S-TTir'iPi-tHWjJ ID w !"" HfMf 'I " "? ? IVlerit .Merit talks" tbo I I -fc lntriB.!c value of 1 1 1 If C nonH'aSftreaparllla. mm w Merit In mcdlclho moans tho power to euro. Hood's SaraparlllapOMieaBoa actual I .-a nncauallcd curativo powor and thoro- I foro It has truo merit. Whon you buy" Hood's Sarsaparilla, and tako It according to directions, to purify your blood, or curoanyof tho many blood diseases, you Ke morally certain io rccolvo benefit. Tho power to cure Is there You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drlvo out tho germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build upthowholosystom. H DIM J s Sarsaparilla It the best, In fact the One Truo Blood Purifier, prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. u ai DSIle D? not purge, pain or HOOU S rlHSgrlpcljuggrsts, 2S. ILLINOW DOUBTFUL. Our Chicago Correspondent on the Silver Situation. CHICAGO, III., Aug. 20, 1800. The silver sentiment In Illinois la causing the Republican utatc and national committee considerable anxiety, and tliey have begun to work to stay the tide. Tons of literature are belntf sent out, and -xccmlngly, parties have been hired to argue tbc question among tlio people Individ. ually on street wlterever object les sons are given, business places, shops and factions at noon bours, parks, public places or all kinds, streetcars and suburban trains, to attempt to foment a favorable gold sentiment. Tliey wight Just as well stay a tidal wave, like that which swept over Japan not long ago, as to stem the silver wave. It Is bound to engulf tho opposition. It Is so deep Bcatcd and the people want fair play. Free coin age of silver Is bound to come. Illi nois Is no exception to the rule, and the "crime of 1873" is seen In the right light, ready to chooso tho right cause. They do not bellevo that tho Rothschilds should control Its own, and use tbc metal for money she has the greatest supply of. That tho Rothschilds and other money lenders should buy bonds payable In coin and then demand gold, and bring about legislation to stop colnngo of one metal to raise tho valuo of the other, thus making the national debt more dlillcult to pay Is repugnant and a national wrong. Why are they not satisfied? Hav ing already iuado a good bargain they want to double it, thus overreaching themselves. It would bo n national dishonor to submit to such robbery. The voters of Illinois, If I mistake not,are not so gullablo as all that. Ml Just after tho nomination of Bryan andScwall, stato commlttemun Jam ison gave an Interview, statlug Illi nois was a doubtful stato, tho silver sentiment at that time was of such proportion, that It was very uncertain IfMcKlnloy would curry tho state unless they get down to solid work from that tlmo on. In the estimation of your corres pondent it is very uncertain which Nrty will carry Chicago. If straws e to be regarded, test votes In fac tories, shops, mercantile establish ments, etc., McKlnley certainly has the best of it. If tho wearing of emblems denoting their truo colors, McKlnley buttons ure anywhere from three to one to ten to one, In the lead. B"t if Indications are taken where he l's Bryan Is ahead. The labor congress took action Sun kj, the 17th, upholding the action of the Federation of Labor, by declaring ' silver, and passing resolutions to that effect, while the Trades Assent- upheld the gold standard In their meeting on the same day. Two of the members of the last named organiza 'K P. J. Mass and M. R. Grady, are JJ to Mexico In the Interest of tho Jimes-nerald, to write up labor con o'tlons there under the silver stand- tf' There was opposition to giving them credentials, but letters of Intro "action were secured. At the same . ' Ule labor congress passed a reso tlm denouncing the Republicans appointing Henry 0. Payee. an myof organized as well asunor ttnlied labor, for his prominent con "lQ with the Milwaukee Street KIlayCo..fl-.,ri !.. ...- m... i, .--.... b niuowinu. Alio &AJ!W,y oted to investigate NwVimL.0, forBery of James ' ' U3tne to letter of the president of tho Street Railway Union, cxnner utinir Mr. Payne. One df the large clnlhlng lliuisof the city, nnruc not given, the mem bora being gold men, put ballots to' their mn, favoring gold or silver, but seeing It was a coeicho scheme, and chary of their position, voted willdly for gold. One of the men remarked concerning it: we Know better than to rote our honestconvlctlons. Our positions and tho chance to earn bread and butter for our families der ended upon It. But thanks to the Australian ballot we will be able to vote as we think at tho polls next JSovcttibor. L. IVriU'iiiiiiun it i uri trmmnmihmutiiHH.. """" Lm i ri M,t,M'in"'''H,'i"iin'iiii i itntirrmirWH !" ' '. , ill'-' Deafness Cannot De Cuicd by local applications! as tliey cannot reach tho diseased portions of the car. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies, uearncss Is caused by an imiumeu concilium or. tne mucous lining or tne isustueiiliin tube, when this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, und when it Is entirely closed, Deaf ness Is tho result, and unless the Inllaimitlon can be taken out, and this tube restored to Us normal condl tlan henrlng will bo destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars foruny case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir cular: free. F J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, O. 3-Sold by druggists, 75c. The many imitations of HIRES Rootbeer simply point to its excellence the genuine article proves it. K4t nlj kf Tin Charlca K. Hire. , rhllndtlnhla. X lit. M't'M ukM I itllout. Hold tirb. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. dL nnru-TTc CASTOR AVcedablePrcparattonror As similating IhcIbodnndRcgula ling ihc Stomachs nndDOT-cls of PromotesDigcslion,Ckcrlul ncssandltcst.Contains neither Opium.Morpliino nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Utape ifOldVrSXKUELEtTCBm Jlmiphn SaJL JlxSamt J(vtmint . JAOrttnSUt Unkijrem fUiw. A perfect Ilcmcdy forConsfirva lion. Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoca, worms .oonvuisionsjcvcrish ncss ondLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW -YORK. EXACT COPrOF WRAPPEB. .v.'f.A THAT THE FAC-SIMILE , SIGNATURE OF yfficucJUte IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF CASTORIA Oiltorla ii enl no in one.it: Wlln nn1. Tt ill not ioM la bulk. Don't allow anjons to tell yon anything elto on the plea, or promise that it it jnit at good" and "will amwer trerj- pur- poie." 3r Bee that you get O-A-B-T-O-E-I-A. Ill fas- KrnUt j7X S1T . sr lit r .. . Mr Mjt s j i ' -w -- yiisXfvJCrSj'J:jjjr iritr 'Jtr. Of KOSSKEa llBlll tlpitaii V It n trirr The LIo Nnfled,' ' ' ' Wm. J. Bryan, on'Tuc'sday, mado an ofllclal dcplal t6tlio' charge pref-j fercd by that cohtcmptable hireling of corporations Hnd'tool of monopoly, Senator Thurston, of l7obra8ka. Tills contewptable wind bag, Jn a recent; speech, made the assertion thatM. Bryan was lir the'pay of tho'sTlvcr mine owners. Of crsed" sensible man believed these cbiifges,as the gold bugs havo been carrying on a cam paign of lies and mud; and as they havo no argument, they aro com pelled to keep on lying. Mr. Bryan closes his denial with tho following challenge: "If the Republican na tional committee say officially that I have ever been employed to deliver speeches by a mlneowner or group of mlneowncrs, or by any association operated by mlneowncrs, I am ready to niako a statement showing In do tall all money received, by mo, for speech-making." Can anything be fairer, or did any party over receive a fairer or more gentlemanly answer than his answer to them? And now what will tho mud machines com' menco on next? Stayton Times. LAWN MOWERS. HAY RAKES, MACHINE OILS and AXLE GREASE GRAV BROS., Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, OR, flAiJiPM unci? LAWN SriUNKLERS.: SALEM, DICYCLE3. SUNDRIES. The Willamette Hotel. LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY. Retluced'rates. Management llDeral. Electric cart leave hotel for allpublIcQbulldInr;t tnd.powts of interett. Special ratet will be gien to permanent pntront. A. I. WAGNER -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- B CHANSEN, MANAGER. Onlvcood hortet used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stable back of State Insurance block Information that informs. m vITtT WSf MP rmmmn A card on the outside of of fice door says: "Gone to lunch. Be back in ten minutes." And, the man will be there on time. That Is. for some days. weeks or even months, he will. Then be will be at home occasionally for a day. He'll tell you he had a headache a turn of chol era, morbus, or mavbe he'll aay be had a lump in bis stomach and felt too miserable to move. The lump vras probably two or three ten-minute lunches condensed. They were hurried in, but they were taking their own time about getting out, or even " moving on." ThU Is a great mistake, but as long as there'D life there's a chance to rectify fflIstlce' ... . The man who bolts ' his lunches will find Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best friend he ever met. The Pellets " say not hurry a much as the man does, but they will do the work for which they are Intended surely--prompUy effectually. There 1 atlpaUoH, Indigestion, heart-burn," or any of the rest of the night-mare breed ing brood, that these little " Pellets " will not cure. They are not disagreeable to take, neither are the effects disai Hn If vou are coinc cast and want to know what the trip will cost, when you will reac your destination and why you thould take the Uurlinoton to Omaha. Kansas City. Chi cago, St. Louis .and points beyond, write to tne unaer signed and receive by return mail a letter giving you JUST EXACTLY the iniormatton you need. A.C.SHELDON, G.A., roitland.Or. ijrreeable. They are gentle laxative, iney cure pcrmw ncnUy. There's no danger of forming a "Pellet habit." Therefore, you don't Mcome a slave to their use. Send at otte-eeat sUsps to cover cot or milling only, aad receive abiolatelri'ni, Xr. PiercV Cohbo Sense Medical Ad. riser, and fold out now to keen yourtelf and family kalthy. The book contains icoU pases, over 300 illustrations and over 680,000 copies have been sold at fi.so each. , The new edition of 500,000 copies is to be jivea away absolutely free. It Is a veri table medical library, complete in one Yotame, Addreas, with sUmps, World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. coj Main Street, BaSalo, N. Y. mwnmwm PACIFIC R-Rr RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars. ElegantlDlnin" Cars Tourist Slecoinf Car To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, rarco, 'irand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena and Butte. TiiROllOH TICKETS To Clilcaco, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and all Points East an'l hown jtFor information, tlmecardt, Jmaps sn lickettcali on or wjlto THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS, . 265 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. A. D. Charlton, At. Gen'l. IPass. Act.. Morrison St.. corner Third J-ortland, Or. . ft 0. R. & N. CO. For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of the com plexion nothing eqoaU Fooi'a rowpia. TO THE EAST GIVES 'IHE CHOIC OF Two Transcontinental Route:. Via Spokane Minneapolis st'Pauland Den ver Omaha and Kansas Cliy.)fcLow rates to easternlclties. OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Fjancitco, Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland July, 26, 31 and August 5, 6, to, 15, ao, 35 and 30. Fare Cabin, $j steerage, Jj.jo. NVILLAMFfTE KlVFJHDIVISION. Steamers Ruth for Portland, Tuesday aud Friday, at 7:30 a. m. ForCorvallii Wednesday andSaturday at Steamer Gypsy for Poetland, Wednesday and Saturday at 7:30 a. m. For Corvallts, Monday and Thurtday at 5 p. m. Lowest frelcht and passenger rates. Ho and trip tickets very cheap. 'I ickett sold and baggage checked through to all points with out extra transler charges. For full details call on Boise & Barker agents, Salsm, Oregon, or address. E. M'NEILL, l'res. and Manager. W. II. HUKLUURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or For full details call on or address G. M. POWERS, Foot of Tradest. Local cnt LODD POISON nrnl m fJ Vtlmirr.tiA. A DrTtlilAI-l loaUrjorTw Utry ir-OOU 1 OI8OM prmanntl cured In 16 loSJ dj. You can b trtaud ait homo for nmi price under am earn raa- v. if nn nrfptofioinahara wwllleoA. tract to car railroad f ueaad boul bllluna Boakarc. I f ws f all to for 1 1 ou hare UMa met' carr, fodldo potaib, aod aUU tiara aebaa mai uiiM. MiwoHaWtcbea la ropoth, Hore Throat, flraples. Copper Colored 1 Mpota, Utc oa tcr Irt ol Iho&aT, Halt otKrebramUlUam eutTtt t tola Secondary MLOOU fUJUrOJI ruriuw. to cure. We aollclt tb noHanC Mle caM and cliallenre tke world tor lUif aaniia w mmm P (local W fB&&S8B&&!5 $100 wsrih he 10c. 'isBSsnw luKdlMUkfiaMnii4tMkuaiMk ZTLtt IU UMllHiiiu bMUit rfmsssrv.mx i r. i Him sacttTN. 5? - ttBRWBH rj ij5iiii. fl PAPER t Sv . ' $frtt$. w a -ft" j t ! ,'t. I ", CUic y. The Great One Cent Silver Daily-The Only AssociateduP?ess 'Ai Silfif riailv. v...w. Jm . , . . 4 i Ufa 1 ' .; I, il! .' 'i t i- ...T ' "i ' t OX) "V 1 Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year--.-teMipi( J POST THIS BILL. Cut this out nntl post up In a conspicuous placowlioro It will bo seen. All tlio associated press pnpers In Urcgon, except TI1E JOURNAL, nro publlsbcu in tlio interest of tho yold Btandard. Send 25c In silver for the dully one month. The Oregon Press Monopoly Will not treat tlio restoration or silver fairly. It will not toll tho pcoplo tho truth. It daro not, Tako a fair paper that gives tho peoplo's flldoiiB well as tho Wall strcot Ride. Are You a Patriot? Help your country by clrculutltitfltho onlyJAssoclatcd Tress Dally In Oregon that advocates Independent Bimetallism. All tho now8 or tlio great battle oM'iO"icoplo 'forflBllvcr. Advo cutcs tho llluiotalllo Union of all wlioiaro opposed to tho hIdkIo Kold standard. Do You FavorE.Un.ty and Harmony as tho.watchwordof tho icoploofiOreBoii? Subscribe for the Capital Journal ! Dailyjthirty daysffor asilver quarter, Each Issuc'a'complcto history of tho -day and a gatllng'sKUii of arKumcnts for tho people's cause. CD READ! READ! READ!! Tlio pcoplo are charged with Ignoranco by tho uold press. This Is u false cliurKo. Wlieicvcr tho cause of frco colnaiio or gold and silver 10 to 1 Is most discussed and best understood It Is most pop ular and strongest with tlio pcoplo.l Sixty Days for 50 Cents. If you can't talk or wrlto for sllvcrread-'and mark -articles and Knurl them to voiir nulirhborti and friends sixty hot shot for GOc.! Clieanest nolltlcal ammunition in tho country. Send a silver quarter or half dollar and try-It. Tho people must bo educated und it Is your duty to help dohls work for humanity. a 3 1 ' r .1 a-i t alono owing currency WE DON'T WANT GOLD but wo want both'KoItl and stiver. Thero Is not gold enough In our country to pay onc-twenti o th 1 V m Bin i hls country. If yiu want wpufllutlon wlvocato tho bTiibIo Bold standard. It means contraction mS, dcstructUmof vaftics, und repudiation. ilnvestlBato and you will bo convinced. . Eiq, ; , , HQFES 'i SSL 13 1 .a 3 riOi JL. C Vi i. t i - it Iff- a. I -r. Mj Publial-xers. Salem, Or. JL ittommmtiAr' irr -sisMkih-rsH-iifYii - ffi)..i-ta