Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 03, 1896, Image 3

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    JfJSSwant ft Burt rillef
Hints, use an
BEAR IN Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and Imita-u-i
is Kood m the genuine.
Eftiirsion Rates
Commencing Oct. 7,
G;eat MKinlcyBryan Debate
Elegant New Poultry Building,
Concerts Every Night.
iJL Ko-to-toao la tho nroatcat narvo-food In tUo world. Many caln 10 pounds In 10 days and Jt no?n
ii: Nii3nketnowea.t Impotent man strong, vlcurouamid mairaetlc. justtrra box. You win ue P3
i.ViU!d Wocxneot you to believe wuat wo ear. for o cure Is absolutely guaranteed by druUs ivcry
.biroT Send lor our 'txioKlotvjMjri Tobacco Spit und Smoke Your Llfo Away.1.' written puaraatee and
tuiauipte A.ldrcisTUflt!XltlilJiQttia3uiuir CO.. CblcUBOorftewrXork.
D. J. FRY, Agent, - Saiem, Oregon.
Onlyjood Inrse; u?jrt
"itWftrtim ciurantecd.
OrricE op the Secretary of State,
Salem, Oregon
Scaled proposals will be received at this
office until noon, November 2, 1896, to furn
ish the following articles for the State of Ore
gon for the use of the 19th Biennial Session
of the Legislative Assembly:
35 reams legal cap, 14 lbs. No. 7 ruling
white laid, laid, Charter Oak or Scotch linen,
or other good paper.
30 reams first class Congress note, or other
good paper, 7.pound,B No. 7 ruling, white
laid, r
so reams letter paper, 12 lb No. 7 ruling
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak, or Scotch
linen, or other good paper.
20 reams of typewriter, letter sire, Paragon
letter wove No. 3, or other good paper.
20 reams typewriter, legal sire, Paragon,
letter wove No. 3, or other good paper.
6 reams typewriter, legal size, Paragon,
letter wove No. iy or other good paper. 1 itf
OboXK Tjttll'c K-lfin fini.1i -irkMl hill.
.6 boxes tittle's Satin finish carbon, blue,
10,000 No. 6 1.2 envelopes, 60 lbs. No. I,
i Cross railroad steel pens, No. 49.
"Gross Gillott's steel pens, No. 404.
4 Gross Gillott's steel pens, No. 303.
0 Gross Esterbrook "J" pens.
6 Gross Falcon steel pens, No. 048.
Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Probate steel
pens No. 313.
6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Judge's Quill
Steel pens No. 312.
6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Chancellors
"eelpen No. 239. .
N6 Gross London Incandescent, M. Jacob's
Dozen Sanford's Cardinal led Ink,
NoI05leD PeCk' St0W & wi,C0X'inksUnds'
No4 " ICck' Stow & Wi,cox's inkstands,
j uiua pen Holders, black enamel.
No.4Zen Peck' St0w & Wilcox's inkstandj
"Doien ivory folders, o-inch standard.
4 uoten ivory folders, lo-lnch Congress,
patent eD muci,ae CUPS No- 8 Morgan's
MoreP611 mucila2e s'and', reservoir, No. 6,
or3,?"" Pa.lcer, treasury blotting paper,
r $ PaJr. '4 lbs. assorted colors.
t;Ie 66? 2 E,c recorder ,ead' pen";'11.
5 Doien Sanfbrd'g premiam fluid, quarts.
it n?02 Stafford's writing fluid, quarts.
iJhr?en Cammed stub files, No. 21,1 1 x 15
nf?5oo pages.
l4. n DuP'ex cupboard letter clips, legal
u ?2fen u?,ex CttPboard letter clips.
5 Dozen Fabers rubber rulers, 14-inch
S Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' fo. 18,149,
,bltten,tee"asers, Rogers' Np, 18,149.
Jober'1 No- 3oo rubber band,,
,Grift!Fr',lcadpeneiU' No 2- b"a
jUtf r0S Kaber'1 ,ead pencils, 9. 2, round,
tsbbe? Faber' Palent k and pencil
VLeS". rnammothr'1 " '
H iSd. " patent P1 Menen.No. a
for pains In tho back, ilde, chsst, or
on All Railroads
Closing Oct, 13,
on Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
It II I wM He $&M$
MflRIT bU? 0S PJ H K iiii
- w vuJ V4Ii
S'lM hick of tale tnstirnnce block
3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 2
ound heads, white.
3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 4,
flat head.
15 Dozen table pads to hold paper, 19x20
inches, strong leather tips.
15 Dozen waste paper baskets, cross-bar
No. 4. , ,
3 Dozen waste paper baskets, small, No,n,
29 lbs, hemp twine No. 2..
4 Dozen Sanford's mucilage, quarts.
Bids should be marked "Proposals for Sta-
tionery." None but the best quality 01 gooas
f will be accepted.
The right to reject any or an Dias is ie.
served. All the above articles to be deliv.
red at Salem on or before December 15,1896,
There being at the present time no money
available for paying for the above supplies,
bids!will only be accepted under the express
condition, agreement and understanding that
tho successful bidder will look to, and de
pend upon the next legislature appropriating
money to pay the claim,
Very resp ectf.ll,. n R
9.5.2m Secretary of State.
A three-year-old colt, bay color and white
star in forehead, was taken up by the undei
signed. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying costs. Call at place, 5
miles east of Salem, on Macleay 'road.
822 im R- Iil-':'N:,
I. .. ..., .nI4.n, tnr fortr reara and
, uu inra w" "":-,-." V.liii. i
1 more popular to-aar n"" "-
1 pnxuAr
. . .t...... .iin nnwiir beantirylna. I
UVW UWI IW"I'"." Kali . j h.rmlmiL ..
I nlHeeiit SeoTill'a OOIJ) Dr,
VOX 19 pw irvv v .,
It'MMu 1a n"'"'11'
remedy ' u muirt
"iSt tip ""V'fdi!
Wlinw n natarl Jt
cbargM r " inr.iiniu
irssr-k & 0B ?;',;..
riitur. lion, i ..".....
ImlmiCHWCMA --, . br rul,..
kCIXCIkXiri,0.JPI a sr
-' r'
xi X
SI OO worth for 10c.
Dates and Af p0
'Ointments for Bryan Meet'
uryati Union campaign t-om
'Ml HUH 1C(" Mm fnllmtiln.. J.. ...
.1111 it ..... . . 5 Ulll,3
blalu imilucnl8 ror speakers In thl
i,i' a ..'"" c l,mko arrangements for
f Im u "n"""u vuuiuiuuicaie Willi
of lJol,n W1 np!Mw.curapowd
KL v0,iw " M- A filler and
ranK v. Drake, rooms 403. 6 and 7
Chamber of Commerce, Portland! '
Min..."rB,no communicate with
Forest Grove .Monday, Oct. 6.
Dill Stfin. k"r lrl,i. ... n
Dallas, Saturdiiv'. Opt." in
Independence, Mtmrljiy, Oct. 12.
Jtewport, Tuesday, Oct. 13.
lo edo, Wednesday, Oct. H.
riiilomatli. Thursriiir n.t i-.
Halscy. Friday, Oct. 10.
Junction, Saturday, Oct. 17.
Eugene, Monday, Oct. l'J.
Cottage Grove. Tuesday. Oct. 2 1.
uci. 21.
, Oct. 22.
flirt,. -VI
Grants Pass, Saturday, Oct. 24.
iuiuiiiiu, iuonuay, uct. 2ti.
Ashlatui, Tuesday, Oct. 27.
Springfield, Wednesday, Oct. 28.
Salem. Thursday, Oct. 29.
Oresnn City, Friday, Oct. 30.
Portland, Saturday, Oct. 31.
Silverton. Monday, Oct. 5.
Stayton, Tuesday, Oct. 0.
Tidewater, Friday, Oct. 2.
Alsea, Saturday, Oct. 3.
Philomath, Monday, Oct. 5.
Granger, Tuesday, Oct. 0.
Sliver, Wednesday, Oct. 7.
Monmouth, Thursday, Oct. 8.
Dallas, Friday, Oct. J.
Sheridan, Saturday, Oct. 10.
Ballston, Monday, Oct. 12.
Lalayette, Tuesday, Oct. 13.
Sherwood, Wednesday, Oct. 14.
Oswego, Thursday, Oct. 15.
HON. w. s. U'UUN.
Newport, Monday, Oct. C.
Yaquina, Tuesday, Oct. fl.
Union, Friday, Oct. 2.
Huntington, Monday, Oct. 5.
Virtue Mine, Tuesday, Oct. C.
Baker City, Wednesday, Oct. 7.
Milton, Saturday, Oct. 10.
Hood River, Monday, Oct. 12.
Salem, Monday, Oct. 5.
Woodbum, Tuesday, Oct. 6.
Oregon City, "Wednesday, Oct. 8.
Portland, Oct. 8, 0, 10.
Astoria, Monday, Oct. 12.
Baker City, Thursday, Oct. 15.
Union, Friday, Oct. 16. a.
LaGrande, Saturday, Oct. 17.
Pendleton, Monday, Oct. 19.
Milton, Tuesday, Oct. 20.
Athena, "Wednesday, Oct. 21.
The Dalles, Thursday, Oct. 22.
Weston, Monday, Oct. 5.
Pendleton, Tuesday, Oct. 0.
LaGrande, Thursday, Oct. 8.
Union, Friday, Oct. 9.
Baker City, Saturday, Oct. 10.
Ileppner, Tuesday, Oct. 13.
The Dalles, "Wednesday, Oct. 14.
Hood River, Thursday, Oct. 15.
The Locks, Friday, Oct. 10.
McMinnville, Saturday, Oct. 17.
Halscy, Monday, October 5.
Brownsville, Tuesday, October 0.
Harrlsburg, Wednesday, October 7.
Eugene, Thursday, October 8.
Springfield, Friday, October 9.
CresswelL Saturday, October 10.
Cottage Grove, Monday, October 12.
Drain, Tuesday, Oct. 13.
Yoncalla, "Wednesday, October 14.
Oakland, Thursday, October 15.
Wilbur, Friday, October 10.
Roseburg, Saturday, October 17.
Dillards, Monday, October 19.
Myrtle Creek, Tuesday, October 20.
Canyonville, Wednesday, October 21.
Grants Pass, Thursday, October 22.
Gold Hill, Friday, October 23.
Table Rock, Saturday, October 24.
Medford. Monday. October 20.
Jacksonville, Tuesday, October 27.
Phoenix, Wednesday, October 28.
Ashland, Thursday, uctoDer zv.
Philomath, Monday, Oct. 5.
Corvallls, Friday, Oct. 0.
Harnsburg, Wednesday, Oct. 7.
Junction, Thursday, Oct. 8.
Hon. n. c. baker and j. r. matlook.
Florence, Saturday, Oct. 10, at 2 p. m.
Head of Tide, Oct. 12, at 2 p. m.
Cheshire, Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 2 p,
"FJlnilra. Wed. Oct. 14. at 2 p. m.
Smithfleld, Thu. Oct. 15, at 2 p. m
Long Tom, Friday, Oct. 10, at a p,
, in.
of Olo, City of Toledo. I
,v LucKs County b
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that hej is
the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney
& Co., doing business in the city of Toledo,
county and state aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL.
LARS for each and every case of Cataerh
that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Curb.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, tnis otn aay 01 .ucccraucr, n.. u.
jL, A. W. Gleason,
Seal. Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials
F. J.'CnENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
I3-Sold by Druggists, T,c.
Wanted All girls to know that? 'Hoe
Cako" will not make their hands red
like common soap. Save the wrappers.
They are worth a cent apiece. j 0 tf
Marion County Grapes.
John G. Wright, the Salem pioneer
grocer, is receiving dally shipments of
the celebrated Buttsvlllo grapes,
They are the nome-grown prouuet,
the finest In the world.
9 30tf
II iIIHI'--"
Take No Substitute-
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand
if.. . if ml TTBST la tha estima
tion of ih American FeoU. Ko otnr U
MjlutaS0O0. i tuuuii cvuu-
Yan hill, Tuesday, Oct. 0.
"""Vllle, Wednesday, Oct. 7.
Micrldah, Tuurbdny, Oct. 8.
Oakland, Thursday
uosebuiir. Frirlnv.
! sF 1 I Hon
sssW 4Pfe fe sMk
Induced by the nso of cocn, opiate or nar
cotlo compounds Is bad, decidedly bad.
They undormlne health and shatter ths
constitution and the patient Is steadily
growing Into a worse condition often
resulting In the terrible slavery and
misery ot the cocaine and opium bsblt.
Bleep Induced by the use of Hood's Bam
p&rllla docs, not pcrhs.pi come as quickly,
bnt It comta mora surely and mora per
nuntntly through nature's great testor
Ing and rejuvenating channel purified,
vitalized And enriched blood, This feeds
tho nerves with Hfo-glvlnff energy and
builds tip the system and constitution
from the very foundation rjf all health
and life the blood pure, rich, red blood.
Is the One True Blood Turlfler. All druggists. t.
Hnnrl'c Dillc cure liver Ills, easy to take,
1IOUU S rl I IS easy to operate. 23 cents.
- i i -i- mw - .
Adopted by the Democrats In National
The following I the full and com
plete platform as adopted by the
National Democratic convention:
We, the Democrats of the United
States in national convention assemb
led, do rcalll rm our allegiance to those
great essential principles of Justice
and liberty upon which our Institu
tions are founded, and which the
Democratic party has advocated from
Jefferson's time to our own freedom
or speech, freedom of the press, f ree-
uoni or conscience, the preservation of
tMlti?..t (1 1 fll-l.tci !.. nnimll.M ..1,
citizens before the law, and the faith-
iui observance of constitutional limi
tations. During all these years the Demo
cratic party has resisted the tendency
or bellish interests to tho centraliz
ation of governmental power, and
steadfastly maintained the Integrity
or the dual scheme of government
established by tho founders of this
republic of republics. Under Its
guldanco and teachings the great
principle of local self-government has
found its best expression In tho main
tenance of the rights of the states
and in its assertion of tho necessity
of confining the general government
to the exercise of powers granted by
the constitution of the United States.
The constitution of tho United
States guarantcea to every citizen the
rights of civil and religious liberty.
The democratic party has always been
the exponent of political liberty and
religious freedom and it renews its
obligations and rcafirms its devotion
to these fundamental principles of
the constitution.
Recognizing that the money ques
tion Is paramount to all others at this
time, we Invito attention to the fact
that the constitution names silver
and gold together as the money metals
of the United States, and that the
tirst coinage law passed by congress
under the constitution made tho sil
ver dollar the money unit, and ad
mitted gold to free coinage at a ratio
based upon the sliver dollar unit.
We declare that the act of J873 de
monetizing silver without the knowl
edge or approval of tho American peo
ple has resulted lir tho appreciation
of gold, and a corresponding rail in
the price of commodities produced by
the peeplc; a heavy Increase In the
burden or taxation and or all debts.
public and private; tho enrichment or
the money lending class at home and
abroad, the prostration of lndnstry,
and impoverishment of the people.
Wo are unalterably opposed to mon
ometallism, which has locked fast the
prosperity of an industrial people In
paralysis of hard times, Gold mono
metallism Is a British policy, and its
adoption has brought other nations
into financial servitude to London.
It is not only un-American, but anti
American, and it can bo fastened on
the United States only by the stifling
of that spirit and love of liberty
which proclaimed our political intie
pendence In 1770 and won In the war
of the revolution.
We demand the free and unlimited
coinage of both silver and gold at the
present legal ratio of 10 to 1, without
waiting for tho aid or4consent of any
other nation. We demand that the
standard silver dollar shall bo a full
legal tender, equally with gold, for all
debts, public and private, and we
favor such legislation as will prevent
for the future the demonetization of
any kind of legal tender money by
private contract.
We are opposed to the policy and
nructlce of surrendering to the hold
ers of tho obligations, of the United
States, tho option reserved by law to
the government of redeeming such ob
ligations In cither silver coin or gold
We arc opposed to tho issuing of Interest-bearing
bonds of tho United
States in time of peace, and condemn
the trafficking with banking syndi
cates which, in exchange for bonds
and at an enormous prollt to them
selves, supply the federal treasury
with gold to maintain the policy of
gold monometallism.
Congress alone has the power to
coin and Issue money, and Prerldent
Jackson declared that this power
could not be delegated to corporations
or Individuals. We therefore de
nounce the issuance of notes intended
to circulate as money by national
banks as in derogation or the consti
tution, and we demand that all paper
which Is made a legal tender for
public and private debts or which Is
receivable for duties to tho United
Gtates 6hall be be issued by tho gov
ernment of tho United States and
shall be redeemable In coin.
We hold that tariff duties should bo
levied for purpose of revenue, such du
ties tO DC BO ad I US tCd as to Operate
equally throughout the country and
not discriminate between Jclasa or sec-'
and that taxation should ba
lUulUKJ by tiw need! of (ho govern
ment honestly find wonoinlcallv ad
We. denounce &s.dlsturblhlt to busi
ness the Republican threat Mi feturo'
the McKlnley law, which has twice i
been condemned by tin people in na
tional elections, and which, enacted
under the false plea of protection to
home Industry, proved a prolific
breeder of trusts nud monopolies, en
riched the fuw by the uxpenso of the
many, restricted trudo, utid deprived
tho producers of the great American
staples of ucoesf. to tlitlr natural mar
Until tho money question is settled
Wo are opposed to any agitation for
further changes In our tariff lawu, ex
cept such as are necesary U meet the
dciiclt in revenue caused by the ad
verse decision of the supieiuo court on
the Income lax. Hut ror this decision
by tho supreme court there would be
no deficit In the revenue under the law
passed by u Democratic congress in
strict pursuance i.r tho uniform deci
sions or that court for 100 years, that
court having in that decision sus
tained constitutional objections to Its
enactment which had preciously been
overruled by the ablest Judges who
have ever sat on tho bench. Wo de
clare that it is the duty or congiess to
uso all the constitutional power which
remains after that, decision, or which
may come fiom Its roveial by the
court as it may lieieafler he consti
tuted, mi that the burdens of taxation
may be equally and iinpai tially laid,
to thecii.l that wealth mti bruits
due proportion of the exooiisc of the
Wo hold that the limit elllclent way
of protecting American labor is to
prevent the Importation of foicign
pauper labor to compete with It In the
noiiiu niarKei, aim that the uilue or
the homo market lo our Ameilcati
farmers and artisans Isgieatly reduced
by a vicious monetary system which
depresses the prices ot their products
below the cost of production, and thus
deprives them or the means or pur
chasing the products or our home
manufactories, and, us labor creates
the wealth of thocountry, we demand
the passage of such laws us may be
necessary to protect It In ull Its rights.
We are In favor of tho arbitration
or differences between employers on
gaged in Interstaro commerce und
their employes, and recommend such
legislation as Is necessary to carry out
this principle.
Tho absorption of wealth by tho
few, the consolidation of our leading
railroad systems, and tho formation
of trust und pools require a stlcter
control by the federal government of
thoso arteries of commerce Wo de
mand tho enlargement of tho powers
of the Interstate commcrco commiss
ion and such and such restrictions and
and guarantees in in tho control or
railroads as will protect tho people
from robbery and oppression,
We denounce the profligate waste
of the money wrung from tho pcoplo
by oppressive taxation und tho lavish
appropriations of recent Republican
congresses, which havo kept taxes
nigti wnito tho labor that pays tuom
is unemployed, and tho products of
tho peoplo's.toll arc depressed in price
till they no longer repay tho cost of
Wo demand a return to that sim
plicity and economy which benefits a
Democratic government and a reduc
tion In the number of useless offices,
the salaries or which drain tho sub
stance of tho people.
Wedcnounco arbitrary intolerances
by federal authorities In local affairs
as a violation of tho constitution of
tho UnltedStatcs and a crime against
free institutions, and wo especially
object to government by injunction as
a new and highly dangerous iorra or
oppression, by which federal Judges
In contempt of tho laws or tho states
and rights or citizens, becomo at once
legislators, Judges, and executioners,
and wo approve tho bill passed at the
last session or tho United States sen
ate, and now pending In tho house of
representatives, rclatlvo to contempts
in federal courts and providing for
trials by Jury in certain cabes of con
No discrimination should bo In
dulged by the government of tho Uni
ted States in favor of uny ofltsdebt-
A well selected text is half of the ser
mon. Given a good text and a preachei
who is in earnest, and the result is sur
to lie good. The text of this article is i
plain simple statement that proves itself
in the reader's own mind without argu
ment. The text is " Good health Is bet
ter than great riohes."
Without health nothing really matten
yery much. A hacking cough takes all
the beauty out of a landscape or a sunset
Erysipelas or eczema will spoil the enjoy
ment of sprightly conversation, of a beau
tiful concert, of a wonderful painting.
The biggest bank account in the world
won't pav a man for his health, but I
very small amount of money will maki
him healthy and keep him healthy.
Most all bodily troubles start in tin
digestive or respiratory organs. It u
here that improper living first makes ai
opening for disease. The development
differs as constitutions and tempcrvtienti
differ. The cause are almost Identical
To get at the root of the matter i simple
enough if you start right.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
is a medicine for the whole body. It
works through the digestive organs on
all the others.
It cures the first thing it comes to and
uter that, the next. It puts health in
place of disease in the stomach, and from
the vantage ground thus gained, it
reaches every fiber of the body and drives
disease before it indigestion, liver
troubles, kidney complaint, biliousness.
akin nd acaln dWaaes. aalt.rhaum. tetter.
eczema, and all the troubles caused by
impure blood.
jpftiiiiii.jaujgi rr,1 ii.lm
y - j, i ,.., i i 'jx " H
IS.1M trUliHm Mm liHMiTTTitllm',iHmitfl mmtmtmtrTrttm
in .th
-i-ii-f'iiim.' i' i.iumlUmi.'.i n ''1, " ' fl
' ' ' ''' '"' hi i'i"ltliMi a",! " 9
slrnilatlng ihcTood nticiRctfula
llng live S iQnwdis oMBowcls of
ncss andltest.Contalns neither
Opiurn,Morphln.c norlfincral.
Not Narcotic
6w Strd
Jmmmt .
COrifitJ Sifr
Apcrfccl IJcmcdv for Conslloa
tion. Sour Slomach.Diarrlioca,
Yorms .Convulsions.Fcvcnsh
ticss end LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
igjjAjL j.i. i iji i sffr
ors. Wo approve of tho refusal of tho
Pacific railroad funding bill, amide
uounco tho efforts or tho present Re
publican congress to enact n similar
Recognizing the Just claims of do
serving union 6oldlers wo heartily on
dorse the rule of the present commis
sioner of pensions that no names shall
bo arbitrarily dropped from tho pen
slon roll; and tho fact of enlistment
and scrvlco shonld bo deemed con
clusive ovldenco against diseaso und
disability before enlistment.
Wo favor tho admission of tho ter
ritories of Now Mexico, Arizona nnd
Oklahoma into tho United States,
nnd wo favor the early admission off
all tho territories haying tho neces
sary population and resources to en
title them to statehood, and while
they remain territories, wo hold that
tho officials appointed to administer
tho government of any territory to
gether with tho District of Columbia
and Alaska, should bo bona lido resi
dents of tho territory or district In
which tho duties are to bo performed.
Tho Democratic party believes In
homo rulo nnd that ull public lands
of tho United States should bo appro
priated to too establishment or rrco
homos for American citizens. Wo
recommend that tho territory of
Alaska bo granted a dolcgntc In con
gress, und that tho general land and
timber laws of tho United States bo
extended to said territory.
The Monroe doctrino is originally
declarcd.and as Interpreted by sucecd
lng presidents, Is a pormancnt part or
tho foreign policy of tho United
States, and must at nil times bo main
tained' CUBA.
We extend our sympathy to tho
pcoplo of Cuba In their heroic strug
gle for liberty and independence.
Wo nro opposed to llfo tenure In tho
public service. Wo favor appoint
ments based upon merit, fixed term of
office, and sach an administration of
tho civil service lawa as will afford
equal opportunities to all citizens of
ascertained fitness, Wo dcclaro It to
bo tho unwritten law of this republic,
established by dustoni and usage of
one hundred years and sanctioned by
tho examples or tho greatest nnd
wisest or those who founded and huvo
maintained our government, that no
man should be eligible for a third
term in tho presidential office.
Tho rcderal government should enro
fprund Improve tho Mississippi river
and other great waterways of tho re
public, so us to secure for tho Interior
states easy and cheap transportation
to tidewater. Whon any wuterway of
tho republic Is of sufficient Import
ance to domain) aid of tho govern
ment such aid should bo extended up
on a definite plan or continuous work
until permanent Improvement Is
Confiding In tho Justice or our cause
nnd tho necessity or its success at tho
polls, wc submit tho foregoing declar
ations of principles nnd purposes to
the considerable Judgment or tho
American people. Wo Invito tho sup
port or all citizens who approve them
and who desire to have them mado
effective through legislation for tho
relief of the people und tho restoration
of the country's prosperity.
ONCH MQRIl In harmony
with tho woria,2000
rotrplLtcly curtxl men uro
tlQiiau iatiy prubes. for
insert c4i,Kranu
.'. ana l (t sue
rueful f ir j I c i Bcx
tiat weakness an I
lo. t vlir r known to
in'xllci.1 rlmco. Au
a lUnfrf this loon
ier uJ dueorv, la
book t orw, with rot
crones oud proof,
.,! VtfKj
!' ,v-rs
. Fu
ill petcni i" tur
Full manly vtuor
ferlnz mon Mealed) free
icrmucuur jtawea.
Fafiuro lmiooalLi
jMUJWswuiyaiiijiiii ,
is oit a?HH
C utozla ii pat up la obo-i!j bottles only. It
s But solil la tulk. Sont allow anfons to tell
yon anytalng olte on th plea or promise that it
Is "Jnit as good" anil "wlU answer exery pur
pose." - Bee that you got 0-A-S-T-0-E-I-A.
Th faa-
k St tad By.,
Of the Chicago, Milwaukee nd ,St. Paul
Railway and note its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha,
and remember when going east that its tru'ii
ate lighted with electricity and heated by
steam. Its equipment is superb. Elegant
Buffet, library, smoking and sleeping cars,
with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping
car beith has an electric reading lamp, and
its dining cars aro ihe best in the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none
are shorter, and no other offers the above lux
urious accommodations. These are sufficient
reasons for the popularity of "Tho Milwau
kee." Coupon ticket agents in every rail,
road office will give yon further Information,
or address
C. T. EDDV. General Agent,
J. W. CASEV, Trav. Pass. Agent.
Ask the
ticket agent,
when you consult
hlni about your east
ern trip, to toll you
nboutour service to
the cast nnd south.
Ask hi in to tell
you how much slior
terwln tlmo us well
us miles our lino is
to Omaha, Kansas
City and St. Louis.
Ask hltn,too,about
our service between
St.Paul and Chicago.
Got one of our
, folders from him
nnd stupy the matter
yourself. Do this
und your ticket will
sursfy read, as It
surely should, via
the Itiirllngtori route
Poitland, Or.
For Do'.icacyi
(or purity, and for Improvement of the com
plexion nothing equals Poxzoki's Powdeb.
moon pdisdh
-a uriinpMi ooi
tlory 11I.OOU roiSON permanently
euredlnlitott dajra. You cant treated M
bom toraaou, prlco undor aania guaraa
tr. lfToUDrafertoeomahera trawlllmiu
tract to pay railroad fareatxl ho telbllt,ao4
1. 1 1 we tall lo com. If von hava taken nierw
coobsrse, I f we tall lo enre, K f oa bava taken met
muiae iKiiaiu. ana mil nave atm
uillde itotaab, ami Milt bats ajhei and.
paloa. Mucous I'ulcliee la mouth, bore Xftroat,
arirapiea. uopir vomnHBlxiu, uic
Clopper Colorcil Hpotsa
ears oa
out.1V la this HecoutUry HLOOU I'OISOl
i poor, uuir or K.w
wKuarautttocar. waaoucituiamoitouaw-
nafe caaea and cuallenro the) worl
uiHicunatcurc. Thla oiaeaae ha.
l'fcU Olaeaao bos altrars
u tor m
twBM4 tfcf skHl ot Vh tuttt Uea phyi
daaa. lM8,tM capital fcahuut oar noooa
UodiI gaarntr. AbsolatoBrooMjantaoalfd
its nrooM Mn t ald oa
reaa COO JtKMrjtX -CO.
, taimm iu
Tho Rosy Frmhn
I rial
And a velvety luftneaa of the skin la Inva
riably obtained by tboaa who uaa Votram'm
Complexion Itiwder.
Chicago, Milwaukee,
TT?Ha, PAUL , j
"sLi o w a sr TBI
!? it to. .Soon Vict AiftO "1