Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 10, 1896, Image 1

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i ' i
Y0&. 8-
Hie Tide of Public Opinion is all Favor
able to Paine's Celery Compound,
"ongressman Bell, of Colorado, One of Those Recently
Restored to Health'by Paine's Celery Compound
There is Just now no luck of news
from the western states.
Public opinion In Colorado and Iowa
J :i promptly and accurately heard
Masfiotn any New England state.
I mm iill over the west come reports
that Paine's celery compound occupies
practically a clear Held In the cure of
diseases arising from a tired or other
wise Impaired nervous system.
o other remedy was ever used by so
piny men of sound and reliable Judg-
giuent. No remedy but Paine's celery
touipouna has ever been recommended
bysoconsplclously fair-minded a body
or men and women. The half-hearted
lexperlmental efforts of scores and
scores of sarsaparillas, tonics, and so-
piied nervines, with which the mar-
Fet ls constantly recruited, are in
Startling contrast with the confident
-because thoroughly scientific way
(a which Paine's celery compound sets
f uoui restoring health and vigor to the
orn out body.
"by will people be silly enough to
wpardise their llvos nnd iisn MipIt
paces of getting well by taking
fming else?
! fliere Is no help so sure and so Im-
"tuiate as one ?et.R frnm t.lin lien nt
nine's eelerv eornnoimrt. TAt.!iilpfl
Formation of innumerable cases of
pumatism, neuralgia and dyspepsia,
r-cieiy curecIi nas estabHshed this
Me remedy those run down in health
" make use of.
j Women whose stock nf nfirvntis
Rfgy was well nigh exhausted have
F'n restored to n invfni nnntnnti.ii
tjbti body and mind by this same
great nerve and brain restorative.
Paine's celery compound is the
greatest achievement in modern
medicine. It banishes weakness and
pain as surely as Its famous contem
porary, the electric light, dispels
Paine's celery compound 'frees the
body of vicious humors that cause
kidney and llyer-complaints. Only a
great remedy based on a deep knowl
edgoof these diseases could do the
work that Paine's celery compound is
now doing. Better nutrition for the
nervs.an awakened appetite, purified
blood and complete assimilation
these follow the conscientious use of
Paine's celery compound as surly as
day follows night.
If you are alarmed by a throbbing
of the heart, an irritable stomach, or
general debllity.be fair with yourself,
use the best means there Is, examine
what Paine's celery compound is
doing. It has cured an astonishing
number of men and women of Bright's
disease, rheumatism, neuralgia, heart
and liver trouble. No sutlerer can
pass lighty over the remarKablc record
that Paine's celery compound has to
show to every sick and ailing person.
Among the thousands of testlmo
ni.'ils i "Reived this year is one recently
sent by Congressman John C. Bell, of
Innini-Mrin. wiui sjivs he has used three
bottles of this best of all remedies for
dyspepsia and rheumatism, with the
most satisfactory results. Among the
testimonials received since January
there have been no less than sixteen
from congressmen from different
Ddtefria! Exposition
Portlands-Oregon. Sept 19 to Oct. 17,
oti f,gre,at resurce$of'the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture, Ilortic ilture. Fisheries,
fecomta ufa,ures, -transportation, Machinery, Trade and Commerce will be represented
tulii, ' qan ever before. y Mrand bana concert every riwrouuu . v h
Asrn,'CUoni eveI? ni?ht- Lowes? rates every made on all transf onation hues.
31' brtldffg. WD,mrCn ,0C' or CXWmt SpaCe PP,y " R a M&4W, Sec.
.-r"- 3fV-t J
Fading hotel oxt the city.
I -. . . . u. .11 n..kK lintldiniTK
1 Poinii iw " Management Jtocra.. Electric cars leave wxci wr mi f -
01 Merest Special rai will be mven to permanent patrons.
ij ,.
nil tf.Hn
NO, 25
Two Men Killed and Burried
in the Sand.
A Nebraska Bank Entirely Ruined
By Dynamite.
ISoisk, Ida., Oct. 10. A mysterious
double murder is reported in Bruneau
valley, Owhee county. Owing to the
isolation of the scene of the tragedy
the only details obtainable are as
Two unknown men riding gray
horses coming from Little valley to
Bruneau, Wyhce county, stopped and
had breakfast at Wycoahoney.
Shortly after their departure a cattle
man came to Bruneau and said that
he had found blood stains lalong
the side of of the road. A party was
made up and proceeded to the scene.
Following the trail, a human body
was found, face downward buried in
the sand. There was a bullet-holo
behind the left car and a shot In the
neck. Around the neck was a rope,
showing how be had been dragged to
his burial place.
W. M. Milligan hove in sight as the
man was being dragged across the
road. In order to avoid identification
the murderer killed Milligan and
buried him ten yards from his first
victim. A posse is scouring the
country for the murderer.
Robbers Caught.
EiiMETSuuita, la. Oct. 10 One
man is held at Hayelock, another at
Superior, suppoeed to bo the Sliel
burne bank robbers. Martin county
olllcers traced one to a point six mile
west of Emiuetsburg, who possibly
was the one now held at Ilavelock,
The Case of the Castles.
London, Oct. 10. Startling evi
dence, the Associated Press was
heard, will be offeied by tho police
when the case against the Castles is
called Tuesday. It Is practically cer
tain the public prosecutor will oppose
the release of the prisoners on bail.
Bkainehd, Neb., Oct. 10. The
Urainerd bank was practically de
molished by burglars, who attacked
the safo with dynamite Cashier
Smith engaged in a battle with tho
burclurs and drove them away. No
money was lost.
Arrested for Embezzelmcnt.
Corning. la.. Oct.. 10. C. L. Cole,
cashier of the national bank of this
city, has been arrested by a United
States marshal on a charge of embez
zlement. The bank was forced to sell
its business to tho First National
bank. The deficit Is $10,000.
Work of Incendiaries.
Corning, la., Oct. 10. Corning
was visited yesterday morning by tho
most disastrous lire In Its history.
Three Hundred thousand dollars
worth of property was destroyed. An
unknown maii was .burned to" death
in a box car. The city was generally
pillaged by robbers, who undoubtedly
6et the fire.
Unhealthful .Quarters Given .American
Havana, Oct., 10. Weyler la fool
ing Lee. The order prohibiting the
American consulgeneral f rom visiting
the military prison keeps him, from
personally investigating tho condition
of Americans Imprisoned there. He
lias to rely upon what Weyler tells
him. In their last Interview General
Lee complained of the unsanitary
condition of the cells American
prisoners were in. Weyler replied
"Oh, I have attended to tills matter.
They have been removed to cells Nets.
41 and 42."
General Lee retired flattered at his
supposed success, not knowing the
Americans have always occupied cells
Nos. 41 and 42.
Those cells, by the way, are gloomy
and so damp that water oozes from
the ceilings and trickles down the
walls, wetting the floor, which never
.Trios. In one of these wretched cells
are Melton, the American newspaper
man, and George Agulrrc, locked up
witli n man sulTcrlng from smallpox.
The disagreement between Weyler
and Lee continues, tho nrnvdjjtl
Americans suffe'rlng the consequences.
Thirty-Five Thousand Persons Rendered
Guayaquil, Ecuador, Oct. 10.
Three-fourths of this city was -reduced
to ashes by the tire which bc-
gan Monday at mtanignt anu raged
for 24 hours, sweeping everything Its
path. lb is estimated that a
financial loss to the city will rurfjTar
up into tho millions. Somu report it
as over $50,000,000. Many lives were
lost just how many It Is Impossible
to say as yet, and 35,000 persons are
Two thousand houses, including
every bank In the city, of which there
are live, the Bank of Ecuador, tho
Commercial, tho Agricultural, the
Territorial and the Hepotecarlo were
burned. The custom house, theater
and many public buildings were swept
away by the flames. Tills Includes
everything from Agulrre street to
Las Peuas, tho entire business por
tion of the city. Practically all the
grocery and provision stores wero
destroyed .and thousands of residents
homeless and hungry swarm the
streets and neighboring woods.
It Is impossible, from the present
food supply near and In Guayaquil, to
supply the sufferers, and until assist
ance reaches hero from other cities
In Equardor the suffering will 'be In
tense. Coming as it did at midnight
the fire destroyed many lives before
those who were asleep could be
warned of tho impoudlug dauger.
Scores are missing, and though It Is
Impossible to estimate tho number of
dead now, the figures will of necessity
be large.
Among the 35,000 homeless ones who
fill the streets, the suffering Is great.
Not only Is the food supply extremely
low; but the fresli water supply has
been exhausted, largely by the efforts
of the firemen to extinguish the
flames. Now that the fire la ont the
air is filled with a stifling dint of
cinders and ashes which adds greatly
to the suffering from thirst. The
fire started in a small dry goods store.
It Is believed, that this atoro was fired
by lnceficlaries. Tlie police have
made several arrests so fur, .and the
people are m wrougth up that numer
ous threats to lynch or burn the
prisoners at the .stake have been made.
Accidental Death.
Forest Ohcivj.), Or.t 9t. iQ,-TliW
morning Coroner C. L. Large was
called to investigate the, cause of the
deatli of Carl Victor Hansen, who
lived with his father. J. X Hansen,
about two miles west of this place, on
the David Stewart farm. The de
ceased left home yesterday morning,
to hunt some pheasants and was
away about one hour when his mother
heard the report of a gun. 'About one
hour afterwards the hunter's dog
came homc.but seemed anxious to re
turn. The dog led the way tj whero
the boy was found dead. Ho had
either stumbled over the dog or In
some way fell so that his gun was
discharged, the ball passing through
his head from right to left. The de
ceased was about 15 years old, and a
Walla' Walla's Fruit
Spokane, Wash., Oot. 10. Walla
Walla won the first prize of $250 for
the best exhibit at the fruit fair.
Whitman was second, and Lewlston
third. The admission to date aggre
gate 20,000.
Gone For Bryan.
Grand Rai'ius, Midi., Oct. 10.
Thomas Garfield, brother of ex-President
Garfield and lifelong Kepubllcan
has declared In favor of free silver.
" " Died.
ernor Levy Fuller is d.ied, aged GO
Beware of the Monkey. Warren
W1. Davis has learned by experience
that It Is not wise to 'monkey" with
a mo;ikcy. A few days since Mr.
Davis In passing through W. It.
Anderson's saloon thoughtlessly thurst
the lingers of his right hand between
the slats of a cage which contained
"Chippie," Old Bill Auderson'u well
known monkey. The monkey at once
siezed Mr. Davis' hand fccverely lacer
ating the two smallest fingers the
first Joint, almost removing the nails.
Mr. Davis still carries his hand band
aged and' 'Will continue to do so for
some time.
I Insane. Sheriff J. W. Hare today
f brought E. Erlckwn to the insane
asylum from Astoria.
The Democratic Leaders at
Red Hot Work From Now Until
Caicaoo, Oct, A conference Jof
the Democratic leaders was held to
day In Chairman Jones' olllce to make
final arrangements for the campaign
in Illinois. Among i those present
vero 'Senator Teller, Congressmen
Hartman, Montana; Towne, Minne
sota, and Governor Altgcld. It has
been definitely determued that all
formor Republican silver leaders will
stump the state during tho closing
week of tho campaign. Teller Is In
feeble health and will speak only
when health .permits. -The Repub
licans are no less active. It is esti
mated that 50 to 100 meetings will be
held cvory night,
Fargo, N. D., Oct. 10. At flvo
o'clock this morning Bryan got up to
address a nntubcr of early rising en
thusiasts, In Bearskin coats. Then
he went back to bed and slept to eight
o'clock, when Fargo was reached.
Bryan Breakfasted hero with Senator
Roaohand tho recaption commit too
at Hotel Mctropole. At 10;15, in base
ball park, ho delivered a speech one
half hourlong.
Canton, Oct. 10. At noon tho
streets of Canton are crowded with
delegations. The sidewalks were
filled with men and women. Railroad
men say It will be Impossible to got
all the crowds waiting, at tho con
necting railroad points Into Canton.
With all tho great demonstrations
seen almost dally at Canton, nothing
has yet approached tho scones of to
day. The railroad men at noon report
290 car loads here or on tho way.
Thero are bands of music everywhere.
Will Hiva a flase oi Ticket.
Alhany, Ojt. 10. Secretary" State
Palmer Unlay decided that tho Na
tional Democracy (gold standard) was
entitled to a place on the oltiulal ballot
under the designation given. The con
test,which was begun by Chairman
D.mfortli, of the Democratic state
committee will bo continued In the
St. Louis, Oct 10. There will bo no
fusion between the Dymooruta and
Populists on tho stqtp ticket, Tho
only fusion Is on the elotcoral ticket,
of which the Populists have four
Peru and Japan Treaty.
Lima, Peru, via Galveston, Oct 10.
At a secret session last night, tho
Peruvian congress approved tho treaty
of friendship botwoon Peru an Japan.
Statu of Ohio, Citv of Toledo, I
Lucas Countv ( M
Frank J, Ciif.nuy make oath that he it
the senior partner of the firmjof F.J. ClUCNET
& Co., doing baiinest in the city of Toledo,
county and iate aforesaid, and that laid firm
will pay the turn of ONE HUNDRED DOL.
LARS for encli and every caie of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Curk.
Sworn to before me and tubxcritied in my
presence, this 6ih day of December, A D.
. . A. W. Gleason,
i Seal. V Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the syntem. Send for testimonials
F. J. TuENitV &. Co., Toledo, O.
tsrSold by Druggist, 7SC
Be Sure you are Right
And then go ahead. If your blooJ 's impure,
your appitite failing, your nerves weak, you
may be sure that Hood's Sarsaprlll Is what
you need. Then take no substitute. Insl.t
upon Hood' and only Hood's. This is the
medicine which has the largest sales in the
world. Hood's Sartaprilla is the One True
Wood I'unfier.
Hul'sl'ilUare prn,it. e!fi;iit, w. js
reliable, CJiy to take, easy 10 operate.
The Discovery Bared His Life
Mr. G, Cailloutte, Druggist, Ueaversville,
III., says; "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe
and tried all the physicians for miles about,
but of no avail and u as given up and told
I could not live, flaying Dr, King's New
discovery in my store I sent (or a bolllv and
began lis use and from the first dose began to
get belter and after using three bottles was
up and al out again. It is worth its weight
in cold. We won't keep store or house
wiihoat It." Get a free trial at Fred A.
Legg't Drug Store.
. ...
liigheSt of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Repohj
WI Baking
Suicide by Hanging.
Victoria, B. C, Oct. 10. While In
a fit of, tho blues, Alexander Fralser,
a Scotch stonecutter, and formerly a
wealthy contractor, committed suicide
by hanging. Letters on the premises
showed the sulcido to huvo a wlfo and
family living in Stockton, Cal.
Annual Inspection. Col. Geo. V.
Telfer, Inspector general; Col. Geo. O.
Yoran, and Col. James Jackson, U. S.
A., arrived In tho city on tho delayed
overland this morning from the upper
valley and will tonight Inspect com
panies B and I, of tho Second Regi
ment, O. N. G.
Blue RimioN-A warded to tho Bi
cycle messengers of Lockwood Mes
senger system for snecd. Reliability
and Cheapness Ring Blue Boxes or
Telephono 40.
Installation of Officers. On
Sunday evening at 0:15 o'clock will oc
cur tho Installation of tho now olllcers
for the Presbyterian Y. P. O. C. E. by
the pastor. These exercises will be
followed by the discussion of the
weekly topic.
Incorporated. The I. Apple Fur
niture company with a capital stock
of $0,000 today tiled articles of Incor
poration with the secretary of state.
The Weather. It Is very favor
able for cleaning- up the work
of threshing. The foggy morn
ings are excellent for grouse
quail and pheasant shooting. "Sat
urday fair" Is the forecast at Port-laud.
The Fire Patrol.
Beginning Monday night tho Bacon
Stock company will present at Reeds
opera house Hawkln's powerful drama
"The Flro Patrol." which has en
joyed a most phenomenal success
throughout this country and Eng
land. lb abounds In strong sensational
scenic effects and dramatic situations,
with a vein of humor running through
It. Act second show a stamp mill in
Duadwood, Dak., In full operation,
Miss May Nanery Is cast for the
heroino and will give tho part
all that her great dramatic ability
warrants. As the hero Jack Dallas,
thodonuty sheriff of Deadwood. Mr.
Korval McGregor will bo seen to good
advantage This production promises
to bo one of untisal merit. Popular
prices will prevail all over tho house
during Mr. Bacon's engagement. Tho
box slicet ot Patton's is fast filling
Another Bryan Supplement With Two
Great Speeches,
Not all could hear Pcnnoyer and
Barkley at the great Bryan ratlllca-
tlon at Salem. So The Journal has
printed in supplement form tho great
speeches made on that occasion by
those two gentlemen. They twill bo
supplied from this ofllco nt 11 per
100 or $7 per 1,000 postpaid. "Wo liayo
still supplements with Bryan's speech
of acceptance at Now York and
Mitchell on tho Impossibility of In
ternational Jiimeiauism.
At the Fair. When you go to tho
fair, you want to look fair, feel fair
and be fair. This mny bo accom
plished to a great extent, If you order
one or inosc lauor-maue suits or u
II. Lane, the well-known Salem tailor
Curo for Headache
As a remedy for all farms of Headaches
Electric hitters has proved to be the very
best. It effects a permanent rure nnd the
most dreaded habitual sick headache yeilds to
its influence. We urge ail who are afllic'ed to
pro ure a bottle, anl give this remedy a fair
trial In cas: of habitual constipation Elec
tric Hitlers cures by giving 1I11 needed tone
to the bowels, and few cave long resist the
use of this medicines. Iry It onco, tllty
cents and ll.oo t Fred A. Legg't Drug
The dealer who says, "1 havo no
Hoe Cako soap," practically admit
that he docs not sell lirst quality
goods. If he says ho has something
"Just as koou" you will know at once
that he Is try Dig to sell you an in
ferior article. Thero Is more cloathlne
destroyed by poor soap than by actual
wear, as tho free alkali rots tho cloth.
Hoc Cake contains neither free alkali
nor worthless tilling.
Found. Mr. Marnack found -30
In gold. Two 810-pleccs and two$5
pleccs. It Is In tho hands of tho
Salem Motor Co, Owner can hayo
same by calling at that otllce.
A Blue Ribbon -Could bo uttached
to each piece of goods, that leaves our
parlors, without causlnu any embar
rassment on our part, since our goods
cannot bo surpassed In quality, price
or otherwise. O. II. Lane.
I 10-0-2t
Recently a Democrat for Mc-Kinley,
ir -t '
Most Talented and Influentia'
Priest In Iowa. '
Des Monies, In., Oct. 10. Rev.
Father Nugent of the Church of tho
Visitation, East Tenth and Walnut
streets, Is for sllcr. Ho Is one of tho
best known orators In tho country
nnd Tuesday night will announce his
reason for his faith In a political
lecture at tho tabormiclc.
Ills position on the question has
been kept a secret by the silver com
mittees until this thus. They think
the gold standard men havo reached
the highest of their local campaign;
that they have mado their best efforts
to got every man In line for Mcicinlcy
they can, and now tho silver men
propose to start a reaction. Prepara
tions have been mado for a big meot
Ing. Rev. Father Nugont's ability
as a student, thinker nnd orator aro
Well known and the big building will
undoubtedly bo packed. Father Nu
gent has but recently returned from
a tour of the west and has had every
facility to study the question.
Rev. E. A. Cantrell of tho Christian
church will preside at tho meeting.
Tho list of vice-presidents, many of
whom It Ib announced aro prominent
church men, Is being prepared.
Rev. J. F. Nugent was recently lu
Salem and was Interviewed as a life
long Democrat who was now support
ing MoKlnloy on account of Protec
tion being moro Improtnnt than tho
money question. He then confessed
that ho did not fully understand the
ltuanclal issue but .was .Investigat
ing It.
Benton County's Sheriff,
Corvallis, Or., Oct. 10. Tho re
port of James II. Wilson, appointed
to examine tho books of Benton
county, has caused much comment on
tho streets. The report shows an ap
parent shortage In the sheriff's ofUco
of moro thnn $0300, $8000 of this
amount during the Incumbency of ex
Sherlff Osburn. The remainder Is In
tho accounts of ox-SherllT Muckcy.
Mr. Mackey Is now lu British Colum
bia and Mr. Osburn left for Montanu,
so no explanation is otTercd for
In tho county court Mr. Osburn
was given until tho next session to
explain or make good tho deficiency.
Mr. Osburn Is expected home and his
friends have an expert. to discover
flaws in Mr. Wilson's report.,.
Turned States Evidence. ,
La Grande, Or,, Oct. 10. Two
moro arrests havo been mado of per
sons alleged to havo been engaged In
the robbery of the bank In Joseph,
Wallowa comity, October 1. Today
John Martin and Ben Owcnby wero
examined before a Justice hi Enter
prise and held in $2000 bonds to apt
pear before the next grand Jury. James
Tucker, the robber tbnt was wounded
at tho time of the robbery, has turned
atato's evidence, and It was through
him tliat the arrests wero made.
A Derailed LocoMOTivcTho
northbound overland No. 1$ duo in
Salem nt 0 a. in. was about four hours
Into and did not reach Oregon's capi
tal until 10 o'clock. Tho cause of
this delinquency froi.. schedule thus
was a derailed locomotive at some
southern point.
A Notary. J. O. Flanders, of Port-
jlund wa9 today coimnjssloned a uotary
. 4sW Jh-4-