Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 19, 1896, Image 4

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    Daily Capital Journal,
H Altona and Ramona
Po-tland, 6)45 ft. m.
ft Sdem7a.n1., xeept Sunday.
f Quick time, regular letvlce and cheap
J ....rates,...
ft Agent, Salem.
Jt Jfct Ji f - " ''
Your A! A
of any $1,00
$1,25 or $1,50
Straw Hat
For 506.
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
Charity for Ohio.
Franklin Ellison, n noUuy public at
Waggoner Hippie Post-otllco, Adiims
county, Ohio, writes on belialf of a
local relief committee to Gnvornor
Lord, asking aid for the Hood sufferers
of that region. The Ohio river has
destroyed the crops for many miles on
both sides of tho river, and destitu
tion iif quite prevalent. The relief Is
asked on the ((round that tho people
have often assisted stricken communi
ties In tho west. Governor Lord Is at
tho seaside.
Ukavy Mail. The mull curriers
arc very busy, these days, carrying
largo packages, of speeches In favor or
thoKokl standard money system, thut
nro being addressed by tho Itopubll-
can committee, nt Salem, to all the
voters, of this county Tho IK of
voters has been printed, In a book,
and about ten speeches nro sent to
each votor. This Is being dono all
over the United States.
IIauuwi Wool. Quite a largo
quantity of wool is being hauled from
tho Salem woolcm mills to tho "Water
loo mill, which Is a branch establish
ment of tho one at Salem, and during
theso dull times Is working right
along. Tho woolen mills at Albany
nnd Ashland nro also running day and
night, Mr. Kay says tho Waterloo
mill can 1111 all orders at present.
Nkw Notauy. John I Hall, of
Marshlleld, was today commissioned a
Notary Public for and within tho
State of Oregon. Ho should now road
Tub Onk Ci:nt Daily and have both
pleasure nnd honor.
llucklens Arnica Salvo
The bt Salve In the world i for Cuti,
Sores, Soiei, Ulceri, Salt Rlieum, Fever
and nil Tetter. Chapped hands, Chllblalna,
Bruises, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles or no pay required. It Is Guaranteed to
Live per fee satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents a box For sale by Fred A
Grand Blanket Sale I
Seo grand display In big comer win
dow. mo LINK
10x4 LM-av blankets. 7fio a r
llxl gray blankets, very largo, $1.00
a pair.
fvery heavy gray blankets, $1.60
a pair.
10x4 balf wool gray blankets, $2.25 a
10x1 lino gray wool blankets, $3.25
ioxi'tluo whlto wool blankets, $1.00
a pair.
11-4 lino gray blankets, all purest
wool, $4.60 a pair,
11x4 lino whlto blankets, all purest
wool, $5.50 a pair. , ,
Fall goods now coming In. Ualnnco
of summer goods now at clearance
.Willis Bros, & Co.
Court and Liberty.
Tho Cash Dry Goods, Clothing and
Shoo House.
0E? aWC5i3v-'jt
New Today,
Carpet Warp
In all colors sell by the
pound or 5-pound bunch.
Muolinsand Sheetings,
bleached and unbleached
all widths and prices.
Some or the choicest pat
terns ever shown In very
latest colorings.
Muslin underwear
ball off.
Shirt Waists,
Choice up to
T. fioiuersoD.
Janitor .1. W. Howells and family
returned from Yaqulna.
Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody went to Port
land this morning via Salem local.
Titos. Kay left this morning for
a short stay at the Waterloo mill.
II. II. Ilngan, or Ilrnnson & Co.. has
returned from a summer outing at
Seal Rocks.
Monroe Nye, of Momlngsldc, went
to Portland expecting to return
Thursday evening.
A. F. McAtee, the enterprising
Yew Park grocer, made a business
trip to Chcmnwa this morning.
Mrs. Edwnrd lloylo, accompanied
by her four little children, left today
for a visit with old friends at Omaha.
Miss Uertha Moorcs, who has been
visiting at the home of A. N. Moores
for several wecks,returncd to Portland
Herbert Farrar, delivery boy for
tho K. O. Cross meat market, went to
Portland this morning to remain sev
eral days.
J. L. Hell, motorman for the Salem
Motor Hallway Company, went to
Portland this morning for a several
days visit.
Clias. Hunreraf. the nivhltuft, was
called home yesterday fnnn Tillamook
by the sea, to look aflr miuic bu-incs
matters of Importance.
Maurice Kllngurtho brewer, accom
panied by hlschlldien, went, to Hub
bard this morning on business. Ho
will a No visit Ml. Angel beforo re
turning to Salem.
Chas Henderson and J A . Raker
employes of tho stale Insane asylum
at Salem arrived hero .today and will
lcavo tomorrow on an outing at Foley
Springs. Eugene Guard.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Prescott and
daughter, Lura, and Miss Llla Ollin
ger camo down, last evening, from
Mehaina, being tho last to break
camp, at that popular resort.
E. K. Hall and son Herbert, and
Arthur Brock, lcavo to night for tho
Gold Creek Mining region, on tho
Little North Fork, of tho Santlnm,
whoro Mr. Hall has a nlco claim.
Archlo Mason came up this morning
from Goble, whoro he has u contract
for railroad grading. Work will begin
Monday, and a larger force of men
puton $1.60 per day will bo paid, with
board at $4.20.
Jatnca Payno Is lying seriously HI
with heart dlscaso at tho homo of
bis son G. E. Payno about two
miles east of Salem. Although Mr.
Payno Is In his 73rd year, his complote
recovery Is earnestly hoped.
Leo Stolnor returned today from
Alsea bay, and brought with him u 3!)
pound salmon, which ho caught there. ,
The tlslr measured 40 Inches long by i
2(11 girth. It was prlmo and fat, and
Till1. Jouhnal man oxtends
for a choice roast from It.
J. II. Campbell and family and
Benjamin Radabaugh and family loft
this morning for Woods, Tillamook
county, whero they will spend several
days and will then go to Notnrta Bay
ainlconiplotoa two weeks outing by
tho "sad sea waves."
Mr. and Mis. C. A. Gray, oi Salem,
nro in the city. Mr. Gray Is a Mem
ber of tho llrm Erlxon, Pugh & Gray,
who hnvo the contract for construct
ing some of t lie government school
buildings nt Warm Springs agency, i
andlslhero looking after tho trans- i
portntlon of supplies to-tlio agency. '
Dalles Times Mountaineer.
Having Hoe Cake Soap in
your kitchen or bath once
means always.
10 i
Matters of lmporunne Considered at the
Regular Session.
The city fathers met in regular ses
sion last evening. Mayor Gatcli be
ing absent, Recorder Ed. N. Edcs pre
sided, with Alderman Holman, Legg,
Lamport, Klgdon nnd Smith.
W.J. Culver &2.10
Drown & Smith 8.35
F. S. Dearborn 2.G0
P. G. Norgrcn CO
A.G.Long 10.25
Capital Lumbering Co 83.87
It. McKIUop 18-0
G. W.Gray -10.00
Hrown & Smith (Htrect net.). . . . 5.85
A. C. Dllley (cleaning alleys)... CO
Chas. Northcutt t LOO
Ken worthy & George 4.40
Salem Iron Works 13.20
A liquor license was granted to A.
E. Dagcny.
Tlicconmmlttec on lire and water
reported back Its report of July 7lh
pertaining to hydrants, which was
The committee on printing reported
upon the bids of the Statesman and
.TnnitKAL. and renortcd In rnvor or
accepting The Jouknal'b bid. The
city printing was awarded to Tub
Jouhnal for one year.
A special report was submitted by
tho street commissioner on defective
sidewalks. Referred to street com
mittee with power to act.
Applications for liquor licenses
were received from M. Hamilton, G.
W. Stlmpson, C. N. Lake and A. R.
Smith. Referred.
Rids were received on Iron nnd cem
ent work for city hall sidewalks, as
Albany Iron Co., Iron work.... $385 00
Halcm " " " " v'-JSIS
Salem Imp. Co., cement work.. 1381 00
S.Chatwtn " " ..1000 60
Juo ITeldeckcr " " ..1700 10
Street Commissioner Gobalct re
ported to the council that In rebuild
ing Its line the street railway was
planking ulong the rails with material
too thin to meet the demands of the
previous regulations. Referred to
street commissioner with power to act.
Beforo adjournment Alderman Rig
don brought In a report or the special
committee nppolntcd a year ago to
confer with' the U. S. engineers In
regard to the west bank or the Wil
lamette. J. II. Cunningham, assistant engin
eer, in Ills report to Major Post,or tho
U. S. army engineer corps, railed to
recommend the Improvement or the
Willamette river bank, opposltaSa
lcm. Tho bill, however, piovldcd ror
said Imniovoment by allowing tho
secretary, or war, to uso as much of a
certain other Willamette river nppro
prlallon, as In his Judgemunt he saw
lit, to mako this Improvement. Mr.
Illgdon then moved that a commit
tee, of thrcce, bo appointed to meot
with tho mayor and confer wltb the
Oregon congressional delegation,
when In Salem. Carried.
HiicoitDEu and Mayor. Last even
ing City Hccordor Edes was called
upon for tho lirst thin? In four years'
service to act as mayor In tho absence
or His Honor Mayor Gatch. Ed.-was
not slow in performing the doublo
ilutv of mnvor and clerk and his
nullity ns usual was appreciated by tho
entire council.
Convert Him. Attornery-Goneral
ldlemau says ir anyotio can show him
where the country will bo ono whit
"better off under free coinage ho will
tako- tho stump Tor Bryan. Hero
Is a chance ror tho silver men to gain
a talented convert.
Old Vets. The Journal Is re
liably Inrormed that in ono Grand
Army post In this county, out or 20
old soldiers only 0 aro supporters or
De Sure you arc Right
And then go ahead. If your blooU 's impure,
uml. A.... llil frtlllniT VflllF nirVPl L'Cftk. VOtl
I IUHI M'.t.V "hi w... ... .. , . ..
j miy M ,urc (,m Hood's Satsaprllla I what
i von ned. Then take no substitute. lnslt
upon Hood' nnd only Hood's. This is the
medicine which lias tho largest sales In the
world. Hood's Sarsaprilla is the One True
Wood Purifier.
Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, way
reliable, eisy to take, easy 10 operate.
Notice to the Public.
Some very busy person, with more
tlmo to attend to other peoplo's af
fairs than Unsown, has reported that
wo are not buying wheat now days at
tho mill. Please tako notlco that we
aro at all times In tho market for
wheat. H. B. Holland,
Agent Salem Flouring Mills Co.
8 lOUt
Final Account. In tlio estate of
Jus. A. Muslck, W. T. Hlgdon, ad
ministrator, County Judgo G. P. Ter
rell has set September li"-', for hearing
of Una I account.
For Bargains in Everyihii?g274
Oiir Motte: "Spot Cash, Quick Sales and
Immense Meeting Held
at Woodburn,
A Great Republican Campaigner
for Bryan.
Prof. Howard Carlcton Tripp, state
organizer of the Good Templars, and
most eloquent and entertaining ora
tor, has come out for Bryan. He will
make speeches in counties where a
speccli from the standpoint of a life
long Republican will accomplish great
good. Prof. Tripp has few equals as a
campaigner. He has canvassed Iowa
fnp Mm l?nnnM levins nmnV tllllOS. Ills
heart If In this cause and we can hear
tily recommend him as an effective
campaign to unite the people regard
less or party ror Bryan and bimetal
lism. Pror. Tripp writes us as rollows
and his address Is Pertland:
Portland, Aug. 17.
Editor Jeuhnal: "I shall devote
most of my time from now until elec
tion in the Interest of free silver,
Bryan and tho great plain, tolling,
honest, patient masses. Those who
have learned to "sutler and be strong
In not throwing off their yokes or
bondage." Yours, ror the right.
II. C. Tmi'i-.
Tuesday evening was a great suc
cess, Thos. O'Day, or Portland, and
Hon. W. S. U'Rcn, Populist represen
tative, delivered powerful, logical and
unanswerable arguments to a large
audience, mostly farmers, and the
effect was to create wonderful enthus
iasm for the cause or the bimetallic
union. Woodburn will break all rec
ords or tho past In the vote that will
bo rolled up for free coinage. The
Sllverton club came over about thirty
strong mostly hcretororc Republi
cans, and a torchlight procession was
rormed without a band. The armory
was packed solid, with as tine an audi
ence as has ever assembled In that
city. O'Day and U'Hen aro great
Bryan men were over from Butte-
vllle, and a club will bo organized
there In a few days. Tho movement
for restoration of silver has grown to
beau avalanche In the southern part
of tho county.
New Residences.
Tho Ben Forstner's residence on
North Commercial street, promises to
bo ono or tho Uncst In tho city.
General Odell and family will prob
ably tako possession of their hand-
soino new bungalow, J ust commoted,
on East State street.
A Youncj Graduate. Victor
Evans, who attended tho four weeks
school, or I'rof. Graham, passed all
the examinations, or the older classes,
at tho ago or 11 years and 0 months.
Ills uaino was omitted from tho list
of graduates becauso ho was too young.
Ho Is a lad who has a good head on
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Wilson desires to express her
sincere thanks to all who so kindly
assisted herself and family In their
sad bereavement.
The Diacovcry'Saved His Life
Mr. G. Caillouite, Druggist, lleaversvllle,
III., says; "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe
and Ided all the physicians for miles about,
but of no avail and was given up and told
I could not' live. Having Dr.Kmg's New
discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and
began its use and from the first dose began to
get belter and after using three bottles wns
up and about again. It Vs worth its weight
In gold. We won't keep store or house
without it." Ciet a free trial at Fred A.
Legg's Drug Slore,
A FOltKIQN iS'AMK. It Is 11 llOlllO
product Just tho same, nnd that Is one
reason why so many smoko La Corona
cigars. They aro tho best 10 cent
article on tho market.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The delinquent tux rolls of Marlon
county, Oregon, aro now In my hands
for collection. All persons paying
delinquent taxes within the next 30
days will save costs as at that tlmo all
nronertv unon which taxes have not
boon paid will lo advertised and sold.
F. T. Wiuoutman,
Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon.
Dated Aug. f, 1800. 8-5d2w wlw
Our stock ol tan
closod out beforo tho
Seo Kransso Bros
shoes must bo
season Is over.
From Chcmnwa Amcrlran, Aug. 6.
The new brick oven Is completed
and the baker boys are happy.
Mr. Brewer Is 'superintending the
ditch being dug by the faithful boys
of Chemawa.
a i-nr load or Jersey cattle luivo
been received from Cheballs, Wash.,
torclnrorco the dairy nt Cheinawa.
Tho painters arc making their
brushes lly, and tho shops nnd doml
toiics will soon bo proud or tholr now
rail suits.
There have been no deaths at Che
mawa ror nine months, with a popu
lation or 300 pupils nnd thirty teach
ers. That speaks ror Itself.
Twenty-live hives or bees were pur
chashed for the school last month.
That means honey and lots of fun In
managing the busy bee.
Mr. Pattee with his carpenter boys
have begun work on the new comnils
sary building, and will have the same
erected before the most or the rail
supplies arrive. The other commis
sary will be converted Into a gymna
sium and employes' quarters ton great
Tan shoes' selling
iice. Krnnsse Bros.
at a g reat sacri
We want to have your extract trade if
prices and quality can bring it For a starts
er we will sell you an 8-ounce bottle of
good lemon or vanilla for 25c, Just think
of it ! Four times the amount you usually
get for that amount !
P, O, Grocery
People who sell "WorldBeater" SoapJJ
ToReiiuild. Tho Insurance on tho
boiler-house or the Capital Lumbering
company recently burned has been
satisfactorily adjusted, and work will
begin ut once icbuildlng the same.
When put up before, owing to scarcity
or brick the wall were Mulshed out
with lumber, but thoy will now be
made or brick. Thus llio b.illdlng
vtlllbe better than before, and in
about two '.vecks tho mill will ag.i n
be running full blast.
Cure for U adacho.
As a remedy (or all forms of lloa.laclu's
Elccmc Hitters lus proved to be the vtry
best. It cllccts a permanent cure nnd the
mot dreaded habitual sick headache icilds to
its influence. We urge all who arc altlic'ed to
pro'ure a bottle, ani give this remedy a fair
trial In case of habitual constipation Elec
tee Hitlers cures by giving tin needed tone
to the bowels, and few case i long resist the
use of this medicines. Try it onco. Fifty
cents and $1,00 lit Fred A. Legg's Drug
This Week.
1 will lit and sell tho best Specks in
existence, for $1.50 and 2. Eyes
tested I'Tce.
C. II IIinoes,
17 tf 235 Commercial street.
Full Details Gladly Given.
A Railroad Official's Experience.
nected with railroad construction In
Nebraska, vrrltcst "My heart troubled
and naincd mo for 19 years. Shortness ot
broatU was tho constant aud most common
symptom. lutcnso.oxcruclutlngpaln, gener
ally followed any savcro oxortton. Talntncss,
hungor without unyappotltoi fluttering that
tuado mo clutch my breast, and palpitation
that often staggered wo as t I would fall,
woro frequent attacks. Again, everything
would turn black If I aroso from astooplug
posturo quickly, Slecplcis nights with their
XY TVWpq' prostrating unreal were
ui . mixta numerous and I could
Heart CUre gotnorostduyornlsht
p. , I consulted loading phy.
iXCSlOreS sicians and tried adver-
UanUt. Used remedies. Thoy
ncaitu....... gavo mo no relief. Ono of
Dr. Mllos' circulars described my caso so
exactly that I toel: Dr. Miles' Now Heart
Cure and I urn now a well man. I hope
every one troubled with heart dlsoaso will
try Dr. Mlloa' remedies. If tnoy will write
mo personally, I will gladly glvo them full
details of my oxperlanco." Edw. Edmonds.
P. O. Bos 63. David City, Nebraska.
Dr. Miles' Heurt Cure Is sold on guarantoo
that flrt bottle boneflts or money refunded.
commercial st.
Small Profits."
if f I
All muslin and jersey ribbed underwear
and satteen skirts at greatly
reduced prices
Dress Goods Sale Saturday
257 Commercial st.
Best in the World!
Branson Co
Sole Agents for Salem.
QInsake. Judge Terrell today com
mitted ono Bruce Gault, of Gervals,
to the asylum. Tho patient Is 21
years olr.. Ho Is addicted to tho
liquor habit nnd has been In that In
stitution before.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that no war
rants will be drawn ror construction
or county bridges until contractors
for thO'Snmo shall have furnished to
tho county court ccrtllled receipts
showing that all labor and materials
entering Into tho construction of
such bridges Uavo been paid for.
G. P. Tehrkll,
7-3-d&wtr County Judgo.
Patriots of America,
Tho oillccrs of this sliver organiza
tion meet this evening. In tho hall
over nnrrltt & Lawrence's grocery at
8 o'clock this Tuesday evening.
All members and all who desire to
help tho causo of Indepondent Ameri
can bimetallism aro urged toattend.
Always Heady. Lockwood mes
senger boys. Telephone or blue boxefc.
Direct From California.
Water Melons.
Cholco Peaches.
Tomatoes. ''
Sweet Potatees:
John G. Wrioht,
Pioneer Grocery.
Notice to Contracters.
Bids for tlio erection of a poultry
bulldliicr. at tho state fair grounds,
will be onened., nt my oflice, Thurs
day, August 20tU, atl o'clock p.m.
C. II. BunaaitAP,
18-2t. Arcliltcct.
Many Persons
do not see well nsthovsliould. Others
son well, lint, their aves become tired.
Glasses uronerly llttcil will rellove
this. I bavo annltanccs. skill nnd ex
pcrlenco to fit any eyo that glasses
will help.
C. n. IIinoes.
17 tf 235 Commercial street.
In Town,
You'll bo surprla...
Won't "yellow tho clothes."
Won't burn your bands.
Xotlilng equals it.
Better than soap.
Extra largo packages. ,
.. Soap Foam Wasljing JJowder
IIOQHEa. "'S? "
York, Aug. 19. Silver,
6Scj J
Chicago, Aug. ig.-'Hoct-Light jj.
Cattle-lJecves 3.5o3.6o;
heifers St. 2ofAt.8o.
cowi M(i
Sheep 'Weak; loo lower.
Chicago. Aug. 19. Whest, euhtt'jc
Sept. 55i. .
Portland, Aug. 19. Wheat valley,
52: Walla Walla, 48440.
Flour Portland, 2.85; Benton count;,
2.85; graham, 2.50; superfine, $2.25 per bbl.
uats wiiue, 301931c; grey, 2
in bags, $4.255J5. barrels,
cases. 3.74.
Potatoes. . Oregon, 75c8o per uck,
Hay. .Good, 10 10.50 pel ton.
Wool.. Valley, 89e; Eastern Ortfon,
Poultry- Chickens, mixed,$33.so; broil
ets. $1.25(2)2.25; ducks, w, geese, $$4;
turkeys, live, to.
Hides.. green, salted 60 lbsje; ender
60 lbs 44c; sheep pelts, to7oc.
I lops . . Oregon, 2 to 3c, according to qm!.
Butter.. Orego.i fancy creamery, 23835;
fancy dairy, 2o2S! fair to Reed, I7jitfw,
Cheese .Otegon full cream, 9,
Eggs.. Oregon, ny,c per dor.
Uccf.'.Topstcers, 2.25J.4o per lb; U11
to good steers. 2VJ2 3.30; cow, I'cj
dressed beer, 3Vi4Mc ...n
San Francisco, Aug. I9--Whsit, J
Wool. .Oregon, choicc,io$lic; inferiors
7C valley, 89-
Hops Quotable at 24C.
Potatoes SOscper sack.
Oats -Milling. 5P. ,
Wheat. .41c per uu., market nrm.
Oats .30c.
Hay .llaled, cheat, 7.5038.00; iirahr,
10.00. . . , .,
Flour.. In wholesale lots, 3.00; retail,
3.20; bran, bulk it.ooi2.5o;sked, ij.oo;
shortH, 12.5013.50! elll' ftei "00
Poultry.. Hem 5c; Spring chickens, 6c Ik
Vcal..l)resscd, 3.
Hogs.. Dressed, 2(534'
Live Cattle.. 1 i2.
Sheep.. Live, 1.25-
Wool.. Best, 12KC
Hops.. Best, 4S.
Kru..Cash. 12c.
Butter.. Best dairy, U.c! tonejf creswif
Cheese .uVJc. ... .
l-'nrni Smoked UMeats Ibeci. 6Jei h
90; shoulders, 5cf
Potatoes.. 70c per bu
Deafness Cannot Be CUiei
by local applications as tliey camo
reach tho diseased l11?"3.
ear. There Is only ono way to euw
deafness, and that Is by UtuttonJ
remedies. Deafness Is wwd J
Inllamed condition of to wuew
lining of the Eustachian tube. w
this tube Is InHained jou have
rumbling sound or !!)
and when 11 isc m, rev - ' ,,u the
ncss Is tho
" ... dni
can ne
out, ??
Intlamatlon can . ,?-- rrftnfl.
this tubo resiorcu w "j (or
tlan hearing will bo ''Snjrf
ever; nine cases out of ten are
by catarrh, wUlcli Is nothing w
Inllamed condition of the nw
surfaces. ,,,, Hundred DoMjr
Wo will BV0forSSnSTcaud bi
for any caso of Deafness iw, t
catarrli) that cann ot be tU.
Hall's Catarrli Cure, ena
'"""F.'jjSiiBWY. &Ca, Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 7oc-
There's more clothing dgro4
poir soap than by act we
Cako" soap contains uoirwj T ,t
will not Injure the fqjto
and notice tho dlfferentei" i
John Hugh' "
Highest Honors-WoF.
g Medal, MMwhUrl