12.
Any 810 suit 3.
Any $0 .suit $5.
.There's some very choice things
and tliey anj money savers,
Our OOc. line of Irldesccn
now 75c.
See those new lace and velvet col
ars, new "hades, $1.
Call and socket garment fascinator,
I newest and best thing for garments.
Better than hooks and eyes for many
T. flolverson.
- ---iiitlifttiftrt i
ii- m rm .. -- ' - j
in annua s i
Old Dress
Feather Boas.
Coque boas, from 50c up.
Hackle Boas and Colarettes
Ostrich Collarettes up, to $o each.
Capes and Jackets,
In closing out our line of garments,
we offer" exceptional values. If we've
your size, It's an opportunity.
Men's Overcoats'
Our "famous" $10 and $12 coats ap
peal to any prospective buyer. Try a
long Ulster.
Ruober Coats, Slickers, etc,
We show a nice line of these, at
lowest prices.
, t Dalrymple Co,
Thanksgiving night at the opera
house "Senorita." The funlest play
ever written. Produced by "Fin De
Selcle Dramatic club." of this city
for benelit of tlieG. A. R. Guaran
teed to cure the worst case of the
"Blues" in ten minutes, a dollar show
at half price
Willamette River Falling With Uniform
Rapidity Throughout the Valley.
At 7 o'clock this morning the Wil
lamette river reached lts"liigh water"
mark at Salem during the late flood.
The guage at the O. R. & N. dock in
dicated a depth of 29.2 inches over
the low water mark. This was a
raise of just exactly 2 feet over the
stage of the river at 3 o'clock Tues
day afternoon. The river men feel
confident that the river has reached
Its highest point for the present and
that any further danger of damage to
property Is past. The river is slowly
falling this afternoon, which is uni
form all along the valley. A dispatch
from Eugene states that nearly all
the snow has melted from the hills in
that vicinity and as a result a fur
ther raise need not bo expected from
sudden melting of snow as most of it
has already dlsappeaaed.
IIolidav "Novelty. Miss Spcrry,
the Artist is showing a beautiful
novelty for the holiday trade, and
those desiring something fine at a low
price will do well to give an order at
once. 11-10 1 w
Snioyable Occasions at Willamette Uni
versity Friday Evening.
The faculty, students and friends of
Willamette University look forward
.vith great deal of pleasant anticipa
tion from the close of one term of
the school year to that of the next
term. At. the close of each term the
Philodorlan and Philodosian literary
societies hold a joint meeting that is
t most enjoyable occasion. On next
Friday evening will occur the first
'Joint" meeting of the societies for
the present school year to which all
students and friends are earnestly re
quested to be present.
The following excellent program
has been prepared for the occasion;
Instrumental Solo, Arthur Boeschen.
Address of Welcome, Pres. I. II.
Van Winkle.
Recitation, C. J. Atwood.
Trio, Misses Ethel and Myra Rajf
mond and Clora Pooler.
Society Prophec? , R. A. Watson.
OraMun, I. P. Calllson.
Recitation, Miss Esther Collins.
Lecture, "Relation of the Papacy to
the Iloly Roman- Empire," G. C.
Vocal Solo, A. O. Garland.
Paper, "Woman as a Materialist,"
Miss D. Gans.
Discussion,' Woman Suffrage Ques
tion, Affirmative, C. K. Brandenburg;
Negative, Miss Helen Matthews.
Vocal Solo, "The Early Origins of
Representative Government," R. W.
Recitation, Miss Minnio Ireton.
Male Quartette, I. II. Van Winkle,
I. P. Calllson, C. J. Atwood and II.
II. Heritage.
Ladles' heavy
new thing, also
sole lace shoes, tho
In at Krausso Bros.
New Goods Opened i
High novelty Dress Goods, Mixed
Dress Goods, Black ;Dress Goods,
Feather Boas, Thibet and Augora
trimmings, Ice Wools, Ice wool
Bhawls, Saxony and ibeaver shawls,
Fascinators and belts, Umbrellas,
Jackets, Capes and Mackintoshes.
Bargains for all.
.Willis Bros, d Co,
Great Attraction Coming.
Alden Benedict's play of Pablo
Romanl which opens at Reed's opera
house Friday, "November 20, is a play
with a strong and stirring interest.
Those who have read tho book en
titled "Vendetta" will easily remem
ber the pretext of the story,a deceived
husband pretends suicide and then
comes back in disgule to torture het
unfaithful wife, finally killing her at
the moment he makes himself known.
The novel furnishes several intense
The principals in the drama are
Aiden Benedict and Miss Olive West
and'both are said to be excellent in
their roles, and are well supported by
a good, firstclass company. The senic
eflccts are said to be very fine. Seats
now on sale.
The Y, P. C. C. E. Mass meeting
of tho Endeavorers of Salera, Marion
County and their friends will be held
in the Congregational Church on B'ri
day night next at which time n. L.
nood one of Oregon's delegates at the
last International Convention will be
present and give an address or lecture
on what ho saw and heard, no Is com
lug hero especially for that purpose,
and all should hear his impressions of
the largest Christian gathering ever
assembled in this country, or the In
spiring song service held on the steps
of our Nation's Capitol building when
the greatest throng ever gathered
Micro for any purpose. Hear him tell
about the Interesting sights Jn the
Capital and how Christian Endeavor
captivated in tho city. Everybody Invited.
W. U. Will Not Participate in the Foot,
ball Tournament,
Tuesday evening, Manager I. II.
Van Winkle, of the Willamette Uni
versity football team, notified L. M.
TravlSf manager of the U. of O. team,
of Eugene, that the Salem team had
decided to withdraw from the Inter
collegiate football tournament. i
This unexpected action on the part
of the Salem team, Is attributed to
several reasons. Two of the team's
best players, Babcock and Truitt, '
hayc been Indisposed tho past ten
days and have not participated in but
one practice game tills season. Again,
GUlss, Willamette's substantial "end
man, wasjinuble to attend school this
fall, although he Is dally expected.
Macey, the star tackier in tho state,
is -still surveying in the mountains
above Sclo, where he has been for the
past six wcek?,entlrely cut off from all
communication so that ho could not
bo reached, navlng the game In
Salem next Saturday, as was arranged
by the Fooball Association, would in
volve an expense to the local team of
about $120, which Is more than could
possibly be realized from tho game.
Since the local athletic association is
not in the most flourishing condition,
It is thought politic by its members,
not to embark on any enterprise that
would result disastrously from a 11
nanclal standpoint. The Eugene
team has expressed a desire not to
come to Salem and as the local
team did not care to go toEugene after
its experience last year even though
the odds might be largely In their
favor, consequently the game will not
tike place.
By this action the Eugene team
keeps for another year the pennant
she won after such a hard struggle
last year. As a result of last Satur
day's game at Corvallis between the
U. of O. and O. A. C. teams, tho lat
ter has become thoroughly disgusted
with football and has refused to play
any nlore tills season and so the
Thanksgiving game between the
Willamette University and Corvallis
teams Is also declared off.
Tho local University team however
deserves considerable praise when It
Is known the boys went into the con
test without the services of a coach
and Uncling that tho odds were too
great against them, wisely concluded
to withdiaw from the contest
rather than stiller the disastrous de
feat that would certainly have been
the result of Saturday's name
should they enter into it with the
team as it now is. In the practice
games this season some excellent ma
terial has developed in a number of
the new players and a strung team Is
anticipated next year. Manager I.
H. VanWinkle and Captain H. A.
dinger are also worthy of the kindest
consideration for their labor with the
team. The team l'sels grateful to
Chester G. Murphy, who captained
the team last year but is now cap
tain of the Freshman team at Stan
ford, whoso kindly furnished it with
valuable suggestions regarding suc
cessful football playing.
Manager I. II. VauWlnklc, Is in cor
respondence with the Pacific College
team atlNewbcrg in the hopeda game
maybe arranged for between the W.
U. and Newberg teams at the latter
place for Thanksgiving day. Should
arrangements lor a game be success
fully made, it Is proposed by the Salem
team to go down toINewberg via one
of the river steamers. An answer is ex
pected from "Newberg within a few
days and, if favorable, final arrange
ments will be made for the game.
A Slintllfl tint Via thmnn OWAV. IlllV a
fft nqpknffAnfninmnnil fSiran1v IOC. M
ID and with vcrv little labor the original
Js freshness of the gown will be restored 3
j in anouicr color, it win oe praciicnii- it
i .
1 rVlfirJiCh (VIavvf
Send for tho Direction Book and 40
Hiunpicflor caiorea cioiiuiminrononi vi
n ireo. They will explnln how ensy
una economical It lfl to uho
Made New
For Ten Cents
Olid f-t 4lt TMutllnH lnrr ntw1 A.t !?
Diamond Dyes
Sold everywhere. 10 cents a pneknga.
i Wnu, IUchabikox
A Co., Burlington, VI. V
Geo. W. Davis went to Portland
last eveulng.
Prof. Z. M. Parvlu returned to Al
bany this morning.
Rev. J no. Parsons returned last
evening from Albany and Brownsville.
District; Attorney S. L. Hayden
went to Albany via the delayed Rose
burg mall.
Miss Minnie Tasker returned to
Jefferson this morning, when shtf will
resume teaching school.
Salem Republican Primaries.
At a meeting of the City Rcpubll
cm Central Committee, held Tues
day evening, it was decided to hold
the primary election on Saturday,
November 28th. and the city conven
tion Wednesday, December 2nd.
Delegates to the city convention
will be apportioned as follows: First
ward 8; second ward 15; third ward 0;
fourth ward 14. Total 40.
Judges and places for voting at the
primaries were decided upon as fol
First wind Judges. W. D.Claggett,
C. M.Parmenter and F. B. Southwick.
Poling place, No. 3 engine house.
Second ward Judges: John O. Wil
son, M. E. Goodell and Jonh Knight.
Poling place, Basey's stables.
Third ward Judges: Gideon Stolz,
J. L. Kapllnger and Ira-Irb.
Fourth ward Judges: E. F. Hutch
ins, George D. Goodhue and Phil K.
Fretz. Poling place, Wcstacott's
A new illustrated cd
ition of Oxford Bibles
with rctcrcnccs,aids and
helps concordance in
the back good maps,
plain or indexed. New
stock just received, new
prices, See
F. S, Dearbornf
MNthMitfcNWaatMMi ntM ..i
AUcraxerysum'ssrulbiasonlnr'armc i ,
wc linye still a great many left wi.lft8! JcVtts
n,i ., I4 " .."iJHCKMb ..
. n.,,i,rn; v',u,v.r- tiiu rVirY' nn..
to our dissolution sale,
uiiiKc a iicu vy cut in
- wwiws'Kisas
We will mention only a few of the barg,
ains i
A heayytjBcaver capo, very large
sweep trimmed with sutln and braid,
reduced to $4.50.
Onr Mackintoshes at 2.2"), $2.50 and
$3 cannot be duplicated for less than
$3, $3.50 and $4. "
Our Jacket
worth $3
at $3.75 Is
Heavy Double Textur. i -Mackintosh,
14.75. lure U
Mr. Tom Miller of Turner, was
guest of his parents the llrst of
Mr. J. M. Dunnivln mado a busi
ness trip to Albany Tuesday.
Mr. John Robertson was a Salem
visitor Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. Burnett Thomas nave a social
dance at the Daisy Hall last Friday
night In honor of his sister in-law,
Miss Pearl Hinion of Salem, who is
visiting In Stayton this week.
The German class was icorgan'zcd
at Mrs. A. L. DiirbyHhir's home last
Friday night.
Kev. Meddle anil family wero com
pelled to move out of their homo Fri
day night on account of the te dily
rising river near by.
Mrs. Robertson's class in art con
tinues to grow in numbi'i- e.ich week,
and the work that Is bjlng done by
-Our Dissolution Sale
Until December 7,
w Good
Ralston's Pancake. Flour, endorsed by the Ralston Health club,
Grano. the best mu,sh goods obtainable.
Pure maple syrup in bulk,
Buttermilk toilet soap, 3 cakes for 10c,
P. CV Grocery,
Agents for "WorloVBeater" Soap." : ''
257 Commercial st.
f 300 f
New Plain and Plaid
Tiio Cash Dry
Shoo House.
Court and'Liberty.
Goods, Clothing and
The White House. Kenworthy &
George aro in receipt of congratula
tions dally for not permitting any
thing but tho best eatables to go onto
their tables. Try them.
Boots, Coats,
Slickers and
Winter goods of all klnda. Shoes at prices always below others.
E. F. Osbiirn's Racket Store,
Mt. Angel.
On Thanksgiving day tho Acme
Dramatic Society of Mt. Angel Col
lege, will render "Pizaro," a tragedy
in five acts.
It will take place in the college
hall, at 1:30 p. m.
An entrance fee of 10 cents will be
charged those not bearing Invitations,
Birthday Pautv. Last evening
about thirty of the frleuds of Mr. and
Mrs, Martin VIescoc gathered at their
homo in South Salem, tho occasion
being tho anniversary of Mr. Vles
coe's birth. Cards, games and danc
ing wero enjoyed and at a seasonable
hour an excellent supper was served.
It was not until tho "wee sma" hours
that tho party disbanded wlslhng
their host many happy returns of tne
Catarrh in the Head
Is a disease that may lead to cosump
tion. Catarrh Is caused by Impure
blood, and the true way to cure ft Is
by purifying tho blood. Hood's Sarsa-
parilla cures catarrh becauso it re
moves tho canso of it by purifying the
blood. Thousands testify that they
havo been cured by Hood's Sarsa
parllla. Hood'0 Pills aro purely vegetable
and do not purge, pain or gripe. All
druggists. 25 cents.
Dissolution Notice.
Tho Copartnership heretofore ex
isting between W. A. Hamilton &
John Molr under the firm name of
Hamilton & Molr Is .this day mut
ually dissolved. All claims duo to
said firm to bo paid to W. A, Hamilton.
Any bills against said ilrm will ho paid
by each ono paying ono-half. W. A.
Hamilton continues the bulsness.
Y. A. Hamilton.
iJouN Mom.
ctober22nd 1890
' ' " 10-20-4w
Following telegrams were received
today from up river points.
Eugene. River falling fast. Sun
shine. Temperature 38. Not much
snow is left in the hills .
Albany. River 28 feet 5 inches; fell
six inches last night.
For the G. A. JR. The "Pin De
Selcle" dramatic club will make their
initial appearance on Thanksgiving
night in that dramatic gem '.'Senor
ito" a society comedy that has ex
cited more comment in Boston and
New York than. any piece ever pro
duced there. You have heard much
about gold bugs of Wall street. This
play shows you the original article.
her pupils reflects
their teacher.
much credit upon
A Chinese Wedding. Tuesday af
ternoon County Judge G. P. Terrell
united in marriage Toy Linn and May
Wall, two thriving residents of China
town. Tho ceremony was witnessed
by several of the deputies In the vari
ous county departments.
Notice. Every member of the Bap
tist Church Is requested to attend a
special meeting for business onTliurs
day night at the Church. It will bo
held after the regular prayer service.
The Discovery Saved His Lifo
Mr. G, Cailloutte Druggist, Iieayersville
111. , says; To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe
and tried all the physicians for miles about,
but of no avail and was given up and told
I could not live. Havlnc Dr.Kinp's New
discovery in my store I sent for a bottli. and
began its use and from the first dose began to
get better and after using three bottles was
up and about again. It is worth its weight
ia gold. Wc won't keep store or house
without " Get a free trial at Kred A.
Your grocer will sell you
Schilling's Best tea, and re
turn your money in full if
you don't like it.
He is our agejit to this
extent; and 'we want no
better business.
A Schilling &. Company
San Francisco 893
Mr. Racks' new house on Fourth
street is nearing completion and a
handsome addition it makes to our
little town.
During the high water the Stayton
Flouring Mill Company had to do
some pretty lively work In elevating
several thousand bushols of wheat
from tho lower story of the ware
house out of reach of tho high water,
but In spite of their rapid work they
lost six fine fattening hogs, the swift
waters carrying them down the stream
before help could reach them.
Next Wednesday night a Literary
society will be organized afc tho Stay
ton opera house with Prof, Rlohard.
son as the leader. Debates upon all
the leading topics of the day will be a
feature of the society's work during
the winter months.
RYAN. At the family home inNorth
Salem, Monday, November 17, 189Q,
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan, a son
mm mm . -
Tax Payment. Sheriff P.. t.
WrJghtman turned over to Treasurer
Brown Tuesday $1,305,57 in delin
quent taxes for 1894.
Bucklen's Arnica balve.
The best salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
Duica, wsiier.cimppea nancis,cnilblalns,
corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to. give perfect sjtls
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box, For sale by Fred A
CJust InA;
Don't buy old goods when you can
get new at a lower price, In mackintoshes
and gents' underwear we have the largest
assortment in the city, and at the lowest
A pili STORE
Feed's Opera House-
I'ATTON BROS., Managers.
One Nighs Only,
Friday, November 20
Aiden Benedict
Miss Oliye West,
Supported by a company or superior
excellence, In
All accounts against the asylum
should be handed in triplicate on or
before the 20th Inst, Our books will
close for tho biennial period at that
dato and all accounts not in at that
-Sri sn,iy.oe Pam py a 8pcc w act
at pheWegUlature.
.... . J D. A. Paine,
11-17 e o d t d Superintendent.
"Fabio Romani
A romantic melodrama of surpass
ing excellence In the 8th year of Its
continuing sucessful perforinunce.
Greatest of stage and scenic effect.
Miss Grace Ilunter In her great Fire,
Stereoptlcon and Spanish dances.
Seats now on sale.
Reed's Opera House,
The Musical Event
One NightSSty
Wednesday, !v 18'
The Celebrated
and LyOow
In a dellBliMtfl pwgaSSSS?
free from dullness ana . , &
lady quartets, ylol.iV roca ijow
dolfn" guitar, clubs "ftrtM
readings, j etc. t8tlat H
musical euij'"-tcan gnu '
ablealike tc .&
Hair Dressing,
Scalp Cleansing,
Dandruff Treated, i
Scalp Cleaning, Uandniff Treated,
(HVir dressed daily by the month for
w . . vJ hwT-
Eldridgc block
...nAD i lnii'b iaii " .... uiiixt
derf ul frycar-dd $.(
Tommle, who Plays uouu
songs ana reciw
Offices 25 and 50c
Biihw xl bore only. . -, -r-
Highest cash price j)&1VI.
Salem, Or. Uot,i--