Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 11, 1896, Image 1

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HrcHeving goods of !l11 kinds direct
from New York, bought from one of
tliu largest establishments or the kind
In tho woild. All their good-, arc
bought fur cash, and sold for cash.
Those buying from 8tlcn housc get
their jfCHMl- chiMiHjr than in an ordin
iiiy time house; that is clear. We are
aNo able to sell our goods at cheaper
rates that also Is clean
We keep n laige line of laces, em
broideries, lace curtains bed spreads,
linen ami -cotton towels, crash, table
linen, ladies vests, and all kinds of
underwear, corsets, white and work
shirts, suspenders, liosicry, purses,
combs, brushes, and a large line of
notions of all kinds, call and we for
yourselves we sell at close prices.
9SLS J"r
ndtisfrial Exposition
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19 to October 17,
r .v,. Pacific 'Northwest. Agriculture. Horticulture. Fisheries.
MtoMMMuf cures, Transportation. Machinery. Trade and Commerce will be represented
iMmMMuunuic csQrand band concert every afternoon and evening.
more cuuivkku - -- -- , - . .j. .I, ....,,,: i;.,.
I SMdil ittncdoos every mem. lowest rai "- """i?"""?" ""-'
! Admission 2SC Children
nt, the building.
For exhibit space apply to Geo. L. Baker, Superintend'
E. C. MASTEN. Sec.
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
The Willamette
Reitctl'rates. Management lireral. Electric cars leave ho.el lor all publicfcbuUdings
lallpdnU oJinterest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
GOOd GlOtl
sftS tXV s1m v
It Is an Important factors in the Achieve
ment of Success inJ'Life,
f This is a bit of philosophy that time and theg experience
men have proved to be founded on fact, That being the
all who buy clothing should seek a store where the best
Nothing is sold at prices which suit all classes, Such a store is
wnductedjby j
6 J Johnson &
The Popular Clothiers,
Renegade Indian Sentenced
to Drowning,
Other Crimes and Accidents of the
Day. 'i .
tlic others were taken sick, unci died
In great ngaijv.
Unknown Witnesses.
Dayton, O.. Sept. II. Chief of
Police Farrel says tlmttwo men whose
mimes he refuses to give havo conic to
him and told, them that they hac
personal knowledge that Albert Franz
murdered Bessie Little, whom he had
betrayed, and that j hey will give evi
dence In the trial. lie say furthoi
morc that ho lias clenr corrborative
evidence supporting the direct evi
dence of thesejuvo unknown witnesses.
The murder t5ik place In less than
two hours after she' had left her
boarding house?
To Be Challenged.
New York, Sept. 11. There at last
seems to be some prospect of .1 meet
ing between Gorbcttand Fitzsiminons.
At Union-square hotel, Julian, Fltz
stmiuons' manager, will challenge Cor
bctt. On thls,occaslon a banquet w 111
be given thejrcpresentatlves of the
The following telegram, Inviting
Corbett to beJpresent, wn? sent to As
burn Park.
"James J. -TJorbett, Asbury Park,
New Jersey-would be pleased to have
. 4. ...
you attend atbanquet wiiir.n 1 win
to represeu-
tatlvej of the press.on which occasion
I am going to challenge you on behalf
of Fltzsimmons. Martin Julian."
Careers of the Whistleknockets.
Juliaktte, Idaho, Sept. 11. George
Wliistlekiiocker, the Indian who
robbed Mis. McLead at. Lapwai, has
been arrested, and, after a piellml
nary trial at tlie agency, was sent to
Lewiston jail for safekeeping.
The father of the culprit, J . "Whistle
knocker, was a renegade and horse
thief, and when his sire died In 1809,
leaving property and horses to his sis
ter, John stole the whole legacy.
Being arrested, he was brought before
an Indian tribunal, with Chief Tuck-a-Pc
presiding. The sentence of tho
court was that he be bound hand and
foot and -thrown Into the swlft
fluwing Salmon river. This was done,
and John was actually Hearing shore,
when the court, no doubt apprehen
sive of his vengeance, pushed him
back, and the prisoner disappeared.
These summary proceedings, however,
found no favor, and Tuck-a-Pe lied for
his life to the mountains.
Sealer Seized.
Victoria, Sept. 10. The ictorla
sealer Aurora, CaptalnBrowu,arrived
under seizure from Bclirlng sea. The
Aurora on August 11, was scizcu oy nnd the cold standard and the Pomi-
the United Stat&scuUer No nU(m wa8
attend 'albanquet
give tonight at the
hotel at 9,0 o'clock,
' Another Fusion
Raleigh, N.'c., Sept. 11. The Ro-
Republlcan and Populist conventions
eflectedifuslon or all state oftlcers ex-
bept governor, lieutenant-governor
and auditor. These will be arranged
later. They also fused on congres
sional nominations, giving the Repub
licans four districts In which the
nominee are supporting McKlnley
All Protests Are Totally Disregarded.
Turkish Villages Cautioned Against
Peace Disturbances,
lalnTtoberts, and ordered to report to
to II. M. S. Icarus, on a charge of
having used firearms In sealing. The
four skins complained of had holes
made by a gaff In capturing them
after spearing, and Captain Brown
had kept these skins separate and
especially pointed them out to the
captain of the Rush. Ills explana
tion however, was refused. A prizo
crew was put aboard and tho schooner
handed over to II. M. S. Icarus, which
ordered the Aurora to Victoria.
Killed by a Train.
Tacoma, Sept. 11. Cane P. Berts
ley, 35 years of age, was struck by the
Carbonado express, on the Northern
Pacific, between here and Puyallup,
and instantly killed. lie was walk
ing east on the track. Bertsley is un
known here. In his pockets were
found letters postmarked at Ranier,
and addressed to him at Stellacoom.
Ills pocketscontalned 10 cents.
Determined to Die.
Olympia, Wash., Sept. ll.-Harry
Fisher, a bartender, and for four years
a resident or this city, committed
suicide by cutting his throat with a
pocket-knife. The deceased had been
drinking heavily, and, while suffering
from delirium tremens, was confined
in the county jail, where he died.
Fisher was a determined man, and,
after cutting his throat, put the
knife In his mouth and gashed his
tongue In a number of places.
e have clothinoWiat rfits not lonly the body
Purse. nu! 1--. . . -a " j iet. Ho
-i." uiuig eicgani in Texture uiu u-
Pfscs the eye and keeps the body warm, If y
but the
Clothing that
usually found
want any
RrstyClass,3C Clothing J&House
We can showgoods that will make
Took Carbolic Acid.
Vancouver, B. C, Sept
becca Sraythe, aged
'r mouth water.
State 1 and Liberty Streets.
11. Re-
30, committed
suicide by taking carbolic acid. It Is
thought that excessive zeal In the
cause of religion unhinged her mind
and prompted the action.
Drank Poisoned Beer.
nuvv.it. SeDt. 11. -Warren
Whitehead and Mrs. Patrick Kearney
died under suspicious circumstances
which caused the arrest m n...
head's wife on busplclon of murder.
They had all been drinking beer at
Whitehead's house. Mrs. Whitehead
Alined to imbibe, and so after
taken on electoral ticket.
Cincinnati, Sept. .11. Thomas B.
Pearcc, Henry T. Atkins, and Henry
Pearce, owners Franklin cotton mills,
doing extensive cotton business in
this city, under the name of Pearce,
Atkins & Company, and Henry
Pearce, Sons Sc Company assigned
today as a company and as individuals
to William C. Cochran, cotton mill
owner. Assets are $240,000. Liabil
ities $103,000.
Fire on the Bancroft.
New YoitK,Sept. 11. Fire occured
on the United States cruiser Bancroft,
lying In the dry-dock at Brooklyn
navy preparatory to setting sail for
Constantinople. It broke out In the
forward port bunkers, where coal was
stored. The case Is unknown. Tho
crew extinguished tho lire. Little
damage was done.
' ".if -
An Impending Customs War.
London, Sept. II. Tho Berlin cor
respondent of the Times says that
there are persistent rumois there of
and impending customs war between
Germany and Russia. It Is stated
that Russia Intends to retaliate for
borne vexatious restrictions upon
Russian Imports, imposed at the insti
gation of the German agrarians.
The Laurada Seized.
Wilminoton, Del., Sept. 10. The
steamer Laurada arrived from Port
Antonlo.and was seized by the federal
authorities on tho belief that another
filibustering expedition was contem
plated. Indorsed by Populists.
dfs Moines. Sept. 11. -The Pop
ulist state convention met yesterday.
No ticket was nominated. The Demo
cratic ticket nominated at Ottumwa,
together with the jjeroocruui; cicu
tors, were Indorsed.
Successful Filhbuster.
Nuw York, Sept., 11. Informa
tlon reached thlsclty that the steamer
fin Friends, which left Jackson
ville, last Friday, has again been suc
cessful In landing an expedition In
CoNSTANTiNOiM.r., Sept. It. De
layed In transmission) The protests
of the British and Italian embassies
at thcdoportatlon of the Armenlnns
had but little effect. The, Turkish
government sent a circular to Its min
isters abroad saying that In view of
securing the maintenance of order
here it had; been decided to send to
tlelr native country all unemployed
strangers, and provincial oniclals had
been Instructed to watch all such por
sons and prevent their return to Con
stantinople. Commissions have been sent to tho
ports of lauding to establish the
identity of nil the deported persons,
and a constant watch will thereafter
bo kept upon their movements.
Mensures will also bo taken to keep
out of the Turkish empire emissaries
of tho Armenians levolutlonary com
mittees who are working in Bulgaria
and elsewhere.
Warning From Ths Sultan.
Constantinople, Sept. 11. Tho
grand vizier telegraphed throughout
tnc provinces of the empire tho sul
tan's categorlcle Instructions to the
authorities warning them of the
serious responsibility and punish
ment those would Incur who break
the peace.
In order to Insure tho efficacy of
this warning, tho proclamations arc
printed In the local language and
have been distributed throughout tho
villages. '
Residents Awaiting the Firmin.
CANEA.Scpt. 1. Tho British war
ship, Colllngwood, has left for Syria.
She returns on the 12th to Suda,
where other warships will seok shelter
In a few days, All are anxiously
awaiting tho arrival of tho sultan's
firmin. Its delay Is giving opportu
nity for disorderly bands to continue
the depredations which the governor
cannbt prevent until he officially re
ceives his extraordinary powers, nor
can he bring culprits to Justice.
The Mussulmans arc complaining
bitterly that their Oliver arc being
burned, but there are no means of
verifying the exactness of these state
ments. The Insurgents, nlthrough
peaceful, will not disperse until tho
promulgation of tho firmin.
Montana Gold Republicans.
' Helena, Mont., Sept. 11. The gold
wing of tho Republican psrty met
this morning. O. F. Goddard, of
Yellowstone county, was nominated
for congress. Tho convention en
dorses the St. Louis platform, pledg
ing support to McKlnley and Hobart
and endorses woman sutlrage.
Vice Presidential Matters.
Omaha, Sept. 11. -Paul Vander
yoort, of Omaha, president of the Re
form Press Asboclatlon, gave tho Beo
today a lengthy Interview touching
upon the efforts to have Scwall with
drawn and Watson substituted. He
declares that the vice president must
bo conceded to the Populists or Bryan
cannot 1ms elected.
Torpedo-Boats Grounded.
Newport, R. I., Sept. 11. Tho
torpedo-boats Cushlng and Stiletto
were both aground near the torpedo
station yesterday. They had been
down tho bay at Bristol, where they
had taken a party or naval oftlcers to
witness the launching of the now torpedo-boat
at tho IIcrrcMjhoft works.
In making her slip during tho severe
northwest gale tho Stiletto was forced
ashoro Just north of tho government
pier, and tho Cushlng. in trying to
assist her, was soon In tho samo pre
dicament. EITorts by tliu station
launch and and n local tug to move
the two boats were for the time un
availing, and wore nbandonded.
Later on the boats en mo olT with
the ribing tide, the Cushlng towing
tho Stiletto. Neither vessel was In
jured, as It was soft mud in which
they wero stuck.
The Executive Cornmjttee
Matters of
The Trades Unionists.
Edinuukcjh, Sept. 11. In tho
tradesunlon congress there was a
lively debate over tho resolution of
tho National Sailors' and Firemen's
Association, on tho question of politi
cal prisoners. It read:
"That this congress cnlls upon the
government to grant completo
amnesty to nil who were political
prisoners, and Is of tho opinion that
tho time has arrived fora fullandcnre
ful inquiry or tho homo secretary Into
tho case of the threo men Gnlles,
Charles and Battoln condemned at
Stratford, April, 18!)2,by Justico Haw
kins to 10 years' penal servltudo for
being In possession of explosive sub
stances, with a view to their speedy
Objections were raised to this reso
lutions on tho ground that tho matter
Is outside the province of tho con
gress, but it was carjlcd by a voto of
88 to 52.
A Chicago Factory Burned.
Oiiioago, Sbpt. 11. A fiio at 2
oclock this morning destroyed pnrt of
tho plant of thoMcGuIro Manufact
uring Company, In North Morgan
street. Tho company manufactures
electrical appliances and rallsoad nip
plies, and It Is supposed that the tiro
was caused by an overheated exhaust
pipe on the bocond iloor. Workmen
had been engaged udtll midnight.
Tho contents oftno building, 300x
100 feet, wero completely destroyed,
but tho walls wero left standing.
Tho loss is estimated variously from
$25,000 to $75,000, said to bo fully cov
ered by Insurance. v
Purchase of a Placer Mine..
RosEiiuna, Or., Sept. 11. Sonio
tlmo ago William C. Levins, of
Canyonvlllc, Douglas county, Bold IiIb
placer mine in Tennessee gulch, a
tributary of Upper Cow creek, to
Perry Hlncklc and tho Durham Bros.,
of Portland for $20,000. Yesterday
Gcorgo II. Durham mado tho final
payment of 810,000 for tho 'property.
It Is currently reported that tho pur
chaser took out $14,000 this season.
Tho mine is In constant operation.
Dallas, Texas, Sept. 11. The Pop
ulist slnto executive committee after
two days of secret session ndjourncd
late last night. This morning Chalr
tnan Bradley gave out two resolutions,
they were adopted. Tho first recog
nizes Bryan and Watson as tho na
tional ticket of the party. The second '
Is a denial In toto of Demo
cratic newspapers charges of a deal
between tho Republicans and Popu
lists to carry tho stnto offices for tho
latter and tho state for MclCinley.
Had Guns in Yosemtte Park,
Wawona, Sept. 11. Six prominent
nnd wealthy men of San Francisco,
wero arrested In Yosomlte valley,
Monday by United States marshals
nnd taken to Wawona by an armed
escorts The men who was charged
with taking firearms Into tho valley,
wero camping in Ilotch Hetchy when
arrested. ' They are C. O. G. Miller,
president of PncliloGas & Improve
ment Co.; II. Michaels, of tho firm of
Langloy & Michaols;John T. Howard,
mnnagcr (it tho Oregon Improvement
Co.; Gcorgo II. Collins, president of
tho firm of nigglngs & Collins; A. II.
Hill, a merchant, and D. Y. Camp-
boll, a. prominent nttornoy. They
olalm that tbclr firearms woro sacked
and not taken out whllo In tho valley.
Thp rules of Yosomlto Park say that
no firearms will bo pormlttcd to bo
taken Into tho park, henco the nr
rcsls. The campers uro much grlovcd
because thoy woro taken to Wawona,
seventy miles out of tholr way, when
thoy could havo been released at tho
western boundary of tho pork. Thoy
left for Raymond tonight.
Tobacco Factory Burned.
Richmond, Vu., Sept. 11. Ender'
tobacco factory, which during tho
war wns used to accommodate tho
ovcrllow of prisoners from Llbbcy
prison has been burned. About $50,
000 of leaf tobacco was destroyed.
Broke Record.
Glenns Falls, N. Y., Sept. 10,
First heat of tho match for $5,000 be
tween John II. Gentry and Star
Pointer was won by Gentry by a neck,
time 2:02 3-5.
Gentry paced second mllo In 2:102,
lowering record.
Mail Train Burned.
Goshen, Ind., 11. Tho Lako Shoro
through express, earring malls and
express from Now York to Chicago,
caught flro near hero last night, and
thousands of dollars' worthof malls
wero destroyed. Tho origin of tho fire
Is supposed to have been spontaneous
No Attack By Yaquis.
El Paso. Sept., 11. No attack wob
mado by Yaquis or Insurrection!
on tho Juarez custom-house' although
ouo was expected last night. Tho
military forces Included threo com
panies of Infantry, ono of cavalry
nnd 200 ruraler. Tho custom-house is
carefully gaurded by regular troops
and armed clerks. Two troops of the
Seconh cavalry arrived today at noon
from Durango. Three more troops of
tho same regiment havo been stat
ioned at Ahumlda, GO miles Bouth of
Juarez. General Hernandez Ib In Im
mediate charge of tho forces.
Fiyc Hundred Mechanics Strike.
New Yohic, Sept. 11. Five hundred
mechanics of various trades went on a
strike at tho largo store building of.
Slegcl, Cooper & Co., on account of
tho employment of non-union marble
Horse Shoers Favor Bryan.
St. Locjb, Sept. 11. Journeymen
horse fihoer's association will present
Bryan with a silver horse bIioc, upon
his arrival here.
Whooping Cough at 84.
New Yohk, Sept. 11. Mrs. Henry
Ward Uecchcr has whooping cough.
With her 84 year the ailment Is prov
ing U be serious. She contracted the
cough from great grand-chllderejm r
Bank Failure.
New Orleans, Sept. 11. Tho
bank commerce, statu Institution,) Assets, $124,000;
failed to open this morning. ' cause, poor collections,
Grocers Assign
Memphis, Sept. 11. Herran.Taylor
& Co.,wholcsale grocers,lmvo assigned.
liabilities, $90,000;
Highest of all in Leavening Powers Latest U. S. Gov't Report.