wwwwwwwwzmvwwwww&w & ft I YUEnnS i tTmmmx-Tna iw..s-s t 1 ?. a t i i s 6 2 "The North Pole made use of at last.' H Hf h Lwi P M IH b& Hhv te 4 4? vfcjr' PLU 1 S 8 Always at the front and wherever S "BATTLE AX" goes it is the g biggest thing in sight. It is as re- g a markable for its fine flavor and quality g as for its low price. A 10 cent piece g S of "BATTLE AX" is almost g g twice as large as a 10 cent piece of g any other equally good tobacco. Daily Capital Journal REV. HINES TALKS. Eloquent BY HOKECR. BROTHERS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1800. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. For Independent American Bimetallism and People's Government. For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS URYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President, THOMAS WATSON, of Georgia. OREGON UNION PKESIUENTIAr. ELECTORS, N. L. BUTLER. Polk County, Democratic. W. II. SPAUGII. Una County, Peoples. HARRY W ATKINS, Yamhill Co., Peoples. E. IIOFER, Marion Co., Silver Republican. THE SENATORSHIP. A prominent Portland lawyer in town yesterday, a Republican and Mitclicll man, declared tlmb ho did not bcllovo Mitchell could be elected, that lie was short now six or seven votes anions the gold crowd. "No silver man will bo found voting toclcct Mitchell,unlesslt Is Jonathan Bourne, of Multnotnath, who was Mitchell's manager, and is now handling the .Bryan forces of Multnomah county. The reliance of Senator Mitclicll will bo entirely on the gold standard Re publicans and a caucus of those forces will glvo him the nomination. Sena tor Daly, of Klamath and Lake, will bo asked by some of the gold Demo crats to vote for Mitchell In cabo of a closo shave. On a shaip light with tho lines drawn on silver and irold there arc 15 gold votes, 44 sliver votes, and a vacancy in Coos county to bo tilled at the coming election. If Ore gon goes for Bryan, I do not seo how members of tho legislature can regard it as anything but an Instruction to electa senator who will btand up for Independent American bimetallism, and if Mitchell again declares for that after tho McKlnley campaign, 1 don't seo why ho can't be elected." Words Delivered in Michi gan. Rev. Thomas Ilincs, rector of Holy Trinity church, Manistee, Mich., closed a sermon with these words: "Christ was cruci (led between two thieves, as though he was tho great est rascal of the three; uplifted be tween heaven and earth as though ho was not fit for cither world. So tho worlkngman has been crucified for years between two robbers of tho people The tarllT and the single gold standard. "When Christ was cruuilied, his murderers gambled for his clothing and divided It between them. So while labor is being crucified, Its murderers divide its clothing, as they gamble In tho necessities of life, rob the worklngman and his family of decent clothing and leave them In rags and tatters. "W. J. Bryan, the Christian gentle man, the honest man, tho American patriot, the redeemer of labor, the people's candidate for the presidency of theso United States, will be elected by i tho people; will overthrow the combined forces of the gold power, and restore to the people their long lost rights. May heaven bless and defend him, overthrow his enemies and help us all to do our duty. Vc want no crown of thorns nor cross of gold." I?) OR THE LABORER TAX- THK ; FRIEND?) PAVER AND By order of the Jim Loton-Portland Contingent or gold standard patriots M. L. Pipes, (judge) -by appointment, lsnovv out as a missionary- to the farmers. Jo vaccinate them wl.th the. Portland "sound money" virus ruth coinpelsius U say thiiujiWs a' clilfly source foK nourishment. It To this missionary of light belongs the sole distinction of being the only man in Oregon who ever decided that :: soul less corporation' (O. P. R. Co.) should erfempetcd from taxation state,coiinty school and municipal. From his out rageous misconstruction of the plain letter of ,-tho, . , ,statc constitution, in favor of Hogg and against the people. Benton and Marion county appealed to the su preme court of Oregon, which dourt reversed the Infamous decree of cor porate exemption from taxation unanimously. "Whereby the state, Benton, Linn, Lincoln and Marlon counties received $53,740,02. Judge BLACKWELL'S 1 WMMT uoo5KHB y iw w.iiuit. SEE? ffiffiKZi MBL B ESSMsm ii - 1 1 GENUINE Vtt 'I y"V V J DURHAM vWyjafo; VimsfcsE Yon will find one coupon Inilile cacli ttvo ounce bag, and two coupons tnlde ench four ounce lg of Black writ's Durham, nay a bag of tills celebrated tobacco and read tlis coupon which give a Hit of valuable pre enti and how to get tlicm. I C H. MACK. - DENTIST,- 1 F'vces'.orto Dr. J. M.JKccne, old White Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superior operations at moderate fees in any branch are in espcenu request. Depot Express. cage and express to all patts of the I'rompt seivice. telephone No. 70. Bag- Meets all masl and passenger trains. city. JAMES RADER. Pipes, is of course, a consistent minion of corporate power without being especially ITannaized, He has demonstrated this in two decisions. against tho people and state, In favor of Hogg's O. P. 11., which was a find of '$05,740.02 to that corporation. The reversal thereof by Justice Bean meant a neat sum to the people. On October 28th, 1890, the -self same Plbes, placed the same, (Hogg) as his trusted receiver of the O. P. R. Co, The right arm of the Court, its crea tion, whereby Pipes & Hogg, In the "operating process ' of tho rallioad from October 1890, to July 1892, piled up a debt, so called, of over 81.000,000 by which its own laborers got 5 cents of the dollar. Pennoyer appointed him to the shoes of Judge Bean, in 1890. The Governor, In speaking of that act, in the bitterness of his soul, In view .of those decisions and outrages on the laborer, sald:-"The appointment of Pipes is tho only act of my whole ex ecutive career, that I am absolutely aslmmed of. It was a simple out rage on the people." In Benton county his home, In 1892, while the ticket which carried his name, received a majority of over 150, he was snowed uudcr by 377, and fled his county within a month after his people passed on him. Ilarv.sy Scott has sand-papered Pipes and veneered Wallis Nash and they have each em erged as "sound money" men to evan gelize the common people. The peo ple of the valley are onto the mission aries of the Loton combine. Why not glye Sid Beck a dose of sheep dip and send out the reformers In crowds of threes. Pipes out teaching ''Sound money" is a poser and still he is to teach honest men how to vote. AMONG THE MAGAZINES. STATE NEWS. In 1895 the exports of American wheat amounted to 70,000,000 bushels and 15,000,000 barrels of Hour. George McOlurc was found guilty by a jury In Pendleton last week of au attempt to commit rape upon a Mrs. Fawcett There is moro than 10 to 1 in the election. Tho question whether a laboring man has the right to vote as Tho .news that tho Jacksonville Times has failed Is not true. ufci&r ms ww r mm era, jsy if Mm W i 52 CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Yutltns of Lost Manlioou tmouM wml at unco ior a hook tbut eipmluDliUV ?ii full umnly visor 1a Vein portion of the a Cftfctlv. nulcklv ami liviiuaiioQtiy rvutcron. No man alluring from wcahnrM con nf fcitl tolgnmutUb timely ndvlco. Hook tolls hov full etrcnuth. do t and tone are Imparted to .every u PV lie: fiitlv&t, rr V--.T. -;. ivj- .. "... .vrrts.i ,. . proU(eiliCUsrce tuU7uauuuaeiuiuawuu bod. &mt wltt The Bryan and McKlnley clubs of Florence will debate the financial question in that place next Saturday afternoon. General J. M. Slgllu died Sunday morning at 2:30 o'clock. Tho funeral took place on Wednesday, under the auspices of the Grand Army. Railroad Commissioner J. B. Eddy's annolntments In Doul'Ius rnmit.v he chooses and belloves to bo right is imVc wJsely been withdrawn by the at stake. If tho election Is lost to Mo Kin ley managers. Roseburg Re the common pcoploall Is lost, If Mc-vlow, Klnl'oy shall be elected imperial isirt ol ' Mr. A. J. Vox, of Albany, has in his the worst form will be In the saddle, ' possession 'n horse chestnut ho picked and the right of a laboring man to 41 'eurd A'0- F('r years ago he . ., , ... planted three after keeping them 37 earn an honest living will sleep with lyehniM all of them grew and Hour the things that were. ' Ished' ' , , . ) Tho J. & P. Coats thread company Another campaign bet in which ,, ,,nB..M ". J" 2J?g to all their patrons. It must bo that agKea to whecl nnother fellow in a they don't want any of the great mass wheel barrdw In the procession at tho of silver voters to use their thread, ratification if McKlnley is elected and The silver people tiro tho ones who vlco versa If Hryan Is'electcd.-Eugcne use tho most tliread(andhavo enriched, ' ' tho great robber trust that Is now try-' - ru,1B :ivo1' ,us hmx lloltlu,ff lug to force the "gold standard" down (;'nu'1 for J,lld0 E',kli f Unlon.whllo their throats. t,lc llltter "i13 uce. performing, a like i t service for the former at Pendleton Tho Republicans aroTow offering to "for 11 few days. Tho change was made bot.uot that Bryan will not bcelectcd, w account, of cases coming up at but that ho "will not bo thonexUPrlt- ""194? In wl"c JiulgcEjikln has been sident." Do they hopo to count hi ni i,iorcbieu as council. outy ov JTcaatXAi EME WWML M., lUFFALIiJ Ulti Sfff 5viHWia A . William Frazier Is Hi EBtorn O f ' ,- u H go., buying horses U be usel.thD tiwC&f . U,.Matrmv1j?lry-iA eW , The Thanksgiving number or "The Delineator," (New York and London,) is an ambitious publication with ten colored fashion plates. This house hold magane is In its 48th year and. aside from Its special field which it occupies to the great satisfaction of Hill who are acquainted with it, It has developed a reputation for a Hue of literary articles and short stories. "Our Animal Friends" contains the usual vvanety of matter about beasts, and birds, their humane and Intelli gent care. "Sothoron's Magazine" is a five cent venture that-makee a specialty of sbort stories and humor. It Is pub lished at Philadelphia and seems to be the product of a literary family. McClure's Magazine opens with a character sketch of Ian Maclaren, with portraits and pictures of Druin tochy. Miss Tarbell gives a Lincoln chapter on the famous Douglas de bates in Illinois. The scenes and crowds and excitement resemble the present campaign not a little, Inter views with Li Hung Chang. A poem by Kipling, a story by Anthony Hope, and other live matter comprise an un usually alive number of an alive mag azine. For the coming year is announced Kipling's "First American Serial," to be called "Captains Cour ageous.'" a study of Gloucester fisher men on the Grand Banks, a tale that Is to delight the hearts of the younger generations as well as the older. There is also to be a series of pictures of Now Testament scenes from photo graphs and sketches made by the edi tor In chief. A new name is that of Prof. II. J. W. Dam, now a dramatic writer for the London stage, who was a University of California student. He is to treat scientific subjects "On the Edge of the Future," as McClure's calls that vast field of enticing char acter under which it treats up-to-date and ahcad-of-the-tlmes matters. The six recognized leading Ameri can magazines, In point of sales, are now said to be the ' Century, Cosmo politan, Harper, McClure, Munsey and Scrlbner. The Current Litera ture Co., of New York, now proposo to place "Romance' in the above list. This printing house of great resources, both of art and literary workers, has now enlarged "Romance" to a beauti ful quarterly, with largo print and first-class Illustrations on hard paper, that makes It a quarto really worth preserving. Beginning with the Sep tember number the "Romance" is well worthy of saving for binding that can hardly be said for many of the periodicals published. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly continues its vast variety and popular features from cover to cover. Papers on the Lee family of tho South, on old INuremburg and on tho war In Cuba are all of special Interest, while the departments are maintained up to the usual high standard. The literary edltorof The Journal will bo glad to give anyone advice as to-the best combination of magazines to select for the year for a given sum, and will also be glad to answer any Inquiries to books, now or old, and the DRAIN NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES. Ida Miller, of Hayhurst, entered school this week. G. W. Johnson, of Coos county, was visiting school this week. He con templates entering school soon. Our Christian Association, led by Mrs. Barzee, last Friday, was one of the best nieetlngs we have had. The Excelsior Society met last Sat urday evening, nnd elected their cen sors and seargent-at-arms, who are as follows: Censors, Willie Jester, Rich ard Goln and Prof. Reynolds; so gcant-at-arms, John Patterson.1 The program for next. Saturday night is as follows: Song, by society; recitation, Susie Sawyer, extempo rary speech, Riohard Goln; reading, Lola Gardner; oration, on "Faint IHghwandcr;" Instiumeiital miuic, Conway Brothers; Gemma reading, WaltlnLoonle; lintnii:li. tilk, Pr)l W. N. PIntter; reading, Frank Fa cett; recitation, Wm. Sliced: 3..i', b society. Be Comfortable While Travelling In cool weather. The Union P.i ill system heats its trains tlitoiighout bj steam heat from the engine, thu maklng every part of all Its cars pleas ant and comfortable. It also lights its cars by the celebrated Piutsuh Light, making tiiem brilliant at night. Passengers carried daily on the Fast Mall, which leaves Portland at 7 p. in. For sleeping car reserva tions, tickets, or information, call on or address Boise & Barker, Agents, 15 12d 4 vf Salem, Or. if 1 Rally at Dallas, The common American people ex pect to hold a Bryan rally at Dallas, on Saturday, October 31. Ex-Governor Pennoyer and Elder Barkley are to be tho speakers. A rich treat Is in "store for all. Every one is invited to come. Speaking at 2 p. ni. and 7:30 p. in. Judge Crowell speaks at the Dallas city hall on October 24, at 7:30 p. in. Judge Crowell Is an old soldier and an excellent speaker. WOLZ'S UW C3TFREE DELIVERY. VVOLZ & MIESCKE Proos. Dealars in all kinds of fresh and silt meat 'lyFresh sausage a specialty. 171 COMMERCIAL ST "KINDERGARTEN." onUlco TO THE EAST GIVES 11IK OY- CIlniiE Two Transcontinental Route:. Mrs. C. M. rtfn in the on Septemlier 21. Oclo will re-oncn " . ! gnrtrn in the Congregational her kinder- church parlors 8 29 1 m Bush EYTO LOAN On farm land security. Special rates on large loans. Loans considered without delay HAMILTON H MOIR Bank building. MONEY TO LOAN! On city or farm property. Over Hush's Bank, T. K. FORD T- H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a sp-ialty of fine repair work, Sctb Thomas clock,, etc.. 215 Commercial Street C. H. LANE, HlllAffl'Alll! 211 Commercial "".Suits $15 upwards. st., Salem Or Pants upwands'TJ Capital Restaurant J tilt opened, next door to "Western saloon, 241 Commercial street. Best meal in the city for 15 cents and up wards. All new, neat and clean. AIL V, III LU UUIjl. RICHARDSON & OHM, Props. Home Bakery G. A. Back, proprietor, 327 Com mercial street. Fresh nies. cakes and "bread always on hand, "just like your mouier usea to inak-e." JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stock of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of rass seeds, SALEM WATER CO. Office: Willamette Hotel BuiLlinn For water service apply at office. Bill payable monthly in advance. Make a complaints at the office. There will be no deduction in water rate on account of temporary absence ftom th' city unless notico is left at the office. Hereafter wa'er for iirigatiou will only be furnished to regular consumers using watei for domeitic purpose. Contractors for side walks, brick work and plastering will please read "under building purposes" page 17 of schedule of rates for 1893. Apply at i fur copy. a.4..9,24l29sattft, Steame, Gypsv for ffi t DJVISIM. Sund.yat6aPf , ' PrlUnk H, exce, Steamer Ruth from rorthni i s 1 . except Sunday at 6 a m. l0 Salem.dady uwest .retght and passemrerr ip tickets verv r,L n?e." rip tickets very chcIpT 1 "M- jf" baEBage checked through toM ?U 1 charge 'for bagga u.fen & No roaor river rutfto Por,la'd Cho,wrf l- rm "i aetaiis cal on BoUt V n 1 agents, Salom, Oregon, or add "lr1t E, Or McNeill w wU.ff?".'"". For fall ;i.-:ft"lM 6. M. POWERS, Font nf TrAm .. """ Ucil A Kt' Through Tickets TO.THE EAS v Tl (VIA THE Ei.SI AND SOUTH -VIA- hasta Route. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO RENT. at this office. A largo, roonvy barn. Enquire If GET YOUR FEATHERS CLEANED.r We the undersigned are now renovating feathers at 186 Ferry street, for the next 30 days All Indies that consider cleanl'.ness next to Godliness should havn their feather beds throughly renovated at once. Ilodrock prices. Kespectfnlly jours, Franklin A ilaze. 10 13 ;m WANTED Two snare and one bass drum mers. Apply at Bryan headquarters. 11 8 if Ol THE Southern Pacific Co California Express Train Run da,7 between Portland and San Francisco. .8:50 p.m.) Lvr-Portland , Ar. (8:10 a. 1 1 :oop. m. Lv Salem,-. Ar. -8:oo a. 10:45 a.m ) Ar- S. Frisco Lv. (7roop. Above trains stop at East I'ortland. Oreeon City, Wo dbum, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jefierson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswll, Drain,! and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive, ROSEBURG MAIL DAILY. South North FOR RENT . II immlllnc. in .i .. bestedltlonsfrom rellablo publishers, pair with barn and giiod well water. With lj:0ua.ni. T),.i.ii., 1 1 i..! .i one and a half lots. 1'nnuin. nn.,:... I ij:20 ll.ni. j. uuuauuia iiiiYiiiir irii.n ruuiiiimips ni . . ." -- .-..- -. nbinis uu i j nnoiMComftnr nf n..h1lnnt.lnnR !H , 'W' and U.emekela, 106, m UAKfiii' I'Al'ER Larce lot of hrcwn wrapping paper for sale cheap the thing for puttinc; under carpets. 8:.'J0 a.m. announcements of publications and character of periodicals for 1897 will do well to send them to tills department. Sucklen's Arnica balvc, The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter.chapped hands.chilblains, corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satis faction or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by Fred A. Lens. Journal office. Iieavy us Call a SAlways FIRST I Gail Borden I Eagle Brand 3D .fl! ling lri QHUOL yiptUCftSCL? riL4V - 2 For $1 ytr the lading lrn Jt I th " Best nd tbt rout taaaoituaL. 5 A PERFECT FOOD POR INFANTS 2 )IHIMINIHIMMHMM Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut in prices u me iouowingl Shirts, plain locents Under drawers 51010 cents Undershirts cminm. Socks, per pair ' 3 cents Handkerchiefs ,.,,icem Silk handkerchiefs ".7.7.3 c-"ts Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannels andjfother work in telligently washed by hand. lol, J. Ulmsted Prop. lv. Portland ar. lv. Salem lv, ar. Iiosob'g lv. 4:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. SALEM PASSENGER. D South 4;00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. lv. Portland ar. ar. Salem lv. North a 10:15 a.m. 8:00 a.m. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE TULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS and eccond-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains. $100 worth for 10c. SmJ 1U...U for IlluttrttaJ took UtitDi ho. "ilii!!;,t,,u',,,'Mb"- OflUqaMII WEST SIDE DIVISION, Uetwcen Portland and Corvallis, dally (ex cept Sunday.) 12: isp m.f Ar, :f Portland. Corvallis. Ar. J 6:20 p. m. Lv 1 1135 p. m. At Albany snd Corvallis connect with Irams of Oregon Central 4fe Eastern Ra,ilrpad Esjiess train daily excej I Sunday 4:45 1- " 7S I', m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar. McMlnville Lv 8:25 a. m. 5:50 a. m. V.M HITU Ahum, , VX to ana fma K l THROUGH TICKETS 11 points in the Eastern States, Canada I urope can be obtained at lowest ratei W.W. SKINNER. Agent. Salem nwuuui). rvHi. m. r. tx i A.. Portland. Or. M.lilU.l-.K Alanaj i. 1 fP4 O.non Pacific Sysfooi I hrough PullmanPalace Sleepers. Touru Sleepers and Free. Reclining Clu' 'U between Portland to Chicago Our trains are hetted hv .tcui toi lighted by Pintsch light. 'lime to Chicago, 3 Li. Jays Tiine to New York, 4 1-2 davs. Which is many hours quicker than con. petitorg. For rates, time tablet and full"inlnrmi"ut apply to; BOIStJiiO BAJiKJUt,. ( AgeulM, nnitui. Ut, R..W BAXTER, ' C. E. DROWN. C.cneral Agent Dist, Pass. Agent 135 Third Street. Portland. Northern Pacific Railway. RUNS PuHman Sleeping Cars Elegant DininCars Touris SSIdeoinCaro To bt. Paul, Minneapolis, Ualath, cu , 'Jrand Forks, C'rookston, Winnipe.;, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, NVw York, Boston, and all PointsJ East -and South, JTJFor inrormatiou, time cards, Jmapsjaal tickets, call on or write ( THOMAS, WATT CQ. AGENTS, 265' Commercial srreet, Sahm, Or. SA. D.Charlton, Asst. Oen'l. LPm. 'A;. -;M6rrison st.. corner jThird Portlwd. Uj. OREGON ''CENTRAL .AND Eastern R, K. Company lYAQUINArrBAY ROUfE. -7, -Connecting ut Yaouina Bay wHliUjei. Francisco & Yaquina Bay Steamship Co. STEAMER "FARALIDN," Sails from Yaquina every 8 daw Jw Francisco. Coojllay, Port Orford, IrmrfW nr.1 Hnrnhnlt IllV. .1 Passenger accommodations .. """J Shortest route between the Willamette val7. and California. . i0Sii- Fare from Albany or pomU WJ The most popular seaside tm "fr North Pacific Co:..t. H.0 under bathing absolutely safe. nI Forth se wi.hing to rS"L fihing with aquatic sports. h Tt eqnaf Deerar. e k coug '; SdU. and salmon trout can b; louiul in o within a few hours' duveof ihe Wy rReduccd rates 10 all Kiinii rjliWlN STONE. .Manager, ' trvll.Mf- I" C ,MAYOSupllirl"v,,?; s. , nti iALUjVlWii' Auen..Al.hn Sl(cm. r I