Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 12, 1896, Image 2

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Silver Betnc
The Amount of Gold and
EMTOBJociwAU-Onoof liemuln
argument of tl.cftclvnrutfRof thoRln-
uIokuM Mtanrlanl. Is the insertion
UmtiLjB the enormous ,..r.,u.
silver production, over mat, m k,
tlmt has caused the ran w smei.
Tills Htatcment Is so often made, and
so persistently dinned Into our ears hy
men who wo would suppose had Rot
the statement from olllelal sources,
that we cannot wonder that many
very Intelligent people believe It.
This statement was thrown at me, nt
the state house the other day, hy n
gentleman who said ho had the slit
tlstlcs to prove It. This I denied, and
called for his statistics which he
failed to Hud. This sent me lo the
o'llclul record, in published In the re
port of the conimltieo of the U. K.
neniUc, 1WM, entitled "Coinage Laws
or the United .States l"l2 to 18!U,"
page 10X
ByaddlnK the long columns or jrold
and silver, separately, I find that the
world'9 production of theso metals, for
the 120 years, from 1851 ' to 1872, In
clusive was as follews:
1)02,1)25,01 4)
Total both metals $;i,27Il,800,000
Excess of gold over sliver
production i,-i,.i,imu,uw
The annual average pro-
Or Kold 'alone 1 18,84.1.000
Of sliver alone 4.1,14,O0O
Annual oxeciw of gold
over silver ,.i,(i!),,ooo
Percent of gold - -j August 12th, program and refresh-
Peicent of silver -'''merits. All Invited. Admission, 15
J-'or this 20 years, 51 to ,0, ine
world's production was nearly 3 dol
lars of gold to one or silver. And yet
the "parity" was not materially dis
turbed. Why? Because the "mil
lionaire mine owner" could take his
gold to tho mint, and have It coined (
... 1
free. This kept tho great excess or
gold produced nt parity.
Taking both periods together, tho
42 years from 1851 to 1802, Inclusive,
tho world's production was:
Gold 84,7(11,000,000
Silver 3,375,000,000
Total both metals 8,130,000,000
Excess of gold production
over sliver... 1,380,000,000
Annual average produc
tion of u old 113.000.000
Ofsllvcr tjo.ooo.ooo,
or both melius jim,wu,uw
A n nual excess or gold pro
ductlou J.i,ooo,ooo
Pciceut or gold K8 j
Percent or sliver Hi
For each $1 In silver the wholo
world produced, It produced $1.11 in
gold. And yet men possessing some
degreo or Intelligence, luivo tho col
lossal assurance to tell us, that It Is
"over production" or silver that has
caused Its duel I ne.
For tho uoxtporlod-1871 to 1802-22
yearstho world's production or theso
metals was:
. . . 2,472,000,000
Total-both metals... $ 4,850,000,000
Exccssof silver over wold
production 88,000,000
Annual average produc
tion of both metals. . . 220,000,000
Of gold nlono 108,000,000
Of silver alouo 112,000,000
Averngo annual excess
of Kllvnr. over irolil
production 4,000,000
Of tho wholo product, gold was 40
percent., and silver 501 percent. It
will thus bo been that for this last 22
years, tho production or gold and sil
ver, ro-colned at 10 to 1, was substan
tially equal. Tho excess or silver pro
duction over gold, was only $1,000,000
annually, against an oxcess or gold
production over silver, during tho
(oriner period, or ovor $73,000,000 an
nually, Tho excess or gold In tho
former period, was 45 por cent, of
each dollar. Tho oxcess of sliver In
tho latter period, was oulv 1 fi-0 per
cent, of ouch dollar.
Vpth freo coinage or both metals,
an oxcess or $1,380,000,000 gold produc
tion, 1U two decades, did not cause
gold to depreciate. With what rea
son, then, can wo say that an oxcess
of dllvor production or only $88,000,
000 in 22 years, Is tho cause or tho de
cline or silvery
If an annual excess or ovor 73,000,
000 of gold did not send gold down,
how can wo bellcvo that an annual
oxcess of only $4,000,000 of sliver, Is
Bunicient to account for tho great de
cline of silver?
If tho production of nearly $3 of
gold to $1 of silver, did not produce a
decline of gold, with what reason can
wo assert that now, a production
of $1.03 of silver to $1 of gold, has
prjKlurod'.h decline (if SO per cent; In
t lib vMiUjciiiotalr
f j,w faclwtf 6UppoSJi'tmi the sun
t t0 do w. ricnce,
yf mm ,.,, ttMllMst.
AltlioiiBli wo now knou that It
s tll0 SrHi that revolted tiirnliiR I's
racototlntrreut ,umlliaryonco each
day. Yet to tw, as to them, the sun
does seem to move, and wo, us they,
speak of tho sun an rising and set
tltiir. Initially misleading Is It to say
that all values, including bllver, has
fallen, On the other hand, It Is gold
that has risen In value Increased In
purchasing pover. Since the debt wan
contracted, tho yard-stick has
lengthened, the bushel has enlarged,
and tho pound weight doubled Its
spccllle gravity. It Is not more true
to .ay silver has depreciated, than to
say the sun rlss. Gold has appre
ciated, and the eiui'.o or that appre
ciation Is the greater demand ror gold,
necessarily resulting from demonetiza
tion of silver.
John P. IIouuutsok.
Ulactric OKters.
Lleciric Flitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps more generally needed
when the liver Is torpid niul sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A
pi "nipt use of this medicine has often averted
lotiu and peihaps fatal billions fevers. No
medicine will act more surely tn counteract
lug and freeing the sjstcm from the malarial
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipa.
lion, Dininess yeild to hlectric littler. 50
cents and $.100 per bottle at Fred A. Legg's
Drug store.
Ick C'kkam Social. At the First
United Kvangcllcal church, on Cot
tage street, Wednesday evening,
,.,,.,. 8 :it
Our stock nl tan
closod out before the
Sco Kraiibse Hros
shoes must be
.season Is over.
A Question Answered.
Can tho Government refuse to nay
- -
100 cents on a tratlo dollar,
The trado dollar has been utterly
repudiated by tho United States. It
will not redeem them, and has de
clared them not to bo legal tender.
The trado dollar Is an object lesson In
showing tho effect or a declaration, by
the Government, making n coin legal
tender. Tho trado dollar contained
more grains or pure silver than tho
standard stiver dollar. It Is contended
by gold advocates that what gives a
dollar valuo Is tho material contained
In It, and that tho legal tendor fest
turo has nothing to do with its value,
It would bo Interesting to liavo a gold
man explain how It Is tlmt a trade
dollar, with more pure silver In it
than a standard silver dollar, but not
legal tender, docs not circulate at all,
and Its value Is simply tho valuo or so
much silver bullion, whllo the stand
ard sliver dollar containing less grains
or pure silver than tho trado dollar,
but declined by tho Govcrnmont to be
frill and unlimited legal tender, circu
lates, not at Its bullion value, which
they claim to be about 53 cents, but
at its nominal value, viz.: 100 cents.
Tho history of the tiado dollar Is an
unanswerable argument to show that
what gives value to money Is Its legal
tendor quality taken In connection
with Its volutin). As long as the trado
dollar was a legal tender to the extent
or $5 It circulated sldo by side with
tho standard silver dollar and with
gold money.
One reason why women are ao gener
ally troubled with some derangement of
the distinctly feminine organism is that us
girls they learn nothing about their own
physical make up, l'arcnts are waking up
to the importance of education of this kind,
and young women ore becoming more and
more able to take care of their health.
Carelessness in girlhood causes the great
est suffering and unhanplness in after life.
Little irregularities and weaknesses in girls
should be looked after promptly and treat
ment given at once. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription promotes regularity of all fern,
itiluc functions, makes strength and builds
up a sturdy health with which to meet the
trials to come. The "Favorite Prescrip
tion" is not a universal panacea. It Is
good for but one thing. It is directed
solely at one set of organs,
"I live ben a sufferer from 'female weak
ness' for fix years. I grew werse: had sever
cutting pains In lea orary, also la left side ani
stomach. The pain lu ltd aide was constant. I
woutd have light spasms previous to monthly
utter from severe aorenrts all over and ould
bear nothing to touch tue, I also suffered from
severe headaches; burning pressure ou brain
which almost caused roe io be Insane. I could
not lay my head down without smothering, My
face was poor) eyes looked deaJi waattd in flesh.
I was coustlpated and suffered severe pain when
bowela would act I could not eat for tho full
ness tn region of stomach. I had tried three of
lite nest aoctors here- nut tney only gave me tem
porary relief I had given up all hope of ever
the best doctors here but they only gave me tern
ttorarv relief I had elveu un all hone of evei
getting well again. At last I concluded to give
ling wen again, At law i couciuueu io give
Pierce's Favorite l'rrscrintlon a trial. I have
taken two bottles, one of the 'Golden Medical
Discovery ' aud one of ' Pellets.' I have not felt
any signs 01 uiy old disease; headache all couei
me use regular without ache or pain. Indeed I
feci like a ucw person." Yours truly.
Roger, Beaton Co., Ark.' .
11-.1) iBk'iivn 11
This la the complaint of
thousands nt this Reason.
Thov havonennnctito: food
docs not relish. Tboy need thotonlng up of
tho stomach and digestive organs, which
n courso of Ilood's Bnrsaparllla will give
them. It also purifies and enriches tho
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only n dyspeptic can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
tho wholo physical system. It so prompt
ly and efficiently rcllovcs dyspeptio symp
toms and cures nervous headaches, that it
seems to havo almost "a mnglo touch."
Is tho best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
r. nro the best nttcr-dlnner
HOOd S PlIlS pills, old digestion. 280.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in rthc
state, Artists materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of ijrass seeds,
say the) kno v tlio're on the
llurlinuton the moment they
str'ke It, It is so smooih. so
emy iso delightfully fice from
j'lt anil jars nml sudden staitr
nd stops
Another proof of the truth of
w hat we try to bring home to
you every week in tho vear
that for right down solid com.
fort, the Ilurlington has no real
competitor among the railroads
os tht west.
Omaha, 1'eorla, Chicago, St.
Joseph, Kansas City and St.
Louis are only a few of the
points to which It will pry jou
to take the Burllngtou.
Tickets and full information on
application to the local ticket
agent or by addressing.
Salem Steam Laundry
Please noticcjthc cut in prices
on the following!
Shirts, plain....
Under drawers,.
Under shirts..,.
Socks, per pair . ,
,to cents
.5 to 10 cents
,..5 to 10 cents
3 cenls
1 cent
Silk handkerchiefs.
Sheets and nlllow sllns 24 cents per (dozen.
...a..........,) ...il
and other work in proportion.
Flannels andothcr work in
tclligcntly washed by hand.
Col, J, Olmsted Prop,
I am prepared to do all kinds of work in
wood ami iron. Repairing machinery o(
any kind or making and repairing stone cut
ters, tools and edged tools of any kind made
and repaired; wagons and but'ties repaired,
and new ones made to order. Horseshoeing,
the best that can bo done in town. hand,
made shoes, l'htes and running shoes care
fully attended to. Call at my stand, at loo
Chcmcketa street, Iwck of New York Racket
neap, MiiwauKeo,
& Si. Paul lly.,
Of the Ch'cago, "Milwaukee .and kSt. Paul
Railway and note its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Ociaha, '
and remember when going east that its trk'nj
are lighted with electricity and heated by!
steam, Its equipment is supetb. Elegant
UuiTet, library, smoking and sleeping cars, '
with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping
car leithlas an electric reading lamp, and
its dining cars aro the best In the world,
Other lines are longer than this, but none
re shorter, and no other oilers the above lux
urious accommodations. These are sufficient
reasons for the popularity of "Tha Milwau
kee." Coupon ticket agents in every rail,
road office ill give yon further information,
or address
C. J. EDDY, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Tiav. Pas. Ageut.
"toTrttlEAPOLio A
s k
"l o vr V - nf
The Biggest Salem
-Show Saturday-
"The new aggregation one of the most
The premeir event of all combined circus seasons. Earth's greatest, grandest and most stu
pendouH tented exhibitions. Jleyond all comparison the largest show ever organucd.
4 Big Circuses, , 4 Great Riri s,
- 2Elcvatcd Theatre Stagcs.2,
Astounding, bewildering and inexplicable meteoric surprises. A dozen sterling acts at
one time are to be seen. 300 all-star artists. The only lady clowns and rinj; mislrc sses, in
troducing nil new exclusive features. Imperial Roman Hippodrome. Races and gala day
sports. Greatest Japanese Circus, male and lemalc equestrians, mid air originalities, ath
letes, acrobats and general performers Greatest number of clowns, aerial sensations Pre
senting for the first time in this city the biggest and most extensive extensie exhibit of rare
PAGEANT CARS. The only educated seals and sea lions, pair of Riant hippotaml, two
horned rhinoceros, enormous polar bear, great family of lordly lions, Royal IJengal tigers,
Full flock of great ostriches. A thousand sights and every one a sohow. The world's rarest
wild beast wonders.
2 Monster Menageries Combined,v2,
. -r..H J;'-l,(,,,'r-1
Pullman Sleopin Cars.
ElegantjDininr Cars
Tourist Sleooinr Oarb
To bt. Paul, .Minneapolis, Duluth, i-aru,
'irand Forks, f.'rookston, Wnn'pCi
Helena and Dutte,
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New
Vork, ltoston, and all Points
East and South
.Sjl'or information, timcTcardi, map an
tickets, call on or w ritn
265 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or.
A. L. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. (Pass. Act.,
Morrison St.. corner Third Portland, Or.
Easte? n R. R. Company
Connecting nt Yanuina Hay with the Sa
Francisco & Yaquina Uay Steamship Co.
Sails from Yanuina every 8 days for San
Francisco. Coos ll.y, Port Orford, Trinidad
and Humbolt Uay,
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest route between the Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or points west to San
Franciscot Cabin, 6j steerage, $4; to Coos
ltay and Port Orford, cablr. fo; to Humboldt
Day. cabin $S; round trip, good 60 days, $16,
The most popular seaside resort on the
North Pacific Coast. No undertow surf
bathing absolutely safe.
For those wishing to combine hunting and
fishing with aquatic sports, this resort has no
equal. Deer, bear, elk, cougar, brook trout
and salmon trout can hi found In abundance
wlihin a few hours' drive of the bay,
tliTReduced rates to all points.
EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Or.
J. C. MAYO, Supt. Rivet Division.
M. P. BALDWIN, Local Agent.Altona Dock
i ii yjiyuyaS Usiis j) cj j Uuiiui A
Gritet snows Unitfif
vLf V Vt J
Shasta Route.
op 'hie
Southern Pacific Co
ia Express Train Run daw
Portland and San Francisco.
8150 p. m
p.m. Lyv
j. m. Lv
n. m.) Ar-
d'ortland r-Ar. (8:10 a.m.
1 1 too p
Salem, Ar. 1 8soo a. m.
S. Frisco Lv. 1 7roo n. m.
Above trains stop at EastCl'oriland, Oregon
City, Wo- dburu, Salem,VjTurner, Marion,
leflerson, Albany, Albany junction, Tangent
Shedds, Halsey, Harrlsburg, Junction City,
Eugene, Croswcll, Drain,! and all stations
from Roseburg to Ashland, inclushc
8:30 11.111.
lv. Portland nr.
lv. Salem lv.
ar. Hosob'g lv.
4:40 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
5:'J0 inn.
4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
lv. Portland nr.
ar. Salem lv.
10:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping cars attached to all
through trains.
Between Portland and Corvallis, dally (ex
cept Sunday.)
7:30 a.m. I Lv.
12:15 p.m. f Ar.
Ar. 1 6:20 p, m.
Lv I ti35 P. m.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad.
Express train dally except Sunday,
4M5 1.
75 P.
i.( Lv. Portland
Ar, I
8:25 a. m,
5:50 a.m.
. f Ar. McMinville Lv
to all points in the Eastern States, Canada
and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratei
from W.W. SKINNER, Agent. Salem.
E. P, ROGERS, Asst. G. h. & P. A..
Portland, Or.
R. KOEHLER. Manager.
uincet Willamette Hotel Uuildin"
For water service apply at office. Bill
navable monthlv in ailvnnrv fil- .
complaints at the office.
There will be no deduction in water rate
on account of temporary absence from the
city unless notice Is left at the office
ucicaucr waier lor irrigation win only be
furnished to regular consumers using water
for domestic purpose. Contractors for side
Walks, brick unrl nn.l Tilitt. .!..-. ,.'.11 .,!..
read "under building purposes" page 17 of
schedule of rates for 1893. Apply at ofhc
" vviv-
po vverful in the
'. iigiii wild animal exhibit on caith. Two double herds of 16 elephants. In id.
ililiiin.il' niiv nuring hiby elopliant in the world. Indisputably the biggest and nckeit
Mi m ' nt It and il c only great one that has ever visited this country, Noted for in
mm. 1.11.1. i.iaiiiiune, nisgniticcncc and merit. See the grand doublr street pautant at j
a m ".am il iv August 22, revealing a golden avalanche ofwild beast wonders and u.
lacilnr spltmlur. See the vat city of tents, then decide whether or not you wantlo vmt'ke
grratit -bw 1 n eaiih. Two complete performances daily at 2 and 8 p.m. Doors open
an In Mi Miilc. Twelve mammoth waterproof tents, seating capacity 15,000; 25 uniformd
usher. 111 mlni'ilmiipon actually reserved seats on sale at Steincrs diug store, corner Vale
and Ciimn v-n-ial -ii.eis. nSpicial cheap excursions will be run on alflinesof travel,
Salem, Saturday, Aug. II
World's Biggest
0. R. & N. CO.
Two 'Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis MPaul and Den.
vor Omaha and Kansas Cily.feLow rate to
eastern cities,
Portland San Fjancisco.
Steamers leave Aluiuorth dock. Portland
July, 26, 31 and August 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 25
and 30.
Fare Cabin, $5! steerage, S2.50.
Steamers Ruth for Portland, Tuesday aud
Friday, at 7130 a. m.
For Corvallis Wednesday andjjaturday at
5 P-Im.
Steamer Gypsy for Poetland, Wednesday
and Saturday at 7:30 a. m.
For Corvallis, Monday nnd Thursday nt 5
Lowest freight and passenger rates. Round
trip tickets very cheap. 1 ickets sold and
baggage checked through to all points with,
out extra transfer charges,
F01 full details call on Boise & Barker
agents, Salem, Oregon, or nddress.
Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or
For full details call on or address
Foot of Tradest. Local gent.
' ?VU-" m anaara ror rprty rean and1
j b more popular to-aar tUanoTorboiore. (
k rerrcihlna, cleanly, healthful .n h.VSri'1
I A oeto1 invlslblo protoctlon to tba face.
liox i7,,r-;:v" r.-s f
at DnuaaisTs asd vanoy btobes.
1 ne Largest and
Richest Show on Earth.-
world V,vN, Y, Herald.
Shows Consolidated,
Through tickets
Union Pacific System,
through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Twm,
Sleepers and FreeJ Reclining Chairs duJJ
Portland to Chicago,
Our trains are heated b:$tem and
lighted by Pintsch light.
Time to Chicago, 3 M Jys
Time to New York, 4 - tyr.
Which is many hours quickerjtbsn cob
Ftei. time table, and full Jntamit
apply to
Agents, Sa!n, Or.
Ccneral Agent. Di. U Puj H
135 Third street. iq-
rftr mnoa.&OO capital J52 ",kIJ.
B tcmpic, - "
trig o w b'JSEm
nitEttJOiwia3 sold w frr.
bV"ttt . bte. :ri-; Fr2ji
Tho. Rosy frn:
Ana a velvet Jw,h0BS rw- 1
riably obtained by tW" " J
Complexion ro
home toriuaa pr W''SSms Ulec
tract tqpar &&!3t,t ulea tut;
noeharee. If wo fan w cm. '".ufhaT cm
u .k..t.4taUAibSMKcuttu