Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 22, 1896, Image 2

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    Daily Capital Journal
jpnURSDAY. OCT. 22, 1890.
.'. " IJI"JLJU
The Old Party Leaders Almost
mous for Him.
The Gold Dcinocpitij arc constantly
assorting that the rcprcscntatlvo
For Independent American Bimetallism
, i ami People's Government.
i 6 nFor President,
of Nebraska.
For Vice-President,
of Georgia.
N. L. BUTLER, Polk County, Democratic.
W. H. SPAUGII, Lano County, Peoples.
HARRY WATK1NS, Yamhllt Co., Peoples.
E. HOFER, Marion Co., Silver Republican.
Some Practical Suggestions by the Jour
nal's Bright Chef.
"TIP lltirhnct .iff ..r .....!. I.... In ...
men of , he Demnpnillo Party are with Mni! . ' to " " ." 2. ZZ
llieill It) this pnilipulirn. ItlS lnter-lni..i ... , . . . Crnniinfi rlrtanlv with vmtr linnrla.
.,.., ... ., "Ui i forerun neips, such as onions, l w ''
PStitiK to nnfp In this connection, the , ,i,nrA . .., A tiierrirently roll Into shape on your
, wv-.v,.j wl iiiuaiuuuilliuilll UU USl'U I
One cup of linely chopped chicken;
half n cup of bread crumb: moisten
the crumbs in one-fourth cup of
cream. Mutter your hands to prevent
the chicken from sticking; press each
positions (if t-he.nomlnecsfor congress,
tnnrln liv Mm nmnAnniiin ........ i I
,7 -, .m-1w,uWHm.ij HIJW81 U Rwln.r 'l,...,l .,... T ...111
years, who will vote In this election , ,.,!'.,.,., ''" . J .
, ... ..o.uv, ui iiim iuk Ul JillUU 111 LUIS
I very hot pan to sear It. You will ob
serve that, I put no water nor any
seasoning with the larub, while cook
ing; and I never put roasts, beef or
a. mum
Reports from Coos county Indicate
that county will give Bryan and Free
Silver a large majority. The tie on
member of legislature will be voted off
between the same candidates who ran
In June, and Buckman (People's) will
Undoubtedly be returned.
It ha been ascertained, or claimed
that Joint representative W. II.
Nosier of CoqulIIe City, elected ;i
Populist, but now converted to Me
Klnley, was not a resident of tin
state long enough to be qualified t
hold the olllce. He has been notified
but refuses to resign, and Jerri
Huntley, or Curry county, his Repub
lican opponent will then get the seal
in the legislature to which Nosiei
was elected.
It would seem as though Noslei
should resign. Together with hie
change of heart politi.c.-Uly, his con
duct has excited, muph comment.
for Mr. Bryan. They are as follows:
L. F. Grovcr nominated In J858;Aaron
E. Walt, 1802; James II. Slater.ln 1870;
John. Burnett, 1872; John Whlttakcr
1878, aud 1880; John Myers, 1884; N.
L. Butler, 1880; John M. Gearln, 1880; I
Kobcrt A. Miller, 1890; R. M. Veatch
and James II. Slater, 1892; James K.
Weatcrford and James A. Raley, 1894;
Jefferson Myers and A. S. Bennett,
1830. Of those Who Will not Klinnnrf.
the regular nominee, are Lafayette
Lane, elected In 1875, to' fill the un
expired term of George A. LcDow,
and renominated In 1870: and W.D.I
Fenton, nominated In 1882. Of the
Democratic governors, who are still
living and who will vote for Bryan
are ex-Governor John Whittaker, cx-
uovcrnor Li. n. u rover and ex-Go v
emur oyivesier Jennoyer. It iui
been stated that ex-Governor W.. W.
Thayer will not support the uogular
Democratic nominee. Hon. Wm. Onl
loway, Democratic nominee for gov-
ernor.ln 1894, will1xot,q.ror Mr. Bryan.
From the abpye showing, it will be
seen how tjbsurd is the claim that
the recognized leaders of the Demo
ficratio party are not supporting the
Chicago nominee.
. .
with almost any kind of meat." said orc:m t)oarc'' Let t,,el" coia fl'P
into egg batter then roll them care
fully In the bread crumbs.
Mrs. Ewlng made delicious cod fish
balls, and assured her class that cod
ilsli cooked with raw potatoes docs
not scent the house as the odor goes
into the potatoes.
Pick some cod fish to small pieces:
juicy meats In a covered pan. This
leg weighs about three and one-half
pounds, and I will cook It from an
hour to an hour and a quarter. Oven
temperature 450. Use dish gravy
with leg of Iamb, beef, mutton, veni
son and grouse. After the lamb has
cooked for three-fourths of an hour,
then pour about half a tea-cup of
boiling water over it, to thoroughly
moisten It.
operations at moderate fees in any branch are
in especial request.
Cut an equal quantity of potatoes In
small pieces and put over the iish;
cook together. Just cover with
boiling water. Mash together and
when cold addoneegg to every pint of
the mixture. Make into cakes with
the hands; place in wire basket and
Mrs. Ewing now prepared stuffing fri' If the fat 19 hot enough no odor
for a beautiful specimen of the finny ls ,effc 'fyou Hp i" some slices of raw
trib?,, for which she used fine crumbs Ptat0-
KnnLr In nnl1 umtAi. mlill Unn 4l.l
u iU, ..k w tni- less oratory of young Bryan, not only
salt out without robbing of its flavor. Lwn, M, ,,,,,. ,,,,
UJtlJlfl VJ Ul MfllA
There was In town Monday an old
"Nnhniskn Ppniihllfvin. wlui la nirrinn
i.llv .icniinlntGd will. IVIIIIiiin J 'rJSu- ? JVArJKc?ne.' ." White
, 'i "iuii, un x arues iicsirtiiiT superior
uryan, aim wuu nveu in uryairs uis
trlct each time the latter was elected
to congress says the Corvallls Times
"Mr. Bryan is one of the best, and
one of the most remarkable men In
the country," he said. "He was
scarcely 32 when he was nominated
for congress, and the majority against
him In the district wa's 2,400. Uo ono
of course supposed he could overcome
such a majority, but a joint canvass
was arranged between him and Con
nell, the Republican candidate, and
the remarkable able ability ard resist-
Depot Express.
Meets all masl and passengtr trains. Bur
gage ami express to all pails 0f the citv
Prompt semce. Telephone No. 70. '
c4 baker's bread 24 hours old home
made bread must be at least three
days old seasoned with salt, pepper
and grated lemon peel, some of tlm
juice and a little nutmeg. The crumbs
must be thoroughly dried and then
moistened into melted butter. Stuff
the trout and sew it un: tie with
heavy twine and cover with strips of
breakfast bacon; cook one-half hojur.
ciKui, auoui, uvo pounds. &VY fish
lull the heat it will bear without burn
ing. Slow cooking makes it flavorless.
Mr. rj. A. Strain, of Oakland, who
recently left that place for Great
Falls, Minn., stopped over a few days
at Tacoma, VVaslt. While there he
wrote to Oakland, and a
his letter, relating te the political sit
uatlon, is quite interesting. "Poli
tics are hot here, too. When I left
Oakland I was i strong McKinlcy
man, but to be frank with you I have
n.hou.t oUauged my mind, after seeing
vyh,a,t I have seen here. If a. working
Wan Is for Bryan and expresses him
self as suoh hero ho looses his Job, and
the Northern Pacific Railroad is giv
ing mon free tickets to go to Ne
braska, Minnesota and Dakota to
vote for McKinley. I was offered a
free ticket, yesterday, to Oakland,
Ore., and back hero again if I would
go home and Tote for McKinley, a
proposition which Is far beneath the
dignity of an American citizen to ac
cept. Now this is the truth, becaus I
have seen and heard It niyself. You
can have it published or do what you
please with it, but If I came home I
would cast my ballot for Bryan.
The TarriH" on Lumber.
PouTLANa Or., Oct. 16, 1800. Always boll fish of a high flavor.
.uuilui x-oruunu xrioune: A few
days ago there was an article in the
Oregonian from The Lumbermen on
on thd Sound stating that the Wil
son bill had ruined the lumber busi-
Chcwse a piece of lean beef; the best
CMtfrom the round is good. The cross
rib is, however, preferred by many
cooks -Out from the edges some bits
of fat or slice a piece of suet the size
of an egg. Cut this into tiny scraps
and put In an iron pot on the stove.
Let it cook until it begins to smoke,
lulien lay the beef in it. When one side
Is soared all overturn it and continue
to move about until the entire surface
is well browned. Then add very
slowly a little boiling water taking
chicken. CiUU l"a6 tne iat nas cooled so tuat it
In cleaning chicken cut skin on the j wil1 nofc fly over the stove- Afr "
back of the neck, to draw craw; in- raoment' Put '" sufficient water to al
sort a sharp-pointed knife in back; niost cover the meat. The pot should
cut one and one-half inches; Insert' lmve a '"Wlng lid and a weight
ness or our country. Belm.' Interest i-ii lingeis close to back, wlmro. It. u ,.i.. soum De places on this to keen it
portion of in the lumber and timber myself,! and draw out. For dressing, use state closed' Now; toil it slowly for about
am orten asked the question why 1 1 baker's bread, well crumbed and drwd;
was not In favor of a tariff on lumber' " and one-half tea-cups coo&ed
My answer has been: If they will 'e,ery, melted butter, salt and peeper.
swept the adverse
out of the way, but actually landed
Bryan in the olllce with a majority of
6,700 to his credit. Nor was the
second contest made by Bryan for
congress less remarkable. The hope
lessness of attempting to beat Bryan
was recognized and the district was
gerrymandered so that the normal ReJ
publican majority in the district was
largely increased. Bryan was renom
inated and against lilin was nut tin
Allen W. Field, the most powerful
speaker and one of the popular men
in the district. The campaign was
vehement, McKinley and Foraker, of
Ohio, as well as other powerful Re
publican leaders, taking part In it:
but the young statesman again
triumphed and secured his election
by a small majority." "Do you think
those who go to hear Mr. "Bryan are
prompted by curiosity?" The Times
man inquired. "Of course many go
through curiosity to hear him, but
many a one whose curiosity takes him
therewill go home and vote for Bryan.
That is what I did, Republic m as I
was and had always been, and I am
going to do it again In November."
Dcalars in all kinds or fresh ami salt meats
t3?"Fresli sausaco a specialty.
- R. & 1 co
OF .
dim 1
Two Transi
v? Spokane
Mrs.fJ.M. Ogle will reopen her kinder
Kiwifn in me v-ongregational church
on September at.
. g29 'm
jii larm lanu security. Bpeci
rates on large loans. Loa
considered without delay
Bush Bank buildinS.
On city or farm property.
Over Bush's Bank,
OCEAN m, '
Steamers leave Al. nc"co.
-- "' o a. m. - "7. except
& McNeill,
Foot of Trade st. , '.
"i -jd
Through Tickets
Makesasp-talty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomas clock, etc., 215 Commercial Street
C. H". CANE,
give us legislation so that our pro
ducers can get money to buy lumber
with, then we can have a market for
our lumber, and regulate the price;
but if we have no market, it Is Im
possible to get a price.
Now I will give you some facts as re-
Don't stuff too closely or it will Ixc
heavy, must leave room troi swoU.
Too much butter will mata it pack.
Save the water in whicA tha celery
was boiled, to baste, wilhv Always
put chicken or veltou dry pan in a
five hours- Examine it occa.slnnn.llv
to see that it does not burn . When
about half done add salt, a little pep
per and if the flavor 1s liked,half a cup
of tomato, catsup or spoonful of Wor
cestershire sauce. When thoroughly
done- take out the meat, thicken the
gravy with flour, taste to see if the sea
soning is right; add a couple of table-
Statesman says the Mark
Hnnna campaign iti not resorting to
forgeries, but It furnishes no proof of
the statement.
are the
i .11 '
Scotts Mills.
Editor JouiWAyvr-Mr. Webber
spoke to a fuji House hero Tuesday
night. rt ' '
By 'actual count thero wero 107 peo
plo In the hall, 64 ladles and about -15
froin Sllverton and around'Marquam
and thlrty-flvc Bryan men. Then at
tho close of meeting asked for a show
of hands in favor of McKinley.
Just think; this is a campaign of
education import- an audience (all
goldljand then ask for a show of hands
to frighten Uryan men by their num.
oers. rrouDie is, nerc wo do not
frighten worth a cent. Mr. Webber's
remarks were received, but lie made
no change in any one. He said tho
money question was not thopanuount
issue.but McKinley says It Is. He said
wo had better times than any oilier
nation from 1880 to 18U2 under protec
tive tariff and tho money question
cuts no llgurc.
Saturday, Oct. 21, Col. 'l U, Wait
and E. O. Mlnton will tell uajpst how
the old things works.
539,57.000 $0,172,494
7?&mW0 8,505293
The average. inder'the Wilson bill
has been 0,000,000 feet per anum less
than tho McKinley bill, for that
Reason it is evident that it is Just as
(unreasonable to expect that a high
wirut wouia remedy the depressed
lumber business, as It, uvmiri iv .i
minister i?rnn rr, ,i .. 5CCSS wJth Ptato mi (In porce
" " 'U"iw-ra lq ii,r, vi
ing of yoijjjhat Icelery ' water, butter,
flour a, seasoning, which makes a
deliQSjhrwn, gravy. Always fold
tjowgs on the, back, and fasten
jy.itih wire skewers with flattened and
isHrpenco:- ends. If on tile breast
dhoy may keep it from cooking done.
Use water-cress forjrarnishing. Won
der how many know that water-cress
is good for torpiciliver?
An 8-pound turJcey will ioaat beauti
fully in an baur and1 three-quarters.
Mjs. Ewbur advised us to always
use a limine Knife for general use in
thft kitcftoiu
wtwtQ" -you wait; ono pound lean
beef,, chopped in dice; scatter salt
ovsr.it; cover with cold water, then
hot oven, until hQre is damrer of tho.
garcis tne tariff on lumber. The skIn burning, Then prepare a bast-
peLiucKiniey Dill reduced the tariff
on lumber CO per cent., and during the
existence of that bill, the Imports
were as follows:
YBAiia. PEET valuk.
i TBJ.SH.OOO $8,412,8J2.n
?S,n n'??Xi V,043,32!I,.
1894 514,019,000 8 WfchQl
Now, the Wilson bill reinWd the
other 50 per cent., and h
spoonfuls of cream arjd pour over the
meat. If properly done a straw could
be passed through the entire piece
without breaking. This is one of the
best ways of cooking beef.
Sareta E. Lawler.
cure a case of tho
II. A.
Questions for Mr. McKinley Answer.
1. Did Mr. Hunna and VjH; partners
put up that $118,000 as v $f.t or as a
Do Comfortable Vyjiile Travelling
in cool weatherr Tlie Union Pacllio
system ueatsjts. trains throughout by
steam ljp(at, from tho engine, thus
ImHjHll(v&ry P1""1 f nil Us cars pleas,
ajlt A uj(t comfortable. It also lights
JM'cara by tho celebrated Plntsch
Llgh, making them brilliant at
night. Passongors carried dally on
the East Mall, which leaves Portland
at pf . For Bleeping car reserva
tions, tickets, or Information, call on
oV address
lloiSK & Barker. Ai?Qnt.i.
1512d4w Salem, Or.
2. If as a gift, tlon,fpel under any
obligation to tliejto fnr their klnrtim
such as might. Itwiper.yon to tl.cW
as president,, question In which tlw
Interest orxlU(UJlbcr of the syndlcato
wore opred to the Interest 0f tho
3, j;as.a loan, what was thr v.,,.
itjt. nd when aud how do you exnect
itpiaylt hack?
I 4. Are you to ma the payment In
money or in borvtes?
A.4 fin nvnh.i w .1
.... ..j.mmsiuii wouia oe very
Interesting to. iho public will you
please, Mr. IIiouiu, let Mr. McKinley
talk a little ouifchls subject?
Til hi
I'orovor Vuiod.
auffor ncrrousnr
Jaylng tho ponalty c
early oxecssea, Vic-
iima, room ira your
on the stove) until it comes
to a boil; will make one pint beef
tea. The clear portion Is very stimu
"Dust veal chop, or youug chicken
v Ith sugar; hnlf as much as bait; pep
per; sprinkle Hour over. Lauto means
to brown liuillttlo butter, then to
braize or stew very slowly, closely
covered so that none of tho steam
i-auijiu. jsirj. .awing covered some
veal chops -with clarified butter as it
will bear a much greater heat without
burning, hat added no water as tho
veal or chicken sunnllos its own
moisture. After they wore
nlcoly Tjrowjied all over she covered
. . . 1
mem ciosely and braized them for
twenty minutes, not once removing
tho cover. When they were done she
audetla littlo cream and they wero
To fry chicken in a kettle of hot
lard: JOno egg; ono tablespoon of
cream or mUk; beat well together. If
It runs olT tho spoon it will run off the
chicken. Season chicken with salt
and pepper, dip in the egg and roll In
sifted cracker crumbs, then fry in
Steel basket in lint, InrrJ. Pnnlr uvctnra I
......v., ., .rj;
J the same way. on
Your Boy Wont Live a Month.
So Mr. Gilman Brown, of 34 Mill St.,
boutli Gardner, Mass., was told by the
doctors. His son had Lung trouble,
followieg Typhoid Malaria, and he
spent three hundred and seventy-five
dollors with doctors, who Anally gave
"iiu U), .-uyiug: -jtour ooy wonc live
a month." He tried Dr. King's iNew
Discovery and a few bottles restored
him to health and enabled him to go
to work a perfectly well man. lie
says he ownes his present good health
ia usu 01 ur. king's JNer Discovery,
and knows it to be tho best in the
world for Lung trouble. Trial Bottles
ree at JYed A. Legg's Drug Store.
Free Pills.
Send your address to II. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sa.npl.
box of Dr. King's New Life Pill
A trial will convince you of tlu-h
merits. These pills are easy mi acl ion
aim are prauouiany ellective in the
cure of Constipation and Sick Head
ache. For Malaria and Liver troubles
they have been proved invaluable.
They are guaranteed to be perfectly
free from every deleterious substance
to be purely vegetable. They do not
weaken by thelraction, but by giving
tone to stumach and bowels greatly
invigorate the system. Regular size
.-.- ccjiLs pur uox. aoia oy urea A
Legg Druggist.
2tt Commercial St., Salem Or
rTSiiits $15 upwards. Pantst upwands-gj
Capital Restaurant
full opened, next door to Western
salfrm, 244 Commercial street. Best
men! in tlie city for 15 cents and up
wards All new, neat and clean. All
white I'clp.
Home Bakery.
G. A
mercial street. Fresh nips, nnknanmi
bread always on hand, "just like your
wiuuiiui useu 10 IIiaKC."
Back, proprietor, 327 Com-
i resh pies,
Umon Pacific System
rhrough Pullman-Palace Sleeper,. Twin.
Sleepers and FreefReclining Chj'' ".,
between '
Portland to Chicago,
Our trains are belted rt :u igj
lighted by Pintsch light.
nine iu unicago, 3 ii jay
Time to New York, 4 1-2 da.
Which is many hours quicker
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stock of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of rjrass seeds,
Office: W llame'te Hotel BuiMin
For water service apply at office. Bill
payable monthly in advance. Make a
complaints at the office.
There will be no deduction in water rate
on account of temporary absence from the
city unless nuticn is left at the office.
Ilereafier ivsuer fur 'urinitioti will only be
lumisneu to nrjjiilu consumers using watei
for domestic pu')se. Contractors for side,
walks, lirick work and plastering will please
read "under building purposrs" luge 17 of
schedule of rates for 1893. Apply at I
"i tujiy.
For rates, time table and fullS'inlirmip,..
apply toj
i ARenui, Julfro, Oi,
Ceneral Agent Disr. Pass, ijwi .
135 Third Street. P.-rtlanl.
Northern Pacific
WANTED.-Girl to do genera'l house w rk
Apply at corner Fourteenth and Ferry.
11 22.31
MONEY TO LOAN.400 at a reasonable
rate of interest. Address G , care of Tour.
VII ffCim
NAL office.
II 2231
Rallv at Dallas.
The common American people ex- COUNTER AND RAILING FOR SALE ,
pect to hold a Bryan rally at Dallas. ?ifteen fect, f counter, with shelving and
un QMuraay, uctober 31. Ex-Governor
hasta Route.
Pennoycr and Elder Barlcley are to be
tlie speakers. A rich treat Is in store
for all. Every one is invited to come.
Speaking at 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Judge Crowell speaks at the Dallas
city hall on October 24, at 7:30 p. m.
Judge Crowell is an old soldier and an
excellent speaker.
doors on back, solid oak top, and solid rail
injpo match. Address C. M. Lockwood.
Salem, Or. I0 22 3t
TO RENT. A large, roomy barn,
at this office.
01 HIE
Bucklen's Arnica halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts, UIaze'
"""""i cuius, uicers, sail, nieum, reveT
sores, tctter.chapped hands.chllblalns,
corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
J.t is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 2o
cents per box. For sale by Fred A.
We the undersigned are now renovating
feathers at 186 Ferry street, for the next 30
days. All ladies that consider cleanliness
next to Godliness should have their feather
beds throuehlv renovateil m nn ni 1.
prices. Respectfully yours. Franklin .r
10 12 im
Southern Pacific Co
California Express Train Run dah7 between
Portland and San Francisco.
Via the Union Pacific System
baggage is checked through from
Portland to its destination. The
specialties of tlie Union Pacific are
uucAcoiiea track anil equipment,
union depots, fast time, through cars
steam heat, Pintsch light and court
eous treatment to passengers. For
rates and information, apply to
is ,0 1 . "ulsa uabkeb, Agents,
M -'L Salem, Oregon
$22Zs53C2 2y B2agaS22225
n hf,miloiboolcihnt should be In every j
ot tho Ued by the manufacturers R
WANTED Two snare and one bass drum
mers. Apply at Brvan heudniianorc ..
-FOR RENT A. 11 room house, in good re
pair with barn and good well water. Withi
one and a half lots. Enquire at premises on
loth and Chemeketa. m,m
" "i
urawii wrapping paper lor sale cheap. Jas
Ji:So p. m.
1 1:00 p. m.
10:45 a- m
Ly-t'ortland r-Ar,
Y Lv Salem.
Ar- S, Frfsoo-
r-Ar. (8:
-- Arj8:i
Lv. (7r
10 a.m.
00 a. m,
7roo p. m.
Above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon
City, Wo dburn, Salem, Turner, Marion,
iiicrs,oii, rtiiuny, Aioany unction, langent
bhedds, HaUey, Harrisburg, Junction City.
Eugene, Creswell, Drain.l and all stations
from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive.
South i I North j
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
lv. Portland ar.
lv. Salem lv.
ar. Roseb'g lv.
4:40 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
PAPER Large lot ol heavy
!he thing for putting under carpets, bail'
Journal office.
fc Rnil Dn.J r-i n R
Jl 4,"v v-UUh- "jtrs ; a "" "ui ueii cayirj oranu
ly dip them In tho M UOflUensed Milk
. I tnNMhnA.1 HM.I. .... "I I P2
JU sTf ,,irz z ii-mf10' D,t dcer-air. Send tw book vvtti,, H'ttor, then in the crumbs and re- .$N.Y. Condensed Milk Co.
VriaXrrjJTy "n "uoamuijo,,. Mailodlsoalod) t reo . neat: then liiv thorn In tlm lsbt. MMtSSSi!"' HewTork
. .r-rw,, "tineucninii n .... . rr. .. 1 " " 1 -iN,;a,S359jer.K'-
" W'r UU.tBUrraiO, N. Y.vf and cook.
Salem Steam Laundry
Please noticcthe cut in ompm
m u r.ti
4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
Pullman Sleeping Cars
Elegant DininICars
rouris'SSIeeoinff Cari
To St. Paul, ARnneapolis, DalJth, tt ,
' irand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg
Helena and Butte.
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelpbu, N
York, Uoston, and an rompj
East and South t
flFor information, time cards, Jmip8
tickets, call on or write (
265 Coimercial srreet, ''Mfm, Ut
A. D. Charlton, Asst. o'l'lP"
Morrison st.. mrnerlThlrd Portb'vljf'
North 3
lv. Portland ar.
ar. Salem lv.
10:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping cars attached to all
through trains.
Easte n R. K. Compiny
-Connecting ut Vaqum r b,A
rrancisco & Yaquin 1 Bay SieamJi-p Co.,
ails from YaaulM every f dy
..:,. rn. ltiv. Port Of WW. '"
10 cents
.5 to 10 cents
Shirts, plain
nnier d.r?wers
X"X.V JZ S ,0 locents
SSfflffi. ;;:;;;; 3-.s
u;n. 1 ji ..2 cent
.j. iiaimKcrcnieis 3 cents
-n?!Slte and F'!low sliPs 4 cen" P dozen,
and other work in proportion.
Hannels andlothcr worlr in
teliigentiy washed by hand.
01. j. Ulmsted Prop,
Between Portland and Corvallii, daily (ex-
bcjJi ouuuay. j
3i I from Yaaulna
Pranriseo COOS ltiy. Port
and iiumDoii u.
7:30 a.m. I Lv.
igiSpm. I Ar.
Ar. j 6:20
Lv 1l:3S
6;2o p. m.
p. m.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Contral & Eastern Railroad,
Exjrcss train daily except Sunday,
$100 worth for 10c.
IUMt IMKUi ibSi"cftrU SSeill
r:5 p. m. f
Lv. Portland Ar. I
Ar. McMlnvilleLT
8r25 a. m,
5:50 a.m.
to points in the Eastern States, Canada
ana furupe can lie obtained at lowest ratei
fnm. W W. SKINNER. Agent, Salem.
C P. ROGERS. Ast. 1. r.&P.A.,
. Portland, Or.
R. Ki.KIILEU Manajcr.
- -I
-.im..klt ons unsan---
Shortest route between the WIHw
and California. v ,,, m
Fare from Albany or p" '
Francisco: Cabin, w; ,?t" , i4 ui '
Bay and I'ort Orford, cabu. $6, i 8
bathing absolutely safe. banti , i
tot tn sc woiH '- " ,. reiart w"
fishing with aautic jior . k t
equal. Deer, Wk. co g abuftJjJU(
ana saimon ii"i --. f h. m.
within a few hour d.ive of 'h-w
&-Reduced wwt w f Pr, Or
Eim'IN STONE, M-JU4 '; '
I. C. MAYO, Supt. K I U,iD