Hi83WBBWBWWHi8iii"WiIiinrillii id w.inimtiiiii. iwtunni, twu m m 'Dally Capital Jouma BY HOFBR BROTHBR3, MONDAY, SEPT. 21, 1896. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. ;i AND ANARCHY, 1 A friend") of barkley. For Independent and People's Government. For President, WILLIAM JKN.NINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President, THOMAS WATSON, of Georgia. , OREGON UNION I'KKSIUBNTIAL F.LECTORS, N. L. BUTLER, Polk County, Democratic M. L. OLMSTED. Baker Countv, Peoples. HAKRV W ATKINS, Yamhill Co., l'eoples. K. I10FER, Marion Co., Silver Republuan. ELDER BARKLEY'S MEETINGS. Hon. II. L. Harkley will speak as follows: Orojon City, September to; Albany. Sep tember 1 1; Eugene, Seplemb.-r l2;Corvallls, September, 14; Toledo. September IS: Ibanon, Septemicr 16; McMinnville, Sp tember 17; Jefferson, Se tember 18; Grunt's Pass, Septemler 22; Clatskanie. September 2y, Kalama, Wash., September 20. CHRISTIANITY' Of Cdurse, It is welllfnovvS thaMhcfPaystoo MuchAttention to an Ahony nutlonal Republican convention was mous Author, opened Willi prajei b) u Jewish rabbi ; WooDBUKV.Sept. 20, ISM. but this is InilniU'ly worse: EniTon JorHNAi.: -"Wr nntkv in The cieat Mark Ilanna lias lately the Statesman of Snltfnibor been making appeals to the cloory'OfConiruiiiii;i:Ul(in of-"K (ionslstcnt"wlir the land to dipport McKinley or the ' ,nler thg uiruitw "Mi non lc plume Keek l hide hK iriiiitlly and thin real cliantctcr and personality or a cow ardly cur, and the real source from reason that liiinld Btotn WX ejected, iiufi'lii' m'iiiI illkurilxr vfililil iili'Vilil. a nimrtaiitsmiuiili. hi-. s:ivs Ills wiiitlldate and ujii ty.l,w"1 rn"" tf,t; nubIlc iUc i...w.. . - - Ford to Mitchell: "lean bet you eating dirt In the nice forthesenator-ship." Or course, all the men who are work "intr in busted receiverships are for "sound money." Blsmark says the way to get free colnaire the world over Is for our country to declare for It, and all the rest will follow. Wheat is going up a little and gold Is coming back from Europe, and that ought to make a gold bug of you if nothing else will. The Journal don't believe Prof. Heritage and his McKinley quartet had a drop of beer out at Fruitland. It is too far from the brewery. Even the college professors will wear Cleveland badges if we continue the Cleveland gold bond policy advo cated by the Republicans. , If Ilro. Heritage and his quartet did what that farmer says they did out at Frultland schoolhouse, it wasn't very nico and they deserve the scoring they got. If they didn't do it, tliut farmer should apologize. If you vote that our country shall redeem $1,000,000,000 currency with only $100,000,000 gold, don't complain if gold gets so scarce you-cati't get any to pay your debts with. If you want to vote to make gold scarce and dear Yotc for McKinley. Senator Mitchell is not proving the "Moses" to lead tho laboring vote to McKlnly that was expected. In his speech ut Independence the other day ho undertook to Justify President Cleveland's calling out of the federal troops to put down the Pullman strike. Tho membors of the American Rail way Union have come out boldly and declared their rights and privileges as Amorlcun citizens t- exerciso their right of suffrage ur they see lit, and will resent every effort to coerce thorn into voting tho gold ticket. i .1 ' , B5 Prof. Heritage Is making himself very popular with tho goldites going about singing that old chestnut of Cleveland's campaign badge. The silver people do not appreciate his per formances ami to squaro himself with tho majority ho ought to got out and do some singing for tho silver meet ings. Wo believe ho would If there was anything in It. "Rev. I. D. Driver spoko to a full house on Tuesday evening at Shlvely's hall. Ho was advertised to answer Rov. Rarkley's free silver speech but he hardly mentioned silver, and ho got politics and religion badly mixed. Many Republicans wcro disgusted." Exchange. FAILING MANHOOD General and Nervous Debility. WvaVivMs of Body ami Miu), KlTocts of Errors or r.xocsstis In 01t or Young. Robust, Noblo Manhood fully ltetforat. How to kularffo ana Htrencthen Weak. L'n- iitovelopcit I'ortloui of Hotly, Absolutely un. faltlnsTIomaTrcatment. Uemitlts in a day. nin F.n U t A ISJ Blwl ilVlMtAtl IT 11UUI Af UIHIW ,nuu & WVB4 Countries. Scud for Defer ptltjj Book, ex jiUnr.Uoa and proof, mulled (aculcdj f it. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, S.Y. ffl(JMr IIPUF.fA'WM jubii iubui represent, all that Is moral and relig Ions. In the face nf this let the min isters or Albany, and also all the christian people; notice what is being advertised to occur at Newport on Sunday, a grand public meeting, clam bake, etc., In honor of Governor Lord, Senators Mitchell and McRrlde and Congressmen Hermann, Ellis and Tongue. How does this appear by the side of the claims put forth by liantia? 'Consistency thou art a Jewel' but you are not altogether in the pos session of the Republican party, Just at the present time. Saturday Al bany Democrat. Political clambakes, hurrahs, excur sions and ratifications on Sunday are all right, when conducted In the in terest or the gold standard, of "sound money," etc., etc. Isn't it about time all those who worship the golden calf quit calling Bryan and his friends anarchists? THE CLEVELAND BADGE. It was the convention that noini nated Bryan that kicked Wall street out In the cold, and sat down on the Orover Cleveland gold bond policy. It was the Republican national con vention that got down on Its knees to the Wall street crowd and made Its platform conform to the most ap proved Ideas of British gold mono metallism that is making our farmers wear (the patches on their overalls. When the Heritage quartet exhibit their Cleveland badges in the faces of Intelligent country audiences, they display their Ignorance more than their bad breeding. If it were possi ble to get them to understand any thing, they should see that, while the Bryan platform, which the States man will notprlnt,condemns Mi.c finan cial policy of theClcveland administra tion under which the country suffers, the Republican platform endorses the whole Cleveland liuancial system, badges and all. HILL NOT A SUICIDE. While Sonator Hill has been a lag gard in coming to the suport of Bryan, the people will be glad to know he has not committed political suicide, but has at last come out and declared he will support Bryan and the Chicago platform. Hill has always declared himself a Democrat and a bimetallism He de clares himself now a blmetallist, though not exactly of the kind de ilned In tho Chicago platfprm. He rescues himself from political oblivion in a half hearted manner, which may be atoned for by a spirited participa tion in tho campaign In Now York. Tho politician who now hestlates to espouse the course of the people Is hardly worthy the name even In Its more acceptable sense. HOPS AND SILVER. A subscriber says Saturday n hop grower was In the city trying to got silver to pay off hop pickers. Tho bankers wanted a premium of ten per cent on tho 53 cent dollar. Ho worked tho town and got what change he needed. Hop growers sometimes have to pay a premium to get silver to pay their hands, but it is not likely that a Sa lem banker would charge any pre mium on It if ho had it to spare. Just at this season of tho year it would be In order for Dr. Cuslck to ship in his carload of silver. It could bo used oven with tho llttlo remnant of a hop crop wo have, and going as It is ior a oeggariy price. et there aro farmors who aro goldbugs! Marvelous Rosults. From a letter written by Kev, J. Gunder- tmn, 01 jJimonuaie. juicii.. we are permuted to make this extract: "I have nohesHation na recomending Dr. King's new discovery, as tne results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor or the Bap. tist Church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeding La Grippe, Terrible paroxysms or coughing would last hours with little interuption und it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend reco mended Dr. -King's New discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in result." Trial bottles free at I icd A. Lego Drugstore. Regular site jo cents, and f 1.00 tisfw- S UB11I j VSffWW. w Pk.S0C-O3RLXA-. mv& w Z&&&K w JfW, which malice, pertidy aud tllthily dls tortcd truth eininatcs "B. Con sistent" shows Ills' treacherous mallg naty and cowardly propensities by concealing his Identity and by this very act brands himself Irt the eyes of all fair minded men of all parties, creeds and professions or callings as a sneaking, hireling who would betray truth, friendship or a nation for a petty ofllce or a petty sum In coin. This "B. Consistent" writes like a hired assasin who stabs his victim in the night and seeks to hide his crlino in the crlmlnial tilth of his own dast ardly heart. Now to this scholastic skunk I have a few more things to say: I have labored with Hon. H. L. Barkley in the Held, on the farm, at the shop, and In the pulpit, and know whereof I speak. If this skulking hireling will make himself known I will arrango a scries of contests for him to meet II. L. Barkley on any of the following lines of labor: In the harvest field, at the carpenter's bench on any class of work known to the trade. If "B. Consistent" claims to be a scholar and desires to test our champion along that line he shall be accommodated from a parson's discourse to a political discussion upon the declarations of principles as enunciated by the St. Louis convention as to whether they are Republican principals, orGrover Cleveland Democracy or upon the Chicago platform, upon which W. J. Bryan stands, Is not better Republic anism than the St. Louis platform, upon which stands Wm. McKinley. And further, if this scape-goat of the hirelings of socalled Republicanism will furnish his real name so that his disreputable family connection can-bo aired to tho public, we will give him ample opportunity to prove his assertions as to whether Hon. H. L. Barkley has been east to "sell himself to the silver syndicates for what there Is In it." In conclusion "Mr. B, Consistent" if you want to be more widely ad vertised as a dastardly prevaricator to be known under your own name, arrango a conference with mo and I will promise you a fulfillment of your desire. C. W. Cokhy. wfcBH liii " - - - SEE? BLACKWELL'S Iri'liJilll'lllii EbSSj&h 11 - , P Vf XH DURHAM f vjQ& Vefe l-iitbiiMM S WiiXJnSrwPm You will fll " conpon jjf sfjlnl llvf Imlde nch two ounce hag, ltZfifLsfJrlll rM and two coupon inside each Jjlf If Irlfll I I four ounce bag of Block- ' fsf ,49f" ' M ill I wcll'a Durham. Dby a bag AjljZ. jMjj JMlzrl of till celebrnled tobacco i5? lllP xxXTal Il5" ' " - and read tho coupon which ttyj3&yr WVjUU-tl j " . glTca n Hat of valuable prra- OTiSfT:i!HM WWfi cnto rmd how to get them. ,l''lP'lf Jl if " " COLT TAKEN UP. A three-year-old colt, bay color and white star in forehead, was taken up oy tne unoej. signed. Owner can have same by proving property and paying costs. Call at place, 5 miles cait of Salem, on Macleay road. 8 22 im J. R. PICKENS Salem Steam Laundry Please noticethe cut in prices on the following! Shirts, plain 10 cents Under drawers 5 to 10 cents Under shirts stoiocents Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per .dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannelsgandjother work in telligently washed by hand, Col, J, Olmsted Prop, You waste twelve hours- A.C dellberablely throw them away If you take any other line than the Burlington to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis or a:NY OTHER sou thern or southeast ern city. Tickets, time ta bles and full inform ation on application to the local ticket agent or by address ing SHELDON, G.A., i'uiibnd.Or. In Defense of Mr. Jones. We, the undersigned, eye witnesses to the difllculty between T. B. Jones and Chinaman Sing, which occurred at Mr. Jones' hop yard in this county on tho 11th Inst, desire to say to the public that Mr. Jones acted only In self-defense, and did nothing more than to protect himself from tho at tack of the Chinaman, and that he was Justified iu what he did In pro tecting himself aud Ills property. Mr. Jones is one of our most respected aud honorable citizens, and wo feel it ourduty to give public expression of our high esteem of Mr. Jones, as our neighbor and friend and as a law abiding citizen, and to correct any wrong Impressions that may have been formed in relation to that unfortu nate trouble: ' W. S. Clement, Leon Glrod, Fred Parks, L. Q. Williams, Harry Wright, Arthur Glrod, Gcorgo Temple, G. S. Cramer, George Neal, T. T. Parker, Victor Llndburg, William ness, Geo. Schlhaman, M. W. George, V. J. Steele, Mrs. M. W. George, Mrs. L. A. Derry, Miss Clara Derry, Mrs. J. Pnrtftr Arise r.nii-i Tlnrri' T. TO Unr- rett, C. E. Russell, Jos. Bennett, Ed. 1 Nohle, I. K. Johnson, W. M. R. Smith, i Mlnnlo Barrett, Q. V. lshiim, A. An derson, Mrs. F. L. Parks, G. G. Jones Gents ON THE D0LLAP. Ed, S, Lamport, 289 Commercialst , Salem, Or,, Hasfbought the Frank EShaf fer and the M, Beamer harness stocks at forced sale, $4,000 worth ot goods will be disposed of at 50 cents on the dollar. Sign of the "hite Horse, Ladies Who Value AreflnedcompexlonmastusoPozzonl'sPow der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin. 1 r. - pial noi to fu-uiurc. t iBPf.Tim coalition. 1 w lUflh CINCIHNITI.D.SH jofei U. 3. A. J rial 11 11, if .iiMi-ijuj J'lci't. M' iiriimiuuu, ttlil'n. t-nnsuiirul tiia. clmrsiM, cr anv IntHn a. i linn, tiillutiuu ur uL-i'i tlOa f ,11, i n it b n.i.tt iTHEEvUiSCHtUICUCo. braniM, Nou-antrinr n't. ooi:J y Hru-rKUt. or Bent In r'ln wrair i'j vaiucko, prriiaiu, ,i 1 tl.OO. ur A !ntttn. 1 7ii--:.i.. -. -!". . wiliuiar (Him uu rUQIKMI Brownell who nominated Dolph for Senator and Dr. Driver who spent tho ' winter at Salem helping to bury him,' are now around stumping forgoldbug-' Ism. inmi.ii.iH Take No Substitute Gail Borden Eagle Brand rf CONDENSED MILK Hit tinny, stood PIBST b iha tlnu. tloa of, the Americin People. Ko othtr b "JustMEooi- Beit Inxlut Tood. Hawa44 oNe-HAty sue of cox. POZZONI'S COMPLEXION P0WI1PR I baa been tht yanaara for forty yean, and t 1 thn liiAal vtnit.inrl.11 nAwrfA. w- .i . rofre.hlne, cleonlir, healthful and harmieu' A dellcatu, iDTlilblo protection to tho face . VlltiTeiybuxof lUZZUMSaiuairi I VOX in tileu trco of cb&rve. 1 AT DRUaaiBTS akd PANOY BTOHE3. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. Office op the Secretary of Sjtate, Salem, Oregon, Sept. 1, 1896.) Sealed proposals will be received at this office until noon, November 2, 1896, to furn ish the following articles for the State of Ore gon for the use of the loth Biennial Session of the Legislative Assembly: 35 reams legal cap, 14 lbs. No. 7 ruling white laid, laid, Charter Oak or Scotch linen. 30 reams first class Congress note, 7-pound packages, No. 7 ruling, white laid. 20 reams letter paj.er, 12 lb., No. 7 ruling white laid, Carevv, Charter Oak, or Scotch linen. 20 reams of typewriter, letter size, Paragon letter wove No. 3. 20 reams typewriter, letter wove No. iY. 6 reams typewriter, letter wove No. yt. 6 boxes Little s satin size 8 x loVi 6 boxes Little's Satin legal size, Paragon, legal size, Paragon, finibh carbon, blue, finiih carbon, blue, size 8 x ix 10,000 No. 6 1.2 envelopes, 60 lbs. No. 1, rag XXX. 12 Oross railroad steel pens, No. 49. 20 Gross Gillott's steel pens, No, 404. 4 Gross Gillott's steel pens, No. 303. 8 Gross Estcrbrook '''' pens 6 Gross Falcon steel pens, No. 048. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Probate sir.. . pens No. 313. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Judge's Quill Steel pens No. 312. 6 Gross Ejterbrook & Co.'s Chancellors, steel pen No 239. 6 Gross London Incandescent, M. Jacob's No. 4. 2 Dozen Sanford's Cardinal ted ink, pints. 5 Gross pen holders, black enamel, large, lo Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstands No. 558. 4 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstands, No. 554. 10 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstandi No. 420. 12 Dozen ivory folders, 9-inch standard. 4 Dozen ivory folders, lo-inch Congress. 4 Dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's patent. 10 Dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No. 6, Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, 140 lbs. assorted colors. 2 Gross No. 2 Eagle recorder lead pencils, style 660. 5 Dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts. 2 1-2 Dozen Stafford's writing fluid, quarts, 15 Dozen gummed stub files, No. 21,11 x 15 inches, 500 pages. 4 Dozen Duplex cupboard letter clips, legal size. 20 Dozen Duplex cupboard letter clips. 15 Dozen Faber'S rubber rulers, 14-inch flat. 15 Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18,149, bone. 3 Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18,149, ebony. 70 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes. 5 Gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, hexa. gon, gilt. 12 Gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, round, Kilt. 20 Dozen Faber's patent ink and pencil rubber erasers, mammoth. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 2 flat head. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 2 rouna neaas, wnite. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 4, flat head. 15 Dozen table pads to hold paper, 19x20 inches, strong leather tips. 15 Dozen waste paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. 3 Dozen waste paper baskets, small, No.11, round. 29 lbs, hemp twine No. 2, 4 Dozen Sanford's mucilage, quarts. Bids should be marked "Proposals for rftu. tionery." None but the best quality of goods will be accepted. The right to rej.-ct any or all bids is ie. served. All the above articles to be deliv. red at Salem on or before December 15,1896. There beinc at the nresent time no monev available for paying for the above supplies, bids will only be accepted under the express condition, agreement and understanding that the successful bidder will look to, and de pend upon the next legislature appropriating money to pay the claim. Very respectfully, H. R. KINCAID, 9-5-gm Secretary of State. C. H. MACK. - DENTIST. - Successor tn Dr. T XT k'..r,. l i u, ,. Comer, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superior ..,...,....... .iii(ik ices in any nranch are in especial request. WAGON UEPM SHOP. Carnage and wagon shop, 320 Commercial klrccl, opposite alatc Insurance buildine Hring in your work. Satisfaction Guaranteed PETER G. NORGREN. TOiti 11E ChV 0F Depot Express. Meets all masl and passenger trains. Bag gage Bnd express to all parts of the city. Prompt seivice. Telephone No. 70. JAMES RADER. WHAT IS SAID. Some say we give the best meal in town for 15c. We say Iry us and see. HOME RESTAURANT 1 S. RICHARDSON. PROP. (SySecond door north of Hctel Willamette. WOLZ'S MARKET t-FREE DELIVERY. W0LZ & MIESCKE Proos. Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt meats E5"Fresh sausage a specialty. 171 COMMERCIAL ST continent "KINDERGARTEN." Mrs. C. M. Ogle will re-open her kinder gartpn in the Congregational church parlors on September 21. 8 29 im MONEY TO LOAN On farm land security. Special rates on large loans. Loans consideied without delay HAMILTON & MOIi Bush Bank buildinS. MONEY TO 'LOAN I On city -ir farm property. Over Bush's Bank, T. K. FORD T. H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a sp'ialty of fine repair work, Seth Thoma clocks, etc., 215 Cnn'mercial Street C. H. LANE, MEHGHANTTAILOR 211 Oomm.'rcul St., Sajm tJr SSSu'us $15 upwards. Pants$ upwanils'rj T lirjnrr vnti nnnA filinme rf rvr.tri, !. Two Trans Roiiic. Via Spokane MinnM. Steamers leave Airon05?1' ' west freight aid p7;"1 trip tickets vcVy ctaJHKL taggage checked tSk wld YK"", Washington and 1),. r r& charge for baggaVtSi.X... road or river rout? to PoriW Cho,ceft'' roi mil detaili callni n agents, SaUrn.Or'eSadt4 E- Mcneill, Gi M. POWERS. .lul iraaest. ... . "'1 Through Ticket TO THE EAST' (VIA THE "I brine you cood tidings of creat joy! which shall be unto all people." A "BIBLE KEY" "The I'lau of the Ages." ThW is the best work on the Bible, tver issued from the pross. It gives a complete explanation of all the doctrinal subject; of the holy scriptures, presenting the wonderful harmony, simplicity aud bounty of (Jod's plans for the redemption of the human family from sin and death. Tho work is complete in three (3) volumes, all for $1. Address T. II. LLOYD, 164 Waller street, Salem, Or. 7.17.1m EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- luasta Route. OP THE Southern Pacific Co California Express Train Run dan between 'Portland and San Francisco. 8:50 p.m.) Ly, Portland . Ar. (8:10 a.m. 11:00 p. m, Lv Salem,-- Ar. J 8:00 a. m 10:45 a.'n ) Ar- S. Frisco Lv. ( 7roo p. m. Above trains stop at EastEI'onland, Oregon City, Wo dburn, Salem.MTurner, Mai ion, Jefferson, Albany, Albany function. Tangent Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell, Drain, and all station, from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive ROSEUURG MAIL DAILY. Union Pacific Sysbc I hrough Pullman;Palace Sletpen. In Sleepers and FreeJ Reclining CtrrH between Portland to Chicag Our trains are bested br sttia lighted by Pintsch light. Time to Chicago, 3 l-i Jiys Time to New York, 4 1-2 davi. Which is many hours quieter tlu: petito's. For rates, time tables and fullljinlorc: apply to; S IiOrSEimBARKERl Agents, iwlta,'. R.JW BAXTER, C.E.BROF Ciencral Agent Dist.Pass.JjT 135 Third Street, Portland. Northern Railway. runs: Pullman Sleeping Cars. Elegant Dinin Cars j Tourist Sleeoin To bt. Paul, Alinneapc-its, JjlM ' 'Jrand Forks, Crookston, Wmn Uelenasnd Butte. South 8:30 n.m. 11:00 a.m. c5:20 p.m. lv. Portland ar. lv. Salem lv. nr. Roseb'g lv. Uortli, 4:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m 8:00 11.111. FOUNTAIN WISHER! SALEM PASSENGER. South I 4:00 n.m. 0:15 p.m. lv. Portland ar. ar- Salem lv. NortL1 -TT.-tT nri'F,r!i To Chicago, Washington, PhWdjh York, UOslon, auu ...., 'East an-i Soato For information, time carJs. tickeu, call en or writn THOMAS, WATT if AGENTS, . 265 Commercial srreet.Sata,"' p-irL'iSwffiii Morrison t. """ iii iinnnoDSi l a kuii:u. ii Home totsamt pr J,(SSffll 10:15 a.m, 8:00 U.m, DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland and Corvallis, daily ex. cept Sunday.) 7:30 a.m. I Lv. 12:15 p.m. j Ar. Portland. Corvallis. Ar. Lv ,i6:: 20 p. 31i At Alhanv -ind Pnrvtillis connect with trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. "A Site caea and llrlSS, SJS . .i.rTTrTir " qm lAAnin " iir t bfl Express train dally except Sunday. 4:4S P. m. 7:2S P. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. j 8:25 a. m Ar. McMinville Lv j 550"- m. llh. , , kTtlB. BROWN, 1 87 Commercial itreet. fl Salem, Oregon. to THROUGH TICKETS 11 points in the Eastern States, Canada and Eurooe can be obtained at lowest ratei from W.W.- SKINNER, Agent; Salern, E. P, ROGERS; Asst. 1.'F. & ? A- Portland, Or. R. KOEHLER, Manager. l-i-', .. . in,.,iji Ofiice: Willamette "f'0 ForTter (na payable monthly " i-iniaints at the of5ce. rt!8 "ewillnod,. on account of tempo mr , .:.- ..nless notice "' . jn ifi ne'rea" ter for -W furnished to iguUr v rnr domestic purpose. - .rff ..TIiiT. hritk Workana p-'iv-tf rWead T'-nnder building P'fV Hhedule of rates for 1893. W for copy.