' ' ' TW.fWWVWW1 ' t WT -) Sleep Induced by the use of coca, opiate or Bar eotlo compounds is bad, decidedly bad. They undermine health and shatter the constitution and the patlont is steadily growing Into a worso condition often resulting In tho terrible slavery' and misery of tho cocalno and opium habit. gltop Induced by tho uso of Hood's Barsa pgrllla docs not perhaps come as quickly, bat it comes more surely and more per manently through nature's great restor ing and rejuvenating channel purified, vitalized Bnd enriched blood. This foods the nerves with Hfo-glvlng cnorgy and bullda up tho system and constitution from tho very foundation of all health nd life the blood pure, rich, red blood. s STATE NEWS. on H nou Sarsaparilla Is the One Truo Dlood Purifier. All druggists. $1. j i r:il cure liver Ills, easy to take, HOOU S PUIS easy to operate, ascents! SUTRO IS 0 BRYAN The Great California Mayor Comes Out Boldly, BANK PRESIDENT TURNS, The Tide for Bryan in the West Against Him East. SUTltO KOIt HKYAN. Sa.v Fkancisco, July. 1(1. Mayor Sut 10 inadi! u political speech at Uic meeting of tho election commissioners ami came out boldly for IJryan for president. Sutro Is it Populist, but lio says oveVy friend of tho people will vote for Urynn. A SILVKH HANKER. Topkica, Knn., July 10. The silver leaders are clnted over the arrival of John II. Foster, president of tho First National bank of Garnet, a Republi can, at the head of tho Anderson county delegation. . DOUI1LK HEADQUARTERS. Cleveland, July 10. Tho Ucpubll can national executive committee has decided to locate national headquart ers Iwth at New York and Chicago. KNDOUSEU AT HOME. Oiiand Island, Neb., July 10. A fWit cninc about In tho state Populist convention yesterday In an uncx Iiectcd inanncr. A telegram was re ceived from tho iPopuJIst convention of South Dakota sending greetings to the Populists of Nebraska. The tele gram was received with cheers and a motion was mndo and hurriedly aimed that tho secretary reply re turn greetings. Senator Allen moved that the reply should present the compliments of Nebraska Populists and say that they nro for Bryan for tlie next president. There was a spirited opposition, but it wasover wlielmed. The roll was called after considerable delay. Tho result was 699 for Allen's motion to send tho telegram and thirty-four ngainst It. LET THEM RAGE. Omaha, July 15. Tho World-Herald, Hon.'.W. J. Bryan's personal organ, of which he Is editor, tonight ays edltorinlly under tho heading "Let the Heathen Rage:" With the exception of the Now York Journal, tlie Mercury and Now York News, tlie Democratic press of Now York bolts the Democratic ticket. It Is followed by vnrlous large and small Papers In other towns of New York and New England. Tosslbly these eastern newspapers may I magi no that tl'elr action is of largo political sig nlflcancc and Importance. They are jn error. The president of tho United ktatescanbe elected this ycarvltu t the aid or consent of those east ern states, which have In tho past nctated nominations and swayed elections. Every time a goldbug mocratgocsto McKlnley in New ork he paves the way for two silver "epubllcans to come to Bryan In tho west Every time a free-silver Demo- :.i.u paper In New York renudlates theDe morn -.... ' Reniihii m Ule reP Republican gold nfa thousands of SuSubfiE nn..5..westni states - bllill WA r..-.swl . a. erns Rtia , S 'UMja " some wesi lll do . fnan,(1 t,,e,r loss n ewyork rage U9 no hari. Let thejheathen "'ratic platform, It renders ii , v Le repudiation or the thouunX ft,m Piatiorm among iirU.sandS Of Renubllcnna In tlin mlrU It so hap- An anti-Chinese movement Is foot nt Walla Walla. The Columbia river Is fast falling, now .and will soon be at a normal stage. According to the Albany city trcas urcrs report that city has u debt of $109,000.00. Tho Roscburg Water Company has been offered JC00 for use of water for llro protection. The total expcn.se or the statu In or dering out the militia to Astorln will be about $3,000. The Albany Colts are being dined, wined and toasted with poetry, prom and wet goods. The managers of the Crook county cainpineetlng advertise good llshlng as one of tho attractions. Good authorities claim the wheat crop of Umatilla county was daiuaucd 50 per cent by the late hot weather. 'Mrs. Egan, of Walla Walla, was present and dressed Win, J. Bryan when that gentleman tlrst saw day light. A fmilllv luitwl In MrMliuivllln .. ' I I ......Mill, wo I BlStS Of Mr. Clow, tlirnn rlnlKrlifniv and two sons. They make excellent music. Crook county cattle raisers have this season sold fi.OOO head of cattle. Of this number 2,000 go to Montana and 3,000 to Colorado. Tho bondsmen of A, Gottlngs, the defaulting sheriff of Harney county win nave to put up about $.,000 to make his shortage good. Opposite the names of escaped pris oners from tho Portland Jail, the word "discharged" is written, nnd It is causing some comment. There has been thirty postolllces two trains, and two stages robbed in Oregon and Washington, and tho amount stolen, was nil the way from $." to $1500. Sheriff Stlnson, of Klickitat county, Wash., estimates that there are 42, 534 Oregon sheep in that county, which have been driven there for a summer range. Hon. George Bennett has donated to the Methodist church South, of Bandon, four acres of land , on which will bo erected a handsome parsonage for use of Its pastor. Four cases of dlptherla arc reported in Eugene In tho family of Frank Johnson. Mrs. Johnson and thereof the children. The cases huvo been ducly quarantined. William Kcnlck was accidentally killed at Milton last Saturday by being thrown from a buggy during a runaway. Ho was driving a span of horses that became frightened. Tho news comes from Grant county that tho sheep war, as it iscallcd, is taking on an alarming nature, and If sheepmen overstep the quarantine limits as prescribed there will bo blood shed. A second meeting of the farmers of Lane county to consider tho mill ques tion was held at the courthouso in Eugene. A permanent organization to bo known as the Farmers' Protect ive Association of Lane county, was effected. Tho viewers of tho Bohemia road say tho grade of the proposed now road will not exceed twenty Inches to tho rod. Tho road to tho Bohemia mines from Cottage Grove in somo places has agrado of fifty to sixty Inches to the rod. Company F nnd tho hospital corps of tho Second Regiment O. N. G., stationed at Albany.and Company C, at Eugene, are planning for a volun tary encampment near Newport, probably about August 10. The big drive of logs for tho GoodJ ale Lumber Company, of Coburg, will bo started down tho MoICcnzIo next Monday. The drive consists of be tween -1,000,000 ami 5,000,000 feet and the distance they will have to Iks run down the river is about 30 miles. Mr. Aridrew Lythe, who llyes on Willow creek met with quite a serious accldont last Tuesday morning. Ho was on horse back when tho horse became unmanageable and ran Into a barb wire fence and seriously lacerating his left arm and left leg. Mr. Showers of Forrest Grove, has a Plymouth Rock hen that laid an egg measuring 01 Inches around one way and 8 Inches the oilier way. one laid another egg this week one-quar- er of an inch less in one dimension Mr. Showers has tho eggs to prove It. Oregon dosnt do '.things by lialva fm 1H7 vKfct. .M H . I . .H Be Ei for Infants and Children. MOTHERS, Do You Know at r.. T V Batemnn'B Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, nmny ao-cnlicd Boothlnff fiyrtip. mid most remedies fur children are composed of opium or morphine? too Vmi Know that opium nnd morphine nre stupefying narcotic polwnaf too You Know that In most couulrles JruggUU nre not permitted to sell uarcotlcs without labeling them poisons ? no Vom Know that you should not permit ony mcdlclue to be jrlvtsi your child unless you or your physician know of what It la competed? too Yon Know that Castorla Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of Its Ingredients Is published with every bottle ? Po VoM Kl"" l,,at Castorla Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel riteher. That It has been lu me for nearly thirty years, and that more Cnsiorla Is now sold than cf all other remedies for children combined 1 no Yon Know that the ralent office Department of the United Slates, and of other countries, have Issued exctustve rlcht to Dr. Pitcher nnd his nwlgus to use the rord Castorln nnd Its formula, nnd that to Imitate them Is n state prison offense t no Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting; this government protection "vrw because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely Itnrmlcfln7 no Von Know that 33 nvcrago doses of Castorla nre fun Ishcd for 35 ccnta, or one cent a dose ? no You Know that when posscsscdorthls perfect preparation, yourchlldren may be kept weU, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Well, tlicHC iIMiign nre worth knowing. They nre facts. The fltOHllMlIU HlKTHnturo o rWT In on every wrapper. ft PEOPLE'S PAPER The Great One Cent Silver DailyThe Only Associated Press Silver Daily. Daily Capital Journal $3 a Year Weekly $1. POST THIS BILL Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. LAWN MOWERS HAY RAKES, MACHINE CfiUj nnd AXLE GREASE GRAY BROS., Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, OR. r.Ann iincp LAWN SPRINKLERS SALEM, UICYCLES. SUNDRIES. The Willamette HoteL r Reading hoteb ok the city. Reduced'rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel (or nUpubltcEbulIdlnc nnd points ofjlnterest. Special rates Will be given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER, -EXCELSIOR - STABLE B. chansen, manager. Onlygooil horscsimcJ. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stablo back of State Insurnnce block f Ladies and Children. I1BH Bill who travel by the Burlington Route tuo given particular care and attention. Just to illustrate what this means: A few months ago, five children whose ages ranged from 3 to II years made the journey over our line from El lensbure. Wash., to Kansas Cily.ENTIRELY UMACCOM. PANIED. N Mll it .-mi ea Tickets, time-tables and full information about our service to Omaha, St, Joseph.Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago upon ap plication to the nearest ticket agent or by addressing A.C.SHELDON, G.A., rottland.ur. Through Tickets TOJTHE EAST! .VIA THE Union Pacific System, These are double eggs. MANLY VIGOR ft MK nNCrj MORB In harmony J 7ith tho world, 20O0 completely curwl won nro sieging lilpy praires for tho arc wt. Brand- lrKy t. tna most. BUC !T&JtiA ccwful enro for bcx- !Twj cat weakneu nnu vTTYXv jet Tiiror Knoiru u XSinnnnntrt thlflUVm- te5 dirul lilMOvtry, In yK book form, with xtU ZTiS eruncca ana proor, v will bo ent to suf- ERIE MEDICAL C0.,iUFFAL0,W.Y. Throuch Pullman Palace Sleepen. Touris Sleepers and FreeJ Reclining; Chairs dally between pMQmm.Mf RUNS Pullman Sleeplnp Cars. ElegantiDinin Cars Tourist SleoDino- Cars To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, I'argo, 'Irand Forks, C.'rookston, Winnipeg, Helena and Uutte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Uoston, and all Point East anl South For Information, time cards, f.maps and tickets, call on or writn r THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS, 265 Commercial srrcet, Salem, Or. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pass. Act., Morrison at., comer Third Portland, Or. Cut this out and post up lit it conspicuous plnco whero It will be sren. All the associated press papers In Oregon, except THE JOURNAL, nro published In tho Interest of tho uolil standard. Send 2oc In silver for the dally ono mouth. The Oregon Press Monopoly "Will not treat tho restoration or silver fairly. It will not tell the peoplo tho truth. It dare not, Take a fair papor that gives tho people's side as well as tho Wall street side. Are You a Patriot? Help your country by circulating tho only Associated Press Dally In Orciron that advocates Independent Bimetallism, All tho news of the reat battlo of tho peoplo for silver. Advo cates tho illuietalllc Union or all who- are opposed to the single Hold standard. Do You Favor Unity and Harmony - as the watchword of tho peoplo of Orego? Subscribe for the Capital Journal I Daily thtrty days for a silver quarter. Each Issue a completo history of tho day and u Ratling gun of arguments for tho pcoplo's cause. READ! READ! READ Is n false charge silver 10 to 1 Is n ular and strongest with tho people The people aro charged with Ignorance by tho gold -press. This Is n false clmru'o. whciovcr tho causo of free colnuiro of cold ant silver 10 to 1 Is more discussed nnd best understood It Is most pop Sixty Days for 50 Cents If you can't talk or wrlto for silver read and mark articles and send thorn to your neighbors nnd friends sixty hot shot for GOc. Cheapest political ammunition In tho country. Send a silver quarter or half dollar and try It. Tho people must bo educated and It is your duty to help do this work for humanity. WE DON'T WANT GOLD alone, but we want both gold and silver. currency, owing In this country. If you want repudiation advocato tho destruction 01 values, mm ropuuiaiiou. There Is not gold enough In our country to pay one-twcntlolh of tho debts Hluglo gold standard. It means contraction of our Investigate and you will bo convinced. HOPER BROS Publistiers. Salem, Or. Chicago, Milwaiikee, 'k Si. Paul Ry., 51 H . S a Vf milwaukeiYVgq VJ o v -a Y il 0. R. & N. CO. K. .MNEILL,CRECEIVER, CCJ-YDto cure AGO Our trains ate heated tr (team and -.t lighted by 1'intsch light. Time to Chicago, 3 i-i Jays Time to New York. 4 1-2 davs. Which i many hours quicker than com- For rates, time tables and full Information apply to BOISE fc- JBAJIKJUII, Agents, S-tlem, Oi. R, W BAXTER. C. E. DROWN, Ceneral Agent , Dist. Pass. Agent " I3S Third Stre.et, Portland. ONC-HAU1 SIZE or BOX POZZONPS COMPLEXION POWDER! I bu been ttu jUndtrd for fortr rn ao4 ' . more ixipuiar lo-aay ioa tier cior. POZO.l'8 I U tht tdU eomplezloa powder txutlf jlotr, IV.fViHIUUC. cjvuir. J.Cllll.UI MHI UXUilAa. A dellaite, InTltlbla proUcttou to the ttc. BOX la gteu tree of cisani. ' ' AT DBUaaiSTS ajcd PANOY STOKES. ' GLANCE AT THIS MA- Of the Chicago, Milwaukee ;andSt. Paul Railway and note its connection with all transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha, and remember when going east that Its tn.'ns are lighted with electricity and heated by steam. Its equipment lsiuperb. Elegant Buffet, library, smoking and sleeping cars, with free reclining chain, Each sleeping car beithha an electric reading lamp, and it dining cars are the best in the world, Other lines ire longer than this, but none are shorter, and no oilier offers tho above lux. urious accommodations. These are sufficient reawns for the popularity of "The Milwau kee." coupon ticket agents in every rail road office will give yon further information, or address C. I. EDDY, General Agent, J. W, CASEY, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland TO THE. EAST C1VESJT1IE CIIOIC OF Two Transcontinental RouIgo.: Via Spokane Minneapolis SrTPaul and Den ver Omaha and Kansas Cliy.feLow rate to castcrnTcities. JOCEAN CITIES. Z Portland San l'janchco.y ' Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Portland May 17, 22, 27 and June 1, 6, it, 16, 21, 26 Fare Cabin, $5; steerage, $2.50. WILLAMFTTE RIVER DIVISION. 'Portland- Eugene. Steamers Ruth and Elmore for 'Portland daily except Sunday at 10 a, m. ror worvaiui uauy exceptunuay (it 12130 pirn. ror uugene oionuay ana inursaay as a;jo. Lowest freight and passenger rates. Round trip tickets very cheap, 'tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points with, put extra transler charges. , F01 full details call on liolse & Darker agents, Salem, Oregon, or address. W. It. HUKLitlUKT. Gen'l Pas. Agt, Portland, Or For full details call on or address G. M. POWERS. Foot of.Tradest. Local Agent LDHfl POISON n usmxxi rrlmirr.itwt. ondwrorTi. xrf ItMJOU rUJHON porrauuotl arod In IS toSA dsra. You casba trailed 1 homaforMmociloandonmKUrn trtf7ouprrrrtoeoinonerwiwllleoa Snet to par rIIroa4 faraaud houl bllli.uxl noebarM.lt w fall to euro. If 700 nM taken mer cury, iodldo tiutatti, and IU bar '" and pln.MuouaVatclie)iliin)oulh,HorTlirot, X'lwplo. Copper (Inlureil Hpots. Uleera oa anrprtof lhPdr, HlrorKTe)rowElllna; out. It la tbU Heoonaary LUOU ruiOJl woorumniDteatocar. WooolicltltiamottobaU Bala case and clialloiir tlio world for cam vreoaBnot cure, 'rbta dUeM haa alicafs bitMeU t aklll of the moat atataaiit phjrat clan. 880,WM capiui btrblnd our Uoooaat. Uonalsnuantr. Abaolnf yroofa ym iitalajloa appucatwD. awm uuih HI HjmmmsK xejsitw, i k clentlfls UMrican Aflewy W yzM m JHir OAVCATST. TR.4IX MARi(B. BKSICH PATIMTSI, OOPVRICHTS. te. Tor Information and tree Handbook wrlla to MUNN CO.. Ul UKOiDWiT. N8W Yomt. Alle.t bur&u for aMuilns iMbfntJ lu Amtrlcac Krarr PaUnt taktn Jul by u la brought bW'iro It btl tba puLllo by a nolle s lao txvt otcbama lu tba SMtMit Mwlm nt urvrlul k . ..rl1' IT S Tha Rosy FrhnMi And Telrety aoltnoea of tb akin U fav. rlably obtained by tboso who us roaao.ti'x Complexion l'owder. Uu 42 K nnliniilftonoi . niueily, (or lonorrlm ! J.r? l ehitf. or any ludaiiioi.. luu, irriu iruu Nou airlnjriil, " " """ 1 1 u .. w uwnftv rlatKS4i. ruuaul l.i. h iltulaj. Ilul f ntfMi wnwa. iign . amenui niroi' Mold by Urusrt. llftit. if narn.lurr Iumb WIiim, iiunaturardu! ryni, or any luoaiucia. u, Irrilallun or uli-tra IH(EHliCH(i(!UCa I cciK.n,o.i r.ax(ri, ripalJ. tot w, or a soiiiM, u.74. realtr avni oiv rw4t.t. , v.t,K a r "" " "'" ""frrjr, -, . ' awan ur aioitaa. riamiii. ia iu, J.J4.