Daily Capital Jouma V HOFfECR BROTHBRS, TIIUIWPAY, JUNE Z, 1890. xsv W .. ,i n J&aXJUOBAIlT WAS SELECTED. In tiro west where Mr. Garrett Au tfitttmi'IIcbiirt Is not known, It has been ri'wbh'ilcr why he was selected and w.hat.ho represented. In tho easel of MnJociMoKlnley It Is well known that-hCwarfa soldier In tho Union uhilyYscrV'dti with distinction In con gress, andj was chosen governor by 8,0D3 majority. Rutin the ease of Mr. Hobart wo look In vain beyond the confines of the New Jersey legis lature. It Is true, If a man can serve in A state legislature and still enjoy the respect and confidence of tho pco pU', It Is .evidence of certain Unman vJi.lucrUot possessed by all. lint w in iw t look'beyond tills for the mjIcC' tlon (if Mf. Iluhart of Scw .It'rey for the1 place. He Is president of t lie Pm -wile Wnt.tfr Pmpiuiy. of the Arqunc kanouk Wator Company, of the Morris Couuty Railroad and the Putehoti Electric Railway companies; a director of tho New York, Susque hanna, and Western Rallioad and ll.c Lehigh and Hudson River Rnllrond companies, of tho First Nntloni.) BailkorTrttlo'rson, of the Path-won Bavlrig Institution, the Jlarlxii r BroK Company, the Rarixmr Flux Company, tho.l'lonccrHllk Company, the People's Gas Light Company, the l'Uterfeori ' Eltclrle Light Company, and cotiiiKcl for tho New Jersey Water Co.myaiiyf.tho, West Mllford Water Storage. .Company, tho Moutclalr Writer Company and other allied In torefelrii ti' director In the Long liranch Water Company and the Highland Wn,tcr Company. Hols treasurer or thq Cedar. Lawn Cemetery Company and sovcrnl land companies, and Is president or director In a scoro of other corporations. Do not tho above facts explain why ho has chosen to bo tho running mate of Mr; Mcltlilley? A man without national fame o any kind whatsoever la not, plcj up by tho political man agers, and uiiulo a candidate for tho vice-prcsldcitcy without some cause. Tho venntti is called tho club of tho millionaires, and a man who repre sents pqrhuns , (Ifty or an hundred lullllqnsjof organized and capitalized capital, Is n beau Ideal man to sit In tho chair and preside over that club. It Is truo thbro'nro mon in tho somite whod,qnptfoprQBont tho Interests of organized capital, hut they are kindly and charitably disposed of by being called Fopullsts and sllverltcs, and do not count, Rut wo wish to return to Mr. Hobart of Now Jersey, who Is undoubtedly an cstimnblo and cultured gentleman. Rub what does ho especially represent In our pliblft policies uud iu our pub lic lUof Vbut, is ho to Oregon? What Is ho to tho 10,000,000 of people, but nioro espcolally to tho pcoplo who labor for n living, and who produco out Of thasollby labor? Will It bo said ho Is for sound monoy, protection and prosperity That is tho platform ho stands upon but ho Is nut personally a champion of any Of tliOso Ideas. What docs ho represent? Docs not tho fact that ho Is at tho head of a great many corporations and several banksoxplaln this marvel ous and miraculous selection of u man who yas libt knpwn niu waf not oven discussed u a. candidate for tho second highest olllco in tho nation? J. Plerpont Morgan says It Is neces sary to maintain tho gold standard if wo wou)d sell securities to tho foreign capitalists. Ah tho head or forty or fifty capitalized corporations. Mr. Hobart no doubt represents tho policy of pluclntf Auierlouisecurltlesabroad. With tho slnglo gold standard fast ened upon our country for nil future tlma American securities could bo plucod; abroad to tho amount of from pftttKwrauraas r-m HEALTH SENT FREE Sm A lltti UHK.ihouW U (a every Gtil 4LifM traiti M llllgjl1l r VPt ftwTMtt WBWmii iSPT 18 this de9lrablc7 Ever one of Mr. Hobart' corpora tions can Issue millions upon millions of securities, under the gold stand- aid, and Mil then, at fancy litres, nnd make many more millionaires.. I Every water company, every street railroad, every electric llghtcompany, every railroad company, every corpora tion on which watered stock or bonds can be Issued, will become a stKinge to absorb foreign capital. Do the American people desire to stimulate this flood of foreign capital from England, Germany, Holland and other countries? Do wo desire asn national policy, to encourage tho for eign syndicates, whose candidate Ho bart undoubtedly Is, In plastering every brancli or tlic public service with loans, bonds, and mortgages? Haven't we gone quite far enough running In debt to Ki.ropc? As au Oregon Republican wo would like to have the iniople of New Jersey ask themcelvcs. Is It not time we quit running debts upon the future to multiply millionaires for the present? Would not au American ollcy of digging and mining ntif own silver and gold and developing our own re sources be preferable to the policy rep resented by Plorpont Morgan and Gar rod Augustus Hobart? If the English, German and Dutch cnplliiliiUi wish to enjoy the bound- less blessings of American liberty and tho rich Incomes of our public fran chises, let them come and live among us, Instead of sending us their pauper and criminal classics to compete In our already overcrowded labor market while they live In palaces abroad, as alien proprietors clipping their gold coupons and drawing their gold Inter est. America needs no Inlltix of for eign capital, but protection against foreign Immigration. ISA UNION POSSIRLK? There Is nothing more plain than that tho representation of Oregon, at tho St. Louis National Republican convention, as a gold standard state will not bo endorsed by a majority of the peoplo of this state. Tho Repub lican stato convention, at Portland, refused to dcclaro for tho slnglo gold standard. It declared for tho bime tallic platform of tho party adopted at Minneapolis In 181)2, and which Hurvoy Scott himself reported to tho Republican statu convention or 181)1, Tho convention expressly declared against the gold standard, while the delegates who wcro sent to tho na tional convention expressly declared for tho gold standard only. Who wore these delegatus who have betrayed Oregon? Wallace McCammant, u mere strip ling of n corporation lawyer, says In an Interview Tho first thing wo did on reaching our headquarters In St. Louis wan to hold a meeting and adopt a gold standard resolution uud It had a moral effect. Tho great moral effect of such mis representation on the Republicans of Oregon will not be felt until tho November election. Thcso mon trampled under foot tho representative principle, If there can bo said to bo a grain of It left In tho teeming mass of confusion called poli tics In Oregon. Certainly In assum ing to place Oregon In the gold stand ard column these delegates have re leased ovcry Republican from obli gation to endorse their work. Tho question remains, Is union of silver mon possible? If it is not pos slblo then is all hope of succuss against tho gold monopoly gone for ever. Aroitho silver men In tho Re publican, Democratic, Populist and Prohibition parties going to .vote for four separate sets of presidential electors, though they all bo for silver? Tho gold standard, or sound monoy men will do nothing of the kind. They say openly they are going to throw down party lines and vote for gold standard men only. A union of tho silver vote means victory against tho gold monopoly that Is driving down prices nnd crushing tho debtor class. Failure to unite, or disunion, moaus victory ror tho alien money power. l.U .1.. l.l J Hueklon'a Arnica Halve 'lie best Salve In tho vrotld Ivw Cull, Sores. Koit, Ulccro, Salt Kheurn, Fcur and all Tetter. Chipped hand, Chilblains, Bruises, iikln Eruptions, ami positively cures Piles or no nay required. It it cusrAnteed to Live r fee tatUUctlon or money refundeC, IVico as enli bo For salo by Fred A. 'J 2,000 to 8,000 million dollars FOREIOV IMMIGRATION. The Journal has said the national Republican platform does not deal Intelligently or courageously with tho Imnilirmf.fnti niirwt Inn. The VlllloV TRUlgcrIl,ti ft RcpllblIcan impci,whsc editor was an offlclal of tho last legis lature Bays: "Tho other question that forms so important a factor among tho work ing classes Is that of "Foreign Immi gration." The platform barely, touches' this subject, simply recommending that the laws be so amended as to ex clude rrom this country thoso whor can neither read nor write. That ls not enough, ns It will In no wise bar the thousands who are constantly entering Into competition with our laboring people nt such starvation wages that no American citizen can compete and support himself and family." The convention was so completely dominated by corporations and manu facturers that their solllsh Interests predominated and they want no re striction of Immigration. Reform In immigration laws must bo had It tho laborers now In tho United States are to be employed. Protection alone will not settle the question of employing our laboring men unless at least hair a million a year are shut out. If a citizen of the United States cannot support his family he will become n menace to free Institutions In tlmo and all good men should demand restriction from abroad and employment at home. Hut tho Republican national plat form seems built for two purposes to enlist foreign capital and encourage foreign labor to come to our country. O UR PURE "BALLOT. Whatever may be wrong with Ore gon politics It certainly cannot ap pertain to the ballot. It must be that our ballot Is pure. It Is true Micro Is a little doubt or It regularity practiced on rare occasions In Port laud, Uut In Marlon county our politics lion a higher plane. We do get a little mixed once In a while, such as casting .12t Rcpubllcim votes iu a precinct primary, whoro nt the result ing election n row weeks later only 21-1 votes are cast or all parties. Such mistakes occur In the keen efforts of fiomo of our leading moral reformers, political purl Hers and advocates of sound monoy. It would bo Interesting to Inquire why ir :I21 Republicans went to tho primary to voto In a certain precinct, only 211 voters or all parties showed up on olectlonday. There was a remarkablo dlssnppearanco or Republicans who ought to bo accounted tor. Not hair or thoso 21J votes were Republican. COUNTY MASS CONVENTION Of the Union Ulmetalllc Party, Salem, Friday, June a0, i8g0. Ill compliance with tho call Issued for a stato convention of the Union H metallic party, at MoMinnvllle, Thursday, July 0, 1800, at 11 o'clock a. III. tho lindcrsllMlcd bnrnhv unlrn In can mrn mass convention or blm lists of Marlon county, to be hoi Salem, Friday, Juno 20, 18IM), a o'clock a. in. for tho purpose of cl call for a muss convention of bimetal- held at at 11 mirnoso of dinns. ingi delegates to wild convention, and forming a pormnnont organiza tion in this county. Wo therefore earnestly call upon all men who favor tho uso of gold ami silver as standard monoy, ami are opposed to tlio single gold standard, and favor tho tree and unlimited coinage of both gold and sliver, to loin in a united effort In convention and at tho ballot box uiiiii mis is accomplished. K.P. Morcom, chairman L .Incoln 111- metallic club, Woodburii i(. v. Holso, Salem. Salmon Rrown, Salem. R. II. Loabo, Salem. I). C. Sherman. Salem, .1.11. Dlmlck, Hubbard. V, Marsh, Salem. Amos Strong, Salem. J.U, Falrbank, Salem. Chas. II. Ihirggrar, Salem. L.E. Pratt, Salem. 1, C. Howard, Salem. Ouy M. lowers, Salem. A. f. AICAICO. Silll m. J. N. Ryan, Salem. . W Kills, Salem. J. O. Rozortli. Salem. O.S. Downing. Salem W.S. Mot t. Salem. T. L. Davidson, and many others. - The Reople's SearohllKlit, published at Cornelius, will remove to Hills, boro. WEAK MEN CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. lctlm el Lwt ManhooJ houM n.J at oaro i or u book (batottUaluahow ull imnlr yljwr s uutljr, qutcklr and tefmaucnilr ifitoro.1. No man uirurtUKfrom weakness can nf. icm iq ignore tUU i.uiOJjr nuvicu. 88ft toll linw Vwlonraent and ton uro ImnarUxt to oVry iwtlon of tk; body. Bal with umUI InW(ed)4toiiuTiu4noiHjctionI EEIKIIMLN.lIUFFAL0,N.Y. nrynm, uo- ettooteeterzj' I. viV. ii"l'..V vi. A.Vlte" ifeJ WtK&x LijO - "v mj 11 Knocks Out ? PLUCKS 9 The Large Piece and High C P Grade of "Battle Ax "has injured n ff e "sale of other brands of higher A orices and smaller pieces. Don't I r: . .i it allow tne aeaier eo impose on yuu by saying they are "just as good" as "Battle Ax' for he is anxious to work off his unsalable stock n3-5r?)T)j6ccL(rcro The -0 LISA.DINO HOTL-CL Keciucecl ratCH. Management liueral. nd points of interest. .Special rale will be -EXCELSIOR - STABLE B. C, Hansen, Manager. 'Jnlvi:oolli.reinel. SitUfaciiDii (jinranfe.1. LAWN MOWERS. HAY RAKES. GRAY Hardware, Stoves and GARDEN HOSE, AWN SPRINKLERS. SALEM. OR. 50 Ml ON THE DOLLAR, Ed, S, Lamport, iov Commercial st Salem, Or,, Has bought the Frank E. Shai fcr and the M. Bcamcr laarness stocks at forced sale. 54,000 worth ot goods will be disposed of at 50 cents on the dollar. Sign of the Wliitc Horse. VKXfci, OHt-HHJ COS OfOOX POZZONFS GOMPLEXIOH PflwnPRi ar,s,.i-!ii.&tw,, .ndi 1 inj"rkvc 1 I5M!!??l"p,.4l, Iwlr-auUfyU.i I -' ".".. pruncnon to u rc. I i "vr,zzz:jrmjvHnmK.i iiVV -?.v?,HJ" vrrr" I AT DnUQOI8T8 AXD fakoy STonca. m Hiiru iriMi iir rbiM PAPERS -lVxtttnd. Sacrarnentc, Seattle. Miller' Postoffice Woelt s. All Others' Q ? W 9 .. : 9 amette Hotel. OF THE CITY. Electric caw leave ho.el for all public buildlnri given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER Siat.l . buk ol State Imurunce block BROS., MACHINE OILS and AXLE GREASE Tinware, UICYCLES. SUNDRIES. SALEM WAGON A HBPAIR SUOP I am prepared ;to do all kinds of work In wood and Iron. Repairing machinery ot any kind or making and repairing stone cut ters, tools and edged tools of any kind made nud repaired; wagons and buggies repaired, and new ones nude to order. Horseshoeing the best that can bo done In townhand made shoes. Plates nnd ruiuiing shoes care, lully attended to. Call at my stand, at loo Chemeketa street, back of New York Racket store, H. I. HERSCIHIACII. Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut in prices on the following! Shirts, plain Under drawers.... Under shirts.,,,. . Socks, per pair ., . .....locenls i S to lo cents 5 t0 lo cents 3 cents Kilt hn.n u,.,: I cent I luiuterchleli .nd'ml" and 1,1!0W'S"P W 'ce'.uVper3dST and other work in proportion. i Flannels and other work in wuigcntly washed by hand. Col. J. Olmsted Proo. ' CpAVEATS, I CBPVnin'iri, '.' I tl nn t hTr.t.L ,iJ ! " oi'l 1 .. yr v.. ."-WA Tiiem Ladles Whrt vi.. S! tei. - " "P"Muca ion anJ k.tnuT.u:" 1 ...m lug, vi tf? V?SLhs- H-.'MJK?' jtr3n&& iia" S r ' nh nSVBtjra ?x$- iuViVV-'-iJt- ; f' &' 1 rf . """ " .e win ; ,1 .'l , o fWOSALS FOR SUnPI!FS. xfioBoard ot Trustees of the Ore gon Rtato Insane Asylum Invltoa sealed proposals for furnishing at f lie Asylum, near Salem, Oregon, tho fol lowing supplies: DItY goods. i 800 yds, Amoskacg bluo domlns. oz., as per sample. 1500 ydMcanton llnnncl, Nashua ' i.,li Va"llltt In. loni? ui, XXX, as per sample. I in,; tM , . 'Uhu AA, US pur Bumiuu. i . .. 1000 yds. Mariners' striped shirting, I CM,J.u9, 6accllawtcd pepsin- p LPF8IPlc- , I fi lbs not,i .,.,.,,. ' m n 85 doz. men's cotton socks, as per sample. 15 doz. ladles' cotton hose, as per sample. 1 doz. ladles' corsets, size 24-3, 27-3, 2o-a, zhz, uo-, as por sampic. 2 great gross pants buttons, as per sample. CO doz. thread, Coats' or Clark's C :n. t., jno. au, wnuc. 60 doz. thread, Coats' or Clark's N. T., No. 30 black. 20 doz. thread, Coats' or Clark's N. T., No. 10 white. SHOES AND SLIPl'EnS. 30 prs. mens' leather slippers No. as per sample. GO prs. mens' leather slippers Nd. as per sampic. GO nrs. mens' leather sllnncrs No. as per sample. 30 prs. mens' leatner suppers no. 10, as per sampic. 20 prs. mens' leather slippers No. 11, as por sample. 20 prs. ladles' shoes No. 4, as per sample. 25 nrs. ladles' shoes No. C. as Der sample. 25 prs. ladles shoes No. 0, ns per sample. GROCERIES. 10,000 lbs. granulated sugar (Ameri can reilncry). 15,000 lbs. Golden C sugar (Ameri can refinery). 8,000 lbs. Liverpool salt. 500 lbs. soda crackers, XXX, more or less, delivered as required. 500 lbs. of cheese, Cranston's or as goou, more or less, delivered as re quired. 40 doz. Cove oysters (Fields 2's). 30 doz. No.;l best brooms. 20 gross Vulcan Safety matches, as per sample. 300 lbs. Sal soda. 200 lbs. SultaniiTaslns (20-lb. boxes.) 100 lbs. Loudon Layers raislns(20-lb. OO.U'8). 'J.W lbs. China starch. 1 doz ostrich feather dusters (22-ln. pcrbiuupluj. 1 d(z. Worcestershire Sauce (Leo as IVi i Id's) In quart bottles. 20 boxes macaroni In 8-lb. boxes. 10J gal. N. O. molasses. 2,000 gal. syrup as per sample. (lOOO.lbs. Costa Rica green coffee, as per sampic. 1200 lbs. chicory. CKOCKERY. 25 doz. tea cups, W. G. ware, as per sample. o doz. saucers, w. i. ware," as per sample. 4 doz. 7 In. pie plates, W. G. ware, as per sample. TOBACCO. 1500 lbs. Even change. 300 lbs. O. IC. Durham In 2-oz. pigs. FLOUU. 000 bbls. No. 1 Hour, more or less, delivered as required. 25 bbls. No. 1 graham, more or less, delivered as required. fish. 000 lbs. llsh per week, more or less, as required, stating price per pound of dlircrcnt kinds. MEATS. Dllecf GOO pounds per dny, moro or less, as required equal parts foro and hind quarters. Mutton 200 pounds per day, more or less, ns required. R0A1 2500 lbs. Net Savon Best Standard soap. 200 cakes Peerless Kitchen soap, ss por sample. 5 lbs. Shaving soap (J. B. Williams) as per sample. si'ices. 500 lb.s. black pepper, Standard Ground, In5-lb. cans. 75 lbs. cinnamon, Standard Ground, In 5-1 1). cans. I'LUMHINO 50 feet each of , 1, 1 In.black pipe. Ocach cast Iron elbows 1, 1J, 1, and 2 inch. jd ' ' 0 each cast Iron elbows 45 (leg. 1. JT, .If, UIIU z in. 0 doz. hose washers, In. 1 doz. hose couplings i In. I doz. Galwcll hose bands i In. 12 each Jenkins' valves discs., 4, , 1 and li In. HAHDWAUK. (V1 ft l.fll., ...-.! -XT I - . v. ui t iii. iuiiiiu nuiwuj iron. 100 feet each of , 7-10 and i In. louiui Norway iron. 50 ft. each ofixl, ixH, and 1x2 In. iii iMirway iron. 5 ft. each or j, and 1 In. octagon steol. 5 ft. of in. round tool steol. 1 Heller Bros, liorso rasp 10 In. ttllat bastard llleslOln. 3 llat bastard llles 10 In. llat mill bastard tiles 10 In. 2 each llat mill bastard llles 0 and 8 in. 300 ft. Of Uianlllll rnno In dliitnotnr. 3,500 lbs. of blacksmith coal as per! sample. J 50 Norway carriage bolts Ixli 1n. i 50 each Ixl nnd -r in rFinA imitu ' K , --'P cach of 2 '-i. 3 ud 4 lb. tinned ' 1 tinners' blcwhorn suiko, large don liCS'su, . .; """ IIUIUIJCS OU ill l Coo's wrench, 12 in., bright, UUUGH. 1 L-l1nirm......An.i.i . . .... . iiukiiiiiiiiin iiriii iii'iii 111 (it nnH nnnr 1 kllogmmnic acid boric, Squlbbs. -i KllOLTIllnnioJ lilcmi.tl, o,,),l., OIIHIUU. l,...i. ;-"- v U..11MUI.I1 ailUllllIU subnltrato, kllOL'RlllllllOJ nlilnfnr.... In 500 opium grnnime bottles, Squibbs. 1 KllOQTlinimn ilnt..u !... deodorized, Squlbbs. l 1 Klloaratiiiiift nmmnntn n.,i Squlbbs, ililv. 1 I 1 kll01rnimiin -.1,11,,... 1 i.i. Squlbbs. """""" UIUu- Sq"ufbbnUnin0S opium Pw,dered, sUU)bsamnie3 mercuiy yellow "oxide, Kaulbbs: - M,Uh,,cTKr3llta nodeducuon In Uf flOfl l'l"IttlLn. -. ro,hPp(lw,lrlNlliW!.1r,r,V.w,f lUfli til il I I .,1 ..;.''. "' in. iMii-i. i.v . - tpr.ifa ""'Ul.ll, 20 lbx. IW" Ivlll ii'f", 1& "'"J ji lbs. colIoUion I raiitt. P(.alc.u,1IplcclpHtf 4 111 llnt.it... . . " 4 lb nntnculi.... i.... 0 ,",', ... T,,llc. P. o. ttr r uoiuu, uvnrnin .i... Pink's o,l0ranee. sweet, Le,, m a k lnckF6dt. u""c liable, Mai). i Or8ll,-noimonla water r,n . In 5 gallon glass contain "-. KfOUl. i wamnr. &yb. arnica flower BraaulaKLlllj .toxgrnve granulated, Llli;& &4cJs.nux vomica granuhted, Lilly f doz. vln. tonlqtm marlanl 0 do, extra large JuKhospUa, Malted mllk-Horllck's. MBsaa lated,rbe9.ln.ta99llmi' nltrate W 2 lbs. prepared chalk. o lbs. sponges, lo to tlm n,. . bleached sheep's wool! as m Jb nB,n 80 oz sulfonal, Bayerl) W rai)lc 5 Ctt. Antlkfimlnln tniiUi., c. O. O. 7, 8, 0. 1000 5 gr. quinine sulphate i nil 'can. sulo shaped; P. D. & Co ' Kr?SWp'aj3!&Co.tUratC9' nUXVOmIra.J IS1!!?.011011 11ItCr PUperS' wWti3nd w! T?& Co33 VChlor W 32 oz.; oz";:iaori,CO,,IXCOn0rf18 uiS$gralx tow 8-12 doz. rubber water bottles, 3 quart, cloth covered; W.T.&Co. i doz. H. R. syringes, No. 1, straight pipe; I oz. i doz. II. R. syringes, No. 3, straight pipe; 1 oz. 8k 1 gross corks, No. 12, taper R In. long. 2 doz. Allcock's porous plasters. 000 hypodermic tablets. No. 3. h case. 10 tubes each; W. Bros. 400 hypodermic tablets, No. fi8, la case, 10 tubes each; W. Bros. 2 doz. beef Juice; W. Bros. Samples may bo soon at tho com missary of tho asylum. Goods must bo In accordance with samples, nd bo In original packages when possible. The right to reject any and all bids Is rescrvea. Delivery or supplies will be required within fifteen days' no tice of acceptance of bid. Each bid must include all tho items and totals In full, with thocxccptlon of flour and iisn. j'aymcnti win not be made until the bidder has completed his con tract. A copy of the advertisement must accompany each bid, and the name of tho class of supplies be In scribed on the envelope. Auditing olllcers are prohibited from confirm ing accounts of purchases when the advertisement docs not contain a full description of the articles to bo pur chased. Each bidder will bo required to furnish with his bid a certified check In mi amount equal to ten per cent of his bid (save that for flour the check Is to bo for MOO. for fish $75), payable to the order of tho board-to bo returned In case his bid Is rejected or his proposal compiled with. Bids 1 ... pened in tho governor's ofllce nt 2 o'clock p. m., Monday, July 6, 1800. Salem. Oregon, Juno 15, 1890. (Signed) Ttiii wju. r. iajuu, II. R.KINCAID. PHIL METSCHAN. Board of Trustees, O. b. I. A. W. S. DUNIWAY, Sec'y. of Board. RiCb's Raspberry Syrup. Tlic choicest article of the kind minnfac turcd. Made right here at Silem. Noiwj equal to It for desserts, drinks or Uble . k,air ror it ai 11 u. juhiiciu .- M FOUNTAIN B DROWN, 187 Commercial street- SIem, ure . . -- . lTrn Pll SALEM WATR CO. Wheel wiiiameue ii--jrt u r water service apply .om.,;te Vnr .payaeie rooium navable monthly in ttJVu- t a . & titB on account of temporary . ,. ..- -- U-fi IWi "" absence city unless notice I le", l. the c&cc. .!.-!- Irf , Hereafter water for WP"-' r . .i .in can " lumuneu w reCu w -;, ors fcr w for domestic purpose. yritaTiii pta-. .1L-. Lrllr wmk and piasKiws "' ', J read "under building pu'P05" J e schedule 01 rates ior "w for codv. for copy. rtntlnacVf rorpuxlty.afoHmproMt IllCZlOn BMMUtWU"- '-j Ml ! wmm mm LsBHBIiKf J