Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 25, 1896, Image 1

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    -jr twtt
yVyT" jfrrwr
V b. ?
Blaine Did Not Know.
NO. l
prom the Congressional Record Vol 7, Part
l Jage 1UW.
l lt7H, In tlir ITnllod States somite, hnvlng under consideration house
' '.... i. ......... mint ln Inn nf tillvnr. Ttnn. .Tnmnij fl lllnlnn uil,1 nf
'hi Vn II I Or tiiu ioiuui.i" " i -" " " v " "i
. ' nrtof 187.1, demonetizing silver:
Mr Wnlne. "The truth Is, nobody eared about It; there was no general
' ' . . Iff.. ... u ..11 .m . - 1nn1 lillflitH uluillt I 4 ... I..... .....
MonHnncnl Cd IO II. WC lire nil nmratuvui itiwi uuuuu ii luuuy mull wb
aiicnn"" - . ,. ,..,,,1, w ,..,.,, i .. ,,,i .,,,.., ,,.,,
inn! tllCH. Lot US Uil 'JU muiiiij "' ' "- " !'" " "uouiuiu
innnuicc or that whole sbbjeet. It was nut known."
Mr Voorhecs. "Was the senator from Maine equally Ignorant with the
st of us? If lie vvl11 81iy no wns wo 8ua1' bo S)mowl,ut' content."
rCS Mr Blaine. "I do not mean ignorance of this particular provision, but I
' !.lorance of Its ellcct. At that time there was no attention called to
the silver question; there was no dollar circulating."
Here followed a personal colloquy with Senator Voorhecs that Is not
neentlal. We centinue:
Mr IilaillC. "UiKlillllHeuijr iu who iuhi-uuliuii cumin iuuik hi liiu I nun
fkthiL' state or fact1. I think now very clearly, witn the light berore me,
HI"" ' . ... ,.. T 4I.I..I. .1,., ,1,,.., ,..,., Il,.l.., If .1... ,
illiat It WilS a gnMH UlllllUCI. i mum uiuv racu "us mu iiuii;, ll tiiu suililiui
E. Tnrltuiiii and tilVSCIl couiu iiuvc itircwuii wimt vu now sue, loruiis
boiernmcnt to place the ratio at 151 to 1; and If it had done so at that time,
kthen silver was a little above gold, had gone upon the basis of tho French
nit and had united Willi me uuliu uiuuii, wu buuiiiu not inivu ituu mis
rouble now." ,-,.. . ,,r. . ,
Itl'lltIC tllCtl pays a triouio iu uiu uuuitj u an. Jiuuiivr, 111 .uussuuiiiisuiiii.
Mr Voorhecs. "I want to ask my friend from Maine, whether I may
ill him as one more witness to the fact that It was not generally known that
,ller wns demonetized? Did ho know as speaker of the house, presiding at
'bat time, that the silver dollar was demonetized In the bill to which lie
illudcs?" . ,,, ,, A
Mr. Maine. I did not kiimw nuyuiiug mat was in tue oui at an. as i
iavc before said, little was known or cared upon tho subject. Did lie know?"
"Mr. Voerhecs: "I very frankly say that 1 did not. I do not claim to
lave been as attentive a participant in tho proceeding of the house at that
lime as perhaps others were. I cite names, however, of men whose business
it the heads of committees caneu inem to iook especially auer matters oi
Mil kind. I cite such men as uarueiu, and me senator rrom iuaino iiimscir,
ind tho senator from Massachusetts, sir. uawes, as proor tuat the uill de-
Mr limine and Mr. Voorhees continued the controversy over tno bin ror
Lie time, over the question whether It wns stealthily and furtlve'y passed
i the house when the senator from Ohio said:
Mr. Tliumiiln. ''I cannot say what took place In the house, but I know
Mien the bill was pending In the senate wo thought It was simply a bill to
fform the mint, regulate coinage and tlx up onp thing andunothcr.aud mere
I not a single man iu the senate, I think, unless a member or tne committee
urn which the bill came, who had the slightest Idea that it was even a
The Bimetallists Talk to tho
Organization and Education to Bo
Relied Upon.
Hill the Brakes
Chairman Decided Upon.
tlNDIANAI0U8, A tig. 25. It llllS
tcn practically settled by the execu
te committee of the national Demo-
title party that tho temporary
palrman of the convention shall be
Iken from the cast and the pcrmun-
pt chairman from the south. Sov-
lal names were mentioned, but the
an seems to mako Bourko Cockran,
New York, temporary chairman
bd Donelson Caffrey, of Louisiana,
irmancnt chairman.
The statement made in tho cast
latllnnry Watterson would accept
e nomination for president under
rtaln considerations attracts wide
tentlon. It Is conceded that tho
Id democrats of Kentucky will bo
iportant factors In the convention
id they mav be able to swinir tho
mention for Watterson.
We Harrlsburg Review says that
least two-thirds or the hops In that
tlmty will remain unpicked owing
the low price offered for them.
A Revolting Crime.
Chant's Pass, Or., Aug. 25. A fe
male child or premature birth wns
found yesterday about noon, a mile
south of this place, alongside the rail
load track, dead. It wns found by a
tramp, who carried it here, and
turned It oyer to the coroner. From
bruises on tho body and marks on the
ground where It was found, It Is
prety certuln It was thrown off the
southbound overland train.
Whitney Vanderbllt.
Newport.R .1., Aug. 25. 'Wedding
of Miss Gertrude Vnnderbllt, oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius
Vandcrbllt.to Mr. Harry Payne Whit
ney, the oldest son the former secret
ary of the navy, W. C. Whitney took
placo 12 yesterday at "The Breakers,"
Vnnderbllt summer residence. Tho
wedding was a disappointment to so
ciety licre.owlngto Its simplicity.
Weather Forecast. Tonight and
Wednesday fair.
is reclovlng goods of all kinds direct
from New York, bought from ono of
the largest establishments of the kind
In the world. All their goods are
bought for cash, and sold for cash.
Those buying from such a house get
tholr;good8 cheaper than Jn an ordin
ary time house; that Is clear. Wo are
also able to sell our goods at cheaper
rates, that also Is clear.
We keep u largo line of laces, em
broideries, lace curtains, bed spreads,
linen and .cotton towels, crash, table
linen, ladles vests, and all kinds of
underwear, corsets, white and work
shirts, suspenders, hosiery, purses,
combs, brushes, and a large line of
notions of all kinds, call and see for
yourselves, wo sell at close prices.
Chicago, Aug. 25. -An address was
issued today, to the "friends or bi
metallism In tho United States"
signed by A. .1. Warner, president of
the American bl-metalllc union and
George E. lioweti, secretary. After
declaring the Importance of tho silver
question In the present campaign, tho
address says: "The contest Is now on
and It can only be settled at the polls.
To this end the decision may bo right
and the American bimetallic union
strongly urges tho formation of silver
clubs and leagues In every state,
county, city, town and school district
In the union. To all Interested in the
causo wo say organize. Our means
arc limited and the wealth of the
country is arrayed almost solidly
against us, but wo will aid In the
work of organization and education to
tho utmostof ourablllty."
Illinois Gold Standard Democrats.
CincAao, Aug. 25. The Demo
cratic gold standard state convention
was called to order, this afternoon, by
Chairman C. A. Ewlng, of tho state
committee. About ono thousand del
egates were present, represent ing
every county In tho state. Tho fol
lowing ticket was unanimously
agreed upon at tho caucus, held last
night. Governor, General John C.
Black; lieutenant-governor, Chester
Babcock; attorney-general, William
S. Forman; state treasurer, Edward
Rldgcley; secretary of state, L. J.
Kadcskl; auditor, l E. W. Brlnke.
In the Katskllls.
New Grand Hotel, (Summit
Mountains), Aug. 25. Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan arrived hero at 10:30. Along
the way people from boaullng and
farm-houses presented Mrs. Bryan
with Mowers.
Secretary Francis.
Buzzards Bay, Aug. 25. President
Cleveland has appointed ex-Governor
D. It. Francis, of Missouri, secretary
of tho interior, vice Hoke Smith, re
Washington, Aug. 25. Secretary
Smith said today. "I will rctlro from
olllcc, September 1. It Is my purposo
to return to Atlanta nt once. My
resignation was due nlono to tho fact
that I Intend to support Bryan and
Governor Franas.Secretnry Smith's
successor, will reach Washington
some tlmo before Tuesday.
Republican Convention.
Sahatooa, Aug. 25. The state Re
publican convention, to nominate
candidates for governor and lieutenant-governor,
met here today. When
Piatt entered tho convention hall the
cntlro assemblage rose. The applauso
was deafening. Congressman Frank
Black was chosen temporary chair
man. Republican League.
Milwaukee, Aug. 25.-Delegates
to tho Republican league were slow In
assembling at exposition hall. It was
nearly noon before President McAlpIn
called tho convention to order. After
the addresses of welcomo and re
sponses, President McAlpIn delivered
the annual address.
Oregon Politics.
Portland, Aug. 25.-Thc Democra
tic and Populist campaign committees
are In conference here today, for the
purposo of fusing on the electoral
ticket. It la thought that a fusion
can bo easily accomplished on a basis
of two electors to each.
Coming Down a Steep
Break. ,
Frederick, Md., Aug. 25.-Forty
persons were moie or less Injured by
the brakes of a trolley car filing to
woik last evening on tho steep,! icllne
on the Frederick & Mlddletoti electric
railway. The lino was opened last
Thursday and yesterday a largo num
ber of excursion parties from tlijs city
made the trip.
The car on which the accident oc
curred stnrlcd from Braddock
Heights at the top of Caloctln tnoiin
tain nt 7 o'clock. W. Manz was tho
moturman, and Keatavro the conduc
tor. There were over n hundred pas
sengers on board, many more than Its
A 3-mile hill was before them.l Just
before teaching a trestle over a ravine
Ilfty feet deep the car gave a lurch,
the window panes split from thottraln
and It seemed that the timbers would
break. Over the trestle tho car Hew
at a tcrrilic speed. The women and
children screamed and several .tried
to leap to what would have bceh cer
tain death, but the men clung to the
sides of the car and held them back.
Says Gomez the Insur
gent Commander,
Tho Gonoral Says It Is Necossary
to Insure Success.
The motorman tried to reverse, but
tho trolley slipped tho
was powerless.
wlro ant) he
Another Wreck.
PiTTSiiuita, Aug. 24. A wreck on
tho Pittsburg & Western railroad, at
Valencia, 22 miles west of hero at
noon yesterday, resulted In the1 des
truction of three passenger coachcs,18
freight cars and the Injury of 25pas
6cngers,llvo of whom will probably die.
Tho wreck was n pccullur ono ,nud
ono which Involved threo trains tho
local freight, No. 25, tlto through
freight, No. 2, and tho castbound pas
senger, No. 4.
Thu train was standing at Valencia
station, unloading freight, when the
through freight came to the top of
tho grade, Just east of Valencia. Tho
engineer, on tho lookout for No. 25,
put on tho airbrakes, but they refused
to work and his train went crashing
into tho local Just at the tlmo the
two frclgats collided, the passenger
came along, on the castbouud track,
and was struck by the freight cars,
which were derailed, at that moment.
'Plm HnI. tviiiiinnrntr (.rmfll. Ill wlltfOi
wero many ladles, was crushed by a
carload of oil-well tubing. Tho tit-
Dlng was thrown with terrific forco
In every direction.
Hobart in Chicago.
Canton, O., Aug. 21. Garrett A.
Hobart, Republican nominee for vlco
president, arrived In Canton this fore
noon, accompanied by II. II. Kohlsaat,
editor Chicago Times-Herald. It Is
understood the two candidates arc
considering their letters of acceptance.
McKlnley's letter will be given out
about Thursday.
Maine Republicans.
Old Orchard, Me., Aug. 25. The
Rcnubllcnns of Maine, according to
custom, held a grand rally hero this
afternoon, at which were gathered
thousands from all over the state, as
well as other parts of New England.
Among the speakors were Hon. Thou
B. Reed and Hon Leo Falrchlid.
Washington Gold Dems.
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 25. State
convention of gold Democrats met In
this city nt noon. After tho organ!
zfltlon and appointment of commit
tees they adjourned to 2 p. m.
Piatt Refuses.
Saratoga, Aug. 25. Thomas C.
Piatt this morning refused positively,
to allow the use of his name in con
nection with the gubernatorial nomi
nation. He said he would not accept
It If nominated.
Fleeing for Their Lives.
Channino, Mich., Aug. 25 Tho
city of Ontonagon, Mich., Is burning
and the people aro Meelng for their
lives. A special train has been 6cnt
from Green Bay.
New York, Aug. 21. Tho Herald
this morning published the following
correspondence from Santa Ana,Cuba,
under date of August 13:
In speaking or the attitude or the
United States toward Cuba and tho
possibility of President Cleveland re
cognizing tho belligerency of the In
surgents, General Gomez said:
"I have forbidden the discussion of
tho subject In my camp. For weeks
men fairly held their breaths waiting
word from Washington. It wns a
waste of time. Long ago I realized
we must light this war nlono and un
aided. We can win our Independence
whllo the executive of tho United
States Is considering the question of
our possiblo belligerency.
"I liavo no doubt of the sympathy of
the American people as a whole. In
fact, I have tho best ovldcncc of tholr
good will. Many Americans are light
ing In my ranks, and good, truo men
they aro. Tho chief of our artillery Is
an American from Boston and no
braver man lives."
"How long do you think the war will
"1 prefer not to appear iu tho guise
of a prophet. I leave that to General
Woylcr," was tho response.
"You nro confident of success In the
"As certain of It as I am that Cuba
Is an island, but I must fight tho
battle my own way. I know that wo
aro called gucrrllas; that somo pcoplo
marvel because we prefer to tight
from ambush, but wo are In this war
to win. Ammunition isscarcoand I
think 1 know how to use it to advan
tage. Cuba is ours now. It Is truo
the Spaniards hold most of the sea
port cities and some of the Interior
towns, but In tho latter they aro get
ting very tired. Wo don't let them
stop much, and now wo will seo that
they do less. Tho city of Puerto
Principe Is hungry now; Guaraulnu Is
suffering and Victoria do las Tunis is
nearly starved. Sabancu Is a'u..n
dotted. Tho cattle of Camagucy and
Santiago dc Cuba provinces aro out of
tho reach of the Spaniards, and from
this tlmo forth thcro will be no more
carrying of fruit and vegetables into
tho cities by pacllicos. Wo will have
no more paclllco,. Every man on this
Island must bo for Cuba or ror Spain.
"I have requested tho French coffee
growers who did not care to take up
arms for common liberty to take a
little vacation In France. Some have
obeyed. It will not bo for long. If
they remain unmolested by my forces
Spain will grow suspicious and de
stroy their estates as slto lias those of
Americans whom I tried to protect."
"Will there bo this coming fail any
exceptions made In your order against
grinding cane?"
"Not one," replied the general.
"Nothing will bo tolerated whlnli will
yield revenue to Spain. Lack of
money Is Spain's weak point, and I
am going to take advantage of It. I
have no desire to destroy property but
Cuba must be free. But I will hayo
no moro of barter, Communication
between the country and cltlcH held
by Spanish troops Is now cut off und
will so remain. Their only hope of
relief must come from convoys, and
over waiting for the enemy's convoys
are our ambuscades.
"All our lights are not from ambush,
however," he continued. "The bat
tle of Saratoga, which lasted four
days and nights was anything but an
nmbiish. Vieuenil CatellunO lutil morel
than 2000 man while wo made the at
tacK with a forco of less than GOO; not
my old trained veterans, wlio I loft in
the West, but comparative recruits,
hastily got together in Cnmnguey.
"The Spanish tired 55,000 rounds,
according to their own report. We
tired about 12,00. There wero nearly
300 graves, only 14 of which were Cu
bans, and yet, according to Havana
icports, they always drive us out of
our camps, kill many and capture a
quantity or our ammunition. My
men may not bo possessed or superior
maikmauslilp, but they lire at a hol
low square or at a mass, while our
lines, being bo extended, permit most
or tin: Spanish bullets to pass between
"They say we won't come out and
light," said General Gomez, with n
laugh. "Why have they built a wlro
fenco around tho city of Puerto Prln
clpe ir not to prevent our chasing
them Into their holes V"
Astoria's veteran exempt firemen
are forming n company.
Tho lVndloton brewery has been
sold to Washington pnrtlcs.
Baker County will bo roprcsontcd at
at St, Paul by a largo exhibit of min
eral product.
Snow fell In the mountains cast of
Long Creek, iu Grant county, last
Monday, wnicli is rather unusual for
A correspondent In tho Albany
Democrat complains or seven saloons
that aro being conducted up tho O.
C. Si E. road that pay no license.
Tho next public holiday In Oregon,
as provided by an act of tho legisla
ture of 1893, Is labor day tho first
Monday In -September. It Is a non
Judicial day.
Tho cannery on tnoSliotz, at Kern-
vlile, Is now In operation, and has al
ready packed several hundred cases
or salmon. The tlsh are said to bo In
very good condition.
Tho woodwork on the building for
tho Liverpool Hour mill ut Corvallls
Is now comptcted and a forco of mill
wrights nro now fitting up tlto ma
chlncry of tho mill.
Tho Bltto Mountain Telophono &
Telegraph Company's lines, poles,
right-of-way, franchises, etc., aro ad
vertised to bo sold by sheriff of Uma
tilla county, on Saturday, August 20.
It Is reported that Tho Dalles will
havo another dally paper. It will bear
tho title Dally Dispatch, and will
commenco operations tho first wcok In
September, with J G. Mlllor editor
and proprietor.
Southern Oregon buyers are still
shipping -thousands of sheep to San
Francisco by tho coasting steamers
Allco Illanchard and Empire. Tho
steamers tako down about 1000 each
trip. Port Orford Is tho principal
shipping point.
Mm. M. M. Ishaui, a pioneer lady,
died In Harrlsburg yesterday. Ilcr
death was sudden, as slio had always
enjoyed thobostof health. Mrs. lsliaui
was a most estimable lady, and well
and favorablo known. Sho leaves four
child red to mourn her death,
The city marshal of Union, Or., has
decided to en forco the law which
does not permit stock to roam at largo
in tho streets or tho city. He made
his llrst raid on tho trespassing stock
last Wednesday and captured 50 head
Iu various parts of tho city.
Rival Lovers Settle an Affair
Various Othor Items of Interest
of tho Day, ,
ig. 25. Geer
Tliuos aro livening up at tho Locks.
Tho contractors have begun drudging
at the upper end of tho canal, and
havo put 40 stonecutters at work. Tho
recent high water uncovered a Mne
quarry or grault on tho bank of tho
river Just north ot the stono shed,
which Is being prepared for the Inner
walls of tho canal.
Hop contractu for 110,000 pounds
havo thus far been tiled with tho Linn
county clerk. In years heretofore but
few hops havo been contracted In this
country, but this year the Inability
of growers to obtain picking money
has compelled them to contract. A
number of yards havo noobcon culti
vated, tho owners not intending to J
MADISON, J'lll., AUg. 2.). uoorge
Page and Will Morgan, young men
living near here, Saturday night
fought one or the most remarkable
duels on record. For six months Page
and Morgan haye been rivals ror the
affections of a pretty young lady.
Last night both attended a dance at
which tho young lady was present.
Her conduct soon drovo the rivals to
desperation. Finally Page invited
Morgan to accompany him for a walk.
Morgan consented and ns soon as they
were outsldo Page proposed that as
each was armed, they take each other
by tho loft hand and shoot out tho
quarrel, tiio survivor to take the girl.
Morgan agreed, und thou with loft
hu.nds clasped they drew pistols and
they began Mrlng. Eacli man fired
live shots. Whon friends arrived
Morgnn was found dead and Page was
Fought Out Their Quarrel.
Oakland, Cal., Aug. 25. Frank
Dclato nnd Antone Johnson, two
muscular young mon, of Hnywards,
fought 20 vicious rounds, nt Heller's
ranch, yesterday afternoon. Tho light
was stopped by aBhcrllT's posse, and
Its action saved Johnson from a
knockout. Tho young men quarreled
somo tlmo ago over n young lady, and
the agreement to fight was realtcd a
fow weeks ago, They both trained
and all tho details wero arranged In a
manner qulto conventional.
Both mon weighed In at about 120
pounds, and tho light was lively.
Johnson did all tho landing, In the
first fow rounds, and In tho Mfth
scored a clean knock-down. Dclato
recovered and In tho sixth shut one of
Johnson's eyes with a straight left.
Ho followed it up, and until tho 14th
hammered Johnson all over tho ring,
punishing him terribly. In tho 14th,
spurred by his frlends.Johnsoti fought
vory roughly. In tho 15th Delate
was again to tho front, and until tho
Interference came In tho 20th, had
(things nil his own way.
Fatal Sparring Bout.
Van Buhen, Ark., Aug. 25. While
sparring Emslo Williams was hit on
the loft breast by Will Chirk and sank
down and died Immediately
For Crlmnal Assault.
Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 25. A
young man named WllllamParkhlll
was arrested for making a crlmnl as
sault upon a nine-year-old girl mimed
Lily Frank.
Murdered by Tramps,
Fort Worth, Tex., Aug, 25. Sat
urday, two tramps went to a section
houso near the Texas line, and mur
dered Mrs. Halloran, wife of tlto sec
tion foreman, robbed tho houso of 8u
und $1500 In pay checks of the Foit
Worth Ss Denver, and fired thoscctlon
houso, which wns destroyed, partly
cremating Mrs. tlullorun'sbody. This
Information comes from tho Eort
Worth St Donver olllco, and u later
message savs one of tho trumps wcb
Circulate Bryan's speech.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
R$tI Powder