Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 26, 1896, Image 1

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iTyofK Racket. fB
AVAt.rVV.MT-l.. 'UJT-iiZiZ.-TL'Jf "p'i,-"I"u H I I
JtTU. 2ir
is roelevlng goods of ull kinds direct
fioin New Yrk, bought from one of
the largest establishments of the kind
In t he world. All their goods arc
bought for cash, and sold for cash.
Those buying from such n house get
their goods cheaper than In an ordin
ary time house; that Is clear. We arc
also able to sett our goods at cheaper
rates, that also Is clear.
Wc keep a laigo line of laces, em
broideries, luco curtains, bed spreads,
linen andeolton towels, crash, table
linen, Indies vests, and all kinds of
underwear, corsets, white and work
shirts, suspenders, hosiery, purses,
combs, brushes, and a large line of
notions of all kinds, call and sec for
yourselves, wc sell at close prices.
iigan, Ualiforma and Or
egon Unite,
Union and Harmony the Watchword
night, and after a hurried' breakfast,
ho and Mrs. Bryan boarded tho local
passenger train, which left Utlca at
7:15. There was no parlor car, and
they took scats In the common coach,
whero the passengers crowded
about them for handshakes and
autographs. Ilryan had little to say
about the d tuner wllh SonutopHlll,
undoubtedly one or the Important
events In his New York tour. "It was
purely a social alIalr"hosald although
tho absence of Hill from apolitical
meeting which followed the dinner
was commented upon. There Is a
general Impression among those ac
quainted with tho candidate, that he
received assurances that IIIIl.wlll de
clare for the ticket.
jption and Disorder Ram
pant in Crete,
istians Organizing Expeditions
Against Villages,
i.ndon, Aug, 20. A dispatch to
Telegraph, from Athens, says
the most serious light which Is
rded In Crete, up to tho present
occurred yesterday when tho
Istlans, In tho mountains, organ;
a strong expedition against the
m, In the Herakllon district. A
irand well-armed Turks leffc
kllon to protect their nronorty.
he pitched battle, which followed,
iurKs were defeated, losing fiO
A and 47 wounded. The losses of
Christians were smaller. The
m captured an cnofmous booty.
redu of illles and thousands of
V ami cattle falllncr Into their
e news of the reversal, according
Alliens corresnondent of the
raph, terribly excited thoMosr
population of nerakllon. The
ammedans fathered In front of
lace of the BOVernnr nml nlnni.
furiously for arms. The srovcrnor
to accede to their reauest. but
"powerless to restore order. He,
u, wiegrapued the authorities
"W, Warnlntr tliom nf fhnrrrair.
lf tbesltuatlon. Tho fnrolon rvin.
Jwd Georgi Bervllch, prince of
"' ",e recently appointed Christ-
Wernor Of Crete, tn tnlr a tna tn
fftit tllQ (llnnrln,. mi,, u l.
.1 -..ww.uvi. 1IIU X'lCUUIl
u'Ten went ro fnr m t ti.on
jj a strong force from tho
warships to disembark for tho
r Of restoring nrrlnr. Tnnnn.
Jni t'lfl AtllOns pnrrocnrinrlnnf f
r'Iegraph savs tlint. ntt th. un.
Ei?!.,,UaBes were burned, both
.;,?"' anl the vTurks taking
a m the destruction of the town.
SItn of Znl,.. nj
KA?;Au8'20--Tuo suitanof
r-', named Bin Thwnln nin
"ad. Ilewasahnnt. jnv0.
h',flfnepJUw the late sultan,
J" of claimants, and was sc-
-- "cmostflttlngby the BrN
Krent'whlch exercises in
serine sultanate.
C!! Dou, .u. ...
"tWOPUj, AUK. 26 .-MlnUt
M as nOtlflpn !. m....... .
tb,tti ,;." iu"8nBr-
v., or u ;, -::.
futUfacto" UUUMara8"
Supbcrb Report From America's Wonder
ful Mining Region.
Scotts City, Mo., Aug. 20, 1800.
This is ono of the greatest mining
regions of the world. It Is a com
paratively new discovery and all the
plants are In operation In this camp.
The product is zinc or "rosin Jack" us
the ore Is called, and looks very much
liken poor grade of rosin as it comes
from the mine. It Is mixed with
tlint rock and Is all put through a
crusher and separated In a shaker.
The separated ore Is smelted with
ritone coal, but in It takes three tons
of coal to smelt one ton of zinc ore It
is cheaper to ship tho oro to tho coal
ticlds than to ship the coal to the ore.
Tho smelting Is dono at Pittsburgh,
Kansas. The oro Is found at a depth
of from 00 to 200 feet below the surface
and Is found over an area of 4,000
squaro miles, including tho cities of
Joplln, Webb City, Aurora, and tho
original raining town of Granby where
the llrst lead oro was discovered over
fifty years ago. A great many of tho
plants are idlo because of tho great
financial depression. Of tho 300 to
400 plants at Joplln not more than 30
to 40 are in operation. The same Is
true of nearly all of this vast mining
region, nt least 00 per cent are only
occupied by the bats and the owls,and
still they tell us there Is too much
money in tho country. This view is
correct from u gold standard view
until our miners and laborers nre wll
llngto work for tho lowest wages, of
the gold standard countries, gold will
continue to go away, from this coun
try, and bo Invested where labor and
products are cheaper than our laborers
and producers are willing to work for.
Clubs are organized all over tho coun
try to fight against the adoption of
tho gold standard. These clubs are
composed of men of all parties. Car
thage has a club, of several hundred
members, composed entirely of Repub
licans. They uro well organized and
aro sending out able speakers, from
among their number, to tho various
cities and towns, of tho district. In
almost every locality a union, of the
silver forces, has been formed for tho
election of free silver men to ofllce.
It Is estimated that Bryan will
carry Missouri by 05,000 majority.
POUTLAND, Aug. 20.-Now that
Democrats and Populists have ngreed
upon fusion and Indorsed Bryan and
Watson, some dllllculty is being ex
perienced In making up the personnel
or tho electoral ticket, which is to bo
two Populists, one Democrat and one
free sliver Republican. E. Hofcr, of
Salem, will probably go on as repre
sentative of tho free silver Remibil-
All of the Democratic nominees
want to bo their party's represent a
tlvc, their failure to agree may result
In the withdrawing of ull of them and
naming a new man. Tho gold Demo
crats are pleased over the. turn of af
fairs and say tho surrender or tho
Democrats to tho Populists gives n
greater reason for third ticket.
It Is stated this afternoon that all
of the Democratic nominees will be
withdrawn nnd N. L. Butler of Polk
county Will bo Democratic nominee.
Fusion ticket will probably bo as fol
lews: Harry Watkins (Pop.); M. L.
01mstcad,(Pop.);N. L.Butler, (Dem.);
and E. Hofer, (silver Rep.)
Michigan Fusion.
Bay City, Mich., Aug. 20. Tho
conferees appointed by the thrco con
ventions yestcrdny, reached an agree
ment today. Thoy decided tho name
at tho head of tho ticket should bo
"Democratic-People's Union Sliver
Party." The Populists aro accorded
thrco electors and tho nomination for
auditor-general. Tho thrco conven
tions will meet Iti Joint convention to
nominate a state ticket, tho Populists
and silver men together, to have a
representation equal to that of the
From Adversity to Opulsnce.
Chioauo, Aug. 20. For jjcars a
lodging house, or a dark stulrwuy lias
been the bed of Thomus Dohcney.
lIls meals came from a saloon lunch
counter or some cheap restaurant
when they came at all. Last night
he stopped nt the Auditorium- hotel
and ate of the ilncbt viands tho mar
ket afforded For this change Do
heney thanks his brother, F. L. Do
heney, of Los Angeles, Cal., and De
tective Sergeants Burke and Pluukctt,
who brought the men together after
24 years of separation, and when
every other rclatlvo had died.
The brother from California had
left the old homo In Fond due Lac.
Wis., 24 years ago and went west.
After drifting about and working at
what he could lind to do, lie llnally
located a claim which proved to bo a
valuable ono and wealth began to
show up. About thrco weeks ngo ho
returned homo only to find that both
parents, as well as his sister, were
dead, but ho learned that his brother
Thomas was supposed to bo In Chi
cago, and after an unsuccessful search
of tho city ho placed tho matter In
tho hands of tho police. Last night
the missing brother was found at a
aloon on Van Buren street. It Is
said he will accompany his brother to
tho West to become manager of the.
hitter's mines.
In State Convention at Ta
' coma, Wash,
. ar-
Oregon Electors Pledged for
Them, -
Send Greetings to Idaho and
Feed the Nerves
Upon pure, rich blood and you need not fear
nervous prostration. Nerves are weak when
they are Improperly and insufficiently
nourished, Puie blood is their proper food,
and pure blood comes by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which is thus the greatest and
best nerve tonic. It also builds up the whole
Hood's Pills are the favorite family
cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate.
N. Y. Republican Convention.
Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 20. Con
gressman Frank S. Block of Troy,
was nominated for governor, on tho
second ballot today, by tho Republi
can state convention. Timothy L.
Woodruff, of Brooklyn, was nominated
lieutenant-governor, Irving O. Vann,
of Syracuse, for associate Judge of
the court of appeals.
Michigan Town Destroyed,
HouoiiTOT, Mich., Aug, 20. As ex
pected tho result was total destruc
tion to tho town of Ontouagon,by tho
fires yesterday, and there aro about
1800 men, women nnd children that
are without food or shelter, many In
sutllclently clothed, they suffered se
verely Inst night. The Diamond
Match Company lost Its mills and
buildings, worth nearly $2,000,000 and
lumber worth nearly $1,000,000. In
surance 75,000. The loss on tho bal
ance or tno viuago win 1001 up 10
about J2,000,000. Insurance $300,000.
Detroit Chosen,
Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 20. Tho
commlttco on the time and place of
the next meeting of the national Re
publican league decided to report In
favor of Detroit. The election for pre
sident of tho league resulted In the
choice of D. A. 'Woodniausee, of Ohio.
Gold Democrats Meet.
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 20.-Gold
Domacrats Missouri met In conven
tion hero today. Between three and
four hundred delegates present.
Trenton, N. J., Aug. 20.-Stato
convention gold standard Democrats
was called to order by ex-Senator
Henry D. Wlnton, ex-Secretary Treas
urer Charles S. Falrchlld made an
California United.
San Francisco, Aug. 20.-Tlie union
In this state between the silver forces
on presidential electors Is complete.
The People's party state executive
committee has decided in lavor 01 me
proposed agreement, giving five elec
tors to the Democratic party and four
to the Populists.
The Bryan Party.
Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 20.-W. J.
Bryan took up tho campalgnlngalmost
before the sun was up. Alter u iew
hours' rest, following the Utlca meet
ing, whlcbjdld not end until past mid-
Dcilarcd a Boycott.
San Francisco, Aug. 20. Feeling
against tho Southern Paclllc Company
is intensifying among tho 15,000
wheelmen of San Francisco and 40,000
wheelman in the state, over there
cent decision of that company to
charge 25 cents for currying u bicycle
between any two points, and fort ux
ing bicyclists who cross the bay 10
cents for each wheel. A .boycott has
been declared on the Southern Pacific
by a large number of wheelmen and
tho others, it is said, will doubtless
take tho same course.
A mass meeting of wheelmen of
this city will be called soon for tho
purpose of taking action politically.
Tills is but tho beginning of tho
wheelmen's campaign against the
Southern Pacific and agntnst any can
didate for tho legislature opposed to a
bill compelling tho Southern Pacific
Company and railroads of tho state to
carry bicycles freo as baggage, as I
tho law In tho state of Now York.
Tacoma, Aug. 20. There are 430
delegates to the Republican state con
vention which met here nt 10 a. in.
today.ltwlllbe the largest convention
In the history or the state, but Is tn
many respects lacking In tho elements
or Interest that have been present at
previous conventions. There- will
be no fight on the platform, nnd thero
Is no clean-cut alignment of forces on
the question of candidates. Tho sit
uation Is altogether chaotic, and
there Is no prospect It will be made
very orderly .before tho balloting Tor
candidates begins. There will bo no
test vote on chairman or any other
question, so rur as at present appears,
before tho actual battle begins. Tho
truth Is that Interest In the fortunes
or the various candidates is apa
thetic. A singular tiling about the canvass
for the governorship Is that the de
legates as a body admltSullI van's per
sonal merits and his great clllclency
in campaign work for the party In tho
pastjbut thoy apparently do not think
ho Is a votc-gcttcr,and It Is.on tho con
trury,urcd by his friends that ho Is
the best vote-getter named. Precisely
the same objections aro urged against
and tho sumo claims advanced In be
half of Wilson.
State Republican convention met
and was called to order by chairman
Swctland, of tho htate central com
mittee. Rev. Dr. Ford, of Seattle,
led tn prayer, Major A. S. Colo of
Whatcom was elected tcmnorarr
chalrman by acclamation. Tho con
vention decided to send greetings to
the Republican convention of Idaho
nnd to Major McKlnlcy. After tho
appointment of the usual committees
the convention adjourned till ;i
Populists, Democrats and
Men United.
Anot her cargo of railroad Iron
river nftor a voyage of 205 days.
A theatrical company Is formed at
Kugetio and will do the state or
Chits. Curler the year old son or
Chas. Carter or Portland was drowned I
tn the back water. i
About 1500 head or cattle liave been
rounded up and put in pasture to u-'
waltpurchaseis In Wallowa county COMPLETE FUSION MADE,
C. S. Jackson and John Bally, of!
Canyonvllle, on a four day's hunting1
trip, last week, soured 12 deer and two
Oscar C. Pierce, son or Nathan
Pierce, of Pendleton, had his hand
terribly mangled In a threshing-machine
lust Friday.
A bold thief broke into tho barn or
W. II. Dean, near Grant's Pass last
week, and stole some showcases, sprey
pump, and some salt and bran.
Tho residence of L. K. Parker near
Toledo, was burned. It was occupied
by A. S. llcnckley, who bcarly es
caped being burned.
Charles Miller, son of J. I. Miller,
a prominent G. A. It. man or Albany,
received a letter yesterday from an
attorney In Iowa, stating that young
Miller's undo hud died In that state
and willed him his en tiro estate
valued at $10,000.
Tho police commissioners of Port
land, will hold a meeting Thursday
or Friday evening md will then
probably appoint a democrat to suc
ceed Chief of Pollco Ml 11 to. Thore nro
live men seeking this position. II. D.
McGuire, tho state lish and gamo war
den. iJuhn Myers, Huston, R. II.
Tompson and Ivan Ilumason.
Oregon Coal,
Coqulllo Recerder: Mr.T. W. Clark,
president or tho Bandon Black Coal &
Mining company, informs tho Recor
der that there Is a large demand for
their coal and tho curgo that was
shipped some days ago Is stirring up
San Francisco coaidcalcrs. Already
thero Is a call for 5,000 tons por month
from one linn, and other orders urc
coming In fast. Mr. Clark will leave
In a few days for tho city, to closo
some contracts for the entire output
of tho uilncs,nftcr which tho initio will
bo put In first-class working order and
lively business will ensue. It Is ex
pected a demand for 0,000 or 8,000
tons will bo made per month. This
means from $12,000 to $10,000 per
month to coino Into the Coqulllo valley.
K. P, Banner.
Kugcno Guard, Aug.2l: Tho Grand
Comtnundry Knights Templar of Ore
gon has o (To red n prlzo banner for tho
best drilled corps of Knights Templur
In tho state. In tho compctltvo drill
hold last year Salem was tho only
competitor In the Held. DoMolay
Commnndry, No. 5, of Salem, was
awarded tho banner. Tho banner,
which is a very bcautlrul concern, has
Just been completed and received by
Grand Recorder Robinson of this city
and Is now on exhibition in Yoran &
Son's shoe store. It will bo forwarded
to Grand Commander Llpplncott at
Portland tomorrow and ho will In turn I
forward It to the Salem commundcry. I pie.
Tho banner Is of good size and Is
suspended from a gold mounted stair.
It cost $150 complote. Tho front was
designed by Miss Llbblo Yoran, an ar
tist of this city. Tho lettering, trim
ming and nu oil painting of Mount
Hood mako 11 very pretty effect. Tho
front Is Inscribed us follews: "Grand
Comuiandcry, IC T." "Supported and
defended by tho best drilled corps of
Oregon." On tho buck at tho top uro
tho' werds: "In boo slguo vliiccs."
Immediately following Is tho symbol
of a cross and at tho bottom Is tho In In
scripteon: "Non nobis domlno,noii no
bis, eed nomlnl, tuo da."
Special to tho Journal. ;'
Portland, Aug. 20. A completo
union or rorccs has been consumatcd'
by tho friends or silver, nnd nn elec
toral ticket ror Oregon has bcoii
agreed upon to bo composed of two
Populists, ono Democrat nnd ono sil
ver Republican. These electors will
bo announced soon, and thoy will bo
Instructed to vote for Bryan nnd Wat
son. The 'Democratic- state campaign
committee Is In session hero, as Is also
uio ropuust stato central committee.
Many prominent silver Republicans
nro In tho city, all Interested In
securing union and harmouy.
Tho Democratic national com
mitteeman, J. II. Townsend, of
Polk county, and Col. 13. Hofcr, of
Salem, tho national representative of
tho silver party, nro heroin confer-,
once.. Tho result of tho prcsenco of
all theso pcoplo horo is as nbovo
stated. All parties uro thoroughly
satlsllcd with tho combination, nnd
Join In tho conviction that It will
sweep everything In the coming elec
tion. Tho consensus of opinion favored an
honorablo union of tho freo silvor
forces In this stato. Many appeared
to think that the selection of Bryan
by tho Populists called for iillttlo
magnanimity on tho part of tho Dem
ocrats, and that they should conccdo
tho vico-presldent to tho Populists,
which Is practically conceded by tho
action of tho different committeemen.
It Is tho belief of nil present that
Bryan will carry ovory county In tho
stato, and that a great national vie-"'
tory Is In storo for tho common poo-
Murder and Suicide.
Lowell, Mich., Aug. 20. Charles
Church, Junior member or the private
banking-house of C. J. Church & Co.,
shot and fataly wounded his wife nnd
then committed suicide. Tho bank
closed yesterday for the nlleged reason
that It was unable to realize upon Its
Deputy Sheriff Cowan called nt
Church's house to servo a writ of at
tachment, Church locked the doorand
Immediately three pistol shots wero
heard. Tho door was .broken In und
Mr. and Mrs. Church wero found lying
on tho lloor. the former dead, tho lat
ter mortally . wounded. Tho elder
Church had disappeared.
Big Failure.
New York, Aug. 20. Hilton,
Hughes and Company (once A. T.
Stewart and Company have made an
assignment to O. M. Wright. TI10
assignment Is without preference.
Tho assignment was made by Albert
O. Hilton who comprises tho firm. No
statement has yet been made as to lia
bilities and assets.
Test HIRES by tasting It.
Test your taste by trying
is the best by any. test.
V4 Ml by Th. CkulM X. III., O., nilUtltUt.
Insumly Killed.
Oregon Citv, August 20. --Herbert
Smith, aged at22ycars, was Instantly
killed at 5 o'clock yesterday evening
by falling under 11 load of wood,
which ho was hauling to the Barclay
schoolhouse. In descending a bad
place his wagon reach broke, und tho
wagon turned wrong sldo out. While
the vehicle was thus turning, Smith
wus Jolted from the top of the loud,
and In falling ho was caught by a
rear wheel, and his head crushed so
that tho brain was forced out, Ho
was ono of thrco sous of.u widow re
siding at Klyvllle.
Hop pickers will add several cents
per box, for tho hops picked, by what
they save In purchasing their shoes,
clothing and other goods at tho New
York Racket. Good sold to all tit
very close prices. Call and see for
yourselves. 20 2dlw
In Town.
You'll bo suiprlsv .
Won't "yellow tho clothes."
Won't burn your hands.
Nothing equals it.
Better than Miaii.
.Extra largo packages.
Soap Foam Wash Ing Powder. John
Picked Up In Mid-ocean.
Nuw York, Aug. 20.-Captuln
Burnsldo and 22 of tho crow of tho
British trump stonmor Moldavo wero
picked up at sea In three open Iwats
by tlio Anchor lino steamer Clrcassla,
which arrived from Glaserow. Tho
Moldavu struck un Iceberg In u fognt
5:30 P. M. lust Wednesday and sank,
giving tho crow barely tlmo to provis
ion tho lifeboats and lower them. All
hunds woroBaved. Tho Moldavu, which
hud 11 cargo of coal, was owned by tho
Mercantile Shipping Company, of
Owing to tho scarcity of uows about
tho city a Journal reporter look a
stroll along tho river front this morn
ing. Everything was found unusually
quiet there, Indicating that business
was not very rushing on tho rlvor as
olsowherc. The Willamette has re
sumed Its normal summer stage, regis
tering hut six Inches above low water
mark this morning.
Steamer Ruth left for Portland at
7:10 a. in. today with n very good load
of freight and usual complement of
of passengers. A large number ot la
borers were on loard, bound for Goble
whero thoy expect to work on tho rail
road now bolng constructed there. Se
veral of J. J. Bottgcrs speedy raco
horses wero also on board for Victoria
B. C, whero they will participate In
several racing events. Mr. Bottger
loft for Victoria by train.
Tho Grey Eagle loft 0:1 schedule
tunc this morning, 7 a.m., for Mission
Landing whero sho will transfer
freight und passengers to tho Altona,
returning to Salem this ovenlng. Sho
had u number of passengers on board
this morning.
The Lost Found. About 0 o'clock
Tuesday morning John Smith, aged 11
years, sou of J. W. Smith of Dopofc
'audition was sent down town on tin
errand. lie wus accompanied by
George Hayden, tho U year old son of
Mrs. Richard If. Mason residing 011
Sixteenth street near Mill. The boys
fulled to return homo Inst night nnd
their delay In returning aroused
considerable anxiety, on thopartof
their parents. Tho pollco wero noti
fied, but hud seen nothing of thorn.
Tills morning tho boys wero found,
having been out alt night, and wero
returned to their noxious parents.
Overalls, Jackots, work shirts, and
othor kinds laundrled und unlaun
drled.ut tho New York Racket. Prlcas
low, 20 2d lw
Condensed Testimony.
Chat, 11, Hood, llrokeraud Manufacturer's
Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies lint Dr.
Kliic's New Discovery has no equal as a
Cough temsdy. J. D, Drown, 1'roti of St.
lames Hotel, Vl. VYayue, Ind tesUfles that
lie was cured of a Couch ot two years stand,
ng. caueed by La Grippe, by Dr. Klnc's New
Discovery, 1). F. Merrill, Iialdwinsvillc.
Mass, says that he has used and reccomendad
it and never knew it to fail and would rather
have it than any doctor, because it alway
cures. Mr Hemmlne, 322 E. 3Mh tit.,
Chicago, always keeps It at brnd and has no
learoi urouu. wt
Eree Trial Koltles
because it instantly relieves.
at i-rca A. Lccg'a urug
Notice to Contractors,
Bids for tho erection of u poultry
building, at tho stato fair grounds,
will be opened, nt my olllce. Thurs
day, August 20th, at 1 o'clock p. m.
u. 11. itunaaitAF,
18-2t. Architect.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
IWI Powder