Sales With Hood's Saraapa- " I I i Sale. Talk," and I 1 If that this modi- rlno has enjoyed public confidence and nltronago to a greater extent than accord Jj any other proprietary medicine. This u simply hecauso it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than nv other. M i not what wo say, but that Hood's Bareaparlllft docs, that tolls Tt,. .torv. All advertisements of Hood's j? are honest. Wo bavo never- deceived toiblEwd thto with its superlative Sinai merit, is why the people have abiding confldonco in it, and buy Hood's Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It STntred only ty 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maw. " ZTTTI arc tho only pill to t.i'to Hood S PillS mtliH'w''"' ' V.- LIIIWIIIIII I I I I I The Oregon Poultry Journal w 111 re sume publication again on September 1st. This valuable poultry journal should be In the house of till Orciron poultry growcis. Win. Hrennor, or Sclo, has now on hand about !100 hogs. The hutfs are now rtimilniron the stubble, but ho Is making preparation to commence feedltitf In a short time. The Oregon state fair offers this year the mtinlilccnt sums of $334. CO for fancy work, 8321.50 for paintings and other works of art, for (lowers $290, for horse races $0,500. A recent Issue of the United States agriculture bureau shows conclusively that crimson clover Is dangerous horse feed. "Hair balls' are formed In tho stomach and prove fatal. Probably Iho owner of tho largest number of dogs In tho world lsGus tava Jovanovltch, a "Russian cattle king," who has 35,000 shepherd dogs to look after 1,500,000 sheep. From consular reports, we learn that from the largo quantities of ap ples, received from other countries Into Europe, American apples com mand the highest price. Dehorned cattle, says a writer, look better, arc better behaved nnd sell better than cattle with horns. If you can't breed tlieni without hums, take the horns oil after breeding. At a combination salo of Poland China swine at Sprlngllcld.lll,, Aug.5, the Immense price of $1310 Is reported to have been paid for a two-year-old sow, and $ 650 for another. A number of milch cows, from Ore gon, were lately shipped to China. They are scarce across the water, and tho Clilneso drlvo them through the streets and sell mill: by tho a rink. G. J. Gessllng's strawberry patch of Wsquaro rods netted him $208 70,says the Hood River Glacier. Jf this ratio could be maintained, a 10-acro fruit farm at Hood River would be a bonaza. The creamery, started atOakesdale lias been moved to Sunset, Oregon, owing to the neglect of tho farmers of the former place to furnish milk. Sunset farmers guarantee enough milk to make It a surcess. Soil and climate In Western Oregon and Washington tnako tho hop think mo Is well worth tho living; but tho price of hops make them think that soil and cllmato wore made In vain. Farm Stock and Home. A farmer says that using Ills Jersey bull on a small tread power for run nlnif his cream separator Is not only a cheap and easy way to secure all tho cream, but results In more vigorous calves. The assessor's books, of Sweet Grass county, Montana, show that on January 1,1800, there woro In tho county 249,205 head of sheep, an In crease, since January, 1895, of nearly tt Per cent. Cape Colony Moholr exports In '05 were 11,000,000 pounds, worth $3,500, t against 10,000,000 pounds In '04, worth only $2,100,000. In addition, the annual exports of goat skins aver se $1,500,000. Alpaca, the fleece of tho South American Llama, is similar to mohair. The price cf alpaca rises and falls with that of mohair. Tho supply of the former If limited, and has been uniform for a number of years, the average being 5,000.000 pounds. The Chicago Dairy World, a bright 'Parfcllng dairy journal Is on our ex Mange table. It is one of tho brlght- class papers of its kind In tho wuntry. Every dairyman should avail nimself of a paper and carefully study very issue. rBT.hf nu,uber or sheep in Victoria Is :;wreo at 1,270,000. The colony uai." Ver M.W,000. As us . the error proves to bo the fault of - aumoi. He wrote "12,70000." Pro- iTu P?,nted' th8 would be 1,270,000, ag we give it. ' .Snieed-i0r Walteryllle, commenced BntB . early ""P8 laRt Fr,day- will te!rlnr0n!le.t? of.thc Mnie Plac Ther.McemPic.k,5f ,n a day or two. r.l-f.l'nt Plld iS 2.1 PPnio Tint. Kir nn WffitarW0 m.5m topi y Pnee.-Eugene Guard, , In nluc cases out of ten you can eJucutp the ralf beforo It Is born by tho way you ireat Its mother. The ijiuiscritniniitt! hired man, who will kick umi excue unu irigniun your ciwsiioum be taught u row object lessons In tint line. This Is true with every line of breeding even In poultry. The Kicsnn Expositor says that over 200 cars of watermelons have been s'llpped from Fresno, each car con taining from eighty-live to two hun dred dozen. Prices at the beginning of the season wore $1.50 per dozen ijnd huve gradually dropped to 75 cents. The llax crop ol 'orth Dakota was mver liner than this year; we learn from prlvule letters, and If nothing happens to It the yield will be enor mous. The acreage Is larger than last ycar,owlng to the Lite spring. The late rains will mature the crop to perfec tion, and lu many places the straw Is nearly 4 feet tall, it ti unusual thing. Tobacco Is damaged by the llea-bug In North Carolina; In Kentucky It Is "frenchlhg" on low ground; in Ten nessee rains are Injuring tho crop.and In Ohio some of the ml urn I tobacco lauds are Hooded. Still the general prospects of the crop are not much Im pilred, and r. good yield Is probable. W. C Myers Informs us that he has been riding over the country for sev eral days mid that tho people arc u unit lu saying they will not pick hops for 25 cents a box. He thinks that growors will have to pay 35 cents for seven-bushel boxes and 40 cents for nlno bushels, in order to secure pick ers. Lebanon Advance. There would be as much sense In asking that the blacksmith's trade be taught In the public schools as there Is In asking that horticulture bo taught. There huve alrcaddy been added enough side Issues to our public school curriculum to cripple it and make It Ineffective to a lnrge extent, and we do not believe that tho de mand for horticultural Instruction will meet with much favor among the people. Yamhill Independent. In conversation with some of tho hop growers around Lebanon this week wo wore informed that there, would not bo more than one-fourth of a crop In this vicinity this year. They say that more than half of the yards wcro not cultivated, and thoso that were cultivated will not fylcld half a crop. Express. The largest living hog In the world Is In Texas. It was sold tho othor day, and wolghcd 1430 pounds. lie is 8 feet 3 Inches long, 4 fcot nnd 1 Inch high, nnd measures 0 feet around the neck, 8 feet around tho body and 23 inches around tho forearm. Ills feet nro as largo as thoso of a common ox, and his leg bono Is largor than that of the largest steor. ne Is u cross bo tween a Polen China nnd Red Jersey. Ho cats corn like an ox, takes In n whole car at a time. Ills hams will wolgh 200 pounds each. Those who have examined him say he can easily bo made to weigh 2,200 pounds. He Is thin and in die pink of health. Begin saving seed corn early. Go Into the field and mark in sonio man ner tho best stalks which contain tho best cars. Prolificacy, early matnrlty, depth of grains, size of cars and vigor can bo noticed from now to maturity. All of the most popular varieties of corn wcro produced In that mannor, and every farmer has It In his power to improve on that which he has. It Is better than procuring somo variety from clesewhere, that may not bo adapted to tho farm. By .earful selec tion every year a marked Improvement In tho corn will bo effected in a few years. The counsel or older women ii of Inestimable value. A mistaken idea of modesty prevents many fltu from learning the things that they ought to know before they assume the duties of matrimony and maternity, women generally take these most important tens In their lives. w tbout knowing in ny degree what they mean, or what responsibilities and trials they bring. The highest and best thing thai any woman can do is to bear and rear healthy. Intelligent children. The accom. pllshment of this end depends almost en. firely upon her health and particularly upon the health and strength of the organs Srstlnctly feminine. The state of the chit, dren, both Intellectual and physical de pends on the mother. If she doesn't care enough for her own comfort and bappiness to take the proper care of herself, she cer Ulnly ought to'do It for the sake of her children. To a very Urge extent, the dee tiny and achievement o? a man is decided a the months before his birth. During that time is determined whether or not he lata be of robust health and strong Intel lect During that tltne, his mind sndbody !m suited w the path that they will folio, through life. Circumstances may influ ence film, but he cannot get awar from be effects or pre-natal InUuences. One of the Principal Sss of Dr. Pierce's Pavoritc Pre. scriptiou is the preparation of prospective rJotTier. for the tlm. , of trial andj danger that comes when a child is born. The Pre. scriptlon" is strengthening and Invlgoratins anTlessens pain and danger It Insures the perfect well balng and the perfect health If both mother and child. Sven -woman should know these things before she realty needs to know them. There are many things In Dr. Pierce's "Common Sense Medical Adviser that every woman i ought to know. This celebrated work has reached sale of 680,000 copies at $1.50 each. The expense oFproduction baviogthus been covered. 500.000 copies are now being eiven away. Acopr will be sent to any address on Receipt of si) ncent stamps to cover cost of mailing only. Address. World's Dispensarv Med ical Association. No. 6j Mm faueei, El mmBBBEBKlKKKKBHBKHBtKKIKKHKBKKIKHEtlHKIEKl t? rT " 1 'ii """iliiillililillil'liiniW'i"liiriniiiiiS r I ! ll WPM 1 1.1 iiiiiniiiiUjZizr i" '""in, i I " ,1 .l I. 'M AvceclablcPxcparattonfor As similating tlicToodoruiUcgula llng Ihc Stomachs nrulDowls of PromolcsBigcslion.Chccrful ncssarulRcst.Conlalns neither OpiunT.iMorphlac norMncral. Not NAitc oxic. aw cfoidiysxMUiLEnvnza. JXanfhn Scii' Jlx.Smnn Stft Jlfftmint tilt urimelt Sta Siaitr IlbtyrrWteiw: Apcrfccl ncracdy for Constipa tion, Sour Sloroach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fovcrish ncss ondLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. exact copy or wrappeb. LAWN MOWERS. HAY RAKES, GRAY tmmm Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, GARDEN HOSE. on-r-.,.., LAWN SrRINKLERS, SAIEM, OR. The Willamette Hotel. LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY. Reduced'rates. Management llDeral. Electric ears leave hotel lor nll,publlcl,buUdings ndpoints oljinterest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER -EXCELSIOR ED CIHansbn, Manager. Onlvcool horset ued. Katitfactton guaranteed. Stable back of Stale Insurance block Information that informs. If you are going cast and want to know wlmt the trip will cost, when you will reach your destination and why you should take the Jturlington to Omaha. Kansas City, ChU cago, St. Louis ;and points beyond, write to the unaer slcrned and receive by return mail a letter giving you JUST EXACTLY the tniormanon you need. A. C. SHELDON, G.A., Poitland.Or. aoHTHKisra wagMMBfMkMMWcpVhiaAvsiswVUsjtfXEaatsi w mABnnea es bs KXkvtwasraor RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars. ElegantiDinin Cars Tourist Sleeoino- Carb To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, targo, '5rand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Uoston, and all Points East an4 South For information, time-cards. ;maps an tickets, call en or writs THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS, 365 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. A D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. tPass. Agt., Morrison St.. comer Third Portland, Or. For Delicacy, for purity, and ror improvement of the com plexion nothing equal Poixotn'i Powpb. HH THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF v&$M&&ot IS OIT THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF CASTORIA Caitorli is pat sp in ess-slis bottles only. It is not sold In balk. Don't allow aayoas to soil yoa snjtUng olio on tbs plea or promlia tost it is ' J nit as good" and "will answer srery par poao." 3- Boo that yon got 0-A.8-T.0-E.I.A. Tie fie- ilaJls jTJf SZtt-Zar ! l4iSyHbJzAf t7 et wtyyfl BROS., MACHINE bllJs and AXLE GREASE UICYCLES. SUNDRIES. - STABLE- 0. R. &, N. CO. TO THE EAST GIVES 'HIE CHOIC Two Transcontinent RouLc:. Via Sookane Minneapolis St Paul'and Den ver Omaha and Kansas Clly. Low rates to eastcmrcltles. OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San I'janc'uco. Steamers leave Aluswoilli dock. Portland Julv, 26, 31 and August 5, 6, to, 15, ao, 23 anu 30. Fare Cabin, SS; steerage, 2.o. WILLAMFTrE RIVER DIVISION. Steamers Ruth for Portland, Tuesday aud Friday, at 7130 a. m. ForCorvallis Wednesday and Saturday at 5 P-"m Steamer Gypsy for Poetland, Wednesday and Saturday at 7130 a, m. ForCorvallis, Monday and Thursday at 5 p. m. Lowest freight and passenger rates. Round trip tickets very cheap. Tickets sold and baecace checked through to all points with. out extra transfer charges. F01 full details call on Itoist & Barker agents, Salem, Oregon, or address. E. M'NEILL, I'rei. and Manager. W. H. HURLHURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or For full details call on or address G. M. POWERS, Foot of Tradest. Local Agent n LDOa PD1S0W HA SHEC!ALTYc UrT iiLOOIJ 1'OIHON permanently cured In tfl to si days. You can l Healed ti borne for same price under same Euaraa ty. 1 1 yon preW to come here w wlllcon- BOCBSffH. If wo fall to core. If you jbava taken uer eury. Imlldo iotaili, and still bava aches and pint Mucous Wtclies to Bpntli. HoryThroat, Plmplee. Copper Colored Hpota. Uer on j raaraBtea to cure. We soUcll Iha mo c-beU-Bt case and ciiallenK tk world for a caeawaeaanotenre. 'iDieaucaw use ai were CMed the aklll of the woec eiatoeiit pbyeU $100 worth for 10c. I 1U4 IDM.U fc IttlMUftUS ttfk t4iilc S urt rais umiiriarw bMiut S.I UIM .. OHllanUtll rttTrs"" T,.ii lyneeef HsCP' " P Bsl m laaaaar The Great One Cent Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year Weeily $1; WE DON'T WANT . .. i. .it IU win imtiitifolil and silver. Thero Is-not Boldlenoimh In our country to pay onc'twentiothQrjthadobtH ov nhfthlscountr?, K tl10 "i'Kl,V H- It means contractloiTf our currency, dcitrucWof vafuii, and repudiation. Investltfato and you will lw convinced; . r Silver Daily The Silver Daily. " POST THIS Cut this outiuitl post up In a conspicuous plnco wlioro It will bo seen. All tlio nssoclntctl press papers In Oregon, except THE JOURNAL, nro published In tlio Intorcst of, tho uolrt Btnndara. Bend 25o In silver for tho dally ono month. The Oregon Press Monopoly Will not treat tho restoration of sllvor fairly. It will not toll tho pcoplo tho truth. It daro not, Toko ft fair paper that Tglvcs tho peoplo's sldo'iis woll as tho Wull street side. Are You. a Patriot? Help your country by clrculutlnK the only;Assoclatcd Tress Dally In Orcuon that advocates Independent Bimetallism, All the news ofitho rcnt battlo of'thcpcoplo iforUsllver.CJAdvp catcs tho WmetalUo Union or all Iwluimiro opiwscd to tlio 8lnlo jjold standard.jZH Do You Favor Unity and Harmony as tho watchword or tho pcoploorsOrct(on?' Subscribe for theSCaoital Journal ! Dailythirty daysjfor ailvcr quarter. Ench Issuelii'complcto history or thq tlnv:nndjn:Kutlli)KS(iun of r Ti arKUiuents for tho people's causo.lO READ! READ I READ! Tho pcoplo aro charged with iKiioranco by tho wold press. This Ih a falso clinrBO. Whoiover tlio causo of frco colmtKo or old and Bllvcr 10 to 1 Is most discussed and bcBt understood It Is most pop ular and strongest with tho pcoplcf-Crf . Sixty Days for 50 Cents, If you can't talk or wrlto for-sllver read'.and markj-urtlcles .and send them U) your nolKhbors and frlcnds-slxty hot shot for COo. ClieaiMjst political ainintinltlon In tho country, hentl a sllvor quarter ur hair dollar and Tho people must bolcducatcd and It Is your duty to liolp dojthls work for humanity. HOFER BROSr Vj - s3 easaaaaaaaamvel m, PAPER Only Associated Press .J . ,- ? ' If. V BILL GOLD Publishers Salem,, Or. I OnfTalr.'N. V. I l