Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 26, 1896, Image 2

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    in i phi i mwh wpiww w i wammmmmmmmm mtmmmmmt .
bv all dealers
one, three anc
in KrVneP
five s-g2
pound tins, each bearing this label, with
trade-marks "Cottotenc" and steeds head in
cotton-plant wreath. It is at once the best,
most wholesome and least expensive
shortening in existence.
Cottolene has done more for the cause
of good health, through better cooking,
than any other agency. Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
Bt. Loo I ir Chicago, Montreal, San Knaclico, Portland, OrtffO
Daily Capital Journal,
i, i i mL. a
One or the iKWHtfl of koIcI Htmidnrd
llcpubllcati cnmpalKii orators mid
wrltcrH In the claim Hint wo linvo al
most paid our jm-nt war debt. Lot us
look to the offlidal facts and m-oJuhI
hnw much we liuvo paid, and what
part of It wo Jinvo paid. In rouiul'iiill
lions the public debt rcuohud Its maxi
mum August III, 1805, and amounted
to W.84 1,000,000. On the same date
the "luteicM. bourliiK lxiwled debt,"
wiih $1,1011,000,000. See report Comp
troller 18i).". vol. i,p!ii'ino.
AridliiL'thc last one hundred mil-
lions Issued since this report of 1805
was made, I ho debt, now Is $1)11 ,000,
000. Here there Is a decrease In the
"Interest bearing bonded debt," since
1805, Ito years, of only 9188,000,00, or
$0,1100,000 annually. That Is not much
to boast of. Ills however the fact as
1 tlud It In the otllclal report.
Hut let us see how muuh they havo
reduced It incasurcdlln farm products.
Exceptlnu' about $200,000,000 Issued
beforo the war,and payable In dollars,
and for which thoKovornmonthad not
silver, or uold coin, and which In ood
faith should bo paid lncoln;aud about
another $200,000,000 of 10-10 bonds
which by law wcro payablo expressly
In coinnot old coin all the balance
of this Interest bearing bonded debt
was by express provision of the Icnul
tender act, payable in tho unine. kind
of money tholrownors had paid, and
the Kovcrmnciit had received for them
k'Kiil tendor preonbacks. Let us tlion
reduce this 400,000,000 of coin debt to
tt lojrul tender basis, by million CO per
cent or 200,000,000. Thus August III,
1805, after tho war was over, when tho
irovcrniiiunt was not under necessity
to borrow money, nor to Ismio bouds,
tho Interest IwarliiK bonded debt, re
corded In tho money which thoy had
paid for tho bonds; and which tho
Kovernment had promised to pay, and
they had promised to receive, and
which measured all producte, at a to
tal or $1,300,000,000.
Now It Is $011,000,000, and payablo
by loan In coins, either silver or gold,
nt tho option of tho Rovornmcnt.
Tho nvoniRo valuo of an aero of the
farmer's corn In 1805, was $17; In 1895,
$0.01. As tho debt then stood In
Rreenbacks It could have been paid
with 77,000,000 acres. As It It stands
now, payablo In coin, It will purchase
mid It will take 131,000,000 ucreato
pay It, an Incrcaso of 54,000,000 acres.
Wheat was worth $17.00 per acre;
how 80.00. Then 74,000,000 acres
would havo paid tho dobt; now tt will
take 130,000,000, an Increase of 50,000,r
000 acres. A burred of- pork was worth
then $29; now only l!l.W.' 'U'hoji tho
debt could havo been pjild with 15,000,-
OOO barrels; now It wniftnkbj70,000,000,
an Increase of 30,000,000 barrels. Wool
was worth $1 per pound, and 1,I!0S),000,
000 would pay the debt; now the same
class of wool Is worth less than 20
cents, and It will take 1,555,000,000, or
more than four times what It would
have taken In 18(15; cotton was worth
In 18(55, 83 cents; In 1872, liefore the
demonetization of silver, 22 cents; In
181)5, but 7 cents. Tho averiiRe value
of tho farmers' horses, then, was
$70.-10, and 10 millions horses would
have paid the debt; now the average
value Is only $3ll.07,'nn(l it now takes
27 millions of the farmers' horses,
to pay what rcmatnsi
This last statement Is the more re
markable, when wo realize that the
real Intrinsic worth of the average
horse Is now, on account of the
wonderful Improvement In breed at
least 25 per cent above that of the
average horse of 1805. This would
iiiako Die average iior.su now, worth
$100 thou. Hut he Is now wortli but
$33, a lop of $(17 on each horse. All
farm products tell the same doleful
story. .Hut leaving these let us go to
manufactured articles and see what
tho effect is there.
Pig Iron jior ton 1805, $10.12, 1805
$13.01. liar Iron $100.38 then, now
$30.02. Cut nails then $7.03 per keg,
now $1,17. Standard sheeting per
yard (1805,) 38 cents, 1805, 51.
rrlnts 29 cents 1805, now fh Shirt
ings 50 then, now 10. ir tho reader Is
curious let him take his pencil and
liguro a little, lie will 111 id that tills
remaining bonded debt has a purchas
ing power now of 2 times as much
pig and bar; 3 2-3 times as many, kegs
of nails; 4 2-3 times as many yards of
sheeting; It 0-7 times of prints, nnd 3
times as much shirting as It would
buy In 1805. Tho samo may truth
fully bo said of the monthly wage of
tho farm laborer. It will take nearly,
if not twice tho amount.
Kays tho London Iiulltenist: "Tho
moneyed classes In the States are be
coming very uneasy at what are re
garded as tho increased chances of
Mr. Bryan." That Is why tho mon
eyed classes cry out so loud about tho
"sllyer crazo Is on tho wane."
John M. Thurston rotracts abjectly.
Ho says liryan's word goes, even
against the Democratic foi'olgn,owncd
organ at Chicago.
Tho koy to victory for reform Is to
namo for standard bearers honest,
bravo and brainy men.
! 1
bo called on.
London organs should
They give tho tiling
Condensed Testimony.
Chat. 11. Hood, Broker aud Manufacturer'
A cent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies thai Dr.
King's New DUcovery lws no equal as a.
Cough remody. J. D. Drown, Prop of St.
lames Hotel, Vl. Wayuc, Ind,, tcstsiles .that
he was cured of a Couch of two years stand?
ng, caueed by a Grippe, by Dr. King's New
Dlcovery.D. F. Merrill, lUtdwlruvllle.
Mail, sava that he has used and reccomendad
it and never Lecw it to fail and would rather
have it than any doctor, because it alway
cures. Mr Hemming. 322 K, 35th St.,
Chicago, alwajs kcps it at hrtid and lias no
tear 01 Croup, because it Instantly lelleves,
Eree Tiial Hollies at Fred A. Ixecs Drug
isfor -.
Dirty milk can never be cleansed.
Clean out the weeds from the fence
rows nnd burn them.
More lllllavored eggs arc the result
of poor food than from being stale.
The hog drinks more than any
other domestic animal of Its size.
When poultry are free to run the
range they find what nature demands.
Feed a variety of feed and don't rob
the hen's gizzard of Its proper func
tions. There Is a great dlircrcncc in pork
fed on good pure feed and the one fed
on refuse.
Great preparations are being made
nt Spokane for an Immense fruit fair
this fall.
Turkeys, like shpcp grow and thrive
In the fields on what would otherwise
go to waste.
Tiie Salem hog must weigh nearly
ns much as the big Texas hog sold the
other day.
Three hundred nnd fifty dollars Is
offered as premiums on exhibits of
dried fruits.
Best write your commission man
how ho wants his poultry dressed be
fore shipping.
Fried chicken Is the reward of the
farmer's wife who has been successful
with her little chicks.
The state fair or California offers
$200 in premiums for formulas for
cooking dried fruit.
In Soutli Africa the growth of the
mohair industry grew from nothing
to 10,000,000 In 25 years.
More disease to stock Is caused by
being forced to drink .Impure water
than any other one cause.
Every farming neighborhood can.by
n little friendly cooperation, have
good wholesome fresh meat.
The Injurious practice of letting
cattle cat down the pasture too close
Is much practiced In Oregon.
Some of the goldbugs arc looking
for u theory other than overproduct
ion for tho low price of wheat.
Tho peach yellows has nearly en
tirely been stamped out In Michigan,
by the rigid enforcement of tho law.
The Farmlngton creamery, of
Washington county, Or., Is tho oldest
Institution or the kind In the North
west. The poultry that Is fed on rotteti,
filthy food cannot lay a pure, wliolc-
somo egg and the lien itself is unlit
for food.
The Oregon State Poultry Associa
tion held Its annual meeting, last
week, and elected oftlcors for tho ensu
ing year.
The Oregon state fair offers a $30
nnd 815 premiums for tho largest
exhibit of machlno dried fruit und
There were 07,000 bales of hops
shipped out of Oregon last year.
Fifty thousand bales Is the estimate
for tills year's crop.
Tho Massachusetts legislature ap
propriated $250,000 for the eradication
of tuborculosls, with tho restriction
upon the use of tuberculin until.) line
1, 1897.
When a poultry editor lu tills cli
mate says to have your chicken house
underground on account or cold, you
wonder what Is tho matter with tho
Havo good wnter In plenty for your
sheep and poultry in hot weather,
neither drink much at a time but
often when thoy havo free access and
It Is fresh.
Tho Oregon Agriculturist dovotes
several pages to tho Angoru goat In
dustry which It will prollt any farmer
to read whether ho Is in tho business
or not.
Tho spring wheat harvest is com
pleted in Nebraska, and threshing is
in pregress: harvesting is general in
Soutli Dakota and commenced in
North Dakota.
Continued on third page.
Did You Ever.
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your
troubc? It not, get a bottle now and get
relief. This medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of
all Female Complaints, exert a wonderful
direct influence in giving strength and tone to
the organs. It you have loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spell, Electric
hitters is the medicine you need. Health and
Strengtli are guaranteed by its use. Fifty
cents and Sl.ooot Fred A, Leg(j(sDrug Store
Notice to Contractors,
lliils for the erection of a poultry
building, at tho state fair grounds,
will bo opened, nt my otlico, Thurs
day, August 20th, at 1 o'clock p. 111.
C. II. lU'itaaiuF,
18-2t. Architect.
fUCQ MORI! In harmony
v ,lh t bo world, 2000
. itiuuitftely curttl moo. nro
.utfinK haipy pralsm for
, ttionrc est.crand
l'r nun lUUSb BUO
ceiulul euro for sex
ual weakness ami
lost vigor known to
medical eclcaee. An
ncoouutnf thlsuxm
urui (Ibcorvni la
book form, with ref
eruuee ami proofs,
Mill Ulfumt In anf.
forlng won (jaldi re. Pull manly visor
permanently ruatorod. Failure tuiiwealole.
'.f ,v,
j3 pons lu'aldu cut.Ii four ounco bat; of k
1 mmlm Durham I
sHI iluyabairortlilscclobriitfldtobacconndroatltlioroupon B
BQ wtiicbElvcsulUtorvaluubloprcscutsaudbowtoBcttboinH
Frco Spectacles.
I nrobably come nearer making
presents of tills kind than any one
else.as the following will demonstrate.
I beltevo that In my glasses is em
bodied all that is possible In
uvirtrttifinaliln iiiiitnrllll II till OUniitV.
and I spare no pains to make correct
llts or tlio lenses anu 1 ramus, um
Miltutlon and exam I nations free. N.
2.T) Commercial street. Come and see
me. (Juaulks II. Hinges.
For Infants and Children.
TlsflO- ? ,
alalia s7)f fr?, r.
In Town,
You'll be surprisw
Won't "yellow the clothes."
Won't burn your hands.
"Nothing equals it.
Better than soap.
Extra largo packages.
SoapFoam washing Powder. John
HIRES Rootbecr con
tains the best herbs, berries
and roots nature makes for
rootbecr making. Take no
MUnlr bjr Th. CbitlM r. Illrri Co.. rMIM,hL.
Ito. packag. luaiM ft ga.loaf. Mvld tmjwBtrt.
There's more clothing destroyed by
Eoor soap that) by actual wear. "Hoe
ake" soap contains no frcoatknll and
will not injure tho llncst lace. Try It
and notice the dilfereiicc lu quality.
John Hughes.
Anotiiur Sam:. The Motor Rail
way will again bo bid off Tuesday,
September 1.
fa Cheapest, Uecause tho Best 5
J Rend for that llttto book. "Infant
w Health!" Krcat valuo to mothers, bent
V fl. Y. Condencbd Milk Uo.
JA VI Hudeon Street, Hew York ft
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of frrass seeds.
TO REN i--l)culle cotUK" " South Com
mercia! and llellevicw, two blocks from post
office. Hot water and baths; modern im.
provements, Inquire t5 Commercial. 21 Ct
rwK sai.c uu iKAUiv.-An elegant 12.
acru tract of land in Hampden Park addition.
Hj. 1 .1 j... 1 ,.i : 1
on Asylum avenue. Will trade for residence
property in balem. Address V., care Jour
FOR SALE OK TKAUE-vjs acres im"
prayed farm land, 4 miles east of Salem, with
new house, new barn, running water; wilt
sell or trade for cheaper land. Address O.
m. Kcovcs, haiem, Ur. 7 27 im
r()R nAI.r.DrlvlniT man fnr nli nt n )ir.
gain; weicht about u6o; good traveler, In-
quite of Wm. Urown & Co. 30 tf
CAKTET i'ATER Large lot ol heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. las
the thing for putting under enrptts, Call a
Journal office
Kindergarten and
Primary ,School,
Mrs, C. M.Ogle will reopen her kinder
garten, including primary department in sep
arate room. Also
Training Class for Kindergarte
ners in September.
A thrcu-year-old colt, bay color and white
star in forehead, was taken up by the under
signed. Owner can hao same by proving
juujuny ana paying cosis. v-aii at place, 5 1
miles east of Salem, on"MackayNroad. 1
Baiim . J,U. PICKENS.
Ed S, Lamport,
289 Commercial st
Salem, Or,,
Hasfbought the Frank E, Shak
fcr and the M, Beamcr harness
stocks at forced sale, $4,000
worth ot goods will be disposed
of at 50 cents on the dollar,
Sign of the White Horse,
Salem Steam Laundry
Please noticcjthc cut in prices
on the following!
Shirts, plain 10 cents
Under drawers 5 to 10 cents
Under shirts 5 to la cents
Socks, per pair 3 cents
Ilandkerchiofs I cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents
bhcets and pillow slips 2 cents per dozen,
and other work in proportion.
Flannels andjothcr work in
tclligcntly washed by hand.
Col, J. Olmsted Prop,
WANTED. Solicitors for campaign book
"Ilryan, Sewall and Free Silver," authorized
by Ilryan, written by R. L. Metcalf, Editor
Omaha World-Herald, appointed author by
nryan. contains speeches ami piatlorm, A
bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for
workers. Only $1 so. The only autnorized
book. Ko per cent. Credit given. Freight
paid. OutlTt free, JJegtn now with choice
of territory. Permanent, profitable woik for
'06. Address The National llcok Conce n,
Star Building, Chicago. 8.10-301
Easte. n R. R. Company
"Connecting nt Yoouina Hay wills the Sa
Francisco & Yaquini liay Steamship Co.
Sails from Yanuina every 8 days' for San
Francisco, Coos llay, Port Orforil, Trinidad
and Humbolt Hay,
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest route between the Yillamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to San
Francisco! Cabin, $6; steerage, $4; to Coos
llay and Port Orford, cabir. $6; to Humboldt
Day, cabin $8; round trip, good Co days, $16.
The most popular seaside resort on the
North Pacific Coast. No undertow surf
bathing absolutely safe.
For those wishing to combine hunting nnd
fishing with aquatic snorts, this resort has no
equal. Deer, liear, elk, cougar, brook trout
and salmon trout can be found in abundance
within a few hours' drive of the bay.
iy Reduced rates to all points.
EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Or.
I. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division.
M. 1'. UALDWIN, Local Agent.AItona Dock
"I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be unto nil people."
"The Plan of the Ages.""
ThU is the best work on the llible, tver
Issued from the press. It gives a complete
explanation of all the doctrinal subjects of
the holy scriptures, presenting the wonderful
harmony, simplicity aud beauty of God's
plans for the redemption of the human
family from sin and death. Tho work is
comnlete in three li vnlnm nil rnr tt
Address T. II. I.T.nvn. ifi vli.r ..'. i
Salem, Or. 7.17.1m '
Office: Willamette Hotel Duildin"
For water service apply at office. Bill
payable monlhlv In inlvnnu. KrL. .
complaints at the office.
There will be no deduction in water rate
on account of temporary absence from the
city unless notice is left at the office.
r 1 J . wa,er Ior UriEHn will only b
furnished to regular consumers using water
for domestic purpose. Contractors for side,
walks, brick work and plastering will pleaxe
read "under building purposes" page 17 of
schedule of rates for 1893. Apply at ofhc
for copy '
An,17h,Q.Rosy Freshness
Ana 6 vtlvely softness of tho skin It fnv.
Successor to Dr. J. M.jKtetir, nM White I
Corner, Salem, Or. Parties fleinrg uprrior
operations nt moderate fees in an) brunch are I
in especint request. ,
Peter G, Norgren.
(Formerly with I'. J. Larsen & Co.)
Carriage nnd wagon simp, 320 Commercial
street. Ilring on yoar work, old of new, and
have it done with a guarantee of satisfaction.
6 26 (15c w tf
Some say we give the best meal in
town for 15c. We say try us and see.
IJJTSecond door north of Hctel 'Willamette.
Stage headquarters centrally locnted at
"The Anderson" for lines leaving Salem.
Slates there for orders. All packages and
parcels left tliorc will be cared for. Waiting
parlors, good rooms, nnd meals nt all hours,
MictH all masl and passengtr trains. Uag
gnge nnd i-xprcs to nil parts of the city.
Prompt scivice. Telephone No. 70.
to chop cord wood. The Labor Exchange
wants 11 numbs, of good wood choppers at
once. Apply at warehouse.
8 4 if Manager.
. H. HAAS,
Makes a tpx'ialty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomns clnokt, etc., 215 Commercial Street
On fatm land security. Special
rates on large loans. Loans
consldeied without delay
Hush Bank buildlnH.
On city or farm property.
Over Bush's Bank,
1 1 a
2XtCj.n.i ,1 Sl.,iOr
1"iTSu!h $13 ii, a . . P tits$ upwands'Fj
ws um
. MJkz ,&. . MIESCKE Proos.
Denla'rs ifTalfklnils offrcsh and silt meats
ISSFresh sausage a specialty.
t--i: r. b. brown, r. a
187 Commercial street. ; Salem. Oregon.
It... t.. .. --7 ? - ---
u "fLif"Ja,,,ana'rl tor fortr Team and'
.- .. rvruw ivuur iuaa over oeiore.
MlthnH..lMmn)A.i . l .,..
r A aeltcate, Invlilble protoctlon to tho Xa
I i!;ovcryoxollOZZONrSaias-J
IIUX IS irlleil Irm of rhirn. '
at muramsTs and vancy stoiies. '
n tb (son tb
..! I
t. fBMriailori'tl-n.
iiuuunu v
Ulil'. unu4url tiu
cliiTkix, cr anr innanicm
lino, Irrtl&tlnli ur ulccra-
' ' -W IVu.
I-Mtf w tuliter.
" -j,-
SllHtfyiiiSCHtuwilCo. trauw. Kou-slrlnent.
sVAeilifiuilTl0.9Ki Sola bjr nracrUU,
-rfMltl M4UIIML. tlbll .if lilllOUUf niVIU
or ftat In plain wyajMr,
'MyjS 41.00, orTbottlM. ti.TS.
J. I JL JU L v J Jill I
Shasta Route,
Southern Pacific
California Express rraln-Ru . .
oi5o n. m. n..n 1 "".
AIjovo trnliTsiiop at K,f,T2lM.
City, Wo dburnS.ftSP
cllerton. Alh.rnv AllV.",B?,"l..MiA..
Shedds, 1 1 al,ey. I Ia,Vh & i" " " ,T W
So itlV
.rJJAil. DMtV.
8:110 11.111.
iv. halein lv.
o:20 p.m.
r. noscb'g iv,
1:00 ji.iii.
:io p.m.
Between Portland and Corrslli,. d,u, ,n
cent .in,!. ' ' ln-
... .....,, aim vorTaius connett iil
trains of Oregon Contral & Eattem Riibwi.
Express train dally except Snndir.
4:4s p. m.l Lv. 1'oriland Ar. I Sat.T
7H5 P. rn. I Ar. McMlwllle Lv tJ
In nil nntnt In K 17...... i?i.i.. .
and Europe can be obtained at lowest rita
E. P, ROGERS, Aftt. G. f. 4.
R.KOEHLER. Manager. V''-
Chicago, Milvraotae
k Si. tal By..
Of the Chicago, "Milwsakeo'.and, St. PijI
Railway and note Its connection with u
transcontinental lines at St. Paul sad Omili,
and romember when going eut that iti W
are lighted with electricity sod bested If
steam. Its equipment is superb. Eleprf
BufTet, library, smoking and sleeping ctu,
with free reclining chairs. Eseh tleepjf
car lieithlias an electric reading limp, M
its dining cars are the best In theworB.
Other lines are longer than this, but ww
ore shorter, and no other oflers the sbo m
urious accommodations. The are ibIcbI
reasons for the popularity of "Tb Jniftj
kec." Coupon ticket agents in tier; un
read office will give yon further infarmia.
or address ...
C.J.EDDY. General Asea,
J. V. CASEY, Trav. Pssi. At
Through Tickets
Union Pacific System.
Portland to Chicago.
Our train, are bested b "
lighted by Pintsch light.
Time to Chicago, 3 1- JJ
Time to New Vfc,, v
Which is many hours qw -
iietitors. ..m mod full pa0111
For rates, time tables w
Agents, S
R- v"i K3t wEr"
-"""; ird Street, iw-T
'" '
r7. iikA Va
Lncite ..nt
j illlH'm "
U y
7:30 a.m. I Lv. i'ortlanil. At. li-iotflT
12:15 p.m.fAr. Corvalli.. LvitS'f