Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, July 27, 1896, Image 3

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    -hjvjv 'fj,,'19imiviWfwT
every oody wore Ids button, Then,
they dropped off People Uim to
learn how his nomination wast ac
complished and there has hem steadllv
Nerval Just m sorely como from thpuso of grtmlng apnl,y evcr g, T
Hood's BarMpsrlll- m does tke cure of , , , ., A1"-11
scrofula, wit rheum, or other so-called Were twice the crowd about the hill-
blood diseases. This is simply because lotin boards for news of the C'lilc .iko
tho blood affects tho condition of all the convention. It will fukn I.i.n,,.r
month forth" McKlnlay managers to
fully awaken and get soared.
ttaatnggagaaas Km uiwm&mtets3!mcJNiimmMiwms8m
worn, nervous system as nothing else can
do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria,
neuralgia, heart palpitation, aro curod by
j ,it nm,- orntholicstnfter-dlnnct
liOOU S FillS tillls. alct digestion, -ac
Lstter from a Traveling Scribe Eastward
On tiik Train fok St. Louis,
July 21, 181)0. f
We parted company coming across
Minnesota. We now go down the
Mhslsslpl via the famous scenic route
the C. B. & N., or "Q." system of
railroads. Its rolling' stock, tracks,
an.l service aro probably the best In
the world. Tho employes aro beauti
fully uniformed and look better fed
nntl better kept than any railroad
men I saw after leaving the .Southern
Pacific. In fact, the management of
fie two roads has much that Is simi
lar. Such well kept cars and fault
lessly careful service can be found on
very few railroads ns one finds on the
In St. Paul tho roar and rumble
of a mid-summer thunderstorm lulled
us to slumber at the well-appointed
Hotel Windsor. Rooms and meals
together aro $2 to 8-1 a day. There Is
but one better hotel, or at least higher
priced -The Ryan. I noticed a great
many empty stores at St. Paul. Tho
upper uoors oi cntiro mocks are
empty. Hut the city Is full of life, is
less raw and rushing than Minneapo
lis, and compares to the latter about
ns Taconia to Seattle. Thpro is still
ff Strong provincial hostility tystween
flie two Inrtjpj. Neither can print :i
newspipcr good enough to be tiilwn by
tlio poqple of tho other town, though
tliey aie a Reed ten miles, ap'art.
St, Paul Im made .gloat progress in
streets. There are mles of. nspJinU
t nit aro washed and swept as clean as
a parlor floor. Dropping of horses
are promptly swept away. For ten
cents you can ride between the two
cities and get u transfer to any part
of either. Tho Intcrurban cars aic
fifty feet long and run as fabt as ordi
nary suburban trains. All tho big
(louring mills and the water power nt
pt. Anthony's fal8 of the Mississippi
aro now tho proporty of an English
syndicate. St. Paul Is almost owned
by foreign capital, as arc eptno of tho
newspapers, and gold standard 6ent:
input a very strong among thesq
classes of people. In Minneapolis or
posltc sentiment prevails, even sorufc
large bankers being free colnago men".
At St. Paul ex-Governor Merrlam.of
Minnesota,took tho train for Chicago
He is the head of the Commercial
iatQna ban,k, tlio lnrgoqt conoeru Jn
the city. His father loft him a mil
lion on his death recently, nnd ho was
already worth twice that. Merrlam Is
one of McKlnley's campaign managers
and llko Mark Ilanna puts business
methods into politics, using money
freely In his campaigns. He Is owner
flf tho Piqneor-Preg8,b,a.Qker Qf ClQUgli,
Who was lieutenant-governor, but is
now the Republican nominee for
governor, Job.ii Wnfl,an Amerlcap.
hrn Scandlnnvlan, will bo tho nomlj.
noooftho throe silver parties and Is
likely to bo elected. In gaxlng upoij
the splendid proportlonsof Merrlam of
St. Paul, I was probably as close to
one of McKlnley's cabinet as I shall
ever be, or he elthor for that matter,
I talked with all kinds of men about
the stations and on the tralmfund
streets. The scarcity oMqKlnley
buttons is appall'lngt l'ie whole
button business, js. lagging. No sales
of any klnd,ahe .ljttJeigUllans said,
A newsy told me the first week after
Mrfffnl... ... .1
-nominated neariv
71 w 331 luny awak-en and get scared. When
they get seated they may wake up.
bouw, muscles and tissues I U I. Im- A fortuno nwnu, 10 .,. or Wllllinil
pure it cannoi propeny sustain inese
r(. If madonuro. rich, red and vital. Who can turn tho current of Ufa nml
felthVtK? dSoTanlf'ripaS" enthusiasm into theOhlo man's bco.n.
neuralgia, heart palpitation, aro curod by Tho men in tho barbershops, slecp-
InffCfir IWirtnrH. hnnt.hlimL'a In 1itK,
I " ' w,w '""
track, depot and yaid laborers talk
silver. Ministers of the gospel aro
silent. Onn nYnirwmwl lilmculr r,,.i..
SclP9cipariIla. for Bryan nnd free silver, 1(but for
Becauso It Is the One Truo Blood Purlfler, "Cilvcn's ' "'t quote ino.'Mio add-
ca,"i nave several gold stnndard pew-,
holders who would cut mo oil short If
they knew my views." That Is not j
tho golden rule us laid down by Paul:
"Kstccm another hotter than thyself"
not his subscription. A conductor
said tho country was suffering rrom
too much politics nnd not enough
business. "This trying to legislate
value Into something makes me tired!"
I suggested the whole country was
tired of legislating values out of
things. When a conductor wears
diamonds lie begins to talk gold
Tho first apples or Indeed any fruit
on trees I saw at Joslyn, 111. At one
St. Paul fruit stanti were cherries, as
I uftcrward learned. They looked
like a strange red-popper colored berry
and I was told they were cherries.
At the hotel wo woro Borved witli
canned green gages, that no Oregonlan
would look at without involuntary
contempt. The markets aro full of
melons and early grapes from the
south. An Immense hay, corn and
grain crop will be harvested Just east
of the Mississippi, and whilo pcoplo
llvo better on tho Pacific coast, cattle
aro better fed here. Magnificent
flocks woro feeding all over the broad
prairies with their faces to the sun.
Tho familiar grain stacks we so
seldom 6co in Oregon loom up on till
sides, unfinished on.es poyercd with
canyiw. E. noPER,
for Infant and Children.
MOTHERS, Do You Know ,
Baleman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, runny BO-callcd Boothtntf Sjrup. and
most rtmedlea for children are composed of opium or morplilne?
o Vnu Know tlial oplu-u and morplilne arc stupcf tngr narcotic poison's?
Tin Von ICtiow Hint In most countries Jrnjglstsore not pcnultted to scU narcotics
without labeling them tjoUons?
fta Ton Know Hint you (j10tlI,i uol pcrmit niiyuicdlclne to be irlven jourelilld
enless you or j-our pli) slcian know orwlmt It Is composed I
o You Know that Cnstorlalm p.irelyrgetab!o prtpamtlon, nnd that a llstot
1U Ingredients U publisliel Ith every lxttle ?
Ho Von Know that Castorla Is tbe prescription orthe fhmous Br. 6amucl rtlclier.
That It has been In two for nearly thirty j cars, and thai more Castorla Is now sold than
rail other remedies for children combined t
Do Yon Know that the Vatent Office Department or the United States, and of
other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher nml Ms assigns to use the word
" Cnstorln " and its formula, nnd that to Imitate them Is n state prion oflemer
lo You Know that one of the reasons for grantltur this government protection
was because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely lmrmlcBH?
o You Know that 33 average doses of Castorla ore fun Uhed for 33
ccntH, or one cent a doie ?
tin Yon Know that when possefscdoflhls perfect preparation, yonrchlldtenruay
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ?
Well, tlicwo Ktng are worth liiowrliii. They ore facta.
TIic iucsIiiiIIb
Hlgnotnrc of
' fa on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phcubo Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., wns told by her doctors she
had Consumption and that thcro was
no bono for her, hut two bottles of Dr
Kings New discovery completely
cured her nnd r.hobaysltsaedhor
life, Mr.Thos. Eggcrs, 13J Florida
street, San Prancibco, suirered from a
dreadful cold, approaching consump
tion, tried without result everything
olso then bought one bottle of Dr,
King's Now Discovery and In two
weeks was cured. lie Is naturally
thankful. It Is such results, of which
these arc samples, that prove the
wonderful etllcacy of this medicine In
Coughs and Colds. Frco trial bottles
at i red P. Legg'sdrugstorc. Regular
size 6O0 and 31.
Senlcd bids for furnishing wood for
tho court house will bo received at
the olllco or tho county clork until 2
o'clock p.m. on tho Cth day of August.
A. D., 1800, ns follews: For 70 cords
of pole oak.and 20 cords or good, clear,
largo body fir.
lllds, however, will not bo received
from ono party or firm for more than
from flvo to fifteen cords of pole oak,
or for more than llye cords of largo
By order of tho county court of
Marlon county, Oregon.
Dated at'.Salem. Ureiron. this 10tb
day of July, 1890.
7-10 dot w3t. uierk
A year and
a half ago
McKinley was
Tho dairy lawp.f California has sup
pressed tho oleo and filled cheese traf
fic In tho state with tho use of little
over one-fourth the abproprlatlon of
When Daby was tick, wo gave her Castorla,
When tho was a Child, slio cried for Castorla,
When tlio becamo Sites, tho clung to Castorla.
Wbon (he had Children, sho gavo them CastorU,
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lima
hair, cement and shingles, ana
finest quality of ijrass seeds,
the Durlincton Route's New
Short Line to tho LaM and
South was opened for business.
Durini; these 18 months,
thousands of traveler have
patronized it anl by to doing
have not only saved much valu.
able time hut have gained new
ideas ol how a railroad should
They have learned, amone
thor things, that Uurllnplon
trains are always on time; that
the Burlington's track is Incom.
paraniy superior to any other
In the west; that the phrase
Comfort, Speed and Safety
moans something ou the Bur
lington. Omaha.Kanicj City, St.Louls,
Write (or information about
rates and trains.
" rr
Is to haven Catholic
The cpntrast
between disease
and health is as
sharply marked
as that between
darkness and
light The suf
ferings of disease
make enjoyment
pf life Impossible)
sjjid Jierfect
health makes
even a common
place existence
a bright ana nappy one.
The truest thing about disease Is that
most of it is needless. Nine-tenths of it
can be subdued by very simple remedies.
Even that most dreadful malady, con
sumption, can be cured In 98 cases out
of a hundred, If it be treated In Us early
stages with Dr. Pjerce's Golden MedlcaJ
Discovery. , ,
Consumption is a disease caused by
impurity of the blood, and the first thing
q U done in its trtatment ! a make
the blood pure, ?A and wholesome.
That is half the ba.tt.1. The other half
Hi the Impregnation of the blood with,
cleansing, healing, invigorating medl.
cine. The "Golden Medical Dlacov
ery " docs both. It first puts the whole
digestive system Into perfect order, rids
H of all impurities and from the vantage
ground so gained, reaches out to every
fiber of the body and restores all to
perfect vigor. It cures many diseases,
stiu y because many diseases spnng
fro a a set of common causes. Tbe same
disonlcr may lead to different symptoms
In different people. What might be only
a little indigestion in one person, may
combine wi& a slight cold in another
aad result ia consumption. A treatment
that tones up the whplg ytem If always
the safest. medicine ?hat Js good fof
the general health U pretty sure to cure
ordinary diseases. Twenty-one cents in
stamps sent to World's D&pensanr Med
leal aoclation, Buffalo, N. V., wlU
bring a large 1000 page doctor book.
contains photograph and letters from
hundreds who have been cured by Dr.
fierce' Golden Medical Discovery.
LOST. Ivory handled ladies umbrella, bo.
U een boat landing and Oddfellows, cementary ,
Marked on handle Kate M. lluilck, Parties
please leave at this office and receive reward.
27 '-3 t.
WORK. WAN I ED. An experienced uirl
would like to obtain work in a small family.
Addreas A. B. X.care Journal. 27-3 t.i
FOR RENT DR SALE A 5-room house,
beside chamber; convenient for small family;
water service fiee. Inquire at 424 Winter st,
23 3111
WORK WANrEa-Bynrtrtfclius licensed
engineer, wpo r,a.J nan 30 years experience.
Address A, care Journal,
23 31
FOR SALEGentle family horse and good
top buggy cheap. Apply to C W. Scriber,
South Commercial St.
14 tf
WOOD YVANTED-tcn cords of prime bl
fir, ten cords of grub oak and ten cords split
ash. Address, with price, XXX, care this
office. 14 tf
1'llE ORliGSjri'EXcTT&Vn'lilfiyMi "now"
reduced to $6.50 per dozen if tbe cash ac
companies, tbe order. Per bottle 75 cents,
Send direct to (he manufacturer, 11. Klas,
Aumsville, Jr. 7-9 im
wants to trade a good weekly newspaper office
in cood town for unincumbered Improved ha
lem property, No opposition. Gool rea
sons. Information at this office. 6 18 tl
Fo R SALT-Driving mare for sale at a bar
gain; weight about 1160; gaod traveler, In
quire of ym. Brown & Co. 30 tf
roTTSALE At a Bargain. Fine residence
and earner lot, near city hall. For further
par'iculars inquire at this office. 6-23 ll
FOR'SALTTOR RENTr-40 acres land 5
miles out. Partly improved, wood and
pasture, good house, large barn, 2 acres
bearing orchard.lot of small fruit, good water.
Wood Btumpagc can be had. Box uj, Salem
HOM E UOARD.-"-Good table board, wilb
home cooking, served In family style, only
12 a woek. 105 Commercial street. 6-12-lm
CARPET PAl'EK-Uarge- lot ' b ' heavy
brown wrappimi paper for sale cheap. Just
:.." - ii
lor pvuinu tumcr carpets, isu a
, mm 1 M v
Pullman Sleeping Cars.
EleganUDinln0" Cars
Tourist SleBoin Carb
To bt. Paul, .Minneapolis, Duluth, Vurgo,
, ' irand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg,
Helena and Butte.
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New
!j York, Boston, and all Point
;Ea;t and South;
(UFor Information, time cards, ; maps, and
tickets, call on or writo
mercial street, Salem, OrB
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. (Pau, .Act.,
;Morrlson St.. corner Third Portland, Or.
"IW '"
the thins for pvttinu under carpets.
Journal oifice.
Makes a sp "laity of fine repair work. Setb
ThOTias clock, etc., 215 Commercial Sreet
ONB4IAU1 cue o BOX.
I has been Ibfc Randan for tottr rsars and
i own pupuiir wimj uin cjvr iitnora.
UtboldtUeonipIoxtou powder baatlfrloff-. I
vbjb n-iwf (Htyi buu axjsisniiiafiiM.
j A deUcato, IntUlblo protsctlon Jo tbe tiu. i
, XVUlteveryltoxol l'04ZUVHmimw
H0X m Risen free t OsHrsM.
The Great One Cent Silver Daily The Only Associated Press
Silver Daily.
1 1 1 1 1 1
Daily, ..Capital Journal $3 a Year 'Weekly $1,
Cut tills out nntl post up In a conspicuous plnco wlinro It will bo
rcn. All tlio tiSMiclatctl jress papers In Oreuon, excupt THE
JOURNAL, aro publlHlictl In tho Interest of tho vrohl standard.
Send 2oc In silver for tlio dally one montli.
The Oregon Press Monopoly
Will not treat tlio restoration or silver fairly. It will not tell tlio
people tlio truth. It dare not, Tnlcon fair paper that gives tlio
peoplo'a sldo as well us tlio Wall street side.
Are You a Patriot?
Help your country by circu'iitlnit tlio only Associated Press Dnlly
In Oreuon that advocates
Independent Bimetallism.
All tho news of tlio Kreat baltlo of t'lo people for silver. Advo
cates tlio illiiii'lulllo Union of nib wlun aro opposed to tlio slnglo
Bold standard.
DoYou Favoi Unity and Harmony
EL ns tho watchword of tho pcoplo of OrcuoV
Subscribe for the Capital Journal I
Daily flhtrty days for a silver quarter,
Each It-sue n complete history of tlio -day nntl a Kittling (run of
arguments for tho peoplo'a cause.
Tlio pcoplo nro charged with Ignornnco by tlio gold -press. This
Is a falso oliargo. Wliciovcr tho causo of frco colnago of gold and
silver 10 to 1 Is moro discussed and best understood It Is most pop
ular nnd strongest with tho people.
Sixty Days" for 50 Cents,
If you enn't talk or wrlto for silver rend and nmrk articles and
send thorn to your neighbors and friends sixty hot shot for COc.
Cheapest political ammunition In tho country. Bend a silver
quarter or half dollar and try It. Tho people must bo educated
and It Is your duty to holp do this work for humanity.
alone, but wo want both gold and silver.
owing In tills country, If you want repudiation advocnto tlio
currency, destruction oi values, and repudiation.
Thcro Is not gold enough In our country to nay onc-twcntloth ot tho debts
siugio gold stantinru. it moans contraction or. our
Investigate nnd you will bo convinced.
Publishers. Salem, Or.
Chicago, Milwaukee,
- & Si, Paul Ry, -"b
o I h
n H S. (Si
Vi o vr a ,T H
Of the; Cli'tf9, Mtlwukee nd JS. Paul
ilHy and note It connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha,
and remember when colng east that it Iru'ii
are lighted villi electncliy and healed by
steam. It equipment i Jsupeib, Klegant
Buffet, library, smoking and sleeping cart,
with free reclining chairs, IJich sleepli.'jj
car ba. thl as an tkctrlc reading lamp, and
It dining cars are the best In the world,
Other lines are longer than this, but noue
are shorter, and no other offer the above lux.
urious accommodations. These are sufficient
reason for the popularity of HThe Milwau.
kee." Coupon ticket agent In erery rail,
road office will Eire yon further Information,
or juidrew
C. J. DDY, Ueneral Agent,
J. W, CASEY, Thy, Pas. Agent.
0. R. & N. CO.
Through Tickets
Two Transcontinen'a
K, Pacific System.
ver umsoi anit rvanaos -u.t uow rmc. iu i
eastern cities. I
Portland San Fjancisco. I
Steamer leave Alntworth dock. Poitlnnd
Julv, 30, 31 and August 5, 0, 10, 15, so, 3$
and 30.
Fare Cabin, 85; tteerace, fi.50.
Steamers Ruth for Portland, Tuesday aud
Friday, at 7:30 a. in,
For Corvalfis Wednesday and Saturday at
S Pm
Steamer Gypsy for I'oetland, Wednesday
and Saturday at 7130 a. m.
ForCorallls, Monday and 'Ihutsday at 5
Lowest freight and passenger rate, Round
trip ticket very cheap. 1 icket sold and
baggage checked through to all point with,
out extra transfer charges.
For full detail call oh Hoist & Barker
agent, Salem, Oregon, or address,
Gen'l Pa. Agt. Portland, Or
Fur full details call on or address
Foot of Trades! , local gent
,1IT "riTiiilf II If) wmmmmmMmmmmmmim
For Deilccy,
(or purity, and lor Iraprovemoat of the com
plezton notblntf equals I'ouotriU Powpka.
through Pullman Palace Steepen. Towl
Sleepcru and Frco; Reclining Chlrs dlrjr
Portland to Chicago,
Our train are heated b!team and -
lighted by PintKh light.
Time toChicagp, 3 i.i Jay
Time to New York. 4 i-a day.
Which It many hour quicker than cea
For rates, lime tabic and full in(ormtW
apply to
Cencral AaeM
: TM StMt, rtiMtd.
bly obtalaed it tkMS) wW
Au4 a vlvcty uHsm t,
immy oDiaiaeu vj 1
OoMpfaio fowtcr.