..A.to T.TCTTKK. Why doca'nt sho teach hliu to give inuiiL-eu uisucii nm tiers, unci Incu h WJJ"" --; Some Remarks Concerning Politic. " catc clurltablc 8p!rlt ,n t,,p cl1(f f35 V,1111U1CI icllef to sec tuai men who ylla will be ii nice person to have us u rult-VulMti- around, when he Is grown, u III he not? In such a family you will Ihul Unit, tliuiish cadi child has his own toj, one hair brush and comb doe-duty for tho entire family. Why not teach H Is a ..,iL' iiohtlts" ure, (Io'I)lll(, t .mi old UUltHof abusing and Uilllgl.li. m tl,l'r bc,,,M,c of ,.., Ami while It is gratifying to ..... .T,.ti im loss Influence on L !"st mn ft.iii.erly. it makes t"' o share their playthlnbut to u upp.ri.en.lvo. and wc . individually, such article, a. .enliocondaded that there I. ' nf ualrbruslm and coiubs. M0IHl.li - ... . Lnt, CMPll Imvn ii nlima fi I. to 1...1 Issue at HitiKu, eisoj '"" " ",o uiu"k- for a moment, K ' " "" sur1'' ,,n(l 1M,!" llleni to oiverve order In placing them. r-J ' ' "" 'I P ttllflinilinmmtintim... ' H in -m-nini.n IIHI H rTM erv Important i,a tiifii would "ever aiumlon lllL' cvcr-varylmr pleasure and lntoitst of m-illng all past deeds or rijd.t :iii'l wrong, (mid especially ronI" committed by the nominee or his supported. Xo, men mi etui ill ng their attention to tlio "Miincy question.1' Some of tiicin iiiuli'istand It thoioughly, sonic think they do; but to tho greater pur cent or them It It. Greek, and the phMM.' "10 to 1," Is an especially dir llcult pango. Tho most or tho men Know as little about its moaning ns We women do, and wo arc not sup posed to know anything at least, about politics, or what Is best for our country. Most men think we should be content, too, to allow Ignorant Tiniinns and lnur-urcu inuians to help form our laws. Same of us arc not. True, we know we've enough clscto occupy hand and brain. The aicrage woman Is a combination of cook, laundress, teacher and nurse, to jay nothing of seamstress and a great many other "esses." Nevertheless, most of us could find time to Instruct ouftclvcs In Intelligent balloting, and would doubtless makou greater suc cessor It tlinn an Ignorant foreigner, and would not place so great a pecun iary value upon our vote. But then! this Is the old debate of "woman's rights." Somo of us want to vote, and say soj others do, and say they don't, because they can't; and yet others don't care whothcr thoy can orcan't. Tho first uro tho sort of women who are very angry for u few minutes, and then are sunny temp ered again; the second aro tho sulky sort, who are provoked If they can't have what they want, and aro too proud and sullen to a9k twice. And the last? 0, they aro tho "contented" sort. Deliver us from many of 'eml If wo women were voters, I think we would devote a few hours to learning what "10 to 1" means, Instead of standing on tho street corners and harping on the trouble that will fol low the adoption of tho "gold stand ard," or tho good that will follow a deatributlon of "frco silver." A man told mo a story a few days since which I would never have told on another, were I a man, I would bo so ashamed of him. Ho said ono man said to another, "Why, if wo get a distribution of frco silver ntthorato of 10 to 1 every man nnd woman will receiver $10, and each ono of their children $10, and I tell you, I'll ote for free silver every tlmol I now which side of my bread Is buttered." Well, I doubt it, don't jou? There Is one comforting assur ance, however, and that is this; although that man's children may not know any more about tho re pectlve sides of their sllco of bread wueo they aro born, their mother will probably bo able to instill a llttlo knowledge in their respective brains. She can at least teach them not to lick the butter all off tho ono sido, nd then howl because they must men cat tho dry bread. And when tlleyget to bquabbllng over a chair, uf them squalling- because tho olher Is In his chair, she can and ould. make them understand that toey must not be selfish. She must "mberthat they aro embryo politl dws.aud must eliminate such selfish traiu from their characters for tho uks of household peace und tho future good to their nation. We all know of fauilles where noth ia Is used in partnership, nnd no chlld 18 compelled or taught to give "P to another under any circumstance. has his swing, his wagon and nm, and there has to be afullsup Wy. of every variety, of toys brought the house, if one encroaches upon e other's territory, in even tho ll8htst degree, there Is a row and it "only settled by the mother saying ow Johnny you get right out of mmy'a chair, you've got one your hotVrnbing0Just ,L ,n,t alddoa't Teuch them habits of personal uout ness. They learti very young thafot e of tho iirst qualities, of ladyhood, Is nnitly combed hair. Not long since a childish conversation, was over heard, which will serve to Illustrate this point. One of the nclghboi's vuuuiuii imu uuuii piaying wiiii n bright llttlo girl, of six, who was seated drumming on the nhitm. "Now," said she, "Play you were a lady come to visit mo and you were going to sing, but wait a minute and I'll get u brush and brush your hair," Und disgusted with the dirty race and unkept hall, the little thing darted Into her mother's room and got her brush and was soon en deavoring to improve the appearance of tho other's hair. I'll venture she afterwards lecelved some private In struction, regarding the proper rare of hair brushes. To the parents the blame Is mostly due of bad hublts formed In child hood. A dear old lady said sho taught her children how to eat In a manner becoming a human being by giving them, when small, a dish deep enough so that If they could not otherwise capture an elusive morsel they could get it next the side of tho dish and easily push It into their apron. "Wo cannot expect a child's pudgy little hands to bo very dextrous in the use of a spoon. This grandma said, "It almost makes me cry to sco a hungry child come to tho tnblo and try to dip anything from a shallow plate. First they know it's over tho side nnd they aro scolded for soiling tho cloth. Then tho little things watch their chance, und in go their lingers, and a largo mouthful Is crowded onto tho spoon, and as It Is conveyed to tho hungry mouth, tho oyes aro watching tho mother, momentarily expecting dis covery, and u reproof for taking 'such largo bites.' It Is an Insult to a child.'" Give thoni a bright llttlo pan shallow, with perpendicular sides, then thoy can tako a reasonable sized mouthful and not bo starving or cramming, and aro not taught a les son In deceit. Sho is right, as any mother wllUsco when sho gives tho matter a llttlo thought. "When tho youngster has become somewhat deft, his llttlo tin "trough" can bo exchanged for some thing more elegant, but do let them cat in comfort. And don't let them have "pie, tlrst," or allow them to eat the Jam and leave tho bread, or thoy will become "ring polItIclans,"Jand there aro too many now. v"vJ Mi Mahion. CASTORIA Arc6c(ablcFrcparationiorAs simitatlng ikFoodandRcgula ting ihcStamachs andBowcls of Promotes DigcsllonXhccrful- ncss ana licst.contalns neither Opium.Morphinc norlflncral. Not Narc otic. KavtefOUtlk-SAKCELBWam JlxJmna tninSttl Jlrnrmuit -JnortanaltSti IHmSttti - UriUyrun fUtv. A perfect Itemedv forConstirvj. tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, iiuiio,uiivuu)iuiu,revtTJ5ii- ncss cndLoss or Sleep. TflcSimllo Signature of NEW YORK. IZAVUH fi&tim A mirror could not lie if it wanted to. ?he Rims lias noth nsr to rain by flat tery. If the roses of health and plump- utu of beauty are leaving' your face, your mirror will tell you so. You can see lor yourself you are In danger of losing the admiration which Is every wo man's due. You may not really real ist it, but health Is the greatest beautl- fier la the world. Lotions, plasters, creams and cosmetics cannot make as good a com. plesion as health can. They cannot bide the atory'of Ul-bealth. Thty merely era; pbaslxe it Health, shows In clearness of eyes and skin, in redness of Jips and vivao Itr of manner and. expression. Disease i 8 roved positively oy lae aosence 01 laesc dngs. When a woman sees, the indica. tlons of M-heaUJi Utk ace, she may with almost absolute certainty loo ic lor ue ; cause Im am . Htl nt WA efttlfiitlOllA COtlliU patlon. and derangement 6f the organs dis tinctly fesslatee. Thes things & them. selves arc la Mate decree related, and nine tcaths of til tit lM of women come from them. tfr. itoce'a Favorite Preicrlp. Hon wilt cure pematly d positively any so-called ''fcrnHe Complaint" Dr. rierce'a Pleasant Pellets will Jure conitlpa, tlon. There is no reason in the world why a woman ahould not baoerfcetly Wealthy. It rests wKt kernlf. It, she will take these truly wonderful remedies, and follow a few hygienic measures, she may become per lectly stronff and healthy In sll ways. She wlUgaln In health, strength and flesh. Hollows and angles will give place to full. aess and grace. She will be that noblest and most beautiful of all creation- per. feet woman. All dmasrUU sell Dr. Pierce's .medicines, but If you care tp know more about them aad to know all of the grandest medical truths, send ai one-ceni suuap w cover cost of mailing only, and a complete copy of Dr. Plerce'a looB page book, "The People's Common Seff Medical Adviser" will be sent post-paid. It U a veritable medical library, complete In one volume. Several finely Illustrated chapters are de voted to the consideration of diseases of women and their successful home -treat, went Adfcess, World's Dispensary Med fcal AMeafctiee, Hi Xa& St, Sulo, N.Y. cxact copy or wrapped. i ? .'i SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF nrtT A IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEET BOTTLE OB1 CASTORIA Onitorla h nit an in cnt-iho bottlti enlv. Tt Is not told in balk. Dcn't allow almost to tell you anything tits en the plea or promho that it is Jnit si Reed" and "will answer emr dm. poie." S- Bee that yoa get 0-A.B-T.0-E.I.4. ' ' TtlBIIf. LAWN MOWERS HAY HAKES, MACHINE OILS and AXLE GREASE GRAV BROS.. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, OR. HAnnrM irnuc LAWN SPRINKLERS,; SALEM, niCYCLES. SUNDRIES. The Willamette Hotel. LEADING MOTEL OF THE CITY. Reduced'rfttes. Management ltoeral. Electric cars leave hovel lor nil publlctbulldtncs tndjpolnts of interest. Special rates will be ghen to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER -EXCELSIOR - STABLE E CHansen, Manager- Onlvcood hones used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stable back of State Iruurnticc block Our Service to the South. From hillings, Montona, and alio irom su t'aui, Route Minn., the maintains Duallncton throuQh train service to St.LouU IsiiiiB I sHHiiiH nuiuv there connecting in Union epot with an southern lines. rhc route via St. Louis Is the Mo Dei Tl shortest, quickest and In every way the kest to the south and southeast, and travelers who take any other do so without a thorough understanding of the fact, in the case. A. C. SHELDON, G.A., l'oitland.Or. N ejSKiaiMsK OflffSgg PAGIFK mM. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars ElegantiDinin" Qars Tourist Sleeoitifr Carb To St Paul, Minneapolis, Dalutb, iuo, Grand rorki, t.rooicsion, Winnipeg, Helena and Ilutte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, uosion, ana an i umw ;East and South HFor Information, tlmefcanll, maps an tickets, call on or writs THOMAS, WATT & CO. 0. R. & N. CO. E. M'NEILL, RECEIVER. AGENTS, j6s Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. A. D. Cbsrlton, Asst. Gen'l. JPau. Act., Morrison St.. corner Third Portland. Or. For Delicacy, for purity, and for improvement of tho com plexion nothing equals Poaioxi'a Powpan. TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOIC OF Two Transcontinental Route:, vor Omaha and Kansas Ciiy.yLow rate; to easternrcltles. OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Fiancisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland July, a6, 31 and August 5,6, to, 15, 20, 25 and 30. Fare Cabin, $; steerage, $2.50. WILLAMETTE RIVEltQDIVISlON. Steamers Ruth for Portland, Tuesday sud Friday, at 7130 a. m. For Corvallis Wednesday andJSaturday at 5 P'Im Steamer Gypsy for Poeiland, Wednesday and Saturday at 7130 a. m. For Corvallis, Monday and Thursday at 5 p. m. Lowest freight and passenger rates. Roond trip tickets very cheap. '1 (ckets sold and baggage cncckcu uirougu ia an poum wun out extra transfer charges. For full details call on Holse & Darker agents, Salsm, Oregon, or address. b ' V. H. HURL1IURT. Gep'l Fas. Agt. Portland, Or For full details call on or address G. M. POWERS, Foot of Tradest. LocalAgent lOPD POISON uaaBaiaiiajiIIaBWaMUWM A 8PECIAL.T YoS cored In 16 toU days. You can be treaisd ai borne for same trie naiet saint jrua ran. . ir.ntinnfrrtoeomahcrewswlllooau LrmM in n railroad rareand bote I bllljikS ebara. 1 f we f all to core. Itjoa havs Uieo aaer- enry. lodl&e rotaah, ana suis nave, arnts ana paJsa.Maeoasl'atches In ropnUi. Uorf Throat, I'lmplee, Copper Colored Bpots, Ulecrji oa MySoVthsr.UalrorKiybrow.fciUM. eutTu b tbU Secondary HLOOU t'OISOM SS rairanuo to cur.. We solicit tho moet oWi Bate casM ana eualleneo the world for m casaweeasBoteure. ailsdUeate baaalwan Itkta ti skill or the most euUaeat piiyri- li BO! ctens. es,tHM eepliu woina oar uoeonat. .njy- AKSvu-vAfvv7w"aJu reu '"'Ht..ri'jflJJLJ"vH pie. tyevjaww. u. UooalisariBir UpllCKtkon. in Xemple, t Si JsnaU S1QO w&rth fin IQo. SaW aBCI n DCAPI C'Q PAPER H The Great One Cent Silver Daily The Only Associated Press Silver Daily. - si A t Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year---Wee.klyJ,l. POST THIS BILL. Cut this out nnd post up In a conspicuous plnco whero It will bo scon. All tho nssoclaUitl press pnpors In Oregon, oxcopt THE JOURNAL, uro published in tho Interest of tho uold standard. Send 25c in silver far tho dally ono month. The Oregon Press Monopoly Will not treat tho restoration of sliver fairly. It will not toll tho pcoplo tho truth. It daro not, Tako a fair papor that gives tho pcoplo's sldons well as tho Wall street sldo. Are You a Patriot? Help your country by clrculatlnu.tho onlyJAssoclatcd Tress Dally In Oregon that advocates Independent Bimetallism. All the nows or tho great battle of thc-'pcoplo .forlsllvcr. Advo cates tho Bimetallic Union of nil who-aro opposed to tho single gold standard. Do You FavorUnity and Harmony as tho.wutchwordof tho pcoplciofiOrctfon? Subscribe for the Capital Journal I Daily thirty daysfor afeilvcr quarter. Each lssucacoinploto history of tho -tiny nndj nj ffatllng'Suun of arguments for tho pcoplo's cause. CZD READ! READ! READJ! Tho people aro churned with Ignoranco by tho gold press. This Is n false charge. Wheiovor tho causo of free coinugo of gold and Bllvor 10 to 1 Is most discussed and best understood It Is most pop ulur and strongest with tho peoploj Sixty Days for 50 Cents. If you can't talk or wrlto for Bllverl'rcud'Jand -murkl-artlcles and 8end them tt your neighbors nnd friends sixty hot shot for 60o. Cheapest political ammunition In tho country. Bend a silver (luartcror half dollar and try It. Tho people must bo educated und it Is your duty to help do.thls work for humanity. i ' alone owing currency WE DON'T WANT GOLD o but wo wunt both gold and sIlver.QThere Is not gold enough In our country to pay. one-twentieth of tho iJ In this country. If you want repudiation udvocato tho Blnglo gold HUindard. It means contraction of ency, destruction of values, and repudiation, ilnvestlgatonnd you will Ixj convinced. 'MOFER BROS,, our Ko4 is imtnut Utk uuu uHuit rasa uut Uiw kwuii lMtetuUBUiba. rfll4ll dsmr&xrMvsf& V ---u, Rublistxers, Salerr, Or.