Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 09, 1896, Image 1

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    1. ..
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1 19 Jf 9 It lVt91
' i ' 'Hfj
Sn adcSltS,ltNV?avt0tnlbslness can be done
nrlcaturoArvZr. ,,J V,?1? ono :.e and one
price for everybody, and mko no ecu"t!o"'e nEi ne
ever realize the saving der ved f mm ?E i . s d you
- - l Jl V4r a . ", X V AlJl r . E --- - - " - ' . . T7 I
r B-a-'vvs'o"5rse
Dot deserter nf nnrlu .. r.,1 l (i I
and. hftv no cause to regrot their poU
tfon during this never to be forgotten
Insido Working InU RQPtt' Tnd police wcro LMvon In.
. .. fi' stmctlbns to attend strlotlv to" husi.
10 the People, neR. nnd to take no hand In politics,
out it is generally believed that some
of the Beoubllenn ninnhnm r m.
force -woVc Instrumental m voting re
peaters for the gold standard elector. CAMPAIGN OF FnilPATiniVI
This is nrw-nlv rlmivTo, I " &r w"
There being no registration law iti
thfs state It was an easy matter to
vote nien from W:ishinin m.i,
.B, iuilllU
Headquarters Established to
Continue the Battle,
The Free Silver Republicans Re
mained Loyal,
m- ms s uilx
'n--riiInT.rrTrrTTTTTTTT"TTT"-ri-Ljri ; i.t - r if Tr" ?"'iijTfr,yir-J -rrif. up-
-Boots aod
manufactured by the iruwii Shoe Co., of St. Louis
Mo., arc the standard of quality, bur line of '
h1ieat variety- , Hats, shirts, hosiery, laces and em-
ieryJiari18' J bbons and a11 k,nds of notions, sold
at prices that will save you money. Our aim is is to
increase our business and it will Increase if quality
and prices can do it. Call and inspect, our stock.
Opposite First Rational bank, Salem, Or.
into buying anything in the way of
Portland, Or., Nov. tf-SpecIul.)
A prominent democrat, in discussing
the political situation today, said:
I thank goodness the corporation law
yers, who have ever been a detriment
to the people's cause in this state and
have kept the reform forces from unit
ing, have at last lined un in one
party, and the so-called Democratic.
lawyers are out of the Democratic.
party. Such .corporation lawyers as
L. B.Cot, L. L. McArthur, .Martin L.
Pipes, I. N. Teal, F. V. Ilolman. Ben
ton Klllin, Tera Snow, C. E. S. Wood,
T. G. Green and others have oer
played in to the hands of the Simon
crowd, and now that they are In bed
I 1..I.1. 1141- 1- xl ...
...mi ntuo uoe tncy snail not bo recog
nized as Democrats, and will not te
delegates iu the Democratic conven
tions in this state. They can ote
with us If they wish, but tlicy must
saw wood a long time befoie eating at
the table. So long as they are work
ing for corporate interests, the people
will look upon them wlth-susplclun
It was amusing at Portland to see
our good A. P. A. brethren and the
major portion of our Catholic breth
ren worklnir and votlnc' tncrit,iii.r
in perfect harmony, each conscious
that the other had been deceived Into
the support of the British system of
finance. By takinu other localities
In Oregon and comparing the Novem
ber vote with the June vote, one can
see where thi3 Is applicable. Again,
there were our prohibition friends,
who on former occasions had stood
up and been counted. They said:
"By choosing the single standard
candidate, the people will have no
money with which to buy whisky,
and therefore we will accomplish our
nnd Motif mm u-iin u-. ,. ....i.. i...
-: 1 "ww "Vili UlUUKIlk llCre
for tlliit-niirnnan Tf- .tf,.s ,!.. --J
I...,,,. w. ii, una him, u;isy io
vote men on both sides of the Colum
bia 'river, ihe same day. Men who
had been absent 'from the state for
years were here on election day claim
ing Portland as their home. Their
transportation to this state cost them
nothing, andjor course they came.
There is aIsposltlon to criticise
To Continue Until fha VU. .J?.0"0?61' At press hour the
""""J "ooinj? warmly contested.was still In
Washington, NoV O.-Tho cam
ilgn for the frcn rniiiintA win i.
waged with vigor duVIng e next four
years, In preparation for the elcctlou
oi juw. The directors of the Ameri
can Bimetallic Union, who constitute
the bulky of the silver leaders In tin
parties, have decided to nimntjiin
Juitee' Court. I
A fALU WnAlf.i -MA p.. I
--.. ..wa amco, in oraer to sat
isfy a Judgemont hold against one
Carawolby T.C. Shape, Sheriff -P.
T. WrlRhtinan attached tho race
Dorse known ns'Tllnct AM, tl n.
Bonnett elalim tho horse.nnd tho sulti
HihHiuwa oy her against Sheriff F.T.
WrlKhtman, whereby sho seeks to re
cover the animal, wna rniin,i i
Justice n. A. Jolinson this afternoon.
Attorneys J. A. f!:irsn nn,l t r
FlemmlnK unnear fur fr Wri,.'..'
man, while the plaintiff has rcUlncd
. J. D'Arcy and IVohstor irnim.. -
... . . . - -" --W....UC ua
j-ounsei. ac press hour tho casc.whlch
Freight "Hates to Salem Are
j - .-v. v lUUIIltUIII
too soverelythc laborers who voted headquarters In this city to send out
"" n'ogoiu siiumard. if gold will
buy Wm.MoKlblcy.Bcn Buttcrworth.
JollU G. Oirlliln .Tnlit. Tvr ti
dinger Hermnnp, W. R. Ellis, Tom
I TVimrnn Tnl.r. tr. in...i. ..
h,Uu, luitciiun una others,
wuat can be expected of the poor
fellow who getAnly a square meal
and a decent uit or pImMi. i
uuring a campahsa.
ah praise to thfc noble and n:it,rlnt.in
refused to worship the
men who
golden calf
Three men. who work on a river
I steamer, stated to the Jouknal man
that they had voted for the cold
Yrgctarluii UuIIU.h;.
Jim But. , n rjuu PrntuIco gcntlo
man v,u Wenw wIim, U known tls Iho
Uuldrn Sliui.- it.itL.ljcr bhop, has two
voRCtaiilo Mi i- kililo-t, wJio have
mimag t to 1m n-il t'irivo on potatoes,
curote, turijj,, u,j.jaD'i und ollior vn
rhtiLri i. vi-,Ltai.lJ, lor.ther with a
little fruit uccjumually by way of dos
anit. Pmdy, tlii mulo ilog, 0 yoara of
ago, haj beo.i living o-i grcuu goods for
about flyo .Toars; vliBoNellid; tlfBip&to,
has eaten t'10 food bIiicii hor ncqnalut
aneo with Kul.lv. wjiuh i.i iif rttm.il;
years' standing. iJIr. Boyos reoentlyfod
tho dogi in tho presonre-of an Examiner
reporter. Ho throw a big Early Roso po
tato down tllO sidowalk. niul P,M
ri-iiciiea 1110 prizo llrst, took it iu his
mouth, bit it in two pieces mid dropped
it ngain. irollio took t.io largest pioeo
Mid ato overy fragniuiit. P.uldy tiion
look tho other half and gulped It down
"Ho doesn't caro much for potatoes,
dvi no win oat ttiem if Nellio doos, '
eald Mr. Boyes. "You must not imag.
ino that ho luoko tho notntn In tm .
an act of ohivalry. Ho probably thoujl
it was a turnip."
Ab iutimatod by Jlr. Boyoar Paddy
prefers turnirjs ami nlwnva nool. ttlnm
himsolf. Mr. Boyes then throw Paddy
a whito turnip about theslzo of his fist.
Tho dog caught it in his mouth, rolled
it around a fow moments. nhU nut a
Wtadful of peol and quiotly muncbod
tho tondor heart with as ranch rolish as
Ward MoAIIlstor would diBBoet a ten
sianaara, dud mibi tney nau hoped dorloin. Hia mate used tho same caro
wiiu an tneir Heart liryan would be wnno eating iier turnip, but swallowed
until you have seen out line and
got out pieces, We know where'
of we speak when 3we say 'that
Our $10 Black Clay Worsted
js the cheapest suit fever offered
in the city A new line of over'
coats and hats just arrived and are
offering them at prices that defy
competition. Remember the place
IV. Jonnson & Soi
elected. Said they: "We do not be
lieve In the single gold standard, we
do not want It and the country can
not prosper with It, and yet we are,
for certain reasons, compelled to sup
port it."
Some of the gold standard Judges
are now bragging about how they
could tell how every man voted. One
man by the name of J. L. Wells was
called down several times for expos
ing the ballots and ascertaining how
the voter had marked his ballot.
Others did the same thing, but were
not so brave about it. It was an easy
matter to ascertain whether tho Mc
Klnley electors had been voted for or
not, and that was all the information
desired. This was not necessary ex
cept In doubtful cases as the city had I
been polled, and all that was expected
of a judge was to remember perhaps
thirty names. These were given out
tojudges and challengers by the tie
Kinley committees.
A prominent Republican said to a
representative of The Journal, "I
know of $70,000 haying been sent to
this state for use In the campaign. It
was a life and death fight and we did
not propose to lose." Another said:
"But for the administration's assist
ance we wonld have lost this state by
10,000." Free silver Republicans re
mained loyal to the financial plank in
the old Republican party platforms
and today stand high In the estima
tion of those who demand an Ameri
tho notatoea skin and nil Rnn rv,.
Cisco Call.
A Itlnc Iuxxle.
In this city rooontly the possessor of
a diamond rinc reauestod a frlnnd tn
take tho ring to n reputable houso and
borrow 810 anon it Thn frfntirl nnm.
pliod and soon totnrnod with tho mon
ey. Tho ring was placod In tho safo by
tho man who furnishod tho cash, thoro
to romain until it should bo redeemed.
Later on No. 2, who pawnod tho rltig
for No. 1, connlndod that ho would Jiko
to liavo 210, and as. the ring was a val
uable ono hn rntimlnrl in thn mnn wltl.
'tno saioand askod lor tho money, which
was readily furnishod, tho safe man
juppo8lng tho ringbolongod to No. 2,
tho man who pawned it. Nos. lnnd 2
now had 110 each, providod thoy had
not snout it. which la mora thnn H!rl
Later on it happened that tho sofa man
went homo for tho night, and his placo
was takou by auothor. Tho second safo
man knew nothlncr abonfc thn irnnann.
tiOUS of thn first Mnfn mnn nnnnnr.il. m
tho diamond ring. Whon another man
(No. 9; presontod himsolf and courteous
ly stated that ho had left a ring in (ho
chargo of tho first safe man and dosirod
to got it, tno second safo man, being
ooiiviucod that the ring belonged to No.
8. handed ant tho alitterincr irnl rt
gold without unnecessary delay. No. 8,
on obtaining possession of tho ring,
found (hat ho also needed soino moiinv.
and at once, IIu therefore lost no tlmo
in putting- up tho ring nt his node's
fr an oquHakut In torn of tho realm.
Tho result: Tho first safo man is out
120. No. 1 is out a diamond ring and
owes $10. Na 2 is ahond $10. No, U is
ahead all ho could get on tho ring.
Helena hidepajiduut,
literature. The branch mil nt. r-i,i
cago will be consolidated with tho
Washington oillcc, but the San Fran
cisco branch Is to be continued. At
the request of tho directors, General
A-J. Warner has Issued tho following
address to silver leagues and bimetal
Ho unions of the United States:
'Silver has lost In this election, hut.
the battlo for tlm iivnni... nt .i..
gold standard has not ended. The dis
astrous results Unit must attend upon
me contlnuanco of this standard
make It Impossible to rellnoulsh tin,
strugglo against it until it is finally
"Tho gold standard cannot bo main
tained by Increasing revenues, be
cause revenues are nr.t. ni,i i ,.i.,
-The attempT to maintain' tho gold
aianaaru by perpetual loans mnst also
sooner or later full. Tho only other
way Is by contracting tho cur I
and forcing down prices so low that
gold will come hero of Uself in nni.
quantities as to constitute in part at
least the currency with which reve
nues are paid, and no debtor natlno
sucli a policy. Either course. t.h,.rn.
fore leads to Inevitable ruin, the one
"juuutwuiiung-uio government, and
the other by bankrupting tho iwnni
Either policy will subject tho United
States absolutely -to British domina
tion, and bonce the rejololnp of the
Rrltlsh press over the defeat of silver
The victory for gold Is a vlnfy.ru m
the trusts and syndicated wealth,
brought about by corruption und co
ercion, and not a victory of the people
or for tho people, und It cannot last.
Xherc must bo un end also to the cm,
stant appreciation of money. The
appreciation of money alone, If al
lowed to go on ut the rate it has gono
on ror tho past 20 years, will, in half
a generation more, transfer tho hnib-
of nil the wealth of this country from
tnoso who have created it to the
hands of tho few who control tho
money and own the debts. No nower
can be conceived so potent to gather
wealth Into a few hands n tho .nno.
less, all-pervudlng power of an appre
ciating money standard. No civiliza
tion can stand against It. It must
endanger tho foundations upon which
free. Institutions rest.
"Tho battle, therefore, forthe rcsto-
ration of silver must go on without
abatement, and I urge upon all silver
and bimetallic leagues and unions to
keep up their organizations and tn
continue tho .fight until the victory
for the people is finally won.
"The noble fight tuado by our in
trepid candidate in the campaign lust
enddd endears hlui to all who bcllcvo
In tho righteousness of our causo, and.
under hl9 leadership, wo believe vic
tory will bo won .In 1000. '
The Shubert Symphony Club.
day Tocurin n, "nSM VE cSHP, J?.
Company to bo hero November 18th.
eighty seven names were secured In
fOUr hours. Which nlmnat. n,...o .i.-
Shubert for tho 18th. Thirteen names
wanted and then tlm itct ..w.,,. ..
the Messrs Patton Brothers telegraph
for the company, which la doing lino
business wherever t.imv ni.. t
hundred names are aiw.itnvl m. i..i,..
will bo placed at COconts each. Those
who nave been so kind as to placo
their names on tho guarntee list se
cured tho first chnico of BOnto o
that your nnuio Is on tho list by to
morrow night.
Consumers Feel Increased Prices!
on Everything,
IV rii k t
A Broken And Dislooated Arm.
Saturday morning u. ,. .. i.,
daughter of Mr . M. P. Baldwin 00.
talncd a fracture of tho left arm.
...uiupiayingtipon tho bed at tho
family homo on Front street, tho little
tflrl fell to tho fioor' fracturing the
left arm at a nolnt. inet. ,ii... i.
Salem business men are very much
exercised over the outrageous, arro
gant and robbing fmti.t -. .it.
li0t...i t....... " "-" " entao-
i.iT tween lur city and Portland
during the past few weeks. Rates on
both lines of boats nml nn tiw, a..n.
ern Pnclllc have Tv.n poij i.
four hundred percent, on fiWr-
""wi iiaiui:. -inn otauf uji
Pacific nipnster, with ittftronHp has
forced the boat lines lntqralslnif rates
to meet tho exhorbltant charge? die
tatod by this most soulless of all cor
porations. The noxf. sfon ,0m i
put Its grip ontoitho Oregon Pacific
ralroad(and cutoff all competitive
rates by water from San Franclsco.all
of which will cost our people dearly.
Merchants of Salem nm n ,,u .u.
!.. I .. Ull IIIU
V"uu" "t somctlilng must bo
done, and that at onco. .On many
lines of goodd tho merchant cannot
ralso Ills price, but tin, n,fon .ii.
takes off all his profit. On othor lines
elbow besides .vn.'mJ ,i.Z'"m"" It mi.a . " "" LT," "ne8
ii. .. '... r v"? in0.. " ,v...r. "u.vuuau,uor- e'or
.....lWu,J wlaL lms hQp o jn t1Q
past at 00 cents perliundrcdmustnow
go up to about 1.16-otlwp Items In
tho Krocerv-llnn nm .rn.: i ,
Furn ttire, clothing, dry goods, boots
mio.utuH, uaruwaro and many other
bulky articles aro made tionrnt. t ti.
consumor by theso terrible rates.
WllUt Can hn rl,iiw5 In i.. ..
asked by all, and this question most
bo answered by tho business people
themselves. Onn mn.i.n,7t ...i. r
heavy ehlnnorsuinroHfji f.imt. nil ,.I
to ship by ono certain Un6, and thus
forco tho othor to break tho cut-throat
rdtea or starve. Tt. la n n..c -..
lUgOUt th0 8lllnnnrs. nnrl nnufi.i.,- t
Justifiable on ttielrpart.
no buino arm at tho elbow. A physi
cian, was called and Immediately re
duced the fracture nnd umdo tho
IUtlo sufferer as comfortablo as pos
slblo under theexlstlng circumstances
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
November 20 is thn ii .., i.
fore get ready for your mlnco pies und
Boou cneer. For tho very choicest
arger, seedless nnd royal cluster rals-
ins, figs, dried lemon iwol. r it p,,.i n.i
nuts, fresh from tho producers, don't
SI Jf .caIl atiSone"'ann8 grocery,
12-1 Stato street.
Piiom CALiF0RNiA.--Jolin Q.Wright
Is the ono irroecr wim ,.ini,..
specialty of the clmlenst. ,iri,i ..
jfrcon fruits In tho Jmurkct. Ho now
lms a shipment direct from tho pro
duccr, Including seedless and layer
ralsens, ovuporated pearc, figs, citron
nuts and other delicacies. Agent for
uuiLuvino grapes.
Thanksgiving In Oregon.
Ills Excellency Goy.Lord this nftor
noon sent u conv of liia Ti,,.i,i..r...
proclamation to tho stato nrintr
nnd ili ,!... x k.. wf
,,llu "" UUCUlCnL Will irlvill.. l,
glen to tho publlo tomorrow, Oregon
will tills ypar givo thanks on tho same
yihi me rest of tho nation.
Salem SoiiooLs.-Progratu for to
morrow morning's vm,. ,..
EaBt Salem schoel: Song, by tho
iiM, iccnaiion, Jisthcr Branson-T a .. """"
solo.MlnaBushnnli; pitnfi .'( Another merchant siicrcests that.
Gilbert; solo, Georgia DavennArt, r! .m??s mcotlng . of .all shippers
The Journal bcllovcs tho Salem
businessmen wnnbi' ), i.fin.i
Wklngany reasonable step to break
tho freight combination, even to put-
. ,, lour-,,0rso freight wagons.
An . old-fashloncd freighter could
haul five tons each way and ntlOcenta
a hundred make fniswniroa mi,iD
dono in many counties of Oregoh now
Incomnetltlon with tim mii-n.,,1 :t i-
.i... . .. . "niiunui jilt io
uoho in lienton, JLane, Linn, Wash
ington und Yamhill. It can be dono
in Marlon. Tho outrage ot quadrup
ling rates In tho face of hard times
ought to bo resented, as It is a clear
steal from our business mon, who wjll
In tlmo go bankrupt unless they can
- v mA fcu tuu cuusunjer.
citation, Olga McCluro; Hag salute,'
I u into
Called Mi:ETiNo.-On Tuesday
evening, there will be a called meet
ing of the Salem Y. P. s. E. Local
Union executive committee, ut the
home of tho ntesldnnt,. mib iii
Clark, .302 Front street. Plans for a
Joint meetlnif of ull th Pn,i,..
"" '4iiwbuiyi
societies in tho city, to bo held In tho
near future, will be -arranged at that
bo held for discussion nnrl mnaull ntlnn
as to what is tho best mothod to pur
sue, This would bo a fronti thin. ,.
could surely do no harm. The council
chamber could bo secured, without
costandameetinir of thlsirinriwmii,!
result In great good. Let tho Salem
oustness men stand tocethrnnti nt.
at onco for relief from this terrjblo
extortion. T
DelicIoub Oysters Vmh !?..
ern oysters ut Strong's W cents per
dozen.seryed with tho usual accesorles.
This Is u now departure nnd ono that
win oe neartlly appreciated by all
Jovcra of the popular bivalve.
Thero Is a caro for trifles which pro
ceeds from a loyo of conscicnco and is
mo3t noJy and a care for trifles which
comes of idleness and frivolity and ii
most base. Family Herald.
A Valuable Prescription.
t d,t?A M?"lson, of Worthlngton,
Ind "Sun," writes: "You have a
valuable prescription in Electric Bit
ters, nrm Twill flin.rfullo nn.... .i
It for Constipation and Sick Headacho
Dtunlllttnn Mnifo.
Tho Copartnership heretofore cx-
IStlnL' het.Wfinn W A Trn...nn v.
John Jlolr under tho firm name of
Hamilton & Molr Is this day mut
nallv ti tuuilvi.i ah ini...o .i.: ...
said firm to bo paid to W. A. Hamilton.
Any bills ugalnstsald linn will bo paid
by each ono paying one-half. W. A.
Hamilton continues tho bulsncs.
W. A. Hamilton.
joiin Mom.
Notes & PACirAOEs.BIoycIo Mes
sen,?ors telephone 40 or bluo boxes.
Tho assessment roll of Douglas
county shows tho total amount nf no.
sessablo property to bo W.070,210,
The Ideal Panacea.
James u. urancls, alderman, Chi
cago, says: "I regard Dr. King's Now
Discovery as an Ideal Panecoa for
coughs, colds and lung complaints,
havim iiKvl It. in ..... t.,,.,u.. V ...'
i I 1!" ""' " uuiii iir liiu
last live years, to the oxclusloq of any
iMVOiUu o iiieognpiions or ot ier
.Jiv,Jr!ul Huru" Keokuk-, Iowit,
MetllOdUt En BCOnal rhllivh fnr"n
years or mnrnmwi imva nin. ..n.i
anything bo beqeflclal, or tbaUwre
mo such speedy relief aa Dr. -Kim?'
wew Discovery," Try this 1dal
and as a general system tonlcithas no
equal." Mrs. Annie Htehle, 2025 Cot
taire Grove. Avi. fhlium tv... ,.n .....
..t .;., -:." .':""?"""
uiinn. ciiiJiii iirii. iit. nnpn nnut r-.n.i
had a backache which never left her
and felt tired and weary, but six bot
tles of Electric Bitters restored her
health and renewed her strength.
Prices ftOccnth nnrl at nn nin.i
Haiem, Oregon October 22nd 1800 (Cough y' naTr al t
10-20-4W. ' iree atFred A. taa'a ini stnm
Highest of all in Leavening Power. La 17,6. Gov't Repft.
can system of finance. They were
at Fred A. Legg'a Drug Store.
haeZi 's-&