' yvyytwuMF&yP CTST X' ' til II II It r.llll'l,. I -III. B , III I ll. H Mil I II rTTnTMr' tro o Your food is soggy, greasy, indigestible ? Use (offgenp instead of lard. TME X. K. PAIRMATiK COMPAXV, StUal, CMeaf, XevtnaJ, tUarraaclsco, rortUad, Or (JBJE HONEST EXPKESSIOX. Mr. A. T. Gilbert, of Gilbert IJros,, bHnkcnuiL'Siilcm and Moscow, Idalio, In a. Democrat bub sayn liciyvlll nun port McKlnley; lie say McKlnley liatt taken up tlie work of Hound money and the (told standard right, whins Cleveland left, It off. He wiys tlie day of parties iHpnst. It Ih now a que tlon of liitcreHtH. Will mreot iih It In culled, lie way h, and tlie whole banking Interest U for MoKlnley, Tho nbove In no doubt an honest expression. Cleveland, Carllulo and Whitney have given up nil hope of suppressing the Hllver sentiment In the ranks and fllo of tho Democratic party, nnd tto Democratic gold stand ard leaders will undoubtedly supporL'1 McKlnlcy, In splto of his being tho champion of radical high protection1 tariff views. All this shows that the tariff question Is no longer tho para mount Ishuc. It Is gold or bimetallism. The Guard ny t'r Enpeno cream cry now recehej uUmt !'!(M pounds of milk dally and seems lo think they ought to have t wire that much. We onco knew of a creamery thnt started In with WW pounds but before IttfiiFd run 2 years was receiving ovcrliwXX) IKiunds dally. "Hlg oaks rmtu little acorns grow." 9 loo Rcwnrd Vioo. Potato Digger. Woodhuu.v, Or., Juno 22. Mr. Ohl hoff, a civil engineer or Portland, has been In Woodburn for tho last ten days making, and drawing plans and specifications of n patent potato-tllg. gor, originated andgotton upby Peter Hhorbach, of this place. It Is a won dorful plccoof machinery, and yet vory simple It will dig, sort nnd sank tho potatoes, doing tho work of 00 men. It will require two teams and two mon to oporuto tho machine. Ono man will handle tho lionet) and tho other tlo tho sacks. Poultry Notes. Give poultry oxtrn euro these warm uays. iH) not allow tho water vessels to becomo putrid nnd fold. Clean out your nost boxes and whltownsh them. This Is the tlmo wlmiillco get In tholr work. Jump on them with both feet. If you havo caponlr,lng to do, bettor do it soon as July Is not so good u tlmo as Juno. About tho only business that thero Is no trust in Is tho poultry business. Tho rotor-back hog nml tho scrub lion should bo tired from tho nous of All good men, Tho fact Is that tho American lieu can lay eggs cheaper than any foreign lions. Instead of Canadian hens doing duty to supply tho Amorlcan market tho American hen should bo represented In tho English egg mar kot, Of tho 20,000,000 worth of eirua lm. ported by England America supplies k'M t linn ono percent. Thero was never an over-production of eggs. What n smoko there wilt bo If this over occurv. After a hen Is two year old sho will it mora than tho worth of her eggs bsforo she begins to lay, bocmino sho will moult so lato In tho season. ir tho hen that lays 8 cent eggs got proper redlt sho would bo marked tip for eating what tho N pork wasted. Do uofc make your chickens try to pft under tho grass forshado, but put Hmmu up something for shade. Tim reader of thU paper will be plowed lo learn that di r. i at team tine dreadrd disease that science ha U-eti able to cure In all It tapes, and that is catarrh, li ill' -Catarrh Cure li the only pCHltivn cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh heine a con titutional disease, requires n constitutional trearment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inte nally, actlne directly upon the blood and mucous surncei of th system, thereby destroying the loundatlon of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work Tlie proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they oiler One Hun dred dollar for any case that 't falls to cure. Scud (or list of testimonials. d circus , V. J. CIIENEV & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by dtugglstc, 7,c. Call for Warrants. County Thbabukk's ) Okfick, Mahion County, j Kotlco Is hereby given thnt I have funds 011 hand to tliiv nil warrants Ir. sued, up to Aug. 1, 1805, and Interest on tho samo will ston from dato of this notice. Jap Minto. , , County Trcnsuror. Dated Juno II, I8IM. U8d w !AL3 FOR "U 'PLIES. The loaid of Trustees of the Ore iron State Insane Asylum Invites sealed proposals for furnishing at the Asylum, iicarKnlein, Oregon, the fol lowing supplies: DKY OOODH. 800 yds. Amoskacf? blue dcmlns, 0 oz., as per sample. 50 yds. sllesia, drab, ai per sample. l.00 vds. canton flannel. Nashua XXX, n per sample. looo yds. Mariners' striped shirting, as per sample. tiouoz. men's cotton socks, as per sample. 10 dor., ladles' cotton hose, as per Minnie. 1 doz. ladles' corsets, size 24-3, 27-3. 28-2, 20-2, 30-2, as per sample. 2 great gross pants buttons, as per sample. M tloz. thread, Coats' or Clark's 0. K. T., No. 30, white. CO doz. tbiead, Coats' or Clark's O. N. T., No. 30 black. 20 doz. tlucad, Coats' or Clark's O. N. T No. 10 white. BIIOHS AND SLIPPERS. 30 prs. mens' leather slippers No. 7, as per sample. 50 nrs. mens' leather sllnncrs No. 8. as per sample. oo nrs. mens' leather sllnncrs ao. l). as per sample. 30 prs. mens' leather slippers No. 10. as per sample. 20 prs. mens' leatl cr slippers No. 11, as per sample. 20 prs. ladles' shoes No. 1. as ner sample. 25 prs. ladles' shoes No. C, as per sample. 25 prs. Indies' shoes No. 0, as per sample. ' aitOCEItlKK. 10,000 lbs. granulated sugar (Ameri can rcilucry). 15,00011)3. Golden C sugar (Ameri can refinery). 8,000 lbs. Liverpool salt. COO lbs. soda crackcra, XXX, more or less, delivered as required. COO lbs. of checc, Cranston's or as good, moro or less, delivered as re quired. 10 doz. Cove oysters (Fields 2's). 30 doz. No.'l best brooms. 20 gross Vulcan Safety matches, as tcr sample. 300 lbs. Sal soda. 200 lbs. Sultana raslns (2Mb. boxes.) 100 lbs. Loudon Layers ralslns(20-lb. boxes). 200 lbs. China starch. lduz ostrich feather dusters (22-ln. per sample). 1 dez, Worcestershire Sauco (Leo When Baby waa alclr, wo earo her CnstorU. When alia woa a CUM, alio cried for CastorU, When sb tcamo Hum, aha dune to CastorU. When she had Children, she rave them Caatorl Sunday Excursions, llegliinlug with Sunday, Juno 21, and on each succeed iim Kmwinv sjieclal excursion train will leave Al bany at 7a. m., Corvallls 7:30 a. in.. itirirniKllb lliquiua lib IKlfi it, III. Kuuinung, ooaL leaves 0:30 p. in. Train 'os Newport at leaves Yiiniiliui .. . ta - . . ' . - ........... at i p. in., arriving at Corvallls at 10 p. in. and Albany nt 10:30 p. m. Fart', good on this train only, from Corvallis, Albany mid Philomath to NnwniH. nml witiifn t Kn II. L. Waldkn, il. H. Lowman, Agent, Albany. Agent. Corvallls Edwin Stonk, Manager, Corvallls. Corvallls, Juno 17, law. Portland Excursion Si.oo Commencing July 1. tho O. It. & N. Co., will u'lvo an oxeurtiloii mtn nf i. round trip, between Salem and Port land. Tho Willamette river "llyor steamer ltutli, wcord 7t hours from Portland, Includliig all landings, goes down Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- days. Steamer Elmoro on opposite days, leaving Tmdo street (look at as Perrln's) In quart bottles 20 boxes macaroni In 8-1 b. boxes. 100 gal. N. O. molasses. 2,000 gal. syrup ns per simple. 0000 lbs. Costa ltlca green colfeo, as per sample. iio ius. chicory. CUOCKKIlV. 25 doz. tea cups. W. G. ware, as iwr fc , r i- - Hanipie. 25 doz. saucers, W. G. wnrc, as per sample 4 doz. 7 In. plo plates, W. 0. ware, as per sample. TOHACCO. 1500 lbs. Even change. 300 lbs. O. K. Durham In 2-oz. pigs. t'Loun. 000 bbls. No. 1 Hour, moro or less, delivered as required. 25 bbls. No. 1 LTlllmin. mnm or lmoi. delivered as required. FIHH. 000 lbs. llsli per week, moro or less, as required, stating price per pound or (itirorcut Kinds. MKAT8. plleef 000 pounds por day, moro or less, as required-equal parts fore and hind quarters. Million 200 Pounds tier ilnv. mum .. , --- "" rf I '-w ur ieH, u required. R0AI 2500 lbs. Net Savon Ilest Standard soap. 200 cakes Peerless Kitchen soap, ss por sample. C lbs. Shaving soap (J. 11. Williams) as per sample. fll'ICKS. COO lbs. black iwpper, Standard Ground, InG-lb. cans. 75 lbs. clniiiunnn. Stnnibinl ftmniui In 5-lb. cans. I'LUMllINa 60 feet each of f, 1, U In.black pliw. Oeach cast Iron elbows 1, li, l, and 2 Inch. ' CO) grammes mercury chloride cor role iK)wdered, Squibb. lo.lbs. chloral hydtnle grnnul-ited. Merck's. 20 lbs. polaRslum bromide granu 2 Ilk collodion U. S. P., P. ff W. 5 lbs.calclum precipitated phosphas, P. t W V lb.'iotas"luni hydrate tthlte, P. t W. ' 2 ib. oil oningc, sweet, Lcliu & Fink's. , T , . 1 lb. vanilla Iwun 0 in. long, Lehu & Fink's. - ., . 4 lbs. saccharated jiepsln, lair- child's. ,. fillM. anil cir xi c L'Oltl laoic, .msiii- Innlrrwlf r. i-ii. nmninnln watur coiicentratd In f. o-nllon "bwfa'contulnor, Mallluc- krodt. . , r ... 1 lb. arnica llower gnmulatcd, Lilly &Co. , , , 1 lb. fox glove granulated, .Lilly & Co. 4 lbs. mix vomica granulated, Lilly &Co. CO lbs. glycerine, Kirks. 3-5 lbs. bottles syrup liypophosphltcs Co., Wompolc & Co. . . i doz. vln. tonlque marlanl. 1-J doz. extra large Jars for hospital use. Malted mllk-Horllck's. 10 lbs. zinc sulphate, (commercial.) 21bs. Fenugreek seed, (powdered.) 30 lbs. Phillips' Digestible Cocoa, In 5-pound cans. 10 lbs. potassium, nitrate granu lated refined. 2 lbs. prepared chalk. ii lbs. sponges, 10 to the lb; un cached sheen's wool, as per sample 0180 oz suironal, (Hayer.) C ok. Antlknmlnia tablets, 5gr. 1000 6 gr. quinine sulphate pll, cap sule shaped; P. D. &Co. COO tablet triturates, nux vomica, J gr.; P. D. & Co. 100 each filter papers, white, 13 and 15 In. 1 each glnss percolator, 10 and 32 oz.; W.T.&L'o. 2 trraduatos. Pheonlx cone shape, 8 oz.; W. T. & Co. 1 graduate, Phoenix cone shape, 10 oz.; W. T. & Co. 8-12, doz. rubber water bottles, 3 quart, cloth covered; W. T. & Co. i doz. ii. it. syringes, ao. J, straigui pipe; m. i doz. II. It. syringes, No. 3, straight pipe; j oz. 1 gross 'corks, No. 12, taper 1 In. long. 2 doz. Allcock's porous plasters. COO hypodermic tablets, No. 3, In case, 10 tubes each; W. Hros. 100 hypodermic tablets, No. 08, In case. 10 tubes each; W. liros. 2 doz. beef lulce: W. Bros. Samples may bo soon at tho com mlssary of tho asylum. Goods must 1)0 In accordance with samples, and bo In original packages when possible. Tho right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Delivery of supplies will bo renal red within fifteen days' no tice of acceptance of bid. Each bid must Include all the Items and totals In full, with Llio exception of flour and fish. Payment will not be made until tho blddor has completed bis con tract. A copy of the advertisement must accompany each bid, and the namo of the class of supplies bo In scribed on tho envelope. Auditing officers arc prohibited from confirm ing accounts or purchases when tho advertisement docs not contain n full description of the Virtlcles to bo pur chased. Each bidder will bo reoulred to furnish with his bid n certified check In an amount equal to ten per cent of his bid (savo that for Hour tho check Is to bo for 8300. for fish $75), payablo to the order or the boardto lie returned in cute his bid Is rejected or his proposal compiled with, lllds I pencil In tho governor's office ut 2 o'clock p. in., Monday, July 0, 1800. ' ' Salem, Oregon, Juno 15, 1800. (Signed) WM. P. LOUD, II. 11. K1NCAID. PHIL METSCIIAN Hoard of Trustees, O.S.I. A. W. S. DUNIWAY, Sec'y. of Hoard. HURRAH FOR THB FPU". What Is Bsins Dons for tlu Orea1 i in Celehntun. OHDKIt OK l'AKADB. Thecommltteoon parade- composed or Judge George 11. Uiirnelt, A. O. Gondii and W. J. Culver-for the Fourth or July celebration lias made Its report to tho general commit tee which gives the following older of parade and the line or march: KlItST DIVISION. I idiler marshal and aides. , Second Kcglment Hand. Battalion O. N. 0. Liberty car. I. O. O. F. Ilcbecca float. I.O.G. T. float. P. or II. float. I SECOND DIVISION. Dallas brass band. i A. O. U. W. float. D. or II. float. K. 0. T. M. float. Willamette Tent. No. 0, K. O. T. M. ! G. A. It. float. Sedgw Ick Post, G. A. It. W. It. C. float. THIItD DIVISION. Chcmawii baud. Harrison Training school floats. Harrison Training school students. Exempt firemen. Itathboiie Sisters, lloat. Young America. Bicyclists. FOUttTH DIVISION. Stlverton Marine band. Woodman float. Salem Camp, No. 118, W. or W. Salem Grove, No. 3, "W. or W. float. City oillcers In carriages. County oillcers In carriages. State oillcers In carriages. Salem Floral union lloat. Oillcers or the day. TUB K0UMAT10N. The first division will form on the north side ofChcmckcta street, west or Commerclcal, with the right rest ing on Commercial street. The second division will form on Chemekcta street, cast of Commercial, with the right resting on Commercial. ine mini division win form on the south side of Clicmcketa street, west oi commercial, witn tlie right resting on Commercial. The fourth division will form on tho south side or Chemeketa .street, east of Commercial, with thoilirht resting on Commercial. The citizens in carriages will form on Commercial street north or Chemekcta. 0UDKK OP MAKC1I. Ihe order or march will be as f.ji. lews: South on Commercial stre t State street, east on State to Ciiuicn. north on Church to Chemeketa. west on Chemekcta to the east side or Com mercial, south on Commcrlcal to the Willamette hotel, criiinrorm u.-.i i.n Commercial north to Marlon s,iu..ii' bunrise national salute. Ijand concert at 9 a. m. by four bran band Grand fraternal parade forms our iiriiicip.il i miucr me cniei marsnai and in nij and moves promptly at lo a. m. It consist of the folIeA'inc: 2d battalion O. N. G. l'ive fully equipped and uniformed bra bands. The most gorgeous liberty car ever seen in 111c I1UI 111 wen. f U "it . :J i &va f3WBT-wlm n g 5C. f-S Dll!n)ti fs In ihi.ihh i--iiHHi lnldc rj.,-11 lackwell's 1 fnntilnA Tw ..... 1 .... . . ""3 11II1 :i7.':' vo.nw,"fl4on. pons IuhI ju , h tvnr mm imj; of co, Smoking Tobacco Biiyal)nKofthlrolobrBtodlobaeconndroidliemii, WblclclvcHullitorvaiaaUloi.rosonUundhovvtoi,& H3swsh Chemes Wanted Parties having cherries to sell will do well to call on the Orex gon Fruit and Produce Co,, o Salem, Highest market price will be oaid in cash, XXKTXX 50 btl Rich's Raspberry Syriip. Tin choicest article of the kind manufac tuicil lft.I right here nt SUern. Nothing eiiul 1 1 ! lo- ileo.eu.1, drinks or table use. Csll Ir ii u U ' "ivint'in inn's 'Jrncory Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut in prices on the following! S'lfL. . - II Unilfi ''t irs . ., Un'.-i s So. ,)-. I Hun.' '.. Si'k tin i'. c, SlK-' ! ,tn I Miluw sliu 24 10 cents . . . 5 to to cents . . . 5 to 10 cents 3 cents .... 1 cent 3 cents cents per dozen, ON THE DOLLAR. fad S, Lam 289 Commercial si, Salem, Or Has bought the Frank E ShaS fer and the M,BMmer harass stocks at forced sale. $4(XX) worth ot goods wm be dispel of at 50 CCiits on ih Ju. Sign of the White Horse. ' OREGON CENTRAL JVND elbows 15 deg. 1. 10::t0 a. m. 2Md It's In Town. You'll lw surprUcd. Won't "yellow tho clothes." mm'tburii your hands, othlntc equals It. Hotter than soan. Kxtm laruo nncktiKes. Soap Foam WashliiB lNiwden-JoiiN lluaiuu), ' -11,.. Tho Now York Ituokct always keep a lino lino of hosiery, handkerchiefs, and litis lust received a lino lino of laces and embroideries. Call and see. wmwa-j. x iiuiu ' I'm ttl"i'JU u KJUl0 MlUttt, K4dc lHttcrs It a mcdlcino lulled for any . ihh iwrBaps mow generally neeuca sm mm Hr k toiiit ami sl-ui? oiih a4 Ihe ', If ""ft w f 1W4 wJIrin Ims oflCH avcrUM taw t4 ftttlMf fatal blllluus fevers. No fltrint will act siiore surely In counteract' iisifMdlHMtWttit sjnem fiom tlio malarial iWMWL. HraiacLe. tmllcesttoo, Cpiulipa tlsfiiu fefltM jeiM to Klectilc nitten. 50 iMtwut Mn txr bottle at ned A, Ixeti' UHUf "-"" u rsja mmwm a, FAILING MAN Md Nervous UeLtllty, WrakiKK of IVxJr iiuu. r;iifcu cr ki "mm mm 1 t IW f, LVUBUh. aait rroni pf r.icoaM in uiti.or Maukoo I fullr IteatoroJ, HOW to KnlarvM in. I Un tilatv titrrnirtben WrnV. ilcrlgia Portions of i'TOr . Atoiutrlr . fallloiritoiuoTrvatiueuU sjsfkfi s,abui pUv.siOAttai'roa,umlM(svUifrSi, Squlbbs, 11 each cast Iron U. lt and 2 In. (I dor. hose washers, I In. 1 dor., hoso counlliiKs I In. 1 doz. Calwell hoso bands J In. 12 each Jenkins' valves discs., i, i, I and li in. IIAHDWAUK. 200 ft. of i In. round Norway Iron. 100 feet ench of I. 7.1 n nmi 1 1 . ...... - - niuuu iorway iron. W) ft. each ofixl, JxU.and Jx2 In. tlatorway Iron. firt. ouch of ,! and 1 In. octillion stool. fi ft. of I in. round tool steel. 1 Holler Hros. horoo rasp ltl in. (1 flat bastard tiles 10 In. :i Hat bastard flics 10 In. 0 flat mill bastard tiles 1G In, 2 each Hat mill kikhitti ili.w it .1.1.1 a ill. " 300 ft. Of lUIinlllll miM In illnmntop 3,600 lbs. of blacksmith coalasiwr ) Norway carrlago bolts IxU In. SO each M and ixfi In cnrrlujfo bolts (Norway.) ft lbs. of 1 washers. 1,000 each of 2, 2J, 3 and 4 lb. tinned rivets. 2 sledgo handles 30 In. 1 tinners' blewhorn stake, larKOdon 0 In., small end 17 In. a 1 lbs. of No. tt Putnam horso shoo nans. 1 Coo's wrench, 12 In., brluht. , , M dhuqs. 1 kllouraminoiiiMil nwt iiviit mr . MmilKliJ w- 1.. vvni, l klloKrummo acid boric, Stjulbbs, 1 kllominmes bismuth subnltrate, a Kilogrammes chlofonn In 500 Knimmo ooiiies, ttquiUbs. 1 kllocniiiimo tincture opium deodorized, Sojilbba. ., 1 kllogrammo ammonia carbonate, Squlbbs, 1 kllogrammo sodium Be Sure you ore Right And then eo abend. If vour blood is tnmur. your appitlte falllnR. your nerves weak, iou may be sure that llood'a Sarsaprilla is what jounced. Then take no substitute. InsU uron Hood' mid only Hood's. This is the medicine which has the largest sales in the world. Hood's Saroprilla is the One True Wood I'urlfier. Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, always ...Haiti. . -,. . . - """"'I -"V ,u iw'tc, eaijr iu operate. b'pectal Rates. vSJ J5oJ.so &.nrkor, agents for tho O. H.& N. ami Union Pacific railways iiK'iHiniKMieciai ronnti trip rates lo tho Ilopubllcau national convention atbt. Louis, tho Democratic national convention at Chicago, Peoples party convention at St. Louis, national con vention . 1 S. C. E. at Washington, I). C, National educational Astocln tlon at Uuiralo, N. Y and G. A. It. national oncnmpnient nt St. Paul. Ml""- 0:8td-d&w TwenlV (nn1t rfnrenltnn tl.. IM. !.! .. .... "-..- .,'..ta..v...tt i.n. uiiii,uuici;i and comical features of the various fraternal orders. ,TJ,e. Indian training school ofChtmawa with three floats representing all singes of Indian life from the wigwam to their preent progressive condition. Voung America's headed by the brownie oban and with numerous miniature floats. This feature is new and unique. liycicle parade with 400 cyclists on deco rated wheels. Salem rod and gun club in hunting style, salem flunliilinrni cnM,.. ...r.i. n ...1 decoiation. balem exempt fireman with workinc an. paratus, etc. r It a.m. band mtittr vw.il m...u .. .i.. choral society, reading or declaration and oration, at Marion square.r.Adjourn Tor dinner I p. m. band concert. i no minor snorts as fnllmvc. Obstacle race, first prize 53; second St. jvack race, first prize $1; second 50 cenls. I-oot race 100 yards professional, first iirlzs Jioj second $2.50. ' Orange race, first prize $t; secoud 50c. I ic race, first prize Sijsecond sc. fcgg and spoon race, first prize 5t; second Lman ,ra-"J" Pri" 53: second Jt. hong by Profs. Norris and Oleson. I umbling and bar work by Y. M. C. A Oreased pig. ' Iloys race, nrst prize $1; 2d, 50 cents, iixpressman's race, first prize Si; second Wheel barrow race, first prize $i.5o;second 1. 2130 Bicycle races: 1st One mile novice ... . 2d One mile 1Cn rlnt. 3d rorrile open j 00 AW1, mile boys under 16 ' 2 00 5U1 One mile open iIni M?i,nm,iCarluhumpi;ln-P,uC "dies-best on earth or ehewhere. 7 P. m. military narade and review. i p. in. errand mldsummrr cnin,i.. .. opera house. 9 P m. grand Illuminated bicycle parade. Children Cry for .vdw's Castoria- anil olhtr woik In proportion. Fi.jni els and other work in tclliCaitly washed by hand. Col. J. Olmsted Prop. For Delicacy, for parity , nnd for Improvement of the com plosion noUiliia uquala Pozzoxi'a Pownrtn. Eastern R, R. any 1 LM ftMAKIiimsSIKlP I am ipue.l;tu d' all Kinds of work In ool niul Irnn U ..a(.l.ir. ...!.:.... i any kind or making and repairing Meno cut- 5 "'"J .l'f' 0rford' ca,)!r .v. , I., vim cugv'u 1001 iii any kiiiu inaac ni.u repmrcuj uaous and bufciiei n-palied, and new ones made to ord'r t ior-lioeing, the b.t that can 1 c il ,n- m lovMi-liand made hhoes. I'fus and iui:nin .a care, fully attenilid to fill nt m siand.t 100 Chrmek-m r-,i l,nck nf Nrw Vit. Kacket !. HKUSflllJAni, i.. -. l...k.-,M,TU. Lv;cJic8 Who Value A reiluoJ complexion mrtst uao Potzonl'a PowJ proaucea n colt und beautiful akin, n Tiirri.. 1 .m-Mi LYAQU1NA flAV ROUfF-1 ZJConntcting ut Yaquina Bay mtlitkeSs tranciwo k Yacjulna llay hiesmsh'p Co. STEAMKIt "FAUALtX)N " Sails iruin uiiuii a eery h dsu for Sis Fruuci L.m U), Pori tvfin.l, TrwiJid and Uiitiiboll Day. I,iienger u(Liii.noJaiiiini uruaqoitel, Shortist route beiwtin the Willamette rsllcy and Culifoinia. Fare fioni Albany or inttweittoE Francicu C'alijn. 0; sleersge, i4;loCco II ly and Port Or ford, cablr. 16; 10 MumtoMt Day, c.iliin IS; round trin. eood 60 dirs. c!al. R1VEK DIVWON. Steamers "Air-any' and "Wm. M. Hose." newly furnished, leave .Salem dal, except Saturdays, at it a m arriving at refilled the same day at 5 p in. Keturmngboitt leave Portland same day as above nt 6 s. a., arriving at Salem at 3 p m. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccmllis, Or. I. u, MAVU, bupt. Klvec iJivuion. M. I'. UAI Salem, JALDWIN, Local AgenLAltons Dai 1st .4 00 5 00 3S3S IfE.. Srfifr"-! ZZi& Sw-3 'k WiHtf OHE-HAU fuzz or BOX Krtunmes opium bromide, powdered, 160 LTininnos moriMirv vaIIhw vMa Every Room in your house spick nnd span, nnd you hardly feel that you've cleaued them. To master your housework, and not let it master you use ?8ftr Washing Powdes Does two hours work in one Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANKCOMPASY. StlouU. CMtaflo, Ks.Yo.k. fiJ.'... PWlSdslphla, SMFraaebee, ' I S8 o mil POZZONI'S GOMPLEXIflH PfiwnFRi STt cSJ,itt!SS.fi!L'dr .?. a.iJ - r w-.j tutu vrvr Doxoro. I i!"2M?l complexion po'wdeiwba.n.ir.in I mZS!'g5a bealthfulana haS,Ye: I ., .uTiiioio protection totlm f. ( --a traa-Ba a -m iiiii u -KKWHVHk si uox u an.. t.rzrz,? ' at DnuaaiBTs AD fancy stohes. ' H LDDDPaiSQW iZSNStSi B&SB3IBBg&& wmmimm sBsayasnsB'sKS wFesmsm 187 Cmmerclalstie:t. B imott SalrDl, Oitp SALEM W4TER Officti W-IUnu'eh-.g l , For water service apply l .uU,;. ,' A navable monthly in advance. "" complaints at the office. Hwre will be no deduction b 1 J on account of temporary "K',,Trce, Boebi cury, notice 1 .",! be for Irrigation L. iu -- s w"1 city unless HerenAer water furnished to regular eowun' for domestic purpose. -"" V" ; Diee walks, brick work and piasiinjjs -.. rf read "under ouiming puij; schedule of rates for l93 for copy srzr-v OKO. k mg m . arzT7???m f?!??1 ft onorrbM wit.1 aPrmiktorri am: IM. I 1 tA I d. .w4 ehr,iorrVfi.i2?: iaa uruiar. ! . - .t- :- w av irm.tt.u,i -aa ps2 ': imiMiiisCHtiiwuCa linu. Kuatrtnjeat, wn-vrn-BTfM'8 MEAT MARKET. 3,1 Commercial. t-C'g fSuccessor to C. M. c a..,; jL, West meatt In tho city, lowest prices. Prompt delif -::' J Kraattn i IKMEMULM.)lffa(ilN.Y. Stiulbb. ' .vwwduiiij ELLmt "via oj rfrwrlliM i iw nuj r.h. iWn U hJ 0,11. or t.nl In nl.U 1 w puin wrpper I Iferaf 1.. ."?.'?" riADir ooioincu vj -- UojBfildzioa lwdo; AZ ular nat oa wmt. 1)