-ITJTT VM'WtJiJH H- rr urn rr.i k k$L ' ' yRal fl Daily Capilal 'Journal V HOKBR BROTHKR9, WEDNESDAY, JULY J, 1890. fc M . N - AAA nvtt . v v v DAILY LINK TO PORTLAND. f TKAlkkS- r Altona and Ramona f LEAVE - DAILV. SUXDAY. & Portland, CMS m- 9500 ra Salem, 75 ltS m Independence, 6:30 4. m. 6x m. 8 Coick time, regular service and cheap . . . rles . . . M. P. BALDWIN. Agent, Salem. .n.iMtn niW4''"' 4th of July B 5c per yard, J, J, Dalrymple Co, SAFES AND WATER. Contracts Entered Into by the County Court. The Marlon county court Tuesday signed a contract with Geo. I). Bar nard & Co. of St. LoiiIh, Mo., lor a set of steel and metallic vault furniture for cadi, thoonlcctiof the county clerk and recorder. The contract call for tho payment of 1,353 for furniture, as per HpecltlcatloiiH given to tlie man ufacliucs, They also ordered from the same linn a tttccl cabinet, In addition to the furniture Included In the above contract, at $200, which will also be placed in tho county recorder's olllce. An order wax entered on tho Journal-that the Salem Water company hereafter shall receive fifteen cents per 1000 gallons of water lined In the court liouso and grounds, whero 1cm than 20,000 gallons uru'CoiiHtimcd In one calendar month, and ten cents per thousand gallons for the wator used In excess of twenty thousand gallons lu any cue calendar month. Heretofore tho water bill for tho court house cost the county $13 per month. AN Old Tjmkii. It was a sight to warm the cockles of nil tho old timer's hearts to see tho old hand-euglno with tho old volunteer tiro company out 011 tho streets Tuesday night, drilling for tho Fourth of July parade. In tho ranks were Old Bill Anderson and John Wesley Lewis hold of tho ropes, stepping very high, but tho hoscenrt so close onto their heels they could not pull out hut had to run like whiteheads to keep from being telescoicd. SAnu and Ghit. If you need sand or gravel, building material of any sort, tho placo to go, Is tho Bulein Im provement Co., WS Btnto street. J 2tCj Choicest Patterns Ducks, dimities, percales, chat' lies, crepes, organdies, Swisses, plcju-es, satines and piisses, Fine zephyr ginghams 10c a yard, Sec our tan shoes, straw hats and summer underwear, Best goods, lowest prices, .Willis BrosJfiL Co, K3Q Court aiid Liberty. Tho CaKhlI)ry(lools, Clothing and Khoo House. The Safcm Every person in Sakm knows that the fruit crop is light, aad that to secure good fruits for canning all must be on the lopJfiM, But we arc prepared to save you the trouble, and can iMcurc for you any qnaotity of the best of every kind on short jwtke, Headquarters for fruit jars, rubbers, tops, and every (Mag needed for canning, ASonnemann's X Grocery, A 124 Court street SOCIAL HARMONICS. Cbtonlcle o Events unJ Individuals at tiie Capital City. ICE CREAM BOCIAL. An Ice cream social was given last evening, In the Interest of the pastor of the Leslie M. E. church of South Salem. The program was rendered at the church, under the direction of Mrs. McEntlre. John Ship led the alnirlntf with his usual success. He also sang a solo, but his line voice Is better at sounding the charge man in wonlnir the softer sentiment. Miss Etlle Judoti gave a recitation, In feel Inir toncA and effective gestures. The Misses Alice O'Donald and Lena Mc Entlre saotr a song, very sweetly. 7 he audience then retired to the par sonage, where the Ice cream and cake was served. The company was select, and therefore nccessnrlly small. South Salem draws the Hue at 15 cents. The clear receipt was W.8j. YOUNG FOLK'S I'AltTY. Tuesday evening Chester 1'arvln gave a sheet and pillow party at his pleasant homc-lnSouth Salem. About forty young folks were present and a delightful time was had. The masquerade, In which the sheets and pillows were used to disguise the person of each, proved quite amusing. Each person chose a partner for the grand march at the conclusion of which the musks were removed, w'mn several astonishing revelations were made several gentlemen having nartuerul the Nime M.-X. Ice cream and cake were solved later lu the evening after which lively games were Introduced At a seasonable hour the young folks departed having went a most enjoyable evening. Mrs. I'.irvln was assisted by her daugh ter, Mrs. Brown, of Heppner, In en tertalnlng the young folks. J'lUNIO AT V1LLUD. A bout 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon a merry party of Salem society women, numbering tweUe, left lu A. J. Huney's wagonette for tho farm home of Warren Cranston. In the evening the party attended an entertainment at a neighboring school house where the play "A Per plexing Situation" was given by local talent much to tho delight or the Salem visitors. The party returned homo about 12:30 a. m. today after a n most enjoyablo afternoon's outing Those forming tho party were: Mrs. Chas. A.Gray, Mrs. J. II. McNary, Mrs. P. II. Sroat, Mrs. Frank Hughes; Misses: Thompson, Breyman, Mere dith, (Ethel Cuslck, Gusslo Glesy, Leila Waters, Gusslo Lownsdalc, and Ethel Utilities. Mr. Basey's wagonetto Is proving quite popular for picnic parties and cross-country excursions. AN IMPKOMPTU MUBIUAI.1:. On Monday evening Mrs. W. S. Kinney, of Astoria, who Is a guest of her mother and brother, Mrs. P. B. Strong and Mr. Amos Strong of this city, gayo an Informal inuslculo reception at the residence at the latter on South Commercial streot lu honor of Miss Eranklo Jones of the Portland collcgo of music. Tho guests to tho number of about llftecn spent the hours from 8:30 to midnight very agreeably under tho direction of tholr accomplished hostess. Of course there was music, conversation and refresh ments served In the dining room. There was an liupiomptu musical pro gram In which Miss Jones gavosovera numbers on tho piano, adding to tho luster of her reputation before a very educated audience. Prof. Winkler, Salem's greatest pianist, also played with his usual skill and masterly technique. Tho vocal solos and ducts by Prof. Heritage, Mrs. Klnnoy and Miss Lottie Bennett and Miss Mabel Heritage and Aina Strong. Among tho older guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Heritage, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. P. B. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Strong. Miss Jones was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 11. Jones, on Nob hill, during her stay and returned to Portland this morning. The dealer who says, "I have no Hoe Cako soap," pruoiloally admit that ho does not sell tlrst quality goods. If ho says ho has something ''Just us goou" you will know at once that ho Is trylhg to tell you an In ferior article. There Is more cloathlng destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear, as the free ulknll nits the cloth. I loo Cake contains neither free alkali nor worthless tilling. Call and seo tho best lino of Fedora hats In tho olty at tho New York Bucket; also a new lot of straw hats. Cannery. rr'T1 11 1 ii i i OREAT MIDSUMMER EVENT, i'fogrant of the Opera House Enter tainment luly 4th. The Mid-Summer entertainment at the opera house on the evening of the Fourth will be one that will please all. PKOORAM. PART I. Selection Alpine Quartet llastus White. . .On Issues of the Day Chas. II. Burggraf. Recitation, (by request) Old Ace Miss Mubel Carter. Song Selected airs, winter -iooOT. Recitation Selected Ml.. Tnonnlt. iwmfn. If Hearts Could Only Spcak.CD. Ford IrlsliSKetcn, introuucing lAiinu-auiib n w ir.initin nn,1 f; Tnvlnr. Song.'...'. Selected Ilallle I'arnsn Hinges. PART II. Overture Orchestra Burlesque, "Queen of Hearts, or Faust up to Date" Written by Chas Uurggraf Martha, a Widow.... Queen of Hearts Miss Emma Murphy. Marguerite, a Modest Maiden, In Love with Faust Miss Molllo Bcrnnrdl Faust, a Chappie Lad In Love with Ma'gucrltc Murray L. Wade Mcphlstophclcs, Prince "of Dark ness, (Revised Edition) Chas. II. Burggraf Musical Imps, O. L. Smith, C. W. Gllllngnam, uco nnuerson, u. Mavis No one need miss this musical treat for the price of admission Is within the reach of all, 33 cents. No charge for reserved scats at Patton's. PERSONAL. Sam B. Parrlsh returned to Port land today. Prof. J. T. Matthews, who lias been quite 111 Is able to be about. Mrs. A. E. Dlnsmoor went to Port land on thcRnmnua this morning. Secretary II. It. Klncald went to Portland on business this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Savage returned thUarternoou from a week's visit at Newport. William Dunn Is home again from Drain where he has been acting as station agent for the Southern Pacific company. Mrs. II. A. Dearborn N enjoying a visit from Mrs. R. S. Kearney, of South Salem. Mrs. L. S. Mycr loft for her homo at Seattle, accompanied by a sister, Miss Ernestine Levy. Miss Ed tm Rugg has returned to her Oregon City home after a visit with Salem rrlouds. Mrs. Harriett Clinton went to Port land this morning on tho steamer Ramona, for o week's visit. Misses Stella Plnkham and Maudo Dcnham returned last evening from an extended visit In California. Mrs. M. S. Wolfo nnd children, who havo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Levy, lcavo tonight for San Francisco. Mrs. John Card and children left for San Francisco and other California points, to bo absent two months visit ing relatives and friends. Excuiision Today. There were two extra passenger coaches attached to tho 2:i!0 local this afternoon con taining about one hundred excursion ists bound from Roseburg for Portland. Don't Fouokt That olectrlo lawn social tonight at J. II. Albert's, Yew Park, hours 8 to 10 p. in. this Wednes day evening. BORN. BARR.-ToMr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Barr, 410 Church street, July 1, 1890, n daughter. Call far Warrants. County Tukasuuk's Omcti, Mauion County, f Notice Is hereby given that 1 have funds on hand to pay all wnrtnuts Is sued, up to Aug. 1, 1803, and Interest on tho Mime will stop from ditto of this notice. Jai Minto, County Treasurer. Dated J lino 11, 181K1. 0 8d w Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. DIU MILES' RESTORATIVE NEKVINB euros nervous prostration. Not ml rurulouily, but cloatlScally, by first remoTln; tho cerms ot disease, aud then supplying hu<liy nerve food, increaslut tho nppotlto, helplujrihgwUou and stNngtlf cnlug the outiro system. Itosperata cases requtrti prolonged treatment as shown by th&tcf Mrs. M. U. llevd, of Delta, Iowa, who writes! "AtthorwiiUotrtllgntulnsstroko, tho physicians said I had a light stroke of para"tls, tny limbs would all draw up. I Dr. Miles u.l:liLv..t!!'hbLn8! Nervine unendurable. For three months I could not slvcp and for threo weeks did not clone my eyes. I prayed tor sleen. and Restores Health felt that If relief did not come I would be dead or Insane. I took Dr. MUeV llostors Uvo Ntirvlno and the secoud night slept two hours and frost that time on tny health tm proTodt sloly at first, but steadily and survly. I took lu all 40 bottles, and I cannot Mprwu how grateful I am, for I am uow perfectly well, aud Imvo uken no medicine tor over four months." Dr. Mile.' Nervine la sold by druggists on guarantee tiat first bottle benefits or money refunded. Itopk on heart aud nerves fe. Dr, Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. IN THE CIKCUii www. Convened in Adjourned Sessiua--Docket I Entries Made. Judge Hewitt's docket entries arcf "VJ ..r:... ,,,. rs. J. P.T. OtllUJIUJ UUC, llisw.v-.. -- B. BrenUtno, assignee; assignment. Continued. Tim. J. T.Vinl. insolvent, S. U.v. Day, assignee; assignment ucd. Contln- II. H. Ktiimn. InMllVCnt. VS S. R.I Con- Hammer, assignee, assignment, tlnucd. t i T. J. Coleman, insoiveui, i- - irii,wMit.iloii.nMiirnee!nsslennient. T. C. Coleman, nsolvcnt, s ... .. , ' ' i 'iini iniiori. Cmtlnued. ' II. A. Salisbury, Insolvent, vs. A. N. I Bush, assignee; assignment. Contln- I ucd. j l-"remont Arnold, insolvent, vs. F.J. J Bolter, assignee; assignment. Con- tlnucd. Plnkham & Sanford, Insolvent, vs. W. F. Boothby, assignee Contlntlnued. assignment. J. Q. Wilson, vs. C. C. Green, et al.; J foreclosure. Default and decree ex- . .. . .. r..t... r 1 1 ...if,. ropt US WJUiinirnciiuiiu "."-. First National bank vs. J S ton nnd Chas. Ford; foreclosure, Pnn. tlnucd for service. John Ncwsome vs. John Miller, et al., forcclourc. Default as to Miller ! and decree of foreclosure. Ella E. Dorun vs. Frank Doran; di vorce. Default as to defendant. Leo Willis, Insolvent, vs. M. L. Chambcrlln, assignee; assignment. Continued. Matilda C. Pcnter vs. Emma C. Poole, et al.: foreclosure. Default and decree. Fred A. Legg, Insolvent, vs. Claud Gatch, assignee; assignment. Appli cation of J. II. Albert and Mrs. Pat tor an order to eledt assignee with drawn and case continued. O. M. Fry, et al, vs. Brazil Plmrd, et ul,; foreclosure. Demurrer sus tained nnd plaintiff granted leave to file amended complaint. Ella Hunsaker vs W. L. Hunsaker; divorce. Default as to defendant. Geo. Wllhelmy vs. Joseph Maerz; foreclosure. Default and decree. W. Laldlawvs Mary A. Lasky; foreclosure. Leave granted to file amended complaint. J. II. Albert vs. F. .7. Beatty, et al,; equity Default and decree. John Ncwsome vs. P. A. Scharback, et al; foreclosure. Default as to de fendants, S., Nick and Mary Schar back, and case continued for service as to other defendant. Anna J. Martin vs. L.J. Martin; divorce. Default as to defendant. James Walton Jvs. Marlon county; nctlot for money. Tried nnd submit ted. W. H. Rawllngs vs. Luclnda B. Ruwllngs; divorce. Dismissed on motion of plaintiff. Jesse A. Rohrcr vs. Chas. F. Simon and Isabel Simon; equity. Dc'ault and decree as to Chas F. Simon. State of Oregon ox rel. Chas. II. Dodd it Co. vs. Al. Molsan, ctal.; contempt. Case dismissed on motion of tho district attorney. J. II. Albert, administrator of the estate of T. McF. Patton, deceased, vs. the heirs and tho cstnteof T. McF. Patton, deceased; cause tried and sub mitted. James Watson vs. Marlon county; action for money. Findings filed. S. B. Parrlsh vs. Mnttlo Parrlsh, suit to declare trust; motion allowed to the second ground and to subdi visions I, ft, and 10 ot the complaint' and otorrulcd as to tho other grounds ' (if tln unit Inn nnil ulnliitlfT iiintml leave to amend by Thursday. "- -"- -..., ...... , ...... p,..l.,.u E. C. Wyutt vs, Joseph Hall, confir- illation; sale continued. The case of Geo. Collins, etui., vs. Jasper .M into etui., a suit In equity. licforo Judge Hewitt BiKt was ui) e von lug. Judgo Hewitt handed down his findings In tho case of James Walton vs. Marlon county, action for money. The court found that tho material was ' furnished by the plaintiff to, and the ; labor performed for tho county as sessor w Ithout orders from tho county j court, that tho value- of material and ' labor was $020.50, of which $800 had ' been paid; that the claim was never' presented to tho county court, and that the plaintiff had not worked worked ,"! ill. The for tho defendant, nor delivered tho latter tho maps In question decision of tho court was that the1""' plaintiff's case should be dlsiulsed, ' - and that tho defendant .recover costs and disbursements In the ease from' tho plaintiff. J. A. Baker vs. Williams & England Banking Co., default nnd decreooni report. j Joosio A. Rohre'r vs. Chas. F, Simon and Isabel Simon, suit to set aside1 fraudulent transfer of nal estate, on trial to court. ' The most refreshing warm weather drink Is Hires Boot Beer. Sold by Oil. bcrt & Patterson. IKKit ; Uuckleu's Arnica Salvo 1 The best Salve in the world fo Cuts, Sores, Boies, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever" and all Tetter. Chipped hands. Chilblain, I lkuises, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pile 01 no pay required. It is guaranteed to live per fee satisfaction or money refundeC. I Pdcc 25 cents a bo. Kor sale by Fred A i 1K , STATE FLAX MILL. 1 SuppMtlons for the Encouragement Flax Cultuie in Oregon. Mrs. Wru. P. Lord Is quite busy vAtftirlno Information about llax culture in Oregon She Is convinceu our moist marine climate is ; adapted to growing the fibre nnd that with state aid the tibrc could be con- verted into the raw niawnm iui profitable industry Mr. Lord's plan Is to nave our farmers grow (lax, have It rotted and broken by convict labor, anti men ii, n ,! Mir hr-talr mills and water , uimi -.--- ,..,. nowcr now lying Idle, for a modern t;,nrv tnr tlioni.inufacturc of linen. hhjwu v - factory It woui,i take a capital of $100,000. But ,tj,e use 0f handlooms In every ' farmer's family would be practical, 8ie thinks, and they would not cost ovcr 0 apecc The wlfo of our lrnrernor Is nultc an enthusiast on ,h,s Um am img gathered many valuable facts. in lilting out for the Fourth of July call and see the stock at the New Vn:b n,.i.n Tho tirlrn nf inmcls lliey Will UIIHUIU )UU lu Ktu nmii juii .1 ...fit ......t.l,. .nt. r nni ivlmr tnll need, and leave a surplus to spend on the Fourth. of tug Great 6an-6an We are prepared to take orders for rhubarb for caiv ning at leper pound Kentish May Duke and Knights Early cherry for canning at 3c per p"ound; Gooses berries 5c gallonj Wilson strawberries 75c a crate. flflRRITT & LAWRENCE, P, O, Groc . y, DELINQUENT TAXES. Reports of Three Years Collection by the Shcri.T. Sheriff Knight on Tuesday tiled his report of the collections of delinquent taxes for tho years, 1S92, 1603 and 1S!1 ns follews: 18D2. To delinquent roll $7,530 75 To sheriff's assessment 201 00 Total $7,737 81 By treasurer's recclnts.. .$1,030 20 By 0. 1'. taxes by order court. J.33J 08 By dcllnq't tax roll returned. 4,20o 03 Total 1803. To delinquent roll To sheriffs assessment. .$7,737 81 .812,801 12 30 02 Total $12,831 71 By treasurer's receipts $ 1,302 53 By O.P.taxcs by order court. 2,270 48 By errors 120 70 Deliquent rolls returned.... 0,017 07 Total $12,831 71 1801. To delinquent roll $13,222 24 To sherlll's assessment 404 03 Total $13,020 87 By treasurer's receipts $ 4,392 34 By errors 302 30 By delinquent rolls returned 8,842 84 Total $13,020 87 The report was approved and ordered tiled. Marvelous Results. From a letter written bv Itev. T. Gunder man, ot Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted tomakellns cxtracti "I have no hesitation in recomending Dr. Kind's nsw discovery, as I "je rMU!'s we,e nlmojt marvelous in the case ill mv ui fi VVIiil.. 1 ..., ..... r.l ii tist Church at RWes Junction she was brought -. ..v ...... ......w .... ia9iui ui me Mail tist Church at Rives Junction she was brougli down with Pneumonia stirrprlinir i.r.tinn. ' holbAi,Jir,i"s,m. of ,foufihinK would last iiours with little interuption nnd it seemed as ii sue couia not survive them. A friend reco mended Dr. Kinc's New disport n-. ir . quick in its work and highly ntisfictorv in LSt.tJf the Chicago, July July 533i. MARKETS I. .Wheat, cash 53Jic, News oi k, Jy i.siher, 3 3. o6)c; lead PORTLAND MARKET. Portland, July t. Wheat valley, 52i, Walla Walla, S3aS4. ' S' - l0U'71 0'na, U.8y, Benton cc 2-: graham, $1.30; superfine. $2.25 pei tg. M.!SS.SS, barrels, 4.50(5 -iuuri-oruanci, JJ.BJ; Uenton county, er uul. rolled. ?cfol7.oe.! j'j -- . -..-i i Awarded Highest HonorsWorld's Fair Aledal, Midwinter alr. mis CREAM POWDER .Most Perfect Made, 4oYeirtheSUp3rrd. TOMORROW. SHIRT . . . . waists! Not very many left, but what there is 7k a sacrifice, RECEIVED TODAYNew black goods, New waist silks, 7 mtggggg 257 Commercial st. Potnlot's, . Oie'in, o45c per sack May. .t.mil, Hn per ion. Wu.t. ':..ley. 't;ncj Eastern Oregon, MilUiuiU tiron $i3.noi.i.oo;lioru,$is. I'unltry - I'hickrnH, mixed. J23.oo broi ill- eis, ii v'; 'Ink!., diy, ueese, 56; ! . Iiv- 12;; ilietril, 15817c. !'' ..w""ii. nulled 60 lbs 5c; under fr 11k .0ty,c. lieep pelts, to7oe. IlilH. .Oregon, 2 to 3c, nccordii.g to (ual il) Itutiur. .Oregon fancy creamery, 20(0)25; fanct dairv 20: hlr to R'Oil, 15. CIhmsc O cijo'i fiill cream, 10 I'tti;-. .(Vegtin. lie per dot ISief..Toiilcrtii. 3.oH3.25 per Hi; fail toxoid uteeM, aj2 3.5c; cows, 22jc; ilrcea oeei, iy,wy,c S K Ni IH'fi MAHKin. Sin 1 ranciio, July t --Wheat, 950 i:..tiri,gun, ciuhlc, 0750; interior 4 (55c, valley, oMluc lliipj Quotable at 23c I'utatoes 6 OSocjier sack. Oats -Milling. 75(aS2. SALEM MARKET. Wheat. .43c per bu,, market firm. Oatl 20l)22C. Hay Haled, cheat, $5100(2)5.50 timothy, 7lKI Flour .In wholesale liiu, ; on; retail, 320; bran, bulk 11.00; sacked, 12.00; shoru, 12.00(3)13.00; chop feed, it.oo 12.00 Poultry.. Spring chickens, loc lb, . WaL.Dressed, 3. Hogs.. Dressed, 3. Live Cattle.. 2. Sheeti..Llve, 1.25, Wool.. West, I2VJC Hopo..Hest, 45o. ''KG'.. Cadi. loc. Ituucr..I!fSt dairy, Gc; -"fancy creamery loc. Cheese .i2lc. Farm Smoked Meats Uaccn, 7c; hams 90; shoulders, 5cJ I,otatos..35cperbu. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stocc of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of ;rass seeds. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HERE'S YOUR dlANCE.-. proprietor wants to trade a good weekly newspaper office in good town for unincumbered improved Sa lem property. No opposition. Good rea. sons. Information at tils office. 6 18 tf FoR SALl Driving mare for sale at a bar- gain; weight about 1160; good traveler, In- tjuuc ui vm, mown rjo. 30 tf FOR SALE At a Bargain. Fine residence ana cerner lot, near city hall. For further jKuncuiaw inuire at this office. 6-33 tf WELLS Dug, drove, bored and repaired. Address A. Parr, South Salem. 18 tf HAY FOR SALE-I will commence to de iyer hay about the 20th to any persons want ing a fine quality of mixed hay, consisting of clover, blue grass, orchard crass, and other grass. Later on I will have timothy and e hM,1. Leyeordenat John Hughes' store, 01 with II S.Thomas, or let me know by Postal card, SaUta. Geo. E. Allen. 7 15 irh run. aALti or KEN1V-40 acres land "lies out. fartly Improved, wood and hiw, gooa house, large barn, 2 acre beming orchani.Iot of small fruit.good water. Wood stumpage can be had. Bo 145, Salem c,:8tf UV.ME. UOAHD.-Jood table board, with ..c cooKing, serea In family style, only s a we k. 105 Commercial striei. 6.12.1m 0.12.1m r. U.YSSIAND.-Local Subscript, Agency for all newspapers and mawT fSf atSh 0f cl&,A an,i confectionery. F ff Miller. Prdp. ( FOR SALE. -One house ai.d two lot, sT uatod In Wheatland. Yamhill coantv. ' ah set In good fruit. For sale at a Un-lin Tit property Is that kn..wn , the Wbtltd hotel. Price $150, AdJress, A, cue Jour 21 4Hf' I'A.S I'UKtl First class paure lor 1k or cattle Juit ouih of Morninpidf. $1 , a month Rest grass and water. Irnairt ji JoURNAi. otTice. 681 mo. PUBLIC MEN, I-OLIICIANSANDUDS: iness houses can obtain all newspaper itUx mation from the press of the sUie.cuiii jdJ country from the I'ress Ctippinc Bareat Allen's) Union Hluck. Portland. i:tJtf PAPERS Portland. Sacramento, imt, T.-icoma uud San Kunclo paperi on sale tt .Miller' I'Oiloffice block C H. 1VIACK, - DENTIST.- Successor to Dr. J. M Keen-, .id White Corner, Salem, Or. Panic Meming a enu operations at moderate fees in an, a .cc jk in especial request. Peter G Nofgrenf ( Formerly with P. J. Larsen & Co ) Carriage and wagon shop, 320 Commercial streot . bring on yoar work, old or new, cl have it done with a guarantee of satitfaciun. 6 26d4w tf DEPOr EXPRESS." (hteott all mall and passenger trains. IU ga;e and expreas to all pans ol the city. Prompt service, Telephone No. 70 JAMES RADEK Capital Transfer Co, HARRY TOWN, MOP. Exprew, baggage and all kinds cf work done promptly, lorave orders at ration 1 store. ' MONEY TO LOAN On farm land security. Special rates on large loans. Loans consideied without delay, , HAMILTON & MOW Bush Rank bulldin3. MONEY TO dn city or farm property. Over Hush's Bank. T. K. FOXDI F, VAN DER BAAN, Carpenter, Bulldor and Jobber, 481 Winter street. l3"Hard times prices always. LANE, 2lt CJiniiirci.il I-Sitin $15 upwards, st . Sale )r Pants $ upwards .Al C, M. Bppy. fnmterly of Clark &Epply.i piepared to serve the pobl JveVylhinc fi' '!" '" l',$"nc,M - THE ELECTRICGROCERY, RILEY BOjRDING HOUSE The popular place 347 " ffiS :en iwpened, and V5u lieen reopened boarders and roomers and roomers ai iu "--Nice suite of rooms on 1 rSKSi floor aund'Tdtaw'SSi'SRiiW rates, SlIENEFIs"' ( Propnew J. H HM' WATCHMAKER AND JEWtL ...t .i.livof fine repair K j.ik . -- -- cmaiercixt - 'Iltomas ciocKk. cic, -j -FREE DEUVERV. W0LZ k WBCKEjK, Dealars WSSSrRCIA1 ST. LOAN I C. H. MlCllliTiW urn wL Hip 171 COMMi fl TT. ' BLtfn S?- ??3 ,. ? f a fear., r ,a kH'is.