"2Z2" " JL" ZSZ?1 L " " "Tinii'nTiniiini; ; fiirTii inrlT?! "TV -rinm n agMiggfrriii ' 55 AND GOLD. AN OREGON- BOY. - T .flufWri kMM Ah -nn rti'-nimii. Daily Capital Journal BY WOffltK BKOTHERS, j NOTEHOLDERS fjThe it tempt of, the tfOldltes to ur-( Wiites an Able Letter on the TfiunsruY. SEPT. 10, 18M. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. ForIriSependent, American Bimetallism t ; and People's Government. For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President, THOMAS WATSON, of Georgia. OREGON UNION I'KKSIDKN HAt, ELECTORS, N. L. BUTLER, Polk County, Democratic. M. L. OLMSTED. Baker County, Peoples. HARRY WA I KINS. Yamliill Co.. Peoplos. E; IIOFER, Marion Co., Silver Republican. ELDER BARKLEYS MEETINGS. Hon. II. L. Ilarklej will speak as follows; Orojon City, September loj Allmny. .Sep tember It; Eugene, Scptemb r t2;Corvallls, September, li; Toledo. September 1$. Ibanoii, September lO; McAIintiville, Sep tember 17; Jelferon, Se lemlwr 18; Orunt'f. Pass. September 22; Clatskanic September 24; Kaiama, W'anh., September 2G. I'ostponcd the jubilee. Siilcni McKlnley Circulate Lite silver daily. little 1 cent Hryan The Bryan, wave goes on. bread and butter tidal The .silver dollar will never lie voted down at the polls by (he American people. Senator Mitchell must, want lobe corporation attorney for that railroad to Mars. Head the open letter to the editor of the Statesman in this issue from an old time Republican. Help the Salem Bryan club cam paign fnnd If you can only subscribe 10 cents a week. Help the Salem 'Bryan club to take care of the speakers sent to this hot bed of Republicanism. Worklngmcn and business men help that subscription to the Weekly Bryan campaign fund. V. II. Bryant, for many years on tho public payiolls of Oregon, Is In Mexico Investing his money. 1 It is not too early to announce that the Hon. Bill Gherrlngtou is to be Salem's next mayor, on the Mark Ilanna ticket. The silver dollar hits never paid anyono 30 cents nor 114 cents on the dollar as the busted "Williams & Eng land bank has. "Why Jdon't Ford or Oeer challenge Rlgdon? If they think he Is too small game the public would easily disillusionize them. Tho ouly state elections yet to bo held are Ooorgla and Florida October fl. Of course ovorybody knows how thoy will go. Tho state house contingent of sound money shoutcrs now consists of Supt. of State Houso Fones, Nephew Willis and Counsellor to tho Judiciary De partment Idloman. If tho banks Imvo to forco tho peo plo to voto with thorn to get their In torest, how can 11 private citizen, who has any money out on notes, get any Interest? Tho peoplo tiro not Inviting Elder Burkloy to resign, although wo arc confidentially Informed every man in the Statesman ollleo has signed a petition to thut effect. ray every man who has money loaned out on notes" and mortgages against Bryan will prove a failure. What the noteholder wants Is in terest according to contract or in local tender American money. He is not interested in making gold sea tec or in less legal tender money. Will you get Interest by making money scarceror morc plenty? If you want money scarce and dear, vote for the gold standard, and there will be less money to pay Interest with than at present. Why? Because a vote for Bryan means to throw your ballot In favor of a yerdlct by the sovereign voice of the Ameri can people that till of our sixteen hundred millions of- our gold, silver and paper currency is and shall be equally good without gold redemption. Do you believe our country can float SI, 600,000,000 on $100,000,000 gold re serve, if we decide in favor of gold alone as redemption money? A declaration for the gold standard means large Issues of bonds to buy gold abroad to Moat our paper and silver. Will that make gold cheaper or dearer? It will make It dearer by artlliclally Increasing the demand for gold. The farmer has to sell products to buy gold to pay your Interest and principal. Under the gold standard hi debts are increased while his pro ducts will buy less and less as gold buys more and more, and. tho note holder's chance of getting interest and principal Is diminished in that ptoportlon Silver Question, The goldbugs are trying to slip through this campaign with Just ns little discussion as possible. They want to discuss the tariff first and only. If they can't do that they want to discuss the Mexican dollar, Chinese labor and fried beans and red pepper anything but the real issue which is between Independent American Bimetallism jind the gold standard until we can get Inter national agreement with the consent of the leading Eutopcau nations. That is the issue Bryan has forced from the first. OUR BANKRUPT POLITICIANS. The Salem Statesman says totis of literature are being sent out from the Republican headquarters in this city. It forgets to state that those head quarters arc In the ollice of the busted bank Stato Insurance Co., and that the fellows who wrecked the State Insurance Co., the Williams & England bank and the Salem Motor Railway are the principal shoutcrs at the Boucd money headquarters. They arc maintaining the tlnanclal honor and integrity of the nation at a great rate, and as those propeutles were robbed and busted by these same shoutcrs, so the country will be If It follows their advice. Mr. II. W. Cottle who used to manage the Stato Insurance company successfully Is now a Bryan and free coinage man. Tho fellows who wrecked it are all Mc Kinlcy sound money shoutcrs. Tho crowd of gold standard sharks and shouters want to restore con fidence Just long enough to enlist someone's capital and repeat their confidence games. These sharpers who work the corporations and the people are the boys to help the poor man. They weep crocodllo tears for the men and women who work their fingers raw and bloody In the hop Helds nt 25 cents a box In order to hold soul and body together, and then pay dividends at tho same ratio. Christ forgave the thief upon the cross; he chldcd not the fallen woman; hut when tho modern sound money hypocrite and bankrupt politician goes to tho next world he will get u warmer reception than he will at the polls In Oregon In November. There Is one old veteran In Salem who voted for Lincoln, and who fought for the Union In yirginla, when they hung men who were loyal to Uncle Sam, who believes In tho double standard, Ho has Just got himself a wlfo. It Is to bo hoped sho Is not u gold bug or sho may convert him. What business has a Judicial offlcer or a clerk In tho executive depart ment, supposed to bo uou-polltlcul of llces to go about and make an ass of himself? Geo. Collins, of Salem, offora to bet a suit of. olothes that Oregon will go for Bryan, Ho Is it native of Maino, aud'his high spirits and unbalanced condition arc easily accounted for. "They anj ,all seeing tho error of their wuj;fi,ujHlrcowliigback Into line," says Kumoiuio AitSKiiuey uuuiur 01 the old soUUeraund sikoftltepubllcaus .at Salem, .whoiboltcdnho gold stand iird. - g t If a worklngmtm can get Into tho penitentiary ho can bo assured of steady employment under tho single gold standard, hut nowhere else. Less confidence games on tho people and moro actual money In this country is tho demand of tho hour. AN OHKGON UOV in a letter to a Salem friend makes some points that are about as well, stated as anything we have ever seen Here are some extracts: "Your former letter was snni thing of a disappointment to me perhaps the first time in all our Intercou rso but probably you were tired. Or It may be you despaired of making an Impression on me. I had thought to bring out from you the scientific and practical reason for supporting a gold stunaard Instead of a bimetallic one. When I wrote you my letter I had fully made up my mind to lay aside all prejudice and Investigate the sub ject of finance as thoroughly as my time and means would allow, and de cide where I stood on the merits of the cose. 1 have been doing so, but am sorry not to have had your assist ance. I have been taking twe paper?, and am still, one a McKlnley the other a Bryan advocate. On the Mc Klnley side I have read the speeches of Sherman, Harrison and McKlnley, on the Bryan side the speeches of himself, and some California orators. " I see by the platform that there is no differenceof opinion on the coin age of silver except the question of time. The Democrats would have It now: the Republicans would have It as soon as they can get it by interna tional agreement. That Is to say, the free coinage of silver Is what we need, and is the right thing when all nations are agreeable to it. However, I am disposed to think that the Rep ublicans don't really believe what they say and that they are really in favor of Gold standard and would have declared for It if they had dared. "If I understood your positlon.you are a gold standard man, and not favor able to bimetallism at all. So, on the face of the two platforms; would vote for McKlnley ,only because a postpone ment of the coinage of sliver would allow time for the people to become educated to the gold standard. Per haps there might be good politics in It to elect McKlnley, then If the gold standard Is the proper thing It would certainly bo manifest by four years from now, and tho change of senti ment would come with such over whelming force that silver would never be heard of. On the other hand If the gold standard failed to bring its paomiscd fruits, the cltan gc to silver would come so naturally that business would not be overturned, as may happen, if the chang comes now. " As I said, I havo been studying these speeches, and when I first read Ex-President Harrison's speecli 1 thaught I was converted to the gold standard but after digesting I changed my mind. "Tho Goldltts tell us in one breath that free coinage of silver means GO cent dollars, and before that gets cold they say that no body would bo bene fited by it except the raineowners and tho debtor classes. Now if I had 11 quantity of bullion worth 63 cents peroz. in gold, and the choice be tween taking that price for It, and having it made into money that would only pass for that much I would sell the bullion and save time aud trouble. They must cither admit that the silver will be worth more coined or quit charging the mine owners with dishonesty. "Again Mr. Harrison says, we uow havo $23 per capita and that the mo ment we got free sliver gold will go Into retirement, and leave us with only $14 per capita, and that conse quently silver will go down. That Is to say, tho less wo have the cheaper It will be, which seems to mo illogical. It seems to me that it tuhst bo ad mitted that gold and sliver will circu late sldo by slde,dollar for dollar, or In failure of that, gold will hide Itself land silver will go to pai or to a pre mium. If gold is retired all Indus tries will bo stimulated, prices will advance and prosperity will return. All my observations aro to the effect (.Continued on third page. ! i fl I i I e IIBI ilggaaeaa 'Itelffi!' ii.i.,i',t..iH!liVi-l ,M ,ll.gr This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Rlar.kwell's Cenuine I BULL DURHAM Yon will and one coupon Inside each 2 ounce bag and two coupons Inside eacb 4 ounce bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon and see how to get your share Of (250,000 In presents. ijX444444444I C.'H. M-A'OK 13JSNTIST Successor to Dj. 1. M.'Ktens. old W CoriKt, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superior I operations at moderate fee in any branch ere in cpecmi request a ; TO 1 HE I Mute ' vV IVAGUS KKPAM SHOP. Carriage and wagon shop, 320 Commeicial sltett. oppoMlej Stale Insurance; building. Uripg in your work. SalUfictlon'tuaratitcrd PETER GVNORQREN. " DbPOT Express. In Town. You'll bcsiupris. Won't "yellow the clothes." Won't bum your hands. Nothing equals it. Better than soap. Extra largo packages. Soap Foam Washing Powder. John Hughes. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stock of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of grass seeds. PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. STATE, 1 I, Oregon, ept. 1, 1896.) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE OR TRADE.r-The best stock and hay ranch in Oregon, consisting of 200 acres. The above tract is good for fruit, grain, truck gardening or general farming Will sell cheap on easy terms or trade lor small place. For particulars inquire of A. H. Boothby, Mills City, Or. 9 17 im FOR RENT Scholarship in any deparment Willamette University. Apply at 77 Com mercial St., Salem. 9 15 31 HAVE YOUR SAWS FILED by George, at rear of J. B. Slump residence, 9 I4tf GEiUlTTEAHElCProf. Carl Behrens, No. 18 Center street, instructor in modern languages and music pianos and organs tuned. 9 in td FOR SALE OR TRADE Two improved lots, ill kinds of fruit, on street car line, at a big bargain for cash; addres- 11, this office, WINTER PASTURE. .For good winter pas. ture for horses inquire one block west ol the North Salem school. Robert Craylon. 99 mi PICKLING CUCUMBERS I have a tine lot of pickles for sale at my place near the penitentiary. Five cents per gallon. 9 1 im A. N. BANTA. TAKEN UP., Two horses, one brown with white spot in forhead, left hind foot white. One bay, both hind feel white and branded on left shoulder. Horses are about 4 years old and weigh about 1,500 and 1,300 pounds. Tho above stock was taken up at Lafe Townsend's farm 10 miles north of Salem. By proving property and paying damages and expenses owner can have same. 8291m J. W. TOWNSEND. Fol SALE-Driving mare for sale at a bar gain; weight about 1 160; good traveler, In- ; ot wi quire m. Brown & Co. 30 tf CARPET PAPER Large lot ot heavy brown wrapping paper for sale cheap.- Jus the thing for pultinu under carpets. Call a Journal office. COLT TAKEN UP. A three-year-old colt, bay color and white star in forehead, was taken up by the undej signed. Owner can have same by proving property and paying costs. Call at place, 5 miles east of Salem, on Macleay road. 8 22 im J. R. PICKENS 0 Gents ON THE DOLLAR. Tho city election Is not faraway and It is not too Into to clean )ip our streets and mow tho grass and weeds. Maker county promises to go three to one for Bryan, lf Ed. S, Lamport, 289 Commercialjst,, balem. Or,, Hasf bought the Frank EgShaf fer and the M. Beamer harness stocks at forced sale. $4,000 worth ot goods will be disposed of at 50 cents on the dollar, Sign of the hite Horse. Salem Steam Laundry i Take No Substitute J Gail Borden uagiw mami ilsllt dcutut 't mxss llM. Wf -CONDENSED MILK Please noticethe cut in prices on the following! Shirts, plain to cents Under drawers 5 to 10 cents Under shirts ....5 to 10 cents Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannels andfother work inj telhgently washed by hand. Col, J. plmsted Prop. Office of the Skcretary of Salem Sept, Sealed proposals will be received at this office until noon, November 2, 1896, to furn ish the followinc articles for the State of Ore gon for the use of the 19th Biennial Session of the Lenisiative Assembly: 35 reams legal cap, 14 lbs. No. 7 ruling white laid, laid, Charter Oak or Scotch linen. 30 reams first class Congress note, 7-pound packages, No. 7 ruling, white laid. 20 reams letter paper, 12 lb,, No. 7 ruling white laid, Carew, Charter Oak, or Scotch linen. 20 reams of typewriter, letter Mze, Paragon letter wove No. 3. 20 reams typewriter, leal size, Paragon, letter wove No 3 J-. 6 reams typewriter legal size, Paragon, letter wove No )t. 6 boxes Little's Satin finish carbon, blu, size 8 x 10VJ 6 boxes Little's Satin finish c.uLon, b'u. , size 8x 13. 10,000 No. 6 1-2 envelopes, 60 lbs. No 1. rag XXX. 12 Gross railroad steel pens, No. 49. 20 Gross Gillotl's steel pens, No. 404. 4 Gross Gillott's steel pens, No. 303. 8 Gross Esterbrook "J'' pens 6 Gross Falcon steel peus, No. 048. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Probate steel pens No. 313. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Judge's Quill Steel pens No. 312. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Chancellors steel pen No 239. 6 Gross London Incandescent, M. JacohV No. 4, 2 Dozen Sanford's Cardinal icd ink, pint. 5 'Gross pen holders, black enamel, luue, 10 Dozen Peck, Stow & WilcoxN inkstand No. 558. 4 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstands, No. 554. lo Oozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstand: No. 420. 12 Dozen ivory folders, 9-inch standard. 4 Dozen iory foldeis, 10 inch Congress. 4 Dozen mucilage cups, No, 8, Moiijan's patent. 10 Dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No, 6, Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paptr, 140 lbs. assorted colors. 2 Gross No. 2 Eagle recorder le.ul pencils, style 660. 5 Dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts 2 1-2 Dozen btanord's writing fluid, quarts. 15 Dozen gummed stub flies, No. 21,11 x 15 inches, 500 pages, 4 Dozen Duplex cupboard letter clips, legal size. 20 Dozen Duplex cupboard letter clips. 15 Dozen Faber's 'rubber rulers, 14-inch flat. 15 Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18,149, bone. 3 Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18,149, ebony. 70 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes, 5 Gross Faber's lead pencils. No. 2, hexa. gon, gilt. 12 Gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, round, gilt. 2o.Dozen Faber's patent ink and pencil niuucr erasers, mammoin. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 2 uat nena. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 2 round heads, white. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 4, flat head. 15 Dozen table pads to hold paper, 19x20 inches, strong leather tips. 15 Dozen waste paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. 3 Dozen waste paper baskets, small, No, 11, round. 29 lbs, hemp twine No. 2. 4 Dozen Sanford's mucilage, quarts. Bids should be marked "Proposals for Sta tionery." None but the best quality of goods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids is e served. All the above articles to be deliv red at Salem on or before December 15,1896. There being at the present time no money u-i,rtuic mr paying ior me aoove supplies, bids will only be accepted under the express condition, agreement and understanding that tho successful bidder will look to, and de. pend upqn the next legislature appropriating ...v.tVj w rV .dim, Very respectfully, II. R. KINCAID, 9-52m Secretary of State, Miets all masl and pasengir trains. Bag gage nd express to all paits of the city. Prompt seivice. Telephone No. 70. JAMES RADER. WHAT IS SAID Some say we give the best meal in town for 15c. Wc say try us and see. V1T I S. RICHARDSON. PROP.. 3?"Second door north of Hotel Willamette. mm MAKRE ff ISFREE DELIVERY. WOLZ &.MIES(JKE Proos. Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt meats EjyFresh sausage a specialty. 171 COMMERCIAL ST "KINDERGARTEN." Mrs. C. M. Ogle will re-open her kinder garten in the Cotfgregationul church pmlois on September 21. 8 29 imJ MONEY TO LOAN On farm land security. Special rates on large loans. Loans consideied without delay HAMILTON & MOIR Hush Bank buildini). 'MONEY TO LOAN.! Ou city or farm property. Over Bush's Bank, T. K, FORD T. H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, laLe-, a "-p-ialty of line repair work, Seth Thiuna- cl Ub, etc., 21c. Commercial Street C. H. LANE, IMMTTAILl 21 r C n 11 "''iii '"p'S.iii'. J15 upw-irN, KAST GIVES 'Hit CIIoE OF-. I W0 1 i anbCOhlina.li 1 -"" 'WIN Route. Via Spokane Minnean. ....-, . ver umalwaiui Kani n. rtalDn ".-nun ciucs. ' w ntu Portland, Sri- Steamers leave AImw,L jT0-4..9,24,29gtt NviLLAME:&'.V Slenmr. P...W. IV.EI DlVIXlnv nesdaynd BWiyTatToW0 W Lowest freight and Di,il trip ticket, vfry chea"- k bar-cane checks aIj ". tJ ,,i OregoH Washington hew - agents, SaWmloLotafc n. McNeill, PrCS Inr! U... W. H. Hunt S?"- on or address G. M. POWERS, k! Agent. Forfu,ldetS"a?:H6r Foot of Trade st. Through Tickets TO THE EAST! I VIA THE 1 ii..i. li, i'.uitsS upwamls'Ll ! I bring you good tidings of 'great joyj wmen snail oe unto an pei.pie." A "BIBLE KEY" "Thetflau of the Aces." Thii is the best work on the Bible, tver issued from the press. It gives a complete explanation of all the doctrinal subjects of the holy scriptutes, presenting the wonderful harmony, simplicity aud beauty of (Jod's plans for the redemption of the human family from sin and death. The work is complete in three (3) volumes, all for$i. Address T. H. LLOYD, 164 Waller street, Salem, Or. 7.17.1m" EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- Shasta Route. 5 t OF THE f . Southern Pacific Co' California Express Train Run daw;1 between Portland and San Francisco. Union Pacific System. Ihroueh Pullman'Palace Sieensr. t.1, Sleepers and Free; Reclining Ch'o ivli Portland to Chicago, t Our trains are heated by steui ui ugniea. uy nntscn iignt. Time to Chicago, 3 I-i Jays Time to New York, 4 1-2 days. Which is many hours quieter thu con petito's. For rates, time tables and fulljiniormuici appiy to; BOISEZ&lBAJLKEBl Agents, Sales), Or.; R .. W BAXTER, C. E. BROWN, Ceneral Agent Dist.Pass. igest 135 Third Street, Portland. u8:5op. m.j Ly, Portland , Ar. I 8:10 a.m. 11:00 p. m. Lv Salem. Ar.-J8:ooa.m 10:45 a m ) Ar- S. Frisco Lv. ( 7roo p. ro. Above trains stop at EastGPortland, Oregon City, Wo dburu, Salem,jJTurner, Marion, Jefierson, Albany, Albany (unction, Tangent Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell, Drain, I and all stations from Rosebijrg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSEBURG MAIL DAILY. South 111 llWlVlitOod RUST in th !tmi- jfc tloa ofth AratricMi Pcoplt. No othtr U "Just j soot" 1MC inunt Food. -r r iimwiiJ For Delicacy, for parity, and for Improvement ot the com plexion nothing equals Pozxoai's rowssa, FOUNTAIN WASHER ! 8:30 a.m, 11:00 a.m. 5:20 p.m. lv. Portland ar. lv. Salem lv. ar. Roseb'g lv. North 4:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. SALEM PASSENGER. c Soutu 4:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. lv, Portland ar, ar. Salem lv. North 10:15 a.m. 8:00 a.m. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE J 1 187 Commercial street. ' B. BROWN. I Salem, qregon, rULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS aud second-class sleeping cars attached, to all through trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland and Corvallis, dally (ex cept Sunday.) 7:30 a.m. I Lv. 1.1:15 p.m.) Ar. Portland. Corvallis, V. Lv)i:35P." Northern Pacific Railway. runs; Pullman SleepinCars. Elegant Dinin Cars Tourist Sleeoinurj To St.' Paul, Minneapolis, JJuiutti, tH irand Forks, l.rooKswn, '' Helena ana mute. , i- riTnnnr,H TICKETS .. I To Chicago,Washineton, PhiUdeljM t York, lioston, anau"", East and South; For information, time cards, nups : tickets, call on or writn THOMAS, WATT & CO, AGENTS, , 265 Commercial srreet, Salem. "' A. D. Charlton, Asst. Oen'l. Jgfe Morrisqn st- corner Third "giS-p LD09 P015DR mmmmi. ., -.PrtaiiJ, H Boebane. enrv. lot &&VSffi2!&2m tBwapaBnotcui.teBiwBtFWJ tt?5Zw&V2Z&! SKctss jeropwi At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. Express train dally except Sunday. 4:45 p rn. I Lv. Portland Ar. J 7:25 p. ro. 1 Ar. McMinville Lv J 8:25 a. m 5:50 a.m. THROUGH TICKETS to 11 points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rater fron. W.W. SKINNER, Agent, Salem E. P, ROGERS. Asqt. U. f. & P.X. - f PortlarKAOr.--R.KQEHLER,Manier. "f ' qai FM WATElTCft Office. Willamette Hotel Bug' complaints at the ofox. , wt There will be no deduetiM i on account of tempo"' - ,be o city unless notice . ! " 1I orJfW twirrj - . ,lrtC lt" for domestic .--. pii,tn?trd SftrSE building .e?-EJ7&a scheduleTof rates wr ij- fo'jwpy?