Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, July 25, 1896, Image 3

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    J1M-H " 1 Tl ' ' '"" ""'-" Toti
n -- ;, -, ii J. b
ggBsyesfrsa;-.1 .-jyp
Tlils la tho complaint ol
thousands nt this season,
Thoy have no appetite; food
doosnotrclkh. Thoy need the toning upof
thoetomnchanddlgeatlvo organs, which
a courso of Ilood'a Bareaparilla will giro
them. It also purifies and enriches tho
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptlo can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
Mil ulven a good preshedtlni: fof Iwd
(ir three luiiiillfd miles around Mm in.
lot nna there'rt uothlntr lltcro. I look I
up three claims on Canyon eicck '
prospecting about 35 days Iti all. I'll
bjII those thruc rl.ihns foi two Ms
''There Is nut u man of those who
went there this spring who bus a
claim worth a cent. The men braved
all kinds or danger and prospected1
every water course. The Khushltna. '
r"r,U' v5VTI-
1!?'i?,Tr"'J ftwwirs
li the beat In fact Uio One True Blood Purifier.
HOOd S Fills Dills, aid digestion. 250.
tho whole physical system. Itso prompt- Shuwltna, Kitneal, Indian liwr '
ssiSss;ssi , a ,; ,
seems to havo almost "a maglo touch." ( ot,,(;r oreclcs were prospected as thor-'
ujgniy us men could without success.
The men worked for bedrock, and
thousands of hole? were mink at enor
mous labor and privation and nobody
struck It. I Bpeut one entire day
wnshlng sand and secured but live
colors. None of the men can possibly
make the costs of the trip, for the
gold Js not In the country. One might
Just ai well go out here anywhere and
prospect. Many of the men thawed
out their prospect holes with lire
built In them to Ket the frost out of
the ground, so anxious were they to
get to bed rock. "When we got to the
diggings we found the country staked
oh everywhere, many claims beluir
marked with stakes driven down Into
snow that was probably on the face of
tho earth. There was one party thorc
from tho Bay of Kundy, who said the
famous tldo rips of that bay were
nothing tothoso of the Cook Inlet.
There were miners at tho Inlet .from
up there who will neycr ba heard from
again. The men scoured the country
In all directions nnd threaded every
water course. Many have been
drowned In the treacherous waters of
tho Inlet, the worst 40 feet deep."
Scores of Returning Pros
pectors Talk.
Few Miners up Their Can Make a
.Since Messrs. Taylor, Mothorn and
llarklns of this city have returned
from Alaska with bad reports of that
over-boomed country many other
similar statements of the country are
coming to light. A Mo copy of the
Seattlo Times tells of tho arrival
there of thirteen passengers by tho
steamship Wlllapa, who are part of n
party of 82 returning prospectors that
reached Sitka, Alaska, ".from Cook In
let. The men left tho much vaunted
placers on Cook Inlet on tho 11th of
June and reached Tyonlc by tho steam
schooner L. J. l'eny, where thoy were
picked up by the steamer Dora, that
plies from Juneau and Sitka to tho
t'l.iiu-s Hiek.s,who runs the foundry
and inachlne shop on the water front,
Is one or the prospectors who came In
this morning. He went to tho digg
ings becuuso ho was attracted t tlicm
by I lie Immense adi)itlslug thoy got
f mm last yenr'ft prospectors, who came
buck and gave such glowing accounts.
Mr. Hicks says there IB no gold up
there. There are Just a few claims
that may pay, but these nre washings
if an old glacier that shows up about
Mill's creek. "There is no gold in tho
country, and Just say that for mo,"
said IllckH today. "There will boa
good chance.too.I think, for somebody
to send a relief ship up therc'latcr on.
borne men arc In there who will not
get out unless they are brought out
There is no lack of provisions and tho
men will not starve, but they did not
go thero to stay over winter nnd thoy
are not prepared to stand tho cold. All
took provisions, but there are many
who have no money to get away on.and
tlieso are tho ones who will suffer.
"I see that Wakefield has gone up
there. We saw him nt Sitka. Wo
warned him If ho went In there ho
would have to look out, because thoro
are a lot of men there who nre worked
"P against him. There was strong
talk at one time of lynching Duceyof
San Francisco. Ho and Wakefield wqre
largely Instrumental In getting tho
men In there.
" Wakelield, we found out up there,
only brought out' $100 last year and
there was nothing to Induce tho ex
travagant gold stories which took tho
crowd up there- this spring. Ducey", I
think skipped out of. there. He, It
was said by tho Mien, luduccd great
numbers to go in, telling them they
did not need money-only provisions
-they eould dig the money out of the
Kround. So there arc. many men now
there who are unable to get away.
" l nlao the great outlay, that was
I,!? m,t ty the men going In there at
"SO.ooo and scarcely any return will
w KOt back. There never was a
fetter body of men together than
"lose who went to. the .Inlet. They
f to work "nworkedihanl, and If
"lere was any gold-there they would
Rediscovered It. The country has
for Infants and Children.
THIRTY year' observation of Caatorla vrlih ilia patronage of
iniUlona of poraonn, ponalt w o speak of. It without uncasing.
It Is nnqnostlonfthly ih boat roincdy for Infant and Children
tho strorM Ims evo hnotro. It Is harmless. Clilldron llho It. It
glvcu thorn, lioalth. It vrlil navo their ltroa. In it Mothers lmo
something whioh, ! absolutely safe and prAotioally potfcot im a
ohAId'a mmllotne.
Cantor! a destroys "Wfrrma.
Cattoria allay IWoririmon.
Castorla prcvonta vomiting Soar Curd.
Cnatoria tinrow Plnrrhma and Wind Colic, .
' ' ' !
Onutorlq rellnvn Toothing Tronhlco.
Cattoria onroa Comtlpatlon and rintnloaoy.
Catorla nnntrallaor. tho offocts of carbonic uotd na or p M.onmis alp .
Caatorla flooa not oontatn morphlno, opium, or olaor anrootln property.
Cattoria ailrallato tho food, regulates tlio otomnoli nnd TjowcU.
plvlng healthy and natnral aloop.
Cattoria la pnt np in ono-tdzo liottlea oijly. It I not gold in hulk.
Don't allow nay ono to all yon auyHilnrv 0U0 oa tho pica or promise
that it 1 " Jnit a good " nnd " will answor overy purpose."
Sao that yon pet C-A,-S-TQ-a-I-A.
I'H '-" ' ?x 1 'T'.'r-v. r" v ' -m
The Great One Cent Silver Daily The Only, Associated Press
Silver Daily.
Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year Weekly $1,
Tho fao-hlnitlo
tlgnatnro of
7? jXttZZ
lUZf7X -GCtcSt
lion a very
Children Cry for Pitcher's OastoIa.
Your Boy Won't Live a Month.
So Mr. Gilnun Drown, of 34 Mill turret,
Gardner, Mats., wai told by the doctors. Ill
son had lung trouble, following typhoid ma
laria, and he spent $375 with doctori, who
finally gave him up, saying: "Your boy
won't live a month." He tried Dr. King's
New Discovery and a few bottles restated
hint t health nnd enabled him to no to irork
a perfectly well man. He says lie owes his
present cood health to uso of Dr. Kinu's New
Discovery, and knows It to be the best In the
world lor lung trouble, irtal bottle tree at
Fred. A. Legg's drug store.
The dealer who says, "1 havo no
IIoo Cake soap," practically admit
that ho docs not sell first ouulltv
goods. If ho says he has something
"Just as good" you will know at once
Mint no is tryiiitr to ecu you an in
rcrlor nrtlclc. Thcro is more olonthlng
destroyed iiy poor soap man oy actual
wear, us tho free alkali rots tho cloth.
Hoc Cuke contains nolther free alknll
nor worthless filling.
Sunday Excuraions.
HeuliiuiUK with Sunday, Juno
and on each mlccecrilmr Sunday,
special excursion train will leave Al
b.tny ut 7 a. 111., Corvallls 7:30 a. 111..
arriving at Yaqulna at 11:1ft u. 111.
Returning, boat leaves Newport at
0:30 p. 111. Train leaves unulna
at 7 p. 111., nrriving at (;orvullfs at
10 p. m. and Albany at 10:30 p. 111.
Fare, good on this train only, from
Corvallis, Albany and Philomath to
Newport and return, $1.50.
II. L. Waldkn, II. B. Lowman,
Agent, Albany. Agent, Corvallls.
Edwin Stone,
Managor, Corvallls.
Corvallls, June 17, 1890.
Sealed bids for furnishing wood for
the court house will bo received at
tho olllco of the county clerk until 2
o'clock i).m. on tho fith day of August,
A. I)., 1890, as follews: For 70 cords
of polo oak.and 20 cords of good, clear,
largo body llr.
lllds, however, will not bo received
from ono party or firm for moro than
from live to fifteen cords of nolo oak.
or for more than live cords of large
By order of the county court or
Marlon county, Oregon.
Dated atlSalem, Oregon, this 10th
day of July, 1800.
L. "V, Eiii.kn,
7-10 dOt w3t. Clerk
When Baby wa IcV, we caro her Cattoria,
When she was a Child, slin cried tor Castorla.
When tho became Miss, aha clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she care them Castor!,
The spot where
Custer fell
Is within plain view ol the Ilur
liiiRton route's track.
The monument that marks
his last resting place is little, if
any, more than a mile distant.
You got a good view of it u
the train whirls eastward over
the solldcst, the smoothest, the
best track ever built west of
A pretty booklet, givinjj a
brief account of the battle In
which Custer lost his life will
ba mailed to any one who will
ask for it. Writs for a copy.
Write also for information about
rates and trains via the Hurling
ton Koute to Omaha, Kansas
City, tit. Louts, Chicago and
all othur southern and south
eastern cities,
Cut this out and post up In u conspicuous plnco whoro It will bo
Men. All the lu&oclnlcd press papers In Oiegun, except THE
JOURNAL, nro published In tho Interest of the gold standard.
Send 2Tic In silver for the dally one mouth.
Tho fall term of Mineral Sprlns col
lego, at Sodavlllo, Oregon, will open
on September 21st, 1890. J. R. Geddls
riPjm ( n
wrW ti m
--o-ti '
Is there anything
more wholeaotne.
snore beautiful, more completely pleasing
than a womanly woman f Such u woman
is even tempered, intelligent, strong and
healthy. Health really tells the whole
story. Health means strong nerves and
strong body, and they go far toward
bringing good looks and amiability.
A woman worn ana weanea Dy me
dragging weaknesses peculiar to her ser,
cannot be expected to una rest in any
duty or amusement. Life is all one dea?
monotonous gloom to her, On her face
Is written the story of weakness and pain.
The wbolcsomeness of health is lacking.
The cheeks lack fullness, the eyes lack
sparkle, the hair lacks luster.
Doctors have learned to locate nine
tenths of womanly sickness in the organs
that ought above all others to bt strong
and healthy.
Sensitive women shudder at the
thought of consulting physician on
such matters. A natural feeling of mod
esty makes them dread the examination,
ana subsequent stereotyped treatment by
"local applications" on which most
doctors insist.
Much more often than not, this Is uu
Becesssry, It should not be submitted
to except as a last resort.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has
cured thousands of severe cases of "fe
iBAle weakness." It works in a natural,
sensible way It begia by subduing the
Inflammation that is always present
Then it strengthens and Invigorates the
whole body, particularly the organs dis
tinctly fesaJniae. It promotes regularity,
cures InftaniHutioH and ulceration, and
Mop the debilitating drain caused by
then. Of all deals.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of e;rass seeds,
m &a
FOR KENT OR SALE-A 3-room house,
beside chamberfconvenient for small family;
water service fiee. Inquire at 424 Winter st,
33 31 II
WORK WAN TED-Uy a first class licensed
engineer, who has had 20 years experience.
Address , care Journal. 33 31
FOR SALEGentle family horse and good
top buggy cheap. Apply to C, W. Scriber,
South Commercial st. 14 tf
WOOD WANTKD-'Ten cords of prime big
fir. ten cords of grub oak and ten cords split
ash. Address, with price, XXX, care this
office. 14 tf
the dRsttRJirnextn raTTTERii is now
reduced to $6.50 per dozen if the cash ac
companies the order. Per bottle 75 cents.
Sena direct to the manufacturer, II. Klas,
Aumsville, Or. 7-0 im
atHE'S YOUR CUANCE.-'A proprietor
wants to trade a good weekly newspaper office
In good town for unincumbered improved Sa
lem property. No opposition. Good rea.
sons. Information at this office. 6 18 tf
Foil SALEwUriv
gain; weight about 1 160; good
quire of Win. Brown & Co.
marc for sale at a bar-
travcler, In
30 tf
FOR SALE-At a Uargain, Fine residence
and csrner lot, near city hall. For further
particulars inquire at this office. 6-a3'l
FOTTSALE OR RENTr-40 acres' laud S
miles out. Partly improved, wood and
pasture, good )ouse, large barn, 2 acres
bearing orchard, lot of small fruit,good water.
Wood slumpagc can be had. Uox 145, Salem
HOME BOARD -Cood table board, with
home cooking, served in family style, only
j2awok. 105 commercial street, o.iz.im
CARFETn'APER Large lot of'heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Jus.
the thing for putting under carpus Call a
Journal office
&5iFI nans
Pullman Sleeping Gars.
EleffantiDinin" Cars
Tourist SleGoin Carb
To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, argo,
Hrand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg,
Helena and Ilulte.
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New
York, Boston, and all Points
;East ami South
For information, time-cards, fmaps and
tickets, call on or writn 'r'
265 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or.
A. D. Charlton, Astt. Gen'l. Pass. Act.,
Morrison St., corner Third Portland, Or.
The Oregon Press Monopoly
"Will not treat the restoration of silver fairly. It will not tell tho
pcoplo tlio truth, ltduronot, Tnko it fnlr paper thnt gives tho l
people's side uh well as tho Wall street side.
Are You a Patriot?
Help your country by circulating the only Associated Press Dally
In Oregon that advocates
Independent Bimetallism.
AH tho news of Uio great bat tie of to people for silver. Advo
cates tlio Jlluictnlllo Union of till" wlio tiro opposed to tho single
gold standard.!
DoYou Favor Unity and Harmony
as tlio watchword of tlio people of Orcgo?
Subscribe for the Capital Jouriial I
Daily fthtrly days for a silver quarter,
Each Issue a complete history of tho -day and a gatllng gun of
arguments for tho people's cause.
Tho people nro charged with Ignorance by the gold -press. This
is a falso charge. Whctovcr tho causo of free coinage of gold and
stiver 10 to 1 Is moro discussed nnd best understood It is most pop
ular nnd strongest with tlio people.
Sixty Days for 50 Cents,
If you can't talk or write for silver read nnd mark articles nnd
send thom to your neighbors and friends sixty hot shot for COc. '
Cheapest political ammunition In tho country. Send u silver
quartoror half dollar and try It. Tho people must be educated
and It Is your duty to help do this work for humanity.
alone, but we want both uold and silver.
owing in this country. If you want repudiation ndvocato
currency, destruction or values, and repudiation.
Thoro Is not gold enough In our country to pay one-twontloth of tho debts
tuo hiiwio uoiu standard, it means contraction 01 our
Investigate nnd you will bo convinced. :1
Makes a sr-lalty of fine repair uorlc, Sell)
Thomas clock, etc., 315 Commercial Street
For Delicacy,
for purity, and (or Improvement of U com
plexton nothing eqoals Potxowi'a Powcm.
Otlt-HALF OlIE o oox
I bu ben tLfc standard for forty jeu and
. is mora popular to-asy loan erer utiotp.
I Is the ideal oouiDUxlon uowder btautlf ln.
rnjrvHuoff, cicwiii, iimuiiui uuu uanuieM. .
A ucu, inTuiuio pruwcmiq io ise race.
. WMs ovrsgr box ol 1-ZZ4X I'M a mu A
jhx M Klveu sreo m tiiine.
Publistiers. Saltpm, Or.
All 1
k Si 'i Paul Ry.,
l i
"" X M I tW AU K tM?
'Wl O W A T f
Ot the Chcago, Milwaukee "and (St. Paul
Railway and note its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha,
and remember when coing cast that Its tru'ns
are llchted vrlth electricity and heated by
steam. Its equipment is supcru. Elegant
llulfct, library. SKOklnc ana sleeping cars,
with free rcclinimr chairs. Each sleenlnc
car beithhas an electric reading lamp, and
0. R. & N. CO.
Through Tickets
Jtivjff.v!5 X
it dinincr cars aro the best in tho world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none
are shorter, and no other offers the above lux.
urloai accommodations. These are sufficient
reason for (he popularity of "The Milwau.
kee." Coupon ticket agents in every rail,
road office will give yon further Information.
pr address
C. J. EDDY. General Agent,
J. V. CASEV, Trar. Pass. Agent.
Two - Transconline.
Via Spokane Minneapolis at'Paul and Den.
vtr Omaha and Kannas Cliy.t Low rstei to
Portland San Kiancisco.
Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Portland
July, 26,31 and August 5,6, to, 15, 20, 35
and jo.
Fare Cabin, $5: steerage, f2.o.
Steamers Ruth for Cortland, Tuesday aud
Iilday, at 730- m
p.' m
Steamer Gypsy for Poelland, Wednesday
and Saturday at 7:30 n, in.
For Coivallli, Monday nnd Thursday at 5
lowest freight and passenger rates. Round
trip tickets very cheap, 'licked, sold ami
baggage checked through to all points with
cut extra trantler charges,
Fot full details call on Hoist & Ilaiker
agents, Salvin. Oregon, or address,
Gen'l Fas. Agtj.l'ortlaml, Or
For full details call on or addreu f '
- i'.-i-a;,
1 Wednesday and Saturday at
Union Pacific System,
1 hrough Pullman Palace Sleeper. TrW
Sleepera and Fre9; Reclining: (Chahs Miy
Portland to Chicago,
Our trains are heated bw steam and
hied by Pintsch lluht.
Time to Chicago, 3 1 1. days
-lima n Maau VA.b
Is many h
4 l-a days.
ours iukker than ct-
For rates, lime tablet and fU
apply to
Cencral AmM
Third I
Foot of Traded,
Uocal VgenV Ogggl
Stfeet, fmrtaail.
Th Ry
Aui a Tttlr4r'"WMH at bh aMv s fm
MUy oltnktaij s;Cm iMhaslX
OeatpItxiMI rnwr.