Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 26, 1896, Image 2

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I i " " -
I ' " imiii ''' ' " " ' " '
Shortens Your Food,
Lengthens Your Life
Gauiae it gold In this with trade matte "Cottolene" and steer's
head in cotton-plant wreath on every tin. '
W1 Jk4Ma
CMttfOi Koatml, Ka YnntUtt, rortlsnd, OrtrOE,
ally Capital. Jeumal.E:
FRIDAY, .7UNE 2(1, 1800.
The I.llwrnl parly has Just carried
the dny In Canada for freer trado re
lations with tlio United Stn(4
Wo copy the following from tlio
S?huylor, Neb., Quill, nn Indgpond-
It seems to ..toll some
cut paper,
"Tlin fltilll nlfilniu flint, n tn fl(T mi
wlicat docs no good and wiih only put
mi to "fool tlio fiimier," If tlio Quill
thlnkH IL doesn't do any good lot lilin
ak ono who has lived In any of those
states alotig tlio Canadian border,
wlwro thoro aro vast Acids of wheat,
Mnd ho will find out that oyory farmer
thoro knowH that a tar I IT Is an advant
(ro by keeping out tlio Canndlan
wheat, with which ho would other
wise hnvo to compote. "Sun.
Tho tariff advocate In thin western
country has a hurd tlmo explaining
how tho farmer Is bonoflttcd by the
tariff and tho nbovo Is u tmmplo of
"ono effort, but tho fiirmor who figures
h llttlo takes no stock in It.
Let us look this wheat business
square In Hiq faco and slzo up nil
jddeH. Liverpool, England, Ih the
Kratumarkct ot tho world and there
the prlco Jlxcd, not only for Canada,
but for tho United States us well.
Every ono known tho difference In
prices of wheat In Liverpool and Now
York Is tho cost of transportation and
coat (or prollt) of handling Tho
dlffcrenco between Now York nnd
Chicago prices U tho same, between
Chicago and Omaha ditto, and be
tween Owialm and Schuyler also tho
mmo. 1 1 Is also known that with the
vast wheat Holds of India, Itussln, and
Bouth Amorlca, as well us other
countries, tho product of tho United
States cut no ureal llguro. "Whothor
wo hnvo n largo crop or small crop
makes llttlo or no dlircronco in prlco.
Our farmer liavo realized tluiu
With tho samo causes regulating
tho prices in Canada us in tho United
states what difference does it make
to this country if the peoplo of tho
Canadian border do market their
wheat In the United States? "Why if
tfcero was no tariff on whent and the
Mtiro product of tho dominion was
marketed hero it would not cut tho
price, a$ It would simply bo shipped
with our surplus abroad. If tho tariff
m wheat was taken off it would not
cua uuy difference to result In price,
bat it would bo a bouellt as it would
rlv$ our grain, dealers that much
wer business and our railroads and
mU that much tuoro tranlc.
It woi.ll bejud as sensible for Col-
y to sty to tlio Utitlcr county
Hint they could not cell their
grain hero unless thoy paid tenor
j twenty cents per bushel for theprlvl
" lege, which would shut Micm out.
Ourgrnlu prices would not bo changed
- any by It been tun tlio prices aro set
outside this territory. And It would
deprive our dealers of that much
business and our business n.cn of that
much trade. Suppose the city coun
cil passed an ordinance haying that
no ono could srU (lour in Schuyler un
less ho paid a tax (tariff) of thirty per
cent on tho goods ho brought In.
That would help our home manufact
urers and enable them to get a lnrgor
pilco for CTiclr Hour and still hold
most of tho trado. To tlio pwoplo who
had to pay more for their Hour thoy
would say wo will put n tariff on
wlicat bo that Ilutlor county cannot
compoto with you. liutler county
wlicat would bo kept out, but that
would not ralso tho prlco becauso tho
prlco Is not local. Thus whllo tho
people paid more Tor their Hour, they
would got no more for their product.
If such were tho case the Sun would
bo out tolling of tho beauties of tho
tariff rtnd how tho farmer was pro
tected from Ilutlor county and how
his prices for grain were kopt high by
not allowing outside grain to como
In hore.
Tho peoplo who havo lived along the
Canadian borders no doubt have seen
vast amounts of grain kopt out of our
markets by tho tariff, but they havo
not seen any advantaego by It nor a
cent ralso In local prices. The wheat
producer who has heou wlicat fall
from a dollar to ilfty cents per bushel
under tho great protection on tho
grain, should fall on his knees and
thank Clod for tho tariff.
But O.io Result of Adopting the Silver
Kansas City, Juno 24. President
Ripley, of the Santa Fo railway sys
tem, left for Chicago last night, after
transacting several Items or business
here. President Itiplcy's name lias
beeu conntctcd with several antici
pated railroad deals, wlilclr.in an Inter
view, he stated were erroneous.
"There will bo not one unnecessaiy
wheel turned from now on until after
the election," he said? 'So far as the
Santa Fc is concerned, there never
will boat) unnecessary wheel turned."
Asked about the effect of the tlnan
clai question about to be submitted,
Mr. ltlplcy said:
jr. ns tno rree-s vcr advocates
themselves claim, free silver will raise
the nrlec of the product and labor.the
I railways will have to raise tho charges
accordingly. J'linucrmore, n wo arc
to receive CO cents In place of $1, the
railroads will be driven Into confusion
and bankruptcy.
"I can sco but one result from a
carrying of the country for free silver.
It Is plainly In front of all thinking
men and all business inon as a settled
result of a certain proposition, If tho
proposition carries. Tho proposal Is
to revolutionize tuc money oasis, in
the face of tho world. If It carries it
will bo followed Instantly by a wide
spread panic and havoc blacker nnd
more disastrous than any business
calamity Mint ever swept America.
The situation which now confronts
railway managers and tho managers
of great Investments and capital is
Malting, for tho settlement of these
tremendous questions nnd the wiping
out of the menace against their prop
erty and money."
The abova threat of a corporation
politician that "there will never bo
an unnecessary wheel turned," until
after election, shows to what lengths
the stock-watering fraternity of our
bankrupted railroads will go to force
the single gold standard upon the
country. Give the railway managers
unlimited power to-issue securities,
ami. 1! :!rm to foreign capitalists,
and every American railway will pass
out of Amcilcan hands. That Is what
Mr. Itlpley Is contending for. While
most of tho big A uierlcan railroads aro
mortgaged and slocked to twice their
value, and the people arc expected to
pay freights and fares on all this
capitalized property, the roads them
selves aro In receivers' hnnds by ex
travagant management. Russia, Mex
ico, Japan and silver using countries
aro building railroads while that In
dustry Is paralyzed In this country.
Verily wo need to turn our politics
and our government over to the cor
poration Inflationist 1
4 iJUiT'rmmmaBpmmaecmaaii 111 Lt.W
is the
very best
nroc-witt-u u iii ij.w
BlackweSPs Genuine
Yon will find one coupon Initde each I ounce bag and two coupom Inside each i ounce bag,
Buy a bag, read (he coupon and see bow to get your sbare of JX,(XW In prcernts.
Ketluced ratea. Managemsnt ItDctat. Electric carx leave ho.el (or nil public buildings
and point ol interest. Special rales will be given to permanent patrons.
Onlvcood horsesiused. Satisfaction Ruaranteeil. Stahlo luck of State lnnrnnco blorI
Har dwafef Stoves and Tinwaf e,
HIW ..Nwililu'lMlii i"ii i Hi ui
ftkt lfe Svtouttttc
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand 1
limjmmmiu wmrimti wtiou.
MW IRt AIMfKM rJ(4, fl
- -
V -.... L.
qQtki&A )
w.iitimr in.! w
SSloo Reward $100,
The readert of this paper will be pleased to
team that there U at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In all Its
tages. and (hat Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cute Is the only positive cute now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con.
stltutlonal dlsoase, requires n constitutional
trearment. Hall' Catarrh Cure is uUn
lute nally, nctlng directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho svstem. thrrri.v
deilroying the foundation o( the disease and
giving the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in doing Its
woilc. The proprietors he so much faith in
its curative powers that they oiler One Hun
drcd dollars for any case that U fails to cure.
Send (or list of testimonials. Addrcu
o V. J. CHENEY .-k CO., Toledo, 0.
bold by dtugglstf, ;$c.
When IUbr wm atotr, vre e her OMtorl.
When aha wm CbUJ, aha cried for CkatorU.
When ahobecAtu IUa, the cluujt to Castoria,
When ah had ChUJren, aho gave them Outori
Sunday Excursions.
llOk'lillllnir With Sumhiv. June LM.
and 011 each buccccdinir Sutulay, a
siwclal excursion train will leave Al
hany at 7 a. in., CorvallU T:30 a. m..
arriving at Yauultm at 11:1ft it. in.
Hoturnlnij, boat leaves Newport at
t::tO p, in. Train leaves Ytujultm
at 7 p. in., nrrlviutr at forvallla at
10 p. in. and Albany at 10:30 p, m.
Fare, irtxxl on tlif.i tmln mil v. rmm
Oorvallis, Albany mid Philomath to
vniHiibiuiu ruiuru,9i.nu.
AroiU, Albany. Ajfent.Corvallk
Kowin Sttonk,
Mnnavjer, Oorvallis,
The Fifty-Cent Dollar.
Tho gold standard man, to holster
up his argument to a porson not well
acquainted with tho money question,
Is forever saying: "Silver standard
countries like Japan and Mexico aro
put to a disadvantage In their trndo
with foreign countries on a gold
standard, in which the latter coun
tries aro able to tiso silver which costs
nearly fifty per cent less than It did
In 187.'! In paymoiit for the products of
silver standard countries practically
paying only half as much In tholr
money for tho products of silver
standard couutrlcs ns thoy paid In
187;i.' Tho purpose or this Is of
courso to show that- countries on a
gold standard havo an advantage In
dealing with countries on a sliver
The moment a product Is In excess
or the demand or the country In
which It Is raised, tho market to
which It goes to be old fixes Its prices.
Tho homo demand has nothing to do
with it then. To Illustrate: Tho
prlco or Oregon wheat is determined
by tho consumption abroad for wo
have an excess or wheat over homo
consumption and It goes to Liverpool
for a market. Thero a price Is llxed
and It Is sold. Its value Is measured
In gold, that being tho standard or
thomarkotln which It Is sold. The
wheat can purchase any other com
luodlty hut tho seller iircfors to ox-
change It ror gold. He brings his
gold to Oregon and pays his debts
with It on tho gold basis. The .Inn
or Mexican docs cxnctlv tim ci,..n
thing but when ho pays his debts ho
has Just 2 to do It with whore tho
Oregonlan hud l ir tho statement or
tno gold standard man quoted above,
iscorrcoi. 'inisdiirorence is (.Imply
mo appreciation of gold duo to its
seieuiion as the solo dobt paying
power. Measured In products, It has
an oMiiuti, uiiiiruuiuieii noom UK nor
nAiit -"l.l l.t.iY.m.v fit .-. w
vv.li -.'H.UIHIIIUHJ i. H,
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and sliinglcs, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
rOK SALEGood, clfnn, cloerhay; cheap
for cash. Mrs. T. II, Hubbard, 396 Com.
merclal st. 24 jt
l'OK bALhr-Al a Ilurgaln. Fine residence
and earner lot, near city hall. For further
particulars tnmrire at this office. 0
WELl.S-'Dug, droe, "bored
-23 tl
Address A. Dan, South Salem
18 tf
SAnd ANO(IiUT.-ir you need sand
or gravel, building material or any
sort, tho place to go, Is tho Salem lu.
i'im!iiienn.TQ.w&iato street. J 2toj
Central and Nervous Debility,
S..kW, ' IWr and
MIdI. KKecU of Error
nr Ivxeutvi lu OKI o
1 ivmp lln.
levcioiv,l s'ortloua of
J'W" Ainoiuieir
AlnnUood full ltiton,x.
-iiun iu tni.iii.i tkn,
Hirtnathen Wcat. Vjn.
Unmlu in Uivy,
wiira niui rvraisn
HAY FOR SALE I will commence to de
liver hay about the 20th to any persons want
ing a line quality ot mixed hay, consisting of
clover, blue grass, orchard crass, and other
crass. Later on I will liave timothy and
cheat Leave orders at John Hughes' store,
01 with II S. Thomas, or let me know tiy
postal card, Ssbsm. (Jeo. K. Allen. 7 15 I m
FOR SALE OK UllN'r-40 acres land's
miles out. Partly imnroved. woo.! nn.l
pasture, good bouse, large barn, 2 acres
Muring orchard.lot of small fruit.good water.
Wood stumpage can be had. Uox 145, Salem.
nb.lirTiMuT).--.(looJ tabic board, with
home cooking, served In family style, only
2ttveek. 105 Commercial street. 6.12.1m
J'. 0. NEWS S'l'AN'b.-lWal iinWrln,!
Agency for all newspapers and magazines.
1-ine atock of clgais and confectionery. F, V.
v! fro Pv - I M tf
FOR. SALE. -One house and two lots, sit
uatod in Wheatland. Yamhill county. All
set In good fruit. For sale at a bargain. The
pvi.ci.jr 11 mat Knuwn as the Wheatland
hotel. Price $150, Address, A, care Jour.
nE 4 a tf
I'EitaOAI II any one who has been
u,1er"?:1. b' l,lc uc of I)r- Williams' Pink
rills will write to ihe Capital Journal Salem
they will rccehc information that will be of
imicn ya ue anu Intetest to them. 581m d&w
l AS rUIUi First class nasi 11 tnr Im,..;
or cattle Just kouth of Morningsldo. $1,00
ft mnil. 1l... . w
uiwiiii. , grass ami water. Inquire at
Journal office. 68 1 mo.
flJiiUC MEN, I'OLU'ClAhS AtJl) llUS
Incss houses can obtain all newspaper infor
mation from the press of the state, coast and
ouni,y (rom the Tress Clipping llureau.
Allen's) Union Mock, I'ortUnd. 13 2otf
I'AI'liKh -Portland,
Ed. S, Lamport
289 Commercial st
Salem, Or,,
Has bought the Frank E, Shak
fcr and the M, Bcamcr harness
stocks at forced sale, $4,000
worth ot goods will be disposed
of at 50 cents on the dollar,
Sign of the White Horse,
The Hoard of Trustees of the Ore
gon State Insano Asylum invites
sealed proposals for furnishing at the
AHyltim, near Salem, Oregon, the fol
lowing supplies:
800 yds. Amoskaeg blue dentin?, 0
oz., as per sampie. 'irink'n
rn ...it. il....l.. ,1ml. no nnv ont.il. n .J! Ill KB,
IfJlHl yds. canton llnnnel, Ktifllitia
XXX, as per sample.
1000 yds. Mariners' striped shirting,
us ncr samnlc.
85doz. men's cotton socks, as per
15 doz. ladies' cotton hose, as per
1 doz. ladles' corsets, size 24-3, 27-3,
28-2, 29-2, 30-2, as per sample.
2 great gross pants buttons, as per
50 doz. thread, Coats' or Clark's O.
K. T., No. 30, white.
CO doz. thread, Coats' or Clark's O.
N. T., No. 30 black.
20 doz. thread, Coats' or Clark's O.
N. T., No. 10 white.
30 prs. mens' leather slippers No. 7,
as per sample.
f0 prs. mens' leather Bllppers No. 8,
ns nor samnlc.
50 prs. mens' leather slippers No. 0,
as per sample.
30 prs. mens' leather slippers No. 10,
as per sample.
20 nrs. mens' leather slippers No. 11,
as per sample.
20 prs. ladles' shoes "No. 4, as por
2o prs. ladles' shoes No. 5, as per
25 prs. ladles' shoes No. 0, as per
30,000 lbs. p;mnulated sugar (Ameri
can rcllnery).
15,000 lbs. Golden O sugar (Ameri
can refinery). i
8,000 lbs. Liverpool salt.
ooo lbs. soda crackers, aa., more
or less, delivered as required.
500 lbs. of cheese, Cranston's or as
good, more or less, delivered as re
40 doz. Cove oysters (Fields 2's).
30 doz. No.'l best brooms.
20 gross Vulcan Safety matches, as
per sample.
300 lbs. Sal soda.
200 lbs. Sultana rasiiis (20-lb. boxes.)
100 lbs. London Layers ralslns(20-lb.
' 200 lbs. China starch.
1 doz ostrich feather dusters (22-ln.
per sample).
1 doz. "Worcestershire Sauce (Lee
ne Perrln's) In quart bottles.
20 boxes macaroni In 8-1 b. boxes.
100 gal. N. O. molasses.
J cor.
wsSoWdSSlil c,,,nfi c
&&?" b
2 lbs. collodion TJ.S.r v t
&yt. potassium hydrate wlllltfip
, onomnge, weeti ,.
chlldT 8i,CC,lariUcd Psln, FaI,
)n5c, bs. acid carbolic gold ,ab,elMal,
5 gal. ammonia wntnr ,.,
lno5 gallon gl89 cSLg
& c- afnlCa ',0Wer ranulatcd, Lin,
cllb.fox glove granulated, Llll7iV
&4clbs. mix vomica granulated, LH,y
tViS: f?,"110' Kis,
t aoz. vin. ton ouo mnrini
doz. extra hirtic knrnVi
us.-o uoZ.exira large Jars fon10spIta,
W'dted inllk-Horllck's.
"iE- Sfifttei
10 lbs. notassluin.
I am prepared ;to do all kinds of work
wood and iron. KeDalilni? machinery
any kind or making and renairlnr. stnni. nut.
tcrs, tools and edged looh of any kind made
and new ones made to order. Horseshoeing,
the best that can bo done in tdwiwhand
made nhoes. Plates and running shoes care,
fully attended to. Call at my stand, at loo
Chemeketa street, back of New York Racket
KarmmrnffV Vttla "
fni0.011! a.,ul San l"""-,ico papers on sale a?
Miller's lYhtorticc block '
"3J Sf
t S v3 TyG
. -1 r . j
OAVrfAVfl. 1
TflAnn umifc. I
OOI'YnlOHTa. atn.
ui nn.l rm. f f k.iv-wvW - .
. .' L, l ssl HaoiBWAT. Nw Voir.
1 vVr'SIS?1? 5U' ''n WUrnu la America.
Ito jmUSj bjr a imucv gttsn ftw olcljuw ta tia
icmwc 3M)m
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in prices
on the following!
SJiS Ilaln locents
HS ! Slfr" Stoiocents
IlandkerchWs.. .. .' 3.ccc"'
Silk handkerchiefs . ..." "' 'V'Vcems
and other work in proportion.
Flannels and other work in
tclhgently washed by hand.
Col. J, Olmsted Prop,
MuUDe par'' In i'ib
S luv In
Lra.iiv xnim flu Ki.tA.
Cpuutrlt. Peml toe lkcripttr
ivwnrawa anu prwr, watua (Jldi f :
Ldl Wtio Va!iM
-": . " -"ts a tort ao J beautiful akin.
OKt-HAU Bgg tw iwv
SlHtawi powder!
' JV.'n,0.?' nutria.
2,000 gal. syrup as per sample.
(1000 lbs. Costa Rica green colTec, as
per sample.
1200 lbs. chicory.
25 doz. tea cuns. W. G. ware, as nor
a) doz. saucers, w. a. wnre. us ner
4 do.. 7 In. plo plates. r. G. ware.
as per sample.
l.'OO lbs. Even change.
.'100 lbs. O. K. Durham In 2-oz. pigs.
COO bbls. Nn. 1 Hour, more or less.
delivered as required.
2." bbls. No. 1 graham, more or less,
delivered ns required.
COO lbs. llsh por week, more or less,
ns required, stating prlco per pound
of dllfercnt kinds.
D Beef COO pounds per dny, moro or
less, as required equal parts foro and
hind quarters.
Mutton 200 pounds per day, more
or less, as required.
2;001bs. Net Savon Best Standard
oo cakes rccr ess Kitchen sonn. ss
per sample.
fi lbs. Shaving soap (J. 11. Williams)
as per sample.
C00 lbs. black popper, Standard
Ground, In C-lb. cans.
7.") lbs. clnnnmon, Standard Ground,
in Mb. cans.
CO feet each of , 1, 1 In.black plpo.
Oench cast Iron elbows 1, H, 1,
and 2 Inch. zi
u cacii cast Iron elbows '45 dog. 1.
li, li, and 2 in.
(I doz. hose washers, In.
1 doz. hose couplings i In.
1 doz. Calwcll hoso bands J In.
12 each Jenkins' valves discs., i, I,
mill it in,
200 ft. of i in. round Norway iron.
100 feet each of i, 7-10 and i In.
round Norway Iron.
CO ft. each of ixl, IxlJ, and 1x2 In.
hat Norway Iron.
0 ft. each of i, i and 1 In. octagon
f ft, of in. loiiml tool steel.
1 Heller Bros, horse rasp 10 In.
( I at bastard tiles 10 In.
.1 lint bastard Hies 10 in.
0 lint mill bastard Hies 10 In.
2 each Hat mill bastard flies 0 and 8
i!10 ft. of manllla rope in diameter.
J.owius. or blacksmith coal as por
CO Norway carriage bolts fxli In.
50 each 1x1 nnd Ixo In carriage bolts
5 lbs. of 1 washers.
1.000 enoli nf o 'U ) ...,.i i n. .1 .1
rivets. " ",,u ' '"' w'"":u
2 slediro hundlojsin in
l tinners' blcwhorn stake, largo den i
Vil """ nt in.
nails Putnam horso shoe
1 Coo's wrench, 12 in., bright.
,J kilogramme-acid ncetlc30 per cent,
int,i Mfli.i "" "'irate
2 lbs. prepared chalk.
, J lbs. sponges, 10 to tlm m. .
bleached sheep's' wool, as Sr ni!
80 oz sulfonal, (Bayer.) ,pIe
i5100cach lllter papers, white, l3and
wl T.C& Co.83 pcrcolator J0 and 32 oz.;
oz:5Bv. Tll&s6oPhcon,x cono S,miw' 8
ozv"dTCo"00"1X C0"e 8haPe'18
8-12 dpz. rubber water bottles 3.
quart, cloth covered; W.T.&Co.
plnctf'oz!' SyrlngC8 'iRht
plkh'o' n' "yr,nBeS No'3'BtIt
Ion g'r0S9 'Crk8' N" 12' tapcr U ln-
2 doz. Allcock's porous plasters.
COO hypodermic tablets, No. 3, In
case, 10 tubes each; W. Bros.
400 hypodermic tablets, No. 08, In
case. 10 tubes each; W. Uros.
2 doz. beef Juice; W. Bros.
Samples mny bo seen at the com
mlssary of tho asylum. Goods must
be In accordance with simnina ami
I SS in pr'Klnnl packages when possible.
Tho right to reject any and all bids Is
rct.urvi.-u. jjeiivery 01 supplies will
bo rcquiretl within fifteen days' no
tlco of acceptance of bid. Kiel) bid
must Includo all the Items and totals
in full, with thocxceptlon of Hour and
fish. Payment will not be made until
the bidder has completed his con
tract. A copy or the advertisement
must accompany each bid, nnd tlio
name of tho class of supplies bo In
scribed on1 the envelope. Auditing
ouicers uro pronioueti iron) confirm
ing account' of puichaM when .tlio
adverlboaiont does not contain a full
description of the articles to bo pur
chased. Each bidder will be required
to furnish with his bid a certified
check In an amount equal to ten per
cent, or lils-bid (save that for Hour the
check Is to be for $300, for lisli $75),
payable to tho order of the board-to
bo returned In case his bid Is rejected
or his pioposal compiled ivlth. Ulds
1 pencil in tno governor's oiiice
nt2 o'clock p. in., Monday, July 0,
Salem. Oregon, Juno 15, 1890.
Board of Trustees, O. S. I. A.
W. S. DUNIWAY, Sec'y. of Board.
Raspberry Syptip.
The choicest article of the ktml minafic-
tured. Made light here at Silem. Nothing
equal to it for desserts, drinks or tsble use.
Call for It at II. G. Sormemann's Orocery
187 Commercial street. Salem. Qwg
ut.11 ., 11 -.A 0..,l4iAtr
umc Willamette nowi uu-.-..- .
For water service apply t .. Bl"
n..,.til. mnr.ll.lu III HjlvlUCC. J'lltC
complaints at the office. , .,
There will be no deduction In wateri r
on account of temporary bs:,n"h'fXe.
city unless notice is left t ,'!?
Hereafter" water for Irrigation W f''S
furnished to regular tnJ" ul
1 ""',".. i? zr 5,:r v- Pe .
KllOgnilnmO ailimnnln mrhnnnin 'ccfinlnU nf rslM for IM.?. APPI "
VAtllKl.- -.... WMSlAIHULLi --.w -. .---- r.
!S(iulbbs?t'ram'Ue 80d,um b"Idef '
'sq"uTbbs!nUlimeS P,Um Pwd.
:Sq1ulhimme3 merury yellow oxide,
I kllogntmme acid boric, Squlbbs.
ScJillbS:ran,mes bisnmth "ubnltrate,
i KUogramnies chloform in
b.miuuc uuines, aquious,
1 kilogramme tinct
ucuuorizeu, squlbbs,
1 for copy.
For Delicacy,
for purity, and for aPreBleat.0,ifg,!
pleilon nothing n.i. Pobq' Fogl