f 3 T-TW WWU ST -Official Ballot on The Poiir. SeJsrof .Presidential Elec tors id Oregon. The oillciiil Aiistnilhinjrnllot- for Qrctfonj tpjw. voted on Tuesday, Nm; 3, Is printed below. The law requires the voter to'inarlTwIUi a Vro-four nnines of electors, the official ballot, wlilcii lie win receive at the polling booth from the election offlclals. TheiroUrjelocuiM wiio-reprcaciit William Jennings Bryan ,ltXebraskii for "president and Indcp6iulent Ameilcan Bimetallism as uir financial policy are marked with a cross on the ticket below for guidance only. The McKInley and Ilobart electors also claim to be Blmetalhsts, to le brought about by international agreement with European nations. The gold standard (National) Democratic elcctonyalso claim to be Bom WJHtlC. THE OFFICIAL. BALLOT FOR OREGON. it..., ir-irri-mn It. Ktncaia, secretary of state or the sr,:it,o nf nmm.n I. . '.irt.'.c i ii-it. tin following is a correct list of all the candldntp fur m,.nj t,! Ei! filled by the electors of the state-at larue whose certificates and accept incfr, of nomination have been duly Hied with the secretary of state of She next general election, nuu truo buttumuiib or. uie names, residences r . . . ii.i...,i rlnulirtinttrinu nf nunli (iinmriHtna na rnnnti.,,,1 i, 1 i... h iced on the olllclal ballots, for tlie ceneral election to be held In the Eate of Oregon on the Tuesaav nextaiter me utst Monday In November, V. D. IS'JU.lO'Wlt. OH luusuuj, "-'""" .., auuu. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For nresident of the United States William McKinley, of Ohio. i-or vice-president of the United States. ...J. G. Hobart, of, New Jersey. E For electors of president, and .vice- president: f lolm F. Capies, of I'ortiana; 'jiunnomaircounty -. ;. Republican. T. (Jeer, oi mcicajr(iiiunuii chuhh) j uepuuncan. !l. Smith. of Hood River, Wasco county W.. Republican. M. Yoran, oi .cugene, u.tue county uepuulican. UUVAN UNION BIMETALLIC TICKET. Merit of the people in Hood's BarBaparhU. If a medicine cures you when sick; if It makes wonderiai cures everywhere, then beyonl " question that mediclneposaesses merit. Made That is Just the truth about Hood's Bar- "; W kDOW lt P08808" merit because it cures, not once or twice or a ttd'oW & khn0nwM?fda BDd Hood's Sarsaparilla Isthebest-lnfacttheOneTruaaioodPuriner. Hood's Pfffc ?""!nausea. 'ndlgestlon, IUWU .- I-I I S lllllOlHriMl. Olnon.. A MODEL PLATFORM. ..W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska. .t. is. watson. of Georgia. , . .. ll.A.TTnU...l CtntnL' or presiuent ui hiu u u uiuwo. . . Bir iVICe-prCSIUlSUl; ui niu uuiku okiicj For electors oi presiuent uiiu vicc-presiaenu N. L. Butler, of "Monmouth, Polk e.. Peoples, Democratic, Sliver Rep. E. llnfer, of Salem, Marion county,Peoples, Democrat ic.Silver Republican W. II. Spaugli, of HarrisbUrg, Linn co., Peoples, Democratic, Sliver Rep. Harry Watklns, of McMinnville, Yamhill county, Peoples, Democratic Silver Republican. PROHIBITION TICKET. Fnr electors of president and vice-president: JSowerntan, of Salenl, Marlon county Prohibition. I. Ilr irlit. of Wasco. Sherman county Prohibition. MIe Hutler, of The Dalles, Wasco county Prohibition. Ji, lleskins, of SprlngorooK, lainiiiii county Prohibition. COLDi STANDARD DEMOCRATIC TICKET. r president of the United States : John McAuley Palmer. vice piesioent or too u in tea amies niiiiuu uouver uucKner. For electors of president and vice-president: H 15. Cox, of Portland, Multnomah county National Democratic. Ixander M. Holmes, of McUoy, Polk county National Democratic. ink A. Seufert, ofSeufert, Oregon.., National Democratic. rils J. Trenchard, of Astoria, (Jlatsop county National Democratic. 3J"Yoters: Cut out the above sample ballot, study the names carefully, I sliow it to other voters, that no one be deceived in this election. THE UNION CAMPAIGN. j and Appointments for Bryan Meet ing?. le iiryau Union campaign com- itee announces the following dates appointments for speakers in tlii fiuiity committees and local chair- siioulu make arrangements, tor ! meetings and communli-nic witli utate central committee, composed I'Hiii U. Younir. M. A. M cram Ink Y. Drake, rooms 403. 0 and 7. Iinberof Commerce. I'm'tlai'id.- L. h. m'mahan. Bits Pass, Thursday, October 22. b urn, l'Tiaay, October 2.J. Be Hock. Saturday. October 24. Iffinl, Monday, October 2(5. is-unvme, Tuesday, October 27. nix. Wednesday. October 28. , iu, rnursdUVi October '. h. c. uaker ana j: ld. matlogk. pni-e, Saturday, Oct. 10, at 2 p. in. I of Tide. Oct. 12. at 2 n."niA Bilre, Tuesday. Oct'. 13. nt 2 n. m. Ira, Wed. Oct. 14, at 2 p. ni. imieiu, -.luu. oct. 15, at a p. in. iom, I'Tiaay, oct. lis, at 2 p. in. SYLVESTER PENNOYER. ny, Thursday, Oct. 22. ne, Friday. Oct. 23. burg, Saturday, Oct. 21. HON. w. t. liinnnn. K Grove, Thursday, Oct 22. Oct. 23 at lpm; Sprintrwater ItOUf land, Oct. 24 at 1 p m: Beaver ek at 7:30. ftnt Hill. Oct. 2 nt, 1 n ni! Union 1:30. --. - Pbuiir. Ocl. 27 at. 1 ti in; Mnlinn. :30. l -,- e View, Thursday, Oct 29. w, Friday, Oct. 30. f n, aturday, Oct 31. lp. Friday, Oct. 23 at 2. iu, Saturday, Oct 24 at 7:30. ! Monrlnv. flnt. n IWa county, Tuesday, Oct 27. Iblawmnty, Wednesday. Oct 28. i iuursuay, oct z. to, Friday. Oct 30. nKton county. Saturday, Oct 31. ny, .Monday, iNnv. z. W. .1. n'Aimv pur:, Tluirsday. October 22. E"e. Fridav. Ouintar 23. IIIV. Sntllrrfni. nili.hn. OI Pills, Monday, OcUiber 20. "i i-'icsuay, octooer V.1 W C tV.Wfidnclnv rii-tnlvip fS. '"id, Thursday, October 20. T'a, I riday, October 30. 'e are all dates now Hxed. Com- w" arrange afternoon and 'ueetlnus if desired. Jnint E"ns acceptable unlesj local lefcf arranges otherwise. You Can Be Well ur blood is pure, rich and l"'B for nervm and mnlft. ""I ! the Vlllll lllllil unrl vulioti pr, thin unrl imn.i,' ...c Ulliri.r VOII will full n vlnMni En l"lianes exnosnrp. iimvnr- Peep your blood nure with .rsaparilla and be well. , J'H digestion, curqflieadjiche. SrATE of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County k Fka.NK J. ClII'.MiV make oath that lie U tlie benior partner of the firm t,l K.J. Ciienky & Co., iloing business in the city of Toledo, county and Mate afoaid, an J tlnit said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDUliD UOL. LARS for euch and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cund by the us of Hall's Catarrh Curk. Sworn to before m and subscribed in my presence, llui. tuli iU if December, A. D. 1S96. A. W. Gl.KAios, I Seal. ! Notary I'ub.ic, ' 'Hall's Catarrh Cure i, tAen interna!l ind acts directly on the blood and mucud mil face, of the system. Send fur lesiunoniaU free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. tSSold by Druggists, Don't go East Until you have hceu tlie undersigned, who can quote you the lowest rates furnish you your through tickets, sleeping car beiths, and arrange for a pleasant trip via tlie Union Pacitic system, lloise it Barker, agents, Salem. Or. 10 15 4w Adopted by the Democrats In National Convention. The following iuiic full and com plctc platform as adopted by the National Democratic conventien: We, the Democrats of the United States in national convention assemb led, do reallirm our allegiance to those great essential principles of justice and liberty upon which our Institu tions are founded, and which the uemucniuc party uas advocated from .Jefferson's time to our own freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free dom of conscience, the preservation of personal richts. tho pmmiit.v nt nit citizens before tlie law, and the faith- miooservance or constitutional limi tations. During all these years the Demo cratic party litis resisted tlie tendency of selllsh Interests to the centraliz ation of governmental power, and steadfastly maintained the integrity Of the dual scllumu of irovi'minont established by the founders of this republic of remib he. Under its iruiuance and teachings the great principle of local self-government has found its best expression in the main tenance of the rights of the states and in its nsseitlou of the necessity of confining the general government to the exercise of powers granted by the constitution of tlie United States. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. The constitution of the United States guarantees to every citizen the rights of civil and religious liberty. The democratic party has always been the exponent of political liberty and religious rreedom and it renews its obligat ions and reaflrms its devotion to these fundamental principles of the constitution. r 1 finance. Recognizing that the money ques tion is paramount to all others at tills time, we invite attention to the fact that tho popstitutlun names silver and gold together ns the money metals of the United States, and that tlie first coinage law passed by congress under the constitution made the sil ver dollar tlie money unit, and ad mitted gold to free coinage at a ratio bused upon tlie silver dollar unit. We declare that the act of 1873 de monetizing silver without the knowl edge or approval of the American peo ple has resulted in the appreciation of gold, and a corresponding fall In the pi ice of commodities produced by tlie peeplt'i a heavy increase in the burden of taxation and of all debts, public and private; the enrichment of the money lending class at nome and abroiid, tlie prostration of indnstry, and Impoverishment of tlie people. We are unalterably opposed to mon ometallism, which has locked fast tho jria in 1 1 iii itiKwwi in j ,Ion, and that taxation should be I ni I ted by the needs of tlie govern ment honestly and economically ad ministrated. Wc denounce as dlstuibing to busi ness the Republican threat to restore the McKinley law, which has twice been condemned by the people in na tional elections, and which, enacted under the false plea of protection to homo Industry, proved a proline breeder of trusts and monopolies, en riched the few by the expense of the many, restricted trade, and deprived the producers of the great American staples of access to their natural markets. INCOME TAX. Uhtll the money question is settled we arc opposed to any agitation for 1111 thur changes In our tariff laws, ex cept such as are necessary to meet tile deficit in revenue caused by the ad verse decision of the supreme court on tlie income tax. But for tills decision by tho supreme court, there would be no deficit In the rovenuo under the law passed by a Democratic congress in strict pursuance of tho uniform deci sions of that court for 100 years, that court having In that decision sus tained constitutional objections to its euactment which had preciously been overruled by the ablest Judges who have over sat on the bench. Wo de clare that it is the duty of congress Ui use all tlie constitutional power which remains after that decision, or which may come from Its reversal by the court as It may hereafter be consti tuted, so that the burdens of taxation may be equally and impartially laid, to the end that wealth may bear Its due proportion of tho expense of tlie government. LABOR. We hold that the most elilcicnt way of protecting American labor Is to prevent tlie Importation of foreign pauper labor to compete with It in the home market, and that the value of the home market to our American farmers and artisans is irreatlv reduced by a vicious monetary system which depresses the prices of their products below the cost of production, and thus deprives them of the means of pur chasing tlie products of our home manufactories, and, as labor creates the wealth of thecodntry, we demand the passage of such laws as may be necessary to protect Itln all Its righto. Wc are in favor of the arbitration ofdilTcreuces between employers en gaged in interstarc commerce and their employes, and recommend such legislation as is necessary to carry out this principle. Tlie absorption of wealth by the few, the consolidation of our leading railroad systems, and the formation of trust and pools require a stlcter control by tho federal government of those arteries of commerce. Wo de mand the enlargement of the powers ot the interstate commerce commiss ion and such and such restrictions and and guarantees in in the control of railroads -as will protect tho people from robbery and oppression, aston-nm iviinu. jtrjri-.-.trtj jh.i n. , . igrry,. . BRRBBRBnHSHtHMJMaKammmmmmmrTvnmmfm Off SrtffMtiti'ii n wi'imiwmiiimitqnwtinHiimiiitirtir?-B 1 nnn iiiffPSmpwi in iwnffif I !,wraY . Mj Ifac-simile ' '''iii iii. 1 1 1 1 fr- H AvcKciaDicrreparaiioaiorAS- ay olUlNViUKli simtiaungincroodarKiKcCula- m luigtrSlcjnachsandBovebQT m OP I -J g-'l' 1 n I I I !,. H I PromotesT)ipcslIon.ChccrfAil- MX' f&CCJCc4 ncssnndItest.Conlalnsndlrtcr 9' Not Nauc otic. I ib UIf LH;B Vniyifaff Sent" H Mx.Smrtm - flj Anin Srtft H Jmmint . H I lint Set J - K ApcrrccUlcmcdyforConstipa- fltffc AHjiM M lion, Sour Stonuch, Diarrhoea, II II II OTil ll I M Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- If 1 II I IIIJ III ncss and Loss or SLEEP. ijilfblfm I Il'llllii Tac Simile Signature of S m0 m II. Iff jr I '' NEW YORK. f ojfe.v "g J WRAPPER OF EYERT BOTTLE OF Almost O e d j sSi u U'WViP' ' i w ID YOC nvnr. uif..- f-oa real net vousdwh? '.Vhn u.iy serve teemed ,n niiivi-r wir. ti Dffl'ul.ar, creopy focllne. flt In ono pfctge. und thca another end oil 6ccmeU Cnr.il to nuieflutrate In a Vrltbins jumblo in tho brain. nd you be como Irritable, irotfa! and jerUhj to M lollowDd by an Irapotent. wauKcqcd pm.l t!o:uo(tlio nervo centers, rlnflug la tan baaiid sleeploss. mbcreblo nlfbts J itrs. tuyeuo omii.'k 110 Slmonton St.. Elk hart, Ind., says: "Ner vous troubles bad made me nearly insane and physicians were unable to help me. My memory every nttie wum nimnst distracted. i Dr. miles' Nervine Restores Health was almost pone uu 11 nA .mill T voa r 3" " r" rrr " . wnmlne a maniac Imagined all sorts of vll tblnfs and vrouid cry over nothlnc I commence ttklns Vt. Miles' Restorative Nervine and four tatttei of thU wonderful remedy completely cure4 ma acd I am as well nqw as I ever was. Dr. Miles' Nervlnd is.sold-on & totbotUowlll benefit or money refunded. rwwncrlty of an industrial people in paralysis of hard times, Gold mono mi'talli.Mii is a British policy, and its adoption has brought other nations into financial servitude to London. It is not only un-American, but anti American, and it can bo fastened on the United States only by the stlfllnj,' of that spirit and love of liberty which proclaimed our political Inde pendence In 1770 and won In the war or tnc revolution, i i FltEE COINAUE. Wo demand the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 10 to 1, without waiting for tlie aid or consent of any other nation. Wc demand that the standard silver dollar shall be a full legal tender, equally with gold, for all debts, public and private, and we favor such legislation as will prevent for tho future the demonetization of any kind of legal tender money by private contract. BONDS. We are opposed to the policy and practice of surrendering to the hold ers of the obligations, of the united States, tlie option reserved by law to the government of redeeming such ob ligations in eitiier silver coin or gold coin. ... -. We are opposed to the issuing of interest-bearing bonds of tlie United atntr.a in Mum nf nn.icc. and condemn the trafficking with banking syndi- .nioa wiilnli. In exchange for oonus nnrint. nn enormous profit to them selves, supply the federal treasury with gold to maintain the policy of gold monometallism. ISSUE OF MONEY. Congress alone has the power to coin and Issue money, and rrerldent Jackson declared that tills power could not be delegated to corporations (,r Individuals. We therefore de nounce the Issuance of notes Intended to circulate as money by national banks as In derogation of the consti tution, and we demand that all paper which is made a legal tender for public and private debts or which Ij cccivable fur duties to tho United states shall ne ue issueu uy me kuv I'liiment of the Uulted States and tluill be redeemable in coin. TAicira We hold that tariff duties should be eviwl for purno"' of revenue, such du tie ti be i lidjuctftd as to operate eouully throughout, the country ana no illMiilinlnJite between class or sec TAXATION. nWo denounce the profligate waste of the money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation and the lavish appropriations of recent Republican congresses, which have kept taxes high while the labor that pays them Is unemployed, and tho products of tho people's toll nrc depressed in price till they no longer repay the cost of pr6duction. We demand a return to that sim plicity and economy which benctits a Democratic government and a reduc tion in tlie number of useless offices, the salaries of which drain tlie sub stance of the people. FEDERAL INTEKFEUENCE. EJWe denounce nrbltrary Interferences y federal authorities In local affairs as a violation of the constitution of the UnltedStatcs and a crime against free institutions, and we especially object to government by Injunction as a new and highly dangerous form of oppression, by which federal Judges in contempt or tnc laws oitue scales and rights of citizens, become at once legislators, ludces. and executioners. and wc approvo tlie bill passed nt the last session of tho United StatC3 sen ate, and now pending In tho house of representatives, relative to contempts in federal courts and providing for trials by Jury in certain cases of con tempt. ANTI-FUNDINO. JSo discrimination should bo In dulged by the government of tho Uni ted States In favor of any Of Its debt- I I exact copy or wrapped, 3 E9IH9i Oailorlt la fat tip in ooe-ibs bottles only. It is Dot told la bnlk. Don't 11nw nni-rm. a .11 yonanythlny elis on th ploa or promlis list it is J nit as good" and "will answer etery par. pote." 5T- Bos tbt 70U t O-A-B-T-O-E-I-Ai Tit o ,M Vh,, .T Ues W"l-rftiTrv' Trr wrjjpir. ircTTrf7if, ef 10- T0-BA& GUARANTEED VOBACCO HABIT cure m tirer mip,H)iaj tpM.a.000 eurs proro Its power to dettrov thedoslra tor iobaoco In hut I?!.' S-'l.a ". roalct norru-rood la tho world. Manr nam 10 rxiumli In 10 dura and It aii.iuiuiiiiiiuawvaKimpnu.'niuianairoDir.Tlirorouiand mainet o. Jnit trr , bar. Von wlllhn a. and It neroi iAtitn t. :ti ti.n. l.miAiB M i Mgha.oi55wuToraii tt'ASPflilyfS0?'0 awrtj" wrl tton puarauteo aud tcvtLA vuiUDtifvrflsir ivrnt wbro. Bend lor onr booklet 'lkirrtTnhfi-rt w sample AdCrouTllCbXJUUrilMU r!iT'i?av?'K wo uy.or QSn L olnialr yuarantoou by drutraliu eyorr- D. J. FRY, Agent, - Salem, Oregon. && A good, healthy wholesornenesa will make even a homely face attractive. There are, many reasons why women aliould take care to be healtliy. One very strong reason is that beauty and illness are very seldom found together. Illness and especially the kind peculiar to women makes the complexion bad, the eyes dull and sunken, the manner listless and the intellect dull. No woman in this condition can be at tractive to her friends, personal ap pearance counts for much, but comfort amounts to even more. What's the good of living If one cannot enjoy anything? If headaches and backaches and drag ging weariness and pain accompany even slight fatigue? If the system Is constantly subjected to a debilitating drain, where is the energy to come from to make enjoyment possible? Personal comfort and a consideration for the feeling of others are two of the incentives to an effort to secure health. If tlie illness is in any way connected with the purely feminine organism (and the chances are ten to one that it is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure it. Dr. Pierce has used the " Prescription " In his practice for thirty years with un broken success. A large book (loco pages and 300 illustrations) written by him entitled "The People's Medical Adviser" will b sent ausoujtiu.v puna on receipt of 21 cents In one-cent stamps to pay postage and wrapping only. Address World's Dispi:n3auv MliDlCAX, Association, Buffalo, N. V. ors. wo approve of the refusal of tho Pacific rnilroad funding bill, and de nounce tho efforts of tho present Re publican congress to enact a similar measure. PENSIONS. Itecotinlzlmr the lust claims of de serving union soldiers we heartily en dorse tho rule or tlie present commis sioner of pensions that no names shall be arbitrarily dropped from tho pen slon roll; and tho fact of onlistniont and servico Bhonld bo doomed con clusive evidence against disease and disability before enlistment. TEItniTOKIES. Wc favor the admission of the ter ritories of New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma into tho United States, and we favor the early admission of all the territories haying tho neces sary population and resources to en title them to statehood, and whtlo they remain territories, wo hold that the officials appointed' to administer tho government of any territory to gether with tho District of Columbia and Alaska, should be bona fide resi dents of the territory or district In which the dut es are to bo performed. Tho Democratic party believes in homo rule and that all public lands of the United States should bo appro priated to tlie establishment of free homes for American citizens. Wc recommend that the territory of Alaska bo granted a delegate In con gress, and that the general land and tlmberlawsof the United States bo extended td said territory. MONROE DOOTIUNE. The Monroe doctrine Is originally declared, and as Interpreted by suceed ing presidents, is a permanent part of the foreign policy of tlie United States, and must atall times bo main tained CUHA. CjWc extend our sympathy to tho people of Cuba in their heroic strug gle for liberty and Independence. THIRD TERM. Wc are opposed to llfo tenure In the public service. Wo favor appoint ments based upon merit, Hxed term of ofllcc, and sacli nn administration of the civil service laws as will afford equal opportunities to ull citizens of ascertained fitness. Wo declare lt to be the unwritten law of this republic, established by custom and usage of one hundred years nnd sanctioned by the examples of the greatest and wisest of those who founded and liavo maintained our government, that no man should be eligible for a third term In tlie presidential olllce. WATERWAYS. The federal gu 'eminent should caro for and Improve the Mississippi river and other great waterways of the re public, so us to secure for tlie Interior states easy and cheap transportation to tidewater. When any waterway of the republic is of sulllclent Import ance to demand aid of the govern ment such aid should bo extended up on a definite plan of continuous work until pcrmunent Improvement la secured. Confiding In the Justice of our cause and tho necessity of Its vuecess at the polls, wo submit the foregoing declar ations of principles and purposes to the considerable Judgment of the American people. We Invite tho sup port of all citizens who upprove them and who desire to have them made effective through legislation for the relief of the people and tho restoration of the country's prosperity. Chicago, Milwaukee, & Si. Paul Ry., sspssF5 ; 1 MlNNEBOTAjNsO J& 'M ji o w a r f$ For Do'lcacy, for purity, and for Improvement of tbo com plexion UOtlilnr WIllU VotlOXl't i'OWDK. tf GLANCE AT THIS MAP. Of the Chicago, Nfifwaukee ami .St.Bl'aui Railway and note its connection with all transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha, and remember when going east that its trt1 04 ate lighted with electricity and heated bv steam. Its equipment is Jsuperb. Elegant Bullet, library, smoking and sleeping cars, with freo reclining chairs. Each sleeping car 'rithlmi an electric reading lamp, and its dining cars are the best In the world, Qther lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above lux urious accommodation!. Thete are sufficient reawns for ihe popularity of "Tbo Milwau kec." Coupon ticket agents In evtty rail, road office will give yon further Information, or address C. T.EDDY. General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Trav. IHss. Agent. Portland If people HM9 only knew how mnch tlmo they would save and , how much more they irould enjoy tho trip If their tickets to O. nuha, St. Joseph, Kansas City or St. Louis read via tho liurllngton ltoute, our trains would bo crowd ed In place of being comfortably filled. Tickets, time-tables, and full Information on application to tho nearest ticket agent or by addressing A.C.SHELDON, O.A., Portland, Or. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLBTS lOSITIVEL CTJUE ALT. Jfrrrouj Xjmmm Killing Mm orr.Inil'OUBer.HlMpUMMM.cU.CMiw,! br AUuui1otur Kimmm sad laillt cirtioiu, Thm Quickly atul luftiu Uir Mt Vltallfr In old or loan . tntl 111 tnmn fur Mnilr,baliwM or murUtf. 'rnnt JOMpltr suit CantumMlaa it t. SUMir um ftbovs in UL. a In tin. ma. Tlilr iim tliovt ImmodiAU lniror mtnl tad 0cU 11 CUIUS wbtn all qthera laiLln. K' t awm liana Ut tanulas AJax TabJata. Tbaj cured tbouModituil will euro 70a.. Wa elf a a 7&3rm89"&:. lAor I rial oo ItlmrUnU, .. aMc Tho Rosy FroshnosB And a valretjr aoltocaa of the skin Is luyav- risbly oMalned by thoaa who dm FossoMVa uompienon lowuer. flxOfohALi? Jtiu fc-JAiirrJy, icv it htii RiARY 0.-5!. u SALEM. Orccon. ' . Sept. I, I8q6. Seated monacal will h rr;.t - .1 :. bflTce. until noon, Novemlr 2. 1806, to Intn ...; inuniiiKariicies lot wie alc l Ole gon for the mcof the 19th UiencUl Session l the Legidatire Assemblyr " " 35 reams legal mP 14 lbsA No. 7 ruling white laid. Jauf. Cliorter Oibnr i.ni,i, i:. or other good paper. 30 reams first class Congress note, or other Reed paper, 7-pound,t No. 7 ruling, while lata, ' so reams letter paper, la lb No. 7 ruling white laid, Carew, Charier Oak, or Scotch linen, or other good paper. , - ,1 71 20 reann bf typewriter, letter size, Paiacon tetter wove No. 3 or other goodpaper. ao reams typewriter, legal sire, l'aragon, letter wove No. 3, or other good paper. 6 reams typewriter, legal site, l'aragon, letter wove No. I y or other gooJ paper. 6 boxes Little's Satin finish carbon, blue, site 8 x ioVy 6 boxes Little's Satin finish carton, blue, size Six. 13.,- , , , - 10.000 No. 6 1.2 envelopes, 60 lb?. "No I, rag XXX. 2 Oross railroad steel Dens. No. o. 20 Gross Gillott's steel pens, No. 404.' 'i ' 4 Gross Gillott's steel pens, No. 303. 8 Gross Esterbrook "J" pens 6 Gross Falcon steel pens, No. 04S. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co. 'a Prolate strcl pens No. 313. .' . 'r,. 0 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s ludcc's Ouill Steel penk No. 312. - Vi 6Gioss Eiterbrook 5c Co.'s Chancellor steel pen No 239. 6 Gross London Incandescent, M. Jacob's No. 4. A ' of . 2 Dozen Sanford's Cardinal led ink, pints. 5 Gross) pen holders, black enamel, large, 10 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's Inkstands! No. 558. 4 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstands, N-5Ji4- . . ..... ... 10 uozen l'eek, Slow & Wilcox's Inkstandr. J. 420. 12 Dozen Ivory folders, 9-inch standard. , 4 Dozen Ivory folders, lo-inch Conprcss. v 4 Dozen mucilage cups. No. 8, Morgan's patent. 10 Dozen mucilace stands, reservoir. No. 6. Morgan's patent. . 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting-paper,', or other good paper, 140 lbs. assorted.cglors. a Gross No. a 'Eagle recordcrlead pencils, style 660. 5 Dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts. a i-a Dozen Stafford's writing fluid, quarts. IS Dozen gummed stub files, No. 21,11 x'15 inches, 500 pages. 4 Dozen Duplex cupboard letter clips, legal 20 Dozen Duplex cupboard letter clips. 13 Dozen Eaber's rubber 'rulers, udnch flat. IS Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18J149, bone. M3 Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18,149, ebony. " " 70 boxes Fiber's No. 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes. 5 Gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, hexa. gon, gilt. ' 12 Gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, round, gilt. 20 Dozen Faber's patent Ink and pencil rubber erasers, mammoth. 3,000 McGlll's patent paper fasteneis.No. 2 flat head. 3,000 McGlll's patent paper faslcners.No. a ound heads, whl c 3,000 McGlll's patent paper fasteners.No. 4, flat head, IS Dozen tablo pads to hold paper, 19x20 inches, strong leather tips, IS Dozen waste paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. 3 Dozen was'e paper baskets, small, No,! I, round. 29 lbs, hemp twine No. 2,1 4 Dozen Sanford's mucilage, quarts, bids should be marked "Proposals for Sta tionery." None but the best quality of goods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids is e served. All the above articles to be deliv red at Salem on or before Decembor iSi8oG, There being at the present time no money available for paying for the above supplies, blds'will only be accepted under the express condition, agreement and understanding that tho successful bidder will look to, and de pend upon the next legislature appropriating money 10 pay me claim, Very respectfully. II R. KINCA1L o-S-am Secretary of State. DPP POISOti A QrKCl jUF ondarrorTAiw llarr HLUOU 1-U1SOM Bermaaami cured In IB to 84 dars. You can bo treatooM bomo tor same price under same Euaraa-ty.lfrouprofertocomoherawowltrcoB-tract to narrallrnadf around hutalbllliKiid Boebsm, If wi tail to ems, Itrou baro uxan mer cury, iodide potaah, and still bars a?hes and pain, Muoous VatchM la mouth, Bore Tkrout l'lrnplei. Copper Colored Hpoti, Ulcers 00. any part of UioTiOdr.llnlrorKyebrowa tailllaf out. It Is tbU Hecoudary llLOOU VOISO we ejaarautee to cure. We soUelt tse uot obitl sale cases end cliollenro the) world for CBin we cannot cure. 'rnlsdlMua nasaliran baffled, tho skill of the most eminent physi cians. SO OO.OOO capital behind our uneonaw Uonalrruaranty. Absolute proora sent sealadoa) applu-Suon. AdgraiS COO KEJJKOV CO, Wl Mosoalo XoBiplc, CUlVAdO, ILL. J FASHIONS CHANGE BUT s POZZONFS Complexion A POWDER i HEMAN h AI.WATN THE HAKE. ! iV W ' ' The flneit, purest and most beautl- V V lylnir toilet powder erer made. It Is A r sootbliiK, healing, healthful and f 0 hamileasi and when rightly used t A r Juvlalblo. If you bare noror trlod f A A ft POZZONI'S ft A you do not know what an IBEAX f 'A VOHI'LKXIUN roWUKK U. A IT IS SOLD EVERYWHERE. A A A :9t5 ovaztir al uftdsri." IkUUkH ill llui Bon.aolMBoq , rema.lv fur lltmattlia-A 1i loft, Uprraalorrlio4i Wbllca. unnatural 0J cbarM, or aur iDdtmiua- iioo. irruaiitfu ur uit-rra 1 lubwi. Irntuu HtlKlth flon l( 111 1140 u wiu IrUttVUJCillUieitCO. urane. noii-Mirma,. .CUHtllAT1.0.aH "" " .v;.7L. . 11x0, Jir a UitiM. ilia. Oirtuljr "it ou rxjit. ii LlttWhQ VeVlLW A reined comsieiloa wust a Pool'a Vrf- eat, h proa aces a aoii anu Deauiuui sun, I i -tihxm