Daily Capital Journal! BY HOFBR BKOTHBRS. FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 1890. v s t '.' s - ' V ' , jt .V V V-VV V V. C V V DAILY LIN WTO PORTLAND. ST.UA.H.UUb tf Altona and Ramona LEAVE DAILY. , Portland, 6:45 a. m. Salem 7 a. m., except Sunday. Quick time, regular Service and cheap ....rates.... M. P. BALDWIN, Agent, Salem. S 9s 9K S0S 'WS S0 S9i mSS S S S Another big Pile Of our standard indigo blue prints 5 cents. JOURNAL "X" RAYS. Compiled by the Awfully Man. "We are for gold and a king standard Democrats. Good-Natured Gold More of and black, unequalled the heavy twilts In blue For boys waists and shirts Underwear, Full line of children's cotton sani tary. All sizes 24 to 3-1. '2.5 cents. Smaller sizes 20 cents. Dress Patterns, No two .".like. Fancy mixture, brown, blues, blacks, cardinals, etc. i-c tlietn. Gold Medal Black Goods, Are guaranteed to wear. All new patterns, no hack numbers, and an Immense assortment to choose from. T. fiolversbn. It Is too near election to believe anything Dame Rumor tells. Getoiit Mr. Voter. Judge A. S. Bennett Is going to civc to specific contract law Its true Interpretation at Salem Monday night. Chief Clerk James II. Richardson, of the R. M. S., located at Portland, has been removed for cause. He was a Democrat. per-and Capes and Jackets,! Soini very stylish garments, feet fitting, choice materials lowest prices. Men's Clothing. SI 83 B3 Our all-wool suits from $0 to $15 are popular sellers. J, J, Dalrymple Co, GOLD STANDARD DEMOCRATS. Salem Men Who Will Vote for Palmer and Buckner. The state electoral ticket of the national Democrats was placed on record with the secretary of state yes terday. The names were filed by petition according to the law provid ing for such cases. The petition contained 341 names of sound-money Democrats taken throughout vhe state. The electors ate: Lewis B. Cox.of PortIand;Alexander II. Holmes, of McCoy: Frank A. Seufcrt, and Cur tis J. Trcnchard, of Astoria. Following are the names of the Sa- Democrats who signed the pcti- PURSONAL F. V. Ilollis is home from .Eugene Mrs. J uo. Duncev went to Portland this morning. Mrs. Markley wts a Woodburn pas senger thifs morning. Mrs. Ollie Snyder left this morning for Cheney, Washington. Warner r.reyman was a Portland passenger this morning. Mrs. I). Hasseler and Miss Ida Glaus were Portland passengers via Salem local today. Mrs. L. It. Stlnson and son returned last evening from a visit with Port laud friends. Mr. and Mrs. 1). L. Winkler, of Port land, arc visiting their son, L. D. Winkler, night operator for the West ern Union 'Telegraph company. Frank Goodcll returned to Port land this morning having attended the funeral of his mother, Mrs. M. Goodell Thursday afternoon. Senator J. F. Calbreath returned tills morning to McMlnnville, having accompanied to Salem his daughter, Miss illelcn, who has entered the College of Music. Albert M. Grilley, secretary of the local Y. M. C. A., and II. W. Swafford, delegate from the Willamette Univer sity association, went to Oregon City, morning, to attend the Joint Y. lem tion: G W Gray, W II Byrd, D BSteeves, John II Albert, CO Iluelat, E II Flagg, F Levy, A H Coshow, P II Sroat, Leo Willis, E C Herren J DShaw. Clias A Park, Jos II Albert, A C Hopf, W T Gray, J J Dalrymple, G A Rockwell, Geo B Gray, J. T Shaw, HE Albert, Hamilton Beatty, A Bush, II II Thompson, G L L Basket, Thos G Albert. this M. C. A there convention, to be in session over Sunday. Probate Court. In cstato Catherine Simmons, de ceased, Jerome B. Simmons and W. S. Simmons, ask that 11. W. Smith be appointed administrator granted and the bond fixed at $5000. Heirs aro William II. Simmons, ago 42: W. S. Simmons, aged 40; Amy Ilobortson, aged 38; Asa Simmons, aged 30; Geo. D. Simmons, aged 34; Tllmon II. Sim mons, aged 28; Annie Needham, aged 22; Jerome B. aged 20; and a number of grandchildren. A COMUDY CO. The Hnrrv r,. Palmer Comedy Company will play at vv.. u UJiv,.u iiuurnj uuillllj iilll WUUK, opening Thursday night, the 8th. Bert P. Van Cleovs will appear in comedy parts. Tlioy play all new pieces and great successes, having a Hue band and orchestra. It Is estimated the gold Democrats ill poll 300 votes in Marlon county. More Rumors Afloat During the past few days several additional rumors concerning the re moval of the Salem Local and other possible changes of the Southern Pacific schedule for Salem, have leached the cars of the Jouknal re porter. It Is rumored that at the Portland exposition the Salem Local will be removed and the time of the California overland will be changed to accomodate the Salem traveling public. By the reported new sched ule to be adopted, the north bound overland will reach Salem about 8 a. m. dally instead of 0 a. m. as at pres ent while the south bound overland will arrive here about 9 p. m. two hours earlier than present. This will be quite an accommodation to Salem people since It would give them about 0 hours in Portland, when at the present time, going via Salem Local, they only have 0 hours. However at present no change will likely be made since the new schedule adopted by the Company on the 1st Inst, did not in the least effect the trains passing through Salem. Cassius M. Idleman, ($3,000), W. S. Dunnlway, ($2,500), total $18.00 per day at public expense, out lecturing for sound money. Of course, the gold standard Demo crats don't want any kind of money to be money but gold, and will pay out nothing but gold. At least four" of the Albertses of Sa lem, who are gold standard men from principle, are reported as counted sure to vote for Mclvinley. Hon. J. J. Whitney, of Albany, at the Armory Saturday night; in spite of the fact that the Statesman says Bryan is crazy, it Is thought Bryan men will still be found to turn out. Gold Standard Democrats: "We don't intend to vote for our electors; we intend to vote for McKinley; but we expect to find some people who will vote for the gold standard Demo cratic electors out of principle." The rumor is growing that the S. P. Co. has bought the O. C. & E. that was formerly the Oregon Pacific. The officials of the S. P. have been making several trips up to the mountain terminus. THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE. Cast of Characters in Operette at Reeds, October a and 3. CAST OF CHARACTKHS. Rcgina, Queen of the Universe. .. . Miss Ethel Hughes Amorita, Goddess of Love Mrs. Ilallic Parrlsh ningcs Fortuna, Goddess of Wealth. . . ... MissLona White Honora, Goddess of Honor MissMina Iluelat Virginie, Goddess of Virtue...... Miss Esther Collins Queen of Night Mrs. Jennie Linn Faith Miss Mabel Hutton Hope Miss LInnle Stutesman Charity Miss Hortense Kimball Youth Miss Leona Hlrsch Beauty Miss Lena Hutton Pleasure Miss Mollie Bernardi Truth Miss Nannlta Paddock Purity Miss Lucy Williams Mercy MlssOskle Matthews Dancing Nymph , ; . . . .Miss Helen Copeland Ladles of the court. Maids of Honor ...Miss Alice Steiner .MIssM, D. nodgkln ...Miss Lottie Grant , ..Miss Bertha Byrd .Miss M. Harrington ...Frankie Chase .Florence Bigger ..Connie Holland Joe Chase ..Myra Raymond .Ethel Raymond Stella Hurst Carrie Hurst Marion Gray ..Claudia Gilbert scnooii .BOOKS.! h p All school books $ used in the Salem $ 5 public schools at A if v Dearborn's f U Book H j Store, f I U o I y Also Tablets, Slates, m 3 Pencils, etc, y ? W tt -TOMORR. FECIAL Salfi Gapes mjm Everything in the Wrap Line at Prices, Reduced Capes from $1.85 up, Jackets from $2,25 Jackets from $1 up, UP- Childrt, as All applications for my assistance during this campaign should bo ad dressed to tho Bryan Headquarters, Salem, Oregon. W. T. ltlClDON. Boys Clothing. X Z jounced for winter. Sco ours. Prices are very reasonable. Men's $10 suits. Best in Salem. "Didn't Understand the Works." A good joke is being told on a jani tor of one of Salem. s public schools. Only a few days since In working about the radiators he accidentally loosened the faucet that supplied the various pipes with heated water and for a time there seemed to be a second Hood threatened. The school house basement reminded the observer quite forcibly of an artificial lake. In tho meantime a plumber had been summoned from Jthc city but found the huge boiler about empty. The trouble was at once remedied and the jatttor is now more thoroughly ac quainted with "them, heating ma chines." Hats and Caps, XC XC bucu valueH wo novcr had before. Any style. Lowest price. Try us. School Shoes, 5 5 1 Are our specialty." Little Giants" are the best. Try them and you will buy again. They aro all solid and wear llko Iron. Women and men's shoes, Jvst as good. Prices on them aro right. .Willis Bros, & Co, Court and-Llberty. The Cash. Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoo House. Boys' Iron Clad Hose, M M Alberta Underwear, . 91 Si Returned to Her Home. It is reported that some time Wed nesday afternoon an unruly daughter of one of South Salem's citizens left home qulto unceremoniously, taking about $5 not her own. Falling to return that night her parents were considerably worried and instituted a search for tho girl but failed to ascer tain her wherealxnits. The father boarded tho northbound overland. Thursday morning and returned homo with his daughter on tho late train last night. It is hoped the girl may appreciate tho comforts of a homo more In tho futuro and not embark on a second such foolish expedition. The Best Families buy their fruits nt Branson & Co.'s grocery, becauso thoro they find tho best in the market. iJ,Soap Foam Washing Powder will not make the clothes yel low, nor burn the hands, J. II. Fletcher's paper says: There is a report alloat that the ex position at Portland Is to be run In the Interest of goldbuglsm, and I al ready things begin to smack of Mc Kinley. If that be so, we call upon every free silver man In Oregon to give the thing a wide berth. Hon. Zero Snow, of Portland, attor ney for seyeral mighty corporations, but specially retained -for the candi date from Ohio of all the trusts and syndicates, to help save Oregon for gold and a king, was in town yester day and was immediately mot at the train by Banker Albert. The gentle men kept as far from the vulgar herd as possible, and soon all the gold Dem ocrats of Salem were enrolled for the gold standard electors. The gold standard is not enough to suit the tastes of the vast crowd of gold worshippers. Their ticket must be made up for them by the managers of the biggest corporations, and it is more than probable that if an emblem were allowed by law, a crown of gold would be at the head of their electoral ticket. The close combination be tween the American bankers who want the British gold standard and the corporations that are run bv the German and English stockholders, is so sweet and angelic that hitherto high-minded Americans, who thought our country could have a financial sys tem of its own, are asked to get down on their knees and beg permission to be allowed to vote for gold and a king and at tne same time bo permitted to kiss the great toe of St. Albert and St. Snow and the rest of the saints of disinterested politics, while all the rest of the shoddy aristocracy and Mark Ilanna worshippers will stand In a respectful attitude and await 211 opportunity to lay their heads on the block! A Fast Run. When the Salem local left the depot yesterday morn ing, Engineer Hanulgan's watch indi cated a delinquency from schedule timo, of exactly 21 minutes. An addi tional loss in time of 5 minutes, was mado at Oregon City, but the "local cannon ball" rolled Into the Portland depot promptly on time. In tho effi cient hands of Engineer Ilannlgan and Fireman Drcnnan, tho train will be operated as near schedule time, as possible. Vulcan Hercules Queen's Guards Dr. A. B. Qillls, Dr. J. M. Keene. pnp(! ) Van Sutherland iaes Johnnie Porter MORTALS. Robert, Duke of Burgundy Basil M.Wagner Leperello, Valet to the Duke D. A. Dinsnioor Evelina,Peasant Girl Pearl Carter DEMONS AND IMPS. Vice Prince of Darkness. .C. Burggraf Revenge John McCourt Drunkenness Geo. Ashby Ambition A. C. Hopf The Bogle Man Matt Whan Hatred ). W. BIckford Slander John Giesy Svengali Al Steiner Bombastes Luke Linn Oswald West Harry Thompson Harry dinger ArmenStelner i " jfcM JBBi ' WBFymiF 257 Commercial st, NEW TODAY Imps IIuiiKAii for, WmjATl-The schedule of prices at tho Salem Flouring mills this morning Indicated a raise of 3 per bushel for wheat aud today 53 cents was paid for the "golden grain." Grain continues to come in slowly. This will boa welcome bit of Infor mation to farmers who have been storing their wheat In anticipation of a raise In tho price thereof. FAIRIES. Irma Hall, Rose White, Essie Car son, Georgie Booth, Bessie Bucking ham, Lola Cook, Frankie Chase, Flor ence .Bigger, Nina Bushnell, Grace Carter, Alice Meyer, Ama Strong, Blanche Brown, Mabel Heritage, Ada Bigger, Ida Parker, Mable O'Fling, Vai Parker, Essie Parks, Remoh Holland, Mable Gilbert, Grace Rineman, Mary Babcock, Bertha Clough, Lolo Leabo, Bessie Mills, Nona Clough, Eva Coshow, Margue rite Wilson. Joy Turner, Fay Snook, Linta Stahley, Ella Snook, Leola Damon, Marguerite Oflborno, Lillian Magnan, Beita Eennie, Marguerite Cline, Opal Scott, Altheu Morris, Marion Stowe, Helen Pierce, Margue rite Bozorth, Evelyn Bigger, Corine Relly, Dorothy Pierce, Helen Krausse. Winnfleld Byrd, Eunane Craig. upid , . . .Denton Catterltn ln?--, LoloCook Golden Hair Ama Strong Star Eyes Alice Meyer jj an xvusmiu juaoie Heritage FInella Blanch Brown Lei ta Grace Carter Stella Marguerite Osborne I roretta' , . . .Helen Krausse Chorus Singers, Guards, etc. Management: Mrs. L. Newmayer, directress; Miss G. nughes, pianist; w 1111s JUoElroy, leader orchestra; II. Anderson, San Francisco, costumer. T AT MARION'S CAPITAL. Ivola Neis has instituted suit In the Marion county circuit court against Phil Nels for judgment for four sums of money, viz: $1,095 with interest at the rate of 7 percent from May 1,1891, to date of judgment; $250 with inter est at 7 per cent from March 8, 1895 $570.80 with interest at 10 per cent from June 10, 1890; $281.90 with Inter est at 8 per cent from January 4, 1890, and for $200 attorney's fees. The first account in the matter of tue estate of John Flock, deceased, and the third in that of the Zlba A. Colburn estate were filed with the county clerk yesterday. m Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the liver is torpid nud sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal billions fevers. No medicine will act more surelv in counti-mrt. Delicious Maple Syrupy "Like we had last year' flflRRITT & LAWRENCE, P, Or Grocery, "The WorloVBeater op people." THE MARKETS, New 2 60. SILVER. York, Oct. 2 Silver, Sfc Itij LIVE STOCK. Chicago. Oct. 2. Hogrj Al ... 3 5?: heavy tJ.6S3 35. 8l 'JS Cattle Beeves tl.2rYa.to- -,. heifers $I.3o3.8o. Si ' ttw '' fclieep Good st County Treasures Report for the Month Ending October 1, idg'o. BALANCES ON HAND SEPT. I. General school fund '325,010 ' Indigent soldier fund 42S 4: Institute fund L'S ir. Lake Labish drainage fund. (W North Salem drainage fund. 11 2- Total $25,497 8,'J RECEIPTS. Special district tax $ 0,887 72 Spef ial city tax 1,703 87 OENEnAL FUND. Poll tax 400 00 Liquor license 33 33 Assignments 22 05 Linn county reparinu' bridge . 7 50 Rccoidor fees 209 30 Clerk feus 382 02 Taxes 0,483 85 MARRIED. .KIT WEI LER K.AMPMAN At 1 bv rirst Presbyterian church, Su- losii, TltuiKdny. October 1, 1890, Mrs. Lnnicn Kampiiian to J. E. Di'riviil.M-. Rev. G. W. Whitman, in' Dallas nihVIntlng. J? ;fr. jc; county, BORN. Total $7,544 25 GENERAL SCHOOL FUND. II. A. Johnson, Hue 10 CO Ed. N. Edes, fine 20 00 Taxes 3.G44 95 JOIIN.SON. At the homo in Yew Park, Friday morning, October 2, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. John son, a daughter. The happy father is a motorman in the employ of the Salem Motor Rail way and wore a contented smile to day. Total $ 3,074 95 Indigent soldier fund $ 72 01 Total receipts $45,441 23 OVERDRAFTS SEPT. 1. Special city and district.... $ 3.749 22 General fund 224 85 Total $ 3,974 , DISBURSEMENTS. District No. 19 District No. 3 4 7 .- 97 24 8 07 District No District No, District No, District No District No, District No. 22. . Elstrict No. 58. . District No. 10.. District No. 11.. 29 50 3 40 199 20 11 13 57 35 508 30 4 77 32 48 50 23 31 97 70 00 Total $1,001 49 SPECIAL CITY. City of balem $ i,G94 58 uity ui uurvHis juu bJ Marvelous Results. From a letter wiitlen by Rev. J. Guilder imn, of D'mionJale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation na rccomending Dr. King's new discovery, as the results were nlmoat marvelous in the case of my wife. While 1 was pastor of the Hap. list Church at Uives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeding La Grippe, Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interuption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend reco. mended Dr. King's New discovery; it was quick in its work and highly sitisfactory in re-ult " 'Trial hotlles free at I ied A. Legg's Diu Sioie. Regular size nccnts, and$l.oo City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that I have on hand funds applicable to tho pay ment of all warrants of the city of Salem, drawn on the general fund, and endorsed before November 20, 1895. Interest will cease on said warrants from and after tho date or this notice. E. J. Swafford, 9 22 Ot City Treasurer. Salem, Sept. 22, '95. Special Sale. Of kid gloves all the latest Importations at "The Leader" millinery store Friday. Total $ 1,835 47 Indigent soldier fund 24 34 Superintendent orders 20,515 55 General fund warrants 5,598 41 balances on hand. General school fund $ 8,178 97 General fund 1,720 99 Special city and district 1,955 41 Indigent soldier fund 470 70 lustitute fund 38 00 Lake Lablsh drainage fund. 00 North Salem drainage fund. 11 23 The dealer who says, "1 have uo Hoe Cake soap," practically admit that he does not sell first quality goods. If he says he has something "Just as good" you will know at once tnat no is trying to sell you an In ferior article. There Is more cloathlne destroyed by poor soap than bv actual wear, as the free alkali rots the cloth. Hoe Cake contains neither free alkali nor worthless filling. eady. CRAIN. Uitcago" Oct. j. WheiL PORTLAND MARKET. rKOVlsiON. Portland, Oct. 5. Whett nlfcr Walla Walla, 56. e' Flour Portland. 2.1c. iw .. 2 75! eraham. 2.eo: surrfin t, ?.' Oats- White .3&&lp,tiSw iasesfS3.7S4:?SS-25' &2 Potatoes. . Oregon, 4Sa3Sc per ncV. Hay. .Good, toio.50 per ton. Wool.. Valley, 89c; Eastern (W S7.e. Mmstufls. . Bran, Ji2.5oai4.5o;shorts,Jii 5, Poultry- Chickens, miied,23.oo;brml. crs, M 2S2.2S; ducks, 213; geese, tfi6. turkeys, live, 10. HiaeH.. green, salted ;6o lbs 5c; ude, 60 lbi 44Mci heep pelts, io7oc Hops Contracts for new crops are brin made at 6a6c. Again on the SiDEWALKS.-The local bicycle ordinance, regarding the riding of wheels on the sidewalk, ei pired Wednesday night, and bicyclists will now have permission to use the sidewalks to the inconvenience of pedestrians, until May 1st. Bicycle Messengers. Swift, sure and cheap transportation of notes, packages, etc. Ring up telephoned or blue boxes. You Can Save Money by buying your under wear, hosiery.yara gloves, umbrellas, mackintoshes at The Ladies' Bazaar, Closing out sale. Goods must be sold Going out of business, Ladies Bazaar D, W, Fraser, Salem, Reed's Opera House, PATTON BROS., Local Mantprs. system from the mal.iri-il poison. Headache. Indigestion, Constipa. tion, Diziiness yeild to Electric Hitters. 50 cents and $.100 per bottle at Fred A. Legg's Drug store. jiTotal disbursemen 845,441 23 otal cash on hand 3,031 00 Received for September 19,943 40 Disbursements $29,0&'S 20 ' - -. l. L. Brown, HZ: County Treasurer. On Saturday there is always a crowd in town men of all parties, their wives and daugh ters, a majority of them patronize Strang's, restaurant, for the reasons that they get the most and the best for their money. m State Printer W. II. Leeds rrr nrnivi home this morning en tho overland. A Missionary Meeting. The joint Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. meetlnir Sunday afternoon at Willamette Uni versity will bo a missionary meeting, conducted by Prof. T. E. Brown. All students of tho school aud their friends are cordially Invited. Committed. Robert Russell aged 40, who uses liquor excessively, was committed to the asylum today by Judge Ferrell. Marion County Grapes. John G. "Wrltrht. the Salem nloneer grocer, Is receiving dally shipments of the celebrated Buttevillo grapes, Aiiey aro me nome-grown product, the Hnest In the world. 9 30 tf Friday and Saturday Evenings, October 2 and 3, The Famous Little green mount ain musk' melons golden cores the tinest In the market at Branson & Co's. Choicest family groceries a specialty. 9 24 tf CASTOR I A For Infants and. Children. Thfie linllj Ufutcri OX &&& Uc&x irirr TJLj C 'F-I IRr aPSaiDS iD Eum,fhing?7flCommerciaI Street. I 1 1 ID I I 1 1 I I lOiiu . Motto! "Spot Cash, Quick Sales and small Profite," Grand production of the Fairy Operetta TriumphlLove BY LOCAL TALENT. A grand chorus of 100 volces-W B nymphs, goddesses, demon, and mortals. Magnificent costumes! Charming tableaux! Beautiful fairy danc! Grotcspue demon dances. Not a dull scene In st"cls or unmrun""., -.. jji i --"?".--, Salem, inquire ... -a-a, 'H? ??, V2? WA farm produce as pay ur. Address box 33