Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, July 27, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal.
miWi i iiiiaiiiihwjtyiyiwtiti
turiiwl to Portland, Huutluv niorhint'i
MONDAY, JULY 27, 1890.
tr. a .- - f'- r xi" i " 4 .
Altona and Ramona f
Portland, 6145 a. m.
Salem 7:45 m.
Independence, C130 a. in.
Sunday trip diicontlnued for tlie prei
Culck lime, regular service ami cheap
. rates
M. I',
Agent, Salem,
(Muslin Underwear,
Priced cut almost in two on nil
wo liavo remaining. American
made goods. No Chinese work.
1 in- -'-
The Shirt Waists
Continue to
merciless cuts.
move under our
W s9 fW S9 '' '! S " "m
The Great 75c, Cut
Una sold dozens. Every $1, $1.2.',
$1 GO waist now cut to "fie.
after n brief visit with relatives In
Salem. Mrs. Campbell will lie re
metnbercd as Miss Claire Lee.
Dr. E. B. Philbrook and family
L. Patterson returned to
the Itoscburg local tlilR
Made of strong canvas and leather
bound; Just the tiling for plenic,coast
or mountains. All Mlr.cs unci prices.
Canvas for Tents,
We have all weights. Also a heavy
drilling used Tor the purpos;.
Straw Hats,
In order tocloc thcni out quickly,
cost doesn't figure. $2 ones for $1.2.5,
$1.50 ones for 91 and so on.
Bicycle Clothing
With the Chicago sclr supporting
Negligee Shirts.
A full lino of summer shirts from
75c. up.
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
What ii b it FoiticaABT. Tonight
and Tuesday fair.
J. P. Frlcland spent Sunday
Portland friends.
Miss Lizzie Ilolman Is visiting
frlendsjit Sydney.
David Simpson was a Portland busi
ness visitor today.
Dr. L. F. Grlnith returned this
afternoon from Newport.
County Judge-U. P. Terrell returned
this afternoon from Mcliama.
V.'K. Lovcll, of the Secretary or
State's olllce, Hpcnt Sunday In Mc
liama. Walter Stoh, of the Spa, returned
tills morning after a week's outing at
Must Be Sold,
Dimities 20o ones now 13c, 16c ones
now loo, JOo ones 7o.
Lyon's silks Uc.
15p Zephyr Oliighnma now lOo,
Ladles' cool undcrvests, 5c. 10c.,
15c, 20c, 25c., .'15c, 50c. each.
Straw hats, $1 ones 50c: 75ooncs 10c
Tan shoes all reduced,
Gents' summer undershirts and
drawers 25o and up.
It. & G. corsets.
Poster's kid gloves,
Albert hosiery.
.Willis Bros, & Co,
,. . Court nnd Liberty.
Tho CashjjDrylGcMKls,. Clothing and
Shoo House.
(RTUntll further notice our Btoro will
closo ut 7 o'clock evenings except Sat-urday.
Hon. I.
Salem on
H. II. Saltier, n commission mer
chant of San Francisco, was in the
city today.
Jas. Kyle returned on the overland
this morning from a visit ovcrSituday
at Newport.
W, II. Biitchart went to Portland
Sunday morning, accompanied by his
J. L. Lamblrth returned Snnday
from a Hying business trip to Seattle
and Tacoma.
Miss Lottie Hellenbrdnd returned
this morning from a Sunday visit with
Portland friends.
Ben Olcott, an employe In the Hush
bank, returned this morning from an
outing at Newport.
Mrs. F. Slderlns has returned to her
home In Portland after a visit at the
home of J. M. Hubcr.
Misses Julia and Lillian Mctscliau
returned this afternoon from an out ing
at Newport by the sea.
Carl S. Nlcklln left this morning
for Cottage Grovc,whcre lie Is engaged
In government surveying.
Attorney and Mrs. Geo. Q.BIngham
and baby returned today from a ten
days outing at Seal Rock.
Leon Holland, assistant In tho Red
Front drug store, vjsltcd tho "Phila
delphia" at Portland Sunday.
M. Urcdemclre went to Portland on
the Sunday morning local where he
spent the day with relatives.
Miss Bertie Smith, saleswoman in
Osburn's racket storo, left this morn
ing for an outing at Mcliama.
Mrs. Dlzzlo P. FIsk, aged 01 years,
was reclovcd at tbo Insnno asylum
Saturday evening from Eugene.
D. S. Richards, tlio Court street
Junkmau, returned Sunday evening
from a business trip to Portland.
Dr. W. II. Byrd returned this
morning from an over Sunday visit
with his family at Forest Grove.
J. E. Baker, or the Goodalo lumber
yards, returned last evening from a
two day's visit in tho metropolis.
O. E. Adams and Miss Mario Kirn
wero among tbo Saleniltcs bound for
Portland on tho Salem local Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawrenco and
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lawrenco spent
Sunday at a delightful spot above
have gone to Neskowne. Dr. Phil,
brook will return In a few days while
Mrs. Philbrook and the children will
remain throughout the summer.
E. E. Williams, a native born Sa
lem I te but now a telegraph operator
at Glen's Ferry, Idaho, Is In the city
on a visit to his grandmother, Mrs.
A. A. Wheeler, on LI berty street.
Capt. and Mrs. .1. Q. Barnes, of the
New York Racket, went to Portland
this morning. Before returning they
will visit Astoria and Ucarhart Park.
The trip will consume about one week.
Thos. Eckhartand family nnd Mrs.
F. Sauvain and son, Charles Sauvaln,
leave Tuesday morning for the Nortii
Fork of the Santlam, where they will
pick blackberries, tlsb and hunt for
about ten days.
Mrs. David Simpson who was
brought home from Newport one
iwnlf rum ill tlfrillnf. nt ctnlnnca 1i..a
I about recovered. The excitement
caused by the long trip Is supposed to
be the cause of Mrs. Simpson's Illness.
B. B. Cronk returned Sunday morn
ing from his timber ranch about 00
miles below Portland. He reports that
Improvements arc being carried on
quite extensively. Two railroads and
one cable road are in course of con
struction and thousands of feet of
timber Is being removed daily.
A Summer Vacation Offer for the Singers
of Salem.
During tho remainder of this sum
mer vucatlon, until September 15th
(seven weeks) I will give voice culture
lessons at one-half my regular price
50 per lesson. Now Is tho Lima to be
gin. Why fool away this beautiful
summer? I do not need a vucatlon,
neither do you. After September 15th
regular rates will be charged. Call at
any time at tho college of music of tho
winamciie university nnu arrange
for lessons. R. A. Hekitaok,
Dean of Collego of Music.
vi2ni I r
I Ai L& . K .. .-
v-rccuju vueese,
The first
lot made by
the new Munker's
It is superb,
Try it
IM srvrE ST.
.1. R. Krausso and Mrs. P.P. Klnsoy
and daughter, Miss Margaret, left this
morning for Portland and a trip up
tho Columbia.
Mrs. II. 11. Holland and daughters,
Misses Elmo, Constance and Itemoli,
lcavo tomorrow morning for an outing
at Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. 18. M. Laforo havo re
turned from a two weeks stay at Seal
Rocks. They report tho weather as
bolng delightful,
Miss Lucy Gurd, who has been vis
iting at tho homo of A. D. Palmer
on Chcmeketa street, has returned to
her homo at Albany.
Dr. S. R, Jessup returned this
afternoon from u short outing at
Waterloo. His son, Albert, will ro-
main for a few days.
II. W. Prescott with his wife and
daughter, and IMIss Oltnger lcavo in
tho morning for a fow weeks camping
on the Santlam near Mcliama.
Cashier J. W. Blekford, or tho First
Natlouul bank, went to Portland Sun-
uny morning whoro ho Joined Mrs.
Blekford who; preceeded him on Sut-urday.
Frank Smith and Frank Pceblor left
this morning for Gold Creek on tho
nortii fork of tho Santlam river,
whoro they expect to spend sovcral
Mrs. J. W. Wilson and children left
this morning for Brownsvlllo whoro
they will spend a fow weoks at tho
homo of Mr. Wilson's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowls Campbell
Fingers Smashed.
James Colbatli, by occupation a
mlllwjlght, residing on Asylum
avenue, met with a painful accident
Saturday afternoon. Mr. Colbatli was
working with another man on the
property of J. M. Wallace In Sydnoy
and was engaged In building a Hume.
Mr. Colbatli held a number posts
while his companion drove them Into
the ground with a 20-pound sledge
hammer. About 1:15 last Saturday
afternoon tho men wero driving posts
when accidentally tho hammer fell
upon Mr. Colbath's right hand badly
smashing tho third and fouttli lingers.
no secured a rig as soon as posslblo
whoro Drs. Ilyrd and Smith dressed
tho wounded members. It Is feared
Mr. Colbatli will looso his third
linger as It is badly disllgured. This
Is 111 luck sldco It will cause Mr. Col
batli to looso soveral weeks work dur
ing the best part of tho season.
Buy your
hats ut
tho New York
2t o o d lw.
Police Court.
A. Swanson, charged with vagrancy,
was scntonccd to live days In tbo cltv
Jail tills morning, by Recorder Edes.
Davo Hill, a drunk, was given ono
hour in which to leavo town this
morning, nnd ho lost no timo in
Shaking Salem dust from his feet.
E. E. Banks, an Itinerant peddler,
who did not think It necessary to ob
tain a llconso from the city resorder,
before disposing of his goods, was
today given ono hour to leave town,
which no did at onco.
W. II. Dawson wasarratnged bororo
Recorder Edes this arternoou charged
with nssault andrbattery on tho nor-
son or John Patterson last Saturday
night, Dawson plead not guilty and
will bo given a trial at :i o'clock to
morrow urtcrnoon,
Fast Time. Dr. Goo. S. Wright.
came very near beating tho world's bi
cycle record at MoMlnnvlllo yesterday.
Ho mudo hair a mile In 6) seconds,
which is within 21 seconds or tho best
record. Ho had a taudoin for pace
maker, but on the homestretcher was
obliged to turn out, and ho bout the
pacer In by about -10 feet.
Whai the Labor Exchange Is Uolug. -New
The work or raising funds etc. for
the proposed motor railway between
Salem and points In the Waldo Hills
and the Santlam country, Is progress
ing very satisfactorily to those hav
ing the matter In charge. Each
point through which the line, will
pass. ir constructed, is responding
very liberally to the call for contribu
tions The value of such an enter
prise to Salem cannot bo over esti
mated as It would bring nil the
wealth of the Waldo Hills and the
Santlam country direct to Salem.
Our citizens should respond liberally
in contributing towards such an en
terprise. The Garden Road people on
the northeast border of Salem, have
assured the Labor Exchange of their
interest In the new enterprise by
promising to assist in the construc
tion of the road In every way possible.
The Exchange asks for live resi
dence lots from each city for every
$1000 In work and material that Is
pledged. The lots are to be used as
homes for members of the Labor Ex
change. There arc many men who
need employment badly and unless
some work is provided for them that
thcycr- -.arn something, they will
sutler t thccoinlng winter passes
by. "WW is needed most at the
present time Is bread, meat and feed
for which checks will be given, re
deemable In tralllc over the road. In
addition to the many contributions,
Leo Brown, of Stayton, has given the
exchango the privilege of cutting sev
eral thousand tics from his place. It
Is understood that George Turner of
Turner, will also grant the same priv
ilege to the lexchange. Salem people
should rally to the support of such a
worthy enterprise, by 'contributing n
uauusomc sum.
An enthusiastic meeting was held
at Stayton Friday evening, when $10,-
000 In labor nnd material was furnished
besides fifty lots, depot grounds, side
track, etc. Saturday evening another
rousing meeting wus held at Aums
vlllc, when $7000 and forty dwelling
lots, depot grounds, etc., wero pledged.
All contributions arc mane In mate
rial and labor. A meeting will bo
held tonight at Maclcny, when It Is
expected $5000 will be pledged, and-25
lots will bo asked for.
Interested parties rrom Shaw Sta
tion will also attend the meeting at
Macleay tonight. It Is thought this
little 'burg will furnish at least $2000
In labor and material. Tomorrow
evening the people of Fruttland will
hold another meeting, when It is
thought they will complete their sub
scription, of $5000.
Meetings will be held every night
tills week at points along tho route or
the proposed railway. Those having
In charge the matter or raising sub
scriptions, are quite pleased with the
liberal responso rrom the different
valloy towns.
But let tho good work goon. It Is
estimated that the Mcliama people
will furnish ubout $5000. with
dwelling lots.
ir the lexchango receives suillcl-
cut encouragement rrom tho ncoplo or
Salem.work will begin on tho railroad
on or before September 1st. Tho work
will commence ut Salem and by Jan.
1st it is thought tho track can be
ready for travel as far as Macleay nnd
For several weeks past a force of
about thirty men has ibcen emnlovcd
In ercctlug a largo warchouso for tho
exchango on the east bank or tho Wil
lamette river lust nortii of McClane's
Island and lust ono half of a mile south
of tho poor farm. It is a two story
building 48x80 foot having a wharf -ngoof
COxSOreet. Work Is progress
ing nicely on tho building, the roor or
which will bo completed this week.
Tho building will probably be com
pleted in about thirty days when nil
kinds or produco will bo received ror
fioruge. urain, produco etc will bo
shipped on n commission. Tho mem
bership of the exohnngo has almost
reached tho HO mark and oyerythlng
Is lu a nourishing condition.
A Veteran Republican Leaves His Party
Iter 32 Yeats.
The rollowhig letter from Austin P.
Lowcry of Des Moines, Iowa, Is hull
witlvoof the feeling among tried and
truo Republicans at Iowa's capital
city. Mr. Lowery Isa promlncntland
attorney, adjutant or Crocker Post
No. 12, one or the largest Grand
Army organizations In the state, and
he is not an olllce holder.
Dks Moines, In., July 21, 18!)il.
Ernst Heifer, Esq., Salem, Or:
My DeauSiu: I notice from the
Dally Register here tliat you arc
charged by Its editor with roaming
around amongst false gods? But 1
presume you feel that you havo not
changed your religion, but that the
Register and his squad have changed
your god, and you nro only trying to
find It. Well. Mr, Hofer, I am with
you, after having voted the Repulbl
can tIckctfrom '02 till '05, but I can
not do so longer. I fought three years
as a private in the 0th Iowa Infantry
for the perpetuation of LI16 principles
or this nation, and now my Republi
can friends want me to submit to the
crowned heads of the old world,
whether we shall make the money or
.TT yW.5!l.s j.w, n ,,-rt fc t . -
1 1 1 JwmmHmmm '
Still It Continues.
Our Clearnce and Remnant
prices durin
Every article in our store at reduced
Watch tills soacc frif i!Kr i ., .
F wy amcs xms
A ladies' fast black seamless hose 10c.
Received today a new line of nrinfo v
-w 1
rim TlrY7? M
257 Commercial st.
We would like to impress you with the idea that we arc
the tea sellers of Salem, Our teas arc new crop and alwavs
give perfect satisfaction, Our uncolorcd teas at 25c and 30c
will match with most 50c teas sold in Salem,
Our "Cracked Java" coffee is of the best grade obtainable,
and our prices all right, too, Cast your eyes on our our disv
r j r .4 t. t44 t
piay in iront 01 tnc store, it will pay you,
P, O, Grocery,
CULVER.-At the family lnm,
miles cast of Snlcm Tri I vWi
July 23, 181MI, to Mr ar?d Mri'Tfy
Culver.'a daughter. ',rs-ir3nk
1IORNEB-OWI8x7-Iii 11,1. .
oiliclating. "' r,inmi
WILLOU01IHY-rAY.-In n.-..
urove, Cai., July 20. Hun iiiMT,'r
Mil Wlllmii, !.. ..r i-i '-";." W
II. 0
our constitution, and cs.ieclii.V .lie
"dollar of our dads.'1 ir we adont the
present platrorm by electing .ickln-
ley, wo will have a paper currency
with a gold standard, and our money
controlled solely by a row national
banks. I am opposed to such a nlan
of II nance. Our mines will employ
not less than 500,000 laborers dlnctly
and Indirectly, and these miners can
put Into circulation annually not less
than $100,000,000 of gold and sliver,
fresh and new, Just dug from the
mines,, and every avenue of Industry
would bo benefitted thereby. If wo
trust the currency to theso gold stand
ard men, wo had as well begin to
tighten our own llnanclal rope around
our necks and get ready to swing Into
eternity ut once.for we will bo swung
olf by this relentless blood sucklmr
gold monopoly? I congratulate you
on your Independence, and I bcllovo
there arc enough r.r us hero in this
Seventh congressional district who
will not follow In tho wake of this
gold brigandage to set down on the
great olllco holder, John A. T. Hull.
Wo propose to make It warm ror him
and defeat him ir possible.
Slucoroly Yours,
A. P. Lew Ell Y.
P, S. My uncle, Thomas Wallace.
laid out Salem, in am correctly Informed.
Fruit Outlook.
Clins. Dalley, member or the state
board or horticulture, has Just re
turned from a t borough Inspection or
the orchards In this district, and re
ports that tho fruit outlook Is every
where about tho same as in this local
Iry, very light. However, Mr. Dalley,
says tho trees aro everywhere looking
much better than last year. Ho found
very few sick trees as compared with
last year. It will be remembered that
last year there wore not a fow pruno
trees turning yellow, and apparently
dying, but there is none or this now.
Trees ulTectcd last year by tho black
spot arc now making good growth,
and look as though they would fully
recover from tho disease, and no doubt
will, especially If treated to a course
or spraying tho coming winter. With
the extra growth and strcngthtgalned
by Oregon orchards this year, an un
precedented frulttcrop may bo looked
for another season, and all growers
will do well to prepare for it.
tl.. 11MII .1.. ... .!"'
jio uiiimigiiuy.oi Ureon C'ltr i
way, formerly of Salem.
T-ANNKD.-For bargains In im
shoes Investigate KrausTurSsS
lal sale af tan sliws. ,uiw
Notice to Lontractora.
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned, at the olllce of the clerk
of the district until Thursday ereij.
lug, July ), 1890, for repairing the
four furnaces at tlio East Salem Mhoni
house The furnaces iniut be taken
to pieces, and every defective part re
placed with new material, In accord
ance with the scale on llle at the olllce
of tho dork, and the furnaces are to
be examined by the committee- before
they arc bricked up. The committee
reserve tho rlghtjto reject anyorall
11. A. Bkhce.
W. M. CHr.nniN0TO.v.
E. M. Waitb,
Executive Committee.
Tan shoes soiling
lice. Krans.se Bro.
ut a great sicri
Hats, Now York Racket cheap. The
Fedora Hats at tho Now York Racket
can't bo beat. Prices below all com
petition. ood2tl w
Nkw CiiAius.-H.G, Myerhashad
Hvo now chairs placed in his tonsorlnl
parlors and they aro 'dapdlcs" too.
Salkm Gkts tiik Honohs. At tho
national silver convention In St. Louis
Inst week It seems thnt two Snlnm
men walked awaw with the most Im
portant plums. Amos Strong was
mado vlco president for Oregon, while
"I." llnfAH HI....
.,. juiivi, (ii jitK iiouiiNAi. was
selected as national committeeman
for tho state.
Cooi. Okk.-Oii Tuesday evening
tho young people of tho East
Salem Evangelical church will
gtvo a social at tho residence of L. M.
Honninguoir, corner of Nineteenth
,and Chemeketa streets. Ice cream
Tiik O. A. C. Pkesidenoy. Tho
Times says: Counting Mr. Hughes as
favorable to Mr. Miller, an Inventory
of noses seems to Indicate that the ac
tlvo candldnto has ilvo votes to his
credit, tewlt: Governor Lord, Secretary
or State Kincald, T. W. Davennort.
appointed by tho governor to tho com
mlssionershlp or tho lieu lands.Benton
Klllln and Samuel Hughes, anil this,
ir there is a full meeting of all men)'
bcrs, leaves Mr. Miller two votes short,
or au election. Whllo no ono Is auth
orized to speak, It is understood that
opposed to these llvo members aro six
Influential members who will under no
clrcumstunces support Mr. Miller nnd
inac 1110 remaining two
doubtful position.
occupy a
Shoes! A very laruo nssortmnnt iuudcako onlv in iiie
Rost styles nnd lowest nrlcen at tlm ' " .... T
Now York.n....i,, o. , ,... ,."' W l" wees on
-- ---- , muuiiii.i. it ninccn
Krausso llros.
tan shoes at
Uucklen'a Arnica Salvo
The best Salve In id um.l.i r... ...-
r.M,.i ore, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Feve
llruises, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
1 1. V. v ' iuirea. it is guaranteed to
Live per fee satisfaction or money refunded
Wee 2S cents a box For sale 'by Fred A
rni'wMl1 K,r1,8 10 know tliuflloo
Cako" vlll not mako their hands red
m. U" frlh clvc lll wrappers.
TI'V nro worth a cent apiece J 0 tf
There's more clotblnc iirxifmv.mi i
poor soap than by actual wear. "Hob
Cako" soap contains no freoatkall and
will nob Injure tho llnest lace. Try It
Jit Tuge?0 ,UlTerCnC0 ln "W
TW F FAIR Por Bap'ns in Euerylbing-274
I I IL I 1 11 1 OtiP Hollo. "Spot Cash, Quick Sales and Small Profits."
A Seiuous Accident. Thursday
afternoon ns Ex-County Judge and
Mrs. W. II Hubbard.Mrs Ingorsoll
and Mrs. Thos. Hubbard wero travel
ing along a hilly road In the Elkhorn
country on tho upper Suntlnm, the
uuggy struck a boulder which cnuscd
tho vehicle to turn over and alluht
bottom side up, on n ledgo about fift
een feet below. With tho exception
of Mrs. Thos. Hubbard all or tho oc
cupants escaped without Injury. Mrs.
Hubbard unfortunately struck upon
her head causing concussion of the
brain bcsldessustalning other Injuries
Fortunately for tho injured woman
Dr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Robertson and
druggist nnd Mrs. John Brooks happ
ened nlong tho road soon after tho
accident, Tho doctor at onco at
tended Mrs. Hnbbard and gavo such,
directions as wore conduclvo to the
speedy recovery or tho injured woman
who had been unconsclons for nearly
24 hours when tho physician loft for
Salem. Word was received todnv
that Mrs. Hubbard was better and
that sho would probaly soon recover
from her unfortunato accident.
That Sound Money Man. Mr.
Irvine, of tlio Statesman, complains
because publicity is given to tho fact
that the man who- painted
ins nouso Had to tlio a mechanic's
Hen to secure his wages. Better pay
p. It Is easier, to preach "sound
money" In print than it is too be
honest. By the wuy, the draymen,
who hauled his goods to that house
two years ago had better have filed a
lien, too.
If you accept a substitute,
you must not fuss because
its not as good as genuine
HIRES Rootbeer.
itUt Ml; Ir Tbl Ch.rU. K. II In. C, miU.I,Ut.
A IH. puku. iwkci t ll.ai. 8.14 mr.Mtt.
Our stock ol tan shoes must be
closod out before the season Is orer.
Sco Krnusse Bros. Htf
Killed By His Son-fn-Law.
Chicago, July 27. Daniel Shrojer,
a well-known resident of Park Ridge,
was shot and killed early this mora
lng by his son-in-law George E.
Pottlnger, a prominent Chicago real
estate man, who mistook him for a
burglar. The shooting took place lo
Pottlnger's house in Inglesldc avenue.
Mr. Shroyer had heeii a guestattbe
Pottlnger home for several weeks.
Spanish Buying Warsbipi.
Lnndon, July 27. -The Times baia
dispatch from Madrid, which ein
It Is stated that tho government
has njild tho enormous price QfffW,.
000 each, for tho two warships re
cently bought ut Genoa, while scon'
tract has Just been glveu for tffotof.
pedo boat destroyers, nt XCOM
which was dearer than the tenderof
a first class English Arm, on 0
ground that quick delivery would to
Nothing short of a panic canex
plain such extravagance.
Lost a Thuijb.-I. j. Gorhart, of
Irultlundlost a thumb last Tuesday
while working In a saw milt nt Mlntq
on tho Santlam river. Tho lnlured
mumuer is rapidly healing and Mr,
f.rtvltnxf till ...
wv.uuiv niiieuun do auie to resuiuo
unv again.
Ran On A BAii.-On her trip up
the rlverSaturday night, the Steamer
1 uth ran upon a bar in which posi
tion sho remained for Knvnr.il limira
Sunday morning however she steamed
wn to Corvallls.
Highest Honors-Www's PW
IMct Firtto mp: