Daily Capital Journal. UV HOFBR DROTHBRS, m Ribbons. v WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1890. y r sw sf & y m Z DUf.V LINE TO rOKTLAND. A big line of all silk satin ribbons at popular prices. Nos. f and 7, all colors fie. Nos. to 22 Inclusive, all colors, 10c. Eo. 40. In all colors, good for millinery use, 15o. ni It Altona and Ramona 8 i '&''''"''""'i"' WS yT exIW SS " "' i -STEAMERS LEAVE DAII.V. Por an I, 645 a. m Sa m 7 a m except Sunday. Drapcricsi Quick time, regular crv Ice anil cheap .... rate.... M. P. BALDWIN, Agent, Salem. t s 4im s s i i V. Your Choice X of any $1.00 $1,25 or $1.50 Straw Hat For 50c J, J, Dalrymple Co, lake a look at tlic north window. Sonic of tlic very choicest colorings In cotton drniicrlcs ever shown. Exact liultatlnnsof tliesllkq. Velvets, A uuinlK-rof olegnnt col orings In the Persian velvets COc and $1 the yard. T. flolversoD, Wkathkk Fokkoast. Tonight threatening, Thursday probably lllit rain. PERSONAL. Is in In Samrcrrlsh Is In the city. Ed. J mid, of Lincoln precinct, tho city. Ranker E. 1. McCoruack was Portland today. Miss Anglo McCtilloch Is thu guest of Albany friends. Contractor John firay was a Port land visitor today. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Stock returned today from C'orvallls. John Spanlol, thu Stnytou miller, was In tho city today. S. Farrar,tho hop-buyer, was a Poit land business visitor today. Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Clark, of ner vals, were In tho city today. Dr. J. M. Kcoiio returned last even ing from a brief visit In Portland. Mrs. Ed. N. Edes and son went to Albany this morning on a short visit. Jacob Ogle, a substantial Wood burn citizen, was In Salem Tuesday. Miss EfTIo Vandorpool, of Sodaville, 1 s the guest of Miss Jcsslo Crclghton. Mrs. 1 11. Southwlck went to To ledo on tho Roseburg mall Mils morn ing. Miss Mattlo Ueatty returned this afternoon from a two weeks outing at Newport. Ex. Gov. Z. F. Moody was a Port land passenger via tho Salem local this morning. Senator I. L. Patterson was among tho Salomltes going to Portland on tho morning local. Rov. Walter Reynolds, pastor of the United Brethren church of YewPark, went to Portland this morning. Senator D. A. Dawson, of Linn county, passed through Salem on tho Roscburg mail this morning. Mrs. J. S. Woodburn, of North Li berty street, Is spending a few days at tho Jones ranch north of tho city. Sheriff M. O. Gaines and F. S. Uampboll, of Albany, two staunch PopullstR, were In tho city yesterday, Prof, mid Mrs. J. L, Carter, of tho blind school, returned this aftoruoon from a Bummer's outing at Newport. ExAttornoy General Geo. E. Cham berlain, of Portland, passed through Salem on tho Iloscburg mall this morning. Mr. and Mrs. II. 3). Patton wont Buy the BestJSC We sell theVAlber t" fast black and tan hosiery. Foster's Kid Gloves, R, & G. Corsets, Sailer Lewen & Co. and Chas, K, Fox's ladles' fine shoes. Lcwk A. Croccctt's men's fine slwtc, "Little Giaot" school shoes. over to Newport this morning, where they will enjoy the sea breezes for sev eral days. Dan W. Tarpley, accompanied by III1' m-phew. Master Ford Tarpley, were pascngeis to Portland on the morning local. Win. Wright, who has been visiting Salem friends the past week, left this afternoon for his home at Union, Eastern Oregon Antoiiu Met solum, salesman In A. Klein's boot and shoe store, .has been eoullncd to his room the past week owing to sickness. Itov. P. Dittncr, of the German Evangelical church of this city, today went to Mllwaukte to attend confer ence of that church. Assistant Secretary of State, C. M. Lock wood, accompanied by his nephew, Webster Klncald, went to Portland this morning. J. S. Nye and (son, "Dill," with their respective wives, leave tomorrow for Woods, where they will spend a few weeks In tho shade Miss Rita llakcstraw, of Chemawa, was In the city today, completing ar rangements to attend Willamette university again this winter. J.J. Dottger left this morning for Victoria, D. C, where lie will attend boiiiu racing events in which his ex cellent string of horses will partici pate. G. W. Ilubbard arrived In tho city this afternoon fromTustln,Cal.,wlicro ho has spent tho past summor. Ho will open up an ollleo In Salem and will purchaso hops Capt. J. L. Smith, a familiar olllccr on tho steamboats plying on tho Wil lamette during the winter, was In the city today, returning to C'orvallls via tho Roscburg mall. Jesso George, tho popular lunch counter man, went to Aurora on tho Salem local this morning. From there ho will go to Pleasant Hill Country and Oregon City on his wheel. Miss Ascmith Dakcr, who has been visiting Miss May Darncs of tho Now York Itackot, loft this morning for her homo nt Tacomu accompanied by Miss Darncs who will spend about thrco weeks In tho Sound country. Mrs. J. E. Rukcrstruw, and daugh ter Miss Rltu, and Mr. and Mrs. NardIn,of thcChomawa Indian Train ing School, returned this morning from San Francisco whero thoy have been In nttondunco at tho Indian Teachers Institute. Dankor J. II. Albort loft last night for Indianapolis, Indiana, to attend tho national convention, of sound money Democrats. Mr. Albert ex pects to bo absent from Salem about two weeks, during which tlmo ho will visit St. Louis and Lansing, Iowa. Alox LaFollott, of Mission Bottom, was In tho city today, and reports fair crops In his locality. One plcco of his wheat averaged 12 bushels to tho acre, but as tho same piece wont G8 bushels last year, oven this Is-a poor crop. Ho has a fow peaches this year. Attorney Geo. G. Dlnghum and At torney Sotli II. Hammer left today for tho upper Snntlam above Detroit whore thoy will Hsh for tho speckled beauties for several days. Judging from a statement made by Mr. Dlng hum at tho train this morning, somo "record breaking" tlsh stories may bo expected on tholr return. W. II. II. Darby, of Miicloay.was In tho city today and reports threshing results good, on his place. On -10 acres thoy threshed HO bushels to tho acre, and It was tho oldest pelce, of ground, on tho placo. Grain gener ally Is light, and li many places wheat and oats runs as low as 10 and 10 bushels to tho aero, YET ANOTHER METHODIST. He Gives Vent to His Sincere Yet Ugly Views. Editor .Toi'iWAi.: Last spring the Kev. G. W. Grannls was up to Albany and while there heard "Cyclone" Uivis speak on tho silver and other questions. He was so much carried awny that he wrote Governor Fletcher, of the Post, u letter telling him not to miss hearing Mr. Davis wheu he came to Salem. Ho described him as one of the great and good men of the age a modern Abraham Lincoln, If my memory serves me right. And now what do we see? Trying to uphold the gold standard In this county, crawl ing at the feet of the great arch trynnt of the age-old Mark Hiiunn and giving people politics on Sundays Instead of the gospel. Dut as Mc Klnlcy docs his political business on Sundays why not Grannls? It is evident that Mr. Grunnls Is politician enough to know on which side Ills bread Is buttered from which party his salary comes. Of course, the man must live, but n good many of us who uttend his church would very much like to see him either placed ntnong that class of "silent men" or preach to us the living word. It Is hard to be fed with political foddcr,and poor stuff nt that, whllo we arc hungry for the "bread of life." It Is poor consolation to be looking Into the gospel crib for some thing to satisfy tho soul, and find nothing there but stale platitudes on sound money nnd weak apologies for Christian professors who do their dirty political work on the holy Sab bath and tic their tongues for n "mess of pottage." Dut Isn't money a queer thing? McKlnlcy muzzles his mouth for u money consideration; Grannls gives rein to his tongue for a salary. Oh for a "silent man" In the pulpit as well as In politics. And Yi:t Another Methodist. WILL REPLY TO GEER Mr. Rigdon Accepts the Sil ver Men's Request, CAUSE OF THE PEOPLE. Meetings Being Held Throughout the County. Deinq Rebuilt. Tho engine house of tho Capital Lumbering company, which was recently destroyed by lire, Is being rebuilt. A force of men has been removing tho charred timbers and bricklayers commenced tho work today. The old structure consisted partly of brick and partly of wood, but the new building will bo con structed exclusively with brick. The building will probably bo completed In about two weeks when work In tho various departments of tho mill will again bo resumed and a largo forco of men will again bo given employment. Out Today. A. "White, senior member of tho feed firm of White & Gilmore, who was so brutally beaten last Friday by James Strlcklln, was out on tho street today. Mr. White carries his head In one huge bandage as It wcro, tho only portion of It visi ble, being tho right cyo and check. Mr. Whl to Is an old old soldier and a cripple, and tho unwarranted attack of Strlcklln was cowardly, to say tho least. Larokjjy Fiiom a Dwelling. Act lug District Attorney J. II. McNury went to Gorvals on tho 2:20 train In response to a telegram received this morning. Mr. MoNary Is wanted to represent tho state against two young fellows who nro charged with robbing Jake Dlngman's saloon Monday night ofsovcrnl bottles of liquor, boxes of cigars, etc. The money box was not molested. Salem, Or., Aug. 20 '00. Ed. Jeurnal: In response to tho request of twenty-two voters as pub lished In last evening's Journal, to reply to my friend T. T. Geer, please announce through your paper, that I accept the Invitation and will bo pleased to receive notlco Immediately of tho time and place arranged for such reply. W. T. Riqdon. Bryan Silver Club at Stayton. Last Friday evening aulte an Inter esting meeting was held In the town hull by the Stayton Dryun club which now n umbers some sixty odd members. Several short speeches were made, notably among which wns one on the "Signs of tho Times" by W. Huntley. David B. Smith vory ably presented the question of bimetallism which was well received. II. Mann also spoke at somo length upon tho pres ent campaign nnd the campaign of Jackson in 1832. Stayton club Is in a flourishing condition, and there Is every assurance that by election fully two-thirds tho voters In the precinct will bo enrolled under the banner of Dryan and homo rule. SENATOR MITCHELL. Solid for McKlnley and Says Republi cans Will Win. The Portland Telegram says Sena tor John H. Mitchell for a whllo will iw. Mm miest ot lilt daughter, Mrs. Robert Hclmbold.utGOl Irving street. Although he has spent considerable tlmo traveling through tho eastern states since the adjournment of con gress and encountered ninny a hot wave, he looks the plcturo of health, and ns ho expresses It will bo In excel lent trim for tho full campaign In which ho hopes to take an active part. Notwithstanding his reputed silver proclivities, ho Is a McKlnlcy man, and wears a McKlnley and Hobart button. It Is his purpose to stump the state for the Republican nomi nees and tell the people In plain words why It Is for the best Interest of the country to elect McKlnley. Tho Indications In the East, ho says, arc decidedly In favor of the election of the Ohio statesman, ns the fiee-sllver crazo in many places has run Its race. People arc coming back to their sober senses and studying the situation with moro calmness and de liberation. He bases his hopes for the election of McKlnley on tho intel ligence of the average American BesjjjrT&fi The Kld-FiUina Gorset. Is so acknowledged by all who.have worn them j-.Tt.ijr o.vi unv amy guarmilCCCl not tO break. in. a t ' T-f.. r- -, run jume rrom du Lents Up Wear the KioVFitting and have comfort, fit and durability, ' MifiA- 257 Commercial st. A Raisk In Wheat. A ralsoor ono cent per bushel for wheat was yester duy noted at tho Salem (louring mills, und 12 cents Is now being paid for tho "golden grain." As harvest proceeds tho yield In different parts of the val ley turns out bettor than was at llrst expected. About 3000 bushels nro now being received dally at tho Salem mills. New Citizens. At tho County Clerk's otllco today tho following! named persons declared their Inten-' tlous to becomo citizens: Paul ' Wyrsch, of Switzerland! llnal papers granted; Flntan Malxr and Peter Mayor, of Germany; Peter Schlndler, Wendolln Shlatll and Martin Mortl, of Switzerland; Thos. Miller, of Eng land, Tho fall and winter stock of under wear Is Just now arriving at tho Now York Racket, In nil varieties from it low price to a good wool article. Call nnd wivo money. 20 2d lw .Willis Bros. & Co. Court and Liberty, Tho Cash Dry Goods, Clothing and LiiJ, Hhoi House, I f TUftt- O.A.JS'X'OXl.X.. Rio Wheat Yield. Mr. W. P. Anderson left a sample of wheat at tho Immigration rooms this noon that Is hard to beat. On a single aero ho raised 57 bushels, machlno measure. weighing over CO bushels. Tho wheat Is of tho Golden Chaff variety. Al bany Democrat. A Stikk Necic Freddlo Fontaine, tho popular and woll known son of J. G. Fontnlno, '" suffering from a stllT neck, Freddie experiences couslder nblo Inconvenience- In gottlng around but ho has mado ono discovery ami that Is, ho Is no "rubber-neck," at the present time anyway. Hopplckers gloves at tho Now York Racket ut low prices; thoy also havo a lino line of other kinds from horse hldoto a good buck glove. Call and save iponoy. 20 2d lw Having Hoe Cake Soap in your kitchen or bath once means always. At Qutteville n bimetallic club wnsorganlzed Satur day night, with a good membership. Win. E. Her, tho hop grower, and a prominent Republican, was elected president, and II. L. Dents vlco presi dent. Tho silver sentiment here Is strong, and Dryun with his plain, practical talk, Is the popular idol of the people. At Maclcay. A meeting of the friends of silver will bo had at Maclcuy tonight, and speeches will bomudo upon the organ ization of a Dryan club. Police Court. Tho case of state vs. Geo. Hlllycr, charged with the theft of fourtcon chickens from II. I. Drown, of High land, was concluded today and tho de fendant was sentenced to 121 days in tho county Jail In default of a $25 line. It seems the man's stories ns to how ho camo into possession of tho fows did not corroborate and ho also made other contlctlng statements. Ross McCormlck, committed to tho county jail for 121 days for assultlng L. N. Lake, Monday evening, is still Incarcerated in that building and it Is likely ho will hervo out his full time. Paid His Fine. James Strlcklln, who so brutally beat A. White, tho feed man last week.Is again at liberty. Last night he paid his lino and was Immediately released from tho county Jail lu which ho has boon Incarcerated nco Monday afternoon. Oregon's Exhibit. Oregon will this year bo attract ively represented at the state fair, In Minnesota, which opons next Monday. Tho most completo exhibit, of Ore gon's products, ever gathered leftover tho Northern Pacific, last ovenlng. The exhibit tills an entlro car, und embraces almost cvory product known to Oregon's wonderful nnd varied re sources. Tho collection of grains, grasses and cereals Is very complete. Tho vegatables and fruits are of tho cholsest, and tho collection of woods will bo a show In ltsoir. Other feat ures will bo a lino collections of min eral spelmens and a nunilwr of the world-famed Royal Chinook salmon, frozen In Ice. Fresh salmon will bo shipped, every day, during tho con tluuanco of tho fair, and tho exhibits, of vegetables and fruits, will nl6o be renewed from tlmo to time, ns occa sion requires. Tho exhibit Is mado by the Oregon Immigration board. Do you like Develcd Ham ? If so try our 5cent article it's all right. Wc have some very Jgood canned Apricots that we arc closing out at 10c. Washing ammonia, full quarts, 15c per bottle. HflRRITT 5. LAWRENCE. P, O, Grocery, Agents for WorldBcatcr Soip. THE MARKETS, SII.VKR. Vork, AuB 26.-Silver. Mjfo ol New 3 3. LIVE STOCK Chicago, Aug. a6 -'Hoc$-LIHhi , o 3 6o; heavy 2.6oi c0l fc " l J,,W Umle,-Heeves 3.lo4,8o; heifers Ji.2o(3.g. cowi tn4 Sheep 'Steady. ri.Uo I Sept. 5 Aug DRAIN. J6.vhet, voter, and says when the votes arc counted It will bo seen that there nre not 60 many fools ns the Dryan follow ing would have people to believe. Senator Mitchell will devote some little tlmo to the arrangement of his business affairs, but when the cam paign opens In Oregon ho will bo found In the front ranks for McKln ley nnd the Republican party. A Genuine Surprise. Miss Enle Klein was tendered a delightful sur prise at her pleasant homo in Yew Park, Monday evening. The occasion was made all the more enjoyable since It was her fifteenth birthday. Those present were: Misses May Savage, Nora Anderson, Mnud FIngg, Maud Savage, Carrie Hurst, Mnta Klein, Ilalllo Watson nnd Stella Hurst; Messrs. Cliff Foncs, David Pugh, Jnko Dcrnardi, Chaunccy Dishop, Donnls Flagg, Ralph Duzzell,Jnnies Long and John Porter. Best in the World! J 1 j j MIPS LEO. AUg .Wht, CMhSJIJC. ' . . I'UKTLAND MARKET. PROVISION. Portland, Aug. aj. Wheat vallev 52; Walla Walla, 4840. ey' flour-Portland, 2.85; Benton counir 2.8S; graham, 2.50; superfine. $2 25 per J,' Oat,-Vhite 33c; grev, 28&K, In hurt. tA.tcTHe it hrr.l. T.'i-. . ' cases. 3.7S. Potatoes.. Oregon, 75c83 pJr Hay. .Good, I0I0.50 per Ion. Wool.. Valley, 8oc; Kalltfn c 5 4-5o7-vi Jack Orrjun, Millstuns..Bran1i2.5oati.5o;1hort!,Ji.so Poultry-Chickens, mixed,3j.50 broil. 1, $I.252.255 ducks, 2a3;tecie, j4; ...f " "" " ey; td inuen.. green, salted 60 lbs 5c; onJ ens, io(jS7oc. 3c, according to qui. urcgan lancy creamery, 251 35! Branson Co,, Sole Agents, Salem, Uucklons Arnica Salve The best Salve in the world foi Cult, Sores, Sores, Ulcers, hilt Klieuin, Fever and all Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains, Urulses, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Live per fee satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by Fred A LegK Notice to Bridge Contractors, Notice Is hereby given that no war rants will bo drawn for construction of county bridges until contractors for the sumo shall have furnished to tuo county court ccrtltled receipts showing that all labor and materials entering Into tho construction of such bridges have been paid for. G. P. TlIRItELL, 7-3-d&wtf County Judge. Notice to the Public. Somo very busy person, with more tlmo to attend to other people's af fairs than his own, has reported that wo uro not buying wheat now days at the mill, Plcaso take notice that wo are ut all times in tho murket for wheat. II. D. Holland, Agent Salem Flouring Mills Co. 8 lOGt Invkntohy Filed. An inventory of tho bills nnd accounts of tho firm of Donson Si Anderson, of Stayton, nsslgned, was today filed with tho county clork. Tho book accounts amount to $5.54. The Indebtedness amounts to $770.12. Tho lino of fall and winter clothing Is largo at tho Now York Racket, and bought from 0110 of tho best clothing houses In Chicago. It has been selected very carefully, and will bo sold at a very close prollt. Call and save 15 to 26 per cent. 20 2d lw Southern Oregon Headquarters. John G. Wright at tho Tlonecr grocery Is headquarters for tho choicest watermelons, cantelopes, peaches and tomatoes, Prices tho lowest for cash, and fruit tho best, r 26 3t To the Taxpayers of Marion County. Tho county board of equalization will convene at 0 o'clock u. in., Aug ust 31, 1800, nnd will bo In session six consecutlvo days. D. D. Coffoy, county nsscssor. d&w Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. Da Wis w CREAM BAKING POWDER Most Perfect Made,. 40 Ycwa the SU&drjd. DETROIT. For two days and nights a large forco of men have been fighting a forest lire which broke out only a quarter of a inilo from town. Great excitement provulled Sunday nfter noon and evening. At present the lire Is under control. Eunlco, tho llttlo daughter 0 f Mr. und Mrs. John Duttorworth died Quito unexpectedly on Thursday morning, August 20. The remains woro taken to Albany for interment. Asad accident happened at Dar low's mills a fow miles below hero In which Mr. Robert Darling lost his life. Ho with three others had cut down und wns sawing Into logs a largo pino tree, when suddenly a hemlock near was seen falling. Tho men ran for their lives and Mr. Darling attempted to crawl under a log, but wns cuught by the falling tree und Instnntly killed. He was burled at Gates on Suuduy. Grave fears aro entertained for whereabouts of Mr, Petor Dest.of this pluce, who wns lust seen on Wednes- duy. Tho following Sundny a broken iish polo, which wus recognized as Mr. Dest's was seen floating on the river. Tho same evening n hat was found about three miles below which is sup posed to bo his. Today what men can be spared from fighting tho fire nro searching for him. I lops,, Oregon, 2 to ity. Butter fancy dairy, 2o2Sj fair to Reed, l7kS; Cheese .Oregon full cream. 0. Eggs.. Oregon, 2c perdax. Beef. .Topsteers, 2.2502.40 per ib; fui to good steers, 2U2 3.50; cows, !tfi;fo dreBsed beef, 3lAmlAc " ' SAN FKANClbCO MARKET. San Francisco, Aug. 26, Whett, 96; Wool.. Oregon, choicc,lo$nci Inferior? 7c, valley, Bqc. Hops Quotable at 24c Potatoes So65c per sack. Oats Milflng, b;C4o. SALEM MARKET." Wheat. .42c per bu,, market firm. Uats .30c. I lay.. Baled, cheat, 7.5038.03; 10.00. I'lour..In wholesale lots, 1.00: 3.20; bran, hulk 1 1.0012.50; sacked, 12.00; shorts, ,12.50013.50; chop feed, il.oc 12.00. Poultry., Hens 5c; Spring chickens, 6c lb. VoaL.Dressod. V.. Hogs. .Dressed, 2K3K- Live Cattle.. I i2, Sheeu.. Live, 1.25. Wool.. Best, !2c. Hop.. Best, 45. Eggs.. Cash. loc. Butter.. Bost dairy, I2jic; lancy crcsn.ny 20c. Cheose .l2Vc. Farm Smoked Meats . llaccn, $c; Kiroi 90; shoulders, 5c. Potato. .70c per bu limodiy, retail. Don't forget to buy the StarCSUr shoes and boots, at tho Now York Racket, for men women and children. 20 2d lw Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. D Deafnesa Cannot Be Cuied by local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portions of tbo ear. There Is only ono way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inllnmcd condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian tube. When mis uioo is lnllamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing. ana when It Is entirely closed, Deaf ness is 1110 result, nnd unless tho lnllamution can be taken out, and this tubo restored to Its normal condi tion hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho raucous surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars; free. Sold by druggists, 75c. B. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINB cnf "HOT. Sffi.toW removing tho germs of disease, and th enlng tho entlro aystcm. P"" require prolonged treatment , u jto" g that of Mrs. M. B. Reed, 01 in my chest w7"T: unendurable. or thrrt muI for three veeljW not close my W prwed for tlKg . felt that if relief did no. eo. dead or Insane. I took Dr. j !. tire Nervine and the second nls" ,. houwanromthat Umeonmr proved, .lowly at fc surely. I took in all Mtue. xpresa how grateful I am. JBC. rPfoctly well. ""SCTWt tor ovor four months." PWH t.1.1 h drucBlsts on ai; Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health funded. Book on heart ana w- bottle benefits or money re: Book on heart ana ner' Mescal OoT, Elkhart, ind. Dr.