Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 03, 1896, Image 3

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    n iiimpii
SSjT Z. m V A II BftHlmM' The tfimoBeilMtlon uM
Til 6 w r 1 1 ' Wet woul(l ,ftu'e thu 0)po9,to oflca I
I 1B tlmt Its demonetization hud. It
gpaeaaiiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 n n mj.m
. .. la -v-... .
- "in. ; wome
.f.M All TVC11
otb T Ri tho moat
'"'" it- shins about Hood'a Barsa'
rm" . u.t customers who try othot
Is that customers
would Increase, perhaps double, the
prlco of commodities. Its demonetiza
tion cut prices In two. The following
will Illustrate tie ellirt upon the
pwU'1 ' to ,5'conie back to Hood's, and , farmer: Before prices fell a farmer bor
T .. hr tho enormous sales of this rows $1000 to be paid In 189(1 with 100(
s? Torr,
up and
bushels or wheat. He delivers tho
wheat at the stipulated time. It Is
y.Ki W : hi
I, the ttendarJ-tlieOno True Blood rurlHer.'
- " "... are the only pills to take)
Hnnri S Hi I IS wlUi Hood's H.irsauar1llfc.
Editor Sacramento Bee Sir: If
nctlirow our mints open to tho free
coinage of silver, what Is to prevent a
man who owes $500 In tho United
States from going to Mexico with $300
'bujlw silver bullion, taking It to tho
United States mint, having It coined
in 1000 silver dollars, paying his debt
and making $500 by the transaction'
Ihls Is one of the qucstlos tho udvo-
ates of silver are expected to unswer.
The answer is simple eneugh:
pfhennur mints are tnrown open to
be free coinage of silver at the ratio
bf 18 to 1, no man will bo nolo to pur
chase an ounce of silver In Mexico or
tnjwhere else for 05 cents. Tho mo-
uent our mints are thrown open to
liber at 10 to 1 the mint prlco of sil
ler in the United States will be $1.20
in ounce. That will be the market
trice of silver bullion In ftcw York.
be wires are put In motion and It
ecoaies tho prlco In Mexico, London,
Paris, Berlin, India and all over tho
irorld. It will be a little higher in
oodon, for England will purcuaso
per bullion here or In Mexico, and the
tof transportation, a mcro trifle,
kill be added. The rupee will then
lost England twice as much as it
csnow-tliat Is, a given quantity of
old will purchase only half the
luantlty of silver It docs now, and
he rupee will pay for only the same
uantlty of wheat In India that it did
jeforc. Therefore, measured by ttau
old standard, a bushel of wheat will
est twice as mnch in Liverpool as it
s today, nnd If In Liverpool then
New York, Chicago nnd other
arkets; for the Liverpool market
premsthe prlco of breadstuffs the
lorld over.
Butwhycannotsllvcr bo purchased
iMexIcoforOJccntsan ounce, after
ie free coinage of silver the samo us
ifore? Simply because no one but a
ipernatural Idiot would sell silver
illlon In Mexico or nnywhero else
fMccnts an ounce when ho can
od It to our mint and have it coined
Ito standard silver dollarsatiO to 1,
I with tho dollars thus coined ho
i purchase and pay fornnycommod-
r In the United States ut tho current
Net price. That would bo cqulva-
f to 11.20 an ounce for silver bullion,
fi being the case, no ono having a
wide of grey matter In his cerebrum
m be L'ullty of anything so idlotlo
onbuslness llkoas selling sliver
Pllon at 65 conts an ounce. Coin
Pose,then, to say nothing of
P'oesstact, would nrovo an Insuner-
f barrier to the purchase of sliver
lew than $1.20. Tho more silver
Rdthebetterforthe people, for
r' Wou'(l bo more plentiful, bus!.
flj obtained, and prices would bo
H for every comwodlty.tho people
Wry has to sell. Getting more
F ' tor their nrodimt. furmont
N be betterable to pay their debts,
pouw soot, bo prosperous again,
11 goes without savlnif that when
Ff are prosperous, when they get
' wees for their crons. tim whole
P5tr7 U prosperous nntl nverv n.
P flourishes.
iTetableS8,10W,nff tne aggregate
.oiDUshels Of wheat, corn. n:its.
V Potatoes, eln nnil i.lna ..f
Idannualyin this country,
""lot nut mv - ...
I ""bcr uu mem nuw,
Wd gire tlrem, but thfincreased
,ttUMng froiuvwheat and cott
Oll0e Wontn ,...'.
- . Ul our oeopie7-every
11118 would auke what is called
'"'why la Kl" " B,mp,y bocau" of good quality and' contaliiH Justns
Wu2Z$R ,m,ch nulrl,,,ent a,,um mko .8
"JhlS Is of dally occurrence in almost many barrels or -Hour and loaves (.f
JSE bread as 1000 bushels of good wheat
cf through restoration to health would twenty years ago. The dept Is
SmsnyotbermedlclDo. canceled without loss to either party.
Another farmer borrows $1,000 to
bo paid In 1800 In gold coin. He
probably received greenbacks, or per
haps part greenbacks, part silver and
part gold. It made no difference to
him, forut tjuit time one dollar was
Just as good as another. Soon
after sliver Is demonetized; It Is no
longer a lcgnl tender. The world's
stock of metallic money Is decreased
one-hair. Gold has to do all the work
previously done by both gold and sil
ver. It Is therefore In grcatcrdemand.
Its purchasing power Is Increased, or,
to put it In another way, Its own prlco
Is raised in obedience to tho law of
supply and demand. When ho bor
rowed the money, 11 bushel of wheat
would buy or exchange for ono dollar
in gold. In 1800, when tho debt has
to be paid, u bushel of wheat. will
only purchase GO cents of gold. To
buy one dollar In gold coin he has to
sell two bushels of wheat, for ono dol
lar'in gold coin will exchango for two
bushels of wheat. But ho owes $1,000
In gold. To get It he must exchange
2,000 bushels of wheat for It, so that
his loan of like amount costs him
double. what his neighbor had to pay.
Why? Simply because silver was de
monetized, because the voluino of tho
olrcnlatlng medium was decreased
one-half, and its purchasing power
correspondingly Increased. That was
the reason silver was demonetized. It
was done In the interest of tho cred
itor's class, nations as well as indi
viduals. It was for that purpose to
rob tho producer, the laborer, tho
debtor and unjustly increase the profits
of tho creditor class that silver was
demonetized. If It had any other
purpose It has nover been discovered.
The mint laws were all right
They required no revision. They had
served tho nation for nearly ono hun
dred years, but they were not ai
favorablo to Shylocks as the lattej
could wish; hence they were revised
and under cover of their revision the
crime of tho century was committed.
If anything can bo offered in mitiga
tion of that crlmo Its friends and
enemies alike would bo glad to hear
L. A. Haucout.
for Infants and Children.
Hatetnan'a Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many no-called Soothliigr 8ynip, and
most remedies for children ore composed of opium or morphine?
o Von Know that opium nnd morphine ore stupefying narcotic polsonjr
ftp Yon Know that In most countries JruggUUnrc not permitted tosell narcotics
without labeling them poisons f
Tn Von Know that you should not permit nny medicine lo be elven your child
unless you or your physician know of what It Is composed?
o Von Know that Castorla is a purely vegetable prepamllon, and that a list or
Its Ingredients Is published with every bottle?
Ho Yon Know thai Castorla Is tl-e prescription of the famous Dr. Samnel Pitcher.
That it lias been lu ue for nearly thirty years, nud that more Castorla Is now sold than
of alt other remedies for children combined ?
Tno Von Know that the Talent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, !me Issued exclusive right to Dr. rltcherftnd his assigns to use the word
Cnstorlil " and Us formula, nnd that to imitate them Is n state prlxon offense ?
o Von Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection
was because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely linrmlcflH?
Ho Von Know that 33 nvernjf o dose of Castorla nrc fun lsbed for 33
cents, or one cent a dose 7
o Yon Know that when possessed ofthla perfect preparation, your children may
be Vept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? t
Well, tlicwc I:ngn are worth knowing. They are fucts.
The Great One Cent Silver Daily The Only Associated Press
Silver Daily.
c:;j'-i Mti '. f T
Tito fnc-nlnilla
Hlgmiturc o
la on every
Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorla.
A training school for teachers. Senior year wholly professional. Twenty weeks of
Pschology, nud general an'l special methods) twenty woeksof teaching In training denari.
ment. Tialning school of nine grades, with two hundred children. Regular normal couwe
of three years The Normal Diploma is recogniied by law as a slate life certificate to teach.
Light expenses. Board at Normal Dining Hall H.50 per week. Furnished roomi with
ngni ana lire, 75c to $1 per week. Hoard nnd lodging In private families $2.50 to $3.50 per
rtuunai s per icim 01 icn wceKS normal, o,35 per
week. Tuitien: Sub.
Grades from reputable schools accepted.
term of ten
Catalogue cheerfully furnished on ajipll-
Mre. L. M. Klnzer died at tho fam
ily homo In Santlam precinct, Linn
county, last Monday. SUo was 07
years old and one of Linn county's
P. L. Campbell.
Or W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty.
7 17 tr
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
GARDEN HOSE. . A ,. - -
lawn sprinklers; SALEM,
The Willamette Hotel.
Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year Weekly $1.
- Cut this out ami post up In a conspicuous placo wlinro It will bo
ecu. All the nsMiclati'd press papers lu Oii'iron, except THE
JOURNAL, are published in tho Intcrcd, of tin1 Kohl slaiitlartl.
Send 'Ale In silver for the dally one mouth.
The Oregon Press Monopoly
"Will not heat the restoration of silver fairly. It will not tell tho
people tlie ti ulh. It dare not, Tnko a fair paper that (fives the
people's side as well as the Wall street side.
Are You a Patriot?
Help your country by circulating the only Associated Press Dally
lu Crcuon that advocates
Independent Bimetallism.
All the news of tho preat battle of tho peoplo for silver. Advo
cates tho lllmelalllo Union of all who arc opposed to tho single
gold Simula rd.
Do You Favor Unity and Harmony
as thewatchordor tho peopb of Oregon?
Subscribe for the Capital Journal I
Daily thirty days for a silver quarter,
Each issue a complete history of thu day and a galling gnu of
arguments fi.r the people's cause.
Tho people arc charged with Ignorance by tho gold press. This
Is a false charge. Whcicvcr tlio caiuo of free coinage of gold nnd
silver 10 to 1 Is most discussed nnd best understood It Is most pop
ular and strongest with Iho people.
Sixty Days for 50 Cents.
If you can't talk or wrllc for silver read and mark articles and
send them to your neighbors and friends sixty hot shot for fiOc.
Cheapest political ammunition In tho country. Send a silver
(inarteror half dollar and tiy It. Tho people must bo educated v
ann It Is your duty to help do this work for humanity.
Keducca'ratcb. Management hocrat, Electric can leave hoiel (or allliublicbuililini
ind points oMItUcreit. Special rales will be given lo permanent patrons.
A. ,1. WAGNER,
McttU smokln? it out of U vi!i
which is tut incrtnlng among tbs-joumr
men or- t period. It U 8 of nervou.
ntn; nervoua excitement, nervous weak
ness and debility U the rrowlnf nufcdjr of
the day. Minds are vtr-bdrdened in
Mbool. tb pleasorte aocitl life follow
tartness worry J ymmfnuet, exiul ex
sttKi or abuse are Mtt the already
Sfeebled nerves t4 kmK t exhausting
tease or dralna ttpM the nervous system
Il'a a drar ami handicap to every
m wan to be a afferer from nervoua
fcWlfty or weakness, low aplrit. Irritable
tewper, impaired weasory, loss of will,
wcr. and the thousand and one derange
Stents of wind and body that result from
inicloua habits often contracted through
Cnorance of nature's laws. The wreck of
'Saastltutlon, weakened rltallty and manly
ower, following- such habits would be a
Jony end a to life In this splendid age of
JeanW and labor. It will lost become an
ace of aaaetUed brains aad shattered nervea
unless our yoaar men know Iktmitlves,
To reach, re-clalm and restore such
unfortunates to health and happiness, is
the aim of the publisher of a book p
ioco page, profurely illustrated, written la
plainPl?nguUe. on the nature, 7Ptoma
and curability, by bome-treatment, of such
SiseaVe Ti book wUl be sent feb on
receipt of twenty-one () cents In starnps,
for pbstafe and wrappina; only. Address,
Worid-rbUpeasary fitelcal AssociaUon,
No. a Main Street, Buffalo, H; Y
Torteore' than a Quarter of a century
febysicUM coanected with thi widely
cVl?bnInUttloa hava made the treat
genrcT the dUeose. hinted at tovetbeir
ipecialty. Thousand have consulted them
by letter and received advice and medi
Hat" which hava resulted in permanent
Sufferera from premature old age, or loss
boot above awattwisd.
B c. Hansen, manage.
Onlvi;ooit'hore ueil. Satitfactiot) uirant-'tfl. Staliltt luck ol Stateln.utnnce blcxk
Examination Notice.
Tho regular quarterly examination
for teachers' certlllcates will bo held
at tho court houso, Salem, Oregon,bo
glnnlng at 1 p. m.,Vcdnesday,August
12, 1890. G. V. JpNus,
7-30-dw-td County Kupt.
Wanted AH girls to know tliaf'Hoo
Cake" will not make their hands red
like common soap. Havo tho wrappers.
They are worth a cent apiece. J 0 tf
There was In the neighborhood of
twenty applicants for 'tho presidency
of the A. O. Cat Cor vail 1b.
ont-HAW toe, of box
I baa boea the juuidard for totij 7w &$
U mora popttlV UJ-vJ iuaa yvvt
i l.thnMulcomDlezton powder bttaUtjlat.t
" ! T-7 . " l ...... k. I -
reireiluiw. cieJiir. soanuiui mu uuiuich. .
A 3eUcW, InrUlbla proMctlon to W !.
With every box ol ftweXttXI"! (
HOX t Kites Ireo ol ehtrce. J
"r "'i
.. u.
ir-S K.R
Pullman Sleeping Cars
EJegantiDinin Cars
Tourist Sleeoino- Car.-
To ht. Paul, Minneapolis, IJulum, r-ibv-,
'Irand Forks, Crookston, Winnljt,',
Helena and llulte.
To Chicago, Washington, 1'hiladclpliin, New
York, Doston, and all Points
East ani South
For infuimalion, time cards, insps an
tickets, call on or wriln
alono, but wo want both koIiI and silver, Thero Is not gold enough lu our country to nay one-twentieth of thodubls
owing In this country. If you want repudiation ndvocato tho single gold standard. It means contraction of our
currency, destruction of values, and repudiation. Investigate nnd you will lw convinced.
Publishers. Salem, Or
k k Paul l!y,
zzSuTrTtjrs'Porro " j
S& a i
no crrf V sm
'&x o w a V y
A Tft". t .' 1
265 Commercial srrcei, Salem, Or,
A. D. Charlton, Aut. Oen'l ' A
Morrison St.. comer I hinl l'orii.in I.
LkKHM Who Valuo
AreAacd complexion must use Pouaol'sFow-
Oar. It produce a soft and beautiful skin.
Of ihe' Clicogo, ;Milwukre:ml,St, Paul
Hallway and note its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha,
and remember when golnu east lhat its trt'ns
are lichicd with electricity and heated by
steam. lis equipment it supeib. Elegant
nutlet, library, smocini; anu sleeping cars,
with free rt-cllnlri! chairs. Each slccplnir
car -lh as an electric reading lampand
lis ilirnnc cars are I lie best in tne world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none
sic shorter, and no other offer tlio above lux.
nricuk accommodations These are sufficient
irawiit for ihe j-ODittlly of "Tha Milwau.
kcr." Coupon ticket agents In every rail
ruail office vyi give yon further Information,
or aildrt
(L J. EDDY. Genersl Agent,
f W.CASEY.'Tfav. Pass. Agent.
' Portland
0. R. & N. CO.
1 . ran.conti enUl
Through Tickets
lJ-dTTL3!) X aV
' ft I
- ;
Via Spokane Minneapolis t Paul and Den Whu inPaPlfirRxtHiTl
ver O.nal.a and KnnHai Cliy. LBrwe-tof vIW 1011111 OVaiUllli
MslitilcHlcs. I '.'- - '
l'orl and San I'jancisco, I ., ,,.. n.i . w n...i.
Steamer, leave Altii6.lh dock. Portland '"-"K '. ' J3 ,"'",.ni ? rh.'. ' .,. iiS
J6.3I andAugu.15,6, 10, 15,10,3s ""V, .- '.
July. :
and to,
Fare Cabin, $e.;stceracc, $J.Jo.
Steamers Ruih for Portland, Tuesday aud
Filday, at 71308. m.
us w
S R-Iro.
iVdnetilay and Saturday g at
Steamer Gypsy for Poetbml, Wednesday
and Saluiday ai 7slo a. m
For Coivaflis, Monday and 'I hnifilay at 5
Ixwrt fielglit and paiKngt'r rales. Round
trip tickets very cheap. Tickets sold and
baggage checked through to II points wilh.
rut esira irsntfer charge
F01 full detail call on Itolic '& llarkci
agenti, halkiii, Uickvh '" ili1re.
F 1 full .1
Fix uf I ladrat
iitn'l I'a.. Al, I'oiDand, Or
clui)Mllim.r iMdf
ti. M.TqKI. ,,
. lirljp
For lollcacy, J
for purity, and for Improvement ot thcfcouir
pluxlou uollilujf txjuals I'oSzoniTi'owoaS;
Portland to Chicago,
Our trains ate bested bJiteam and ia
lluhted by Pintsch lifilit.
Time tu Chicago, 3 t'. Jays
Time to New York,,4 12 days. f J
Which If many hours qurcker than com-
For rates, time tables and full inloimatlon
apply to
no run e itAMKJm,
Agents, S1hi, Oii
f, enteral Agent Dil.,as.,Agents
r 1 u Third Street, 1'orllandl, P
Tho Roy Ffmfmm ISJ
.".-." V....T -f .k.VlnlU l.i
ai a velvety aultuesa of tbosklnlU tnvsj.
rlalilVOtiMine.! vy
Cmujilexlgn fowrUi
lhoowhoum 1'oaaoMi'M
' I
? i