Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 24, 1896, Image 2

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Daily 'Capital Journal
SATURDAY, OCT. 24, 1890.
For Independent American Bimetallism
amVPedple's Government.
For President,
of Nebraska.
8 For Vice-President,
of Georpa.
N. L. BUTLER, Polk County, Democratic.
W. II. BPAUGH, Lano County, Peoples.
HARRY WATKINS, Yamhill Co., Peoples
E. HOFER, Marion Co., Silver Republican
Observations of a ''Journal" Writer
Who is On the Field of Battle.
Clackamas County, Oct. 22.
Multnonmh, Mnrlon and Clackamas
arc tlie battlefield where Republicans
have won their victories In tlio past,
nnd as they still dalta the yotc of
every Intelligent wan and good citizen
for McKinley they still claim Oregon
and these counties as they are full of
intelligent citizens who vare good
But there are three facts that con
vince me McKinley will not catr
Oregon or any of the three counties
1. Wherever you find a group of live
or ten or tifteen men assembled In a
country store or on a street corner
there will not be over one or two Mc
Kinley gold standard men among
'I. Nearly every stranger you hall In
traveling through the country Is a
' Bryan man. The opposite used to be
true In presidential campaigns In the
3. The people arc talking politics as
never before. Nowhere do two or
thrq gather together but the mpney
question Is up for discussion. Jlen
who ten years ago would have stared
at you, If you had asked them what
coinage ratios, gdld appreciation, pur
chasing power of products, etc., are
now discussing these matters freely.
Whenever the masses of the people
begin to call a government policy In
question they will not stop until they
havo changed It.
are a store and a postoftlcc and Ger
man Evangelical church. Mrs. Rlggs
is the postmistress. The meeting was
In the hall over Geo. Scramlln's Rtore,
where vfo wore greeted by a fair audi
ence of fifty or sixty from 2 to 4 p. m.
It Js a busy time. Farmers are plow
ing and seeding, digging potatoes and
getting ready for ylntcr, This pre
cinct will go three to one for Bryan.
"Wo had a Bryan campaign dinner
at the home of Adam Lamons. Ho Is
well posted on politics, cultivates a
great deal of clover, cuts it twice a
year one year, once noxt year,pastures
It and then plows It under, for
wheat. There Is no finer land in Ore
gon than these level timber lands once
cleared they seem Inexhaustible.
A horseback ride to the homo of A,
Grlbblo, (Needy), tand Lano Grlbble,
son of Polk Grlbble, .brought us to a
hospitable supper. table with a good
appotlto, Mr. Grlbblo Is a Democrat,
who if his party had put up a gold
standard candidate, would havo voted
some other party and there are mil
lions of Democrats In the same fix.
Mr. Pottort and family, of near
Zena, Polk county, were on their way
homo from tho Sandy, and asked
to stop over night with their three
llttlo ones and wore accommodated by
Mrs. Grlbblo In a very generous man
ners AT NEEDY.
A horseback rldo of an hour in the
clear moonlight brought lis to Needy,
on the lino of Marlon county. Tho
father pf Judge J, 0. Moroland, an
old Methodist proaohor, named tho
place, and as Its name then expressed
its condition so fur ns mall factlltlqs
wero concerned, Us name Is Needy
now so far as tho truth about money
matters Is concerned. T. T. Geer had
been there and told all tho compll
nentary thing ho could remember
atout hi. Populist neighbors. Ills
wxla philosophy continues to be
aAmte and rldlculo of tho Populists,
Mivuuxxls andf Bllvcr'.Repllcans,
sunflltow iwvcr'be liapp?lti this
MiiiiUV' Aw o00 of fthoseUs ulvpj
isafaifcM .-'-?
lUhlljuniuviiS" Os of his adherents
? ,r
proposed as'a remedy that voters op
required to takeout a license with
the condition that It be revoked If
they don't vote fora high tariff.
John "Wanfman, a young German
firmer, from near Hubbard, asked
how wo could keep gold in circula
tion, If I tiwenb to a premium, when
prior td 1873, the silver dollar had
.mnnrint.nr circulation wlfen Its- had
been at a slight' premium of 2 or 3
The answer was that under free
coliiajjoand full monetary privileges;
for both metals gold and silver bul
lion in the Londcn market from 1800
to 1873, had not yaricd In. value more
than one or two percent at the ratio
of 15i to 1, but after demonetization
In 1873, the 'two metalt) parted com
pany and up to 1893, gold had appre
ciated In purchasing power 110 per
cent In the London market, A restora
tion ofthc law and monetary condi.
tions of 1873, would restore the values
that prevailed then. While free coin
age might not keep both bullion
metals exactly at a parity, free coin
age would prevent dumping our
d 'monetized silver bullion on the
markets of the world to buy cheap
farm pioducts with to keep clown our
Geo, Atkins, of Needy, asked how
the ratio of silver couldV maintained
bylaw, when the ratio of production
had vailed so greatly. It was' shown
that the ratio of production had borne
no relation to the ratio of coinage, or
ratio of value. It was shown 'that
the ratio of silver production to gold
had varied from SO to 1 dowa to4U to
1 In the years 1850 to 1835, and for 250
years, the coinage ratio had been 14 to
1,15 to I, and 10 to 1. The mone
tary value bore no relation to the
supply and demand. It was fixed by
law In the past and would be In the
future. ,
Wm Thompson, of Needy, asked
the speaker to state how much coined
silver we had prior to 1873 and how
much since. It was shown that be
fore 1873 $8,000,000 silver dollars were
coined, $135,000,000 fractional silTcr,
and besides the law and custom-made
Spanish, Mexican, French and Portu
gese coins legal tender, and that in all
we had between two or three hundred
millions of sliver full legal tender
primary money. The amount of sil
ver coined or issued since then Is three
or four hundred million, but under
the gold standard It Is not primary
Needy will soon have a new town
hajlj built by Mr. Haufman, tho
blacksmith, that will .hold 400 to 500
people, This precinct has a large bee
keeper in the person of Dan ICauf
man,'Who has 150 stands of bees In the
Cascade mountains, and seventy
stands here at home. This precinct
has been the Republican stronghold
Of this county, but the sllvfcr men
here aro hard workers and have strong
accessions from tho Republican rnnHs
and will hold the goldbugs down
nearly level. Fair weather or foul on
election day tho vote will be out.
Walter Noblet, Needy, Ed. Kinney,
and F. M. Matthews, of Macksburg;
Geo. Oglesby, Needy John Sparr, Jn,
Needy; Ed. Miller, Needy; aro some
of tho best workers for Bryan and free
colnago here, A. Mputan, Jacob
Miller and Isaac Miller, of Needy, aro
ulso enthusiastic Bryan men. Mrs.
Walter Noblet extended hospitalities
to tho traveler and a China pheasant
was sacrificed for breakfast and served
up with hot biscuit and delicious cof
fee, good enough to delight tho heart
of the most fastidious goldbug.
At tho close ol the Needy meeting
u young goldbug showed the bristles
on his back by arising and demanding
in permptory tones that tho oil that
had been burned In the one lamp Il
luminating the scliQolhouso bo paid
for As It amounted to the onoruiouq
sum of ten cents, It was expected to
creato a monotarycom promise In tho
silver crowd. But a man who had oc
cupied a front seat Jumped up and
said: "I will pay for that oil or Jo.' oil
for flvo or ten meetings. I have open a
RopublJcan all my life, but I am a
Bryan man from this hour." Tho,
young man With bristles got moie than
ho asked for. Clackamas county was
swept clean by thePopulUts last June,
und they havo every county office.
They have cut down all expensea.nd
the sot of men in each precinct wlio
havo always beon chosen .as Jurors
grand Jurors, road viewer, election
Judges and road supervisors for twenty
years will not all bo kopt employed by
the taxpayer as heretofore. That will
revoiunuomiry im MiiuiuunnM.
low, to over put IiTliowiuTen butllfc
T knr,w
in Clackamas
county, and ilfriuayicauso.n financial
coiiapbc or somo reuows peer money.
Cr irtt I mJVvr'
' Prices a'nd !coMl6DiTiEd,
Absurd Contention That Over-Production
has Caused the" Tall in Prices.
r 1 wish to call public attention lit
the columns of the Jouknal to tho
fnlso pretention of gold standard news
papers and speakers, Thus. 11. Reed,
John Sherman, Thurston of Nebraska,
and' MiCTcary"'"bf Minnesota, that
there has been no rise, in the purchas
Jngrlcepf gold, mill that tile cause
' of tlie fall of-comnio'dlty values or the
Svorld is "over-production." I have
frequently declared that this state
ment is untrue, and that I could prove
Its Untruthfulness by facts and fig
ures. I propose to do It now. The
facts and tlgUres" arc taken mostly
from an article printed In the "Lon
don Blmetalllst," by Sir Guilford
Molesworth, Who was a British dele
gate frihuIndia'tothe-Brusscls Moncr
tary Conference In December, 1892.
That gentleman said: "It will scarcely
be denied, except by superhcial
thinkers, thutjthe heavy fall In prices
which lias paralyzed tlie trade indus
try of European countries ns well as
the United State, -all gold standard
countries, and constitutes a very ser
ious evil amounting to a national
disaster." "What Is the cause of tills
Gold monometallism say:"Increabed
Blmctalllsts say:' "Contraction of
thfj basis of international and stan
dard money."
Let us see" which theory agrees more
nearly with the facts.
Sir William Houldsworth, in expos
ing the fallacy of the 'overproduc
tion' theory, has taken periods of
nearly equal length 1849-1872 and
IStMSW. -In both of these periods
there has been a largo increase in pro
duction, In tint former period (when
bimetallism existed) prices. iote
largely, and in the latter period (gold
monometallic) they fell heavily. As
suming Increased production to have
heen the cause or the fall, Sir Wil
liam Ilouldsworthr petlnontly asks,
Tlie b)metnllsp'l theory entirely
accounts for tho phenomenon, Dur
lng the former periods there was a
large expansion in the volumn of tho
metallic basis of international
money, tending to rateo prices, whilst
during tlie latter period there was a
great contraction of It, consequently
on the closing of the mints in Europe
and the United States to the free
coinage of -silver in 1873. Prices which
before that time wore rising suddenly
commenced their downwaid course,! n
cOhicJdpncc with the date of tlie re
striction of the mintage of silver.
There is no doubt that inoreased
production of any commodity has a
tendency to produce a fall in prices,
bu monometalllsts lose sight of
another side of the question. In
times of prosperity the demand for
such productions, whether arising
from .Increase in population, increaso
in luxuries, fresh undertakings, or de
velopment of new countries, may, to a
great extent, counteract, or even alto
together outweigh the lowering ten
dency of increased production.
In these busy days few people wjlj
take the trouble to study figures. I
'have, therefore, endeavored to ex
hibit, in the accompanying graphic
diagrams, the Increase or decrease per
cent in productions and prlco during
the two periods above mentioned.,
Cotton and wheat are constantly
brought forward by monometalllsts as
the most prominent Instances of In
crease In production. I have, there
fore, devoted a separate diagram to
eaph of these commodities.
IA72 1872-
1849-1872 1072-1894
20 35
-Hi 'V
-.1849-1872 1872' ia9f
n. -
Augustus Saurbock, who is the sta
tUtioannt the Rpyaltajlstlcal So
ciety of,Londou, andwjjoso flgurenft
one disputes, takes forty-fivo com
no -f
'So gE
75 , Sid
j ,"1"
qJ-jZ- Tys' 0
fef r 10
wtf s ao
&w ,
1 u- u ,, 50
a& ,t6
1 ' "70
modities' for his Index riutnbers. The
commodities comprlso tho following:
some .fthemore Important articles
refire.-ontcd by the descriptions:
Wheat, Hour, barley, oats, com, pota
toes, rice, beer, mutton, pork, bacon,
butter; sugar, colTce, tea, Iron, copper,
tin, lead, coals; cottoii(llax,hcmp,jutc,
wool, silk; hides, leather, tallow; palm
oil, olive (ill, Unseed oil, petroleum,
soda, nitrate, Indigo and timber.
It will be seen by the diagram for
cotton that the Increase In production
In the period prior to demonetization
of silver is 133 per cent as against only
43 percent in the period; since there
yet the price of cotton actually rose
50 per cent In the former and fell CO
percent In the latter poilod.
Similar results, though less acccn
tuated.are exhibited in the diagram;
for Wheat and the average of the Gen
eral Commodities. Nevertheless,
wheat shows an increased production
between 1849 and 1873, vhen we had
gold and silver standard money, of 70
per cent,and yet tlie price went up 28
per cent.
What occurred when silver was de
monetized In 1873? The Increased pro
duction of the world between 1873 and
1891 amounted to 35 per cent. Never
theless, the price went down 00 per
cent. In both cases the Increased per
cent, of production bud. been gi eater
In tho former porlod,yetpriccH lose In
the formor and fell In tho -latter por
lod. "The prices for cotton and wheat as
I have said have been caculated by
the figures given by Sir Wm. II.
Ilouldsworth In his address at Pres
ton, England; and the diagram of
general commodities has been calcu
lated from Mr. Augustus Sauerbeck's
"Index Numbers" Tor prices, and
fnim his 'Movements of Quantities,"
( joptalned in tlie paper on "Prices of
Commodities," read before the Royal
Statistical Society of London In 1803.)
Sir Wm. II. Houlsworth Is a baronet
and member of parliament, and was a
delegate to the Monetary conference
at Brussels, where he UjaJ.o at ablg
speech In favor of restoring silver as
standard meney.
I commend these diagrams to every
farmer and producer in the Willam
ette valley They give unqualified
contradiction to the statements of
McOleary, Reed and Sltermatj.
I am a Republican and have been
since I cast my first vote, more than
thirty years ago.
I am satisfied with the financial
planlc in the St. Louis platform. I
havo no doubt that Europe (except
ing England and Mr. Balfour, or the
British cabinet, has said that they
will at least re-open the lucid mints)
is ready now for an international bi
metallic agreement, and that an ad
ministration here that is generously
favorable to International bimetallism
can easily obtain such an agreement.
But the Republican press and tlie
Republican orators all over the land
have repudiated that plank in their
own platforms. They unanimously
throw mud at bimetallism in any
On tho 12th of last month, speak
ing to the campaign workers, Mr. Mc
Kinley said: "This country has
prospered under the gold standard
and I am in favor of maintaining it."
No man who is in favor of bimetall
ism either internationally or other
wise, can vote for McKinley, after
that declaration, without stultifying
himself, and I shall not do it: but I
will cast my vote for Wm. J. Bryan.
Very Respectfully,
Ssnroa Smith,
You Can Be Well
When your blood Is pure, rich and
nourishing for nerves and muscle.
The blood Is the vital lluld, and when
it is poor, thin and impure you must
either sulfer or you will fall a victim
to sudden changes exposure, or over
work. Keop your blood pure with
nood's Sarsaparilla and be well.
nood'sPllls arc tho bestaftcr-dinper.
pill; assist digestion, ouro headache.
25 cents.
For Infants and Children.
Via the Union Pacific System
baggage is oheokod through from
Portland to its destination. The
specialties of the Union Pacific aro
unexcelled track and equipment,
union depots, fast time, through cars,
Steam heat, Pintsch light and court
eous treatment to passengers. For
rates and Informntloni apply to
Boise & Bahkeu, Agents,
!5-l2d-4w Salem, Oregon-
r'5'P fNNCb MORtl In harmony
, VlVV?A V with the Torld, 2000
In r vVl completely curwl won aro
liilMtii'-r v rtasuis hawy praises for
! ! C .J A lhogre eat.grand-
.'Uiiiii.,yUiAv oat una most suc-
rTrrAe0isa ccMiulcnro torses
i I'jSwSS tut weakness aal
NYaJw. mcJlcal pelynco, An
O.'W- liH4ttn.i rTinvfi t
... I. ...
V. I?
ftmfti), nnfl nrftnftt.
firing ,imm .(scaled) rftJ. iH pxanly YlRpr
jpctmaucnuy mstonxl. PaUurqimpos3ibio.
m - n - priHTg
" Cure talk " in favor
of Hood's Sarenparllla,
as for no other medi
cine. Its great euros recorded in truthful,
convincing language o( grateful men and
women, constitute its most effective ad
vertising. Many of these cures ore mar
velous. They havo won tho confidence of
tho people! havo given Hood's Sareapa-
rllla the largest sales la tho world, and
havo mado necessary for its manufacture
tho greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is known by tho cures it has
made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia
and weak nerves, cures of dyspopsia, liver
troubles, catarrh cures which provo
Is the best In fact the One True Wood Purifier.
wn ii n.it c"r l'V(!r His; easy to
MOOU S -PillS take, easy to operate. 25c.
Bryan and Free Silver Ralley.
Will be held at Sllverton, Or., Oct
ober 31, 1890. Grand torch lights
procewdon. Two bands. Four noted
upcakcrs. Tho Mott boys The
Bradloy sisters. Speaking. Campaign
songs, llccltatlons. Good music.
Come every body and attend the
last and greatest rally' of tho cam
paign, td
.. m ..I
The goldbug organ Is again print
ing that platform for tho Democratic
platform wheih they know is not. the
true Democratic platform.
Your Boy Wont Live a Month,
So Mr. Gilman Brown, of 84 Mill .St.,
South Gardner, ijass , was told by the
doctors, Ills sou had Lung tiouble,
followleg Typhoid Malaila, and he
spont three hundred and seventy-liv
dollors with doctors, who finally gave
htm up, saying: "Your boy wont lln
a month." He tried Dr. King's Mew
Discovery and a few buttles learned
hm to health and enabled him to gr
to work a peifeftly well r-.'in. 1I
says he ownc his present good liealll
to use of Dr King's New Discovery
and knows it to ne the bt in flu
world for Lung trouble. Trlai Bot tlcf
Free at Fred A. Legg's Drug Store.
0Don't go Eat Until ,vn have
seen the undersigned, wtinciirj quoU
you the lowest rates tin nlsh you your
through tickets, sleeping car berths
and arrange. for a pleasant dip via the
Union Pacific systum. Boise & I arker,
agents, Salem. Or. 10 15 4wd
The Only Chair Car Line
to the east is the Union Pacltlo.
Eastern cities are reached via this
line with fewer changes of cars than
via other lines. Kates always tho
lowest. Tickets to or from points in
the United States Canada, or Europe
for sale by
Bqish& Barkbh, Agonts,
15tl5d-4W Salem, Oregon.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils
window glass, varnishes, grid
the most complete stock of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds.
NOTICE. My memorandum book was lost
or stolem about October 12. It contained
among other papers a wheat receipt by I,.
Helmiek; note by V. T. Hoiiser: note bv
peq. ScQtti notcby 7onn Hostetler. Finder
win ue rewarded Dy returninj same to me.
10-23 diwi J. 13. STUMP,
WANTED.r-Girl to do general house wcrk,
Apply at corner Fauitoenih and Ferry.
TO RENT. A large, roomy barn. Enquire
at this office. tf
We the undersigned are now renovating
feathers at l6 Ferry street, for tlie next 30
days,. All ladies that consider cleanl!ness
next to G.od.line$s should hayo their feather
beds throughly renovated at once. Dedrock
prices. Respectfully yours, Franklin &
Glaze. 10 12 im
WANTED, Two snare and one bass drurn
mers. Apply at Aryan headquarters. 1 1 8 i(
FOR "RENT 11 room house, irr good ire
pair with barn and good well water. With
one and a half lots. Enquire at premises on
iqtli and Chemeketa. ' jo 6 im
CARPET PAPER Large lot ol heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Jus
the thing for putting under carpets. Call a
Journal office.
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice,the cut in prices
on the following! ,
Shirts, plain ,,, ,., 10 cents
Under drawers 5 to 10 cents
Under shirts 5 to 10 cents
Socks, per pair , ,.,,3 cents
Handkerchiefs 1 cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per d.oien,
and other work in proportion,
Flannels andother work in
telligently washed by hand.
loL J. Ulmsted rrofr
$100 worth for 1Qo.
1. 1 Hut KB Ulmiltl In wor kVtl,
VtlhMt M4I U llM MmhtfL flat It a.l.b N
For Do!icaoy,
tor purity, and tor Improvement of tho com
plexion nothing equal Pouoiu'a Pownan.
- giigiaj .n rr,-i -wMwyKSBl
Successor to Dr. J. M Kten-, nM White
Corner, .Salem, Or. Parties desiring mixrrior
operation nt moderate fce in any brunch are
in cpeciiil request.
Dhpot Express.
Meets all masl and passenger trains, Bag
cagef and express to all parts of the city.
Prompt seivice. Telephone No. 7o.
Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt meat.
Lard in bulk, 6c a lb. Cheapest meat in the
town. Try them. 171 Commercial st.
Mrs. C. M. Ogle will rc-open her kinder
gurtpn in the Congregational church parlors
on September 21. S 29 lm
On farm land security. Special
rates on large loans. Loans
consideied without delay
Bush Dank buildinS.
On city or farm property.
Oyer Bush's Dank,
Makes a sptalty of fine repair 'work) Seth
Thomas clock... etc., 215 Commercial Street
211 Commercial St., Salem Or
"buits $15 upwards. Pants $ upwands'Q
Capital Restaurant
,7 11 i t opened, next door to Western
nlnnn, 244 Corunierclal street. Best
uiimI in the city lor lo cents and up
vvurds. All new, neat and clean. All
white help.
Home Bakery,
G. A. Back, proprietor, 327. Com
mercial street. Fresh pies, cakes and
bread always on hand, "Just like your
motler ued to make."
it '
1. Li
's r
OfiV: Wiamte Hotel B-Hii r
Foi wat-r service apply at office. Hill
payable monthly in Advance. Make ga
complaint a.1 tho office.
'liicio v.111 be 110 deduction in water rate
on account of temporary absence from the
city unless notice is left at the office,
Hereaf'rr waier for irrigation will only be
furnished to regular consumers using water
for domestic purpose. Contractors for side
walk brick work and plasterim; will please
read "under building purpos.s" page 17 of
schedule of rates for 1893. Apply ai i
for copy.
foasta Route.
Southern Pacific Co
California Express Train Run dan between
Portland and San Francisco.
JSiop.m. Lyr-Portland r-Ar. (8:10a. in.
u :oo p. m. V Lv Kalenv Ar. -j 8:00 a. m
10:45 a-m ) Ar- S, Frisco Ly. ( 7roo pf. in.
Above trains slop at K.ast Portland, Oregon
City, Wordbu.ru, Salem, Turner, Marion,
Jefferson, Albany, Albany unction. Tangent
Shejds, Halsey, Ilarrisburg, Junction City
Eugene, Creswell, Drain,! and all station
fromj Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive,
North g
8;30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
lv. Portland ar.
lv. Salem lv.
ar. Iioseb'g lv.
4:40 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
' 'Ndrtbn
'4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
lv. Portland ar.
ar. Salora lv.
10:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping cars attached to all
' through trains.
Between Portland and CorvallU, dally (ex
cept Sunday.)
7130 im,I Lv.
12:15 pm. f Ar.
6:2o p. ni
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad
Express train daily except Sunday.
4:45 p. m. I Lv. Portland Ari
81a; a m
7:1S p. ro Ar.
Mcitinville Lv S tso . rn
to dl points in the Eastern States, Canada
and i urope can be obtained at Iowet rate
frorr. JVIwiSKIHNEU. AgentSatem
E P, UOUERS, fAssT. u. f P. A j
R. IvCEimElV Mahar.
XI Hiffi'ALR
0. R. & I CO.
OF .
VU KnnL.... ..
ver O-ffl "and K I.
eastern cities, Wl'- f rtuto
2S wfflcw.
Steamer Gyp,, for PohIW iV,1?.
Sundayat6a.Prr. "' WWocept
Steamer Ruth fm'm r..t.. , . . .
eept Sunday at 6 a. m MiuMj
Lowest freight and pas'senge, Mtei R .
irip tickets very cheip. Tick 1 LuH
baggage checked through , ifl S4, d
Oregon, Washington anflheEiI U h
charge for baggage tranifers.C hh
roador river route to Portland. 0fril1-
Foi full details call on BoiM & r,
agents, Salem, Oregon, oraddres, Bbco
e. McNeill,
W ii,,'Jfcl.
Gen'lPasA .X.S1.',
For full detail, calloiddZ10
rs II .u "., vi
Foot of Trade st.
local Agent.
Through Tickets
Union Pacific System
xorough Pullman'Palnce Sleepers. ToonY
Sleepers and Free; Reclining Chair WW
Portland to Chicago,
Our trains are heated bv, tteaa and
lighted by Pintsch light.
Time to Chicago, 3 M Jays
Tune to New York, 4 -2 days.
Which is many hours quicker thin com,
For rates, time tables and fullinformii'toii
apply to i
i Agents, Srtitffl, ui.
" General Agent , Dist.Pass. Agent
135 Third Street, Portland.
Northern Pacific
Pullman SleepinCars
Elegant DininCjrs.
Touris'SSIceoin' Jar
To' ht. Paul, Miuneaiwfu, Jjlaia, r-i;,
Hrand Forks, Crookston, Winni,
Helena and BJtte.
To Chicago, Washington, PMIaWlc1"-1. "
Vork, Boston, and all Pomti.;
Eal and South ',n
rtFor information, time carli, -mip '
tickets, call on or writs f
26s 'Commsrcial srreet, Saltin, Ur
Eastern R. R. Company
.vrAnillMAS-IlAY ROU1B., .
uvw""" :- n.iv villi tae
-Connecting at V JgjS , (J..J
Francisco Vaqum Uay bl"n;7 ,V '
STEAMER "FA'fo, &a
SaUs from Yaou.na every 8 J
Francisco. Coos Way. Port Vl'"a'
.'J1Im1inU I'lV. .- i.d.'
(Passenger HfJiaSSfr
Shortest route between the Will"
and Calif0"113' ,?n!t wrsltoS"
Fare from Albany or.pnuu Jcw
Franciscor Cabin. 95 WJf ' ,&!
Bay and 'i'foldA'eiloi
i.:. Wn 8? roand trip, g"1
The most popular seaside arf
North Paclfie Co:.,l. W
bathing absolaiely fc' ,.,.. huaiiaZ
Forth sewUhin-lucomWM "
equal Deer, bear, elk. coPgj a
li.A ..ImnntruUtCapb' IP!"" !.,
wi-hin.a few to"' tTpS .