Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 27, 1896, Image 1

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VOU 8-
NO. ?
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ill MET
lias demonstrated the fact that business can be done
on it CASH basis. We have only one rule and one
nriee for everybody, and make no exceptions. Did you
ever realize the saving derived from this plan of busi
ness. We can afford to give you better goods at lower
prices than can be found elsewhere. Our line of
" Vi" "
V4 ylCVl'
Boots and
manufactured by the Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis,
Mo., are the standard of quality. Our line of
in great variety. Hats, shirts, hosiery, laces and em
broidery, yarns, ribbons'and all kinds of notions, sold
at prices that will save you money. Our aim is is to
increase our business and it will increase if quality
and prices can do it. Call and inspect our stock.
Opposite First National bank, Salem, Or.
into buying anything in'the way of
until you have seen our line and
got our prices, We know where
of we speaks when we say that
ht $10 Black Clay Worsted
is the cheapest suit ever offered
in the city, A new line of over
coats and hats just arrived and are
offering them at prices that defy
competition, Remember the place
GJ. Johnson son
General Maceo Forces
The City of Artemisa Razed to the
n floating doNfnjJli
willcs below MiSUi
Key West. Oct .27. Well-informed
passengers wlio arrived from Havana
last nlghtconflriu tlie advices received
by mail that Maccb has crossed the
trocha at Arte ulsa and joined other
Insurgents forces In Havana province.
They declared that the report circu
lated by Maceo of his encampment at
Cacarajacara and a contemplated at
tack on that town was merely a feint
of the rebel leader to concentrate the
Spanish troops at that point. That
the ruse was successful Is proved by
the fact that General Gonzales Munlz
swlth large forces was sent in that di
rection to attack Maceo, but upon
their arrival at Cacarajacara the
Spaniards found nothing but a de
serted camp.
Maceo's followers under forced
marches then made a detour to the
southward and suddeuly appeared at
Artemisa, the central post on the lino
of the trocha. Giving his men tem
porary rest, the Insurgent chief sent
word to the commandant that he In
tended to bombard the town, giving
the inhabitants live hours in which to
leave the city. Not heedlug Maceo's
threats, the Spaniards would permit
no one to leave. The result Is known
from the reports which have already
been cabled from Havana.
Maceo opened Are on the town with
his artillery and 30 shots from the
rebel dynamite guns were thrown into
the city. Every building Is said to
have been leveled while the slaughter
of non-combatants was appalling.
During the carnage Maceo and his
followers crossed the line of the trocha
Into Havana province, where they
will be joined by the forces' of Gen
eral Agulrrc.
Gaulois Is Alarmed.
Paris, Oct 27. Gualols today pro
tests against the Interference of any
nation in the Internal affairs of Spain,
and says:
"Europe Is especially Interested not
to allow Cuba to fall under the domi
nation of the United States."
A Fight With Maceo.
Havana, Oct. 27. Colonel Segura
reports having had an Important
engagement with the Insurgent
forces under Antonio Maceo at Soroa,
in the province of Plnar del Bio.
Colonel Segura's statement says the
Insurgents upon their retreat lost 01
killed, nis own column sustained a
loss of over 100 mon.
Captain-General Weyler has offered
to place at the disposal of the local
government six army doctors to act as
professors at the University of,
Havana, the regular professors having
been compromised in various manners
In the rebellion.
The Insurgents under Castello and
Roderiguez made an attack last night
upon Batabano, the southern seaport
of the .'province of navana, situated
almost directly south of this city, and
conuected with it by about thirty
miles of railway. The enemy, It was
announced, was repulsed by the
Spanish garrJson of the place, but Jt
is admitted that, In retreating, the
Insurgents burned several houses.
After the last engagement of the 1
Spanish troops with Antonio Maceo,
28 battalions, consisting of 30,000
soldiers, were assigned to occupy the
important stragetlc points In the
mountains, In order to prevent the
latter from returning and securing
possession again.
"Tillamook cheese Branson & Co.
Slain by Sultan's Order.
Boston, Oct. 27. Advices from
nafpoot,' Eastern Turkey, received in
Boston, confirm dispatches to the As
Boclaieil Press In refgnrd to the extent
arid barbarity of th( recent- massacre
at Egln, These, advices state that
many of the dead wfejert In the
streets for days, its' t-jjtfeS11 f"r dwh
and large numbers iwfPthrown Into
the Euphrates.
Tho bodies were fie
the river 40 and 50
city. In some cascsj whole families
were obliterated. Exact statistics, of
course, cannot be gfviln now, but It Is
feared 2000 Is an underestimate. All
the testimony 'nthand concurs in
showing that the massacre was olllclal
and that it was wholly without
Brazilian Bandits.
ItOME,Oct. 27. AnwHclal telegram
received from Rlode Janeiro says that
a large armed body' In J.he Interior of
the province of Bahla, who several
years ago defeated a large detachment
of troops are again active, and have
pillaged a number of firms, several of
them belonging to , Italians. The
Brazilian troops pursued the band and
killed several of its members and dis
persed tho others. Italy I'as demands
for damages pending against the
Brazilian government for outrages
upon Italian cltlzens,-but Italy's com
missioner to Brazil, to negolatc a
settlement of the djfilculty has ex
pressed tho opinion- that his govern
ment will confine itself to a demand
for a denial of hostile Intent on the
part of Brazil In acts tending to harm
or wrong Italians.
Last Week to Be a Record
A Murder at Herechel Island.
San Francisco, Oct. 27. Assistant
United States Attorney Schllnlnger
today swore out a warrant before
United States Commissioner neacock,
charging Third Mate II P. Bowen, tf
the steam whaler Balaena, with tie
willful murder of Second MateTrank'
Jones, at Hcrschcl island last winter.
IvThe stbrv of the murder was told by
the officers of the steamer Jeannle on
her arrival from .the Arctic a fort
night ago.
Witnesses arrived on tho vessels of
the whaling fleet that have arrived In
the port during the past 48 hours, and
on Information furnished by them
the warrant was sworn out. Bowen
is In irons aboard the Balaena, which
Is expected to arrive very soon.
What the Czar Cost JErance.
London, Oct. 27. A Times dispatch
from Paris says the municipal council
had been opened, and It has re-elected
its former officers, including tho vice
president, M. l'Landrin, who signed
the socialist manifesto denouncing
the czar.
This dispatch also stated .that tho
government will aBk the chamber for
a credit of 1,068,800 francs for the ex
penses attending the reception of the
czar, and 1,000,000 francs for the ex
penses of the Chalons review.
English Wheat Market.
London, Oct. 27 On Baltic this
morning, business In wheat was dull
and the tendency was towards easier
prices. Failure in India, It says, will
divert the California and Australian
wheat from Europe there. Only the
tremendous efforts In the United
States will hurry wheat across the At
lantic In exchange for gold to prevent
a much greater increase lnprices and
when the Inrush Is passed there will
bo a further rise.
Business at Baltic today closed dull
mostly Od lower than yesterday. A
cargo or Walla Walla wheat gold at
32s, cargo Oregon at Ms Cd.
Ll Hung Promoted.
Peking, Oct. 27. Ll Hung Chang
hasbeen appointed minister of foreign
Stlmultaneously with ins appoint
ment as minister of foreign affairs an
Imperial edict orders that Ll Hung
Various Other Items of Political
Will Break the Record.
Bloominoton,IUs., Oct. 27. Bryan
will make tho last week of the cam
paign a record breaker. Shortly nftcr
7 o'clock this morning he was talking
to people of Lincoln, 111. At 0 o'clock,
the people of Bloomington were listen
ing to him.
Watson Still In It.
Thomson, Ga., Oct. 27. Thomas E.
Watson spoke yesterday, at Lincoln
ton to 3,000 Populists. He declared
ho would bo In tho raco for vice-president
until the last vote was counted,
ne declared tho Populist party had
been betrayed by Its leaders. He de
nounced Sewall
Declared for Qold.
PEORiA,Ills.,Oct. 27. P. M. Arthur,
grand chief of tho Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers; E. P. Sargent,
grand 'master of tho Brotherhood of
Locomotive firemen; F. W. Arnold,
grand secretary and trcaurer of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen,
have Issued a circular, In which they
say that they are not In favor of free
silver, but aro for the s?und money
plank, promulgated by tho Republican
convention at St. Louts.
Visit McKtnley.
Canton, Oct. 27. The first dclcga
tion today, to bo presented to McKln
ley was a party of 25 ladies who ar
rived in a special car from Martin's
Ferry, Ohio, at noon.
Chicago Market Weak.
CniOAQO, Oct. 27. Wheat opened
weak this morning, at a declino of
nearly 1 cent. Northwest recolpts
were very heavy. Traders looked for
further liquidation. The Liverpool
cables too were disappointing.
The Bears again took control of
tho wheat pit today and by persistent
hammering carried tho price of Dec
ember off 21 cents at one time, the final
figures showing a loss 2 cents. Tho
market In every respect was a hugo
disappointment to speculators who ex
pected It to be firm at first, but It was
quite contrary, and Its effect was to
start an Immediate liquidation.
This continued all day, and the mar
ket at times was In a demoralized
condition. Various causes, outside of
the emphatically weak cables, contri
buted to the decline, not the least of
which was the high money rates in
New York.
Widow's. Might,
San Francisco, Oct. 27. In accord
ance with an opinion delivered (tills
morning In the United States circuit
court of appeals, the Mutual Llfo In
surance Company of New York, will
bo compelled to pay Mrs. Nellie Phln
ncy nearly $100,000. The Judgmont
granted by the lower court was
affirmed, owing to an error committed
by It. M. Hopkins, deputy clerk of the
United State circuit court for the
ninth district of Washington.
Mrs. Phlnney, of Seattle, as execut
rix of the estate of Guy C. Phlanoy,
deceased, brought suit against the
Jnsuraoce company In order to com
pel payment of the policy held by
Phlnney during his lifetime.
Last Monday when Mr. Gladding
was coming up from Wuldport with
Mr. Holgate, a young deer ran out on
the beach, near Beaver creek. Mr.
Gladding Jumped out of the wagon
and grabbed a rope and rau after It,
Chang be punished for presuming to the deer went Into the surf but the
enter the precincts of the ruined sum- ' breakers soon washed It back, and he
mer palace, while visiting thedowager ,aWioed ' ,
1 Tillamook cheese uranson ; up.
Don't Allow the National Emblem to be
Usen as a Marker.
Special to tho Enquirer,
Lima, O., October 10. It was 0:C0
o'clock when Lima was reached. An
Immense throng was gathered at tho
depot, and escorted tho car around
tho switch to the point where an es
cort headed by a brass band was in
waiting. Mr. Bryan was taken to the
public square, and dc ivcrcd an address
to about 0,000 persons, speaking from
the band stand. This place was
reached only nfter a struggle, tho po
lice arrangements not being of the
Mr. Bryan said that the Republican
party, in this campaign, w.is trying to
play a confidence game on tho Ameri
can people, but that tho people had
mado up their minds to have u finan
cial system that suited themselves
"Now, my friends," Mr. Bryan con
tinued, "I waut to call your attention
to something that appeared In yester
day morning's paper. I find that the
chairman of the Republican National
Committee has issued a letter to the
American people in which he says:
"Tho American flag has been In the
present campaign tho emblem or In
signia of national honor. Its Influ
ence has been for great good In tho
cause of a good people. Its display In
many places has been potent In tho
advancement of tho country's battle
for tho nialutcnanco of its honor at
homo and abroad. I therefore sug
gest that on Saturday, October 31, all
who intend to vote, on November 3,
for the preservation of our national
honor, for sound money and tho ad
vancement of our people's interests
and general prosperity display tho na
tional colors at their homes, their
places of business or whorevor they
may bo seen, in order that voters
whoso hearts aro for their country,
may bo strengthened In their purpose,
andthoso Atho are. undetermined -may
the more patriotically and intelli
gently concludo how best to perform
their duty as citizens.
"My friends, it Is tho first time
that I know of that I have ever agreed
with tho Chairman of tho Republican
National Committee, but I want to
sign my name to his letter and ask all
those who believe In tho Ideas sot
forth .there to display the flag on tho
31st of October, becauso thcro Is noth
ing in that letter but what tho ad
vocates of free silver iudorse.Ap-.
plauso, cheers,
"Now noto what ho says, that ho
wants tho flag displayed by all those
who on tho third of November Intend
to voto for the preservation of our
national honor. Wo advocates of free
silver believe that only .by having a
financial policy made by the American
people, for tho American people, can
you support tho flag of tho United
States. Great cheering and applause.
"lie wants those to display tho flag
who aro for sound money. We, who
believe In the money of tho constitu
tion for a sounder money thun
those who want to chango our cur
rency into pounds, shilling? and pence.
Applause. We, who believe in a
basis for our financial transactions
sufficiently board for these transac
tions to rest upon, believe In a sounder
financial system than those who ad
Tocate a gold standard and a financial
system based upon gold alone when
you cannot get tho gold to
Applauso and cheers. Wo not only
bcllove in sound money, but wo tell
you what wo mean by sound money
and do not play tho hypocrite by talk
ing about sound money and then re
fusing to explain what tho term
means. Cheers and npplauw.
"lie wants thoso who are going tp
voto for tho advancement of our peo
ple's Interests and general prosperity
to display tho flag. My friends, wo
believe that free colnago of silver at
10 to 1, without waiting for tho aid or
consent of any other nation on earth,
means the advancement of the Inter
eats of tho people and of general pros
perity; and, therefore, wo can Join
with these men in displaying the
American Hag, and let It bo known to
tho country that wo arc standing by
a flag, and that we are not asking any
foreign nation what that flag shall
mtan. Applause and cheers.
"So that I Join In that request for
threo reasons: First, becauso every
thing that ho asks In that letter wo
bollovo In, and therefore, wo have as
much right to display the (lag on that
day as any Republican has, and we
believe that wo have a good deal more
moral right to do It In tills campafgn.
Applauso and cheers.
"I Join In the letter for another
reason, l do not want them to mark
the advocates of frco sliver for slaugh
ter on that day. I do not want these
employers to go about over your town
and throughout tho country and find
out who has a flag In his window, and
then threaten to dlschargo any man
who does not say ho Is going to voto
tho Republican ticket. Great cheer
"My friends, if cocrcoln Js gojng to
be attempted for heaven's sako let It
not be tempted by using tho tlag.as a
means of pointing out tho men ,to be
threatened. Applauso and cheers.
If they want to find out who shall bo
slaughtered let them tako some em
blem other than the nation's emblem
under which to do their nefarious
work. Applause and cheers.l
"There Is another reason . why I
Join In that request. I want 'Soma
flags to float on that day which do not
mean a government by"8yndtcatcsand
for syndicates. Applauso arid cheers.
I want some flags to float on that day
that do not stand for tho right of a
coal trust to send a representative
to ovcry ilrcsldo and collect tribute
from ovcry family in this land I
want somo flags to float on that day
that do not stand for tho opinions of
those-who say that If tho majority1 of
the people win in this campaign they
do not know whether they will sub
mit to tho decision or not. Applauso
and cheers.
"So my friends, I want to ask all
tho advocates of sllYcr'tb Tiring out
tho flag on that day. I want them to
put It Into their homos and In tholr
places of business, and, If need be, to
carry it upon tho streets and let our
opponents know that Wo do not in
tend tosurrendor thatenslgn and that
emblem Into tho hands of tho enemies
of tho people of this country'." Great
applauso and cheers.
Escaped Lepers Caught.
San Francisco, Oct. 27. Ernest
and Frank Blndt, the two lepers who
escaped from the pesthouse last
Thursday, were arrested in tho
Sprecklcs building this afternoon and
taken to tho receiving hospital. Tho
Blndtsaro brothers who have been
confined at tho pest house for tho
past ten years. They say that sinco
tholr escape thoy have been rooming
at 456 Tehama street. They gave as
a reason for their leaving tho pest
liouso that they did not like the idea
of being moved to tho city and
county hospital. They aro willing to
remain at tho pesthouse.
The riACE. For tho best moils,
tho biggest meals, tho best cooked and
best served for 15 cents, go to tho
White House Restaurant of Ken
worthy & George.
Highest of all in Leavening Power,--Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report.