Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, July 18, 1896, Image 4

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Dally Capital Journal
aATltltDAY.IJULY 1 (W.
- im - . & v ' - 4 i
Altona and Ramona f j
Portland, 6145 a. m. j
Independence, 6:jo a m. (
Sunday trips dUcomlnucd for the pies (
1 ' y u
f'uick time, regular service and cheap y
. ...tntei ... m
Accnl. Salem. (
Ladies Collars and Cuffs
Just received. Also 11 line (if
for the front or the waist. The
Ladies' Dress Plaits
In plain white, white rind
white mid blue, white mill t:in.
lilt em
i 1 1
Met ciless Cut,
Wc have 10 dozen
"Standard" waists, $1,
SL25 and S1.50 kind,
good styles, attached
and detached collars,
that we throw out at
Wc won't carry them
over. Seethe south
Higher priced goods
cut in same proporv
m T, flolversoD.
t ''"' ' T '
White Kid Belts
citinc by express. Won't last long.
Chiffon Ribbons
In till the delicate shades. Also a
full new assortment or plain satin and
gros grain ribbons.
, , Dalrymple Co
HoiniRi). On ThiirKdny the homo
of John anil Hurry Klotigh on Howell
Prairie, was inblicd of fUA In iold
coin. John wim at home at the tlui",
and thinks the deed was done while
ho wiib doing cIioivh about the barn.
The brothers are batchclorn,nnd have
no clue to the theft. Two watches
wore In jilnlti Bight, near the money,
but were undisturbed.
To Hk Mauiiikij.-Oii Wednesday,
July 22, 1800, In tho church of the
Epiphany at CIicIiiiIIb, WiibIi., MIhs
Mablo Ingorsoll will bo united In mar
riage with Mr. Harry J. Miller. Miss
Jngorsoll graduated rrom the Willam
ette university conservatory of music
ami has iiumcrmm friends In Salem.
Hon. J It. Smith commenced yes
terday harvesting oats, and reports
that the other grain will he rlpu as
soon as they can get to It. Mr. Kmltli
reports that they lmvo a fair crop, but
estimates that grain In general will
not go over a half crop.
A rilOTKCTlON 1TKM. MClltllllO pro-
tectlon begins at home, and UiIh ex
plains why ho tnany SnlciiiltesNinoko
tho populaV La Corona cigar, which Is
madoby Atig. Hiiekensteln, of this
Hot Bargains
Lndlo'n cool undervests-oc, lOe, 20c,
25c, ;i5o, fOo.
Gent's balbrlggan underwear I'er
sultGOc, 81, 91.2T).
Straw Huts-Prices all reduced to
close them out.
Dimities 200 ones now lBc, Mo ones
now 121o, lOo ones 7c.
.16?., ZcPyr Ginghams now li)o,
Challlcs to and rc.
Khlrt Waists 6O0 and up.
Dn.K Mutk Hchool. I'.S. Knight,
the newly-elected superintendent of
the deaf-mute school, has looked the
around over and made some recom
mendations to the board, relative to
the management of the school for the
ensuing year. One material change
recommended by Mr. Knight Is the
immediate abolition of farming In
connection with the school. The
superintendent-elect does not consider
farming in keeping with tho purpose
of a deaf mule school, nor necessary as
a matter or economy. In fact, Mr.
Knight Hays with the amount neces
sary to keep up the ICO-aero farm at
the school, lie can go Into the markets
and buy everything that the farm can
produce. In reference to employes, It
Is not likely there will be any changes
where service hint been sallsfactry.
A Coaohino Hauty. Last even
ing Mr. Frank Hughes gave a coach
lug party In honor of Miss Hclllpgcr
and Miss Comau, or Portland, tho
guestH of Miss Sally Hush. Early In
the ovcnlng tho party boarded Uuscy's
wagonette, drawn by four black
meeds, and enjoyed a drive through
the Polk county hlllw. It was a do-
llghtrul evening ror a coaching party
and tho event wits a source of much
enjoyment to those participating,
Those enjoying Mrs. Hughes' hos
pitality were: Miss Helllnger and
MlssComau, of Portland, Miss Ethel
Hughes, Miss Leila Waters, Miss
Lena Hrcymun, MIbh Geiilvlovo
Hughes, Miss Ethol Thompson, and
Miss Ousslo Lownsdaloj Messrs. F.
K. Lovell, F. S. Dearborn, Chester
Murphy, O. L. McNary.Ed. C. Clltner,
W. McNary, Frank Hughes,
.Willis Bros, & Co.
mi ,, ,.. . Court and Liberty.
The CashKDry (loods, Clothing mid
Shoo House.
WrUntll furt her notlco our store will
close at 7 o'clock oyenlngs except Saturday..
Ahckndku Mr. Hood. Messrs. A.
M. Grlllcyi O. Woodln, and C. E.
Jtoblln, lofLSalem last Tuesday morn
lug, with tho Intention or climbing
to tho summit or Mt. Hood, but only
tho llrst two named gentlemen sue
ceeded In carrying out tholr inten
tions. The root or this historic
mountain was reached Wednesday
morning, and tho ascent was begun.
Tho summit was reached at 1 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon. They report
the ascent qui to dllllcult, but had a
most enjoyable trip. Tho party re
turned Thursday evening.
Ckntunauiak Duiuun. It Is con
templated to lmvo a grand Jubilee on
tho next anniversary of tho birth of
John Durbln at tho homo of his son
Isaao on Howell Prairie. This until
voisary will bo on the lath of Sentem.
ber, 1800. Ue will then have attained
to tho good rlpo old ago of 102 years.
All emigrants of 18-lfi from all locatlt
les are earnestly and rcsjiectrully In
vlted to bo uresent. It Is honed that,
old forty-niners will hear this In mind
and attend, and all will lmvo a season
of social enjoyment such as was novor u'"
boforo had In Marlon county. Marlon Conv
-.... .-.,,.
"mi roiK county papora please copy.
Fhom Ai.A8ica.-Iii this lssuo Is an
Interesting letter from Hope Cltv.
Alaska, written by tho Salem party!
composed or W. F, Darby, .1. J. nar. 1
kins, Oscar Taylor, Charles dies and!
Everything you want in
Junch goods and proviso
ions. This is our spec
.1. a. .Mothoru, who lort Salem last
April, since the letter wrltton Mr.
Taylor has returned to Salem and
verities all tho statements made, it
Is evident that Alaska Is not tho best
country in the world to go to for com
fort or wealth.
Itccelvi-r F lfAjison M Itl Krt
Innd. Mrs. 11. iMobley- Is 'rusticating at
Fred Erlxson tniido a business trip to
Portland today.
II. Mann, of Staytou,was In the city
on business today,
J. F. Tlchnor wit's an Oregon city
visitor this morning.
It. L. Swart, went to Portland this
afternoon on business.
Hey. P. C. Hetzler went to Portland
this afternoon on business.
M. Wiprut, the tailor Is homo from
a. business trip to Portland.
Mr. II. A. Dearborn has returned
from a visit with Portland relatives.
Mrs. L. D. Matheny and children
are enjoying an outing at Kewport.
J. P. Hakcr, of Wn., Is the guest of
his brother, L. M. Maker' In South
M Iss M. E. Hobertson left this morn
ing for it visit with friends at Me-
E. C. Glllner was among the Salcm
Ites going to Portland tlifs morning
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hrown went to
Vaqulna this morning for an outing
of 11 few weeks.
Hen Olcott, bookkeeper In the Bush
bank, left this morning ror an outing
at Newport. ' (
11. 1). Fleming went to Portland
this afternoon 011 business expecting
to return tonight.
Albert Hurst returned this morn
ing from n visitor several days with
friends at Aurora.
II. S. Gilo, or the Oregon Fruit and
ProduocCombany,cauic up from Pon
land this morning.
D. W. l'ugh, tho architect accom
panied by his sou went to Portland
this morning on business.
P. Fennell and Master Willie Hunt
went to Gervals this afternoon and
expect to return this evening.
Mrs. Halite Parish-Hinges will sing
a solo ut tho morning services at the
Congregational church tomorrow.
MIssFauitle Mullt, who has been
tho guest or Miss Alma Pohle, re
turned to her home at Lebanon this
Dr. I). L. J'alne, or Oregon City,
who has been visiting at tho homo or
M. J. Matsou, returned homo this
Janitor J. II. Howell and family
and Mall Carrier J. M. Howell and
family left today for an outing at
Geo. E Waters, the popular cigar
dealer, will rustlcato at Newport ror
several weeks, to which place he went
this morning.
Geo. G. Gnus and his very excell
ent family start Monday morning for
.Salmon river, where they vlH4pciid a
few weeks rusticating
Miss Nclllo Starr returned this
afternoon rrom Eddyvlllee, Denton
county, whole shohas'just concluded
a Biicccsrtful term or school.
Miss Helllnger and MNs Comau,
who have been the guests or Miss
Sally Hush, returned to their Port-
land homes this aftenuion.
Dr. C. II. Hall, who was severely
stricken with nervous prostration
xinirsiiayovening, is rapidly recover
ing, and was today ablo to be about.
Messrs. Geo. S. Downing, 1). J. Fry,
W. A.CusIck and L. W. Moody, or
Portland, returned last night rrom
Tillamook after it ten days' outing.
J. H. McCoruiIek Is serving as sub
stitute for John Howell, as messenger
at tho state house, while the latter Is
taking his vacation at tho seaside.
.Mayor and Mrs. W. L. Toozo camo
up from AVoodbuni this morning.
Mr. Toozo Is a delegate from Wood-
to tho County Hepubllcan Club
Messrs. Theodore Huzzard. Skinner.
F. E. Deoch and I), II. Irwin, accom
panied by their fauilllos, left this
morning for a three weoks' outing at
Mis Hlaueho Albert returned homo
Tin) McKtnley one Hobart ad
herents met at the armory last night
and effeoted a temporarf organization
with C. L. Ogle as chairman and F.
A. Ford as secretary, about iifty ier-
sonswere present about one-hair of
whom wcro Populists and silver Hc
publicans who had come out to see
the enthusiasm ? Hon. Chas. H.
Moorcs made his usual speech, al
though he declared It was not a speech
and no one disputed his declaration.
Among other things he said that in
times of great depression men could
be made to believe almost anything.
That theory may be nil right among
Mr Moorcs' ndhorants and co-workers
but It will take a substantial argu
ment lo move a thinking community
like Woodbum. The number of mem
bers who signed the club roll was not
mndo public, but the delegates were
chosen with tho hopeful expectancy
that the membership could be made
one hundred, and eleven delegates
were accordingly elected to attend the
county convention to be held at Sa
lem the 18th.
Tho usual resolutions embodying
the request to the state central com
mittee to remove JonnthanHourne Jr.
from the position of secretary of the
Hepubllcan state central commit tec,
was Introduced but the meeting failed
to act upon It. Tho meeting ad
journed without effecting a perman
ent organization.
Coming ATTitAcnoNS.-Patton Hros.
losses of the opera lioue, have sonic
llrst class theatrical troops In view,
the appearance of whom may be
looked forward to with considerable
anticipation. Papers have been
signed for the appcaranco or the
Fannlo Itlcc Co. during the theatrical
season of 1800-07. Arrangements have
not yet been made lor the appearance
of some company during fair week but
some llrst class troupe will probably
bo billed for tho occasion. Among tho
numerous attractions for the coming
season are: Chicago Festival Orches
tra, -15 people; Sousa's band, Corrlne
Opera Co., Georgia Mlnlstrels, Hoyt's
Trip to Chinatown, The Bowery Girl,
Flnnlgan's Courtship and Chase Stock
One of Snlem's nest Butter, Cheeae and
Milk Depots.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pargeter ar
rived In Salem last February, from
Nebiaska, and ut once leased the
,1.1 1 py nliiiit, of It. P. Boise, Sr., and
entered Into the business. The pro
ducts of thlsdalry have advanced Into
popularity with astonishing rapidity,
but In order to place 'before our read
ers, who are- unacquainted with
the superior grade of butter, cheese,
etc., produced at this factory, some of
the merits of this enterprise are given
tor their consideration.
A Jouhnal reporter visited the
dairy this morning, and found Mrs.
Pargeter in the midst of her morning
work, which she dropped and showed
her visitor about the place, explain
ing the business-like order In which
her work was carried on. Mrs. Parg
eter Is certainly a model housekeeper,
as Is evidenced by the neat and tidy
appearance of the house. Tho n.om
in which the milk, etc., Is kept, Is
thoroughly cleaned every day, as Is
also the adjoining room, In which the
butter Is nmde.
From the pasture to the churn
the most commendable rule of
cleanliness Isobscrved with the great-
Do Not Pofget That CStii- fJ
Still Continues,
Bargains This Week in All Lin
Nee our fc Sorlms. See our G Crash.
jmmasK uicaeueu, sue. kuh 1 no of Sat too . 7. ien
1 1 i& Full lino of Llama at o& v ,11 l V'1 ml
8c. Shirt waists nt cost to close-n i,."" I "
Bowls. Itawalit Ih
Our entire stock
silks at 2Ic. UurgaltiH in dress
hosiery. Bargains In underwear,
257 Commercial st,
Some of Od? Specialties.
1 I I
Chicago. July
1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1
Large bottles olive oil 20c. Apricots and peaches 10c
per can, Sardines 5c each, or 6 for 25c, "Worlds
Beater" savon, wc absolutely guarantee to give satis
faction, while you get 20 ounces for 5c, Wc carry
Soap Foam 3 lb, packages for 20c, Wc will prove to I
you that our prices arc lower than any other grocery
in Salem if you will investigate, All wc ask is a
trial order,
P, O, Grocery.
Bicycle Bheaicfast. The bicycle
broakrast given by Mrs II. D. Putt on,
Friday morning, In honor or the
Misses Kate Bellinger and Winifred
Comau both of Portland and guests or
MlssSallle Bush, was a very pleasant
event. At fi:l.'i tho party mounted
their silent steeds and enjoyed a two
hours rldo down the river road. At 8
o'clock tho party assembled at the resi
dence or Mrs. 10. N. Cooke, on Court
and Summer streets, where 11 delic
ious wait served. Tlioso enjoying the
hospitality or Mrs. Patton were,
Mlsaes Kate Bellinger and Winifred
Coman, of Portland; Mao Boise, Lou
Illrscli, Messrs Albert Jossup, Ches
G. Murphy and Basil Wagner.
Ciiuncii Picnic At 0 o'clock this
iiiumuiik nio memoers or 1110 ucrnmii
Baptist Sunday school, with well (Hied
lunch baskets, boarded 11 street car
ror Mornlngsido whero they spent tho
day. Hov. C. E. Kllower and several
members or tho church also went
along with the young rolks. Superin
tendent Emll Both, and tnni'linr.
Mrs. Kllewer, Mrs. Semke,Mss Lydla
Hlcli and Mr. John Both, each ac
companied by his respective class
formed tho larger part of the picnic.
A delightful time Is reported, tho
est caution. Thl I one of the most
essential features tonduclve to suc
cessful butter and cheesi' uklti (.
The appearance of the stable Is
strongly Jn contrast with some
kitchens wc have seen. The publ'c
Is Invited to call and be shown about
the place at any time. Good butter
Is usually' quite rare especially during
the warm summer months but the
purchaser may entertain no fears as
to quality of 'the product If obtained
at thlsdalry.
From 23 to HO cows aro continually
kept on the place and 00 gallons of
mllkis the amount handled each day.
Tho output of the dairy Is 23 to 30
gallons of Ico cream per week; 2,"
pounds of butter per week; 70 pounds
of cheese per week. Mr. Pargeter
has at large number of patrons to
whom milk is delivered botlt morning
and evening. Any ono wishing choice
dairy products would do well to call
at tho home of Mr. Parceter. on Lib
erty street, one door north of Costcl
lo's grocery store, whero nil orders re
ceive prompt attention.
young folks enjoying
the hillsides.
great sport on
last evening rrom Gladstone Park.
Miss WlnnUeed London, or Portland,
accompanied. Miss Albert homo and
will visit In Salem about two weeks.
F. Van Patton and family, acconi
panled by Grandpa J. L. Bennett, left
I this morning for Woods, on tho coast,
where thoy will enjoy an outing of
Will Remain.
The pastoral conimlttteo has ut
terly failed to got anyone to tako
chargo or the work at Salon, in place
or Hov. Klwood Scott. Ills things
wore mostly packed and sold and tin,
family ready for their eastoru Journey
Wnou under tho urgent pressure or
tho committee and church ho has con
sented to remain ror a season longer
until other arrangements can be
made for tho work. Tho dlssaininto,i
is no muo tiling cither to himself or
eastern friends. Ho may go however,
himself for a few weeks visit east, and
luinm looaiem ror a time. Yamhill
Tin: Santiam Ditch. All users or
water rrom tho Santiam ditch will be
glad to know that the tlood gates will
be again opened at Stay ton tomorrow
Since hutting It out to clean tho
ditch, tho water that was left In It,
has been very dirty owing to tho work
done and the fact that the small How
could not properly carry on the gar
bago that Is thrown Into It by persons
uioug mo line.
chur:h services tomorrow
Hov. J. P. Former, pastor. Morning
services at lo:;i0. Preaching by the
pastor Tepic: "Is God tho Leader
or His People at all Times and lOwrv
whereV" Sunday school at 12 o'clock.
v P. S. 0. E. at 7 p. in. Leader ror
the evening, W. W. Brooks. Evening
services at 8 o'clock. Subject: "The
How and When or the Second Coming
ot Christ." Oll'ortory by the orches
tra. All are welcome to these ser
Hew W. C. Knottier. D. I)., nastor.
Special services at this chinch tomor
row, in recognition or tho forty-rourth
anniversary of the organization or the
church. Every member should be
present at both services. Sunday
school at 12 111. Morning subject "The
Worth or BellKlon." Evenlmr sub
ject, "uou'H uncnaiiging rower."
Hov. W. Steele, pastor 10:30 a. 111.
Subject "Tho Disciples on tho Sea."
Sunday school 12 in. Chinese Sunday
school 3:30. Junior C.E. 4:30. Senior
C. E. 0:4.'i. Evening servico 8 o'clock.
Subject "Spiritual Surgery." Prayer
meeting Thursday cvcnlrfg nil aro
Corner Chemeket.i niul 17th stroma.
Sunday will bo observed as Children's
iWV. btindav school at 10 a.m. An
address to the children and wnrkorx nt
tho Sunday school by .Mrs. E. Maurer,
at 11 a. 111. Y. P. A. meeting at 7 p.
m. At 8 p. 111. the annual Children's
Day program. All arc welcome.
17 Whet, casSjjt.
New Vork, July l7.-SUvcr. 6J(.S ,,,
Portland, Ju y 17 Whin ,,ii.
S3! Walla Wallaf 49V ' h 5 '
, Jlor-.Porilan,, 2.85. Beaton ,.
Oats-W late, 2628cj gtey, zAiiL Z
in bag,, 4.255.5. lwrefi, Tj$K
cases, 3.75. ' W',
u'yi ?i' 9 per Ion.
..,... iiB, omoc; Ka,t,tn Orrm-
'C. "1
MilMulli ..I Iran, $13 oofSMA,,,..,,
Poultry- Chickens, m1xed.f2.5iQ, tt'
en $; duck., 415; Sg S
turkevs. hvf iiJmi to- .1 J.7..I' ."?'
II . . ., 1 . . -IT
......r j.AntJNM. xo ono who on- several
UiVA flu. imf n, Lin , tr.Kt . . ...... I
(.v- ... ,,v,ill IIIIUMK'd 11V IvOll- !., T.V1 -.1 r . . -
worthy & George's restaurant. but... w ..Varo,V.ulurt'.acco,l,,,u01'
uj iuurrm mm lTciutto Lamport, lort
gets nil ho can eat, and their nrlens
tiro nt hard-pan.
flOTTHK llKAiu-Eugono Simmons
camo In this morning with nbcar
scalp, and secured a bounty warrant
ror 1.M) at tho county clerk's olllce.
Sui'Kim Ahoma.-
tor oau i rancisco Inst evening to visit
relatives and rrlends. They will also
vUlt at Santa Cruzofora few weeks.
W. II. Savage returned this aftor-
noon from a trip up tho valley In the
interest of tho state fair. Mr. Savage !
went as far south as AHhiumi ...il
Mrs. Jordon an old Pendleton nln-
neor died on the 14th at tho ago of 03
G. C. Thurinan an old Oregonlan,
camo to Oregon In 18.10, died at Or
lando, Cal. Mrs. Caroline Townson, of
Coqullle, one of the early settlers of
i-wuMiiuiiiy, uieuon July 10, in her
70th year.
bpectal Rates.
SCO Ho I SO .fc TlllL-o.- ,.,.... r-n..
o. U.& . and Union Taollo railways
renardiiiL' siwi.iii mn.,,1 ir. :;""?..
tho Hemiblican natlnnni -niivA.,.'i
at St. Louis, tho Democratic national
convention at Chiwuyo. ivimw ,;;;.:
',,-.,... .. . ,-T. -"r-'i "4'v iHlii I
(""Muiiuon ai bi. uns, natlomi
1 con-
Think It Over.
Have you ever heard of a medicine with
such a record of cures as Hood's Sarsanarilla?
Don't you know that Hood's Sarsapaiilla
the One True Wood Purifier, ha, proiH ev
and over aguln, that It has power to cure
even aiicr an oilier remedies fail? If Vou
nave imnttr hlvl .... .... '..
c,.. Ti ... i . '"" '" ,aKC 'oa
.....wiiiia wiin me utmost confidence
It will do you cood.
Hoods Pill's assist digestion, ascents.
Always Go-To tho Now York
Haeket when you want to savo monoy
They have n largo lino of tho ,.nin.
brated "Hull Hreeches," cottonade
pants, overalls, Jackets, summer coats,
tablo llnnen and Turkoy red damask
crash towels, from 3 cents upward,
hammooks, satchels, gents laundrled
ud unlaundrled nnd work shirts all
at low prices. Call and savo 15 to .-,
percent. I8 2dlw'
at the U. H. church. In
rollews: PrcaohltiL' at
Sonncmann's. 2
nun in iiuitaio, xs. y and g. a, it.
iiuiuu.it cneampiucnt ut St. Paul
Minn. flHM&w
I tui'KuiiAiioMA.-iryou want the visited all points between that cltv
, very best Java and Mocha coffee pro- and Eugene.
S4 uuwiiiry wuoen I'attorson'anow .. .
fitlW't. bllADOWKl) Tlirt ikiiIiiIIa .... .
-,-. . -.. , "uw on 1... -. ..
i capea from the ponltontlarr n taw ' iT.'"'. ' ," !! " Plug, Is a
' "UllllllUli I IV II 11 F. llllllK.tl V . i
iwu... IakokI. "" .V1 ill-
jjfcuawicic i'osT o. A, H.Noxt ,ay Bi reported to havo been terson's.
.uoiiuuy evening wm bo tho regular we l sneuii yesterday,
1 meetllif of Scdmvlek lVvif.'Vn.in n -
iy'l'?''ly'f'- A. IL, und ull inemocrH are urged to
m fS ifxsms w pr
Sealed bids for furnlshlng'wood for
tho court houso will lw reco ved r
tho oi ico of tho county clerk until''
"'iTpftiV- on.lho 6 aav o August
A. 1)., 1890, as fo tews: For 70 cords'
Hills, llfiwnvnr ..III ... ,.. .
;.?-..'?nul eduea tlona W. I IrM,o J? f'1,. W
Hr. ",ua Ul liirso
By order or tho county court nt
Marlon county, Oregon. J f
Dated atJSalem, Oreiron this imii
day or July, 181H). b"' Ulls ,uth
Yew Park', as
11 a. m, also at 8 p. in., Sabbath school
at 10 n. m. and Y P. t K. nt, i In tin.
evening. Walter Heynolds, pastor.
Y. M o. A,
Hev. P. s. Knight will address the
men's meeting at the Young Men's
Christian Association Sunday after-
1)0011 at 4 O'elni'k. All mnn urn i.nrrlt-
nlly Invited to attend this meeting.
., , , UI1UISTIAN.
Speclu services both morning and
evening In honor of tho national C.
. . fii. bpecial miisio at both ser
vices. Lvcnlng address by Mrs. II.
A. Denton.
On Cottngo St., near Center, J.
Howcrsox, pastor. Preaching at 10:.'I0
nnd 8 tomorrow. Sunday school at 12
Iv. L. of C. E. nt 7.
StindaV School nt. 10 n. m nrAiuOilntr
n. ii .. .".. ... .;,".". r .' j-." ."o
i.. .o '"'' Ui,pusiiig in a p.m., ncacn
Ilt'iit8p. m. l
IUMO n. 111. nrnnoIilniT In. Mm mmt.i
i.p m-Aunday school, 8 p. m. preach
lug, All are cordially Invited.
Services at 10:30 a. m and 7:30 p. in.
at their hall corner Liberty and Court
Hides.. ween. ialii-.l rm li- ... ...
wiJ44c;,heeppelu, io7oV
Hops.. Oregon, 2 to 3c, accurdlnetoqml.
Puller.. Oregon fancy creamery, vslt.
fdncv dairy. 25; fair to uwd, 17. Ml
Cheese .Oieyon full cream, lo
K'gs..Oiei;on, tic pcrdoz.
ll.c(.,Toi)sicer, .t.oorrilt.jt u. ih- r...
to good meets, 2KJ 3 jc; cui, j'.(:i.
.IreMctl beef, Vt ',(3 "''
.Sin Krancisco, July 17 .-WomUjJ.j
Vool..Oreuon, choite. Sick!; inlcrwi
7C, valley, Soc.
I Ioi Quotable at 23e.
l'utatoo--4ci55c trtr sack.
Oits -Milling, 7Saj8i-
Wheat, ,43c p;r l.u., nuikct mm,
Oats ,2o(a)22c.
Hay .Haled, cheat, $ nj 51; tmrH,
riour..In nholeiale lots, 301; retail,
3.20; liran, bulk 1 1. 00; nckcJ, 12.00;
shorls, 12.oo13.a1; chv TaO, iixr
Poultry.. I Icim sc; S,i(in(;cbicC!i, jdU
IIoi;..I)reiised, 3W,
Live Cattle.. I 2,
Sheep.. Live, 1.25.
Wool.. Best, I2lc.
Hop..flett, 4Sc
l'ci!S..(.ash. to:.
Duller. . Pest dairy, 10;
Uieose A2ytc,
Farm Smoked
qe: shoulders. ;c.
rotatcvt.,6oc pertu
Uucklon's Arnica Salve
The best Salve In ihe world tot C!.
Sores. Sore,. Ulcers. Sail Khcina. Ferer
and all Tetter. Chapiied handi, ChilbUktf,,
Uruises, Skin Eruiilion,, and posilircl; ceres
Piles or no pay required. It is gmraottd t
Live per fee satisfaction or money rehuxlsv,
Price 35 cents a hox For wl? by KieJ .V
h i) roiwi;
Meats H Bacci, 7c; bw A
On a hot day there's
nothing like a cold drink of
HIRES Rootbeer to make
you forget i(s Summer,
Easy to make,
U,l, onlj hj Tb ChirlM K. Hires C, rWWH.
A Us, luttf Bk" S CUos. 8.U ;.
Wa 11 ted-All girls to know t!iat"JIoe
Cake" will not inako their hands red
llko common soap. Savo tlic vtamf
Tliey aro wortli a cent apiece. J9
Notice to 1'koikrty Ownebs.
Actlng under Instructions from the
city council I am required toseetlui
Mindtrnnfs .111.-1 llllcV-, . f tilC CitJ
clcuredof all rubbish anil refuse b;
the abutting property owners. P
orty owners will take notice and clean
up tho streets. In the event that W
property owners rail to bo clean up
tho streets and alleys I am Instweg
to norrorm such work and change i"
same to them. AvV,;w m. nshil
7-11 Ot city Marsnai,
Soap Foam Wasliuig Powder
1 presont.
Itpher' QllftQrla, low, nor burnjhe hands,
7-10 dOt W3t
Children Cry
toher'8 Castoria,
Condensed Testimony.
Chas. . Hood, Prokeraud Manufacturer 's
Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr.
King s New Discovery has rio equal as a
James Hotel It. Wayue, Ind., testsfles that
lie was cured of a Cnnh i ,... ...., ,.-.i
ne. caueed by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New
Discovery. Jj. F. Merrilf, Baldwlnsville,
Mass. savs tli-it ).-.K,r..i " .1 ,.i
..." ,.nf,ver klew " ,0 fafl anl would rather
rJ.. f .,ny aoc,or' because it alway
Chir.;Mri IIemmln& 2 K. asth St.,
F," T r?U,P' Jwse It Instantly relieves.
Store M St Fred A-LeC8' Df"g
m 1
Down go the prices on tan &
tr n.c I"'
OUT StOCk Ol til II clinns ...111.. lu
closod out beroro tho sxxison Is qver.
Seo Krausso Bros. x
Hlffhest Honors-WorMY.
Most Perft?"
7.1 1T1 Mm-