r ivtpvqmv PWTiW't TV-? rM J -ligr ii..)i,i.w:. -W?PWv?niiyiipjf 'TfTT "1 S9E Merit Vado and Merit Maintains the confidence of the poople in Hood's Banaparilbu Its mcdIcino cares you when sick lilt nukes wonderful can everywhere, thea beyond ullqocstlon that mediclnepoMessea merit. Made That Is Just tbo truth about Hood's Sar ssperllla. Wo know it possesses morlt became it cures, not onco or twice or a LMmd times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, itaolutely, permanently, when all others fall to do any good whatover. Wo repeat J Hooas Sarsaparilla atae best In fact tho One True Blood Purlner. .. j. OJII-. " nausea, Indigestion, Hood S PHIS biliousness, ascents. FARM NEWS. Never mix ripe and fresh cream for churning. The Iless'lon fly is qulto numerous In Yulo county, California. One of the most Important factors In the dairy Is a good quiillty-or salt. Eternal vigilance is the price of a flrstclass dairy article these hot days. A shortage of 100,000 bales is re ported in the Australluslan wool clip. Oregon fanners have had a compara tively easy battle with the weeds this year. Like the Irishman attho Doncbrook fair "when you sec a head (weed) hit it." Tho Czar of Russia owns In his own name over 100,000,000 acres of good farm land. A six months old pig that weighs 200 pounds Is what thoswlnchcrdsnlm Is In the pork states. Intensive culture more than doubles the product. Many people know this to bo a fact yet so few practice it. Always drive the farm work or It vrllldrivo you. Follow this rule and you will accomplish more and worry lc. The more good food you can Induce your cow to cat the more good milk will she be compelled to return to the pall. The state rock crushing plant, of California, Is now ready to furnish rock, for the public highways in that state. The farmer who does not loyo his vocatl'ii had better quit the business. Unless lm does ho seldom over Is suc cessful. The Cudahy Tacking Co.,of Omaha, has closed Us oleomargarine factory. They claim tho whole country Is against using it. Tlicro no question but that tho cul tivation of llax, for liber, could be made the most remunerative crop raised In Oregon. The weight of wool per rlecso for Texas has steadily Increased from 5 pounds In 1870 to Its present weight of 7 pounds per head. In order to do work economically every farmer should nut un to date on all methods by taking a good ilrstclnss- agricultural Journal. There aro 220.000 farms In Denmark and less than 2,000 of them are over 250 acres In extent and tho uroprlctor In most cases Is tho farmer. Tin prictlca of clipping hogs Is much in vogue in some places when they do not 6hed off properly, after "Men a thorough greasing Is given. Do not let your dalrv cows drink 'rota the ditch or slough, but glvo her the choicest of water. Toor water effects tho milk more than any other thing. From all parts of Coos connty comes rcporu that the fruit crop Is ruined. ny tanners with good orchards.-say that they will hardly have armies "ourU for their own use. Have a goodly sunnlv of absorbents on hand and make a business of saving juur manure of every kind. There Is DOre monOVtn It, tiinn nnw nM,r cMn ! business of the farm. GlVe VOUr hov Mm Hocr. ni1 almrruxr. hoa .and use the poor one yourself, no "HI learn to love to work but will for. eter dread the hoe If uiude to use the w-off one. Tile corn orrin nf ilunnnntiHi t.W 'DB well and looking fine. Reports w? iany 8tate3 y corn never xKee better, though the season was "j uie. 'Ve new Cflttnn fontm-loa nr.,1 fnnr. n new sllk-splnnlng works are bo t uTf0 ,n Shanghai, China, and ; wij the result of a great Industrial remal since the Chlna-Japanesc war. TbeOrepon fnrmoronn f.i sn"l Patch of flax as an experiment. can i make his own hop twine i ram Cr rn;!i,De Tt The ion w, ali i , vu.u oe proDiaoiy eat- P10Jd In snlnnlntr ti, . w.ItJd,an Livestock Sanitary -..uu, m view of tho fact that the loss in tho state last year from hog cholera umouatedto $3,000,000, has decided to establish n strict quar antine. The Agricultural department Is usHiug cuiuc inspectors to see tnat Btook In transit and yards aro moro humanly treated. This Is a com mendable act and the department de serve credit. Don't expect your wife to make a good gilt-edge nrttclc of butter unless you keep high-grade dairy cows. Tho best butter-maker cannot make high grado butter from slushy cream. Tho active Interest of Mrs. Gov. Lord on tho RUblcet of llax culture, ;and the utilization of our superior climate in the furtherance of what could be a vast Industry In our midst, Is most commendable. The dairyman must study how he can produce his butter and keep tho the highest grade for the least money. To Incrcus tho quality means to In crcas the demand, which can only bo done by a thorough knowledge of the science of butrcr making. The co-operat vc llnx seed oil mill Bhould be well considered hi connect ion with the dairy Interests of tho state. The Immense, expenditure of money by the dairy interests of Eng land for oil cake from America should be one of the strongest arguments In favor of flax culture In Oregon. In North Dakota the Russian thistle commission are trying hard to use up tho appropriation of $50,000 for the destruction of the thistle. They meet, view the thistle, report, go home and meet again and the thlstlo keeps right on growing. The gov ernor says amen etc. A great humano society man the other day hired a livery rlgund drove them from 12 o'clock noon until 8 In the evening without the horses over getting tired or hungry. Tho over check and blinders were left with the whip nt the barn. W. W. Boycr, of Ovid, N. Y. has started In the rabbit business. Ho lias 200 from which ho expects to raise over 2000 by fall. They seem to have some social law, as the samo burrow Is kept by one family and Is trans m It ted from parents to children, being enlarged as the family Increases The old rabbits arc given the freedom of the Inclosure, but tho young ones are cooped by themselves and out of reach of the old ones which frequently kill tho young ones. The Cincinnati horse and mule market has recently been alive with eastern and southern buyers, with good receipts, active,, demand nnd ready sales at $.77 to $93 for coach horses? extra up to$l.r0; draft, $45 to $90, extra up to $1115; good drivers, $-15 to $05, and extra 125; though Dr. SmclzQr saya that a great many letters received from breeders state that they are willing to stand tho traveling ex penses of Inspectors, while others want their herds examined, cost what it may. SEPARATOR MILK FOIl CALVES. In reply to an Inquiry Prof. Henry says In tho Breeder's Gazette that flnoTjalvcscanbo raised with separa tor skim milk: provided only a few rules are carefully followed. First of all heat tho milk to blood temperaturo using a thermometer and never vary ing moro than two or three degrees from 100 dcg. Fnhr.; second, keep tho palls from which the calves drink clean and wholesome by frequently scalding them; third, do not feed too largo a quantity of skim milk. Tlio six-wecks-old calf should have about twenty pounds per day. given In two feeds; three would bo better. Many calves aro Injured by feeding too much skim milk. If vou could look 'ahead a few mouths; and see what was coming from those spells of weakness, loss of appetite, wasting of flesh and energy you wouldn't wait lor disease to get a grip on you. you would beglu right away to tone up your constitution with Dr. Pierce's LOOKING AHBAD. Golden Medical Discovery. It doesn't work miracles; but it does what other medicine can't do and what doctors say can't be done un til they see it done right under their nosea It cures consumption. Not always : to say that would be on exaggeration, but in a large majority of cases ; in advanced cases which havebeen given up as hope less. The "Discovery" is not called a consumption-cure; it is a blood-maker. It elves energy to the blood-making organs to create new blood, full of healthy red corpuscles. This rapid supply of pure, rich, red blood drivea-cmt all diseases that have their roots in the bloed: Consump tion fa one of these ; scrofula, malaria, eczema, erysipelas, catarrh are others. t. 1. .i,.nni(n itru-tor them seDorately as luntr. or akin, or head diseases. They I must bo driven out of the blood. You can rely on the "Golden Medical Dis covery " to do this every time. 1 It is not a patent medicine. It Is the perfected result-of 30 yw, P -perieace by one of the roost skillful pby- , iTdans and emiaent utho"ti. U this country:Tpr. .V. Pierce. Chief Consulting Physician to tlw r Invali oV I lo tel aad Surgical iHstlUU, BuSalo, N. Y, atoouat oTlatior and money ex- beiur required (o mall to U, at tae bore s j. tetloli. w oe-cet staasM Jo saw cost oT mail. YAmmEf for Infants and Children. MOTHERS, Do You Know t. Batman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Pynips, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? ftp Von Know that opium nnd morphine are stupefying narcotic potaontr Itn Vow TCtiow that In most countries JruggUtaarc not permitted tosell narcotic without labeling them poisons ? Ho You Know that you should not permit any medldue to be given your child Wess you or your physician know or what It Is composed f o Yots Know that Castorla Is n purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of JU Ingredients Is published with every bottle r Tip Ton Know that Castorla Is tte prescription oflhe fauous Or. Samuel Mtcher. tThat It has been In use for nearly thirty years, aud that more Castorla is now sold than of alt other remedies for children combined 1 Ho Vott Know that the Patent Office Department or the United States, and of other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. l'ltcher and his assigns to use the word Castorla and Its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense r Wo You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection vna because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely linrmlcnn 7 Ho You Know Hut 33 average doses of Castorla are furrlshed for 33 ecuts, or one cent a doser o You Know that when possessed ofthls perfect preparation, yoar children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest r v XVcTl, tltcBC tfa'nga are worth knowing. They ore facts. 7&i&& Tlio faonlmlle signature o Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. The Willamette Hotel. LEADINQ.HOTEL Retluced'rates. Management lloeral. and points oljintercst. Special rates will be -EXCELSIOR - STABLE- 13. C, HANSEN, JVIANAOER. Onlviiooil horsesluted. Satisfaction Guaranteed. LAWN MOWERS"." IIAYKAKES; GRAY Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, GARDEN HOSE. oatt-mvt t- BICYCLES. LAWN SPRINKLERS. SALE JMC, OR. SUNDRIES. Ladies and Children. who (tavel by the Ilutlinton Route aie cWcn particular care ami attention. Just to Illustrate what this means: A few months ago, five children whose ages ranged (rora 3 to it years made the journey over our line from El. lensburc. Wash., to Kansas Citv.ENTIRELY UMACCOM PANIED. Tickets, time-tables and full information about our service to Omaha, St. Joseph.Kamas City, St. Louts and Chicago upon ap plication to the nearest ticket agent or by addressing A. C. SHELDON, G.A., I'oitUnd.Or. Through Tickets TO .THE fcVIA THE Union Pacific System, Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Touris Sleepers and Free; Reclining Chairs dally between OJiJZANVto CHICAGO Our trains are heated b steam and -: lighted by Pinisch light. Time to Chicago, 3 '- J "fc '" M,"-AW'.J : 7 .fl ume 10 new oric. 4 1- ujr. Which is many hours quicker than com to new yi For rates, time tables and full information apply to BOWK & BAJRKElt, Agents, Salem, Oi, R.W. BAXTER, C.E. BROWN, General Agent . Dist. Pass. Agent 135 Third Street, Portland, irmffirafini HimflU EAST '! on every wrapper. OF TMB CITY. Electric cars leave hotel (or alljpubllc buildings given to permanent patrons, A. I. WAGNER Stablo back of State Immrnnce block "MACHlNE'OiQr nnil AXLK GREASE BROS., ,. a. ,w'V 51.1 (A tiBrjv.ara RA6IFIG RBS, RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars EleganUDinin" Cars Tourist SleeolrF Cart, To St. I'aul, Minneapolis, Duluth, targo, 'hand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena and llutte. rminnfiH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York, IJOJlon, anu an 1 owu East an'l South For Information, time .cards, maps an J tickets, call on or wrltn r THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS, , a6j Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pass. Act., Morrison St.. corner Third Portland, Or. MOT iniOTTXl&IKU DU tjww Hwn"-;- "fj-" . . M .. tf (HrflMnlr WW Oldest liattaa tor ecurliwr W'n,"o Ererr BMeuS talua Jut bf u it kroannl Ixlvn tbSyMoVT &?&" C ocarie la o Sftxttiiiit mtim Urvnt tlrutelm ef ar xUbum PfPff.f n? !. -. aaOK W-lsmJjIsOAVtAT j VWkSU TRAOC MAMf, SJUaW tMCSKtH lATItNT mm AASIVBMSMTSL. aMA UAftA mn swell U AlUiuut It ?.!& J?' rtSBllJCIMOllUUl Aoairyt, MUn J. Vviiiu.ao VMaf." wwu. The Capital Journa JFOR THE CAPITAL JOURNAL docs not do a lottery business to awoll Its circulation; but In nddltlon to irlvlnif vnlun mcnlYtid. It elves Its sub- Bcrllwrs viuunuio pronuums. xmv iu run T.iiiiii T.ii cininr vmir rciiu lii(r nmttcr. and it will pny yon to no tlco tho following special oilers. A tiv mm of l.liit fnllnwlflir fdllT ncrl- odlcals freo, 0110 year, to any sub scriber of TllB JOUltNAL who pays $l.r0 In advance for tho dally, by car rier, three months, (50 cents a month) or by mall six months, (25o a month) or tho weekly 18 months, ($1 a year. 11.- t 1 .i. .. Ml.int mi .1 fnolitnn 1110 UCSU IOI pilK" JUUDl.tUl.VM .I.O...U.. mii(jazlno of Now York freo for ono year. Tho above prices aro not cash, nn.l ,n ilintirvAkt. rnmhlnn tlfin OlVC.T OI- rorad. Tho Oueeii" Is a liiuh-clasa prnutlcal, homo inaKazlnc. THE FARM NEWS. A nmnllnnl f n nil tiniinr. nil I tod bv n. stall of experienced agricultural writers, contributed to uy tlio ucsi Known nKncuiiurisiH oi nio uuuhujt. It contains wnat tno iarmor vmnw. It A handsomo,attnctlvo, .homo pa per, to which every woman will rIvo u hearty welcome. THE TOLEDO BLADE. That Kreat national nowspapcr, which la known to everybody II rrim finiifriiffnl niilcnirn children's magazine. Just tho thing U) read to tho llttio ones oi tnu iiomo vu " brings tho kindergarten Into tho homo. Kong, games and story, Beau- tliuiiy uiusiraieu, vi u jl-ui, auu Jlshed by tho Klndorgarten Literature CO. BIX 11)0111118. L IT1 A book by E. Ilofer, on tho rotten primary 8yHtcm,prlco 25 corits. Can-bo una insteau oi any oi mo uuuvo iircm' iums. sasslsssssHssssskVisl PI OF FASHIONS 1II11 ! Tho Ghild Garden 189.6. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW 'BBBi For 25c Dally ono mouth, months. "Weekly, thrco 50 Cents will got you tho Dally until after election, or tbo Weekly until Janu ary 1, 18U7. Our Great Features THE JOUllNALIspro-emlnontly a papor for th peoplo, In nowa, poli tics and editorial opinions. Farm Department xiuj .luuiiiN aij (iocs nobprctenn to bo an agricultural paper, but keeps up a weU-cdlted farm depart ment, by a competent farmer, who knows tho needs of tho Oregon fanner. It also contains correct market reports. Woman's Department A largo volume of social nows and good homo matter of Interest to tho fomlnlnopartof tho family Is ono of tho nttractlvo features of THE JOUltNAL, tho only nowspapcr In Oregon employing a lady editor. Youth's Department This feature Is ono of great value to a faintly with boos and girls, THE JOOIlNAL will not nubllsh wishy-washy stuff in this depart timnt lnf i.nn1 tti.nrtt.tr. itnittA. e9 IliUIII, UIIW HU1AJ uiimiiitt IlltlVblJI. Ul an entertaining nnd educating char acter. A Modern Newspaper THE JOUltNAL Is tho llrst and and only papor In Oregon to meet tho hard times by reducing tlio prlco and Bonding out only what papers aro paid for In advance, and runs no bills. All papors aro stopped when tho tlmo expires. This Is im portant, and you should take tho bcnollt of It, Instead of paying out moro money for pooror papers. Sub scribe now, nnd Interest your friends In THE JOURNAL, ir thoy aro not already taking It. State, County and Local News Tlio largest amount ror tlio least money. If you can't get inonoy order or draft, lust enclose thocurrency or silver, wo rccolvo hundreds of let ters with silver enclosed, and novcr lost a cent that way. Itcad our premium list belew: Of any of thcsol-publlcntlons rcan bo had by calllnir at THE JOUltNAL olllco or dropping us a postal card. Any two or mo aoovo porioaicaia can bo scoured by paying $3 nnd tak ing THE JOUltNAL twlco ns long as required to secure ono. when tho extremely low nrico of THE JOUltNAL Is copsldored, this win do louiui tuo inost inwrai oner hindo by any paper on tho coast. EDITORS,' Salem, - Oregon. 4f- & I . HI B I IS ssW sssssssssssssssssK 'IssK IsssaVsssssT ' H' Kv MM EAST AND SOUTH ,V1A- Shasta Route. OF THE Southern Pacific Co. California Express TrainRun dai between x-omanu anu sun rranctsco. South J Korth ' 8150 p. ni. Portland ai, ' ii:oop, m. 10:4$ a, ni. lv ar. Salem I v. Son Fran, lv, :ts:: Above trains ston at East lYinlimi rSar City, Woidburu, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jefferson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent Shedtls, Halsey, Ilarrlshurg, Junction City, fcucene, Creswtll, Drain, , and alt stations from Koseburg to Ashland, Inclusive. iuakuuku MAIL DAILY. "1 ' 1 . 1 1 "South" North 4:40 p.m. 8:30 a.m. lv.rortlandnr. lv. Salem lv. ar. Itoseb'g lv. 11:00 a.m. 2:20 D.111. 5:20 p.ni, 8KX)a.m. SALEM PABSENOEK. South 4:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. "iv. Portland ar. ar. Balem lv. 10:15 a.m. 8:00 a.m. DINING CARS ON OODEN ROUTE PULUfAfT IUTFi?r8LEEPERS nnd second-class sleeping can attached to all tnrough traiiM. WEST SIDE DIVISION, lletwcen Portland and Corvallls, dally (c. cepi aunuay.) 7130 a.m. 12:15 p.m. Lv, Portland, Ar. Corvallls. "AT Lv 61M p. m. 3S P- w. At Albany and Corvallls conect with trams of Oregon Central k Eastern Railroad. Express train dally except Sunday. 44S P m, 7115 p, m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar. McMlnvllle Lv 8135 a. m. 5:50 a. m. THROUGH TICKETS to all nnlntt In th TTakliirti Iniiti rnai1ii and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratei from W.W. SKINNER, Agent, Salem. E. P, ROGERS, Asat. Q, V. & I A., Portland, Or. k. tiUHLLK, Manager. P. k St Paul Ry, GLANCE AT THIS MA Of the Chicago, Milwaukee and (St. Paul Railway and note Its connection with all transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha, and romembor when going east that its tru'ns are lighted with electricity and heated by steam. Its equipment U superb. Elegant Iluffct, library, smoking and sleeping cars, with free rccllakw chain, Each sUepIac car beith lias an electric reading lamp, ml it dining car are the best in the worW. Other lines are longer than this, but none are shorter, and no other offers the above Ux. urlous accommodations . Thete an mffkleat reatoni for the popularity of "Tbe Mllw. kec." Coupon ticket agents la every rail, road office will give yon further Information, or address C.J.EDDY. General Agent, J. W. CASEY, Tray. Pass. Agent. PorUMd 0. R. & N. CO. K. M'NEILLRECEIVER. TO THE .EAST GIVEfgTIIE .CHOIC OF Two Transcontinental RoutGO. Via Spokane Minneapolis SiJPaul'and Den. ver Omaha and Kansas Ciiy.il Low rates to castern'cltle. OCEAN CITIES.: Portland San lrisnchco. Steameri leave Almworth dock, Portland May 17, 32, 37 and June 1,6, 11,16,31, 36J Fare Cabin, f 51 steerage, i.$o. WILLAMITTE KIVER DIVISION. PortlandwEugene. SteamtrtRuth and Elmore for 'Portland dally except Sunday at 10 a, m. For Corvallls dally except Sunday (t .3130 pro. I'or Jiugeno Monaay anu iimrway ai aj. Lowest freight and pasnger rates. Kwil irlp tickets very cheap. Tickets sold Mil bai'trace checked throuch to all pofots wkk out extra transit charges. rot mil miuH canon woiw ww agenu, Slm, Ofmm, or iWmm. 1vH.HUKLW4T. Gen'l Pas. Aft. IWhI, Or For full details call on or &Am G. M, lOWKLS, Foot ofTradeit. Ut&A A(m. CARt'Elf PAPERlr W brown wrapping paper for sale tUif. ii toe ining r puiung uHocr ciwi. . Journal office. SMV A Milwaukee m HtWNESOTAWSs M HItWAUrtKltH r ji i