Daily Capital Journal BY HOPItR BROTHBRa, THURSDAY, JULY 2-1, 1890. GOSSIP tfY THE WAYSIDE. L?tterfr'om a Traveling Scribe Eastward Bound. On tub Train fok St. Louis, July 10, MM. f Wc have been rffliiiKnlldiiy tlimiiKli the eastern plains of Montana, and Western North Dakota with Its bad lands Is now all around us. I stopped on at many stations and talked with people about crops and politics. They have the more of tho latter to talk about. The 'Station agent generally wears a McKlnley button. The stock range owners are for Mckinley" In most east'?. The cowboys and laborers arc forllrjitn. The runners are not say Ing anything. The sheep men ate supplied with Mclvluley literature. One sees but rew budges or buttons worn. At Spokane we were Joined by Judge John It. McUrldc. . He Is at, l.'iiu head of n large bimetallic club at Spokane, and Is a delegate to SI. Louis bimetal lic convention. He was the only Re publican member or tho Oregon con stitutional convention in 1850, elected as such. There was no party organi zation until 1857. He was elected the Una Republican congressman from Oregon, enteied emigres') with Allison and Hlalne, was made chief Justice of Idaho by Lincoln In 1805, went to Salt Lake In 1805, went to Spokane In 1872. Was a Republican national committeeman for twelve years, but will now support Bryan for president. Ho Is n brother of Senator Gcorgo Mc- lirldo of Oregon, but does not agree with hliu on tho money question. lb is not astonishing that several hundred nowspapoM are bjltlng thu Democratic nominee- for president. It should bo remembered that many of theso nowspapors aro owned by bank ers and lawyors or goldbug politicians. In coming out us tlioy do they aro pnly showing their real hands, which aro tho hands of Emu, while their votco 1ms bcou that of Jacob, and whllo protending to servo the pcoplo tlioy havo In reality been stealing their birth right and patrimony. Tho sumo clues of Republican papers would bolt a Republican- uomlnco who in truth and honesty represented tho people. Harvey Scott and our Oregon Republican O rover Cleveland (Mr, Dolnli) havo no use for men to rcprc sent the people. Takotho St. l'auland Minneapolis datllos Ilopubllcan or I)omocrutlc,und tlioy aro for gold, gold, gold all tho time. Tho Globe, Dispatch, Tribune, Journnl, Pioneer, l'rcss, liorctoforo differing radically, aro nil for gold now. Tlioy uro owned by bunkers and syndicates. Tho little co-operative Penny Press Is alono for llrytiu and sliver. Tho farmers alllanco paper, Farm, .Stock and Home," Is for sliver and Bryan. Its editor, Mr. 8, W. Owen, was on our train bound for St. Louis Hlmetnlllo convention. Ho says when Uryan stxko to tho "Gold and Silver club" at Minneapolis ho nuked him what ho would do if tho Democrats put up a gold I to or equivo cal candidate. Ho said: "I'll bolt." It caiuo straight of tho heart. There is a constant discussion on tiio cars over the silver question, Tho Block argument or tho gold ad vocates Is that It Is tho quality of money that Is everything, not tho quantity. I havo been looking up tho quantity theory in somo of tho writers on political economy, I find they lay great stress on tho Import ance of a sutllclcnt quantity of money metallic money. I lind nowhere a writer expressing fear lest wo over havo too much gold and silver niouoy. I um a going to quote n few standard authors on tho subject of jnctalllo money, inflation and rising prices: Prof, Walker, pago 32: "Tho ttfTor onco botweou an inflation of tho money supply duo to tho discovery of now mines and Holds of precious ttwUiS, and an inflation duo to an act of government having tho design and purpoeo to scalo down debts is Just net wldo as tho dllTeroneo between the natural death of a mlsorly rich man, bringing his estate iiito tho hands of a generous and public-spirited holr, at whch all good irion may rightly rejoice, and tho murder of thoa miser for the purpose of changing th6 owner ship of his property, which all would consider an atrocious and detestable uct, worthy only of condemnation and punishment." David Hiimc In his "Fwiy on Money" argues elaborately the effect on public prosperity of an increase In the volume or nietalllc'iuoney. Pror. Walker, who Is cifteii quoted as a champion or the gold standard, en dorses Hume's argument ror tho quantity-value of money In raising prlces.and adds that: "Mr. Hume even understates the advantages Qf metal lic Inflation. In addition to all which he alleges, there Is the Important con sideration or tho ctfectof such a cause upon the burden of existing Indebted ness, both public and private.' These obligations cannot bo repudiated, they cannot be Intentionally llghtcnedjby actor government." Hut when the volume or money can bo Increased by natural means Pror. Walker can bee only good In metallic money inflation. M. Chevalier, the first of French economists, says of the advantage of rlt.li.tf prices from a larger volume of metnlllc inencv: "Such a change will benefit llitwo who live by current la bor; It will Injuie those who live upon tho fruits of past labor, whether their rathers or their own." In thls,!t will work In thu same direction with most of the developments which are brought ubout by that great law of civilization to which we give the noble name of progress. Trof. .lovous In his "Investigations Into Currency and Finance," argues that "a rail In the value of gold must have.and I should say has had already, a most powerfully bencllclal effect. It loosens a country, as nothing clso could, riom Its old bands of debt and habit. It throws Increased rewards before all who are making and acquir ing wealth, sometimes at tho expenso or those who aro enjoying acquired wealth. It excites tho active and skil ful classes or community to new exer tions." I would like to know how many readers or Tiik Journal really rear our country may havo too much gold ami silver legal tender money? Come speak up. K. Hokbh. STAYTON. Dr. and .Mrs. Hunter returned from Portland Saturday night whoro they wore attending tho grand lodgo of tho Ancient Order of United Woodman during tho past week. Adnlph Ponlschll, of I Ion.ua I in, Washington, visited friends In town tho past week. Miss Esther Robertson, of Salem, Is homo for a short vacation, Mr. Simpson and family, of Cor vallls, havo moved In town and havo bought tho Hart placo near tho Santlam bridge. Miss Oraton, of Albany, Is the guest or Miss Pearl llobson this weok. Miss Joslo JJalsloy returned rrom Lyons Saturday whoro sho has been visiting for tho past row days. Tho young peoplo or Stay ton gave a llttlo social hop at tho Daisy hall Fri day night In honor or Adolnh Ponlschll, and a splendid tlmo was had by all. Tho ladlo's or tho Methodist church gavo an Ico cream soolal In tho groyo Saturday, and was largely attended. (Jodey'o for August. Godpy's Mngarlno ror Atnrust con tains lots or entertaining rcadlnir ror tho summer time. Half a dozen pieces of llctlou In as many keys giro a very readable variety in that lino, and something stranger than fiction Is told In Albort L. Park's anecdote's of Anna Ulshop, In tho sorles or "Oreat Singers or this. Century," It seems that this prima donna was under tlin control of M. llochsa, tho harpist and musical director, in much thosamn way that Trilby, tho tone-deaf, was dominated by Svengall in tho story, una Micro is certainly reason to sup pose Mini her career suggested this part of Du Muurler's novel. Tim Fashion Department Is tilled with designs nnd descriptions of tho latest things in gowns and nil matters of Inlorst to women. Your Boy Won't Uve Month. Ho Mr. Gllmati IlroWn. nf ii Mill ,.., .. i . ' it. ... . ' . i 1 7 V ;" ";: uaiuucr. tua.i,, wm ioiu uy uic uociors, ills kon hid lum Imnliliv fnllmvlniT ivitlmt.l ma. larU, ond lie incnt t.375 with doctors, who mmiiy k,o iiiui uji, siyingi "vour ooy won't live a month." He tried Dr. King's New ntiCAvrv anil ft few lvti1 m.ia.1 htm to health and enabled him to go to woik a perfectly well man. He says ho owes his ireseni cooa neaun to uw 01 ut. King's New vi.tuvcrjr. anu knows it 10 bo ine tiest in the Horld for lung trouble. Trial bottle fixe at Fred, A. Ugg's drug store. Children Cry'for f It9hr' Cattorla. JOURNAL Directed Upon Persona and Things by the Good Natured Man. Hurrah for sound money and nn office. Hermann, the money" man. The bankers are afraid will double In valuel Dock Keenc Is not particular about having his name in print. It's ii long Iiino that has no turn. That can't refer to C. II. Lane. The Salem hog would even cut off olllcc rents outside of the capltol. QA campaign ror protection and personal sinecures Is all that is needed. Willi an export of $75,000,000 In our favor In 1891 our gold wentstcadlly to Europe. The pink pill editor or the Morn ing Calamity, says he Is poor but wants to be honest. Dtvcrsllled fiiruiing has proved such a boon that many now propose to try dtvcrsllled politics. Dock ICeene thinks being a leader In politics Is not quite so easy as being a social leader. Salem has too many ''sound money" sidewalks, with broken planks to be redeemed In the future. What has 'become or the over-production racket? This Is a poor year ror It, with no fruit, no hops, no potatoes, and llttlo grain. It is too bad to compel the railroad commissioners, and some other slate olllclals we might name, to come to Salem to draw their salaries! LI Hung Chang recently had an ex-ray photo taken of a bullet that lie carries In his head. It was not done by Tin: Jouknal artist, however. Calamity Republican: "Those inlddle-oMhc-road Pops aro pretty scnslblo fellows artor all. It wasn't ralrto consider them all d d Tools." Sllvcisldcs Iflctcher, of the Inde pendent, denies tho Jouknal's state ment that-ho looks good natured and wants us to apologise. O.K. wo re tract. Query How can you make a CO cent dollar worth 100 cents? Ans How can you got seven days' work In six days. When a government farms out its function to supply the money of the land, and borrows of foreigners to run Its government, It Is truly an object of charity. ., The same llnanclal seers, of Wall street, who said tho repeal of tho sllvor purchase net In 1803 was our only salvation, must havo had 11 free, and unlimited Imagination. Tho Worklngmon'si political club could discuss to advantage the ques tion "How to got sovon days' work In ono week, besides laying off Sundays and attending political conventions?" w Sovornl million tons or "sound money" literature will be sent out by tho national commlttco, or which Oregon will get Its share. It has al ready begun to arrive In such quanti ties that makes ono think tho sack strings are untied.- John Sherman, In 1803, prophesied dlro calamity to tho peoplo of this country in caso congress failed to re peal the purohaso clause or tho Sher man law, and predicted ut thosamo time that "tho llrcs would be kindled in tho furnaces and tho business of the country bo resumed within ten days after Its repeal." bpecial Rates, vS l!-LS0 & I'nrkor, agents for tho O. It. & N. and Union Pacific railways regarding siieclal round trip rates to tho Ilopubllcan national convention at St. Louis, tho Democratic national convention at Chicago, Peoples party convention nt St. Louis, national con vention Y. P. S. O. E. at Washington, I). 0., Isatlonal educational Associa tion at Ruffalo, N. Y., and Q, A. K. national encampment at St. Paul, Minn. 0:8Ul-d&w MENAGE. QalcUlr.ThorouBhtj-, Four out of Ave who auffor uervousntM, I mental worry, attacks 1 of HtnoMuea."nrehe raytnjr tha poualty of early exceasoa. Vic tims, roolalm your manhood, recaln vtinr Tlsor. TV,. J..a -I- n. . . . ... axplanaUon and prooia. ilalledfsealadifr. ERIE MEDICAL BO., IkifUk, M. Y. healer, Is a .und P f ' U TT DlD, . naxa d1?. .. , .: . t v neir. wi nnd ono if il 9 11 A 11 x" rays. mi r-T- iMMTiirewT TTTIfTrMfc WFffGw - -" " s rtr w i n ai - -vr u m raiirv" J. a a . MSs" mb their gold aSSfwSSSIir H&3 . . ki, w. niitrkwoll'B Qemilno Hull k flH LJ ,,Vn lnW " t ""co b"B,"UlJ lW lA Hffl pons liulcla eiuh four ounco liag of 'VB 5 Blackweli's B M imulm Onrham M Ha Smoking Tobacco K . &MM ii.mnfllil9celebmtorttobccoandrqn.Uliocourn- jm WWfi whlcbgUcsoHJlofvoluuWoiirobentsonauowioBoviuum. . U$tZZ&&&&iS ii The "Coh3" Arc Colts. At last the protests against Flem- mlnir. a member of the Albany base- I. ... it... ll,.1,.-t i tulltr.ll llfia , " ,,,n wnnilnnr'u been participating in the Examiner s( baseball tournament, have been dc-: Ulllienm. Lie -vma, mi. v.. .... - elded. The protests were sent to ban Francisco, but the gentlemen conduct log the tournament paid no attention whatever to the lengthy petitions, anidavlts, etc., but at once consulted Flemining's mother as to his age, the result of such action being contained In the following telegram: San Fkancisco. .Inly 21. The Fleiunilng protest has been decided In rnvnr nf Kh'tntnliiL' on the personal declaration of his mother to the Ex- iinilnnr'a rntirosnutlltlvo lit Wllllier dine. Pennsylvania. The date of his blrtli being March 2, 1878. Tho Colts haye been victorious In every game 'they entered, and arc now awaiting orders to come to San Fran cisco. It is rcnortcd that tho Exam iner has refused to pay the team's ex penses in Its trip from Albany to 'Frisco and return. This is rather a disappointment to tho Albany team, since they had been laboring under that Impression. If they have to pay tholr own expenses It Is not likely that they will go to San Francisco. The Albany team would undoubtedly make it unusually Interesting ror any nine tho Golden Gate state can afford. Escai'KD. Marshal II. J. Day has received a communication from Dr.D. A.Paluc, superintendent or the Insatio asylum at Salem, Informing him that Jesse Allen, aged (10 years, committed to tho asylum rrom Hale, this county three years ago,had escaped yesterday. It is thought that he will return to his old homo. Eugcno Guard. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by uairs caiarrn i-ure. V. J.Chenev & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1$ years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waidino, ;Kinnan& Marvin, Wholesale UrugRlst, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Wanted All girls to know thaflloo Cako" will not niiiko their hands red like common soap, b'avc the wrappers. They aro worth a cent apiece. JO tf Thcro's moro clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cako" soap contains no rrcoatkall and will not injure tho finest lace. Try It and notice tho d I fferenco In quality. John Hughes. A feiu bottles of HIRES Rootbcer belong in the picnic lunch. Lay them in the spring to cool, or hang them down a well, M4. oulj bjr Tb. ChirlM E. Ulna Ct., WrMtlpka. A Do U(t UU S (tlUM. Sou mfvatrt. Sunday Excursions. beginning with Sunday, Juno 21, and on each succeeding Sunday, a special excursion train will leave Al bany at 7 a. in., Corvallls 7:30 a. m.. arriving at Ynqulna at 11:15 a. m. ltoturnintr. boat leaves Nnwnnrt. nt. i:.u p. in. Tram leaves Ynqulna in. i p. in., arriving nt corvullls nt iu p. in. nnu Albany at 10:30 p. m. Faro, good on this train only, rrom Corvallis, Albany mid Philomath to Newport and roturn,$1.50. II. L. Walden, II. B. Lowman, Agent, Albany. Agent, Cprvallls. Edwin Stone, Manager, Corvallls. Corvallls, Juno 17, 1890. Thedealer who says, "1 have no IIoo Cako soap," practically admit that he does not sell llrst quality nwuur.. ii iiu wja iiu iiua tsumeiuiiig ''Just as good" you will know at once that he Is trylhg to sell you an in ferior article. There is more cloathlng destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear, as tho frco alkali rots tho cloth. Hoo Cako contains nolther freo alkali nor worthless lining. Kruusso Bros, tan shoes. aro making cuts on Utf Soap Foam Washing Powder Wul not make tile Clothes vel IIow nor burn.tlie hands, -ii Notice. In nursuancc of the requirements or Mio law approved rnvert February 25. 1880, notice Is hereby civ -"-- . w '.. en that the ronow- ing list or Rountv warrants Issueu , ---0 ---- - -, .- ...,.. . tunn seven rears prior uj . 1 uij j, m, ..ti.u ml b(fcn prsonted for payment and tliosc enclosed in parenthesis having nave hnnn iincullnd for and still remaining In mv hand and custody, nnd unless so presented for payment nt the office nf Mm county Measurer, of Marlon county, Oregon, on or before August 29, 1800, said warrants will be can celled and payment therein will bo refused, all In accordance with the re quircments of said law. 5080, Capital Adventure Co., July, 1888. $0.70. 0120, S.W. Morgan, July, 1888?8.-I0. 7270, Wilson I) McNury, December, 1888, $5. 7401, W. II. Simpson, January, 18SI), '7718. 11. Phelps: January. I Ml), "5:10. 7781, J. W. Thomas, February, 1880, S3. 8;40, D. W. Yoder, May, 1880, $2.7o. (wahhants uncalled for.) (81C0, L.A. Yerinech.Marcli 18, 1830 85.40.) Jtnn lt - ril 111.. W. !..... .. Ml I70.M, w. ji. xriiiiiugcr, ceunuiry 1, $180, $1.) (75.19, , Wan lingers, January 11, 1880, 28.70.) ((I0U7, Oscar Itunnels, October 5, 1888,$!.) (054 1, u. D. Pitman, October 5,1888, ni 1 (8001, Alice A. Omeg, $2.00.) May 1.1, 1880, (0101, John A. Mclntlre, August 8, 1888, V-.) (0338, Gad Miller, September 7, 1888, $1.) (7.189. Hcnretta Late, December 8. 1883, $1.70.) (0120, II. F. Holllday, July 0, $1.70.) (8222, E. N. Glrard, March 0, $1.50.) (8tl.1I, Canes Fischer, May IS, $1.70.) (0555, John Flynn, Octobers, $1.) (0,157, A. Ecler, September 7, $1.) 1888, 1880, 1889, 1888, 1888, (0410, ciias. Caulleld, September 10, 1888. $1.) (7843, Lewis Hurtman, February 8, 1880. $1.50.) (7540, Win. llrown, January 11, 1889, $1.70.) (0.151, Barnard Burtonshaw, Septem ber 7, 1888, $1.70.) Dated this 30th day of Juno, A. D 1890. L. V. Eiilkn, Clerk. A Milion Gold Dollars SVould not bring happiness to the person suffering with dyspepsia, but Hood's Sar saprilla has enred many thousands of cases of this disease. It tones the stomach, regulates the bowels and puts nil the machinery of the system In good Working order. It creates a good appetite and gives health, strength and happiness. Hood's Pills act harmoniously whh Hood's oiirsaparuia. v-ure an liver Ills, ascents Let The Whole World Know The Good Dr.Miles' Heart Cure Does m ss's2 H kaist DISEASE, has Its victim at a ciuauvantage. Always taujht that vurtiiucaso isinourablo, whontho y wptoma t'ocomo well deflnud, tha patient Docoraw alarmed nnd a nervous panic takes place. Rut wlion a uro romedy Is found and a euro onVcwrt. after venrs of Euorcrlnc. thoro Is great rejolclnR and doslro 10 "lot tho whole uorld V.noW." Mrs. Laura Wlnc nsor, of Selkirk. Kunaas. writes. I doslro to lot tho whole world l:uaw what Dr. Miles' Dr. miles' rioart uuro lias dono for rao. For tan years 1 had pain in my heart, short now of breath, palpita tion, pain in mr lof tslde, opprwiod foollnsln my chcut w.vil- m.i u... . Heart Cure Restores Health PJJU. bad dr6aWS, could not ilo on either n, ;iMM.nmb euil8ffwd terribly. 1 took Dr.MlIcVl oartOuro and before IflnUhod tho second bottle I felt IU good offocu. I feel mILm l 'U"y reiOTOfeJ' "d that Dr I WSgE. C H. MACK - DENTIST. Succes.orto Or. J. M tKtenc, eld While 1 Mi.ur, S.ilem, Or. Parties deslrli g fiix tint operations at mtxlicnlt; fees in any branch are In c'peclnl request. Peter G, Norgren, (Formerly wills P. J. larsen & Co ) (!arfliue and wncon shop, .120 Commeictnl street, bring on yoar wotk, old or new, and have it done with a guarantee 01 sausucuon. o so aocw 11 DEPOT EXPRESS. .tcots all mail and passcuircr trains, llaii gage nnd express to nil parts of the city, Prompt service, leleplione No. 70 IAMF.S UADEU Capital Transfer Co. iiaruy town, ruor. Express, baggage nnd nil kinds cf work me promptly. Lcnve orders at Pulton's done promptly storo 12 MONEY TO LOAN On fatm land security. Special rates on large loans. 1-oans con.idcied-without delay HAMILTON & MOl x IlU'h Hank bulldinD. MONEY TO LOAN! On city or farm property. Over Bush's Bank, T. K. FOKDJ F. VAN DER BAAN, CariiontGr, Builder and Jobber, 4S1 Winter street. HiVlIatd tiniC3 prices always.' C. H. LANE, iiiCiemiiM an .; ictii t , Stieti 'V I7"Sulu IS npw.ipl. PantJ$ upwands'y 'h s piings. ni 1 111 BBAHI). OREGON The ch icrst mineral water In Ihc Silem su plied bv C M. Epplty. Electric Grocery, East State st. otnie, nt the WHAT IS SAID. Some say we give the best meal In town for 15c, We say try us nnd scj. HOME RESTAURANT! S. RICHARDSON. PROP. ISTSccond door north of Hctcl Willamette. SALEM WATER CO. Officei Willamette llotelBulldin" For water service apply at olTice, Bill payable monthly In advance. Make 11 complaints at the office. There will be no deduction In water rate on account of temporary absence from thr city unless notico Is left -at the office Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular consumers using watei for domestic purpose. Contractors for sld walks, brick work and plastering will plcait read "under bulldinrr purposes" pace 17 "I schedule of rates for 1093. Apply at oflic lor copy. SALEM I am prepared ',lo do all kinds of work In wood and Iron. Repairing -machinery ol any kind or making and repairing stone cut ters, tools and edeed tools of nnv kind made nnd repaired; wagons and bufjfes repaired, and new ones made to order. Horseshoeing, the best that can be done In town- hand made shoes. Phtes and running shoes care, fully attepded to. Call at my stand, at loo Chemeketa street, back of New York Racket store, ' R. 1. IIERSCHBACII, 6ents THE DOLLAR Ed S, Lamport , 2o9 Commercial st, Salem, Or,, Has bought the Frank E Shaiv fer and the M, Beamer harness stocks at forced sale, $4,000 worth ot goods will be disoosed of at 50 cents on the dollar. Sign of the White Horse. Salem Steam Laundry Please notice,the cut in prices wn uic lOllOWing! Shirts, plain Under drawers Under shirt fePiK ,10 cents 5 to 10 cents 5 to 10 cents 3 cents cm ii. 1 .,: ' I cent bilk handkerchief 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per doxeu, and other work In proportion . Flannels and other work injj telhgently washed bv hand. 50 ON isrii. -m I S7 Commercial ireei. Ii imov ii!m.iVp, l Rich's Raspberry Syrbp, tured. "'"'"i uiuc c 01 I is Vlnl ... , Macleilgluhcreas'lemT to it for dec,i. Lr:..1""! 1 CfbrJtUIne,; is m V CP-FUEE DELIVERY WDLZ h MIES KE, Prcci. Denlars In allkimUof frethial uli,-.,, iy Freh sautami a nwcislir ' l7iCOMME.n,Ur EAST AND SOUTH .VIA Shasta Route, OP '1HE Southern Pacific Co California Express Train Kun du., fetiwa Portland and San Francisco. Aliove trains stop at KaHtlmlinJ, 0pn City, Wo ilhiirn, Salem, Turner, Miiioc, ctl-ri,n, Albany. Albany (unciion, Tiiijtw Shrdds, HaUcy, HarrUlmrg, Juncikm I'll; Eugene, Crcsuwll, Drain, and til ititucu from Roeburg to Ai.1il.inil, inclame nosEiiunn mail daily, . oiitli ,"" ! North" "BiuOYi.iii. 1 v. Portland ar. 4:Wp.m. ll:(K)ti.in. lv. Sulcm Iv. 20 p.m. 0:20 i),in. it r. Koscb'K lv. oKX)a.m. sam:m passunoeh. 1 ""Sotitli I I Nortb 4:00 p.m. lv. Portland ar. 10:15 a.m. 0:15 p.m. I ar. Salem lv. 8.1X1 xm. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROlirE PULLMTn" HUkFE r'SldlEPEB and cc ond cn sleeping can nucWoill tliruuli train. WEST SIDE DIVISION, llstwcen Portland and Corvallis, diil; ( cept Sunday.) 7:30 a m. I l.v. 12:15 p.m. I Ar- Portland. Corvallis. Ar 6::op.m. Lyjli35P'n; At Albany and Corvallis connect wiur tra,ns of Oregon Central ,fc Easiern H.um. Express train daily except Sands. 4:45 V 7:25 l. 1. 1 Lv. I'o . Ar. Mc FAr, I 8.15 im' McMlnvllle Lt S $' THROUGH TICKETS to nil points in tne casicin k'i - n,l Knronecan be obtained t lowest ritn 1 Iv.w. mINNEI'.. Acent. Salem. ii'.. Acent. S: E. P, ROGERS, Asal. .G.F.4P.A., rertlsiv: v. R. KOEHLER. Manager. OREGON CENTRAL .AND Eastern R, R. Company (YAQUINA .W ROUTE, -Connecting at Vanuina JUy wulirteSi Francisco & Variulm ilay StesmsMp Co. ' STEAMER "FARALWN Sails from Yaouina every 8 dsj w Francisco. Coos lhy. Port Orford, Tnou" anJ Humbolt Hay. ,WmeL Passencer acoomowUHo?' , ."?" J3i,, Shortest route between and California. orP'::"'Wr Fare from Aiuany or k - r Franciscoi Cabin. 56; steerage U. Ray and Port Orford. cabir. J6. '.",-. Bav, cabin 3 round trip, goo '' 1 and down river pi 1 - Weduesdays ndridayi. .Ot. EDWIN STONE, Mtniffr. Cen . J. C. MAYO. Sunt. Rive rmon k M. P. BALDWIN. 11 Aieflt-A"0" Salem. LQuflPOlSOH SSfB fi ub ?edw7sSSii,2atf 5iiZ& A'RKrifiPXir .SS, ttkoa. i Tf l.WhoVlW D AieflneawmrJexSitJ LUUlua - .. Col, J, Olmsted Prop,)