Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 12, 1896, Image 1

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JffO. 2S4
W York
Wv.5ri v:
R36k6T 8H
is recieving goods or all kinds direct
from New York, bought from one of
the largest establishments of the kind
In the world. All their goods arc
bought for cash, and sold for cash.
Those buying from such a house get
their goods cheaper than in an ordin
ary time house; that is clear. We are
also able to sell our goods at cheaper
rates, that also is clear.
We keep a huge line of laces, em
broideries, lace curtains, bed spreads,
linen and cotton towels, crash, table
linen, Indies vests, and nil kinds of
underwear, corsets, white and work
shirts, suspenders, hosiery, purses,
combs, brushes, and a large line of
notions of all kinds', call and see for
yourselves, we sell at close prices.
ndUsfrial Exposition
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19 to October 17,
The treat resources of the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries,
Mines Manufactures, Transportation, Machinery, Trade and Commerce will be represented
raor"completely than ever before. CGrand band concert every afe-noon and cveiing.
fecial attractions every night, fewest rates ever made on all transportation lines.
Admission c. Children loc. For exhibit space apply to Geo. L Baker Superintend
cat, at the building. E- C- MAS l EN- Sec-
Hardware Stoves and Tinware,
lie Willamette Hotel.
Reduced rates. Management hoeral. Electric cars leave hotel lor all public buildings
ni points ol interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
a. i. wagner;
Men's Fall
. . sums
J Jm s"
The grandest, the most select, the choicest
assortment of men's dress suits, business
suits, every day suits your eyes ever be
held, fabrics that are meritorious, linings
that are reliable, styles that aft new, fit that
shows study, and last, but not least, prices
that arewell, prices that fit your purse, be
it small or large, New fall suits at from
$4.75 J $20.
6. lUokoii & son
The Popular Clothiers,
SWe and Liberty Streets,
Bryan Ratification in Linn
Big Torchlight Procession and
Open Air Meeting.
Hofer, of Saloni, spoke as a silver Re
publican, nnd Hon. II. L. Barkley, of
Woodburn, was recalled by the crowd
and went to Eugene on the late train
where ho speaks today.
The meetliig was a great success
nnd reflects great credit upon the
Bryan managers of Linn county.
The campaign there Is In charge of
W. 11. Bllyeti, Democrats Dr. Hill,
Peoples; and Ed. Tryon, silver Repub
lican. Meetings are to bo held In
every precinct nnd old Linn will rolj
up 1,200 to 1,500 majority for Hryan
and Watson.
.Vliiany, Sept. 12. Friday was a
day long to be remembered in the
politics of that town.
At 1:30 the Albany band led by P.
Farrell nlaved In front of the St.
Charles hotel and the speakers were
escorted to the court house.
The band played an overture that
for thirteen men lias never been ex
celled in this state. The playing was
marked by splendid style and ex
pression. Mr. Farrell's leadership, ills
cornet playing, the solos and ducts,
the trombone and tuba narts. in fact
each player rendered his part well.
The tirst Indoor meeting at the Al
bany ratification was held at the
court house at 2 p. in. Judge M. L.
Olrasted.of Baker City, People's party
presidential elector, was first intro
duced by Chairman W. II. Bilveu. and
spoke In behalf of Bryan and bimetal
lism, from the standpoint of the
American bimetallic leacue. After
he had been talking awhile the court
house was so jammed full of people
that an overflow meeting had to be
held in the court house yard below.
Chairman Bilyeu 6ent Judge John
Burnett, of Corvallis, dow to enter
tain them and soon the cheers and
applause urose from the green grass
outside to the waves of enthusiasm
from above. Judge Olmsted showed
that the issue In this campaign was
whether the American people should
pay their debts In the terms of the
contract, or In new ..terms. "Arc
you an American patriot? If you aroj.
fall into line." ApplauseT Napo
leon in Egypt, In the face of the
Mamelukes, had said: "Donkeys and
savants to the rear; soldiers to the
front!" The cry now is: "Politicians
and mercenaries to the rear; patriots
to the front!" Applause.
"I am an American lirst of all.
Applause. If America is to remain
American we must declare strongly
against the encroachments of foreign
nations in every form." Great ap
plause. These were the ringing words
with which Hon. II. L. Barkley
opened his great speech at Albany.
The audience had received him with
cheers and yells, and it was a constant
ovation. When he proposed that the
whole crowd take an excursion on
John II. Mitchell's railroad to Mars
when it should be built, they went
wild again and cheered to the echo,
Ills pleas for Bryan and sound money
were well received. Gen. Williams
had said he wanted money like Noah's
The kind of money we want is some
that won't stay very long anywnere,
that will keep right on moving, said
Barkley in reply. And hekeptonirom
nointto nolnt. The audience were
spellbound as usual. They never know
wimt. s com nL' next. uarKieys iumh.
of argument, his scintillations of wit
and humor bubbling right up through
it all make him a most defjguuni
speaker to listen to. Judge Boise or
Salem and W. S. McFadden, of Cor
vallls followed in able speoohea.
At 5 p.m. the crowd was turned
on the 2,000 pounds of barbacued
meats and made very short work of it.
There was not half enough to go
n,nri. It was a great treat.and was
well prepared and served on the court
house square.
After supper a torchlight parade
took place, about four blocks long, In'
which about 600 participated. It
made a brilliant appearance and, led
by the Albany bund, "W down the
main street under a display of red Are,
cheering and great enthusiasm. The
procession assembled at the bt.
Charles hotel, where speaking from
u K,innv was the order of the
eveniDfc'. Dr. J.L.IIIll.Popullst chair
man of Linn county, introduced the
sneakers. Ex-Mayor D'Arcy, of Salem,
Snrst called and .tlrred the audi
ence to their depths with his ringing
appeals for the people's candidate.
Next followed another cx-mayor-Mc-Fadden,
of Corvallls, whose sallies 6t
Jumorand hard hits were highly an
Sated. Geo. E. Chamberlain was
Educed and given a royal welcome
Jwsold home town. .Ho discussed
tbe issues briefly and, forcibly, E,
A Promirient Farmer Killed,
Spokane, Sept. 12. J. W. Buck
man, one of, the most prominent
farmers in Lincoln county, was killed
near here by Walter Falrman. A
threshing crew was at work on Buck
man's place. 'Falrman was measure
ing grain. Bjickmiui accused Fair
man of swindling and Falrman called
Buckman it 'liar; the latter struck
Falrman, whoretuliatod by knocking
Buckman down. He then jumped
upon the prostrate form of Buckman
and choked him until he cried for
help. BuckmOji walked away appar
ently satisfied with the thrashing lie
had received.
About ten minutes later, as Fair
man was measuring grain, he
looked up and aw Bscknuu coming
toward him with a knife. To protect
himself Falrmitn grabbed a pitchfork.
Spectators say jhat Buckman made a
rush at Falrman with tlie uplifted
knife, when the latter raised the
pitchfork and struck Buckman a blow
over the head vf Ith the handle. Buck
man fell like a jog.blood rushing from
his ears, nose and mouth. "Without
recovering consciousness Bnckman
expired withlnlhnlf an hour. Fair
man was locked up in jail here. Fair
m'an exprcsscsLsorrow at the fatal
termination ofitho quarrel. He said
that he had ndpnCention of killing
Buckman but'JUs forced to protect
his own life. n
Indications That Mr. Bryan
Is Alive.
One Thousand Traveling Men Go to
. See McKinley.
Li HungjChang on Silver.
Banff, N, W. T., Sept. ll.-Dr.
Horsey, the representative of the Can
adian government, had an interview
with Li Hung Chang while en route
here. In discussing the financial nf-
.. .,. ,.l..A.. .. ,.!.,! .,..,.. mine.
Ijiwrtt, tuu tiyluJ' uoucu iiiuuj i"-i'
'tfSSrifFlJTmed'States. He said:
"My opinion Is no doubt different
from yours, because I look at It from
the Chinese standpoint. If a silver
president Is elected in the United
States It will benefit China, In that
it will raise the value of silver money,
and In like measure, of course, It will
benefit all the-grent silver nations."
"Do you think," he was asked,
"that the election of a silver presi
dent will make the silver dollar worth
as much as the gold dollar?"
"No, but it would make It wortli
more than it is at present."
"What Is your opinion of the union
of all governments in respect to silver
as a currency?" he was nsked.
"That is the correct solution, I be
lieve," answered the viceroy. "I am
in favor of International blmetallsm."
The viceroy was later asked by a
j correspondent:
' "What did your excellency think of
I ., . -. t .1411
I'resiuent uieveiunur
The reply came very quickly;
"I think he Is a great man, with
much moral courage. There can be
no doubt that he is the head of his
Wild Woman.
Ione, Cal., Sept. J2.-Severa
'reports have been received mat, a
'woman with long black hair and
i piercing black eyes had been seen in
J the woods above town, entirely nude,
i On Monday evening, about dusk, J. A,
'. Amlck and wife, while driving home
.some three miles from here, encount
i ered the woman, who sprang from the
1 brush at the roadside nnd seized the
bridles of their team. Amlck left the
j wagon.and grappled with the stranger,
I who was frothing at the mouth, and
gave vent to fearful slirieics, out sue
broke away forhlm and escaped. A
systematic search for the -supposed
maniac will be made with hjpodi
hounds. m
The W.hite Squadron.
San FRANCisoo.Sept.12.-The United
States bloop-of-war Alert steamed
away -late yesterday afternoon for
Port Angeles, where she Joins the
fleet under Admiral Beardslee. The
naval review at Port Angeles will bo
well worth wltucsslng, as It will lie
the first review ever held on this coast
1 since the building or me new navy.
! The Philadelphia, Bennington, Moth
! wrey, Manadnock, Alert and Oregon
1 will probably compose the fleet. The
' Oregon Is still off the iron worW; the
Interior finish of the ship not being
I ....nlafA (111 VPt .
i tumyi"' - "-
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 12. The silver
clubs of this city, headed by a brass
band, escorted William J. Bryan to
the depot last night, where a large
crowd had gathered to say good-bye to
the nominee of three parties. Bryan
started on his campaigning trip
through the south and cast at 0:16
last night, taking the Missouri Pacific
train for Kansas City. There wll be
demonstrations along the route. Mrs.
Bryan will not accompany her hus
band through the outh, but Is ex
pected to Join the party later.
At Kansas City.
Kansas City, Sept. 12. Mr. Bryan
arrived In Kansas City at fl::i0 this
morning. At the depot were gath
ered nearly a thousand worklngmrn
from thecarshopsand packinghouses,
who demanded a speech. Bryan briefly
triumphal procession.
The Bryan party and members of
the reception committee boarded a
tallvho at Coates hotel, and were
driven to.Elcventh street and Grand
avonuo, where fully 12,000 people wero
mnssed. A,teniporary stnnd had been
erected, but the crowd wns so dcriso
that It was deemed best to have
Bryan address them from a coach.
After the speech a start was made
immediately for the depot with a pla
toon of mounted police leading tho
way. Tho streets wero so crowded
that progress was very slow. It was a
sort of a trlumplnvLdcparturc. Bryan
frequently stood' up to survey the
enthusiastic crowd and bow in re
sponse to the applause. The crowd at
the depot was very dense and the
police had great difficulty In forcing
n way for the candidate. As soon as
he boarded tho special car, engnged by
the St. Louis committee, tho train
Salishury, Mo., Sept. 12. On the
special car which carried Bryan from
Kansas City to St. Lonls, was a dele
gation of prominent officials of Mis
souri. Stops were mupe at nearly
every statlon.-and the crowds, varying
from 500 to 1200, shouted enthusiasti
cally. There was a 5-mlnute stop at
Carrollton, where 4,000 people were
assembled, to whom Bryan made a
short speech.
Gone to See McKinley,
Canton, 0., Sept. 12.-Two tnilu
loads of tho Commercial Democratic
McKinley club, of Chicago, reached
Canton this morning. They were
met at the station by the Canton com
mercial travellers, with an escort of
Canton -troops. The party numbers
between 050 and 1000.
They wero escorted to. hotels for
breakfast and .prepared to call on Mc
Kinley at 11 o'clock. As they paraded
pastMotherNaucy Allison McKlnley'a
home, they cheered, tho venerable
woman bowing her acknowledgments.
Prominent A. P. A. Man Killed.
Kansas City, Sept. 12. A. J. Dear
born, state president of tho A. P. A.,
was found lying In the street near his
home this morning, unconscious,
from wounds Inflicted by an unknown
assailant. He was badly battered
about the head and atabbed. Tho
police profesi to, believe there! was
a.n attack l,nstlgate4 by somo one
opposed to the A. P. A. doctrine.
Ooldbug Notification.
Louisville, Ky., Sept. 12--The In
coming trains brought large crowds
to attend the notlflcatien tonight, at
the Auditorium, of Generals Palmer
and Buckner of their nomination by
the National Democratic party for
president and vice president rojspec.
HirMv. Colonel John U. Fellows will
notify Bucknor anu benaior uuirey
will notify Palmer.
Arms Por Zanzibar,
Paris, Sept. 12. A dispatch from
Aden sayn port olUduls there received
Information that two German vcss2ls,
loaded with arms for Zanzibar, en
icr'ed the Bed sc;i, and strict Instruct
tlons on the 6ubect ho.ve been cabled
the ofllc(a.ls referral to,
Three Friends Successful in Landing
an Expedition.
New York, Sei 1. 12. Information
has reached this city that the steamer
Thre9 Friends,whlch left Jacksonville
last Friday, has again been successful
In lauding an expedition in Cuba, in
spite of the watchfulness of the Spall
Ish war vessels whle,h constantly
patrol the coast. The expedition was
landed precisely where the Spanish
navy dcpaitmeiit exerts Us grciucst
vigilance on the coast of Pinnr de
Hlo province, where a few weeks ago
It was reported that the Cuban leader,
Antonio Maceo, was In sore neeeof
amunltinn and clothing for his troops.
"While it is alleged that Dr. Joaquin
Castillo, chief surgeon of tho Cuban
army, and stibdelegate In tho United
SUtes of tho Cuban rebel government
was tho manager of the expedition, It
Is well know in Cuban circles In this
city that the military commander of
it was Brigadier Juan lluiz lllvcrn, a
native of Porto Itlco, who fought in
tho Cuban army during the 10 years'
Tho cargo which was landed con
sisted of 1108 rifles, 400,000 rounds of
ammunition, one pneumatic dynamite
gun, 2000 pounds of dynamlto, 1000
machetes nnd a large supply of medi
cal stores nnd clotucs. Tho rifles arc
especially adapted for tho Mauser car
tridge used by tho Spanish army, a
supply of which the Cubans allego can
bo enptured or purchased from the
Spanish troops In Cuba. Tho dyna
mite gun is the most prized feature of
this expedition, and tho men who are
to handle It wore sent down for the
purpose, and hnvo had good practice
In the way of using it to good advant
age. Besides these men thoothcr mem
bers of tho expedition nro Francisco
Gomez, son of tho goncrnl-ln-chlcf of
tho Cuban army; Major Haulttmnrti,
of General Macco's rtaff; Captain O.
Silas, Captain Donalato Marno, Sar
gearts Lo IlloCordrlo and Earnest
Hugo, or tho French army, Adam
Velasco, F. S. Blanco, Ilonorato
Mambruni, Enrlquo Vero, Enrique
Dclmado, E. Martinez Fonzo, Frnncls
and Armro Qulutano.
Quano Concession,
San Dieoo, Cal., Sopt. 12. Rob
bins, Morris & Carter havo secured
an exclusive concession for gathering
guano on tho Pacific and gulf coast of
Lower California. Tho concession is
owned by the Moxican Land & Colon
ization Company, and is given to tho
owners of the McPhorson on condl
tlon that the business bo prosecuted
diligently nnd a small royalty bo re;
turned to tho company.
Seyyid Khalid on tho Zanzi
bar Throne.
Asquith and Gladstoiio Denounce
the Powers. .
Mail Robbery.
Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 12. Last
night whllo a postofllco wagon was at
tho depot with two letter-pouches In
tended for tho Oregon express, ono of
tho pouches was stolen from the wa
gon. Yesterday morning two pollco
ofllccrs found the pouch, with tho bot
tom silt, but the contents apparently
undisturbed. It Is bellovcd the robber
took tho wrong pouch, tho other
letter bag In tho wagon contained
valuable registered matter.
Entitled to Wear Chevrons,
Washington, Sept. 12. Tho secre
tar of war has announced that the
campaign ugalust tho Utes In Colorado
and Utah, September, 1870, to Novem
ber, 1830; against tho Apaches In
Arizona, 1885 to 1880, and against the
Sioux In South Dakota, November,
1880, to January, 1801, wero of suffici
ent magnlturu to entitled enlisted
men who served therein to wear
"service In war" chevrons.
Against Turnpikes.
Lawhbncmhuho, Ky., Sept. 12. A
mob of 125 men on horseback, near
Latham Springs, Washington Ky.,
yesterday destroyed ten turnpike tolN
gates and admonished the tollgate
keepcrs that the next step would bo
to lynch them If thoy attempted to
collect toll hereafter. This Is only n
part of an uprising In this part of tho
state lu favor of free turnpikes.
Will Fight.
New York, Sept. 12. Corbott and
Fltzslmons met at Bartiilodl Hotel
this afternoon, and agreed vorbally to
fight for 810,000 a side, and, tho largest
purse that any clubn any part ef the
country can offer. Tho light Is to
take place us soon after tho Sharkey
Corbcitmlllas possible.
Constantinople, Sept. 12. A feel
ing of greatest anxiety prevails In all
circles here. There is no doubt a
crisis and tho extreme gravity has
been reached. Tho,powcrs aro discus
sing the exposition of tho sultnn('that
being apparently tho only means of
restoring quiet and ccntidcnco within
tho Turkish empire A British fleet,
of 15 warships, is off tho Island of
Tlmso, within easy striking distance
should nn emergency arise.
May Be Reinstated.
Zanziuar, Sept. 12. (Copyright,
1800, by tho associated Press.) Tho
belief Is provnlcnt here that Germany
docs not Intend to acquiesce In the
action taken by tho British govern
ment through Admiral Bawson, In
appointing Ilniumoud Bin Mohammed
sultan of Zanzibar. Soyyld Khnlld,
tho alleged usurper, has been at tho
German consulate ever slnco tho fall
of tho palace, nnd, In spite of tho re
quest of the British consul for his
surrender, there bus been no disposi
tion manifested on tho part of Ger
man ofllclals to gl vo him up. Rumors
aro now in circulation bore that It Is
tho Intention of tho German author
ities to reinstate Khalid, who was do
posed by forco of British arms.
The rumors have caused great un
easiness. There Is a feeling that Ger
many Is not acting in a rrienuiy
Bplrlt and Is seeking to mako anlssuc
with Groat Britain.
The Blot on Civilization.
London, Sept. 12. Mr. Henry As
quith, furmor secretary of, stato for tho
homo department, has addressed tho
following message to tho Chronicle:
"I shall shortly address myconstltu
cnts.when I shall express my views nt
length, but I am lu entire accord with
tho tlmo has coino wheiiGrcatBrltaln
should rofuso to hold furthor terms
with a government which has becomo
u moro Instrument for execut
ing tho purposes of a will, either
criminal or insane. The European
powers, by whoso favor tho sultan
holds his throne, cannot condone his
past crlmos,nor Ignore further dangers
without sharing tho guilt of tho one,
and becoming directly responsible for
thoothcr. I hope wo shall witness
such a manifestation of opinion hero
as will save Great Britain from any
such compllclty.and will give Btrcngth
,nnd authority to dccldo action on the
part ofbur government."
Tho Chronlclo, In an editorial, ap
plauds Mr. Asqulth's strong message
as In every way worthy a responsible
Mr. Gladstone, In another letter on
tho samo subject, declared:
"Tho uso which tho six powers haw
made of remonstrance in tho past year
has not been a moro failure or a mock
ery, but a great instrument of mis
chief, becuuso it was Implied that
such a matter cun bo disposed of by
discussion, and has thereby supplied
wholesale and dellbcrato murdor with
tho only assistance It wanted, namely,,
he assurance of Immunity. In my
Judgement, oven silence would bo
preferable to such discussion. I'
Tho Dally News (liberal,) comment
ing icdltorlully upon Mr, Gladstone's
letter, say:
"Tho Urst necessity of European
peace Is the deposition of tho sultan,"
A Constantinople dispatch to the
Dally Newa says:
"Anofllclal communication to the
newspapers has caused a sensation. It
contemplates the certainty or Ar
menian risings In the provinces, hut
holds all ofllclals responsible, If mat-
j tcrs dovelop, Into massacres, pillage or
' destruction of property."
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U, S. Gov't Report.