Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 17, 1896, Image 1

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Bryan Slept Well and Talks
A Battle With a Mob
UiiCAco, Sept. 17.-An Infuriated
Havana, Sept, 17.-The band of -"""'' l 'A" ,",urllUet,
Juan Delgado Is reported t haio , m f laborcr!i batUcd wlUl tllp
burned the farms of Gatora, Chlncal
and Tlraboquc, on tlio canal, and scv
eral settleinenls near Santlagi
Vegas. The insurgents burned sev
eral ranns In Havana province be
cause tlic owners refused to pay the
,.,intlnuetolnerc:nb? Compare our prices and Roods with
i 2 olfcred by other mercbants, and you have the answer.
Vp -ire doing an absolutely cash business. We buy and sell
.". ,'nch i.nlv. In every transaction there is a good ner cent-
...mivcd. and we give the customer uio benefit off
"junta. Reliable goods aud lowest prl
the benefit of all
ices Is the reason
Ours.tock of shoes Is complete. The
hicli wc carry are the standard of good quality. Cluthing in
ureat variety at bed-rock, hard times prices. Bring your cash
and receive full value.
Unreservedly for Bryan and the
- Chicago Platform.
Charlotte, N. c, Sept. n.-Brjan
began -speech-making early today,
after a night's rest on a .special train.
ne left the sleeper at 8 a. ni., and was
escorted to the poslolllce Park by the
Hornet Nebt's riflemen and the local
Knights of Pythias Comuiandery of
mounted men. He addressed several
thousand people, and left for Durhnm
at 10 o'clock.
taxes levied by the Insurgent". Noar '
Palos, In Matanzas, the Insurgents
have burned the tobacco plantations
of nerculano aud Esperanza, causing'
a loss of $400,000. In the last few
nays they have nlso burned a large
amount of property near Puerto
.Several soldiers of the battalion of
Los Xavas, guaidlug the trtfclia
Jucaro, have died fiom sui
The first 1000 .soldiers of the rcj
meiils iccrntly anlvid fion
have arrived at Jucaro.
loIlce of South Chicago at 0 o'clock-
last evening for tlio possession of a
V!ltTnn.fIrtttfir tflmt.i Hmtt l..... . .... i
delos . imraiimu
, wiui lyncning, because his runaway
, horse knocked down several of the
crowd. After a fierce struggle, In
which clubs and stones were freely
used, the driver Peter Zlsllskl, was
rescued from his assailants. In addl
tlflti to the half dozen men trampled
beneath the hoofs of the frantic horse
a uumborof tlio crowd were severely
beaten by the police.
A passing engine frightened the
horse, which had been standing In
front ofra house, and he dashed dow n
the street toward a crowd of working
men who were leaving the steel com
pany's works. Zlsllnskl nut Hatred to
Spain mertake the runaway, but could not
trokc. ,'
n force-'
IWW.I.,.1 II. I.,... I. I.. I. . .
- . t i vwu.ufi mis ihiim:, iiii:ii .swept IIIIO
- ia .tijuiivu irum xaios, .uuianzus, .!.
oddsfpial Exposition
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19 to October 17,
The irreit resources of the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture. Horticulture. Fisheries.
lines, Minufsctures, Transportation, Machinery, Trade and Commerce will be represented
lore completely nun ever Deiore. turanu Dana concert erery aiternoon and evening,
fcciil attractions every night. Lowest rates ever made on all transportation lines.
i Admission 25c. Children 10c. ror exhibit space apply to Geo. L. Baker, .Superintend
t, M the building. E. C. MASI'EN. S.
ardware, Stoves and Tinware,
ki)E.V HObE.
K:uic:d rates. Management Itucral. Electric tarn leave hotel or all public buildings
Facts of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
Suits Ready.
r SJr H S' 1S
he grandest, the most select, the choicest
fitment of men's dress suits, business
aits, every day suits your eyes ever be
eH fabrics that are meritorious, linings
at are reliable, styles that are new, fit that
rws study, and last, but not least, prices
fat arcvwell, orices that fit vour ourse, be
Small Or lafa. IVWr fall cnifc at ffom
vu r fi IV Tf AUM MVfc -
New York Solid.
Buffalo, Sept. 17. After re-asm-bling
today, the Democratic state
convention business proceeded with
expedition. Ex-Congressman Hosea
H. Rockwell, of diemum? rnnni.v.
vras elected permanent chairman. He
made an able speech, in advocacy of
the Chicago platform and ticket.
The New York stale Democratic
platform unieservcdly endorses the
platform adopted by the Democratic
party In national convention at Chi
cago, pledges William J. Bryan and
Arthur Sewall Its hearty and active
support, and declares as its deliberate
judgment that never in the history of
the Democratic party has a platform
been written which embodied more
completely the Interests of the whole
mass of the people, as distinguished
from those who seek legislation for
private benelit, than that given to
the country by the national Demo
cratic convention of 1890.
John Bojd Thatcher, of Albany,
was nominated for governor. Hon.
Wilbur F. Porter was nominated for
lieutenant-governor, and Robert C.
Titus was nominated Judge of the
court of appeals. The presidential
electors were chosen, and the-convention
adjourned sine die.
fete and lirwtw StrAfits.
II Vf) MM tSf J' I tL W i V
Club Conventions.
Wabhinqton, Sept. 17. The con
Tention of the national campaign
clubs of the sliver party originally
called for September 23, at Chicago,
will be postponed until October 3, at
St. Louis, where the Democratic clubs
hold their convention. Arrangements
are In progress for a joint meeting,
Steel Men at Canton.
Canton, Sept. 17. McKlnley's visi
tors today consisted of the employees
of the Edgar Thompson steel works,
Penna. Fully 2,000 men were In line.
At McKlnley's home, hearty con
gratulations and. assurances of support
were offered by J. L. Jpnes, spokes
man of the party. McKlnley re
sponded. A reception followed.
Sheehan Resigns,
New York, Sept. 17. William a;
Sheehan today sent the following let
ter to James K. Jones.chalrman of the
Democratic national committee, Chi
cago: "I respectfully tender my reslg
uatlon as representative of the state
Of New York, upon the Democratic
notional committee."
Complete Returns.
Portland, 3Ie.,!Sept. n.-Completc
returns of Mondays election are at
hand. The total vote Is: Powers
83,673; Frank 31,841. Rapubllcan plu
rality 48,732.
mat In consequence of hH ungovern
able temper and his immoderate
drinking. Insurgent Leader Lacrctc
was abandoned by Rolofl several days
ago. y
The steamer Santo Domingo arrived
here last nltfit, liavlng on' board 20
olllcers and 750 soldiers of the rein
forcements from Spain.
Yesterday the work of transferring
the boys from the asylum of Bon
Eflconcla to the seminary vyas com
menced, wlille the girls were today
removed to the nuns' convent In
Santa Clara. The sick soldiers arc
being moved to the asylum of Bon
EOconcla, which has been arranged
for a hospital.
There Is a report in circulation that
Maximo Gomez has left his camp at
Guasimas with Agrmonte, .going in
the direction of Santa Clara, to form
11 junction with MuJIn and iiodriguez
In Sancti Spntu. It Is nlso reported
that Rodriguez lias arrlvin.that
Plans for a balloon, which, It is
claimed, can be lowered or raised at
pleasure without the use of ballast,
have been offered to the government,
and will be examined by a commis
Tlio news Is continued that the in
surgent leader, Morejon, whose in
fluence In the revolution has been
great, has died of wounds received In
a skirmish In Matanzas with Colonel
Appeals To Our Ambassador.
Washington, Sept. 17. The stute
department has been advised that
Tynan, alleged to be the famous "No.
1" of the Phoenix Park tragedy, now
under arrest at Boulogne, has ap
pealed to Ambassador Eustls, claim
Ing exemption from surrender to the
British authorities by reason of his
AmeJican citizenship. The ofllcials
of the state department decline to say
In advau.ee what action would bo
taken n such case, but the practice
In the past has been tq avolt Inter
ference and permit the surrender,
presuming that the proceedings are In
accordance with the usual legal code
of the two countries,
American citizenship can not bo
et up to prevent the extradition of a
person arrested in one country for
crime committed In another. The
United State has never gone on record
as taking an advanced position In this
mattcr,'a!though some other nations
claim that such persons cannot be
surrendered without the consent of
the country of their citizenship. The
authorities on extradition show that
France ha always asserted a right to
surrender fugitives of a third country
without sacking Its content, wj (he
prospects for successful intervention
on behalf of Tynan are small.
ciowd. A dozen wont down.
many or thoso who escaped lt.s hoofs
Iwlng struck by the wagon. In an In
stant Zlsllskl was surrounded. In
vain he explained his helplessnes, but
his captors seized him, threw him to
the ground and were crying for a rope
when the police came to the rescue.
Breach of Promise Case. ...
Chicaoo, Sept. 17. Alfred Fenther-
stone, u wealthy bicycle-maker or this
city, has been sued for $100,000 for
breach of promise by Ilss Maud Stev
ens. Nobody appears- to know much
about the young woman, and her at
torneys decline to talk. The defend
ant Is now In Now York. It Is said
ho has been playing tho races there
with great success, having won, It Is
claimed, $25,000 In tho last four days.
Anti-Italian Agitation.
Rio Dh Jankiiio, Sept. 17. The
Jacobin party is preparing' to inau
gurate anew the antl-ltallan imita
tion. It 1r feared that grave conlllcts
will occur.
It Is rumored thatn revolution Is
being organized by the Jucoblnsand
the monarchist party, and that the
Italian question will servoasabaso
for an Insunectlon against the gov
ernment The authorities are aware
of the rumors, and are taking meas
ures to prevent tlio plans of tho agU
tators from coining to a head.
The Issue in America.
St. James Gazette nf Monday, July 13, 1800.
The merely personal side of the electoral conflict In the United States
ought to 1)0 of small Importance even there. To us it Is, properly speaklnir
or no consequence It Is notorious that for a long time past tho courso of
thing has been a gal not tho farmer as ho has hitherto Imph im,w0,i 1..
America. lie has taken advances rrom tho bank, and tho steady fall in
prices makes It even harder for him to ja7 back. A bumper harvest can do
htm little good, sluco the misfortune, Iscxnctly this: that tho market h
overstocked already, and that the greater the output the greater the fall In
prices. With that prospect beforo him, tho farmer Is ready to listen to thoso
who tell him that the money-lender has uininfair advantage. What the,fiir
mer has to offer In tho market, in order to bo nblo to pay, sinks continually
In price, while tho commodity sold by the canltnllst-nntnplv. m,i,iiu
steadily rising In value. 1 1 Is not wonderful that the farmer listens to those
who tell hlni that a remedy will be found by the freo coinage of silver for it
will enable him to pay In a medium which hns not been rising in valuo but
sinking In proportion with other thing. To him it may well seem monstrous
that the hundred dollars he borrowed must bo repaid, without Including
Interest, by n hundred and twenty, while the measure of corn, for which In
once received live dollars, now brings htm In four.
From tho LomlunJSpectator, July 11, 1S!)(J.
We cannot overlook tho fact that the majority of citizens in tho west aro
small free-holding fanners, one-third or them mortgaged, whose Incomes have
been nearly cut in two by the rail In agricultural prices, who pay tlirco sets
or taxes, tlmsc or the districts, or the stntoand tho nation, who have for
years attributed their difficulties to Insuillclent coinage, and who'nro pene
trated beyond any population in the world with the view thnt'tlmv i.v -
citizens of tlio American republic a right to material ease nnd exemption
rrom anxiety. Wo aro unable, therefore, to feel confident that such a popu
lation, conscious or irresistible weight In the union' may not, under pressuro
or economic cares, rise as the French peasantry did against what they con
ceive to be unjust exactions, and insist that their ruleis shall at least try to
equalize more cleaily tho material position or all classes Thoy not only
declaro that silver o'ight to bo mado legal tender nt the ratio or 1 to 1(1, that
Is, at nearly double Its commercial price, without waiting for any inter -national
agreement, but they avow their Intention of avoiding if theyican
all contracts for payment in gold, thus, as they openly acknowledge, reducing
all debts by one-hair, while Increasing equally the prlco or all commodities
produced in America. They spcclllcally rcfuso to all holders of United States
bonds the option of demanding gold, and they declaro that 11 gold standard Is
a British device, favored also by the eastern states.for plundering tho Ainerl
can people ,
'"'" ' ' ' ' , , .
An Offer.
Nkw Yomc.Sept.n. Jnmes Wakcly
John L. Sullivan's old backer, has
made an oiler or a purbo or $10,000 for
the Fltzslinnions-Corbett fight to bo
"pulled off" In private.
Corbett has wired that ho Is willing
to .accept the offer, if It Is the best
Martin Julian, on behalf of Fltz
slmmons, lias declined for the present
to.condlder It,
Against the Sultan.
London, Sept. 17. Tlio Standard
publishes a dispatch from Constanti
nople that the young Turk party .Js
covering tho city with placards Incit
ing tho people to dethrone tho sultan.
Serious trouble, it is added, is certain
to occur within a wcok. Turkish
troopships aro nightly deponing Ar
menians to Uio Black sea, where It Is
belloved they aro drowned.
Tho British residents, at the in
stance of tho British embassy, have
telegraphed to Lord Salisbury, stating
that their lives and property aro In
danger. Tho French residents havo
taken similar action. British and
French fleets aro now near tho mouth
of tho Dardanelles.
Fuad Pasha, one of the sultan's aid-de-camps,
was questioned as to how
long tho forts along the Dardanelles
could check tho passago or tho war
ships, and lio replied that they could
stop them for about hair an hour.
Attacked by Natives,
Viknna, Sept. 17.-A scientific party
from the warship Albatross, It Is
announced, was attached on August
i0 by natives or Guadulcanar, Solomon
islands. A geologist named Fulton, a
midshipman and two seamen were
Bell Taken to London.
Glasgow, Sept. 17. Edward Bell,
the American arrested upon the!
froopa Disarmed.
Berllv. Sept. 17.-A dispatch from
Constantinople says a guard of Turk-! charge of participating with Tynan,
Jsu troops on dutyatYHdlz palace, ' Kennedy and Haines in the dynamite
composed of four battalions (if Alba-! conspiracy to blow up the resldonce of
pao? was forcibly disarmed last I Queen Y!ctrla at Bqlmoral while t"P
evening n the presence of a large czar was her guejti was bawled over
body of troops and replaced by five to Scotland Yard cletcutlvei this
Zraikiw .battalions, I morning and taken to London.
Battleship Texas Floats Again
Newport Nkwb, Sept. 17. The
battleship Texas, which went ashoro
last night, was floated early this
morning, apparently uninjured. Four
tugs were required to get her Into
deep water.
A Cuban Suspect,
Nkw York, Sept. 17, -George Car.
los Rololf, a Cuban, was arrested to.
day on the charge of aiding and abett
ing in sending filibustering expedi
tions to Cuba. He Is said t ho Major
General In thetmnvof Genera) Gomez.
State ok Ohio, (Jity of Tolkdo, i
Lucas County, f M
Frank I. Cheney makes oath that he Is
the senior partner of the firm of F.J. Ciibnky
& Co., doing businens in the city of Toledo,
county and vtate aforesaid, 'and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE IlUNDUliD DOL.
LARS for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the Uso of Hall's
Catarrh Curk.
.Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, litis 6th day of December, A D.
if-' i A, W. Gleason,
Seal. Notary I'ublic
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials
F. J.'Chkney & Co., Toledo, O,
CirSold by Druggists, 7'c,
Did you over trade ut a one prlco
cabli store. If not, try tho Now York
Racket. Their goods aro the bcst.nnd
prices the lowest. at
Plunged Over the Grade.
Wallack, Idaho, Sept. 17- The
four-horse stage from Murray to Wal?
lace plunged over the grade, killing
one hor&e and Injuring the others,
No passengers were killed.
Killed By a Blast.
Viotoh, Cojo., Sept. 17. Dan Mr.
Lcod and Frank Ledbctter were killed
today, by the explosion of the Inde
pendenco.mlne. They.drlllcd into.u
blast that had failed to go off,
In Town. ,
You'll 1ms Muprlt.., t
Won't "yellow tho clothes."
Won't burn your hands.
Nothing equals it.
Better than soap.
Extra largo jmcknges.
Soap Foam Washing Powdor. John
The New York Racket is located
opposite the First National bank.
Visit our store once and, you will bo
our steady custouiors. .'it
When you need shoes or clothing'
the Now York Racket can lit you and
the price will Jit your purso. .'It
A club of 222 for Bryan, was organ
ized at Tho Dalles last Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. N. T. Moqrc, of Al
bany .celebrated tholr golden wedding
last Monday.
Joel Granholm, tho Swede, who was
found dead last Saturday, near Forest
Grove, died of heart failuror"
A Umatilla county Bryan club was
organized at Athena on Saturday
evening with a membership of 143
Tho graders employed on tho As
toria & Columbia River Railroad, un
earthed the skeletons of two inqn last
Tho houso and two barns of W. A.
Williamson, near Coburir. was burnnd
last Sunday. Seed and winter feed'
weroall burned.
A Bryan silver club has been organ
ized utSmlthlleld, In Richardson pro
duct, Lane county, with 108 members.
Tho precinct cast 121 votes last Juno.
There are a great number or filled
$10 pieces being circulated In Port
land. It Is supposed that a gang of
sharpers havo worked the town for all
it was worth.
M. Wllklns, or Coburg, has received1
his certificate of award for un exhibit
or clover, ryo, barley, wheat and
grasses at the World's Columblat,Ex-
"My rrlend," said the Baker City,
evangelist, handing hint a tract,'"hoy
do you stand on tho great question?"
"I'm for freo allver," responded tho
long whiskered man.
Tho fall term of the Portland nub
ile schools epened Monday, with 200
principals and teachers at their re
spective desks. Between ten and
eleven thousand pupils will attend'.
Tho first nntl-Republlcan club eveV
organized In Florence .precinct Laho
county, haBii meinberslilpof 105. Tho
voti or this precinct last Juno wan,
Touguo 01, Vundorburg 70, Meyers,
10 and Chrl8tcnson 2.
Many persons suffer with u constant"
headache that comes from eye slratii.V
a pair of good glasses properly fltlea;"
will relelyo this.' Ytfareycs tested
freo. .
Graduuto Optician.
233 Commercial St. tf
Jones Did you hear about Mrs.
Win. McKlnley suing for a divorce?
Smith No; whuturo her grounds?
Jones She alleges that the major Is
getting too thick with Hanna.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.