i' DalCapital Journal-. 13 Hui'ivK fatOTHERS. 3JC TIII'IISHAY, SEPT. Id, 1896. I J " o " " W- " " " DULY LINK, TO PORTLAND. i STEAMERS Altqna and Ramona 9 LEAVE i IAH. ft Parian I, 6:45 a. m. f Si! m 7 a. m cxcpt Sunday. sr -j iSmi. Quick" iIme?Vegfilar service and cheap ....rates. ... M. P. BALDWIN. Agent, Salem. sws svs , 9 y v w. sw i Gold Medal. This is our celebrated TV11 "".. a" j-oiiar vurbei '.oK Black Dress Goods, Every yaid of "Gold Medal" goods Is guaranteed like this: That If noods arc not entirely satisfactory, we will cheerfully refund the money. 'The above Js n guarantee of tin manufactures to, us, and wc In turn give the same to you. You therefore run no risk. Sarah Bernhardt siiy: "Every lady should add a dress of such fabric to her wardrobe." One of the best world. Comes drab coutil For 50CentsC shapes in the in black and We can give you the same shape exactly in good black satine. The best corset for the monev that ever came to Sa lem, Ask for them, T. flolverson. NOTES FROM DRAIN. Several of the young people visited the lioswell Springs Mtinday. Improvements are being made on the Drain Hotel and the new restate rant. A bonlire social was given "by the members of the Christian Endeavor last Friday night. Attorney-General Idlcman will ad dress the citizens of Drain and vicin ity, Saturday night, September 11), on the political issues. The patent flouring mills owned by Itussel & Son is running day and night. A McKlnley and ITobart Republi can club was organized hero last Saturday evening. The price paid for picking hops is 30 cents per box. The State Normal school at this place opened September 7 with an In crease of 68 per cent over last year and also has an increased faculty. PERSONAL, CagrThlrty more pieces of these goodt came Saturday. J, , Dalrymple Co, THE CAMPAIGN GOES ON. Hon. Harry Watklns, People's Party Bryan elector was In town to day. See additional announcements in these columns of Bryan meetings. The Salem club will prepare a. local program for speakers at Salem. The Salem Bryan club now numbers nearly live hundred and Is still grow ing. A McKlnley meeting at Macleay last night was addressed by General Williams, T. T. Geer and others. Mr. Basey's tally-ho took out a crowd of thc"worklngmcn's club." The Bryan campaign club room headquarters receive many callers, and they are made welcome and sup plied with all kinds of silver lllcrature by Secretary Myers and Capt. Fair banks In charge. J. W. Bell, a Dallas business man writes: "I am with you In the silver campaign. Like you I have been a Republican all my life. My first vote was for Grant. This fall will bo my first vote away from my party. But I um convinced I am right. Petitions for the Bryan electors arc being signed at Marlon and Wood burn At The Jouiinal office 240 liavo called and signed. Fully one third of them aro Republicans, and many aro Grand Army men. this morn county, to A Promising Player. A lettor was recoived In Salom n fow days since from a Salem boy In attendance at Stanford university, California, In which Is discussed the probability of Chester G. Murphy, also of this city, making an excellent foot ball player. Notahy. L. J. Molntyre, of New ton, was successful today In being ap pointed a notary. Squire Farrar had business In Au rora today. Judge R. P. Boise was in Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Lou Hatch is visiting Port land friends. Lydell Baker returned to Portland this afternoon. Ed. Carter returned this morning from Portland. A. W. West was a Portland busi ness visitor today. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bell went to Ilalsey this morning. Mrs. C. E. Wolverlon returned this afternoon from Albany. Druggist LceStelncr left this morn ing on u business trip to Astoria. Attorney-General C. M. Idlemau re turned to Portland this afternoon. Hans C. Wahlbcrg went to Gcrvals this afternoon to buy and ship some hops. Attorney Til Ford left lng for Gold Beach, Curry attend circuit court. Mrs. Earl Race and two clilldren, of Salem, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. E. Thrall. Albany Democrat. Mrs. O. Nelson, of Astoria, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Patton, went to Woodburn this morn ing. Rev. B. C. Tabor, of Tillamook Advent church, is In the city for a few days. lie met Elder Healy, of Portland, who has been at Yaqulne. Miss Belle Elder and Mrs. Cather lne Anderson arrived In the city this morning from Los Gatos, Cal., on a visit to a sister, Mrs. J. E. Watson, of University addition. oCounty Supt. G. W. Jones was a passenger to Jefferson this morning. lie will visit the public schools in that part of the country expecting to return Monduy. Henry Kulil, of Canyon City, the city a guest at the homo of Treasurer Phil Mctschan. Mr. expects to attend the Corvallls Agrlcultural'Qollego. at Corvallls again this year for which place ho will leave In a lew days. is in State Kuhl State Indicted for Three Charges. Frank Verhaag, former manager of the Salem Soap and Chemical Works, has fallen into the clutches of the law. Mr. Verhaag left Salem very suddenly and it is said the books of the company gave evidence of poor management. The following clip ping Is taken from a Portland paper of Tuesday morning: "Three indictments were returned against Frank Verhaag. Verhaag reprepresented himself as manager of the Salem Soap Works, and said he was authorized to sign and indorse checks, and he succeeded in swindling a number of persons. He passed a check for $22.75 on Philip Strelb, drawn on Ladd & Tilton, and signed Allen & Lewis, and for this he is in dicted for forgery. He is indicted for obtaining money under false pre tenses, in obtaining goods worth $10.50 from Jake Chrlsman, on a check for $15, signed Frank Verhaag, man ager saleni soap worKs. Another check scheme worked by Verhaag was to draw a draft, reading: "Ladd & Bush, pay to the Commercial Na tional 'bank $25. Frank Verhaag, manager Salem Soap Works." This Verhaag Induced Julius Duerr to in dorse, and drew $25 on It from the Commercial National bank, which Duerr has to lose. Mr. Verhaag will be given trial on the three indictments September 18. From Clackamas County. To the Editor of the Statesman: Can you not get some speaker that will bo able to convince the people that the issue in this campaign is not an Issue of tariff, but an issue of money? The speakers so far have done more to injure the cause of gold than anything, and if something Is not done to help It, we will be wiped off the face of the earth. As far as this'county is concerned, there is five sliver votes to one gold vote. Such men as Hon. Barkley is making hun dreds of votes for free silver and Bryan. Theroare people wearing Mc Klnley badges, that are going to vote for Bryan, for the reason that he is a friend to the worklngman. Rom McKeazee, Old-Time Republican. New Era, Sept. 10, '90. POPULAR CONTRIBUTIONS For the Bryan Literature and Campaign Fund. To raise a campaign fund to defray the expenses of circulating literature jand defraying expenses of speakers The Journal has opened a popular subscription of a fixed amount per week. Following subscriptions have been tccelved and all who reel able are requested to hand In their names and amounts which will be duly ac knowledged In-thesc col 11 m ns In sums from ten cents upwards. In spite of slur from the gold stand ard Statesman subscriptions to the Bryan campaign fund increase. No canvass has been made but if every friend of the people's candidate will hand In his name and amount he can give, from 10 cents upward, we will give credit in this column. The campaign now begun will last six weeks and will result In Oregon casting her vote for Bryan or McKln ley. The money will bo turned over to the treasurer of the Salem Bryan club: Amt. Per Name. Week. D.J. Fry $1 00 A. Strong 50 W. G. Westacott 50 John Bay ne 25 E. norer '50 T. L. Davidson 50 W. T.RIgdon 50 W.S. Mott 50 J. M. Payne 25 James Rader 25 Jeff Myers 50 H.M.Jones 10 N. M. Learned 2o Businessman 25 Dr. Jeffries 50 W. C. Mitchell 25 W. T. Slater 50 W. B.Simpson 25 H. W. Prescott 25 AUMSVILLE. T. M. Html, of the Capital City, was a guest or F. L. IthiwI tho first of the week. While Alex Merrlfleld was palming the new residence or Mr. Readers, the ladder slipped and he fell and broke his arm Just above the wrist. Art Gilbert has the lumber on the ground for his new blacksmith shop. D. E. Swank's new and beautiful residence Is nearly completed. D. C. Sherman and E. Hofor were present to assist in organizing a bi metallic league last Saturday evening Inourllttlet'lty. John Stclnbrener has the lumber on the ground for a new residence. Henry Relnts and family, of Salem, were visiting friends in this city. Miss Ethel Law, or Salem, was a guest or Minnie Pound the first of the week. Geo. Martin has jcome home from the hop patch and Is now working on the railroad. Frank Carter and family, of White aker,spent Sunday In East Aumsville. Geo. Baynard is building 11 new house on his little farm east of this city. Two Days SpedaLX Bargains Goods in This Line, Serges, Henriettas, Fancies, Mixtures, Blaek Goods -evcrvnv reduced, If you miss this sale you miss a good 07 g portunity to get good goods at low prices vmMmuW0 257 Commercial st. Linn a 400 j31Bl urn fvwv K MIX 60RSET. Best In tho world, For sale by ,Willi Bros, a Co, Court and Liberty. Tho Cash Dry Goods, Clothing and Bhoo House. - ..-- Mrs. Moores Funeral. Tho remains of Mrs. Ellen L. Moores who died so suddenly in St. Louis last Saturday evening, aro expected to ar rlvo In Portland Saturday morning. If connection can bo made with the Rosoburg mail, tho remains will ar rive in Salem at 11 a. 111. Saturday and bo Immediately conveyed to the late restdenco corner Marlon and Front streets, whero services will be held at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. P. S. Ktiight. Burial will take placo In tho family lot In Rural cemetery. Should tho remains fall to arrive hero Saturday the funeral will bo con ducted Sunday at the samo hour and placo Mr. Ross E. Moores, a son, goes to Portland tomorrow and will accompany the remains to Salem. Park Dedicated. "Asylum Ave nue Park," located on Mrs. Ellen Ravage's property Just east of the asy lum, was yesterday dedicated to the public when the Seventeenth and Chomeketa street Evangelical church Sunday school held its annual picnic. Tho many basketfulls of "good things" were spread upon one long table and the rapidity with which they disappeared gave evidence of the appetites created by invigorating exercises and the delightful country atmosphere. Following dinner old and young joined hands and played numerous games much to the aintis- ment 01 tno younger ones. All pres ent scorned to enjoy themselves hugely. Tho Park Is very pleasantly located and' Is a delightful place in which to hold such events. It will undoubtedly be tho scene of many merry picnics noxt season. MARION. The heavy rains of Monday night and Tuesday has stopped threshing for the present. Only a few short jobs and they will be done for the season. Mark Ellis and family moved to Salem last Monday where they will make their home for a while at least. Wm. Fresh and family and Mrs. Fresh goes in a few days to county where they have rented acre farm for the coming year. Reports say J. W. Lance goes to Turner where he will engage In the livery business. Mr. Kent late of Scio has dissolved partnership with his partner in the creamery business at Scio and will oc cupy .Mrs. Fresh's house and start a creamery here at once. Success to Mr. Kent. Mr. Stevens of Clackamas county addressed thePcopleof Marion Thurs day of this week at 7:30 p. m. at the school house on the Issues of the day, In behalf of the bimetallic union, come out and hear him one and all Our school directors are busy this week repairing our school house, kal somining Inside and giving It a coat of paint outside which will add not a little to the appearance of it. MARRIED. Do you like Devcled Ham ? If so"try our 5cent article it's all right, We have some very good canned Apricots that we are closing out at 10c, Washing ammonia, full quarts, 15c per bottle, fiflRRITT 5 LAWRENCE, P, O, Grocery, Agents for WorldBeater Soap, THE MARKETS, SILVER. Vork, Sept. 17 Silver, 6SJf C; leaa vLight US cowi mj Chas. F. lleln, our merchant, has a large line of dry doodsand groceiies and Is having a lively trade. He can do as well by his customers as any one else can do for them. The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chi cago, says: "I regard Dr. King's Now Discovery as tin Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used It In my family for tho last fivo years, to tho exclusion of phy sicians' prescrldtlons or other prepara tions." Row John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of tho Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty years or more, and havo nover found anything so beneficial, or that gavo me such speedy rollof as Dr. King's Now Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bot tles free Fred A. Legg's Drug Store. BARKLEY AND PENNOYER. Another Bryan Supplement With Two Great Speeches. Not all could hear Pennoyer and Barkley at tho great Bryan ratifica tion at Salem. So The Jouhnal has MURRAY-HOWARD. On Wednes day, September 10, 1896, Mrs. Eliza beth Murray, and Capt. D. C. Howard, by Rev. W. Steele, of the Presbyterian church. The wedding ceremony was per formed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wands, in Hampden Park, east of Salem, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The bride has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Wands for some time, and their arrangement and entertainment for the occasiou, were handsome and much appre ciated. Every one in and around Sa lem is acquainted with the groom, as he has been a resident of this place for many years. Those present at tho wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wands, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cherrlngton, E. E. Cher rlngton, Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Mat thews, Rev. and Mrs. W. Steele, Mrs. Jennie Webb. S. E. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mangus. Musical Courses. Dr. Z. M. Parvln begins his work in Salem Saturday, September lilth. Class lessons given at the parlors of Mis. B. J. Sharpe. Courses in all the important branches of musical study.' Nothing superior in the Northwest. A limited number of pupils can bo ac commodated. 9 14 lot Best the World CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. in tWmSm J2 Branson Co, Sole Agents, Salem1 Th flC- Umllt elpitnn or Ws &A ten rirr vrtpjir. Pauiush Will Case. Tho entire day was consumed in the probate court this morning in hearing the ar guments in the Parrish will case. It is probable the case will not be con cluded before tomorrow evening. m To Resume Her Trips. Substan tial Improvements havo been made to the steamer Ramona, in shape of a new hull, besides remodeling her lower deck, she will arrive up from Portland this evening with 30 tons of freight and will resume trips on the Willamette in placo of the Grey Eagle. i Are You Tired All the time? This condition is a sure indica tion that your blood is not rich and nourishing as it ought to be and as it may be if you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousand's write that Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured them of that tired feeling by giving them rich blood. Hood's Pills act easily nnd promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. LOST., Pocket book red cloth sack contain ing hop tickets and some change. Finder please leave at this office 9 17.31 WANTED A girl to do general housework with experience with reference. Enquire of H. C. Wahlberg, corner Oak and Liberty street. 9-17.31 Light Frost. Wo Had a light frost last night, Jack Frost being vls iblo in a great many places at an early hour this morning. It is not though the frost was severe enough to cause any damage to fruits. Incorporated. The Granite Tele phone Co. of Grant and Baker county has filed articles. A Valuable Prescription Editor Morrison, of Worthington, Paffon Bros., Booksellers, Stationers A)and iSCNewsdealers oiler this month an entirely new and Improved line of Genuine Oxford Bibles at popular prices throughout, and with many new and useful features added. printed in supplement form tho great 1 In.d'i ''Sun," writes: "You have a speeches made on that occasion by!tv"1"Il,HIrrescrll!t,on,1?,Electrlc B,tT ,,, n, m,, , ... 11 1 ters, and lean cheerfully recommend those two gentlemen. They .will bo it for Constipation and Sick Headache, supplied from this office at $1 per and as a general system tonic lthas no 100 or $7 per 1,000 postpaid. Wo havo equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2025 Cot still sunnlenients with Brvan's sneech ! t,a?e.Grove.'Ave-.. Chicago, was all run rn;;n xt. 'v.i. ..,i' S", couut iiot cat , nor digest rqpu, . ,.wv,.kU v iiu .! uiiu nau a oacKacno which nev Mitchell on tho Impossibility of In teruational Bimetallism. 9Mfw- lmU Oiiavoxix. GhtfSsGu M rtrf VMtfMi bucklen a Arnica Salve The best Snlve In the world 1 for Cuts, Sores, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever and all Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Live ier fee satisfaction or money refunded rnce 25 cents Legg i'er left her 1111(1 fnlt. tlrnrl n.wl ..m.iwi. Imf civ luit i;v;r ";"-E,v"iv"u."i"j "i"? ?yl nco ui iLxiric iuiiers resiureu nur health and renewed her strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Got a Bottle at Fred A. Legg's Drug Store. The Journ.vl silver supplements at SI a hundred aro going oir rapidly. Rulso a little fund of dimes and quar tern ana stipnlv all vour neighbors Oxford Reference Bibles, Oxford Students' Bibles, Oxford Teachers Bibles, New Prices Throughout, v a box. For sale by Fred A with campaign literature up to date. Having Hoe Cake Soap in your kitchen or bath once means always, nt to- umiu itftltBtt OAaToniA. 6& !&& ii trr The best biblical compilation of the age, and the most modern of all Hi, bles, placing the student, preacher and teacher in possession of recent discoveries iu Bible lands. THE MONUMENTS DECIPHERED jjee the new series of plates, patent back, will never break. All Bibles sold by us are sold with a strong guarantee. Don t fail to see this magnificent line. PaffoD Bros, Birthplace of low prices, Macy aro r.:o s-tories told ot tho way InvrliichPitt, the first curl of Chatham, frightened tmd silenced those who at- tomxitcd to criticise his speech or notion In uiy way. On cuo beeasiou a member of tho houEo of commons tnado uso of the phrase "Jdug, lords ami commons, or" directing his gazo toward Mr. Pitt "as thr.t right honorable member would call them, 'commons, lords and king. ' " Mr. Pitt roso with great deliberation and called to order. "1 havo frequently heard in this house doctrines which havo surprised mo," ho said, "but now my blood runs cold. I dcfuro tho words of tho houorablo mem ber may 1m taken down." The clcik of tho houso wrote tho words. "Bring them to mo," commanded Mr. Pitt iu a voice of thunder. By this timo tho offondiug momber was thor oughly frightened. "Sir," ho said, addressing himself to tho speaker, "I am sorry to havo given offouso to tbo right honorable gentleman or to tho house. I meant nothing! King, lords and commons; lords, king and commons; commons, lords and king. Tria juueta in uno. I meant nothing I Indeed I meant nothing!" Mr. Pitt thon roso and said gravely: "I do not wish to push tho matter fur ther. Tho moment a man acknowledges his error ho ccase3 to be guilty. I havo a great regard for tho honorable mem ber, und as nn instance of that regard I givo him thin advice that whenovor ho cieaiw nothing ho will iny nothing; " iimurH companion aiaitu'4 li.uilttjllii;. a oiaineio win btuko money on anything. License-1 amMing houses exist in tlu cities and aro a large Bourco of iiii'onie to the government, which farms outthomouopoly. Aroy al lottexy is extensively patronized iaBaaghok. Tho gairWing houses and tho pau-nbhois, which ore their corollary, and which aro stocked with objects ymvnud, or stolen, nro a disgraco to the capital. In eome streets overy other house is a pawn shop, kept by n Ohinarann. For nightly Rnvujw. New 250. LIVE STOCK. iiiuauu, ocyi. 10 'IlOgJ L 3.30; heavy 2k3 15. Cattle, Beeves $3.io5.oo; heifers $3.ooC4'?.6o. Sheep 'Market dull CHAIN. Chicago. Sept : 17 Wheat. ch p... I Oct. SQc w PORTLAND MARKET. PROVISION. Portland, bept. 17. Wheat valley 53; Walla Walla, 50.151. h Flour Portland, 2.75; Benton countr 2.75; graham, 2.50; superfine. $2.15 per bbl Oats-Vhite, 3o32c; grey, 293 ijw in bags, $45S-2S. barrels, 4.5o7 cases, 3.75. Potatoes.. Oregon, 85c per cwt. Hay.. Good, to10.50 per ton. Wool.. Valley, 8oc; Eastern Orteot S7C Millstuffs..Bran1$i2.5oai4.5o;shortili3.co Poultry- Chickens, mixed,j23.oo; broil ers, $i.252.25; ducks, $2a3; geese, $5g6; turkeys, live, 10. Hides.. green, salted 60 lbs 5c; nndei 60 lbs 44jc; sheep pelts, io7oo. Hops Contracts for new crops are beinj made at 6a6c. Butter. .Oregon fancy creamery, 35(840; fancy dairy, 20(0)25; fair to good, 1720; Cheese .Oregon full cream, 9, Eggs.. Oregon, I2i4c perdoz. Beef. .Topsteers, 2.2502.40 per lb; to to good steers, 22 3.50; cows, lic dressed beef, 34y,:. SAN FKANC1SCO MARKET. San Francisco, Sept. 16. Wheat, 96; Wool..Oregont choice, lo$nc; inferior 5 7c, valley, 8qc. Hops Quotable at 24c for old. Potatoes 6o8ocper sack. . Oats Milling, 8590. SALEM MARKET. Wheat. .47c per bu., market firm. Oats..23(a)25C Hay.. Baled, cheat,j7.oo7.25;, timothy, 8.50. Flour.. In wholesale "lots, 2.8o; retail, 3.00; bran, bulk 11.5012.50; sacked, 12.00; shorts, .12.5013.50; chop feed, II.oo 12.00. Poultry.. Hens 5c; Spring chickens, 5c lb. VeaL.Dressed, 3. Hogs.. Dressed, 2&3-f,l3 Live Cattle. 1 ji23 Sheep.. Live, 1.25.Q1 Wool. .Best, 12UC.I Hops.. Best, 45cj Eggs.. Cash. ioc. Butter.. Best dairy, nic; fancy creamery 20c. Cheese .12MC. Farm Smoked Meats Bac, 6cj bun 90; shoulders, 5c J Potatoes . . 70c per bu . The Bible for ip to 1. In the "Bible Eeader's Pocket Dictionary" we find the value of the gold talent as $20,280, and the value of a silver talent at $1,042.50. JustlGtol. Let The Whole World Know The Good DrJBfles' Heart Cure Does ik&m Itml lr The Bryan, breaandjbutterjthlal ave noes on. v r'sw - HEART DISEASE, Has us -"" - disadvautase. Always taught thil heart disease Is Incurable, wbentba symptoms become well defined, the patient becomes nlarmed and a nervous panic " place. But whon a sure remedy is and a cure effected, after years ot sufferios. there is great rejoicing ana ae - the whole world know." " Uu. K Inser. of Selkirk, Kansas, writes, J P to let tho whole world know what DrJUW Dr. iUlieS me For ten years I M Heart Cure &5SffiS Restores iSSKSlSS Health ?& ..... ..m t,.,t llaonelU'W spells, Daa areams. """ 7" lMr itook side, was numb and suffered ten IW; . side, was numb r Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ana ""- j tv the second bottle I WH-ffiifc now that I am fully, recovered, and u Miles' Heart Ouro saved my We. j toffi&&Ww,i wave g6esT0r), y