Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 09, 1896, Image 2

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ml11fTThm -Ml
Daily Capital Journal
MONDAY, NOV. 9,-1890;
Circulate The Jourai..
Gentlemen, we would gladly give
you the senate of tho United States,
It seems tun United States senate
lias no majority for K"ld. Too badl
More money was loaned at tlie Sa
lem banks November 6 than for three
months before! Confidence!
Gentlemen, get through with your
McKlnley celebrations as soon as pos
sible, and let us get down to business.
Like the man who took a bath once
a year, the American petiple propose
to have protection, whether they need
it or not.
They now demand an extra session
or congress. Tliuts the first thing
Cleveland demanded, and we all know
what kind of prosperity followed.
If Hill McKlnley should full to give
the good times promised them they
will elect a conirress two years from
now that will pass a free silver bill
over his veto.
The way the people are sending In
their subscriptions to the one cent
silver daily and 81. silver weekly Is no
indication of any abandonment of the
cause it represents.
It Is time the city were getting
some use out of that city hall. It
would be Interesting to know just how
much interest it is eating. It must
be in the neighborhood of $o000 a year.
The Marion county silver organiza
tions will be maintained even the
Salelu ladles Bryan club not for po
litical purposes but for legitimate
non-partisan work of educating the
In six months the price of nails has
been put up from $1.85 to $3.85 a keg.
Who pays this $2.00 a keg? Was any
of It used to elect Mr. McKlnley?
How much of this advance will tho
laborer get?
In Oregon and California where tho
Southern Pacific Is a political factor,
McKlnley wins by small margins. In
Washington, where the Northern Pa
cific Is the dominant Bryan won.
Bryan men will go east over the Bryan
All gold standard people should
travel over the Southern Pacific. It
used Its wealth, Its rolling stock, Its
newspapers and its officials to elect
McKlnley. Tho people who patronize
It must foot the bills. Tho McKlnley
people should patronlzo It.
"Now watch silver bullion go on
down to 60 cents an ounce and lower."
Statesman, Nov. 7,
This boast that sllyer will now go
down to 50 cents an ounce will never
be realized.
Would It not bo well for tho next
legislature to proposo a constitutional
amendment making It possible for
Oregon to have a registration law?
That is a safe proposition; that
Would put off honest elections at least
four years.
Elmer Graydon, living nearEngllsh,
Iud., has named an infant son Abra
ham Lincoln Ulysses Grant William
McKlnley; and a neighbor, John
Vaughn, not to be outdone, has named
his Infant son Thomas Jefferson An
drew Jackson James Monroe William
Jennings Bryan. At last accounts
both infants were doing as well as
could bo expected under tho circum
I It Is to be regretted that the senate
has not a McKlnley majority. Tho
McKlnley politicians huvo said so
much about honest money; and'sound
currency, of which they arc the al
leged sole champlons,tliat they should
be at full liberty to show the nation
what they regard as a solution of tho
One of the features of the campaign
used to make votes for McKlnley was
toparadostntcmentsas to how much
silver was being colnid each month,
when it was well known that uot an
ounce or stiver naa ocen oougui
sinco the repeal of the Shermun pur
chase act, and that what was coined
was only recolnage of silver on hand
and added not a dollar to the volume
of currency. This Is shown by the
following telegram from the San
Francisco Chrenicle:
Assistant United States Treasurer
Berry transferred $100,000 In subsidi
ary sllyer from the sub-treasury to the
mint yesterday for rccuiuage. Part of
the coin was worn and the remainder
ol 1 style. There is about $300,000
more in the sub-treasury vaults that
will be recolncd as soon as the mint
can handle It.
The pamphlet issued by the Fourth
National bank of New York as a cam
paign document shows that from
January 1892, to June 1890,the volume
of government, paper money was re
dncedto $171,500,000,whlle the volume
coined metallic money was Increased
only $2,000,001. There has been an
actual contraction of tjie currency in
4 years of $109,500,000, with an in
crease in the population of about
6,000,000 people.
The verdict of the American people
has been rendered for the gold stand
ard and that will affect the character
of every loan, bond, share or stock,
security, note and mortgage issued
for the next four years. But tho
problem ol tho McKlnley administra
tion is still unsolved. How they
will furnish more currency without
Issues of bonds is a question. Of
course, it will be perfectly lawful for
a Republican administration to do
that which the leading Republican
politicians condemned Cleveland for
Marion EMIer's Manifesto
Showsth Loyalty of Two Million Members of the People's
v Party of
The McKlnley people are the best
people In the world and McKlnley is
the best and the purest and the most
patriotic person in the worldl Has
he not said so himself in his letter to
Mark Hanna printed in our telegraph
columns! The terms sound money,
honest currency, national honor, de
testation of repudiation, devotion to
law and order, "consecrated and bap
tized anev with a holy patriotism,"
and holy-smoke-what-not are reiter
ated for the four-millionth time, and
it must be so!
All bathos aside, we believe the
people who voted for McKlnley are as
Intelligent, patriotic and liberty
loving people as any in our country,
but pot any moro so. That their
leaders have no monopoly on political
virtue, will appear to the satisfaction
of many before four years roll around.
The much-talked-of honest dollar un
der the McKlnley administration will
bo Just as honest as It always has
been, and like Shakespear's honest
man, ho was Just as honest as any
other man who was no more honest
than he. Tho officialism that always
parades Itself as excessively honest
deserves all tho closer watching. The
national honor and Integrity and un
selfishness that springs from the
trusts and sydnlcates and usurers
may bo superior as an eye-opener but
in no other way.
Five carloads of mining machinery
has been shipped into tho Bonanza
Has No Equal
May God out of the abundance) of
his goodness gtvo Wm. J. Bryan
health and strength to servo the peo
ple in tho futuro as ho has in tho past.
Tho best ovldenco of Bryan's patriot
ism comes to us in his denial of tho
luxury of a salary of $25,000 a year of
fered him by New York and Chicago
firms as retainer for legal services. If
ho accepted such an offer it would ex
pose him to the criticism that ho had
used tho prestige given him by the
suffrages of the people to mnko his
professional fortune. He Is right in
declining, Ho will keep up his fight
In tho cause of opposition to tho trusts
and combinations, that will now pro
ceed to loot the country In tho name
Ioi iucivinieyism, anu uio gam mist- is
tho worst of all, ,
Washington, Nov. 9. Senator But
ler has issued the follewing:
"To the Peopleof the United States:
In the remarkable campaign Just
closed the pcoplo's party was the only
party that supported solidly and un
itedly the groat and vital Issues rep
resented in the candidacy of Mr.
Bryan. This was natural, for the
people's party camo Into existence to
bring to the front and to press to vic
tory the principles of. Lincoln and
Jefferson, already long discarded by
the two old parties. The money power,
feeling reasonably sure of its control
of the ' leaders arid controlling Influ-
i . Tl.... 1.1 !..., ..(., In ICflO
unci's 1)1 bllU lltpuuiirau ii.uij-,111 ioir.
gave its support to the candidacy of
Cleveland for the especial purpose of
having him, through the use of
patronage and otherwise, crush out
the sliver sentiment in the South, and
make t lie leaders of that rarty as com
pletely subservient us those in the
Republican party. To accomplish
this purpose, four cabinet ministers
were selected from the South, and an
unusually large amount of patronago
was used on political leaders to the
same end. It will be remembced
that Mr. Cleveland demanded that
Democratic senator and congressmen
give a decisive vote in the interest of
the gold standard before he would
give out the postonices.
"This deep-laid plan might have
succeedpd had not the people's party
at this juncture sprang into existence,
exposed the plot, stood in the breach
and appealed to the patriotic hosts of
both parties to check the scheme of
the people's despoilers and rally to the
common defense. The people's party
forced the Democratic organization to
repudiate Clevelandism and return to
the correct fundamental principles;
not this, but the people's party then
forced tho Republican party to cease
hedging and straddling for the purpose
of deceiving the people, and drove
them to take a stand on one side or
other upon the vitual Issues at stake.
"The issue now being squarely
joined, It was evident that those in
fluences in the Democratic paity
which had dominated and debaunclied
the party for a quarter of accnlury
would be driven to the support of the
party that took a position on the side
of the trusts, monopolies and money
gamblers, while, on the other hand, it
is evident that a large percentage of
the Republican party favored tho
principles now squarely forced to the
front, yet only a small per cent would
in this campaign support them be
cause they found them under tho
Democratic banner. Had it not been
for prejudice against the Democratic
name, as well as want of confidence in
Democratic promises, for which it
mu6t be frankly admitted past experi
ence furnishes ample ground, a major
ity of the voters of the country, Jn
spite of tho tremendous and unparal
leled forces put forward by the Re
publican managers, would have cast
their votes for financial reform and
American independence.
"The people's party with high
patriotism and unselfish devotion to
princlples,greator than ever exhibited
by any other party, stepped outside
Its organization to throw Its 2,000,
000 votes solidly for -Bryan. Had not
more than this number of those
who called themselves Democrats in
1892 given their support to Mr. Mc
Klnley, tho cause of tho people and
American principles would have
triumphed this year. This class of
Democrats will surely snpport tho
party of monopolies In tho future.
Their places in tho ranks of reformists
must bo taken J,by patriotic RepublU
cans. I cannot bolieve otherwise' for
I have no less confidence In the
patriotism of this class of Republi
cans than the rank and iilo of tho
Dcmocratio party has also demon
strated. Therefore a largo per cent
of those who, though' not fooled by
the ambiguous pleas of honest money,
and promised prosperity, yet who
would not in this campaign fight
under tho Democratic banner, will
surely join hands with the majority
of American cirizens outside the old
parties to overthrow tho government I
of trusts and monopolies run In the
Interest of foreign capitalists. Tho
people's party has made this possible,
In fact Inevitable.
If this Is a fact Bryan would havo
been elected in this contest had oven
25,000 Silver Repullcan-, come to the
rescue. The clcttion of McKlnley
and the triumph of the gold standaid
docs not express the desires and senti
ments 09 the people. The majority
oppose the policy for which ho stands
and will vote whenever opportunity
is presented for a proper alignment.
"The remarkable and brilliant cam
paign of William J. Bryan would
have aligned these forces and marched
them to triumph and victory If any
candidate or leader in America could
have done so under the Democratic
banner. The administration of Mc
Klnley cannot bring prosperity to the
American people, the mills cannot be
kept open, or idle labor given employ
ment and general prosperity restored
and maintained until the wealth-producers
receive a fair return for their
labor, and are thus purchased. The
gold standard and the monopoly rule,
to the continuation of which Mr. Mc
Klnley stands pledged, means four
more years of falling prices, four more
years of lockouts and strikes, four
more years of reduced wages and idle
labor. This will cause the patriotic
rank and file of the Rebubllcan party
to condemn and repudiate McKlnley
ism as the patriotic rank and file of
the Democratic party have condemned
and repudiated Clevelandism.
"The position of the People's party
In this great contest has convinced
every patriotic American that the
party can be trusted to stand for the
principles of good government and
the interests of the people under any
and all circumstances. Therefore,the
People's party will be the nucleus
around which the patriotic hosts
must and will gather to redeem the
betrayed republic and restore prosper
ity to the oppress-ed and outraged
Makion Butler,
"Chairman People's Party National
It Was the Fjrst Bull Rtin,
Ed. Journal. If you can give mo
space in the columns of your paper, I
would like to advise my old comrades
not to crow too loud over their victory
Of last Tuesday, but look back to tho
first battle of Bull Run in 1801. Com
rades, don't you remember how It was
heralded all over our country that our
cause was lost and that the Union
army was annihilated? It is possible
that the right, and It may be as here
tofore that the right will win. I am
proud to havo been an old comrade
who voted for Bryan and Watson.
Tllil I I 31 -J!.
lohfltxun i '
C Id
good ns Dt. .hum."
livery old smoker
knows there is none just
OS good U3
Smoking Macco
You will mid one coupon inside
each two ounce bug, mid two cou
pons inside cuui (our ounce
& ungot UiacKwcl.sJUurlinni.
I coupon which gives n Itjt '
of valuable presents ami ho,-
io men.
Two Transconti
Tub Journal cannot hope to do
anything that would commend It or
Its editor to the mind of Harvey Scott;
but that we should be unable to win
tho admiration of an offspring of Sam
Clark of Salem causes us not a little
mental anguish. We have this con
solation, that while we Incur somo
distrust In twosuoh vacuous Intellects
wo may still hope to inspire some con
fidence among persons not devoid of
both morality and brains.
Blood is Life.
It is the medium which carries to
every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre
its nourishment and strength. If the
blood is pure, rich and healthy you
win oe wen. nooa soarsapnua tins
power to keep you in health by mak
ing your blood rich and pure.
Hood's Pills are easy to take, eat
to operate. Cures indices', ion ll.d
biliousness. 25 cents.
Dealer in groceries, oatnis, o Js,
window glass, varnishes, oijd
the most complete stock of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
FOR RENT A cottige with four rooms,
In-juire 477 Winter street. 19 7-31
Pucoesior to Dr. J. M. Keenc, old White
Corner, Salem, Or. Parlies desiring superior
operations at moderate fees in any brancli are
in especial request.
Meets all masl and passenger trains. Hag
gage ond express to all parts of the city.
Prompt semce. Telephone No. 70.
Sa'cm Truck and Dray Co.
Orders placed with the above company will
receive prompt attention and safe delivery.
Trucks and drays found on the corners of
State and Commercial streets, Express witf.
ni at all trains nnd boats. In conntction
-villi cur business we will alho run a feed
.tore Handling flour, mill feed, oil meal,
uts. chopped feed, straw, hay and wooJ at
he lowest cash prices,
"storn cities. u,? nn,,
Fare Cah n.
Steamer Ruth from Portland t c 1
except Sunday at 6 a. m. "'S
Lowest freight nd ni....
trip ticket, veBry chMP E'M'
baggage checked through to'Vfl
Oregon Washington mILb? $"
charge for baggage trinsf J. CL-V"U
road 01 nyer route" to Portlwd. 'Ce of '
tor full details call on BoU . '
"gents, SaUm, Oregon, or add&Bl'K
e. McNeill,
Foot of Trade 11. r,,
Through Tickets
Home Bakery,
G. A. Back, proprietor, 327 Com
merclnl street. Fresh pics, cakes and
bread always on liand, "Just like your
mother used to make."
FOR SALE, Two good milch cows. Ad
dress II. Mason, Fair Grounds, or call at my
place one mile ease of WuU'h store. 2 3t
WANTED TO SELI-A thorough bred
Newfoundland, aged year and of remark,
able size. Call on or ad ri' ess W. E. CAL
KINS, 37 Commercial street. 10.29-31
TO RENT. A large, ioorr.y barn. Enquire
at this office, . tf
We the undersigned are now renovating
feathers at 186 Ferrv street, for the next ia
days, AH 1-idics that consider cleanliness
next to Godliness should have their feather
beds throughly renovated at once. Bedrock
prices. KcsnectfnlU vours. Franklin .-
Glaze; 10 12 im
FOR REN T 1 1 room house, in eood "rtT
pair with barn and cood well water. Will,
one and a half lots. Enquire at premises on
loth and Chemeketa. 106 im
CARPET PAPER Large lot of heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Jus
the tllinrr for nilttinrr nnrlpr rnrmilc Pill 1
I W " wta(-i h ! M
journal oince.
Officei W Harnett.- Hot-1 Bu'Wino
For water service apply at office. Hill
payable monthly in advance. Make (a
complaints at the office.
There will be no deduction in water rate
on account of temporary absence from the
city unless notico is left at the office.
Hereafter water for irrigation will only be
furnished to regular consumers using watei
for domestic purpose. Contractors for side
walks, brick work and plastering will please
read "under building purposes" page 17 of
schedule of rates for 1893. Apply at
for copy.
Salem Steam Laundry
Please noticc,the cut in prices
on the following
iShirts, plain iocents
Unaer drawers 5 to Iocents
Under shirts 5 to 10 cents
Socks, per pair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs 1 cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cunts
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen,
and other work in proportion.
Flannels andgothcr work inj
telhgently washed by hand;
Col, J. Olmsted 'Prop.
Union Pacific Systivn
I hrough Pullman Palac Sleeper. Uum
Sleepers and Free; Reclining Chai t
between '
Portland to Chicago,
Our trains arj heited b ji iixi
lighted by Pintail li'u, .
2Time to Chicago, 3 1 t Jays,
Time to New York, 4 1-2 daw.
Which is many hours quicker thin ma .
For rates, time table and full!nroniut
apply to;
JiOISE a) llAltKER,
Afients, Salem, Or,
General Agent j Dist, Pass. Agent
1 3S Third Street, Portland.
Look at the people you
pass on the street- Their
laces tell the jtory of their
uvea, incy leu me story
of penury or plenty, of re
finement or coarseness, of
health 01 disease
Three . fourths of these
people are not "exactly
well." They are not "all
" sick," perhaps, but many
of them arev and few are
quite hale and hearty.
Consumption has set its
stamp of pallor and ema
ciation on many of them.
Dyspepsia has drawn lines
of iretfulneas and worry
about their eyes, and
mouths. Impure blood is
showinsr Itself in blotches
and pimples. One matt
has "a little trouble " with
his kidneys. Some of the
women have chronic con.
stipation, and the other ills
that constipation brines.
The most pitiful of all
faces Is the consumptive
one. Very likely it has
been through the other
stages and has at previous
times shown dyspepsia,
e&llowneas and bad blood,
Consumption doesn't pome
all at once, It s a creep,
ing disease. It comes on
gradually under cover of a
hundred differing symp
toms. It is the most
dreadful of all diseases,
but it can be cured if you
begin in time. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
will cure it It will cure
all the things that lead to
consumption. It is uot
guaranteed to cure con
sumption of long standing.
There is a stage at which
consumption is incurable.
If you send i cts, to cov.
er postage and wrapping
only, we will send free a
book of icoo pages that
tells exactly what ,7 Golden
Medical Discovery" will
do what it has done in
hundreds of cases. World's
Dispensary Medical As
sociation, fluffalo; N. Y,
1AJD1 A Drown purse containing two rings
and some postage stamps For reward call
at 105 Commercial street. 10-30 3t
LADIES, I make big wages at home, and
want all to have the same opportunity The
woik is very pleasant nnd will easily pay $18
weekly. This ts no deception. I want no
money and will gladly send full particulars to
all sending stamp. MissM A Stebbins, Law.
rence. Mich 26 6tt
On city or farm property.
Over Hush's Hank,
Makes a spwialty of fine repair work, Seth
Thomas clocks, etc., 215 Commercial Street
160 acre fine prairie faim near Junction
City, 80 acres in cuiliyation-price $2,000.
81 50 100 Lcres, 8 miles scuih of Dallas, 40
acres in cultivation, a bargain $1 ,000.
80 acres near Wntcrlnn ?e m-r in il;...,.
tion to.ooo
loo acres pear Waterloo, 40 ucres in culti
vation, $1,300.
200 acres naar Waterloo -c niTr ;n ,i.i.;
vation,t 1,800,
20 acres, 6 miles south of Salem .cheap.
13 acres, 2 miles south of Salem cheap.
18 acres, 3 miles south of Salem heqp.
10 acres,4 miles southwest of Silem-20
Good houses te trade for ranches or small
ranchhs to trade for large tracts houses to
rentlelc If you have houses to rent or waut
to rent a houe, or have cows or wood or nny
thing to sell or trade, or want any notarial
work done, pension papers made out. fall on
fsotary public and real cslnte agent.over post.
office, n 9 diw
Dealart in all IfinrU nf frti in,i c-i. .
-- ... w wast MSSV4 M( (I V f
Lard n bulk, 6c a lb. Cheapest meal in the
town. Try them. 171 CnmmerciaJ t.
21 1 Co nmcrci.il st , Salem Or
JSrSuits $15 upwards. Pants $ upwands'J
um poison
A SPadALTYondarrorTerv
tlarv 1SI.OOD I'OISON Dermancntlv
cured In 16 to 3i days. Ton can be treated SI
homo t orsamo price under same Ruarau
ty. If tou nrof pt to coma hero wo wlllcon
tract tarjaTrallmadfarruindholclblllfl.And
nochanro. If wo fall to euro. If you havo taken mor
turj, iuuiuu iiuiusu, unu null duyu ncnea nuu
pains, Mueonsi'atchea In mouth, Bore Throat,
J.'liuiiles, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any port of tho body, Jinlr or Eyebrows falllncr
out. It la thla Secondary ULOOD I'OISON
we puartinteo to cure. Wo solicit tho most ob tl
nato cases and cnaUcnrre the world for a
caso wo cannot cure. This dlseaeo has always
battled tho skill of the most eminent physi
clans. 8500,000 capital behind our uncondl
tlonal guaranty. Absolutojrjroofg sent sealed on
appucntton. Address vuuit. lliiflltsuv JUU
Wl filaeonto Temple,
Kr - .
' ,aSsf
ft? icltotd7.
- &i c,rftQua
ins flu a non-nolsonoa ,
remody (or Uonorrboea
fleet. Spermatorrhoea,
White, unnatural dl
chargca, or any inflamma
tion. Irritation or ulcera
tion of muooui mem
,'JISCHEWICIlCo. branen. Non-aatrlugtiit,
CIMC1HUT1,0.I ,a ?T "'W-
or jeni in piaia w ?
1101, u trie tare.
PriTcnu coaucion.
2?m. n" 1,.spV
by expreu, prepaid, fo
11.00, or 3 bottles, U.1
Circular sent on reaoeal
I rial
ThO RORU FrnciiHQcc
JlnA A VAltiArtr BAt. d
5Ki; nht'.iVL, u"" - iao K,9. l "-
Crapleiion PowdYr. " WU US0 rozxoMl
AllMv $100 worth for 10o.
Bead 10 tU for IlliitraUd tMk ulUof to
ID Mart a rHIK UBB1B.I In your uctmT
without oon W U member, OetHqlet.tl
NT . mVH " elr..T
For De!lcayf
(or purity, and (or improvement of the com
plexion nothing equals Pozzoni's Powpbb.
Northern Pacific
Pullman Sleeping Cars,
Elegant Dinin Cars
To St. Paul, Minneapolii, Dulaui, raffy
'Irand Forks, Crookston, Winoipe-;,
Helena and Dutte.
Tixnn11r.il TICKETS
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia. Ne
YOrK, uoston, auu an ...
East and South
Vnr information, time cardl, nupi U
tickets, call on or write
265 Commercial wrt, Sslem, ur.
Fiste. 11 R. K. Compiny
"Connt ctin' Ht Y8q.'ina -; -
, Sails from Yaquioi every 8 J j
' Francisco. Coo, lUy. Port Orford, m
Passenger "'WUlw"
Shortest route between the urn
and California. wtstwSi
Fare from Albany or po"' "&
Francisce: Cal.in. J9; fJgVfll-li
Ilay and Port Orford. eabu . jj tfl
Bay, cabin 8; ""'My ' ,
y' YAOUINA , , tie
The most , popular seanJ 'Ji
North Pacific Coat. n
bathint' absolutely sal. ., 'has?
For Th wishing to cosine n
fishing with .Vc sports. U r
equal Deer, bear, el k. eoje lhIiW
and salmon trout can b; "Vwr.
r-Keduced rstes to .all P Or.
...... UahM
Ladles wno -
dor. ""rrwlncesasofts"" .