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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1896)
TTTiWW - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. WU ASSOCIATE". D FRE&S DAILY. ypL. 8. SAL KM, OREGON SATUKDAY; AUGUST 2jJ, 18Jfi. Ko. ! GOLDITES IN INDIANA. Cleveland Will Uphold Boltocrats, the BUT THEY MAY WITHDRAW, Canadian Banks Don't Want Our Money. Washington, Aug. 22. -There Is excellent iiutliortty for saying that President Cleveland will write n let ter to wine friend at the Indianapolis gold standiud national convention, posing the cndorbcnient of McKIn- ! ley for his protectionist views and faulting the nomination of a Demo- I oral, wlm believes not only In mainte nance of the present gold standard, butiiN) for lariu lor revuuuu uiuy. n, lis Mid, however, he may Include the ingestion that It may be advisable .attcr on In tho campaign to with draw this third ticket, If It shall ap pear that the gold standard cause Is thereby Jeopardized. Don't Want Our Money. Tohonto, Ont.,Aug. 22. Tho banks of Toronto arc dally becoming more suspicions of American money. Not oneof them will accept any form of American money at par, to any great extent. Yestciday the uanK or Mon treal, in Montreal, refused to take (United States bill or silver from any lone. Bryan's Stumping Tour. I'ppkii Red Hook, Aug. 22. Every Indication was toward what Is a set tled fact that W. J. Uryan expects and lias loeii assured of Eastern sup port. Letters continue to pour In ask ing lilm to speak at Eastern points. Nearly every city of any size between New York nnd Chicago has asked him to mako a stop.and without exception the Invitations camp from Democratic leaders. Bryan snowed no surprise till morning at the stories that the New York state organizations had de cided to support him. Ho did reflect a little bit upon tho statement that Senator Hill had told Danforth that lie would support and work for him (Bryan). He said In relation to that questien: "It Is not Senator Hill's qustom to speak through others, und I doubt If Mr. Danforth gave out a statement! purporting to bo made by Senator Hill. The senator will probably mako lil own announcement." York Si 1s reclevlng goods or nil kinds direct from New York, bought from one of the largest establishments of tho kind In the world. AH their goods are bought for ensh, and sold for cash. Those buying from such a house get their goods cheaper than in an ordin ary tlroo Jiouse; that Is clear. Wo are also able to sell our goods at cheaper rates, that also is clear. Wo keep u luigo line of laces, em broideries, lace curtains, bed spreads, linen and -cotton towels, crash, table linen, ladles vests, and all kinds of underwear, corsets, white and work shirts, suspenders, hosiery, purses, combs, brushes, and n large line of notions of all kinds, call and see for yourselves, we sell at close prices. ybi najrivtf'j'r- lwvw . E.T.BARNES. It was said today, on very good authority, that Mr. Hill would" take part In the demonstration In honor of Bryan at Albany Tuesday night The statement needs authentication, how over. The receipt of a letter from Leader Sheehan, of Tammany, nsklng Brian" to speak In New York, added another chain to the circumstances leading up to proof of n thorough understand ing between Bryan and the New York nomocracy. The published statement that Itlehnrd Croker had approved Shec hnn's and Tammany's course In In dorsing Uryan caused the candidate a great deal of satisfaction. Today the party goes to the Tlvoll, where Mr. Bryan will speak, and on Sunday they will attend church. Monday they go to the Wlnnlsook club, in the Catskills. Saving McKlnlcy. Canton, Ohio, Aug. 22. About 2,000 farmers,mcrchantsnnd other artisans, of Mow Castlc,Elwood and other parts of Lawrence rounty,Petiiisylvnnlii,cul- led on McKlnlcy today. Hands played, and thousands of enthusiastic voices cheered, cannons boomed nnd steam callloplcs added noise to the medley. People stood In the rain for hour wav ing banners and beating tin helmets. Among the motto banners were: "Wo want back good old McKlnlcy times." "Wo want furnaces and factories started, not rich men's silver mines." "Honest money and a chance earn it." Visitors presented to McKlnlcy by ex Congressman Jackson. Bryan's Crowds. Uppek Hkd Hook, N. Y. Aug. 22. Tho Democratic piesldentlal candi date, W. J. Uryan, spoko at Tlvoll late this afternoon. It was tho first speech of Importance he has made since the Madison Square Garden affair. Bryan's list of callers has In creased every day. This morning a perfect stream kept coming and going Ills mall too, assumed tremendous proportions. Hoke Smith Has Resigned. Washington, Aug. 22. Tho Asso ciated Press is In a position to state definitely and certainly that Secre tary Hoko Smith . has resigned the cabinet portfolio und his resignation has been accepted by President Cleveland.' John M. Roynolds, second assistant secretary of the Interior -department, has been mentioned frequently as Smiths probable successor. Oregon Gold Democrats. PoitTLAND, Aug. 22. About one hundred and llfcygqld Democrats met at Arlon nnll today for tho purposo of choosing eight delegates to tho In dianapolis convention, September 2. Tho mcotlng was called to order by Racket Si . L. L. McArthur. Tho convention was organ ld by the election of 1,. L. McArthur chairman ami Anton Pfonner, of Forest drove, secretary. In accepting the chairmanship, Me-' Arthur commented on the absence of a political agltntor'those In whom, lust for olllce had stilled. every feeling of manly Indedendeuce." Ho could not accept the Chicago platform, Tor the reason that It departed from the true path of Democracy. Neither could he support McKlnlcy. Commit tees on older of business and rc-olu. tloim were appointed. The convention then look a recess tllll:.10p. in. When the convention reconvened, reports of the committee on thoso en titled to seats and order of business read and adopted. A committee of fifteen was appointed to recommend eight delegates, two from each con gressloual district and from the slate at large. Tue temporary organlza tlou made pepmancnt. The following were elected delegates to Indianapelis: C. E.S. Wood, L. L. McArthur, '.on Snow, W. M. Wlild- den, Multnomah;.!. II. Albcrt.Marlon; J. W. Bennett, Coos; E. G. Canlleld, Clackamas; E. R. Sklpworth, Lane. Bland in Maryland. Lauiikl, Md., Aug. 22. Tho Dem ocratic national campaign In this state wus opened In this city, tho home of Senator Gorman, tonight, ex-Congressman Bland, of Missouri being the principal attraction. Mr. Bland's speech was mainly devoted to replying to tho arguments against tho free coinage of silver at tho ratio of 10 to 1. Sliver Democratic Primaries. Kansab City, Aug. 22. In the Democratic congressional primaries, held hero yesterday, ex-Mayor W S. Cowherd, free-silver Democrat, car ried everything and will bo his party's nominee for congress. The gold Dcm ocrnts 'had no candidate before tho primaries. Ross1 Silver Speech. Chioacjo, Aug. 22. Prorcssor Ross, of Stanford university, Inst night de livered an address on coinago to a number of students of Chicago uni versity. Prof. Ross spoko for freo silver. This speech Is, perhaps, tho forerunner of many others yet to bo given at tho university on both sides of tho question. Severe Storm in South Dakota, Ciiamqeklain, S. D. Aug. 22. Re ports from a heavy storm last night, show that a number of houses havo been demolished. No lives lost. A cloudburst accompanied the storm. Ravines dry for mouths were soon rushing rivers. Considerable hall fell. '' Astoria's First Train, Astouia, Or., Aug. 22. A largo force of men are engaged In laying rails between Young's bay bridge and this city, and will have tho work com plete this evening. Tho cars will run Into Astoria Sunday morning, and the first excursion, leaving for the seasldo about 0 a. in., will bo given under tho auspices of tho Astoria football club. Burned to Death, San Diecio, Cal., Aug. 22. FIro de stroyed an old two-story lodglng-houso at First and I streets shortly before midnight and caused tho death of Nellie Bailey and probably of three other persons. At 1 o'clock this (Sat urday) morning tho remains of tho Bailey woman nnd an unknown man were taken from tho ruins. Launch Exploded. Maiishfikld, Or., Aug. Captain Wylle wife and Infant child lost their lives, early Thursday morning, by tho explosion of A. W. Reed's gasoline launch, of Smith river. SamSauyain, tho motorman, and Bert Rhodes returned last evening from a ten days outing at McPhllllps Beach. OASTOB1A. Tisiis- tills f! rutin PROGRESS OF THE VAR 4' Spanish Gunboat Captures Sloop. Insurgent Havana, Aug. 22. The .gunboat Agulta.whllc near a river oil Uio coast of the province of Pluar dcliRlo, cap tured a number of lusilrg'ehls con cealed on a sdoop. It Is supposed they wete hoveling near the coast for the purpose of exchanging confidential dispatches between some of the In surgent leaders. ) Americans" connected wltlf the In surgent army recently desfl-oVedtho railroad at lauding places 0( Oil vil lage of Banes. This is a port fiom willed the people or llolgiiin opium a considerable portion of thclrMlppllcs. An engine was burned and n Kumbcr of cars, as well as tho biggugo .stored In them, were destroyed. A.nrtjority of the Inhabitants are abandoning the village and taking refuge In the seaport town tif Glbrara. Reports from tho province of Plnar del Rio are to the effect that the Insur gents have taken Wills from the rail road tracks for the purpose of, throw ing upentrenehmentsnear TneoTaeo. It Is estimated that at least t;o kilo luetics of track havo been torn up. For this reason, passenger trains and two ficlght trnlns havo rtsturjiwl from Artesma and through trnlllcjbii tho railroad Is now Interrupted. Gapcro, a naturalized American citizen, alleged to bo an Insurgent leader of considerable prominence, has been served with paper by the Spanish authorities which will result In his transfer for trial to thcJSanta Clnra criminal court. He will be sent at once, accordingly, to tho Santa Clara jail, whero ho will remalp until the charges against him can bc heard by the Santa Clam Judges. Reinforcements or tho Spanlsli army arooxpectcd hero shortly. These re inforcements consist of 070 Infantry olllccrs and 34.382 privates, jfgirt; cav alry olllcors nnd -150 cavalrymen, 34 aitlllcry olllccrs and 1252 artlllcrymon 31 olllccrs In chargo or tho engineer ing corps and 1C40 men belonging to tho corps. According to olllclal advices re ceived here, Captain Leon del Monte, one of tho Insurgent leaders In the province of Mntauzas, has surrendered to the Spanish suthorJtlcs. Heavy Rain Storm. Milwaukee, Aug. 22. A special from Boscobel, Grant county, Wis., says the heaviest rain storm for many years, was experienced In that section last night. A small stream which winds through tho village, overflowed and swept away bridges, sldowalks and small buildings. Reports from nioomlngton Patch Grove and sur rounding towns, say much damage was done by water and lightning. A Portland Man Killed. Rock Spuinos, Wyo., Aug. 22. Her nlan EIcli was killed by tho eastbound passenger train In tho yards this after noon. Ho was stealing a ride on tho platform of the baggage car with u companion. A brakeman appeared and ordered them off. Though tho train was moving at full speed, EIcli let hluiBclfdown until his feet touched tho ground and let go, when It was presumed he fell. He was struck on the forehead by tho wheels and tho top of his head torn open, letting his brains out. Ills right arm was torn In shreds to tho Jihouldcr, Upon his person was found papers showing that ho was employed as a solicitor for tho FJro Brand, a socialist paper printed at Portland Or., and was on his wayito Omaha. Premature Explosion. . Pakuv Sound, Ontario, Aug. 22. While men were blasting a rock out near hero today a heavy charge of dynamite prematurely exploded. Two men named Smith and IIHIman were Instantly killed. John Olsen was Injured, and others seriously hurt. Everybody Is going to tho circus on a silver basis. OABTOIUA. Tit lit- liAllt THE WHEAT STEALING CASE. Hugh and F. J. EldncJge Being Tiled Today. Tho case ofstnto vs. Hugh and F. J. Eldrledgo charged with tho theft of 1,000 bushels or wheat and 500 grain sacks valued at .')2.)vnsicalcd before Justice II. A. Johnson ''fids morning. Tho complaining witness Is Vi Gouin. Attorney II. J. Bigger and Acting District Attorney .1. II. McNary ap peared for the state while the de fendantsjiavo retained J. A. Carson and W. N. Holmes as counsel. The case Is being very 'libtly contested. This morning the sorvlee of .1. C. Booth were needed as French Inter preter, one or tho witnesses beluga Frenchman win has not yet became acquainted with tho American tongue. At noon an adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock when tho trial was resumed. It Is not probable It will oo completed oeiorc late tins nrtcfc IIMIII. A decision will lu rendoied by Jus tice II. A. Johnson at TioVloik this artoruonn. Nakhow Escapes. As the 2:20 local was approaching tho dejMit tills afternoon, a boy of about soveu sum mers who had been standing In the mldt of the large crowd, on the plat form, started to cross t.ho track, not being aware how eloso tho train wns. W.J. D'Arey, tho brilliant young lawyer, who was standing near tho boy, managed to grasp his cxmt collar Just in time to Jerk him back from tho track lu time to prevent a fatal accident. Justaftcrtho circus proccssslon had passed up State street, a woman was struck by a buggy, at tho Intersection ofStato and Liberty streets, and knocked to tho ground, but fortunately sus tained no serious Injury. Nkaiily An Accident. When near Woodburn on her trip up from Port land last evening, tho Salem local came near meeting with an accident. Tho break beam of tho tender beenmo dqtached and dropped almost to tho track. Tho engineer discovered tho ttoublo at once and mado a quick stop when temporary repairs wcro mado and tho trip was continued. Had the beam dropped a few Inches farther, a serious accident would havo been In evitable. A Pleasant Event. Last evening artcr tho usual routine business had boon transacted, Willamette Tent No. 0, K. O. T. M. cnrrlcd out, successfully, a surprise they had plan ned for Queen Hive No. r, L. O. T. M. Tho Ladles wcro Invited In when they partook or delicious watei melon and enjoyed a season or social con verse. It wns a very pleasant occa sion and Ben Taylor, tho mall carrier, proved himself to bo tho hcro'of the hour. Tin: First Suit. President J. M. Wallace or tho Salem Wntcrcompany, who Is also a largo stockholder In tho Salem Woolen Mllls.thls morning loft an order with C. II. Lane, tho Salem tailor, to mako him a complete suit out of tho first cloth turned nut of tho Salem Woolen Mills Worsted Works, Thero Is nothing small about Mr. Wallace,whcthor It Is his subscription to a homo enterprise or tho amount of cloth It takes for a suit. NotCabt Out. Tho Soven Dovlls Mining and Real Estato company, of Baker Clty.stock 8120,000,1110(1 articles with tho secretary of state today. New Notauv. D. C. Southworth, of Portland, was commissioned by tho governor today. m Turkish Consul Murdered. Vienna, Aug. 22. It Is olllolally announced hero that tho Albanians murdered the Turkish consul at Vranlak,Servla, near the Macedonian frontier. The Diacovjiy Saved Ills Life Mr. G, Cailloutte, Druggist. Heaversvllle, III., says; "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried nil the physicians for mllei about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr.Ktng's New discovery in my store I tent for a bottle and began hi use and from the first dose began to get better and after using three bottles was up anil about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at Fred A. Legg's Drug Store. This Week, I will tltfcnd sell tho best Specks lu ; existence, for $1.60 and 92. Eyes tested Free. C. II Hinges, t 17 tf 215 Commercial street. Notice to Contractors. j Bids for tho erection of ii poultry building, at tho stato fair grounds, I will bo opened, ntmyolllco, Thurs-l day, August 20th, atl o'clock p. ni. T 0. H. BuitaaRAF, 18-2t. Architect. BRYAN CLUBS ORGANIZED. Tlie Movement Spreading all Ovet the County Thure Is a general demand among the Mends of Bryan that lion. W. T. Rlgdon -loply to Hon. T. T. Gcerat the armory some evening next week. Mr. Rlgdon Is one of the best posted speakers on the money question In Oregon. W. T. Rlgdon nnd Mayor Sherman organize a club at Eola this evening. AT ItUIIII.MlI. IIUHliAltD, Aug. 22 (Special) A rousing free silver and Bryan club was organized at this plnco last night with C7 names on tho roll, nearly all legal voters wo will swell the list to over 100 before tho campaign closes Hon. H. L. Baikloy, Dr. L. W. Gulss and G. W. Dluilck addressed tho meeting und the most Intense enthus iasm prevailed. II. J. Grim, an old wheelhorso Republican nnd veteran or tho Into war, was elected president. When W J. Uryan calls tho roll or loyal true Americans next, November Hubbard will answer with n big" Here! The olllccrs or tho Hubbard Bryan club are: S. W. Zchnor, soerctnryjJ. B. Dlmlck and O. .II. Bylaud, vice presidents; Geo. W. Dlmlck.treasurer. The armory could not bo pioctircd until l) o'clock, but that did not pro vent n grent demonstration or en thusiasm. otiieii places. At Chtunpoog n good club was organized en tho 10th and almost ovory voter at tho mooting signed tho roll. F. P. Morcom and Chits. Strain spoke lu an elTcctivo manner. Tho Huttovlllo Hryr.n mon will organize this evening, with II. L Barkioy as tho principal speaker. A club will be organinlzcd and Barkley will speak Wednesday night at Ma cleay. AT JEFFEUSON. Ovor 100 slgnors havo already been obtained to n Bryan club at JolTorson and next Friday night will bo organ ized, with a speech by Jas. K. Weath crrord or Albany and E. Horor or Salem. DETROIT. Dr. Cauthorn wlfo and daughter who' havo bcon camplrigMiehTfortlio past thrco weeks returned to their homo lu Portland this morning. Mrs. Peck, son nnd daughters will lcavo for tholr homo In San Diego California tomorrow. Thoy havo bcon visiting rrlouds und enjoying tho mountain air nnd scenery ror tho past thrco months, Elinor Whlto and Newt Fcrrol, or Salem, arrived horo Monday noon nnd proceeded onward toward tho Mt. Jefferson region tho snme day. Mr. Eugeuo Willis spont Sunday In this place. Mr. Willis was qulto III when arriving hero but after a good dnyd rest and mcdlcluo procured from Dr. Cauthorn ho was reeling much better, Mr. John Sltcsluger an omployco at tho saw mill mot with a distressing accident tho other day. Ono or his legs was broken In two plnccsandho was othorwlso bruised. It was fortu nate that Dr. Cauthorn was camping near us there Is no resident physician. Mr. Slteslngcr was taken to tho Port land Hospital by tho doctor this morning. Mr. Slater also met with an acci dent tit tho mill at Enterprise and was brought to Detroit to receive Dr. Cutithorusattentlou. Ho was severely cut ubout tho face and received a scalp wound. There was u dance at tho Hall Sat urday eve which was well attended. Chinch services woro held at tho hull last evening. Mr. Fox left hero yesterday to locate homo timber claims lu the mountains east of Lebanon for an eastern colony ornbout twenty families. Miss Carrie Haas and Miss Grace Dlnsmnre will leave on tho morning train for their Salem homo, Mr. Dlnsmoor will remain for a few weeks longer. Uuckleno Arnica Halve The best Salve In the world I for Cuts. Sores, Bores, Ulcers. Salt Kheum, aorci, ouic, vibe, tdi, tvucuiu, i-cici and all Tetter. Chapped hands. Chilblains. Kever Unties, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Live per fee satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cents a box For sale by Fred A Lege Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. IVvSi Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE GEER, OF MACLEAY, Talks Before the Working men's Club, HE IS ASKEDSOMEjQUESTIONS And Presents His Usual Evasivo Goldbug Answers. Hon. T. T. Peer v.n announced (0 speak at the Armory Frld'ayCovonlng bafore tho Salem Worklnjjmon Re publican club the regular. Salem campaign oigaulzatiou ror McKlnlcy and Hobart. Qnq.xyttuld,, gc tho Im pression rrom the title or this club that Salem was a great center of Inbol organlzatlons,but suoli Is not theense. Salem has no labor unions to speak of, many of tho people. Jiving, without la boring. Senator Patterson, banker B. P,Mc Cornack and bankor Z. F. Moody were well up toward tho Iront. At 9:10 Pre sident Earl Race nnd Jos. Foncs pro ceeded to tho platrorm with Mr. Gccr, who wns Introduced. "Come up this way gentlemcn,"sald Mr. Fones. "Thoro's plenty scats horo ror 25 or 30 or you." Tho scats were all taken, although thero was qulto a crowd about tho door, whoro they re mained. Thoro was 11 largo number of ladles present and somo had to stand all tho. way through. Mlt. OEEU'S TALK. "Coming from tho farm, I am glad to say 1 do not know all about this question. A great many boforo mo probably differ from my views, I do not feel that It Is necessary to abuse anyone." " A Democrat had asked him 11 he would treat htm well'lf ho came. Or courso ho would. Our pockets wero touched. Wo want n remedy nnd wo want It now. Let us got nt tho bot tom facts. TALKS AIIOUT MONUY. Times began to get hard with tho advent of the Populist party in this country. They mndo 11 concerted at tack on a certain class of our people the class who had tho wealth, tho money, tho bankers, tho millionaires, tho plutocrats, tho goldbugs. What was complained of? Money wns not lu circulation. Wo could only got it from those who had It. Wo can't get It rrom pcoplo who haven't got It. Tho rich always havo tho money. Tho money Is never In tho hands of tho poor. Unless those who opposed tho Republican party changed tholr tac tics, and quit lighting tho only mon who had money, we could got no ro ller rrom making war on tho rich. Times wore good about 1802, nnd changed to tho worso with tho advent or tho Democratic party under tho Cleveland administration. But now to change from tho Demo-' cratlo to tho Populist party wus like changing rrom a man who had Just got out of tho penitentiary ror theft to ono that was' Indicted for murder In the first degree. Mr, Gecr repented his argument that tho silver question was not the issuo In 1802 but that tho tariff question wns tho paramount question now. In 1802 thoro wero $45, 000,000 more of farm productsexportcd than tho year boforo. Ho would not dodge tho ilnanclal Issue. Ho was sur prised at tho amount of education tho peoplo all needed on this question. At North YamhlU a man had been led to bollovo that tho silver dollar was not a legal tender sdiovo $5. Ho roferretl IContlnucd on second nago. 1 W&Sm . )UtUI :4tt&ZZfiU . w v ! ; ., j ,trftel. C&s nmwws