ity-s- DAIL 7 J 0 URNAL. - 'I s -JL. i "S SAl,v-t,0IiRG0N MON)AV.tgC7UJ3BU 8, I0. CAPITAL YOU 8' DOES BUSINESS 'A.'THE v New yor TO Kf Ci BIT BRY1 Gold Democrats Object to Bryan Electors. continue to Increase? Compare our prices nnd goods with those offered by other merchants, and you have the answer. We arc doing an absolutely cash business. Wc buy and sell for cash only. In every transaction there Is a good per cont iirc saved, and we Rive the customer the benefit of all dis counts. Reliable goods aud lowest prices Is the reason our business PROSPERS. : Ourstock of shoes Is complete. The 5rool winch we carry are the standard of good quality. Clothing In yreat variety at bed-rock, hard times prices, liring your cash and receive full value. E.T.BARNES .'PROTEST TO SEC'Y.-'KINCAID. M .1 ... injections Haisedvto Keep Silver! Electors off the Ticket, " Irmtlon tiled wlthou on tlio first day maltied In the secreluryN office until of October, 1690, by TlioumsU. Orecn, ' R lute hour unit udjnurnea to moot Robert CntMhKnnd,otlii'K. A brier tiled wlljl tlieprotel recites Hid law in the ua.c, some of the salient points of which are at follews: By the law of Oregon, It takes two things to cumplet There tnuslbcn-pri Monday morning. TllK OFFICIAL BALLOT must, be arralngcd and sent out In official form by the secretary of slate according to law October 4, and not a nomination. Hater Jtiun Octobers. The force III osltlon, upon the i l" secretary's olllce havo the official BRYAN MARCHING oneharTbilaqrt,vntlotnirnsse!iibly joullot aU'-prcpared and addressed In of som?pii(y"fcnarelnga nomination ,tS,Ujrjlllcttcr!S to the county clerk His Saturday Speeches and Movements. s,Sho?s, w OREGON " odtetria! osifioD Portland, Oregon. Sept, 19 to Oct. 17, The ureal resources of the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries. ioei. Hwufactnres, 'I mnsportsnion, Machinery, Trade and Corrrinerce will be represented )tt completely than evJr before. J3?(irand band concert every nfternoort and evening. etui attractions every nignu. lowest rates every maue on an innsvoriauon lines. ' Admission 25c Children loc. For exhibit space apply to Geo L Hiker, Superintend- t. at the buildug. E. C. MASTEN, Sec. HE WILLAMETTE HOTEL LEADING HOEL OF THE CITY, Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hoicl (or all public Lmlldines 1 points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons. , a, i. Wagner, awn Mowers, 1 Au, D-rt f Machine Oils, ay Rakes, J VJiay XJl U and Axle Grease. ardware, Stoves and Tinware, Salem, Or, den Hose, ") fcwn Sprinklers, J Bicycles, Sundries, KX MEN'S 's's H 1 suts Rd le grandest, the most select, the choicest tftment of men's dress suits, business Ms, everv dav suits vour eves ever be "d fabVc rfi mt mpifoiioiis linings t are reliable, styles that are new, fit that pws study, and last but not least, prices itarewell, prices that fit your purse, be small or large, New fall suits at from 4.75 TO i$20. iJoteon & son The Popular Clothiers'. W and Liberty Streets. Thomas G. Green and others of the national Democratic party havo tiled a protest before the secretary of state late Saturday night against placing the names of N. L. Butler, Harry Watkins, N. L. Olmstcad and E. Ilofer on the olllclal ballot as Demo cratic, electors. At the Democratic convention held In .Portland April 9, 1890, E. Kill feather, J. M. Carroll, W. W. Oglesby aud J, J. Whitney were nominated as Democratic presidential electors. None of these, except Oglesby, who afterward withdrew, ever qualified by tiling their names and acceptance with the secretary of state; neither wero the names filed by the chairman and secretary of the Democratic conven tion. F. A. E. Starr and George C. Stout, assuming to renresfitir, n committee of the Democrats, have endeavored to file the name of N. L. Butler, E. Ilofer and Harry Watkins aud M. L. Olmstad In place of Kill leather, Carroll and Whitney, who failed to accept, and Oglesby, who withdrew. The protestauts tirst claim that Starr and Stout have no authority to ad, but that they first should have been empoweied by D'Arcy and No-' land, chairman and secretary of the Democratic convention, and were not so authorized Jt Is als claimed that there could be no substitution' until the nominations and acceptance wero first Hied. If the petitioners make the protest stick, -Bryan will have' no electoral ticket at all in this state, as the'.timo for filing an individual nomination (30 days prior to election) has passed. The full text of the protest Is as follews: THE PROTEST. 'To the secretary of state: As coun sel for and In behalf of -Thomas G. Green, Robert CatHn and others, who as national Democrats, united in tho petition duly filed with you, nominat ing for presidential electors and as national Democrats, Lewis B. Cox, Frank A. Seufert,Curtis J. Trenchard and Alexander M. Holmes, and as counsel for and In behalf of the polit ical organization known as the national Democratic party of tho state of Oregon In behalf of which party tho foregoing petition referred to Is filed, I object and protest against any certification by you to any of the county clerks of the state of Oregon the following-named persons as Demo cratic nominees for the oillce of presi dential elector tewlt: M. L. Olm stcad and E. Ilofer, certificates for the pretended nomination of whom as Democrats was filed with you by F. A. E. Starr and George C. Stout, purporting to sign said nomination, respectively, as chairman and secre tary of the Democratic state central committee; N. L. Butler and Harry Watkins, certificates for the pre tended nomination of whom as Demo crats for the office of presidential electors was signed by F. A. E. Starr and George C. Stout, Durportlng to be respectively signed as chairman and secretary of the Democratic state cen tral committee; and I do protest and object against your certification of the said parties above named, or either of them, as tjie nominees of the Democratic party for presidential electors, save and except the certifica tion by you of Lewis B. Cox, Frank A.Seufert, Curtis J. Trenchard, and Alexander M. Holmes, as national Democrats,under the petition of nem: and this nomination Is complete only when the nominee signifies his acccpt u'leciand files It. On September ; lOj&tarr and Stout aiy In a ccrtlilcaW.that they have bicn appointed by the Democratic party, In its convention held April 9, 1890, to fill vacancies occasioned by 1 of ctteh eUlltity. If the secretary Is enjoined, the printing f the ballots will be delayed aud confusion -will result. If the In junction is successful, and the Bryan' electors do iot appear on tho olllclal ballot as the regular Democratic elec tors, the gold standard electors will I ftrtlthi owl nitinit i-tl1 WOrC V,WI"MU lljilll) VUl UH3 ., .!.,. ....,1. ;..,t,... "I I Otl intuitu, IBM III death, resignation orotherwlso of tho lono appear un the ballot asDemo- nominat on. wiilt; 1 L s ailil i. nuiwu many win vote mem unuor previously made by ,tho Democratic p.irty; and they syjjn this certifi cate that neither J.vM. Carroll, E. IvIllfnntKni. W W j,.l,..,l r I Whitney, who, it Is sftld. had been in , fact nominated by ' the Democratic party in convention (neither Starr nor Stout were authorized' to certify to this fact, because they vyere not olllcer8 of the convention us contem plated by section 31 of tho act.) had filed their certificate. of nomination or acceptance. This is true, unless pos sibly as to Oglesby; but, If true, tho very truth of the fact prevented their acting, because no nomination had been made by the convention, and, without a convention' 'nomination namely, nomination and acceptance no commltte of the convention could "act. "Furthermore, at thte-partlcular tlmo the Oglesby withdrawal had not been made, and, therefore, even as to Oglesby, there was no .power to act, because, untill the withdrawal, no committee can act; In oJ,her words, tho committee undertook to act be fore even Oglesby hud. withdrawn. As a result, therefore, wlien Starr un dertook it) act, there -was nothing for him to act upon. - "It Allows alSo that mo one who has even been certified as a nominee by any convention can resign, because the secretary of state does not know officially who has becu nominated; not only this but it must appear also that this nomination has been ac cepted to entitle him to withdrawal; for, untill accepted, ha Is not a candi date, and therefore has no power to withdraw. "The law nowhere provides that, where any nominee of the convention qualifies by acceptance, any com mittee may name a candidate. And It Is the duty of the secretary of state to apply the law us he finds it and not to determine what the luw ought to be." "ZehaSnow, Attorney for Protestants." TAKING SNAP JUDGMENT. The gold standard Democrats havo taken snap judgment to knock out the Bryan electors In Oregon. When they thought It was-too late (less than thirty days) to get up a petition for the regular Democratic- electors, they come In with 11 protest against tho Bryan electors appearing on the ticket as Democrats at all. It Is only 29 days from.twlay, and as the secretary of state was not sup posed to get mail on Sunday the pro test really came a day too late for fair consideration, or for any hearing on the merits of the matter, or for the other side to make any showing whatever. ARGUMENT UY COUNSEL, On receipt of the above protest from the national (gold standard) Democrats, Secretary Klncald wired Chairman Starr, Attorney General Idleman and Zera Snow to appear and present arguments on the merits of the mutter. State Chairman Starr nnd Idleman came up from Portland on the over land Sunday night. Hon. Win. II. Holmes and Hon. P. II. D'Arcy, of this city were summoned and they re- BRYAN VERY CONFIDENT, Certain to Be Elected by a Majority. Large .'lit 'rwi9tt: o.A.e'.roxxx.... 3W$T KM mt If after argument today It Is de cided by the txoretary to send out the olllclal ballot, with tho Bryan electors on the same as Democrats, tho four Bryan electors will appear as "Pen pies, Democratic, Silver Republi cans." If the goldbug contention pre vails, they will appear as "Peoples, Silver Republicans." ATTORNEY GENERAL IDLEMAN takes the technical position that as the Democratic electors never ac cepted there was no vacancy to fill, a mere peccadillo, and yet the entire basis of the gold Democratic conten tion. Zera Snow, In a letter to the secretary, says they are fortified by Mr. Idleman's opinion to tho effect that there were no vacancies, and hence the Democratic state central committee had no power or authority to fill tho vacancy by naming the four union Bryan electors as Democratic electors. Attorney General Idleman was not originally consulted by Secre tary .Klncald. because he feared he was hand In glove with the gold Dem ocrats and so It now appears. ANOTHER I'LAY. The goldbug managers this morn- lug telegraphed tho secretary demand. ing tlmt the Bryan electors appear on the ticket In three different groups, as Democrats, as Peoples, and as Sil ver Bepublloans, thus dividing their strength at. the polls. But this was so ridiculous .Klncald would nut en tertain it at nil. THE SETS OP ELECTORS as they will appear on the official ballot are as follews: McKInley: John F. Caplcs, T. T. Gecr, F. L. Smith. S. M. Yoran. Bryan: N. L. Butler, 13. Ilofer, W. IT. Spaugh, nurry Watkins. Prohibition (no candidate:) D. Bowcrman, C. J. Bright, Leslie But ler, C. E. Hosklns. Gold Demecrats: Lewis B. Cox, Alexander M. Holmes, Frank A. Sen fert, Curtis J. Tranchard. A PETITION was finally agreed upon by the secre tary of state and Attorney-General Idleman as the complete remedy to the objections of the gold standard Democrats. So 250 names will have to be enrolled at Salem before Tues day evening of this week. The petition has been prepared to meet all the technical objections, and while It Is not necessary as u matter of law, the precaution is no doubt u wise one and 250 signers will have to be pro cured at Salem. Any voter, -belie Republican, Democrat or People's party, no matter what other petitions he may have signed is cliglblo to sign tho petition that names the four Bryan electors as Democrats. They arc already named by three conven tions and .by three sets of petitions, but now must be named a fourth time, und the voters will be found at Salem to sign them up before the sun goes down Tuesday evening, October 5th. Let the voters come In from nil directions and sign at The Journal office and other places. THE LAST EFFORT by the gold Democratic managers In the employ of Murk Ilanna, If they fall to keep the Bryan electors from appearing on the regular ticket as Democrats, will be .to Jenjoln each county clerk from printing the Bryan (Continued on fourtli page.) Cincinnati, Oct. I. William Jen nings Bryan gives the follow Irg signed statement concerning tl.e coming electien: "I have no doubt of my election. I base my confidence upon tho fact that tho frco coinage, scnllmviit is growing everyday. Tho people are studying the money question, and the study of It Is convincing the people generally that there can be no permanent pros perity as long as tho gold standard Is maintained. "Tho gold standard makes a dearer dollar; a dearer dollar moans falling prices and falling prices means hard times. Tho ptoplo who profit by hard times aro relatively so small .In num ber that they would amount to noth ing at all but for tho fact that they uro aided by a considerable number of people, who not having studied tho mpney question themselves, have re ceived Instructions from 11 few financiers. "Tho number of Republicans who havo declared for free silver outnum ber tho Democrats who havo deserted the ticket, and while tho number of silver Republicans is increasing all tho time, tho number of bolting Democrats Is all the time de creasing. While I havo no doubt as jUniiy election, I believe that tho ad vocates of frco cotnago should work from now to election day to mako tho majority in the electoral college so large that no party will ever daro to proposo submission to a foreign finan cial policy. (Signed.) "William Jennings Bryan." from saturday speeches. "Our opponents aro attempting to array tho laborers In tho city against tho laborers on tho .farms. They aro trying to dlvldo those who toll Into two classes and play one class against tho other. They tell us that wo aro raising class Issues; and yet the Re publican party In this campaign has dono more to array classes against classes thau any party over did In any campaign lh tho history of this coun try; nnd worst of all, my friends, the Republican party In this campaign Is attempting to compel the laboring taen of this country who work for wages to vote against their own Inter ests under threat of losing their Jobs, They tell you tho Interest of one man Is tho Interest of ull. I tell you there are questions which arise where men's Interests differ." "You will havo un opportunity to hear the Issues of this .campaign dis cussed ,bccause Illinois Is rich In those who are prepared to do yeoman servlco In behalf of tho comii.oii people. There s none more ublo and willing, or more courageous, than your candi date for governor, John P. Altgeld." THE PENSION QUESTION, "When our campaign opened our opponents thought they could ridicule us out of existence, and then when they found that tho ridicule would not work, they began to nbuse those who favored frco coinage. They be gan to call theui'all sorts of names, and, when ihuy wore not inaklni ninoU imigrca?, X. understand .that down In tlw- dttiid of. Indlurfl, our opponents resoHctHit jplsrcprc Mutation. 1 dhl Yiifornud that "thd Republicans have Clrculat6d In this" stato an editorial taken from tie Oniaha World-Heaild crltlzlng fen slon appropriations. That editorial appeared In the Woikl ncral'd some two years before 1 had any connection with the paper, and thoso who., aro circulating It know they are cir culating sometnlng I never Vrcte, which I was not responsible for, and win in no manner connected with. So desperate has become the Republi can campaign that thosj who claim to want an honest dollar are not will ing to deal honestly with apolitical opponent. Great applause. Upon the pension question, us upon all other questions, my record can bo found by any one who will read reports of the congressional .proceedings or tho platforms upon which I have run." Grcatappl:iuso. ' '" IIRYAN AT MEMPHIS. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 6. Bryan ar rived tills morning- at 7:30. Thou sands of people wero at tho Poplar street -station. Tho famous ChkkaJ saw guars and Ncely Zouaves escorted Mr. Bryan nnd the Memphis coiumlt teo to tho hotel, ovhero breukfast was taken. A feature of the demonstra tion to tho depot, was several Instan taneous aerial salutes, equalling tho noise of n 20-pound cannon, given by General Peter Tracy, In honor of tho distinguished visitor. Bryuu nt 10 o'clock was escorted to tho base ball park by tho committee Ten thousaud people gave him a rousing reception. He wns Intro duced by Senator Harris. In tho spceeh Bryan said: "Whllo I upi predate tho honor conferred upon mo, not .only by tho nomination of my own party, but by tho additional nomina tion of the other two parties; I say to you. here, my friends, that my Inter est In tho cause of bimetallism Is so deep that I would without a moments hesitation, resign my nominations In favor of any person In this county, -who can better carry this cause to victory. AT MARION'S CAPITAL. L. W. Gulss, J. G. Reeves and Mlna Wright astrustces of Home Rcbekah Lodge No. 58 of Woodburii, today filed articles of Incorporation with tho comity clerk. The socloty'8 prop- erty is valued at $75. E. K. Hall has tiled notice, with County Clork Ehlcnof the location of tho "Lllllc Irene" mining claim In Gold Creek Mining District of this. county. Similar notice has been filed -by Jucob Harless who lins located a quurts initio nearllie Littto JSortli t Fork of tho Santlam. Mr. Hurlcss hasulso located a claim known as "Butcher Boy' In the same .vicinity. Justice Court. Tho rcplovln suit of James I. Doz? ler vs E. W. Capps, constable of Wood; hum precinct, In which a couplo of hundred Backs of wheat wero Involved was heard injustice II. A. Johnson's court Suturduy before u Jury consist ing of J. A, Baker, E. II. Flagg, W. H. Cook, 13. F. Osburn, J, F. Stulger und Charles Calvert. J. A. Carson appeared for tho plaintiff nnd John Manning and W. M. Kulscr for tho defendant. The trlul began In tho forcuoou nnd was nut concluded .untl, late In the evening when tho Jury re turned a verdict In favor of tho con stable. ' r A Protectionist. A bit of con versation between two patients at tho asylum a few duys since was over heard. It scorns even thoso whoso minds are badly deranged, are much Interested In the result of thlsjpreslj dcntlul campaign. One of tho patients remarked something about protection, ns tisuul trying to avoid tho Issuo of the present campaign, when patient No. 2 respended: "An honest man never wants protection. It Is only the rogues and unfair men that ask for protection In order that they may better curry on their 'sculldugery,' " , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PKJltl$ Royal Wf I