Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 04, 1896, Image 3

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the blood of humanity. It
,p5rl to Hood's Sarsaparilla, -which
cl. .i vitalizes the blood and
a in VA11CU A.."t umw u vt,i
"nil uch diseases. Read this:
September, lSW.ImadeamlBstep and
tajurcd my snkle. " BOon a"""!
A Sore
1,0 inches across formed and in walking
10 Jsvor it I sprained my ankle. The soro
Lme worse; I could not put my boot
in and I tnougnt .uuuw B-i "p
.. .very step. I could not get any relief
d baa to stop work. I read of a cure of
Imil,rcaso by Hood's Sarsaparilla and
concluded to try it. Before I had taken
.11 nt two bottles the sore had healed and
the swelling had gone down. My
Iinow well and I have been greatly bene
ath otherwise. I havo increased in
weight and am in better health. I cannot
y enough in praise of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla." Mas. H. Blake, So. Berwick, Me.
This and other Bimilar cures prove Chat
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Preptred onlf by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Man.
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Hnnri S Pi I IS and liver stimulant. 2JC.
I t tj Moilo In the Cathedral of the IltnmU
Poetry is musio in tho oathodral ol
the heart Deep la tho human breast
i there towors a noblo strnotnre. It stands
i tpart from tho boatou paths of tho mind
! In a silent, hidden valley. Tho ordinary
I thonchts and passions hurry past the
I portal and know it not They havo not
loarued tho "open sosamo." Ego him-
ielf, ruler of tho kingdom of tho Intel
f lect, doos not know the saored spot It
Is tho mission of his mo to una it, and
' having onco fonnd it ho cannot romom
! ber tho routo by whioh ho journeyed.
! Ho cannot rotnru to it at will. Fate
guards Iho way and raroly grants an en
i trance, yet overy man at some timo of
I bis lifo happens npon it, and the fortn
' Date reaoh it often. Though thoy aro
blindfolded by the way, thoir oagor foot
Icam to troad tho labyrinth. Thoy aro
I tbo poets of mankind, whoso fanoyglvos
' light to thoir loot
At somo unexpected moment a fair
guide points tho way, tho doors swing
open, and man en tors tho oathodral of
bis heart Somotimos it is a strain of
i musio of searching, thrilling swoetnoss
; that points tbo way. Sometimes it is a
; royal sunsot Sometimes it is a rapt and
ielf forgetting prayer. Sometimes it is
tho hand of love, but oftonostit is gaunt
; sorrow. It is a stately temple. Its dome
is as broad as tho heavens, toward which
the many flngorod spires point Its win-
; dows make of oaoh sunbeam a rainbow.
Its aisles are silont Its priest is peace.
With hushod heart and revorential step
: man enters and is at rest All that is
material of him he loaves behind. Quiet
and beauty possess his soul, and ho floats
in an inspiring dream. Ho listens, and
i now for tho first timo falls on his in-
tent car on occasional noto in tho bar-
mony of tho universe
Half lost in distance, ho hears the
1 chorus of tho morning stars, the birds,
(the waterfoll, tho troes. Ho feels a
beauty and a purpose In tho nnivorso
; tho mind cannot concoivo. Ho feels
Above, about, within him a maicstio
I kingdom to whioh his soul is kin. -A.1-
most he grasps tho socrot of creatioa
; For one swift instant oxaltation draws
: aside tho dark, impenetrable curtain
that has led skoptio man. "Thoro is' tho
Ho soos bevon d a marvol too
great for his still bnman mind. It passes,
but it leaves with him awe, peace, hope.
Ho feels that somewhere thero is a co-
! lestial kev that mukna nf tho nnzzlo of
life a kingdom whore all is harmony,
perfection, satisfaction. Tho great organ
i of his rouI, tunod into speeoh by tho
master hand of hcautr. bursts into mel-
' ody-
And this is poetry. Exobange.
7et no Gave It the Shako.
Undo Alien had drotined into a cob
bier's shop for repairs. As ho rose up
after putting on tho mended shoe In
pulled tho chair nn with him.
"That lump of wax," said the shoe
maker, "seems to have formed a strong
attachment for yon."
"I don't reciprocate," replied Unci
Allen, "but I confess I'm a good deui
tock on tho chair."- Chicago Tribnne
Wecan't-tfet prosperity too rapidly.
Blood is Life.
It Is the medium which carries to
f very nerve, muscle, organ and iibre
is nourishment and strength. If the
in . ls Varet rich and healthy you
JH be well. Hood'a Sarsaprilla has
P'er to keep you in health by mak
ing your blood rich and pure.
wooers puis nraoasV to take, easy
operate. Cures indigestion thd
ness. 25 cents.
vGail Borden
Eagle Brand
Cemteffsetl Milk
rr.i?lan.t eth.M Is a little book of
catto alaetlult'ntraEBonappU-
g M. Y. Condensed Milk Co.
71 Hodso Street; KewYork
w . - .
.L-J Of li.ZP.OloM.
That Awta
Recalls the
t-y n K-Oiller Who Snrrtvett
Or.i tho Eminent Dlrtui
fcrriblo Sepoy r.chcltlon-
Orcat Cni il tvml l)ont ClirMlan.
Urooklto. Nov -.. r.ov. Dr. Tnl
cingo today ipepan hi3 Bcrics of round
tho world HTuom through tho press,
Iho firn Btiijcot solected being Luck
now, India. Tho tesi chosen was Don
teronomy xv, 10, "When thoa shnlt
besiego a city a long timo in making
war against It to tako it, thou shalt not
destroy tho troes thoroof by forcins an
.x against ti cm."
Tho awfulest thin in war is besiege
meut, for to tho work of deadly weapons
it adds hunger nnd starvation nnd
plague, Bosiegoment is sometimes noc
essary, but my text sommands mercy
oven in that Tho fruit trees must bo
spared because they afford food for man.
"Thou shalt not destroy the treos there
of by forcing an ax against thorn." But
in my recent journoy round tho world
I found at Lucknow, India, tho remains
of tho most merciless besiegement of
tho agos, and I proceed to tell you that
story for four great reasons to show
you what n horrid thing war is and to
make you all advocates for poace, to show
you what genuine Christian character
is under bombardment, to put a corona
tion on Christian courage, nnd to show
you how splendidly good peoplo dio.
As our train glided into tho dimly
lighted station I asked tho guard, "Is
this Luoknow?" nnd ho answered,
"Lucknow," at tho pronunciation of
Whioh proper name Btrong emotions
rushed through body, mind and soul.
An Eyewitness.
Tho word is a synonym of suffering,
of cruelty, of heroism, of horror such as
is suggested by hardly any other word.
Wo havo for 85 years been reading of
tho agonies thore endured nnd tho dar
ing deeds thoro witnessed. It was my
great dosire to have some one who had
witnessod tho scenes transacted in Luok
now in 1857 conduct us over tho place.
Wo found just tho man. Ho was a young
soldier at tho timo tho greatest mutiny
of tho ages broko out, and ho was put
with others inside tho residency,, which
was a cluster of buildings making a
fortress in which tho representatives of
tho English government livod nnd
which was to be the scene of an endnr
anco and a bombardment tho story of
whioh pootry and painting and history
and secular and sacred oloquonco have
been trying to depict. Our escort not
only had a good moniory of what had
happened, but had talent enough to ro
hearso tho tragedy.
In tho early part of 1857 all over In
dia tho natives woro ready to break out
In rebellion against all foreigners nnd
espocally against tho civil and mili
tary representatives of tho English gov
ernment A half dozen causes aro mentioned
for tho feeling of discontent and insur
rection that was ovidonccd throughout
India. Tho most of thoso causes wcro
mero pretexts. Greased cartridges wero
no doubt an oxasperation. Tho greaso
ordorod by the English government to b
used on theso cartridges was taken frorr.
cows or pigs, and greaso to tho Hindoo
is unolean, and to bito thoso cartridges
at tho loading of tho guns would bo nn
offenso to tho Hindoo's religion. The
loaders of tho Hindoos said that theso
groased cartridges wero only part of nn
attempt by tho English government to
moke tho natives givo up thoir roligioii;
honco unbounded indignation was
Another oauso of tho mutiny was that
another largo provinco of India had
been annexed to tbo British empire,
and thousands of officials in tho employ
of tho king of that province wcro thrown
out of position, and thoy wcro all ready
for trouble making.
Anothor causa was said to bo tho had
government oxorcisod by somo English
officials in India.
Tho simple fact was that tho natives
of India wero a conquered race, and tho
English wero tbo conquerors. For 100
vnnra tho British scoptor had boon wav
ed over India, and tho Indians wanted
to break that scepter. Thero never had
boon any lovo or sympathy between Iho
natives of India and tho Europeans.
Thoro is nono now.
Before tho timo of tho great mutiny
tho English govornmont risked much
powor in tho hands of tho natives. Too
many of them mannod the forts. Too
many of them woro in goverumcm.n
employ. And now tho timo had come
for a wide outbreak. Tho natives had
persuaded themselvos that they could
send tho English government flying,
and to accomplish it dagger and sword
and firearms and mutilation and slaugh
ter must do their worst
Horrors of the Sletre.
It was evident in Luoknow thut tho
natives wero about to riso and put to
death all tho Europeans they could lay
thoir hands on, and into tho residency
u riv,.?tlnn tvinnlntion of LucknOW
hastened for defense from tho tigers in
human form which wero growling for
thoir victims. Tbo occupants of tho resi
dency, or fort, were-military "d
combatants, men, women and children
in number about 1, 002.
I suggest in ono senteuco some of tno
chief woes to which they wero objected
when I say that theso people were in tho
residency fivo months without i single
cbango of clothing; somo of tho time
Z boat at 120 and ISO degrees; tbo
oloco black with flies and all o-squirm
Kvermin; firing of tb. one, 'up
Sea ceasing neither day fornight
ho hospital crowded with tho dying.
ImallDOX. scurvy, cholera, adding their
Sk tbatT shot and shell; women
bought up in all comfort and never
flcod in a cellar wneru -
uc v . i nd less food; no water
SrtnatVhich was J""
well tinder tho enemy's fire, so th
?Utar obtained wm tho p
waspo homeslrkr' Then, flashing up
nto childish ImMon-Hwi. sho mfeht
Hvo bi. "oo.lf.rt'iirM. I'm glad
T KOt tho l l,ro,y. I wish all
tho Syrian, had f-o leprosy." No. For
get lug her p, rsoual sortowa, sho syra
pathizes with tho buffering of her mas
tor and commends him to tho famous
Ilobrow piophot
I'olnteil In the Elcht Direction.
And how often it is that tho finger of
childhood has pointed grown persons In
tho right direction I O Christian soul,
how long is it sinco yon got rid of tho
i-rosy oi sin you say, "Let mo boo.
It must bo fivo vears now. " Kim rn
Who was it that pointed you to tho di
vine physician? "Oh," you say, "it
was ray littlo Amio or Fred or Charley
that olauiborcd up on my knoes and
looked into my faco and askod mo why
I didn't bccoino a Christian, and, all
tho timo stroking my cheek, so I could
not got angry, insisted upon knowing
why I didn't havo family prayers."
Thero aro grandparents who havo been
brought to Christ by their littlo grand-
vmmrou. xncio nro Hundreds of Chris-
Man mothers who had thoir attention
nrst called to Jesus by thoir littlo chil
dren. How did you Bet rid of tho lepro
sy of sin? How did you find vonr wav
to tho divino physician? "Oh'yousay
"my child, my dying childf with wan
and wnttod llngor, pointed that way.
Oh, I never shall forgot," you say,
that sccun at the cradlo and tho crib
that awful night It was hard, hard,
cry hard, but if that littlo ono on its
dying bed had not pointed mo to Christ
I don't think I over would havo got rid
of my leprosy." Go into tho Sabbath
sohool any Sunday, and you will find
hundreds of littlo fingers pointing in tho
same direction, toward Jesus Christ and
toward hoaven.
Years ago tho astronomers calculated
that thero must ho a world hanging at
a certain point in tho heavens, and n
largo prizo was offered for some one
who could discover that world. The tel
escopes from the great observatories
wero pointed in vain, but a girl at Nan
tucket, Mass., fashioned a tolosoopo,
and looking through it discovered that
star and won tho prizo and tho admira
tion of all tho astronomical world, that
stood amazed at her genius. And so it
is often tho enso that grown peoplo can
not soo tho light whilo somo littlo ohild
beholds tho star of pardon, tho star oi
hopo, tho star of consolation, tho star oi
Bethlohom, tho morning Ftar of Jesus.
"Not many mighty men, not many wise
men, aro called, but God hath chosen
tho weak tuiugs of tho world to con
found tho mighty and baso things and
things that aro not to bring to naught
things that aro." Oh, do not dospise
tho prattlo of littlo childron when thoy
are speaking about God and Christ and
heaven. You seo tho way your child is
pointing. Will you tako that pointing
or wait until, in tho wrench of some
awful bereavement, God shall lift that
child to another world, and then it will
beckon you upward? Will you tako the
pointing, or will you wait for tho book
oning? Blessed bo God that tho little
Hobrow captivo pointed in tho right di
rection. Blessed bo God for tho saving
ministry of Christian children.
A Sick Man.
No wonder tho advice of this little
Hebrew cantivo throw all Naaman's
mansion and Bcn-hadud's palaco into ex
citement Goodby, Naaraanl With faco
scarified and ridgod nnd inflamed by
tho pestilence nnd aided by thoso who
supported him on oithor side, ho stag
gers out to tho chariot Hold fast the
flory coursers of tho royal stable while
tho poor sick man lifts his swollen feet
and pain struck limbs into tho vohiole.
Bolster him up with tho pillows and let
him tako n lingering look at his bright
apartment, for perhaps tho Hebrow cap
tivo may be mistaken, and the noxt
timo Naaman comes to that placo he
may bo a (load weight on tho shoulders
of thoso who carry him, on expired chief
tain seeking sepulture amid tho lamen
tations of an admiring nation. Goodby,
Naaman I Lot tho charioteer drlvo gen
tly ovor tho hills of Hermon, lost ho
jolt tho invalid. Horo goes tho bravest
man of all his day a captivo of a horrl
blodisoaso. As tho ambulanco winds
through tho stroots of Damascus the
tears and prayers of all tho peoplo go
after tho world renownod invalid.
Porhaps you havo bad an invalid go
out from your houso on a health excur
sion. You know how tho noighbors
stood around and said, "Ah, ho will
nevor com o back again alive." Oh, it
was n solemn moment, I tell you, when
the invalid had departed, and you went
into tho room to mako tho bed, and to
removo tho modioino vials from .tho
shelf, and to throw open tho shutters,
eo that tho fresh air might rush Into the
long closed room. Goodby, Naaman I
There is only ono cheerful faco look
inir at him. and that is tho faco of the
littlo Hobrow captivo, who is sure bo
will cet cured, and who is so glad she
hnlned him. As the ohariot winds out
nni tho oscort of mounted courtiers,
and tho mules, laden with sacks of gold
and silver and embroidered suits or ap
tinrol. went thronch tho gates of Da
mascus and out on tho long way, the
hills of Naphtali and Ephraim look
down on tho procession, and tho retiuue
goes right past tho battieueicis wuere
Nnamau in tho days of his health usod
to rally bis troops for fearful onset, nnd
then tho procession stops nnd reclines
awhllo in tho grovos of olive and olean.
der, and General Naaman so sick, so
very, very sick I
How tho countrymen gaped as the
procession passed! They had soon Naa
man go past liko a whirlwind in days
gono by and had stood aghast at the
clank of his war equipments, bat now
they commiserate him. They say: "Poor
man, ho will never got homo alive I Pooi
ITU Two Dlsrmei.
General Naaman wakes up from a
restless sleep in tho chariot, and be sayr
to tbo charioteer, "now long beforo wt
hall reach tho Prophet Elisha?" Tin
charioteer says to awaysider, "How fai
Is it to Elisha'fl house?" Ho says, "Two
miles." "TwouIlesr, Thenthrywhip
nn tho lathered and fagged out torse.
, - '
The wholo procession brightens up at
tho prospect of epeedy ntrlval. Thoy
drivo up totlu door of tl.o prophet Th
charioteers slKiut" Whoal" to tho horse,
and tramping Jioofrtimd grinding wheels
ceaso shaking tho earth. Cotno out Eli
sha, come nut. Von havo company. Tho
graudert coniptiiiy that orcr camo to
your house ha cotno to it nuw. No stir
iusido Elisha's house. Tto fact was,
tho Lord had informod Elisha that tho
sick captain wat coming and just how
to treat him. Indeed, when you aro
lick nud tho Lord wnnts you to got
veil, ho always tells tho doctor how to
treat you, and tho roason wo havo so
many bungling doctors is lecanso thoy
depend upon their own strength and
instructions nnd not on tho Lord God,
and that always makes malpractice.
Conio out Elisha, nnd attend to your
General Naaman nnd his retinue wait
ed and waited nnd waited, Tho faot
was, Naaman bud two diseases prido
and leprosy. Tho ono was as hard to got
rid of ns tho otlier. Elisha sits quietly
in bis houso nud does not go out After
awhilo, when ho thinks ho has humbled
this proud man, ho says to a sorvant
"Go ont and toll General Naaman to
batho sovcu times in tho river Jordan,
out yonder fivo miles, and ho will get
entirely well." Thomessago comes out
"What!" says tho commander in chiof
of tho Syrian forces, his oyo kindling
with an animation which it had not
shown for weeks and his swollon foot
stamping on tho bottom of tho chariot
regardless of pain. "What! Isn't he
coming out to seo mo? Why, I thought
certainly ho would como and uttor somo
cabalistic words over mo or mako some
enigmatical passes over my wounds.
Why, I don't think ho knows who I
am. Isn't ho ooming out? Why, whon
tho Shuuamito woman camo to him, ho
rushod out and criod: 'Is it woll with
thoo? Is it woll with thy husband? Is
it woll with thy child?' And will ho
treat a poor unknown woman liko that
and lot mo, a titled porsonago, sit horo
in my ohariot and wait and wait? I
won't onduro it nny longer. Charioteer,
drivo on I Wash in tho Jordan I Ha, ha!
Tho slimy Jordan tho muddy Jordan
tho monotonous Jordnnl I wouldn't
bo seen washing in such n river ob thnt
Why, wo watered our horses in a better
river than that on our way horo tho
beautiful river, tho jasper paved rivorof
Pharpar. Besides that wo havo in our
country another Damasccno river, Aba
na, with follaged bank and torrent ovor
swift and over clear, undor tho flicker
ing shadows of sycamore aud oloandor.
Aro not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of
Damascus, better than all tho waters of
I supposo Naaman felt very muoh as
Americans would feel if, by way of
medical prescription, somo ono should
tell us to go and wash in tho Danubo or
the Rhine, Wo would answer, "Are
not tho Connecticut and tho Hudson
just as good?" Or as an Englishman
would fool if ho woro told, by way of
medical prescription, ho must go and
wash in tho Mississippi or tho St Law
rence, Ho would cry out "Aro not the
Thames and tho Shannon just as woll?"
Tho faot was that haughty Naaman
needed to learn what overy Englishman
and every American noods to loarn
that when God tolls you to do a thing
you must go and do it whotheryou
understand the roason or not. Tako the
proscription, whothcr you liko it or not
Ono thing is certain. Unless haughty
Naaman does as Elisha commands him,
he will dio of his awful sickness. And
unless you do as Christ commands you
you will bo soizod upon by an everlast
ing wasting away. Ohoy nnd live; dis
obey and die. Thrilling, overarching,
undcrgirding, stupendous alternative!
A Dead rullure.
Well, General Naaman could not
stand tho tost Tho charioteer gives a
jerk to tho right lino until tho bit snaps
in tho horso's mouth, and tho whir of
tho wheels and tho flying of tho dust
show tho indignation of tho groat com
mondor. "He turnod nnd wont away in
a rago. " So pooplo now often got mad
at rollgion. They vituporato ngainst
ministers, against churches, against
Christian people. Ono would think from
their irato behavior that God had boon
studying how to annoy and exasperate
and demolish them. What has ho boon
doing? Only trying to cure thoir death
doallng loprosy. That is all. Yot thoy
Whip up thoir horses, they dig in tho
spurs, nnd they go away in a rago.
So, nftor all, it soems that this health
excursion of General Naaman is to be
a dead failure. That littlo Hebrow cap
tive might ns woll havo not told him of
tho prophet, and this long journoy
might us well not havo boeu taken.
Poor, siok, dying Naaman! Are you go
ing away in high dudgeon nnd worso
than when you came? As his chariot
halts a moment his servants clamber
ud in it aud coax him to do ns Elisha
said. Thoy say: "It's eusy. Ifthoproph
ot had told you to walk for a milo on
Bharp spikes in order to get rid of this
awful rtiscaso, you would havo done it
It is easy. Come, my lord, just get down
and wash in tho Jordan. You tako a
batli cery day anyhow, and in this cli
mate it is so hot that it will do you
i:Oi Do it on our account, and for tho
t.tl.0 of the army you command, nud for
tho sako of tho nation that admires you.
Como, my lord, just try this Jordanlo
bath." "Well," ho says, "to pleoso
yon I will do as you say. " The rotinuo
drivo to tho brink of tho Jordan. Tho
horses paw nnd neigh to gut into tho
stream themselves and cool their hot
flanks. General Naaman, assisted by
his attendants, gets down out of bis
chariot and painfully comes to tho brink
of tho river and uteps in until tho wator
comes to tho anklo and goos on deeper
until tho water comes to the girdlo, and
now standing no far down In tbo stream
just a little inclination of tho head will
thorough ly immcrso him. Ho bows onoo
into tho flood nud comes up and shakes
tbo wator ont of nostril and oye, and
his attendants look nt him and say,
"Why, general, how u.ueh better you
do look!" And ho bows a second time
into tho flood end pomes up, and tb
wild store is gouo.out of hi ,ey, Be
bows tho third timo into tho flood and
comes up, nnd tho shriveled flesh has
got smooth again. Ho bows tbo fourth
timo into tbo Hood and comes up, and tho
hair that had fall on out is restored In
thick locks again nil ovor tho brow. Ho
bows the fifth timo into tho flood and
comes up, and tho horwnes3 has gono
out of his throat Ho bows tho sixth time
and comos up, nnd nil tho soreness nnd
anguish havo gono out of tho limbs.
"Why," ho says, "I am almost woll
but I will mako a complete cure," and
bo bows tbo soventh timo into tho flood,
raid ho comes up, and not so much as a
fester or a scale or an eruption ns big as
tho head of a pin is to bo seen on him.
nil Wonderful Cure.
He steps out on tho bank and says, ' 'Is
it possiblo?" And tho attendants look
and say, "Is it possiblo?" Aud as with
tho health of an atbloto ho bounds back
into tho chariot and drives on thoro
goes up from all his itttendauts n wild
"Huzza, hnEzal" Of coureo thoy go
back to pay and thank tho man of God
for his counsel so fraught with wisdom.
When thoy loft tho prophet's house,
thoy wont off mad. Thoy havo como back
glad. Pooplo always think hotter of a
minister after thoy nro converted than
thoy do boforo convcihion. Now wo aro
to them nuintoleinblo uuisauco becauso
wo toll them to do things that go against
tho grain, hut romo of ns havo a great
many letters from thoso who tell us
that onco tnoy wcro angry nt what wo
preached, bnt afterwmd gladly received
tho gospel nt otir huuds. They onoo
called us fanatics or terrorists or eno
mies. Now tluycalluifiii-uiR Yonder
is a man who wud ho V.mili uovcr como
into tho rturih n,:nin. llo Bald that
two years nr,o. liu said, "My family
shall uovtr como hero again if such doo
trines ai thnt no preached." But ho
cauio again, r.ul his family camo again.
Ho is n Christit.n, his wife a Christian,
all his childion Christians, tho wholo
ffoufcchch1 Christian:, and you shall
dwell with them in tho houso of tho
Lord fnn vcr. Our undying coadjutors
aro thuo who onco heard tho gospol nnd
"went away in a rage."
Tlie True Itemed?.
Now, my henrc-rx, you know that this
General Naaman did two things In or
dor to get well. Tho first was, ho got
out of his chariot. Ho might havo staid
thoro with his swollen foot on tho stuff
ed nttoninu, Foatid on that cmbroiderod
cnhcn, until his last gasp, ho would
nevor havo got any rolict Ho had to
get down out cf his chariot And you
havo got to gut down out of tho chariot
of your prido if you ovcrbocomo a Chris
tian. You cannot drivo up to tho cross
with n coach and four and bo savod
among all tho ppanglos. You seem to
think that tho Lord is going to be com
plimented by your coming. Ob, no, yon
poor, niiscrablo, scaly, loprous sinner,
got down out of thnt Wo oil como in
tho satuo haughty way. Wo oxpoot to
rido into tho kingdom of God. Nevor
until wo got down on our knoes will wo
find inoroy. Tho Lord has unhorsed us,
uncharioted ns. Get down out of your
pride. Got down out o your self right
eousness and your hyporcriticlsm. Wo
havo all got to do that That is tho
journoy wo linvo to mako on our knees.
It is our infornal prido that keeps us
from (totting rid of tho loprosy of sin.
Dear Lord, what havo wo to bo proud
of? Frond of our scales? Proud of our
unaloauuoss? Proud of this killing in
fection? Bring us down nt thy foot
weeping, praying, penitent, bolioving
For tinners. Lord, thou cam'st to bleoJ,
And I'm a slnnor vile lndood.
Lord, I brllovo thy grace la free.
Oh, magnify that grace in me.
But ho had not only to got down out
of his chariot Ho had to wash. "Oh, "
you say, "I am very careful with my
ablutions. Every day I piungo into n
bright and beautiful bath." Ah, my
hearer, thoro is a flood brighter than any
that pour3 from thoso hills. It is tho
flood (bat breaks from tbo granito of
tho etornal hills. It is tbo flood of par
don and penco and lifo and heaven. That
flood started in tho toars of Christ and
tho swoat of Gothsemano and rollod on,
accumulating flood, until all earth and
hoaven could batho in it Zochariali
called it tho "fountain opon for sin and
unolonuucss. " William Cowper callod it
tho "fountain filled with blood." Your
fathers and mothers washod all their
sins and sorrows away in that fountain,
Ob, my hearers, do you not feel like
wading into it? Wado down now into
this glorious flood, dcopcr, doepor, doop
orl Pluugo once, twice, thrice, four
times, fivo times, six tlmos, sovcu times,
It will tako asmuchasthat to euro your
souL Oh, wash, wash and bo cloanl
Namn' Cure.
I supposo that was a great timo at
Damascus whon Genoral Naaman got
back. Tho ehariotocrs did not hayo to
drivo slowly any longer, lest thoy jolt
tho invalid, but as tho horses dashed
through tbo streets of Damascus I think
tho peoplo rushed out to hall book their
chieftain. Naaman's wifo hardly recog
nized her husband. Ho was so wonder
fully changed sho had to look at him
two or throo times boforo sho made out
that it was her restored husband. And
tho littlo captivo maid, sho rushod out,
clapping her lu.m'.u aud shouting; "Did
bo euro you? Did ho euro you?" Then
musio woko up the pulace, and tho tap
estry of tbo windows was drawn away,
that tho inultitudo ontsido might rain
glo with tho princely mirth inside, aud
tho feet went up aud down in tho danco,
and all tho streets of Damascus that
night echoed aud ro-echoed with tho
news: "Naaman's cured! Naaman's
cured I" Bnt a gladder timo than that
it would bo if your soul should got oar
ed of its leprosy, Tho swiftest whito
hones hitched to tho King's chartat
would rush tho news into tho eternal
city. Our loved cues befom the throno
would wclcomo tho glad tidings. Your
children on earth, with more emotion
than tho littlo Hebrow captive, would
notice (ho cbango iu your look and tho
change in your wanner aud would put
their arms artuud your neck nnd syi
"Mother, I guess you must bave be
come a Christian. Father, I think yon
have got rid of the leprosy." OLiord
Oodiot Klisk. havs mercy cw w
I Hi I i UijM
"'' T.'i'n, .i. ". i,:i, i i,T,jii
sltrilatlrtg thcToodandRcgula
ling thcStamariis aMBowcls cf
ncss nnd Rcsl.Conlalns neither
Opnitn.Morplilnc nor Mineral
Hmif&m Sit J
ADafccHicmcdv forCon:llM
Hon, Sour Stomach.Diairhoca,
worms .Convulsions .Feverish"
ucss ondLoss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
""- -.-xri
:,i, m .Hi., n imr-.'n'-'
35iHl6S3- Z'il ! -TdSfiM
''"'' " -"""
Oretjmi.OOOboreo eold. SOO 000 cuita proro its power to dostra;
form. No-to-bto Is tho naatcttnurro-tood Initio world, itii
Mlt W ttako tbo weak Impotent itinn trontc, vliuroui and ma
llabted. WaexDeetTou
v uvru nvDu tur uur ut
veo cample. -Address
D. J. FRY, Agent,
Half way
'round the globe.
If till tho rails own-
SZJ cd by tho Burlington
C3 Route wero placed end
to end thoy would
reach moro than half
way 'round tho globe.
If all tho cars owned
by tho .Burlington
Ilouto woro put ono
oetuna anotnor, tnoy
would make n train
275 miles long.
Mero bigness is not
ovorythlng, however.
Quality counts for
much moro. W h u t
traveler want is to bo
transported quickly,
safely, and with com
fort. That is lust
wlutltho Burlington
Itoute docs. JOT
Omaha Chicago Kan
sas City Bt. Louis.
Wrlto for information
abut rutes and trains.
1'oitUnd, Or.
Of the. Chicago, Mllwsukeo, and iSt. Paul
Railway and note its connection with si!
transcontinental lines at St, Paul and Omaha,
and remember when going east that its tn.nt
ate lighted with electricity and heated by
steam, Its equipment is superb. Elegant
Buffet, library, smoking and sleeping cars,
with free reclining chairs, Each sleeping
car i-eithlias an electric reading lamp, an3
its dining cars are the best In the world,
Other lines are longer than this, but none
are shorter, and no oilier offers (he above lux
urious accommodations. Theie are sufliclent
reatoni for the popularity of "Tbs Milwau
kee." Coupon ticket agents in twry rail
road office will give yon further Information,
or address
C. J. EDDV, General Agent,
J. W, CASEV, Tray. Ptss. Agent.
A Ln Xirwnis JilMojM-rllla Xm-
Err, Inpot'.Boi'.HUXjlMw', U.. mw1
t AboM ' j Nur liiww and IsdU.
cntloiu. lV A(tf and tuntu
rMtoi 1h lUUfr In old or Jon. and
pi a nu lurnaat, uiuuiui or surrUa.
l'rntril lnMnltr and Umnaniptloa U
Lin tlma. lkr as lvr 9 unnii
Hunt nnd fffocU n CU11B wl
Ltraforod thooMada and will eu loo. . ait a
or fiuna in monT vtitm ou cdi
imwhiw H ! y w uwf W a VJM
1mckm l(o J I tiutuvatl 10
Chicago, Milwaukee,
k Si. Paul By.,
i HI in fe V WiV
' ' m M
t. ...SIQNATURE, -,
" r
Outorlt ! Bit so in ensw boMIm tmi-r.'H
III not told is bulk. Doa't allow anyest to U
J you anything el8 on tto pie or prol tbt it
I is "jmt m rood" aad "will aaivt? wy pur.
po." f Sw tUt you gt O-A-g-T-0-X-W.
w "rvw
ilro for tobacco In any BP
10 ponnda In 10 da and l ngror
Jaittrra box. Yon will baao-
any gala 10 ponnda In 10 da? and It no
drneslsu DTerr
written (tuanatoo aud
- Salem, Oregon.
Shasta Route.
Southern Pacific Co
California Exprets Train Run dali? between
Portland and San Francisco.
8:50 p.m.) Ly, Portland r-Ar. (8;:oa.m,
it soon. miVLv Salernr-Ar. - 6:00 a, .
illl Uillll JH IJ. flUW J-.T, ltUU)l,W
Above trains stop at .East Portland. Orecori
City, Woodburn, Salem, Turner, Marios,
leflenon, Albany, Tangent Sbedds, Haltey,
llarrisbitrg, Junction Clty.Eugene, Crcswll,
Cottage Grove, Drain,! and all stations from
Roseburg to A'hlond, inclusive.
North t
a:au a.m.
11:00 u.m,
lr. Portland ar.
lv. Salem lv.
ar. Itoscb'pr Iv.
4:40 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
8:00 u.m.
i5!20 p.m.
Worth d
4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
y. Portland ar,
ar. Balera lv.
I5:io a.m.
8.00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping cars attached to all
through trains.
Between Portland and Cervallii, dally (ex
cept Sunday.)
7130 a.m
Ar. j 6tzo p. m.
Lv ' i;35 P-"-
At Albany and Corvallls connect with
trains of Oregon Contntl & Eastern Railroad,
Express train dally except Sunday,
4:4S p. w.
7'5 P. w.
Lv. Portland
8125 a. rn.
5:50 a.m.
to sll points in the Eastern Stales, Canada
and Europe can be obtained p Jrtssti'rstei
from W.AY. SKINNER.-Uijrtw.
;E P, ROGERS, Asst. qif&r?A
3M ;?MjimVOf.
rTKCEHLER. Manager. -" '
A 'J?
fc. M tT-
' !itJk Atat .nMial atnJI as Vj,..
I7IDB toilet powder vtrmado, UU
(ootblna-, liiallnr. healtktul aa4
rj latMUo. tyouhvdBBVtr4
A it is gtMJi.xrnrwifXBK. A
j" r
j, .