DAILY OAPTTAT, .TOTTHtfAT; irnl.. fi. -"Srr; '""ST, -" MJ. . ,; , J.''g L ,. -S:-.sr- ... i - 1 - . 1 -" ' ' rmiHT. , D LAID SALEM, OKEGOK FBll). dd'OBEU , !& '-'.'-! "1T .iii! niniiM I iiwr -- mini wNeWfO?ftins Cyilone. THE BADGER STATE, i ft flflVUflEM Comb on Boys WOOUCtl V STORE Diaductive Cure of Disease Through the Use of "0XYVITri!? It Is uselu&s to enumerate the many Ills which are daily eradica ted from the human system through the use of Oxyyita. Write nrcill and we will explain why in every affliction we can relieve' the sufferer and guide them to perfect health. E. B, SLIM, Rcsi.lent ngent "Oxyyita" Chatwin House, Salem. THE WILLAIYIETT Carlisle's Speaking Tour Is Ended in Kentucky.. WHAT CHAIRMAN JONES SAID.- Bryan Does Not Need the State of Illinois, Bryan in Wisconsin APiLETON,Wls.,Oct.30. The towns visited by Bryan in the Badger state tills morning were liberally bedecked with yellow. Not since he has lea the Ohio river valley has he encountered such crowds so antagonistic to his views. At Green Bay Bryan addressed ser eral thousand people. There was not much enthusiasm at the start, but be fore he had concluded his speech his audience was applauding him liber ally, New Oiojbab, Oct. 30, About -1:30 last night a cyclone struck thlrt city on the river front Just above Pcnlston street and swept over a distances of .1 about a mile, and a half,, or 30 blocks, from Pcniston street to Robin street, the track of the storm being about 100 feet wide from tho river to I'enlston street. , The first building damaged was the Independence oil rain situated at tho head of Pcnlston strcoti It was un roofed and the building, and contents damaged to the amount of $60 '0. The conveyors of the now elevator or the Illinois Central rdllroad were slightly damaged, and iohn Whltc mcyer and John J. Buck, employed at the elevator, were lilted from tho ground, dashed, against the elevator,, and the latter was seveielyhurt. Hundredsof buildings in. the track of the storm were damaged, many be ing partially unroofed and the chim neys prostrated. Trees were uprooted and fences blown down. The storm-swept section -of the city Is In darkness tonight, owl B wires, A PORTLAND RALLY. An Interest In Free Silver In That City. McKay's DentmciafioD of Cleveland For Discrediting Silvcf and Enhancing the Price of Gold. CROWD. IN OF RAIN ijr, ; i Awful Efforts of the Oregonian to Belittle Them, hotf boat LEADING- HOTEL Oh" TKEICI'VY, ' Reduced rales. Management liocrat. Electric Lf.rs leave hoiel for nil public buildings md points of interest, yperial rates ujll be given to permanent patrons. A, T, WAGNER, Lawn Mowers, Hay Rakes, Gray Bros, EfSs.0 Hardware, Stoves and Jinware, ClarAn T-Tne 1 Lawn Sprinklers, j Salem, Or. f Bicycles, Sundries, -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- B. C. Hansen, manager. 'IiVmI horse umI. Sttitfiction iu innteeJ. Stabl I liick of State" Insurance block Don Be Deceived into buying anything in the way of BLQJfllNG until you have seen our line and got our prices. We know where of we speak when we say that tor $10 Black Clay Worsted is the cheapest suit ever offered in the city, A new line of over coats and hats just arrived and are offering them at prices that defy competition, Remember the place The End of Carlisle's Tour. Lexington, Oct. 30. The last of Carlisle's five speeches In Kentucky, was irade here this afternoon, to a trciucndousandcnthusiiistlo audience Carlisle said today, his visit to Ken tucky only continued his previous ex pressed opinion, that Bryan would be badly beaten. What Jones Did Say. Chicago, Oct. 30.-Chairrnan Jones, of the Democratic national committee wns shown the London dispatch today, In wliiyh he Is quoted as having ad mitted the defeat Bryan In Illinois. "I never said Bryan would not carry Illinois," said the Senator, what I did say was that Bryan would win with out carrying that state. We have not Biven up hope of carrying Illinois. On the contrary, we fully expect to carry It." Prisoners Transported. Havanna, Oct. 30. Montalvo, an occullst, and a member of tho local central autonomist committee; a planter named Juan Onaghton, An tonio Escobar, the editor of La Dis cussionc, and 185 members of a secret association will tomorrow be sent to the Island of Fernando, off the west coast of Africa, one of the penal set tlements of Spain. La Discussions was recently supposed by tho govern ment for printing a leading editorial, of which Escobar was the author, commenting upon the suggestion of the joint intervention of the United States and Mexico, with the view of settling the Cuban question. owing to the prostration of electric-light and details of tho damage-aVe difficult to obtain. At first a number of lives were reported lost, but sq fur theo reports have not been verified. The property loss is estimated at $100,000. Several cottou sheds on Robin street, near the river front, used by the Texas & Pacific railroad ror cotton storage, were damaged to the extent of $10,000. A number Of the sheds were completely destroyed. George Bcaler, a switchtender, was seriously Injured, an arm and hip be ing broken, and Joseph Itennessy, a laborer, was also injured at tho sheds. All the other laborers, about forty In number, had Just knocked off work, and fortunately were out of the sheds before they collapsed. Money Market Quiet. New York Oct. 30. There was a notable absence of excitement In Wall street at the opening today, con sidering the extreme stringency of tho money market yesterday. Tho higher London quotations, scarcity of stocks offering In local market, and rumers of financial relief measures to be taken by banks, caused confident sentiment, Tho only loan reported up to 11 o'clock was of $10,000 at 5 per cent. Canneryman Held' Up.' ' ' Marsiifield, Or., Oct. 30. A. II. Simmons, manager of the Parkers burg salmon cannery, on the Coqutlle river, was held up In his ofllce by two masked men, who demanded of Sim iuons, at tho point of a revolver, that he open the safe. Simmons refused, and tho robbers began an assault upon him with their revolvers. The rob bers "went for" the manager with such fury that he changed his mind, but the desperadoes did not hear him say that he would open the safe. Dur ing the scuflle Simmons caught hold of the mask of one of tho robbers and tore It from his face, so that ho rec ognized him. This frightened tho robbers away. Mr. Simmons has several , flesh- wounds on his head, and is under a doctor's care. Who the robber is that ho recognized ho will not disclose. No arrests have been made. I Johnson & 120 STATE STREET. son The Girl Will Live. Minneapolis, Oct. 30. A special from Butte,Mont.,to the Journal says that James Kelly, a miner, who ac cused his sweetheart, Jesslo Hall, of unfaithfulness.shot her this morning, and then killed himself. The girl will live. London Market. LoNDON.Oct. 30. At Baltic today California wheat, which was ycry sparingly offered, was sold for Cd ad; ranee. Other kinds were firm at yes terday's prices. On mark Landholders asked higher prices, but tbero were no b uyers to test the values. A, JUDGE HUFLBY Snow Storm. Omaha. Oct. 30. Western Ne braska is covered with 10 inches of Bnow. In some sections of the state a high wind accompanied tho snow, assuming the proportions of a bliz zard. Trains are delayed, and on Portland, Oct. 29.-SpccIal) Three thousand peoplo packed tho exposition Wednesday night. It was the occasion of u great frco silver rally ,ent lrely under the auspices or;the free silver Republicans. E. Hofer, Bryun elector and national committeeman of the American silver party, presided and delivered u half hour speech thatr.rca ted tho ureatost enthusiasm und.surpri.scd Portlatidont and Salem people who were present. The Wisconsin man who followed was not In good yolca and could not hold the crowded house as closely as he would have If all could have heard what he said. Singing by tho Bryan Campaign Glee club was a pleasing feature. Judge Del Stuart, of Tort land, also an Iowa Republican, closed the evening with a Uftccn tninuto speech that aroused the audtenco to tho highest pitch of good feeling for the silver cause and candidate. Tho chairman proposed threo cheers at the close for American labor, Ameri can homes and tho American flag,and they were given in snch a hearty manner as to cause even the tall tower of tho Oregonian to tremble. THE DRYAN CAUSE at Portland is steadily gaining ground. If McKlnley and tho gold standard, get but of this city with 2000 majority they will do well. Bets arc now taken even on Oregon and gen eral results. All odds on McKinley havo been withdrawn. Esberg, Gunst & Co., the cigar men who havo been advertising they would bet two to ono on McKinley, will not como to the scratch. Feeling Is very strong among tho business men that this campaign will teach the Republicans a lesson and administer a rebuke even if thoy win. WHAT nOFER SAID. 'Tho McKlnlcyltes can't run along in the Cleveland rut. Thoy'vo got to get out of it. The American people will make them do it. To add to tho wealth of the capitalist will not pro duce prosperity. To manufacture more goods and borrow more money will not mako the people moro pros perous when they have no money to buy goods or pay Interest on what thoy now owe unless the farmer can have tho prices of farm products restored to tho point where he can employ la bor at cash wages and buy goods freely, neither the factories nor the laboring man have any future. Until wo stop dumping our cheap silver bullion In the markets of the world to enable tho English trader to buy cheap farm products we cannot destroy that com petition." , The following Is a verbatim extract from the address 6f William McKin loy at the Lincoln Day banquet, in Memorial hall, Toledo, OhloVcbruary 127 1891: .'''""ofQrovcr Cleveland's years at tho head of tho coVernment Si.BSid.,i8,loni1r,n oni! or.t,lc Prccl"s motals,one of our own grcoroducts discrediting silver and enhancing the price of gold. Ho endeavored I own 11 fore his Inauguration to otllco, to stop tho coinage-of sllvw doltaw and ward and to the end of his administration persistently ud his i www ta 'that ?in JVm t,et?r,n,ned to contract tho circulating medium and tS demone tize one of the coins of commerce, limit the yolumo of money nmonir the S2E pic, make money scarce, and, therefore, dear! He would lave Increa" d the voluo of money and diminished tho value of overvti.ini VtJlA?n 2 it hSSwFtf l . nf ,e,so i110 servant. He was not thinking or tho poor then; Ho had loft their side. Ho was not standing forth In their defense Chean coats, cheap labor and dear money. The sponsor an.) promoter Tf these S fcsslng to sund-guard over the welfaro of tho poor and lowlyt WaTtucre over more InconsTbtctu-y or reckless assumption?" " What has CHANGED MuKlnley'a VIEWS ON SILVER? Tlis Kayser Tragedy. Nohristown, Pa., Oct. 30. -Coroner Kurtz visited thosceno of the Kayser tragedy, where early last night Mr. THE COOUE GOLD Frank A. Seufert ELECTOR. of The Dalles, , has Just shut down his cannery at and Mrs. Charles O. Kayser, Jr., were ', . " U' Bca80n' nnd l,,s according to the husband's story, hold ' up by two highwaymen, and Mrs.1 Kayser murdered and her husband' shot through the lert arm. The cor oner found Mrs. Kuyser's gold watch hidden under a stono nnd a revolver alougssdo near by a fence. Her purse, containing $10, was found 1p. tho car riage in which the couple were riding when tho alleged holdup occurred. Immense force of Chinaman has been discharged, and tho Oregonian says Eight-Hour Law. Salt Lake, Oct. 30. -Tho state supreme court handed down an opin ion in tho Holdnn case, unanimously attlrmlng tho constitutionality of tho eight-hour law concerning which there was so much contention, boforo tho adjournment qt tho legislature that passed It last spring. Tho law effects all mines in tho state, and there was a strong light tuado against it by mine-owners, at tho tlmo It went Intooffec A Venezuela Tiibunal London, Oct. 30. Tho Chronlclo says this merning: There is good rco- son to bellevo a tribunal, similar to tho Bchrlng sea commission, with Sir Robert Webster, tho attorney-general reptcscntlng England will bo ap pointed to solvo tho Venezuela bound-aryaflalr. Arrested'ln Cuba. Havana, Oct. 30. Thomas V7. Beatty, an Englishman, and ownor of tho Neda Luna planatlon, has boon imprisoned at Manzanlllo, charged with being tho instigator of tho de struction by flro of many houses in tho village of Heda Luna, nis attorney, Juan Silva, was also arrested. they havo returned to Portland with tholr pockets full of money. This Mr. Seufert Is tho gold candidate for Democrat occtor who told Judge Bennett that ho would not vote for his own ticket, but for the McKinley electors. This man who deprives Hundreds of white mon of work by employing Chlneso coolies thinks It is necessary to havo MoKlnloy elected to protect him In his un-American methods of busluess. The Oregon militia was called out last summer to protect tho business of tho great salmon canneries. Tho white American taxpayers paid the bill, yet (this cannery boss employs only aliens to perform tho work whlck wo protect with our militia, and the aliens take tho gold which they earn back to China. Mr. Seufert and every Chinaman is for tho gold standard and McKlnley. They tako tho mony out of onr land, and deprlv6 our-whlte laborers of a chanco to cam tholr bread, yet we protect thorn with our militia. ABOUT VOTING. Harrison's Tour. Indianapolis, Oct. 30. Ex-Presl-deut Harrison started by a special train oyer-tho Panhandle railroad this morning on a two days' speaking tour in eastern and northern towns. The Eloquent several branches J tho snow. have been stuck in WeatuehForecast.' Saturday rain. -Tonight and u ni: 0ASVO3RXlLf TC&&i Xm Silver 2 Republican, And Others, Will speak af the Armory Monday, Nov. 2,. '96, M7i30 o'clock p,m, Murder in Germany . Berlin, Oct. 20. Bruno Werner, a clerk, has been arrested in the Hartz mountains charged with being the instigator of the murder of Hcrr Major Levy, president of the Berlin bar, Sunday morning, October 18. Levy was attacked by two men in the bedroom at nis residence at Mclr ehtrasse and clubbed to death. His wjfe was seriously wounded at tho same time, Tho assassins escaped Outhne. Guturie, O. T., Oct. 30' Tho known dead in Wednesday's cyclono in Lincoln and Payno counties num ber seven, with perhaps fifty injused. a. no property loss was Heavy. Destructive Tornado. ViOKSuuna, Miss., Oct. 30. A de structive tornado passed through Tcuras X'arisu, La. Jnvo or six ne groes wero killed, Thcro was a wide spread destruction of property. THE MARKETS, S1LVKK. New Vot k, Oct. 30. Silver, 2.60. 65c; lead A Shooting Affray. Bakersfield, Cal Oct. 30, Tito sheriff's office has received Informa tion from Randsbttrg, the desert min ing camp, that a shooting affray took nd ISegiment iiand, ! killed and two men wounded. I If nuliAnnl A m lna nurt liul InuaAri All invited Ladies especially 1 eloe at hand. LIVE STOCK Chicago, Ocl 30. 'IIogwLlght $3,43 3-751 heavy J.903.4o. , Cattle, Ueevei $3.4035,09; cow and heifer (.50(3.90. Sbcep wirmt DRAIN. Chicago, Oct. 30. Wheat, cub 71c Dec. 73c, PORTLAND MARKET, rxovuiotf. Portland, Oct. 30. Wheat vIley,7iJ2c Walla Walla, 68. Flour Portland. 4.00: Benton county. 4.00; graham, 3.25; superfine, $2.50 per bbl To voto the Republican ticket tho elector should put an X or cross be tween tho number and tho numo of each of tho four Republican doctors, and opposite tho numo of no other electors. To voto for Bryan a cross or an X should bo placed between tho number nnd the namo of each" of ttio fusion electors, thus: "20-XN. L. Butler, of Polk Co. 21 X E. Hofer, Marion Co. 22 X W. n. Spaugb, Linn Co. 22 X Harry Watklns, Yamhill ca Tho voter should make no othor mark on his ballot beyond tho X'e or crosses shown In tho abovo illustra tion as tho making of additional marks might confuso tho judges, and render unintelligible tho aucstlon of how tho voter intended to vote. In presidential elections any votor can voto 'anywhere in tho Btato for presidential electors. Tho law gov erning tho caso is found on pago 1,777 revised statues,Bcction 10, subdivision" 8, and is as follews: "All qualified electors shall vote la tho election iprcclnct in tho county where they may resido, for county ofllcers, and in any county in 'tho state for stato officers; or in' any county of a congressional district in which such electors may resido for members of congress It ls'held that presidential electors aro "state ofllcers" as provided for In tho abovo quoted Section. A voter, however, to voto in Oregon, must havo been six months, next-preceding tho election, a resident of tho stato in in order to bo entitled ta vote. 30 3t Insane. Linda Churchill, years, was brqught to tho today. aged 43 asylum Hlghet of all in Leavwfag Power. Latest U. a. Gov't Report. IV Powder Am$OIA)TElY KHDHK i v, VBl-' J1.