lNa MHMMMMMkk. a ' - - ik .n. Kit 5 Daily ! " I. H -m iHiiftimri.) SOCIAL fUftMOMICt, Capita! Journal. Y HOfBR BKOTHBRS, MARRIED. , ITHtt STATESMAN-M'KINNEY 8UIT of Irvine TIIDItSDAir, JUNE 25, 1890 Guntkt Glares, Another lot just received by express cjiiani oi kiu. nice 11.50. Bicycle Jerseys, In plain or coif pattern, In a variety of styles Mil pikes. Summer Corsets. 'Die quick selling kind, jo cents cadi. Straw Hat Bargains, All our fine straw Tints cut to sell. It will pay to buy this week. Trojan Vaists, Only the beit material ami workmanship in the Trojan brand. Perfect fit. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs. We expect a fine line by express this week. Belts. Buckles, Etc, All the latent novelties. Jet buckle In plain and fancy. J, , Dalrymple Co, PERSONAL Port In nd E. M. Crolwin went to thlA morning on Ihi.hIikvh. H. U. OnfiKby returned thla ufter- noon from a trip tip the valley. E. C. Pntton went- ( Portliintl tlilc morning on tltcntrlcnl binlnocH. Thos. Kay cutuc down from Water loo on Wednesday morning. T. II. Kay loft lint evcnlntr for n business trip to 81111 Fmticlnco. A. T. Stclner and Dr. W. W. Contrls woro Portland biiHlne:M visitor today. Kov. J. H. White, wont to Albany, Wednesday morning ror a short visit. Thos. Kay, the woolen mill man, madoa biiHlnoss trip to Portland today. Frank Power, collector for the Sa lem Water Co.,.vas:i Portland visitor to Jay. J. E. Baker, of the Goodalo Lumbor Co,, transacted business In Portland today. Hcv. J. Mucllhaiipt went to Port laud this -morning to remain over Sunday. R, It. Ryan wus In Portland today on business connected wltlutho Labor Exchange. Secretary JJ. It. Klneald returned to Salem on tho Itoscburg Local yesterday. Prof. 0. W. Jonos, county school superintendent elect, returned this morning from. Drain. Circuit Judge Geo. II. Burnett re turned this aftoriioou from Albany, court having adjourned. Dlstrclt Attornoy-elcctS. L. liny, den went to Albany today. Holms not yet appointed any deputies. M. Beamer left today for a two weoks' visit nt the homo of his son. A. 0. Benmor, at Axtell, south of Yaqulnii. It, aulas, who lias boon attending Willamette University, has returned to his homo In Woodburn, where ho will spend vacation. T, W. Daveiiimrt, school land agent, wont to CorvnlllH Wednesday to at tend tho meeting of tho board of ugentH of tho State Agricultural College. CJovornor W, P. Lord and State Treasurer Phil Mctschan, went to Corvallls Wednesday to nttond n meeting of tho board of regents of tho Agricultural college located at that place. w,..!.i.-(u. ....Jt.ji..M.i..i.i.. T0nnEST-R01vnElt5?0X'. At the Details of Testimony Letters VUIMIUWIG Wt jLVIill9 MflU lllUlfiUKWII HI ! ----- v - - - - - T i . - notne 01 me uriaes parenw, Airs. J. 1 Case (Joes to tns jury. B. Forrest, at lllllcrest, near, yt'trruurv'a TFSTrMONY. Wheatland, at 8 o'clock, Wcdnes-' , kinney fl TES day, June a.,18tW,MIss Acta Forrest, TJ10 Statesman had aooutOlOsub to Mr. A. W. Howcnmx of Corvallls, scrlbcw when quit. When It came Bev. C. C. Poling of Portland ofll- Into toy hands It had about 530. Let-vlatln?- - tereoMrvinc were Introduced offering The house was decorated through- fn M, , . .,.nf iia hut stntlntr i out with the most beautiful flowers .1,.,. .,. .. i -i... wnniri hn and the choicest ferns. The ceremony truck oUt Anolier cUcr to same was performed In a most Impressive efrect wns rc.ld ns noMcc (0 McKlnney raannerbyBev.C.C. Poling of Por'fnnl,lt ,,. .innlinnrl to nulton lano, 1110 nappy coupic stunning ue ncath a large bell, formed or lovely roses and wild helltropc. .Master Merle Forrest acted as page, and little Edcnc Brledewcll was maid of honor. The bride woro a beautiful cream satin drew, with laces and rlbboii3 to match, and carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridegroom wore the conventional black. The bride Is the accomplished 1 daughter of J. B. Forrest, a highly re-! for Tur-' l,I)CC,'C(1 farmer of Polk county. Tho bridegroom Is the second son of Bey-' and Mrs. .1. Bowersox of this city. Ho Is a trustworthy employe In Ben-, ton county Flouring mills of Corval lls, being bookecper of that enter prise. Tho newly wedded couple will reside In Corvallls. I A great many beautiful and val uable presents were received. At the conclusion of tho ceremony, the party repaired to the lawn, where a deli cious wedding itipper was partaken of. Thoo present nt the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bowersox, Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Forrest, Bev. and Mrs J. Bowersox, Bev. and Mrs. C. C Poling of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Allen of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks of Amity, Mr. and Mrs. Brledewcll of Mc.Mlnnvlllc, Mr. and Mrs. Watt of Amity, Mr. and Miv, LewU of Larayettc, Mr. and Mrs. Parvln of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Bull of Wheatland, Mr. and Mrs. Gllkey and Mr. and Mrs. Clemens of Dayton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlchlel of Wheatland. .Misses i'.iia Hendricks of Amity, Bcs- enough to want sic Mlchlel of Wheatland, Miss IIowo Laughtcr.1 or Dallas. Messrs, Fred. B. Bower- i. Did you ever get a single sub sox of Salem and Daniel Mlchlel of sorlber to the paper? Capital City. T. B. Kay Is homo from a business' trip to Waterloo. I Vt. T. C. Smith Jr., went to Port land this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sell wood are guests of II. L. Earl at Turner. HM . .T, IT rVVntl. triw.11l.if, ivwnrMr I " .W-M., V.M.W.I.M J '-. ..,,.. rlgent for the 0. B. N. Is In the city. ' II J. Oltcnhclmer, the hopbuyer, was a Hubbard visitor this aftcrnootf ) Bev. J. S. White returned this after noon from a visit with friends at Albany. iwiss uiara bcott s ionic from a short, visit to tho Turner campmcct- log. Miss Ida Childcrs went to Gcrvaif on the afternoon local for n shojt visit. Mrs. F. A. Moore and daughter, and Mrs. D.Sreelc were a party tier today. J. D. Kelty and daughter Ethel arc enjoying a N.aon tit the Turnur campmcolirig Deputy Sliurilf K. C. Cooper tratis icted oillulal business In Hubbard and ihittcvlllc this afternoon. Mrs. E. Whipple and sons of Eu gene are visiting Bev. J. P. Farmer ofthe llrst Baptist church. Mix. W. II. Goddaid, slsler-ln-law and daughter of Portland are the guests of Mrs. C. P. Bishop. Mr. McTlcr, who has been attend ing tho Business College, left this tft-riioon for his home at Colfax, Wn. Kaloui ladles are growing enthusi astic for our Fourth of July. Scores .if them are busy every day working ror the success or the event. Miss Lizzie Harrlld Is not the can didate for goddess of liberty from tho A. O. U. W. order, as announced, but of the Biilhbonc Sisters. Knights Pythias. County Assessor-elect J. W. Hobart, was in the city today, having brought In his son Hurry Hobart and his niece, Miss Mcda Hobart, to attend the county teacher's Institute. Miss Helen L. Mathews arrived In Salem at 4:00 a. m.on the llycr Wed nesday, after attending the Young Woman's Christian Association sum mer school at Mills College, Oakland, Cal., asu delegate from Willamette V. W. C. A., and later spending a week with her brother, Frank C. such tortus ns ho had paid KM) for the routes on account of tho privi lege of renewal, without which he could not sell to anyone. Mc Klnney said ho went to the States man oflicc with .Mayor Gatch, and asked to renew contract before It had expired. Irvine offered to re J new for a year, If the renewal clause could bo struck out. On the 18th of May he went In again, and they re fused renewal at any terms. Irvine by all his conduct acknowledged the validity of the contract between Mc Klnney and Brown. McKInncy said he went to the Statesman and offered them there set tlements. They wanted time to con- I sldurtho matter, but Msnt hint word I that they could not entertain any of them. The three carriers employed by McKInncy continued to go on car rying ns before, with his pouches until June 20th, when they refused to give the carriers any papers. There was no complaint at hl service. The price of the Statesman per month was 03 cents. Ciesscx: Had paid David for car rying papers. Ho was still in his em ploy. McKInncy got papers tin to the 20th for Baker, B.trrager and David mid had paid them. HOMK KU.S'. Ilayden: At a matter of fact, you never liked tills work of soliciting subscribers for the Statesman? McKInncy: I seem to like It well to hnng onto It. a subrrlbor nnd told him wliem lif t could get two moic. lie tliou,HMf a man wanted the paper he snouM come to the oillce and order It uc ceeded to McKlnney's position. Frank Welch: Bookkeeper for Statesman. Bendored McKInncy a statement on 1st or on or bororo 10th of each month. Irvine recalled: Bemonstratcd with McKlnney about not canvassing nndnlwnce from town. IIIVINR'B LETTBKS. Following letters were Introduced In evidence and read to the jury: Salkm. May 7, 1800. John W. McKInncy. Salem. Or: You arc hereby notl tied that the con tract Iwtwecn yourself nnd thoStntcs 111.111 Publishing Co., of Salem, Or., bearing date of May 17, 18U3, at Its expiration will Iw renewed for only six months and thnt In the renewed contract no provision for further re newals will bo inserted. This contract Is the one ror the deli very of the Dally Statesman newsnaner to Its sub scribers In the city of Salem and Its suburbs. Statesman Pun. Co., C. B. IrtviNU, Manager. Salkm, Stay 10, 1800. To John W. McKlnney, Salem, Or: This Is In notilicatlon that the Statesman Publishing Co., adheres to its notice given you in writing on May 7. 1800, In relation to proposed ronuwnl of contract for delivery or the Daily Statesman. C. B. Irvine, Manager. N. J. Judau, Witness. P fiday and Satu3 ay, u . DRESS GOODS Larger reductions than ever. A Drive, Y7 ... even the closest jbuyers, fprae ttlMajsip We 'will ffriw Snf.iJ-mr -i. ISJsrS S and S1 pcr o 33E5 ptwA, 257 Comnicrcial st. Some Suits Bear the Stamp "Ready Made" In every outline; others only breathe a faint suspicion. It is not an easy job to rub it out entirely, You arc getting ctose to success wncn you can deceive an expert, Those 1 v V $10,00 Clay Worsteds for Instance Black " I Matthow8,at HtnnforJ University. A DF.I.KJIITFUL IIOAT ItlUK. Another 0110 of those enjoyable boating parties wns given on the "WIN lamotto last evening. The little Alice A had been chartered and car ried tho party to Independence leav ing Salem ut 7 o'clock. The upper rlvorclty was reached about 10 o'clock mid after a short stop the party left on tho return trip, reaching Salem at midnight. Those forming the party were: Misses Cora Lltchllold, Bessie Shepard, Besslo Burkhart, Bortha Jones, Laura Whltcman, Boxy Thompson, Minnie. Ireton, Gertrudo Stnhloy, Marguerite Aldersou, Lou Starrott, Ella MoNary, Olive Curran, Margaret Lockloy, and Messrs G. W. Asclienbrcunor, J. G. Calllson, G. C. MUIor, I, P. Calllson, Louis Snilck of Albany, Boy Ohnuirt, W. J.Shopnrd, Box Davis, P. L. Brown, A.F.lllttnor, Fred Emmott of McCoy, It. B.WIIklns, V. J. Atwood. Wheatland. BBOWX-SAVAGE.-At tho resi dence or Mr. and Mrs. John Savage Sr., on Liberty street, Salem, Or., Juno 23, 1800, nt UK, p. m., Miss barn N. Brown to Mark Savage, both of Salem. Tho ceremony was performed by Bev. G. W. Grnnnls In tho presence of tho family and faculty of Wlllamcttco bortsonj Bov. G. elating. I A. Yes; I got a. Dllley. iLaugh- ler.J W Did you not tell two carriers about January that you had not nnd would not canvass for subscribers? A. I did not. I wns soliciting nil the time, from house to house. Q. Were you not a delegate to tho county convention? A. 1 was. 0. Did VOIl lint fcrmnil n imvil 1nnl afternoon to Newport , or time at Turner tho past year? r. Thov will imil.. !.,.!- . . . . . ... j. 1 nave 1101 oecn at Turner the past year. Q. Did you not agree to canvass half tho town If Mr. Irvine would have a man canvass the other half? A. I did but tho man thev hired . Jonnson & son State a ad Lioerty streets, Wednesday and Thursday university. Mr. nnd Mrs. Savago took Mm Imnt, tlilu iiriiipimnii xrn.... .... ' for a short stay. They will make their homo In this city. -At the WINTEBS-CULBEBTSON. ionic or tiie bride's parents, In Salem, Oregon, at 0 o'clock p. in.. on weuncRiiay, Juno 21, 180(1, Mlns uuru m. winters to Charles A. Cul DAYIE-IIOGAN.-In 811I0111 m, iouu, uny uecordor uciatliig, .Miss M. E. Daylo to Win llOgllll. GEEIi conn W. Grannls olll- UL,"" twenty names and I lost I money on them. They did not pay. Juror C. P. Bishep: Did thoStates- lllllA . .1111. f.llli ,.1 ...... a 1 iiuiiu (iuiii 1 iiu. 1.11. iiviir iiriiGnnr. 11 mil rn. N. l.dCS Of- I llllVtlllllL' ilnn nttnr Tv IT'J icKinney: No sir, they did not, n ti.i i. ..... -.. . ,. ij.H Liiuoiuiusiiiiin ruo. i;o. ac I Willis Bros,& Co, Cliallles 4c a yard and up. Dimities 8 13 to 20c yard. Satinet xOc yard and up, Shirt Waists 50c to $1,50 each. Percales 7c yard and up, Call and sec our straw hats, tan slices, summer underwear, etc. Tlic finest in the city, .Willis Bros, & Co. mi u 1 .. Court and Liberty. The Cash Dry Goods, Clothing mid Shoo House. AN EXPLANATION. On Monday morning 1 was Informed tho Methodist church had beon offered for all tho exercises of tho wcok ex cepting tho musical alumni which was assigned tho university chapel. Feeling anxious about pianos (our program demanding two) I saw tho president In regard to tho mattor. llo said ho thought thoro would bo ouo piano hi the ohnpol, but was not certain. Tuesday morning I saw tho llnntii'inl agent and ho agreed to seo what could no done, I told him I must know that evening, I received no Information whatever from them, when our program wns withdrawn.' Wednesday morning at tho close of tho exercises the president announced that "tlmo was certain though place was still uncertain" for tho entertain, mont of tho musical nlumiii, but that bo believed tho church or chapel was open to thorn. 1, president of tho nlumnl, havo not been tendered the use of tho church. Mub. J. It. Shahp, Pres, I -G1LLAM. At tho Marlon llcscc In your manner or collecting ririv y..r.i iiirVf7"B,,A,..,v.",,.B?: "" ' 1,;m," oup u"18- to WV B. GTliam. J "'"u Mwr 'V Mm ' bl" were rendered .. . mid settled by mo In a satlsraetory Stkawiiuiikiks koii tiii: East.-TIio ",an,lor" fruit ralsors about Salem today loaded C' ,,ow '"""J" mv subs-rlbcrs havo a largo refrigerator car with choice ,'"1 Kot 8lnce lll nt'' of Iny last? strawberries. TI10 car Is billed for A ,,,,voorsl.Y, I think, whoordered Lincoln, Nebraska, notice of which lt 8tmIH!d, renoived It again. No mineared In Atniiilnvia .tnrtuvr.. mi... others. J " uiwiln IIIU cm-wns attached to tho north bound 1,rew: "nil 010 subscribers when local this afternoon and will leave turile( It over to McKInncy. I had Portland tonight for the east. Tho 80 (,,,rf1'lf tho legislature of 1803. outcome of this enterprise will bo ' '', W,mt l,art of the money thut watched with Interest since It win MoKlnney paid ou ror tho ronto wns demonstrate whether berries, can bo tnruedovcr to tho Statesman, shipped to tho east with a profit to 0bJC(;,cl to. Holmes maintained the grower. they had a right to show that tho To Fisn v , ' , ., . ' ,l1teIs"m Kt consldoratlon out of 10 l-Ian. A party consisting of McKlnney for tho renowal clauso that I'lagg, August Ivruntz, and Clifford out of. Thoj had n double Mi t Fonos loft Wednesilay for Butte crook- men. in .i. Vr,.i ... .. '. i1 ... .' ct' "taw thirty mile, fiwnsalom.wl.oiii which he ...ado valuable. """"""W "V """""wmiuhum tour nays .MCNary bald itniwn'-..... Tin: Mybtkuy Solvkd. The wont- fe,1S0 rostl. an, wlici imvo horbaggago to Louis' F"k "aniiier: Carried nnpera for Beasonor, Tuesday ovculug, and then McKI"y 1 to May 17. mien w can ior it, put in an apicar. . "oyou oeeu employed by him mice Into last evening, and claimed slnco t,mt tlmoy tho baggage. Objected to. Overruled. tjtoo Rartl $100. 'm,' NOt 0U,I1V1 by the , Th reader, of ,hl, ,wier will U leMetl i. Z '!X? "'" !m bv lrv,"- MIBllt earn iiit thcro u t lewt one dreaJeddUeaie lu"' J,'inney I could not do m Salkm, May 18, Imij. To John W. McKlnney, Salem, Or: ou having failed to comply with the provisions of n certain contract (for the delivery of tho Dally States man) between the Statesman Publish Intr Co. and vourscir. r now tnuloi- one or the clauses of that contrant, dn. maniitnai you this day deliver up to the above company, and tome as man agcror said company, tho lists of all subscribers, with their addresses, also the oillce keys. C. B. Ikvini:, Manager. About 8 o'clock Wednesday evening the Jury rendered a verdict for plaint iff, deciding that tho Statesman was the proper party to collect subscrip tions on and aftor May 17th. I Sure to Win. The people recognize and appreciate real merit. That U Xvhv Hnml'l Sorclnnrlll, 1,.. the largest salcj in the world Merit In medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Saitaparilla cures absolutely, permauently cures. It is the One True Wood Purifier. Its icpeilor merit Is an established (act, and merit wins. Hood's Pills arc easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, headache. n, WaIl,lte,(!rA11lrl!ltoknow thaflloe Cake" will not innko their hnnds red llko common soap. SaVo tho wrappers. They are worth n cent apiece. J 0 tf J C, H. MAov -DENTIST.. "epoTexpresT Meets all mall and passfneer tnlm n gage and express to all uarti rX. 5 Prompt service, Telephone Na 70 d,J" IAMES Rader Co, Capital Transfer HARRY TOWN, PROP, Express, baggage and all kinds tf don, .promptly. We order, K storo Mrs. Marian P. Baxtcr.Superlntend ont or tho noonday prayer meeting or WJllard Hall and a Natlonnl W. C. T. U. worker, nccompanlod by her daughter, a talented elocutionist, will arrive sin the city tomorrow. Mrs. Baxter will lecture In tho First M. M. church .tomorrow evening, .In the In terest of the W. 0. T. U. Anotiikk CiiKAMEitY. Tho Corval lis Creamery Co., has Hied Articles or Incorporation. W.S. Ilufford, S. L. Kline, Geo. Taylor, A. F. Peterson L anuj. ij. Kent arc tho principals, and tho capital stock Is to be 8 1,000. MONEYT9L0AH Cill IMS Bush fir fni 1-I .. t. w.. iiiu itinu sccuniy. spec rates on large loans, to; consideied without deiiv n , , HAMILTON & MOW Rank bulldinH. MONEY TO LOANI On city or tarm property. Over Buih'ii Rank, .K.FORDJ lliero's moro clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoc Cako soap contains no free at kill I nnd will not Injure tho lluest laco. Try It and notice tho dlffercnco In quality. John Hughes. ' J DonU take substitutes to save a few pennies. It wou t pay you. Always insist on HIRES Rootbeer. Special Rates, 0yu1ju1.se i- narkor. ntronts fnriim A "Saw Daily. Not 11 new dally now.spaper, but that now location. 100 State street, where hundreds got their dally bread, Kenworthy & George's restaurant. Fikk Works. The time Is draw ing near for display of Fourth of July ore work's, out In tho meantime scores of people keep right on light ing their favorite la Corona cigar. M'.lFrt .T..n.....""Il -.,.. 'inonis.-i, iu. J'cucrson. a F. VAN DER DAAN. Ci'jonter, Builder and Jobber. 481 Winter street. t3F Hard times prices always. Hsiierman ageu 44 years, from Astoria, and II. P. Talbot, a carpenter, nged ISyerrs from Hnrnov countv. worn to. m - - -m O. . & . 'nnd IJnionP U c n ."ways rocardlncr snn..il 1 ... '".A"?8 tlm n r.iVf"'." '."' '" "'H nuesio thnt $cUnco has been able to cure hum binii ft ia 1 . A "I V ' ' ' -irrn. Lunch fof ByetvbcXXXXP j iwrmjr ,,itull0nl disease, requires a constitutional for McKIt Tiie scroti for picnic and summer outings arc here, so SooncmMin with Canoed FIsIl Loach Tooguc, Dykd Ham, Prmkch SkAUhs, Boned Clilckcn. RoMt Beef, Potted Ham, Murtards, Boned Turkey, Roast Pork, Dried Beef, Pickles, Lobsters, Etc. Etc. All xuMw w crackers, clieeses and meats. 124 Court trcct wotk h.u'." cUS yL1w"FJu liiwrs to Tyler and Klein nney since Muv 1?. .,imi. w!SLi tel tl10 so on cross examination. of l'o )tem, iherehy' ,"' Welch: Take caro of mpers 1, 1 1, Ul or rou,or' After Mnj- doing its I'S regarding sneclnl niund .. trl il"V 1C; " "!'Unul convention ..-.. uyiu, ui0 wuniocratio natlonnl convent on at Chicago, Peopled 1 arS n o v.'i ' i El nt "shlngton, l. L.( National cducat onal Aswin tlon ntlluffnlo. N.Y., ni G IA H national oncammnont . r' iV..1. 0:8td-d&w day sent to tno asylum ItnTUKNs Aw. IN.-Tho returns from all the coilntles hnvo now havo been rccolved at tho state house, and tho state canvassing board Is nt work summing up tho totals. A Hot Day. Tho meraiii-v Rtniulu 01 decrees In tlm aim.in ,ioi.,. hottest day of the year. Juno 25 was nlso the warmest day Inst year. Tho Corbett-Shnrkcy contest In Sim l-ranclsco last evening, was declared Ull. C. H. LANE, MitCHANTTAILf. atiCjmmsrchl st., Sit -n Or Ki7Suiu $15 upwards. I'anni upwan.Is-i' C, M. Bppley, fotmerly of Clark & Kupley. li uow prepared to serve the public with everything first class in his line, st Simpson Pros, old stand. - THE ELECTRIC GROCERY, RILEY BOARDING HOUSE The popular place 347 High sfeet,b oecn reopened, and U prepi'ea u rewre boarders and roomers at the most rcsuoaible ratea. Nice suite of rooms 011 the sroand floor. Sunday dinner from I to 2. SlIKNKFIELm IUlNU, Proprietors. Minn. NlW IIOTKL Geo. XV. iVnderson h treatment, nana Catarrh Cure Is , ' Inte nally. actlni? dlrtlv mv... .1,. IS and mucous tur 11. . . . r- ' -j. uestroyingtiie loundatioii ot the dtvease giving the" patient streh bv bul "' I'T."10 constitution and eMlttlni: nature in doi i ' ,cmore( ' lIHsrs to MoKlnnev. Th. ,,...1,1 r r :.- " imt r,.-i .. 'iuMiciun nave so much faith n v"v "' -nurnhun, Or nUlier to tlio htw it li tjkm f- t) lllttlik I-. . Httlng up tho brick building recently ". w .-nnuii,ia k- ueoruo's resturantforahotel and eating room. Awarded Highest Honors-VorIds Fair Medal, Midwinter Pair. Aoatrkw. SMctUnen, Sltrlmpe, , Oft Minced Sea Clanis, . lovurinvc noiveri ihii n.. , dre.1 ; dollars' ror mk ih.u WImo' cure I , " Mn!)0V0 StatCl1, ul,,w ,ii 01 testimonials. Address 1 ""Kwrrecnueil: McKlnney qu K'J..r"J:t. 'x "-" ,0,wi ". ."' J,res"co or Morrison that " -.-Mi"., 7c. not ami ... 1 V....II1 ... . . ,," " surprised witon you try Hoo Cako soan, and wish wo had told you hooner. It Is nuulo by patented process. l J 0 tf There's stated ho linrl ould not solicit. fiiiiw,.n for tho Statesman. Morrison intro duced tlm conversation. McKlnney aw ho would not solicit. Thoy knew whore the oillco was and solicit ing did not pay. lift I1'V II Mlt- .iL., 1. wvw v jb. k tiuui. ni;in'M im l . .!.... At. if. --"" ' 1- -.- " " " 1 r . " -' 1. J,,u.ni? '" Uw Cake" i ni,,K -Morrisen: Our present rout Itf tor of mall route. Handed McKlnney Tfffc) llifBri CRE4M mm 1 Pimm JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, Window glass. vnmicW o4 he most complete stoce of orusnes of all kinds in the state. Artists materials, lime, nair, cement and cfi.'ni -,j finest quality of rass seeds. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Make's a spMalty of fine repair wor', Seti Thotnai clockt., !it.. 3H Commewll Street . nnjgll rORTUNP. PTI e . t 1-. . sasssfflrsss Htf!fV'wi.. ,..i.i., VPI I n.. , "l AhTi ;r7'' "".. J nd " "". Toutn iiaiem DAILY LINE TO STEAMERS Altona and Ramona i. 1 EMIT" . OAILV. fiirtland, 6:43 a m. Salein, 7:45 a. m. Independence, 6:30 a. m. SU.NUAV. 9x0 .D. to;l5a.m. 6wonj. Culcl; time, regular service and cheip rates .. M. I UALDWIN. . Acent.Sako. repaired. IH tf nixfWi HAY vn line t ..: HmhniSrri?"leom,nen to de- iMost Perfect Made, YeanUiBSUpdrri ing a fine qual ty olrnl. S,i ""T,"' clover, UjJjA'igg ferffl cheat Lea ordeA ., I l.bJ? "P01 ,ld o. with II S.enSSS,,,B" ""S ore. pa 1, Know y t. Allen. ? ie i m ,..,, . A --".., u t-..q. .ru, aanm. Geo miles out. p.i 1 ?. ." 'and lyFREE DELIVERY. WOLZ L MIESCKE, Proos. Denlan In all kinds or fresh and lt meiW lyFresh sausage a tWlj. ii COMMERCIAL ST Cherries Wanted, mes out. Paril i-. " rana 5 PMtui. good iSSefe w 5 beailng orchard lot of'.m.il ?'"' 2 ,cre WocdiumpaS'Krf 'C???'1 1. Bci4S,Salera;l ParUes having cherries tosell will do well to call on the Ore ton Fruit and Produce Co Salem, Hichest market price l will be paid in cash, S:Bt(