' Daily Capital Journal BY HOKRR BROTHBRS MONDAY, JULY 20, 1800. ' V "a," w -" L" V "V "V 4 DAILY LINK TO PORTLAND Alfona and Ramonaf I.RAVB-- IIAIl.V. Portland, 0:45 '" Salem 7:450. m. Independence, fitjo a in, Sunday trl discontinued lor the pre rnt. , , Q. ilck time, regiiUr service and cheap .... rate , . . ,l I'. IIALOWIN. Agent, Salem, f W JJlJJm, "W . " " " ' "" Ladies Collars and Cuffs lust received. Alcui line or plaits for tho front or tins waist. The latest novelty. Ladies' Dress Plaits In nhiln white, while and pink, white and IjIiio, white, and tan. White Kid Belts came by cxpicw. Won't lust king. Chiffon Ribbons In nil the dollcato shades. Also a full now assortment or plain satin and iroH grain ribbons. J, J, Dalrymple Co, V v. ATit r. it Fohkcaht. Tonight fair; Tuesday ralr: continued warm weather. Paid Too Much. The cxpeits lit tlio county treasurer's books have still kc veial days work to close the nmt ter 1111, but one Item has mi far come to the public through the school board. It Is that the county treasurer has paid over to tlio cleric of school district No. 21 WJiMM more than Is duo the dis trict. TliH Is liable lo embaniRS the district as the amount hah been ap plied on Indebtedness. F0110.OT Unit Hat. Thoro Is it good Joko bolng told on one of Salem's best looking young women who spent Sun day at Sllvor Creole Falls. On the way home, the young lady removed her lint, placing It In tlio bottom of tho buggy. Home was reached In duo season but tho young lady was too busily engaged discussing tho weather (?) with her young gentleman friend, to remember her hat and as 11 result ho was obliged lo perform tho cm harassing errand of going to tho livery stablo this morning and sccuro her chaponti. IL-I 1 -UU '-111 ILL. "J 1. il , , S Hot Bargains 1 Ladlo's eool undervosls- 5c, 10c, 20c, 25o, :15c, GOc. Gent's balbrlggan tindorwear IVr sttltfiOo, $1, l.2T. Straw Huts Prices all reduced to closo tbcm out. Dimities 20oonos now loc, lfio ones now 121c, 100 ones 7c. loo Zephyr Glngluims now lOo, Chulllcs -to and rc. Shirt Waists COc and up. .Willis Bros. & Co, Court and Liberty. Tho CushXDry Goods, Clothing and Shoo House. tfTUiitll further notlco our store will oloso at 7 o'clock evenings Qxcopt Saturday. Gampers, HO- Everything you want in Lunch Goods and provisions. This is our specialty. X Sonncmaan,. immBm J3$ I Merciless Cut,, .... . ... . P Wc have 10 dozen 'Standard" waists, $1, $1,25 and $1,50 k.nd, good styles, attached M iillU UtlUV.ll.tJ v.wiiu 11 that wc throw out at 75c, Y wnn't Mi-rv tilfMTl over. Seethe south y window. t-Tf u.lmfl ftArtO (I J iiyiltl JJUV-VVJ gWVVM I- cut in same propotv 5 15 tion, 3 T. rioiuersoD. PERSONAL. J. N. Keel wont to Portland today. .Mrs. I. W. I'ligh Is iiistlcatlngat Newport. Mrs. .1. G. ICellcy of Salem, Is visit at lOugoiie. L. II. McMaliati went to Portland Su'iday Miiornlng. MlssOnlu MoKlnney spoilt Sunday with Tumor relatives. .Mrs. A. E. Crosby left today for an outing at Seal Itock. Dr. S. It. .Jcssup and son, Albert, lertthls morning Tor Wattorloo. F. S. li'arlMrn, tho bookseller, spent Sunday In tho metropollH. District Attorney S. L. llliydcn went to Wood bum this afternoon. Secretary of Stuto Klncald and family are rusticating at Newport. .Miss haggle Hodgklu was tho guest of Turner friends Saturday ami Sun day. Mrs. .1. W. Miller of Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. K. Hodg klu. Mr. and Mrs. j I). W. Frazleror tho "Bazaar," were Portland visitors to day. Superintendent G. M. Irwin re turned homo on tho lloseburg mall thla morning. Mrs. Hal 1). Pulton Is visiting Port laud, to which place she went Sun day morning. Perry Card and Al. Swegle returned this afternoon from an over Sunday visit at Newport. .1. .). Dalrymple, tho well known merchant, wont to Portland this morning 011 business. C. Van I'atton spent Sunday In this city with his family, returning to Chemawa this morning. .I0I111 Holman returned lo Albany this morning having spent Sunday with his family In this city. A. Mason, the contractor, accom panied by his daughter Miss Mary, went to Portland this morning. Luke Lynn and H. A. dinger, went to Newport yesterday on their wheels, having started at .'I o'clock a, m. C. M. llnrr and Raymond Burr, wont to Portland tills morning, and will visit friends for a fow days. Coroner A. M. Clougli stipriscd his friends Saturday by appearing on the streets with a smooth-shaven face. Ed. N. Edes, city recorder, and W. 1. Culver, returned Sunday evening from a day's tlshlug abovo Mehama. Miss Lena Hubcr, assistant In tho Stewart millinery establishment, spent Sunday at Silver Creek falls. Chas. L. MoNary, deputy counto re corder, was among tho many Salem Itcs spending Sunday at Silver Creek falls Judge and Mrs. J. It. Falrbank slait tomorrow morning for a fow weeks In tho shadv nooks nboct Me- haiiiii. Mrs. Sain Adolph and family, of East Stuto street, loft today for Now port, where they will spend two mouths. Miss Hit a llakestraw, of Chemawa, went up to stayton this morning nnd wl)l tw tho guest of Miss Deano Kitchen. Hoy. P. H. Williams returned to Portland this afternoon having been tho guest of Row W. lloynolds over Sunday. Al. HolT, Fred Stowart and John Wlnstuiiloy, spent Sunday at Wllolt Sprlags, making tho trip 011 their bicycles, Mrs. J. II. H. Royal of Salem, ar rived hero today to attend thobcdsldo of her sister, Mrs. E. A. MoAllster. -Eugene Guard. Mrs. G. W Anderson, tho well known proprietor of tho "Anderson'', hotel, went to Portland on tho after noon train. j Miss Emma Monro, of Portland, came (Town from Corvullls this morn nnd will lie the guest of Misses Edltha and Anna Lewis un State street. j Children Cry for Pitcher's Caatorla &!B888 rify Elder T) L. Mi'Claln.of Maclcny, starts Wednesday for Aphlr, Curry county, with his family wherotlicy expect to make their home for a year. I MIssGcnovlevo Church arrived In the city this morning rnitn Pasadena, California, and will spend the summer at tho home of her aunt, Mrs. J.. I. Murphy. I Miss Perulee Maxson.of Vancouver, , who bus been the guest or Mis Alice I Davenport, went to GeryaH this jafteinooti, wheie she will vWlt Miss Stewart. F. J. Schceland, who has been seri ously 111 with malaria rever, at the jesldenco or Jos. Albrlch, on Church street, Is rapidly Improving and will noon lie nbout again. Fred Gelbcl nnd M Davis are home rrom a fishing trip to Thomas creek. They roport8'JO trout caught, a pretty high llgure to spring so early in tho season, by tho way. LceStelnerand Fred Stcusloir with their families, drove up to tho Golden ranch on tho Santlam yesterday, re turning In tho cool of tho evening, arteran enjoyable outing. Superintendent F. N. Derby and family, nccompaulcd by Miss Minnie DoLong, left this morning fr New port. Mr. Derby will return In a few days but his family will remain nil sum mer. Mrs. H. F. Smltli, or Winters, Cali fornia, and Miss Molllo Jlcpncr, of Waldo Hills, came Up on tho llyer Sunday morning and aro tho guests of Mrs. Lou Smith, at 37 Commercial street. Mr. and Mrs. Win. England, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.Sroat, Mls Ethel Cuslckand W. 11. Morse, were among the Salem itcs spending Sunday at Wllholt Springs. Information was received Satuiday by James and Charles Simpson that their mother, who Is camping with Mr. Simpson at Newport, was In very poor health and asking tho boys to come over after them, They will re turn to Salem at once. Mrs. John Krausse and baby Ru dolph went to Seal Hocks today where they will spend the summer with Mrs. O. E. Krausse and family. Mr. Kruussc returned this afternoon having nicely settled his folks at this delightful summer resort. Frank Albrlch returned to Astoria today, and will resumo work In tho carpenter establishment or Henry Zapp. Frank was so unrortunate a few weeks since as to accidentally cut himself with 11 chisel, nnd took advan tage of his unexpected lay-oir, which the accident necessitated, by visiting his parents In this city. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Spencer leturned to Portland this morning. Mr. Spen cer delivered an address on tho Issues or tho day at 'the -opera liouso Satur nlght. Tlio gentleman speaks In the highest terms or tho excellent treat ment ho iccelved whllo In Salem, and will over remember tho royal manner In which himself and wife were enter tained whllo In tho city. Hon. Phil. Metscliau, tho stnto treasurer or Oregon, arrived in on tho train today fiom Salem. Mr. Mets cliau Is on his way to Canyon City, his old home In Eastern Oregon, where he will remain for several days. Mr. Mctsohau Informs us that the hot weathorhas destroyed much fruit In tho Willamette valley, and Is now In juring what little crops wore left after the destructive storms earlier In tho mmsoii. -Haker City Republican. Livklv Runaway. Just before the arrival of tho llotehurg local this morning, tho meat cart of Geo. Fund rich was standing In front of tho Yow Park meat market, whou suddenly tho horse took fright and ran quite rapidly. Reaching Oak street It started towards the dopot but In cross ing tho street car track the cart was overthrown and tho horse, becoming entangled In tho harness, fell to tho ground. Scarcely any damage was done cart or harness but tho horso was thought to bo seriously injured for sometime but, with tho exception of a fow scratches, ho Is none the worse for the Incident. At S11.vr.1t Cki:ic Falls. Ono of tho most pleasant retreat about the Willamette valley tlieso hot summer days, Is Silver Creek Falls, A morry party of six young peoplo loft Salem early Sunday morning and spout the day at this delightful place. Tho party consisted of Mr. and Mrs" W. E. Calkins, Miss Edltha Lewis, Miss Anna Lewis: Messrs. John Molr, Jr. and A. Klein. Mr. Calkins took a camera with him and ore tho day passed succeeded In obtaining several vlows. In Mkmouy ov Huhns. At 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, July 21st, at tho stnto house, tho admirers of Rob ert llurns will give nn anniversary meeting In memory of the Scotch pooL A biographical sketch of IHirns will bo given by Prof. J. H. Horner, of tho Agricultural Collego at Corvallls whllo several of tho poet's songs and compositions will bo recited. Prof. R. A, Heritage will havechnrgoof tho singing. IK A SAD DROWN INO CASE. Two Brothers Leue Their Lives In Wil lamette Slough About noon yesterday two brothers named Atkins (or Atchlfeon) were drowned while bathing In Willamette slough three miles below Wheatland, at the Galloway farm The news was brotght to Salem by a gentleman from Llneoln.who wns near there yes terday. The older brother Is six feet and two inches tall, about 22 yea is or age, whllo the other Is several years younger. The older could not swim, and having gone beyond his depth, called to his brother for help. The latter swam heroically to his rescue, but In his efforts to save him, was himself drawn down, and both lost their lives. Today at noon tho oodles had not been recovered and It seems Impossible to get further particulars as there Is no telephone connection near there. FROM CHEMAWA. F. O. Collier, or Salem, Is Instruct ing tho Indian boys In the art or printing, and tho business manager of tho Chcniawa-Amcrlcan, a paper now printed at the Chemawa Indian school. It Is hoped that tho paper will receive tho support or all citizens. Tho paper will bo published semi monthly and the subscription price will be 2."i ccuLs per year. The citizens or Salem are cordially Invited to attend tho commencement exercises which will be held at the Indian school July 23d. The graduating exercises occur Thursdny beginning at !J:30 p. m. William Minor and Henry Lewis are the graduates. IMtOdHAM. Chorus, "Music Everywhere,". Hjinson bchool. Essay, "Small lleglnnlngs,"...... Henry Lewis Essay, "Tho Progiess or a Race". . .,'. T William Minor Ladles Chorus, "Heather Hells".. Abt Addres non.u. ,m. irwin Presentation lion of diplomas . . . .Sunt. Thomas W. Potter ...."On tho Lake We Float" Plmrim School. jonioh i:xkrcisi;s. 7 I'. M. Chorii8,"SiiuinierTline"...Showalter School. Discussien: Is the Industrial Work or tho Government Schools or More Importance than the Literary Work? Affirmative Negative. Douglas Holt, Alpheus Dodge, 'rimriflmm Monro. Itleliurd Graham. Song, "Wo aro nil Hold Gypsies".. Girls or Miss Miller's room Medley Kindergarten Class "Hummer voices" Pupils of Mrs. Nardlu's rooui Recitation, "When You Meet a Lady" Henry Church. lMnimniiPt I n. Second Walt-... Donee Piano JJuet, j-b jnnuet " Amy Weston. Miss Morgan. Quartet , "Long Tlmo Ago," Pimllsof Mrs. Hays' loom Mother Gooso Recitation and Drill. Pupils or Miss M lller's room Ladles' Chorus, "The Snowdrop.. Pinsult Recitation, "Dolly's Speech" Mary Pluard Piano Solo,"Hlde and Seek," Schythe Amy Weston. Old Friends, ami Doll Drll Pupils or Mrs. Hays' room Recitation, "Angry Polywog".... Andrew Pluard PlnnnSnlnl"- "VUlago Fair," Gurllt 1 lanoboio b i.shyinrk," Tschalkosy Gcrtrudo Urower. Row and A rrow Drill .... Pupils or Miss William's room Cornet Solo Frederick Freeman Recitation, "Cast thy Hread Upon the Waters," Nellie Runnels Ladlos'ChoruV'Musloof the Hells" Abt "Pray How D'ye Do?" Margy Gray, Joe Wiggins, Elizabeth Vincent Chorus, "Tho Moonlight Sail,".. School "Columbia Welcoming tho Nations," Girls or Miss Scott's room, assisted by others. Si'itAiNKi) His Ankli:. Win. Hab cockand Frank Moorcs. riding a tau dom and accompanied by Jas. Wood ruff 011 a single bicycle, left Salem last night at 11 o'clock for Slab Creek where thoy expected to spend a week. When near Lincoln tho tantlom ran Into a rut that had not been detected by tho riders nnd us a result there was a general mlx-up. Mr. Habcock sustained a very painful sprain of tho ankle nnd the party returned to Sa lem, deciding! to postpono tho trip 0110 week or until Babcock will Iks ablo to make the trip. The sprain Is quite a bad 0110 and will causo Mr. Habcock considerable luconvonlencofor severnl days. Always Go To tho Now York Racket when you want to save money Thoy havo a largo lino of the cele brated "Bull Breeches," cottonade pants, overalls, Jackets, summer coats, tablo llnuen and Turkey red damask crash towels, from a cents upward, hummocks, satchels, gents laundrlcd and imlaundrled and work shirts, all at low prtcos. Call and savo 15 to 25 percent. 18 2dlw A Mkury Pautv. Among tho many Salomltes spending Sunday at Sliver Creek Falls wero tho Misses Mamie, Hattle, and Llnnlo Rundlett, Alllo Crossan, nnd Mattlo Hunt; Messrs. Ralph King, Arno Crossan, Sam Rundlett, Frank King and An drew Campbell. They report a most enjoyable day's outing at theso de lightful falls. Children Cry tsr ;taharf Castoria. A WILD-EYED SINNER TALKS. .. - ii.ii. t lo1,( tlnoil the Sound j lie uaais u urn"- " -1 Money Clutis. At tho Republican ratification Mr. Toozo said "the silver craze has taken u Urn. hold upon the people from the Atlantic to tho Pacific and Judging from tho Blzo (or lack or size) or the audience which listened to the imported orator at the opera houe Saturday evening, one must, be assured that Mr. Too.'s 10 marks lilt Salem, Or., at least. It was kind In Mayor Gatch to go out and hunt up rour ladles Saturday evening that Mr. Spencer might not bo embarrassed when he mild "ladles and gentlemen." Doc Kccne got his best rustle on Saturday evening when ho accom panied the band around tho block, drumming up an audience for tho lin- poratcd ontor. The nana piiiyeu "Hall to the Chief" and Hoc swung his hat and cried "ror God's sake come along and give the man an audience." Mayor Gatch deserves the sympathy or nil, s tlio falluro was 110 -fault of his. Immediately after tho ratifica tion failure Mr. Gatch tct about to organize tho whole county in tho In terest or the ticket and expected the Some of OH? tK' 1 1 1 Large bottles olive oil 20c, Apricots and peaches 10c per can, Sardines 5c each, or 6 for 25c, "Worlds Beater" savon, wc absolutely guarantee to give satis, faction, while you get 20 ounces for 5c. Wc carry Soap Foam 3 lb, packages for 20c. Wc will prove to you that our prices arc lower than any other grocery in Salem if you will investigate. All wc ask is a trial order, fiflRRITT & LfWRENCE, P, O. Grocery Imported nr.'1'or lo 1h greeted with an Immense audl-Miee, "b i al is; the best laid plans'' etc. Mr. Spencer waited nut II l o'clo-k for an audience and then was com pelled to commence his address with only eighty-four hearers, and a good sprinkling of thoso were silver cranks. When Doc. Kccno brought tho band to the head of the stairs tho speaker cried out, "Come up to the rront boys nnd give us a tune, something must be done to awaken a little enthusiasm." The difference In size between the audience at tho ratification nnd tho meeting Saturday evening measures the Influcnco that ProL Hcrltngo had on the former. Como Back No Moorcs, Doc Kcene, and a few more of the leaders wero going to havo their faces photo graphed after the Saturday blow-out, but, alas, there was no camera in town long enough. Sinncii. MARRIED. FLUBACHKR - ANDERSON.-On Saturday evening, July 18, 180(1, at 7 o'clock p. in., at tho M. E. parson age, Miss Bertha Flubacher to W. W. Anderson, Row G. W. Grannls, olllclatlng. VKATCII-PAPE.-At Marietta, O., July 7. 18DU, Miss Anna Veatch to L. I). Pane, Rev. Stewart of tho M. E. church olllclatlng. Miss Veatch Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Veatch of this city. Mr. Papo Is well and favorably known in this city, having been employed as electrician several months since. A Million Gold Dollars Would not bring happiness to the person miTering with dyspepsia, but Hood's S.v sanrilh has cured many thousands of cases or this disease. It tones the stomach, regulates the bowels and puts ail the machinery of the system In pood Working order. It creates n good appetite and gives health, strength-and happiness. Hood's rill act harmontou.ly with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. 25 cents. ToNiaiiT.-Sedgwick Post G. A. R. meets tonight. All members should attend. Special Rates. si IH?0 & Hrker, agents for tho 0. R.& Is. and Union Pacific railways regarding special round trip rates to the Republican national convention at St. Louis, tho Democratic national convention at Chicago, Peoples party convention at St. Louis, national con vention "i. P. s. C. E. at Washington, D. C, Jatlonal educational Associa tion at Buffalo, N. Y., nnd G. A. R. national encninpment at St. Paul, M'nn- 0:8td-d&w - ..-E. ,mm CliimiY Pint nt ?mtniD .. o,, 1. bonanza. Try It at Gllbret T Pt- lu,!, n-3t Our StOCk Ol tllll slums mncf. lu closod out before tho season Is over. Seo Krausso Bros. utt Take No Substitute Gail Borden Eagle Brand "-- -CONDENSED MILK W . .h.mJ Do Not Forget 6MII66 Still Continues, Bargains This Week m 257 Commercial st. Specialties 1 1 RIVER NEWS. Mave iiont of the Doats on the Wll- lamcttc River. The f C. T. Co. has discontinued Its Sunday trips for tho present. Steamer Iloag was pulled oft' of tho Santlam bar Sunday, and left iiiiuiu dlately ror Corvallls. Steamer Albany succeeded In get ting oft an up-river baryesterday, and left Salem for Portland at 8 o'clock this morning. The Willamette river this morning registered 2.2 feet above level water mark. This low stage of water Is nfl'ectlug the boat travel not a little. A great many of tho boats experience considerable difficulty in making their regular trip, owing to numerous bars. Steamer Raiuonn Is In Portland un dergoing -some repairs. A new hull Is tho most Important repair being done, but she Is being thoroughly overhauled throughout, ready for tho fall and winter run. When again placed on tho river sho will not draw over fourteen Inches of water, thins enabling her to navigate the river at points she was formerly unable to pass over. Hor place Is being taken by tho Gray Eagle. Tho O. C. T. Co. has changed Its manner of making trips to Portland, howover they still hnve a dally boat to Portland, and tho best of time is made. Tho Gray Eagle leaves Inde pendence and Salem on usual time, and meets tho Altonn In tho vicinity of Mission Landing, whcnfrleghtand passengers aro transferred, and tho t II... A. A -- 1 A 1 ...l.ll - wwiona returns 10 ioruiiuu, wuuu iiiu Gray Eaglo plows hor way back up tho Willamette. Your Boy Won't Live a Month. So Mr. Oilman Drown, of 34 Mill street, Gardner, Mass., was told by the doctors. Ills Mon had lung trouble, following typhoid ma. laria. and he spent $375 with doctors, who finally gave him up. saying: "Your boy won't live a month." He tried Dr. King' New Discovery and a few bottles restored htm tn health and enabled him to go to woik a perfectly well man. He says he owes his present good health to use of Dr. King' New Discovery, and knows It to bo the best In the world for lung trouble. Trtal bottle free at Fred. A, Legg's drug store. Sunday Excursions. Beginning with Sunday, June 21, and on each succeeding Sunday, a special excursion train will leave Al- uany at 7 a. m., Corvallls 7:30 a. 111.. arriving nt Yaqulna at 11:15 a. 111. Returning, boat leaves Newport at 0:30 p. in. Train leaves Yaqulna at 7 p. 111., arriving nt Corvallls at 10 p. 111. and Albany nt 10:30 p. in. inre, good on this train only, from Corvallls, Albany und Philomath to Newport and return,$1.50. II. L. Waldun, II. B. Lowman, Agent, Albany. Agent, Corvallls. Edwin Stone, Manager, Corvallls. Corvallls, Juno 17, 1890. TIlO ricnlnr wlm e-ivn "I linvn nn Hoe Cako soap," practically admit that ho does not sell first q uallty goods. If ho says ho has something "Just as POfiri" vnn will Irnnvv nt. nCA that ho Is trylhg to soil you un In ferior article. There Is more cloathlng destroyed by poor soap than by actual Ji lKu l,lu irue niKnii rois 1110 CIOLII. IIOO Cako contains nMtliar frAA ilk-11 II I See our fie Scrims. Sec our Co Crash. ()2-lticli Llim., Damask Bleached, 2l)e. Full lino of Sattcens at fi 1HC. Full lino or Llama at !o. Full lino or Dluil' t -1 8c. Shirt, waists at cost to close-a few loft v,mi, silks at 21c. Hurgalns In dress goods. Bariralas 1 hosiery. Bargains In underwear. Our entire sWk'l nullified. That Our Grand in All Lines, THE MAUKEIY juS'S0: Ju,y ,7-w,,M'' "Jh '. New York, luly 17 -Silver, 6; ld PORTLAND MAIlKET. Pllnnd,' J.?ly 7 Wheat valley, ,, 53; Walla Walla, 49.150. h ' CfM'Tn tioMB j r w Potatoes. . Oregon, 8o(a).)oc ,rMcll Hjy. ,CxkI, 8(u)i; per luu. Wool,. Valley, nc; IlM-m OrtM 57c k ' Millstufii..l!ran J'3Ji40o;ihoiu,fi(, Poultry- 1'hlckenx, mtxcd,)2.Jo3 broil ers, $t.So2.5o; ducks, 4a$; ttx, tg6: turkeys, live, iottc; dressed, 151170. Hides,. urecn, tailed Co II 5c; under 60 lbs 444ci "heep pelts, lo7oo. Hops. .Oregon, 2 to 3c, according toqul, ity. Putter. .Oregon fancy creamery, 3035; fancy dairy. 25; fair to kx, 17, t'ficew Oiet;on full cream, 10 l''Kg,.Orrguu, tic per doz lirf,.TOioieeri. 3.3.25 per Hi; (air In pood tU'crs, 2xA(ai2i 5c, ), jWfdiki, drecd beet, 45e san i-'kam;ico MARKET. San Kmncisco, July 1 7 Wheftt,92ja Woid. Orrgon, chone, Syoliw, inferior 5 7c, valley, toc. Uo;m (.liioinlile nt 23c. l'otuors o55c per sack. Oils-Milling. 75W8J. SAl.KM MARKET. Wheat. .43c pr nu., market firm, Oats ,2u(sJ22c. Hay Haled, cheat, S il3.5l tniKh, 7.00. Flour.. In wholesale lots, 3.00; reuil, 3 20J shortn, bran, bulk 11.00; sacked, U.oo; 12.0013.00; chop fspd, iim I2.O0. Poal.rv. lieu, 5c; Spmiijiiiickeiii, Jill. Val..D.ctt.d. i1,. li. lired. W,. Live Jaille..li bhuei. Live, 1.25. Wool .Hum, I2c. Ilip..i!et, 4(gtS'- Kggi .Cah. 10c. iluticr..ltcst dairy, (oc; fin.. :livmtj 15c. CIwjc .I2ic Form Smoked 'Mean, lb 1.7. ww 9c; houlders, 5c. ,ointos.,6oc per bti Mucklen Aruica finlvu The bet Salve in the world foi Cult, Sores Sores Ulcers Salt UheiM. Um and all Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblain. liruh.es, Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is gusrsnteed to Live per fee satisfaction or money refawftj. Price 25 ccntx a hw Kor sale by Fred A Lege "' r- vju come in hot . .' .lnif.-HIRES Root- ,.,... , .,l..l-lJl..nnwl1l.lf."IIOe Cako" will not make the ' anaM llko common soap. Savo tho wr-W": Thev arc worth a cent apiece. J 4 , Krausso Bros, aro making cuU on tan shoes. i mi NOTJCK TO PltOl'KKTY OWNEB3.- Actlng under Instructions from im city council I am required toKetMJ tho streets and ulK-y "rilwc tyjj cleared or all rubbish nnd refit W tho abutting property owners, inj erty owners will take notice and cl n up tho streets. 1 11 the event tat ;1M property owners rail toJcm"J the streets and allow 1 : c' JJg t nnrfnrrn BUC 1 Work atlU Ciarui sauiotothem. AiKShil 7-n ut. " Down go tho prices on tan1 Krausso Bros. t Awarded Highest Honors-WorF Medal, MWwIaterl-- 'PR; CREAM BAKINu POHlHi lM06t PtA3fiu SflSfXKE -Jja ACS. ii rTifLf t - " HAC JfciCttTC- l-lour1'ortland, 285; Bsnton' eomu. 2.S; graham, 2.50; superiins. $1 2tVr im Oats-White, 26028c; EteT.itfg," Inbacs. j4.2tfAe. 2?. barreli. . rJa. ' " rf- w - .--., louiuin.. nor worthless filling, " I Vv... . ...i, vmA.'-m -