Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 18, 1896, Image 2

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m ws -r m
Weekly Department Devoted M'"-' bwisMioi.e ly trylnjr to bcml It
to Domestic and Cul
inary Art.
ri'rc.urul for Tint JouitNAl. by.a jiractlcal
hiHikckcr per. Short conlrib'itloiiS, solicited
for iliWileparitixnt.J
"Takes the Cake'
wm 1 1 II 3&&kkr
You may have "money to
burn' but even so, you needn't
throw it away For JO cents you
get almost twice as much "Battle
Ax" as you do of other high grades
for the same money
Daily Capital Journal
Mr. Gcor stated that ten minutes
after Cleveland was elected, hard
times set In.
Tho fact, Is haid times begun whoti
Secretary Foster put tho country on a
Kohl basis, In 1801; by commend iijr to
Klvo creditors, or tho Kovcrnmeut, tho
option to draw gold.
Mr. Gcer should remember that
while hard times began In 181)1, tho
MeKlnlcy tariff remained in force
until August l!8, 1801, less than two
years ago.
Instead of calling supporters of
llryan Anarchists and Populists, the
John Sherman "sound utonoy" crowd,
of Salem politicians, ought to pay
their legitimate campaign bills.
Tun Journal knows of soveral
such bills, that In tho past have al
ways bcon promptly paklby tho chair
man, of tho Republican county con
tral committee, but arc now loft un
paid, In placoof working tho working
men of this city, these gontlemeu so
fond of clustering around tho pie
counter, should pay tho bills they In
curred in tho last Juno campaign.
Tho way to bo a sound monoy man
Is to pay your bills, gentlemen.
Sllvortou Drynn Club.
Silvorion Appeal: Tho hall was
crowded to tho foot of tho stairs and
a number of people were unable to
hear tho, speeches. On thu platform
were tho speakers, nod well to tho
front was a Statesman reporter who
took a stenographic report of tho
speeches, though, so far as that
paper' report of tho meeting Is con
cerned, its lupreteiitulvo might us
well havo staled at home, as It lied
about llavkley's reception and fell
short about 000 In reporting tho size
of tho audience.
- JT31Ki3g? glBBgffcS?3
l r o OdxROrMLvcMyiM)
L Cheapest, Uocauso tho Best
Unite, Oignnlze and Educate for Dryan
and Bimetallism,
Tiik Journal believes that llryan
and Hlmetalllsm will carry every
county and almost every' precinct In
Oregon, as against Mark Hanna and
tho gold standard. Clrculato Uryan's
speech. Copies mailed to any address
at $1 per 100.
Tin: Onk Cknt Daily and 81
Wkkicly arc the only silver Asso
ciated Tress papers In Oregon. Put
them In tho hands or your neighbors
and lot us not only carry every county
In Oregon, but carry every precinct In
One Way to Mnko Money.
Albany Democrat, August 17: Last
Friday a man wont to tho bottling
works of O. Uaeumlo and bought
three- bottles of wine, claiming that
they were for a saloon ho was starting
up In tho hills, and as ho had a part
ner ho would want a receipt, which
was given him. Yesterday tho man
went to iMr. Uaeumlo, and giving his
namons John Darling, claimed to bo
a special agent of tho Internal rovenuo
nillcc, and declaring that Mr. liaotimlo
had violated tho law It would take
$150 to sottlo It. This Mr. Uaeumlo
Insisted it would bo absolutely Im
possible to raise. Tho amount was
llnally out down to 920, of which Mr.
Uaeumlo paid W and agreed to pay
tho balance. Marshal Lee had been
informed or tho matter, and llnally
suspecting something wrong tele
phoned to U.S. Marshall Grady, who
informed him that there was no such
agent and llnally telegraphed htm to
arrest Darling for Impersonating a
U. S. oillcur, ami that Deputy Marshal
Humphrey would lie up tonight to
take him back.
Darling, or whatever his name may
be, was arrested and Is In tho county
jail. It looks like a bold confidence
game to make a haul, and there aro
circumstances Indicating that Darl
ing may have a confederate In it'
'I pcau 9T iH.ii mm iiuvk, "1111.1111
K l.uiUi",KilMl vaIuu to tuoU.r tel
. llltf,
N..YriH!lN90iiM!!i.Co. -
. TI IUC;onCuet, HtwYpii
i. ro4LvcjCcfTvtei
Starving a Ucur.
Eugene Guard: A young black bear
Is tied In a shack which stands about
'St m I lei up tho Mulvoiulo near a
suliool liouso on tho loft sldo as you go
up. Tho animal has been starving for
weeks, tho persons who has It In
captivity evidently feeding it just
enough to sustain life. Several parlies
who were passing have fed the poor
br.iiQfrom tliQlrHuppltesof provisions.
Whim approached It 04! like, a child.
'It Should either bo fcottp, fed or.
Lessons in OooJ Cooking.
j Owen Meredith says In "Lucille:"
j "We may live without poetry, music.
!lll(l Ml! !
We may live without conscience, and-
live without uearr,:
We may live wlthnliVfrioiids; we may
live without boeks:
Hut, civilized man cannot live with
out cooks."
And having had the good fortune
lit take while In Salt Lake a full
course of lesons In good cooking from
that celebrated cook Mrs. Emma P.
Ewlng, superintendent or the Chau
tauqua cooking hdiool, who is an ar
tist In that lino, 1 gladly offer the in
formation there acquired to the gen
eral public; knowing that ir the di
rections aic carefully followed many
a frown can be driven nway from tho
face or "civilized man" who tho more
civilized, the moro ho caters to Ills
stomach, until llnally his stomach
rules him like a despot and ho feels
well or 111 according to the rood ho
has eaten, but more particularly the
m inner In which it was cooked.
How many or our housekeepers make
go-id, sweet wholesome bread, bread
without a taste of sourness or sticki
ness. Why, a hotel where they make
bread and colTco a specialty will
hardly need any advertising for one
hears or It from one end of the coun
try to the other. The Ficnch make
the best bread in tho world. Dread,
with plenty or crisp brown crust.
Bread, that Is elastic and when you
pull it apart with your fingers you
can hear It tear. You cannot make
pills with that bread and It Is aston
ishing how much one can cat or It.
Mrs. Ewlng's bread was very Hue. I
meant to have commenced my lessons
with bread making but have mislaid
some or my notes temporarily, so wo
will commence with
A small gas cooking stovo sur
rounded by a tablo covered with
snowy linen and containing chicken,
fish, steaks, and all sorts or culinary
utensils, as well as a pleasant odor
greeted the 300 ladles in Mrs. Ewlng's
cooking class as she explained how
easy It was to broil things properly,
when you know how. Mrs. Ewlng
divided tho lesson Into th'reo parts,
broiling over tho open and hot coals,
In tho heated oven and on tho griddle.
She cooked In the most delicious way
a Hsh, a chicken, and a T bone steak,
tho last named bolng perfect.
"Pcrrect broiling, "said Mrs. Ewlng,
"is tho instantaneous cooking or scar
ing of tho surface of tho food." Kor
a line broiled steak, Mrs. Ewlng pro
cures ono from an Inch to an Inch and
a half thick and uses an ordinary
toasting wlro over a bed of red hot
coals Just near enough not to touch
the tiro. Sho counts ten and turns
tho steak over, continuing this pro
cess until tho steak Is done. Ts'ono
of tho Juice drips Into tho tiro by this
process and the seasoning Is all dono
afterward; no Juicy meats should bo
seasoned before cooking.
Broiled Chicken.
"Now," said Mrs. Ewlng, J split
this chicken straight down, so that it
lies perfectly Hat on tho board. I test
1 llnd that It Is limber, and It Is partly
or' cartilage. This Is the only sure
ttiftilllliln ti'st that the chicken Is
a young- one, and lit for broiling, Af
ter the rmvl Is a year old, the breast
bone will be hard and iinbendable.
Then no matter how tender the flesh
appears to you, do not try to broil It.
Keep lit for stewing or boiling; the
young .one ror roasting or biolllng."
"To wash the chicken, put a tea
spoon of soda Inaquartof water(tepld)
ami with the aid of a small brush,
wash It thoroughly, until every pad
Is sweet and clean. Then drench It
well with cold water, and dry It thor
oughly with a clean towel. He sure
and dry It perfectly. In order that
there may not be a drop of moisture
while 1 am pressing the chicken Hat
upon the board. I have a towel under
It, that all the moisture may be ab
sorbed. As I piess the fowl. I also
break the Joints where I can without
breaking through the sklu, which
facilitates carving, after the fowl Is
served, Now the chicken Isllattened,
dry, sweet and clean, so I place It In
this broad pin and clap It into the
oven," whore, It sizzled away for forty
minutes, and was then taken out
(when It made everybody hungry to
get even a whllT of the steam arising
from the pan), sctiMiued and basted
with nice sweet butter, and returned
to the oven, to allow the butter and
seasoning to cook for a row minutes
with tho fowl. Temperature for the
oven, 500 degrees; Time for chicken
must bo judged by its thickness, and
tenderness. This one was In tile
oven J5 minutes. Butter burns easily
so don't put It on the chicken tint!
boiling heat and boll five hours; then
put the rubbers on and screw the
covers down tight; then, after watch
ing awhile to be sure all are right,
wrap papers around each Jar to exclude
the. Unlit, and store In a cool dark
After tho thrilling experience of
dispensing with the kntfo and fork
while eating the freshly plucked corn
and Instead or using the teeth much
like a pig would do 1 am ready to
vote against the canned corn so long
as an car lemalns accessible from tho
patch and will reserve my praise for
such when I cannot get the fresh.
Suicide at Corvalhs.
Albany Herald, Aug. 10: Seyniau
Meyers, or this city, who returned
from Corvallls last evening, states
that yesterday afternoon "Hilly Wil
liams, a well known engineer of Cor
vallls, committed suicide by shooting
himself In the head with a revolver.
During Hie afternoon Williams
walked Into llodes' store and bought
a :i2-calibrc revolver, and also pur
chased some cartridges. He paid for
the weapon and started out or the
store, The proprietor had hardly re
placed the box upon the shelf when he
hoard a shot fired at the front door.
Williams had deliberately placed the
weapon to his temple and pulled the
trigger. When Mr. Meyer left Cor
vallls atl o'clock Williams was still
alive, but his life-blood was slowly
ebbing from. 'in ugly hole In his temple,
and it was thought he could not possi
bly iccover.
Williams was for many years an
engineer In the employ of the old
Oregon Pacific railroad, and ror some
time worked In Fisher's flouring mill
In Corvallls. More recently -he h h
conducted a little repair shop near t he
ferry.. Ho had been In poor health
and was in straightened ciivum-'
stances, which are supposed to luw
been the causa or his rash act. He
was about 00 years old and had no
JfaW2-1 Thaw sl&W
8 Y iz-M0 .4t fJI tHfl
I J Old housekeepers will tell you that hot JT . .
1 5 glass
i. You know it breaks glass.
Gold Dust
Washing Powder
makes glassware brilliantly clean in warm water ormM
i Delifrlltflll to tlSfi for o-lncje nr ctt,.. .' .. . C01(1'
i o c, - -'"v-ii mi or wnnrl .
j Saves your hands-saves your time, your strength, T"
, j.. ,..j "k, uiuuc UH1V DV
fit. Laulf. Chleann. K,wVn,l n..i ?7. .".'.H,
.. , -, ..... awm UUllUlli
cmuMiphU, SinFnndiM.
Induced by tho uae of coca, opiate or uar
cotlo compounds Is bad, docldodly bad.
They undermine health and shatter the
constitution ami tho patient is steadily
growing Into a worse condition often
resulting In tho terrible slavery and
misery of tho cocaine and opium habit.
Sleep Induced by the use of Hood's Bam
parllla does not perhaps come as quickly,
but it comes mora surely and moro per
manently through nature's great restor
ing and rejuvenatiug channel purified,
vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds
the nerves with llfo-glvlng energy and
builds up the system and constitution
from tho very foundation of all health
and life tho blood pure, rich, rod blood.
in in
Is tho One True WooJ IMrlder. AUdruwlsta. ft.
Hood's Pills ?saRSga
The fish was laid on a thin sheet of
Iron, tho Iron rubbed lirst with tho fat
of beer. She basted tho llsh plenti
fully with melted butter. Fish being
wet butter aids It to brown and then
It cooks quicker than chicken (20
minutes) therefore not so apt to burn.
Mrs. Ewlng first deftly removed tho
backbone and thcro placed tho fish
flesh sldo on the greased Iron.
was another feature of the examples
of tho day in broiling. "Do you know"
asked our teacher, that tripe is well
liked by most scnslblo men and that
It is very cheap and highly nutri
tious?" She then proceeded to treat
tho tripe very much as the llsh had
been treated; seasoning It with white
pepper, salt, and melted butter, and
tho result was a delicious breakfast
cooked on nor griddle or frying pan
must be entirely without grease. Af
terward melt butter on griddle; salt
and pepper your steak, then pour tho
melted butter over It. Use great care
In turning steak. Remember every
drop of Julco that you force out of
steak toughens It.
Saukta E. Lawlek.
Corn Canning.
.lano brought up tho last Jar of
sweet corn last Sunday. Yesterday
a week later wo had our first "mess"
from the "old man's" corn patch
noted last week
IT this had been written bororo wo
had our llrst mess rresh from tho
patch, I am not sure but we would
have voted that In tho Jar was Just as
good as the day It was put up a year
ago. It Is certain that It was every
way better than corn plucked and un
used for two days.
Here is the way It was put up; I
wrote down th'j words while Jaio did
the talking.
"Well, you want to tako tho corn
when In best condition tor roasting
ears, then cut It .from the cob being
careful to preserve all the 'milk' or
the corn; pack In glass Jars quarts
are best ror family use as solid as
possible; 1 think wo used the potato' Ing assimilation and nutrition
Left For Africa.
Eugene Guard. Aug. 17: Ulshop
Mills left today for AMea. Tho
bishop will spend a fotv weeks In the
central states, then on October 10th
will leave -New York for Liverpool
and will go from thcro to Frco Town,
West Africa. He will spend about
three months In that region Inspect
ing and establishing missions. He
will return then to Germany whom
he will spend several months during
which time ho will visit the Univer
sities of Halle, Jena, lleriln, Lolpslc,
after which he will visit the Univers
ities of Oxford and Cauibiidgc In
England, to learn tho latest word on
sociology. Ho hopes to return to this
country by tho lirst of next Juno.
Pioneer Dead,
Eugene Guard, Aug. 15. Martin
Obcrsluucr died at his homo six miles
west or Eugene, Friday, August 14th,
'OO.aged 70 years and 0 months. Fun
eral will tako place rroin tho late re
sidence to the Catholic cemetery .Sun
day, August 10th. Mnss will bo held
at tho Catholic church at 10:30 a. m.
Death resulted from a fall from a
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement, and shingles, and
finest quality of rass seeds,
FOUND On Chcmcketa street, near Front,
a ninn's vest. Owner can act same bv call.
ing nt Journal office and paying costs.
8 U!3t
FDR SALE OR TRADE. An elegant 12
aero tract of land in Hampden Park addition,
on Asylum avenue. Will trade for residence
property In Salem. Address W., care Journal.
proyed farm land, 4 ti.ilcs east of Salom.wlth
new houso, new bam, running water; will
sell or trade for chcaptr land. Address O.
M. Reeves, Saltm. Or. 7 27 im
WOOD WANTED--ten cords of prime big
fir, ten cord of grub oak and ten cords split
ash. Adds, with price, XXX, care this
offiM 14 tf
HERE'S T)D"K (TlIANCE-'A proprietor
wants to trr. le a giw wei kly newspaper office
In good town f. r uiniruml.cred im roved Sa
lem properly. Ni p(.o-i 1 kiii . Good rea
sons. Inforinid u at r-i nfl'ire. 6 18 tf
1 OK hALE Drlvinc marc for nalc at a bar-
yaln; weight alout 1160; g.M traveler, In
quire ofVm. llrown & Co. 30 tf
FOR SALE At a llurRain line residence
and corner lot, nejr city hall. For further
particular inquire at tliii office. 6-33 tf
C A Rt'ET I'AI'EK-Large lot ol heavy
luown wrapping I'aper fm sals: cheap. Jus
the thing for puunu m.dcr caqiets. Call a
Journal office
masher to tamp It In tho ar; anyway
Health- 'Hrenjrth
carry ui. 'oupU
dangers and make
us safe In the pres
ence of peril. Dis
ease germs do no
harm in a healthy
1 ?' ABerm Is not
a big thing:, and it Is
only physical weak,
ness that makes it
dangerous. A per-
i.'.'y ."ton man
with rich, pure
olood, has nothing
to fear from germs.
"e way breathe In
the bacilli of con
sumption with Im
fjunity. Nature is
continually working
to throw off any Im-.
purities that may
vuiuc iuiu mc ooay,
but If there is a weak
spot where the germs
may find an entrance to
the tissues, then the
trouble begins. Disease
Serins propagate with
ghtnlng-like rapidity.
Once in the blood, they
quickly fill the whole
ooay. Tlie only way to
get rid of them is to kill
them. This is what Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery is for. It pu
nfies the blood. That
means that it kills the
. r !... Berms, out tUat is only
part of what it does. It assists in the di
gestion of food and puts the digestive or
gana in a perfect condition. It stimulates
it bus the
4 J?
"I bring you good tiding! of great joy,
iiicu sunn us unto 1111 people.
"Thel'Iau of the Aces."
TliU Is the best work on the Dible, ever
Issued from the press. It elves a comnlete
explanation of all the doctrinal subject of
me noiy scriptuies, presenting the wonderful
harmony, simplicity aud beauty of God's
plans for thu redemption of the human
family from sin and death. Tho work is
complete in three (3) volumes, all for Si.
Address T. II. LLOYD, 164 Waller street,
Salem, Or. 7.17.1m
Vtl ! a Ia r t r
Corner, Salem, Or. PariTe, deiC, u
Peter G, Norgren,
(Formerly with P. J. Larsen &Co.l
a8S1nr W0Bn ,hoP-,3" Gnustrcu
i..V, 1 r,nBsl! yoar WOrk o!a or new. d
have It done with a guarantee or iMUfactinT
6 26d&vrf
Some say we give the best meal in
town for 15c. We say try us and set.
LySccond door north of Hctel Willamette.
Btago headquarters centrally located at
"The Anderson" for lines leaving Salem.
Slates there for orders. All packagei and
parcels left there will be cared for. Waiting
parlors, good rooms, and meals at all hoars.
Depot Express,
Meets all mail and passenger trains. Bag-
si I
gage ana express to all parts of tbe citjr,
irompt service, i eiepuone No,
Kindergarten and
Primary Schools
to chop cord wood. The Labor Exchange
wants u numbe. of good wood choppers at
once. Apply at warehouse,
8 4 If Manager.
7. H. HAAS,
Makes a spMalty of fine repair work, Sell
Thomas clorU. eti 215 Commercial Street
On farm land security. Special
rates on large loans. Loans
consldeied without delay
Hush Itank buildinS.
Mrs. C. M. Ogle will reopen her kinder
garten, including primaiy department in sep
arate room. Also
Training Class for Kindergarty
ners in September,
Office: WlllameHp HnlM Riiildlncr
For water service sppl at oliice. llill
payable monthly in advance. Make a
complaints at the office.
There will lie no deduction in water rate
on account of temporary absence from tit'
city unless notlco is left at the office.
Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be
furnished to regular consumers using water
for domestic purpose. Contractors for side
walks, brick work and plasterlncr will please
read "under building purposes" pace 17 ''
schedule of rates for 1893. Apply at ofhee
for copy.
On city or farm property.
Over Buih's Bank,
itt Commercial at., Salem Or
rrrSuits m upwards. I'anW upwwJ -U
blood full of liealthv rrri n ..'... .1..
purifies and enriches evenr dron nf 4vi
Ciro Should 1)0 tilkon to pack It as J? the w.hleL dy and so supplies the
XlSSUeS With thp fnA.I ft. .! V. t...i. .-
i..i. .... .. ....ii.i.. .,...1 ..,.. i.....i. .1. ...; ,7. :"";". iv uuuu
WKim iin tiusaiuiu nun nut uii'ilti iuu
Jar. Ho careful and linvu equal pro-
up strong-, healthy flesh and puts the whole
body into a disease. resisting state.
Nine. tenths of all human ailments mm.
portion of tho inllkof tl.e corn In caolt SSSU. Taklalmo?"". .'", ?
Jar. ' wd trace : the cause of it-you will find it
Tho jars aro then et In cold water d tteATB
up to wlthloim Inoh ortlui top; lay i&SK ?W?$XF$SE$-&
thoUdjson nnjnthj water ton.-.tnnuUnf,0n lw
Ed, S, Lamport,
289 Commercial st,
Salem, Or.,
Has'bought the Frank. E. Shatv
fer and the M, Beamer harness
stocks at forced sale. $4,000
worth ot goods will be disposed
of at 50 cents on the dollar.
Sign of the White Horse.
W0LZ & MIESCKE Proo. -.
Dealars in all kinds of fre.h anJ I sg
Shirts, plain
Under drawers...
Under shirts
Socks, per pair ..
Handkerchiefs. .
Silk handkerchiefs
For Dolicacy,
for purity, and tor Improvement ot tho coui
pleilon noth.'ng equals' Poijo-ii'a Powpbb.
Salem SteamLaufldfy
Please noticejthc cot in prices
J tceaii
::.'.'" tf
Ik bandkercbiers .... .jojen,
Sheet and pillow slips cents peri
and other work In proporii ,
r, t- JjMier WOfK &4
riannei:. out- ,
by llryan. written by R. K" thb
llryan. Contains ftt ?
bonanza for Sls' ifhe onlif
workers. Only $ 5- , Frd
book. So Pr cent Credit P
paid Outtuirec. ,6,Ue " 7
Sfterri.ory. J'ffi jE0
i 'oeAddres.- Theastioo" j.jsC