Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, July 22, 1896, Image 3

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    rf W tt jr-fir
ii Coros talk "In favor sWW
ofHood'aBarMparilU, 1 11 f
M for no other medl- tT
cine. Ita groat cures rooordod In truthful,
convincing languago of grateful men and
women, constitute Us most effective ad
vertUlng. Many of thwo ourea are mar
velous. Thoy have won the confidence tt
the people; bavo given Hood's Barsapa
rlll the largest sales in tlio world, and
bavo mado necessary for Its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Ilood'a
Barssparlllals known by tho cures It lias
ratde cures of gcrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia
nd weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, llvor
troubles, catarrh cures whloh provo
Ii the beat-In fact the One True mood TurHlcr.
.. niff c,lro "ver His; easy to
HnOQ S FlllS take, easy to operate. 2flc.
A Proposition From the Salem Labor
n. H. ItyiiMi of the b'ulcm Labor Ex
change, lias prepared tlio following
(tatcment, which Is submitted In tlio
name of the organization, and com
mands the careful consideration of all
Interested In tho prosperity of our
city and county.
a'Tlie preliminary survey has been
made by the Labor Exchange for a
motor line from Salem to Mill city by
the way or Frultland, Bethel, Maclcay,
Shaw, Aumsvlllc, Stayton, Mehama
and Lyons, with n view of finally
reaching the Quartzvllle mines us
soon as possible. Wo have received
soniesplcndld encouragement all along
the line. Judgo Waldo and hiswlfo
give a right or way and say they will
avistall they can by furnishing beef,
mutton, pork and stock feed to help
support tho men while working.
Otliw along tho lino will do nil they
cm by furnishing feed, material and
labor. And If tho citizens of Salem
Hill do their part, by furnishing us
with donations or provisions, clothing,
etc., it will thus give employment to
those needing It, ab least sulllclent to
board tlicin. The men will rcoclvo
checks for the balanco duo them. In
due time wo will ask tho citizens of
Salem to loan us $25,noo to put on tho
Iron and rolling stock, the same to bo
paid back in tralllcover tho lino of tho
road at 20 per cent, each year, for five
years. Said 825,000 to bo paid to the
labor exchango as follews: 910,000
when the road Is built to Mncleay,
$5,000 more when built to Autnsrlllo,
33O0O when built to Stayton and 85000
when built to Meliatnn, provided the
property holders in North Salem,
Highland, Frultland, Mncleay, Shaw,
Atimsvillc, Stayton, Mehama, Lyons,
and South Mill City dona to a certain
amount of lots upon which to make
homes for tho members of tho labor
exchange. Wo now number something
over 125 members and we ask tho
hearty co-operation of everybody, for
the cause Is Intended to glvo employ
ment to the unemployed nnd to placo
them In a self-supporting condition.
"We will have cltlzons' meetings at
all the above points, commencing on
next Tuesday evening at Frultland
and at other points later.
"A lino will also ba built to Silver.
ton and Scott's Mills within .tho next
year. Labor must bo employed and
for this reason tho lnboroxchango was
organized. Wo hope oyerybody will
consider the feasibility of building
this line of road, as It will bring to
Mlem the wheat from tho Wnldo
"Ills, the lumber from tho Santlam
country, and tho genoral trafllc that
will come from nil tho points named,
u anally from tho Quartzvlllo
mines. (Signed.) Labor Exchange."
Fkuitland, Or., July 22, '00.
wrron JouRNAL:-At tho meeting
Ma hero last night, at tho school
fiouie, in the interest of tho proposed
otor Hallway line to Mills City, by
way of Frultland, Macleay, Aums
""e.btayton and Mehama, there was
Pedged In labor and material over
i,ioo, with the expectation of raising
iitoeo00onext Tuesday evening.
"IbatUrdaV OVPnlnrrtlinrn will lu ,
"wnug neid
List of Men HoMIng Inter-Colleglate
nnd Northwest Records.
The sporting editor of Tub Jour
nal hns prepared a list or the athletes
holding tholntcr-colleglatc and north-
west recoids, which Is given below.
Tho list will be or particular Interest
and value to all who take nny Interest
whatever in the promotion or college
athletes. Ever since state Held day,
Juno 7th, considerable discussion hns
beenrire as to what were the lnter
collcglato recoros and even more
interest nns been mnnirestcd In
athletes since tho Olympic Athletic
club or San Francisco, was defeated
by tho Multnomah Amateur Athletic
club at Portland during the latter
part of June. The Multnomah club's
'success was not much or a surprise to
those who were acquainted with tho
. ability or the team. Young Kerrigan,
who Is but 18 years or ago, or tho
I Multnomah team, Is certainly n won
der In the athletic world. In his high
jump or 0 rcct2 Inches, Kerrigan
comes very nenr tho world's record.
I Morgan Is n bcnutirul hurdler nnd
promises to lower his record or 10 2-5
and 20 1-5 ror tho 120 nnd 220 yard
hurdles respectively.
At tho Intcrcolleginto Held day con
tests at Salem last June, Kuykcndall,
(U. orO.)in the 220 yd. hurdle ran
under the N. W. record and camo very
near beating the coast record but
since he knocked rour hurdles down
in tho course or the race, the record
will not stand. Murphy (W. U.)ran
under tho record time and cleared
every hurdle but crossed the tape
about thiee reet behind Kuykcndall.
Tallant, of tho Multnomah club
holds both the N. W. and tho coast
record for tho mile run, his time being
4:312-5. Gulss (W. U.) shares the N.
W. record for tho 100 yards dash with
Fuller or tho Multnomah club, time
10 2-5. Kerrigan or the M. A. A. O.
and Patterson or the Olympic A. O.
share the N. W. record ror tlii hlcrh
Jump at 0 root 2 Inches. Lester (U. or
u.i and heott . u.i snaro the Inter
collegiate record In the pole vault at
v reet 3 inches.
The rollowlng Is thought a correct
list or both the N. W. and intercolle
giate records and the athletes holding
the same:
N. W.-1U. Gulss (W. U.) and Fuller,
(M. A. A. O.J10 2-5 sec.
I. C.-M. Gulss (W. U.) 10 2-r sec.
220 YD. DASH.
N. W. Urunton (Olympic A. C.)
23 1-5 sec.
I. O.-Colvlg (O. A. C.) 23 2-5.
140 YD. RUN.
N. W.-Coleman (U. or O.) 53 sec.
1. C.-Coleman (U. O.) .53.
880 YD. RUN.
ls W. Tallant (M. A. A. O. 2:04 2-5.
1. C. Bishop (U. of O.) 2:121.
.N. W. Tallant (M. A. A. C.)4:31 2-5.
I. 0. Burnett (O. A. C.) 4:58 3-5.
N. W. Morgan (M. A. A. C.) 10 2-5.
I. C Kuykendnll (U. or O.) 17 4 5.
K W. Morgan (M. A. A. C ) 20 3-5.
I. Q. Kuykendnll (U. of O.j 20 1-5.
N. W.-Kerns (M. A. A. O.) 8:10.
I C Do Lnshmutt (U. of 0.)8:-312-5.
N. W.-Kerrlgan (M. A. A. O.) 10 ft
I. C.-Scott (W.U.) Lester (U. of O.)
Oft. 3tn.
N. W.-Korrlgnn (M. A. A. O.) and
Patterson (Olympic A. O.) Oft. 2in.
I. C Davis (U. of O.) 5ft. 4ln.
N. W'-Kerrlgan (M. A. A. 0.) 20ft.
I. C.-Gulss(W. U.) 20ft. Oln.
N. W.-Edgren (Olympic- A. 0.) 30ft
u n.
I. C.-Shattuck (U. of 0.) 35ft Hi
N. W.-Edgren (Olympic A.C.J127
ft. 0ln.
I. C Bodlno (O. A. C.) 103ft. 3ln.
f KYavTr IjMBlfefe. tH iiH iuB HI t il V ssB
for Infants and Children.
THIRTY yeniV oTnerrntton of Cnitorfa -srltli ibn putronngo of
mllllona of ponons, permit tin o -pcalc cf It withoat guesting.
It is nnqneatlonahly th boat remedy for Infanta uttO. Children
thti vrovU lma wt knorro. It i harmless. Children lllto it. It
Rhrca thorn hoalth. It -will tavo their Hv. In It Mothers hn
something -whloh 1 aluolntnly snip antl prAottoally gorfoot n a
chlld'a medicine.
Castorfa destroy WiorBm.
Cntorla allny rovorlunen.
Cfttoria nrovont vomiting Sonr Onrtt.
Catorla onro Dinrrhma nnd Wind Colic,
Catorln relievo Toothing TronMbs.
Cnitorla onro Con.tlpatlon nnd riatnlcuor.
Ontorla nontrftHe tho effoott of oftrtonlo noli! nan or Btljonom nlr.
Cftatorla iloa aot cotitntn morphlnn, oplnm, or othor nnrootlo proportr.
CattorU nsilmllato. tho food, rognlato tho ttonrnoh nnd Tiowelir
giving healthy and natnral Bleep.
Cattorla In pnt an la obq-bIzo hottle only. It In not oU ia linlV.
Pon't allow any one to toll yog anything olio on tlio ploa or promUo
T 90
The Great One Cent Silver Daily The Only Associated . Press
Silver Daily.
Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year Weekly $1.
that it 1 "Jmt m good" and " -will
Seo that yon got C-A-S-T-QR-I-A.
anatror every pnrpoio.'
The ffto-Mlmllo
algnatnro of
CzxA&jfa vnwor.
Children Cry for Pitcher'e Castovla.
Sealed bids for furnishing wood for
tho court houso will he received at
tho olllce of tho county clerk until 2
o'clock p.m. on the 5th day of August.
A. D., 1800, as follews: For 70 cords
or polo oak,and 20 cords or good, clear,
largo body llr.
Bids, however, will not he received
rrom one party or Arm ror more than
from live to firtcen cords or pole oak,
or ror more than llyc cords or largo
Uy order or tho countv pmirt. nt
Marlon county, Oregon.
Dated atJSalcm, Oregon, this 10th
day or July, 1800.
L. V. Ehlkn,
7-10 dOt w3t Ulcrk
It's In Town.
You'll bo surprised.
Won't "yellow tho clothes."
Won't burn your hands.
Nothing equals It.
uoiior man soap.
Extra lariro rackaircs.
Soap Foam Washing Powder.'
The spot where
Custer fell
is within plain view o( the llur
lltiRton route's track.
The monument that murks
his last resting place Is little, if
any, more thtn a mile distant.
You got n good view of it as
the train whirk eastward over
the solldcit, the smoolheit,the
best track ever built west of
A pretty booklet, giving a
brief account of the battle in
which Custer lost his life will
bo mailed to any one who will
ask for it. Write for a copy.
Write also for information about
rates and trains via the Hurling,
ton Route to Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Chicago and
nil othor southern and south
eastern cities.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, ;
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of I
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
mmm zMr
Cut this out and post up In n conspicuous placo whnro It will be
sren. All tho associated press papers in Oregon, except THE
JOURNAL, aro published In the Interest of tlio gold standard.
Send 25c In silver for the dally ono month.
The Oregon Press Monopoly
Will not treat tho restoration of silver fairly. It will not tell the
people tho truth. It dare not, Tako n fair papor that gives tho
people's sldo as well as tho Wall street side.
Are You a Patriot?
Help your country by circulating tho only Associated Press Pally
In Oregon that ndvocatcs
Independent Bimetallism.
All tho news of tho great battlo of tho pcoplo for silver. Advo
cates tho Hlmclnlllo Union of all- who. are opposed to the slnglu
gold standard.
Do You Favor Unity and Harmony.
as tho watchword or the people or Orego?
Subscribe for the Capital Journal i
Dailythtrty days for a silver quarter,
a galling gun of .
Each Issue n complete history of tho dnv nnd
l -arguments for tho pcoplo's cause.
Tho pcoplo arc charged with Ignoranco by tho gold 'press. This
Is n false charne. Whciever the causo ot frco colnniro or trold and
silver 10 to 1 Is moro discussed nnd best understood It Is most pop-
Is n false charge
silver 10 to 1 Is i
ular nnd strongest with tho pcoplo
Sixty Days for 50 Cents,
If you can't talk or wrlto for silver read and mark articles nnd
sond them to your neighbors nnd friends sixty hot shot for 00c.
Cheapest political ammunition In tho country. Sond a sllvor
quarter or half dollar nnd try It. Tho pcoplo must bo educated
nnd It Is your duty to help do this work for humanity.
nt A .,.... .Ill .1 .
n . - -" "uuioyuh;. uuu oil
wimK C,Venln(J' Ju,y a meeting
IS ieldat Mcleay, to see what
Lvl Td?ne at t,,oso Po'nta; and at
feMUly 3,; at MeIantt August 1.
i. hnennV uccnujf inroiayion
JM 'not been fixed. Now Salem should
l inn enterprise, by giving nil tho
distance it can. Wo will accept
Soil ti Provisiens: Flour, meat.
clothin,?u,boused ,n tfio work
aos!SSi?rjr K00d8 etc- These
h"b!Wwork.ny toaupplr the
for the ra!i&.0,r'muter,al furnished
enfffim.li,ib0.pald forln labor
andpiSnablc ,n traflc height
benedt evfiri,U8 s 8lmply a loan
? wSj' SA on?,the '.Hoe and
lem. iw.JFlso r the city of Sa-
,ulabl5enr?2,0r V,e.road w"1 oe
ngpTon i - traflIo. fro ght and pas
wlnme 52, ad -100Beach year.
InTestffio ca at'L. E. olllco
'ungate our workings.
L, Exchange.
Mj tiiM
A -well wlected text Is half of the ser
mon. Given a good text and a preacheJ
who i in earnest, and the result is sun
to be good. The text of this article Is s
ftlain simple statement that proves itself
a the reader's own mind without argu
meat The text Is " Good .health is beb
ter than great riches."
Without health nothing really matten
yery much. A hacking cough takes al!
the beauty out of a landscape or a sunset
Krysipelas or eczema will spoil the enjoy,
went of sprightly conversation, of a beau,
tlful concert, of a. vrondsrful Minting.
The biggest bank account in the world
won't pay a man for his health, but t
very small amount of money will maki
him healthy and keep him healthy.
Most all bodily troubles start in th
digestive or respiratory orgens. It Ii
here that Improper living first makes at
opening for disease, The development
differ as constitutions and temperament!
differ. The causes arc almost identical
To get at the root of the matter is simple
enough if you start right
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
it a medicine for the whole body. It
works through the digestive organs on
all the others.
It cures the first thing It comes to and
4fter that, the next. It puts health in
place of disease in the stomach, and from
the vantage ground thus gained, it
reaches every fiber of the body and drives
disease before it indigestion, liver
trouble, kidney complaint, biliousness,
Mn unit iraln illseases. SAlI.rlieUUl. tetter,
eczema, and all the troubles caused by
isipure blood.
FOK SALE Gentle family horse and good
top uuggy cneap. Apply to u. W.&cnber,
South Commercial st.
14 If
WOOD WANTED-'Tcn cords of prime big
fir, ten cords of grub oak and ten cords split
ash. Address, with price, XXX, care this
office. 14 tf
THE OHEGWTEACinh'nliKi is now
reduced to $6.50 per dozen if the cash ac.
companies the order. Per bottle 75 cents.
Send direct to the manufacturer, II. Kiss,
Anmsvllle, Or. 7-9 im
HEKE'S YOUR CHANCE. A proprietor
wants to trade a good weekly newspaper office
in good town for unincumbered improved Sa
lem property, no opposition. Uood rea
sons. Information at this office. 6 18 tf
Pullman Sleeping Cars.
ElegantiDininr Cars
Tourist Sleeoino Carb
To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Daluth, targe-,
'rand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg,
Helena and Butte.
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New
ork, Boston, and all Points
lust anl bouth
alone, but wo want both gold and silver.
currency, destruction or
owing In this country. If you want repudiation advocato
values, ami ropiiuiuuon
ono-twcntloth of tho debts
tho flliiclo cold standard. It means contraction of our
Investigate and you will bo convinced.
Thcro Is not gold enough In our country to pay
'Publishers. Salem, Or
l'OR SALE-Driving mare for sale at a bar-
nntn tvFloht nhnnt Tt&l! mwl (Mw).r Tn.
quire of Wm. Drown & Co. 30 if
FOR SALE At a bargain. Fine residence
and csrner lot, near city hall. For further
particulars Inquire at this office. 6-33 tt
FOR SALE OR RENT.-40 acres land 5
miles out. Partly improved, wood and
pasture, good house, large barn, 2 acres
bearing orchard, lot of small fruit, good water.
Wood stumpagc can be had. Box 145, Salem
HOME ItOARD.Good table board, with
home cooking, served in family style, only
z a week. 105 Commercial street. 6.12.1m
CARl'ET I'Al'ER Large lot ol heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap, last
the thing for putting under carpets. Call a
Journal office.
Makes a spctalty of line repair work, Setb
Thomas cloclu, etc., 215 Commercial Street
For information, time cards,
tickets, call on or writn 'r
265 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or.
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pass. Act,,
Morrison St.. comer Third Portland, Or,
;. 1. 1, ,- v
r.tiu. 1 a . "
VlM"-C C
W .xa .-a.(k .l"L II
rKtoiJChiwiiaiCo. i "
C.S. X.
fci ' nc&iK
or i..ln wrjjr
br inf , ffri!!. (at
ll.W, r i IuUIm, v th
Circuit r t qi w riiyuul
For Delicacy,
for purity, and (or Improvement of the com
plexion nothing equals rottoi'a 1'owpgn.
& Si' Paul By.,
OMC-HALf sac Of uox.
I hj been tht uitdird for fortr jetm and I
. u toure (ivpuiir io-ar iiun crer iiar.
I U tha tdiul oomDleilon nowdtr btitlf yln. I
rcftohlDr. clcaclr. hullhfal and lunnleu.
I A dtUCAU, InTblbla prctoctlon to Uut foes. I
, "HMh eTery box of l'OZZO.V It a nur t
I stMSrMt Mroflll'M CUK.I VVVV I
, SifA la ifHerclrc uf cusrge.
1 AT DBUaaiSTfl aw VANOY 6T0UB8.
Of the Ch'eago, Milwaukee Jand St. Paul
Railway and note its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St, Paul and Omaha,
and ruinember when going east that 111 tn.'ns
are lighted with electricity and heated by
steam. Its equipment issjpeib. Elegant
buffet, library, smoking and sleeping cars,
with (tec reclining chairs. Each sleeping
car beit hhts an electric reading lamp, and
Its dining cars aro the best in the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none
are shorter, and no oitif r offer the above lux
udous accommodations, Tlieje are sufficient
reasons for the popularity of "The Milwau
kee." Coupon ticket agents In every rail,
road office will give yon further Information,
or address
C.J. EDDV. General Agent,
J. W. CASEV, Trav. 1'ass. Agent.
0.- R. & N. CO.
E. ;m,neill,!receiver.
tothe;east givesjthe choic
Through Tickets
Two TranscontinentJ
H',Vla Spokane Minneapolis St'Pauland Den.
vbr Omaha and Kansas Clly.Lovv rates to
eastern cities.
Portland San Fjanclico.
Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Portland
May 17, 22, 27 and June 1,6, 11, 16, 21, 26
Fare Cabin, $5; steerage, (2,50.
Portland' Eugene.
Steamers Ruih and Eltnore for Fortland
daily except Sunday at 10 a, rn,
For Corvallls dally except Sunday at 2130
For Eugene Monday and Thursday at 2:30.
Lowest freight and passenger rates, Round
irip tickets very cheap, lickets told and
baggage checked through tn all points with
out extra transler charges.
F01 full details call on Hoist & Barker
agents, SaUm, Oregon, or address.
Gen'l Pas. Agt, Portland, Or
For full dctahs call on or address
Foot of Tradest. focal A gent,
Union Pacific System.
rrhrough Pullman Palace Sleepers. Towri
Sleepers and Free; Reclining tCbalrJ dally
Portland to Chicago,
Our trains are heated br steam and r.
llohled bv Pinttch lloht.
Time to Chicago, 3 ! days
Time to New York, 4 1-2 days,
Which Is many hours quicker than com
petitors. For rates, time tables and full Information
apply to
Agents, Skra, Ot,
General Agent Dlst. Pass. Aget
135 Third Street, Portland.
Th Roy Frahnt
Anfl tt velvety softueta of the skin U lwnn
rlably obtained by tboa who au feaaowt'tt
Complexion 1'owOtr.