-snw7y,vw i --' sfatata -.- , ., TT7' - fr Daly Capital Journal. BY HOFBR 13ROTHIEKS s TUESDAY, AUGUST i', 1800. I- " A " . t DAILY LINK TO STEAMElV PORTLAND. I t ! Alton a and Kamona , . Aw,. ,-.- LEAVE DA1LV. roribnJ. 6-45 a. m Salim 7 a. m., rxcepi Sunday 8 pulck lime, iqnilu crvic- and clir.lp . ..ifnU's ... M. I'. IIAI.DWJN, A;ent. Salem. H t - rs tsm kyKA &s ? ' s " Your C J Choice of any $1,00 $1,25 or $1,50 Straw Hat For 50c. J, J, Dalrymple Co PERSONAL. Arthur Wilson Is homo from !Now port. AiTownscnd Is home from New port. C. II. Lane wont to Portland this afternoon. Dr. mid Mrs. M.S. Skill aro homo from Newport. II. .7. OMenhelmor returned today from HiHchurg. 1'rof. ISmll Winkler has roturncd from Newport. Gideon Stolz. was a rortland busi ness visitor today. Dr. D. A. Pulnu and family returned today from Newport. CarlS. Nlckllu today wont to Port land on a business trip. Ed C. Ilerrcn went to Eugene this morning business. Floyd Dayton returned today from n ton days outing at Newport. Mrs. C. P. lilshop, mid son Hoy, aro visiting McMlniivllle relatives. Dr. and Mrs. .1. A. Richardson have roturncd from mi outing at Woods. Miss Klllo Vundcrpool, of Sodavllle, Is tlio guest or Miss Jessie (Jrolghton. A. P. Wlllard, tliu blacksmith, went to Portland this morning on business. Secretary or State II. It. Klncald camodown from Kugono this after noon. Mrs. M. J. Matson was among the Balcmltcs rotiirnliiK today from Now port. Fred. Ncckermau and JohinCohvell niiido u business trip to Gcrvals this afternoon. Miss Esther Robertson and Mrs. Jlolhfos went to Portland this morn- ltK for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chun. A. Murphy re turned Into last evening from a two weeks visit in Astoria. John Ilolmau, Supt. of the Albany Iron Works cumo up from Portland on the Roseburg mall tills morning. Go. Ituef and family of Stiver, are In the city, guests under the parental roof of Julius Ruof on the Garden ltoad. Mrs. Dr. J. L. Kill, who has been visiting Salem friends for several days, left this morning for her Portland home. Mrs. J. J. -Murphy and grandson, Paul Glesy, went to .Portland this afternoon. Dr. D. S. Jeffries leaves for Ncsko wln Wednesday evening or Thursday Buy the BestC Wc sell the "Albert", fast black and tan hosiery. Porters Kid Gloves, K,dG, Corsets. SaJkr Lcwen & Co. and Chas. JC Fox's ladles' fine shoes. Lewis A. Crocsett's men's fine slxcs, "Little Giant" sclxol shoes, .Willis Bros. & Co. Court and Liberty. Jflio Jrtsli Dry Jtfoods, 'Clotlilnglnid KliooHlmiwi. iffTt'TTgfriffcfH Dress Goods. , o Some choice tiling In now bladk floured novelties now open. Fine lino lot C0-ecnt mix tures In newest shadlmrs, tm and very best values. n'Bt Suit, niilterns In nil tlio Intest effects. The 8.'0line of silk and wool are leaders. Closing Lin?s. Separate skirts. Only four remaining. Sold at cut prices to clean out the Hue. Style and lit guaranteed. 15 10c; nil 75c ones iOc; all bal- L ii rice up to l.ft0 7."k r T HnlrTfapcnn 91 m i . i iwivl.1 juii. u morriliu mid will accompany bis family home. Land Airont T. W. Davenport left today for the Alsea country, via Inde pendence and Plillomath to look after State lauds. W. K.Scott, who has been the guest of his brother, Engineer David Scott Sr., returned this morning to his home at Portland. Miss Kittle Ilarbord arrived In Salem at 3 o'clock this morning from Neskowln after a pleasant outing of two weeks duration. S. II. Friendly, an enterprising merchant of Eugene, came up from Portland last evening going on to Eugene this morning. J. Rohan left this morning In re sponse to a letter from A. Mason, for Goble where ho will bo employed on the mil road for several weeks. Mrs. Ira H. Allen came up from Port laud last evening, and will spend about three weeks at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Uowcrsox. Mrs. James Ilcnnle and daughter went to Portland this afternoon to attend tlio funeral of her uncle, Sur veyor General J. C Arnold, who died yesterday. Prof. "W. U. Iluwloy and Scott Do- zorth havo returned from Helena, Montana, whero they attended a meeting of the head camp, W. of w. Pacillu jurisdiction. Mr. and Mrs. Singleton, Hot. and Mrs. Win. Hoblnson, of Tumor, and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Holton, matron at the orphan's home, returned Monday fiom uti outing at Fish lake. Dun. J. Fry, tlio druggist, will lcavo tomorrow evening for Neskowln whero ho wjll spend a few days and return home accompanied by his family who have spent tlio summer there. Miss Ilauuah Scott, who recently graduated from tlio Good Samaritan hospital at Portland as a trained nurse, Is now making her homo with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. David Scott Sr., corner of Center and High streets. F. J. Keriiiin, who has boon looking over tlio Wlllainetto v alloy for sovornl weeks, loft for his homo at Wesley, Iowa, this afternoon. Mr. Kcrnmi expressed himself as highly pleased with Oregon and It Is likely ho will becomo mi Orcgonlau next spring. i m Railway Imimiovkmrnts. Tlio work of repairing the lino of tlio Sa lem Consolidated Street Railway Co. from tlio corner of Chcincketa mid Fourteenth streets to tlio Willmuottc hotel, Is rapidly ncarlng completion. Archie Mason's force of men wore to day busy repairing that part of the track at Rush's corner, the narrow rails being replaced with broador mils and new ties taking the place of the old nues. The track is being planked from Gray Pros, corner to the Hotel Willamette. When that imrt of the lino has been repaired, the force of men will devote considerable time to the track between tlio old power hotiso on East State street mid the state penitentiary. When completed tlio repairs will havo boon tlio-most sub stantial that havo been made for some time mid the excellent service of this company will bo more appreciated than over. Nkahly an acciuknt. This morn ing, while adjusting the trolley of the depot car, Walter Johnson, iinoinployo of the Salem Consolidated Street Hall way Company, cumo near being hurt. Tlio trolley ropo had becomo wrapped around the gong on tho roof of the car, mid in attempting to loose n ine rope, Mr. Johnson pulled tho gong, which was attached to a huge pleco "fU'sUvorton,' Sundiiv, August 23, 1800, i hard wood, loose Tho movement off to Mr. and Mrs. "Henry DeGuIre, w i tho. ropo pulled tho gong off the daughter. tho ropo pulled tho gong roof of tho car, mid it foil, striking Mr. Johnson a fearful blow on tho right arm. The gong attached to tho wood, weighed fully 23 pounds, and had it struck Mr. Johnson in theaco, would undoubtedly havo bruised It qulto painfully. OAJSTCOXIXA.. llH TMT A GRAND ARMY SURPRISE. Comrade J. II. Smith's S5l Ultlhday Honored. Last evening u strong contingent of Salem's patriotic veterans and fami lies, headed sby Department Com mander D. C. Sherman gave J. II. Smith mid ramlly n grand surprise nt their homo in Yew Park. The oc casion was the advent of Comrado Smith's 63th birthday, and he was taken nbsolutelv unaware'. The friends brought well-filled baskets and enjoyed a pleasant evening talking, playing jokes and games, eating and making merry In Innumerable ways. Among those present were the follow Ing: Mr. and Mrs. A. F. McAtec, Judge and Mrs. Jas Hatchclor, Mr. and Mrs. S. E.rHoward, Mr. mid Mrs. J. Q. Rarnes, Mr. and Mrs. John Knight, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Drager, Sir. and Mrs. D. W. Matthews, Dr. and Mrs. B. II. Rradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. South wick, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sherman, Mr. mid Mrs. J. II. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sperry, Capt. D. C. Howard, Mrs. Lou Smith, Mrs. E. L. Brlggs, Mrs. Lucia Crosslin, Miss Alice Cros sen, Mr. Arno Crossed, Mr. W. J. Culver, Mr J. W. McCulloch, Miss Cecil McCulloch, Miss Lillian Hob- kirk. Miss Flora Hobklrk, Miss Stella Sherman, Miss Lottn Sherman, Miss Bessie Sherman, Miss Helen Copeland, Miss Llnnlc Lewis, Mr. Fred T. Smith. Rktuknkd Home. Newt. Ferrcll and Elmer White returned early tills morning from a trip lothclrclalms on the upper Santlam In the vicinity of Detroit. After spending a fow days on their claims they proceeded to the Meadows and the Hot Springs on the Breltciibush where they remained n few days and returned homo. The gentlemen were absent from Salem about ton days during which time they killed two deer and got two bears which they "did not get." After lllllng tho "bars' with shot the men tracked them for several hours but wcic unable to capture them. They report a most onjoyabletrlp. A Fhateunal Visit. Last even ing, a number of the meinbeis of the Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., of Salem, mado a fraternal visit to Wll lainetto Lodge, No. 45, of Independ ence. They report a most enjoyablo evening, and greatly enjoyed the rldo homo by moonlight, reaching Salem about 1 o'clock this morning. Those going were: Mrs. C. M. Ilolmau, Mrs. Ed. Bailey, Mrs. James Ronnie, Mrs. W. J. Polloy, Mrs. Wm. R. Anderson, Mrs. John Darr, Mrs. Cora Secly, and Miss Minnie Anderson. Tho ladles wcro accompanied on tho trip by Messrs. R. E. Ilolmau and Gldcoit Stolz. Committee Meetino. W. G. Wcs tacott and John Jory, delegates from tho Democratic and Populist parties, respectively, went to Portland this morning where tho state central com mittees of thoso parties will meet In conjunction with the free silver stato central committee, to devise ways and means whereby a suitable olectoral ticket may bo placed In the Held that will Insuro perfect fusion. Anyone Lost a Cloak? Tho whereabouts of a woman cloak, of a yellowish color, supposed to have been stolon, havo boon ascertained, and anyone having lost such an article can obtain the samo by calling at police headquarters. Two Certificates. County Super intendent Geo. W. Jones yesterday granted two third grade certificates to teachers from Multnomah county, viz: Clam Diiinmcrand F. S. Hallock.both of whom teach In this county. Full Citizen. Norman McLeod, late subject of Queen Victoria, today tiled his Until citizenship papors with County Clerk Eltleu. Contkaut Let. The bid of Welch Bros,, for building tho state fair poul try house, having been tho lowest, was yesterday, accepted in modified form. A contract was closed. Home Peaches. Tho best penches that have come to Salem this year are tho homo product. T. B. Jones, of Mission Bottom has brought In some lino ones this week. Three Notaries. Today Secret ary Klncald issued notarial commis sions to Potor W. Mess, of Mt. Angel; J.M.Long mid II. M. Carlock,of Port land. ' DORN. UKGUIUE. At tho family homo In1 To the Taxpayers of Morion County. ,, . , , . ,, ., Tho county board of equalization W,.Il.,i0,J,,, lX ?Xl(?iK a,mV AK-, USt 31, 1800, niUl Will 00 III SeSSlOn 8lX consecutivo days. D. D. CofToy, county assessor. d&w ' " I , TT . , , I Having Hoe Cake boap in your InfMiort Urtih nnn. means always. ITHE DAILY OREGONIAN After Falsely Slandering and Misrepresenting DAVID BURR CHASE OF SALEM Rofuses to Do Him Justice in That Irresponsible Sheet, . Mil. CHASE'S KEPLY. Editor Okeoenian: Will you kindly allow me space for a few words In regard to a communication which appears In your Issue of the 17th Inst., signed -David Chase Burr? On tho communication Itself It Is not neces sary to comment further than to say that It is exactly the sort of thing which one might expect to emanate from one of thoso straw silver men which the goldltc editors dally find so much childish satisfaction In con structing, and to the immediately subsequent demolition of which they then apply themselves with such fierce mid fiendish Joy. All that in terests me in the letter In question is that the signature Is so plainly a "garbled version" of my own, over which somo unobtrusive articles have appeared In the Canltal Journal, of this city. I would like to suggest to our friend that there -arc numberless signature In common use, one of which ho might havo used without encroaching on private preserves, for Instance, "Republican," "Work- Ingman," "Farmer," "Sound Money," "Many Voters," "Constant Reader," "Vox Popull,''etc. However, if tho poor fool has any clear Idea of what ho was driving at, mid will kindly en deavor to explain what It was, I will cheerfully forgive his wooful lack of good manners. David Burr Chase. Editor Jeurnal: Above Is a copy of a letter mailed to the Oregon Ian on August, 10th. It has, soj far, failed to appear In that very est luiablo sheet, and If you think It worth while toglvo it publicity you may do so. D. B. C Salem, August 23, 1800. LOST FOR FOUR DAYS. Thrilling Experience of TwoTvien and Their Wives. Walla Walla, Aug. 25 John Lamb, returned from tho mountains a row days ago, and lie tells qulto mi Interesting story or a serious misad venture or Mr. mid Mrs. Harry Turner and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Rces, who aro camping near tho Tanks. Tho four started out on a little hunting mid llshlng tour expecting to return to their camp before night. In somo manner thee lost their way and wero unablo to get tnclr bearings. They wandered long after night seeking to strike a familiar path, but In vain. That night they built a flro and stood around It till morning, fearing to lie down to sleep on tho cold ground as they left their blankets behind. They had no food except a little comment mid a fow potatoes. Tito next day they wandered aimlessly about hoping to stumble onto some familiar landmark ! but auothor night camo upon them still as hopelessly lost as ever. They spent another night about tho camp tire taking turns In sleeping. Rallaoad Riot. Williamstown, Ey., Aug. 23 A telegram has been received from tho superintendent of the Louisville nad Nashvlllo Railway, robuestlng that the onlcers bo dispatched to Eagle tunnel, nearElllston, whero a rail road riot is going on. Did You Ever. Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your troube? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This meillelnr Ins ln fount! In tv I DCeuliarlv flilanlnl In I ho ri-lli-f nntl rnrr nl a" Female Complaint!, exert reci influence in giving strength '"h. J ru.ve,lr wonderful and tone to Appetite. Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or ,re . ,a ?'' cuao e, weian- choly or troubled with Duty Spell. Electric Wrs is tho mediclnevou need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty 'cent and il.fv?.i Kr.,1 A. fi.mT.nr.mSinri t " Notice to Controctcra. Rids for tho erection of a poultry building, at tho stato fair grounds, will bo opened, at my oltlco, Tliurs- "i AUUUilli .mil. Ufc J OCIOCK II. III. Q. H. BuitaaRAF, 18-2t. - Architect. ST. PAUL. The St. Paul academy, the laige new building with Its broad, pleasant acres, cannot Tall to Impress the be holder with the beauty of location and natural advantages which this Institution affords. Every at traction that can be desired for healthful out door exerclbo Is hero olTcrcd whilst Its proximity to tho beautiful Willamette makes It easy or access. The building is supplied with alt the modern Im provements. The course of study Is complete, lessons being distinctly graded from the primary to tho graduating classes. Foreign languages can be pursued in any part or tho course mid arc taught frco of charge. English, French and German are spoken lu the Institution. Music, drawing and painting receive that attention which their Influence de mand. It is an advantage for our girls which wo highly appreciate, apart from the moral, religious Influence thus brought to bear on the early for mation or their character, they aro carefully Instructed in all the needs of education. Studies will bo resumed at the academy on the llrst Monday of Sep tember. Parents whodcslro to place Do you like Dcvclcd Ham 1 If so try our 5'ccnt article it's all right, We have some very Jgood canned Apricots that we arc closing out at 10c. Washing ammonia, full quarts, 15c per bottle. HflRRITT 5 LAWRENCE, R O, Grocery. Agents for WorldBeater Soap, daughters atf boarding pupils, under Its Christian Inllucticobhould apply at once to the Sister Superior, St. I'aui's academy, St. Paul, Marlon comity, Oregon. You will llnd the tonus reasonable. Somo of our smart boys robbed a wateruiellon patch here a few days ago. One or tho boys mado a visit to the store or R. E. Kirk's and stolo some tacks, then to Bellarts grocery storo and stole several packages of clgcrcttcs, then tlio boy traded the stolen articles to somo of the boys for marbles. Tho other boys gavo way the stealing mid tho merchants called on the parents and they settled the afTalr with tho exception of four bottles of perfume which was missed from the drug store. So people can Judge what watcrmclloii stealing will end. Perhaps wo will know In tho near future. Wheat Is averaging from 10 to 13 bushels per acre. Overproduction don't go this year goldbug'j (yes gamblers.) Hop picking will begin about tho 8th or 10th of September. R. Coleman, of Salem, is visiting rrlends hero this week. A sound money man pays tho thresh ing crow 73 cents ror a 13 hours work and a silver man -pays $1 for 10 hours work. Who Is honest? Police Court. Ross McCormlck was round guilty yesterday artcrnoon or assault and battery on C. N. Lake and was fined $23 mid costs lu default or which ho was committed to Jail. Jas. Pivot, an ox-convlct, was ar raigned bororo Recorder Edes this af ternoon charged with assault and bat tery 011 0110 Parker. Ho was found guilty and fined $20 mid costs Inde fnult or which ho was committed to the county Jail. Tho trial or Gcorgo Hlllyer, charged with chicken stealing, Is set ror 4 o'clock this afternoon. Feed the Nerves Upon pure, rich blood and you need not fear nervous prostration. Nerves are weak when ""7, are Improperly and insufficiently nourished. Pure blood is their proper food, im l)Uiu uiuon comes oy taking Hood's barsaparilla, which Is thus the greatest and best nerve tonic. It also builds up the whole Hood's Tills are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. am w CREAM BAKING iHWBffi ;Most Perfect Made. oYeratkSUaar,d. TODRy. " r Dress SALE. R)e For n 31 Inch Serge in black and navy. 21c For fancy mixtures fall patterns. inc Extra bariraln 42 Inch Soruo. 17c Full lino of 40 Inch Henriettas. 42c New lino or all wool mixtures. 47c-60 Inch all wool storm Serges, ull shades. 43c Now line or Bouclcs, all shades. 23c 34 inch nil wool Tricot, nil shades 47c Choice or 20 patterns, 40 Inch all wool black fund. OTTIicM! prices for the day only. wikics. PieMj 257 Commercial st. Best in the World I Branson Co,f Sole Agents, Salem, AN ANSWER TO MR. QEER. Alderman Rigdon Is Requested to Re ply to tho Tall Sycamore. Salkm, Or., Aug. 21, 1808. Hon. W. T. Rigden: Dear Sir. The undersigned having heard tho recent address of Hon. T. T. Geer upon tho nionoy question, to the "Worklngmon'H club on tho 21st lust, wo would respectfully re quest that you dollveran address up on tho question In answer to the arguments or Mr. Gecr at tho armory, and that the worklngmen or Salem bo Invited to attend said meeting. F, II. Powers Jas. Phillips E. L. Irwin A. W. Mead F. II. Rosslter D. C. Howard 1' JWcyant w. R. Simpson T. L. Davidson Amos Stroug A. R. Uuren O. Mnrsli JatiieHM.Pugh R R.Ryan w. &. mow W. DoLong F. N. DorbV .1. IT. 1?lntnhr J. M. Davis W. D. Mohney J. P. Johnson G. M. Powers m Ftshormen Lost. Queih:o, Aug. 24. Five men named Lespcranio (two broUiers), Rolsseault, Goulllard and Forden, ail or St. Pierre, Mount Magni, went on a llsh lng tour on the 18th Inst, near Grosso Island. One body was recovorcd, tho others havo not been found. Notice to the Public. Some very busy person, with more tlmo to attend to other peoplo's af fairs than his own, has reported that wo are not buying wheat now days at the mill. Pleaso tako notice that we arc at all times in tho market for wheat, ir. B. Holland, Agent Salem Flouring Mills bo. . .8.19 Ot wMSbXasm jt ill - orjiuiAL X. - Goods n THE MARKETS, SILVER NcwIVork, Aug 25.Silver, 6cMd LIVE STOCK. Chicago, Aug.as.-HogLlght j,,,.ffi Go; heavy $2.5o3.2o. 4 S 2.53.2o. Caltler-Uecves H.oeCalA.ia: heifers $1.20(3,90. SllP,!YwKtfl(lw. ' i- wi cowi Ki Sheep-Steady. CHAIN. 4t".lcs8$.. Auc' 25-Wheit' CMhC fORTLAND MARKET. PROVISION. rortland, Aug. 25. Wheat valler 53; Walla Walla, 48.149. h 5 Hour-Portland, 2.85; Denton cw-itr 2.85; graham, 2.30; superfine, J.i5'per bb InrrKA3.cigrey,2;rolIeJ( 4-5n7i cases, 3.75. Potatoes.. Oregon, 75c8o per Hay. .Good, lolo.50 per ton. sV, Wool.. Valley, 8oc; Kastem Ortj.-oo, c Millstuns..Bran,$i2.5oai4.so;5horti1ln,tl, Poultry- Chickens, mixed,j3,5o; broil. ers, tur 1 i.oy.a, uuck, JM3; gee. llSi; keys, llvo, 10. eys idei Hides.. oreen. sailed 60 ll) ?c: trnia 60 lbs 44ic: sheep pelts. iora7o. I fops,, Oregon, 2 to 3c, according toqnil. Ity. Dutter. .Oregon fancy creamety, jjfltjj fancy dairy, 202s; fair to good, i;(2:o; Cheese .Oregon full cream, 9, Eggs.. Oregon, izy,c perdoz. Beef.,Topsteers, 2.25(32.40 per lb; fan to good steers, ai2 3.50; cowi, Ijigie; dressed beef, 3M4c. SAN IfKANClijCO MARKET. San Francisco, Aug. 25 Wheal, oSjfi Wool..Orecon, choice,io$uc; inferior 7c, valley, 8oc. 1 lops Quotable at 24C Potatoes So65c per sack. Oats MllfinE, BjC590. SALEM MARKET. Wheat. .42c per du,, market firm. Oats .30c. Hay.. Haled, cheat, 7.5o8.oo;, timotljr, 10.00. Flour. .In wholesale lots, 3.00; retail, 3,20; bran, bulk 11.0012.50; sacked, 12.00; shorts, vi2.50i3.50j chop feed, ll.oo 12.00. Poultry. .Hens 5c; Spring chicken, 6c IU. VeaL.Dressod, 3. Hogs.. Dressed, 2&3' Live Cattle.. 1 Ji2., Sheep,. Live, 1.25. Wool. .Best, iiVfc. Hops.. Best, 45J. Eggs.. Cash. 12c. Butter.. Best dairy, ujic; fancy crtamc? 20c. Cheese .120. rti u Farm Smoked f Meats liacci. py,c, m 90; shoulders, 5c.1 Potato!., 7c per bu Insane. Harriet Porter, of Sher man county, was brought to the asy lum for tho insane, yesterday. Ministers Should Use Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. nnn.V whnM tom.aatbatoftbemnUtry.Tbeo by over work- irefiuj - ;--.,; byovcrworK ireiiw ".tritloa. of heart trouble, and rouspro.W church. London Mills, U U. . clan, wrltos Fob. M, lSi "ar , and nervous prostration d kia .orious last full that a W'0!,, tho pu.pu.ouid - assu I Dr. Miles' S&Uitbwf Restores J-SWiW Health ;,! November I commenced Uw j New Heart Cure alter '', a Nervine and 'jC bonoQt. I haw Just closcluMWlj twice on tho Babbatb. V nJ without suffers gBi Dr. KUrf vrorklm; ministers should- grand remedies on tori. , piir itetbotUo will beriefitor WW'S'