Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 10, 1896, Image 1

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'fc. !&'
NO. !
VOL. 8.
1 "i " ' ' -'-
Iw Vnrk RrirM
Order of Railway
Grand Excursion....
To Salem Fair Grounds,
Stmday, Jtoe 14 -
Excursion trains will run from Portland, Oregon
City, Wbodburn, Natron, Silverton, Sheridan
McMinnvillc, Eugene and Albany,
Good music, races of all kinds and other amuse
ments, Races to start at 1 p, m, Admission to
Fair Grounds 25c, Take electric cars,CX22L
i i i COMMITTEE t t t
tCR Miller, J, M, Poorman, P, H,
. "W, R, Glcndening.
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced ratea. Management liberal.. jElectric ears leave hotel (or alljpubllc buildings
M points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
B. C, Hansen, manager.
j 0olT2d'horseiueJ. Satisfaction guaranteed.
'Sowers; -r
Hardware. Stoves and Tinware,
CABnPv imco
I kvr'Rf .
"n orKlNKLERS.
rAime'te Hotel luM
"er service annl at mil
TTi The7 office. "
ilS,11) no deduction In water rate
etJtoS.. t,mWy Absence from the
akfc ,no,Ic? kft the office.
br2llM for Irrigation wUl only be
fe cW.,?. "P" consumes using water
j-tttic purpose. Contractors for side-
ggj f rites for 1S93. Appfc at oW
"nercil st. rCottle Block!
WJcitr, IWpt delivery at
Tynan, W, S, Conser and
of the city.
Stablo back ofJJState Insurance 'block
Are you going
east this summer?
Vta what line?
Why not trie Burlington?
The Burlington Is the fastest
and best line to Omaha, Kan
11s City, St.- Louis and all
points south.
As good and as fast as any
other line to Chicago, Peoria
and all points east.
If thnre U any special inform
ation the local ticket agent can
not give you, write to us for it.
The Senator From Nebraska
Says the Indiana Platform Will Bo
St Louis Juno 10. Scnntor.Thurs
ton, member of the nittlonitl Republi
can committee from Nebraska and
delegate to the convention, was
among the early arrivals today.
He wore a McKlnley and Hobart
badge. Thurston said he believed the
Indiana declaration would form a
model upon whlohthc money declara
tion would bo based. The senator
expressed the opinion that the In
diana platform would bo satisfactory
to all western states, except Colorado,
Utah, Montana, Idaho and Nevada
and possibly Wyoming, but ho said,
as they have all told only 10 votes In
the electoral college, the party could
afford to lose them.
Marcus A. Hanna and W. A. Hahan
of Ohio arrived today and tho Mc
Klnlcy headquarters at once became
a busy portion of tho Southern hotel.
Hahan said tho llnnnclal plank would
bo such as every Republican, could
stand upon who wanted tho national
credit sustained.
The McKlnlcy men have decided
upon 0. II. Fairbanks, of Indiana for
temporary chairman. A careful
analysis of tho situation seems to In
dicate that a straddlo on tho ilnanclal
question will not bo popular. A
straddlo to hold tho silver states, tho
leaders say, would lose New York,
Now Jersey and Connecticut In caso
a gold Democrat is in tho Held. Silver
men claim that no straddlo tho Re
publicans could adopt would hold Col
orado and such states us against tho
nomineo oC tho Democrats and Re
publicans on a silver platform. Fig
uring on a basis of tho electoral col
lege, It Is declared that tho only log
ical candid wny Is to condemn freo
coinage of silver and declare In an un
mistakable way for tho present
St. Louis, Juno 10. Tho following
Is given out today by Richard 0.
Kerens, member of national commit
tee from Missouri. More Importance
attaches to It than to various pro
nosed planks on account of Kerens
visit to Mnor McKlnloy ut Canton,
although Kerens would not have It
understood that tho proposed plunk
had tho sanction of McKlnley and
gave no intimation to that effect:
"Wo bellevo our money should not bo
Inferior to money of most enlightened
nations on earth nndaro unalterably
opposed to schemes that threatens to
debaso or depreciate our money stand
ard. Wo favor tho reasonablo uso of
silver as currency but such uso should
bo to tho extent only and under such
well defined regulations that Its par
ity with gold as currency can bo easily
and effectively maintained. As con
sistent blmetalllsts wo opposo Inde
pendent freo coinage at a ratio 10 to 1
as 11 measure fraught with certain
disaster to all commercial Interests,
destructive to tho Interests of wage
earners and In absence of an Inter
national agreement Is sure to lead to
silver monometallism."
Tile National Republican commit
tee met at 12 o'clock, with Chairman
Carter, of Montana, In the chair.
There were very few absentees. Tho
business before the considerations of
168 contests wus promptly taken up.
St. Louis, June 10 Tho motion to
seat the Moseloy.Alabatnu, delegation
was 38 too. The Buckley (McKlnley
delegation) was then seated without
opposition. It was a decided McKln
ley vJctory, Tlioso voting to Beat tho
Moseley delegation were Fessenden,
Connecticut; Gear, Iowa; Leonard,
Leuisiana: Craln, Massachusetts;
Sutherland, N. Y.;-Carson, District of
Having Hoe Cake Soap in
........ tritfUjn nf tva-th once
means always,
The Oregon Delegation Uoes in a Special
PoiitlaND, Juno 10f-Tho Oregon
delegation to tho national Republican
convention, which meets at St Louis
next Tuesday, will loaVo tonight In a
special cur from the 'grand central
station. Tho start will bo made over
thcO.lt. & N. line: but tho main
Journey across tho continent will be
by tho great northern route to St.
Paul, where connection will bo made
with tho Rurllngton company to St.
Louis. Tho private car occupied by
the Oregon delegation will bo ap
propriately decorated, the principal
fenture of which will be banners on
either side, bearing the legend;
"Oregon for McKlnley nnd sound
money." , .
In addition to this, thcro will bo
numerous Hugs nnd national colors
adorning tho special car, nnd the oc
cupants will wear a blue silk badnge,
with u gold fastner, on which will bo
inscribed the simple vofd, "Oregon."
Members of tho party arc: Wallace
McCamant, of Portland; Charles 1111
ton, of Gilliam county; Dr. J. F.
Calbrcath, of Yamhill; C. S. Moore, of
Klamath :falls; J. W, Meldrum, of
Clackuma,dclcgatcs to thoconvcntlon;
George A.Stecl,oHL'ortlund, and F. W.
IlcndIcy,of Pendleton, alternates; Mr.
Chas. II. Hilton nnd daughter, of Tho
Dalles, Mr. Chas. A. Parrlsh, of Grant
county, mny Join tho delegation
nt Walla Walla and Robert A. Booth,
of Grants Pass, Is now li tho cast and
will meet tho delegation In St. Louis.
MaxPracht, nlsonn alternate, is now
In St Louis, holding n plnco as an as
sistant scrgcunt-at-arm Mr. Charles
II. Dodd, nlso u dolegutfy leaves to
night over tho Union Pacific route,
traveling, by himself, and Mr. M. C.
Harrison, an alternate, who expected
also to go will be unable todo-so,owlng
to the death of Mr. Woodruff Sutton,
tho head of tho firm whlch'he Isnsso-
Connecticut Democrats.
Hartford, Conn., Juno 10. Demo
cratic state convention met hero to
day to chooso delegates to tho national
convention. On tho subject of cur
rency tho platform says:
"While wo favor tho most liberal
uso of silver consistent with tho en
forcement of tho gold standard, wo
arc unultcrnbly opposed to freo coin
ago or silver deeming It a dcvlso for
tho debasement of our currency nnd
tho compulsory purchase of silver by
our government. Under tho existing
circumstances, to pay public debts
in slhcr coin Is repudiation.
Wo bcllevo the safety of our national
finances requires u system of sound
bunking, by which the hank noto cur
rency Is ample to supply tho needs of
tho whole country shall bo created,
safely, secured and always and ovcry
where redeemable In gold. Tho plat
form endorses tho administration of
President Cleveland nnd especially
approves his "llrm support of tho pub
lic credit, and his excmpllcatlon of
tho Monroe doctrine." Tho delegates
arc not Instructed.
Pursuit of Apaches.
Tucson, Ariz., June 0. A dispatch
from San Bernnrdlo ranch, on tho
Sonora line, says that word has beon
received thero allowing tho troops of
both governments to cross tho lino for
n distance of 250 miles In search or
pursuit of Indians, and in pursuance
of the agreement the first order was
promulgated on tho Gth, when Lieu
tenant Rice, with a detachment of 15
troops and 10 Apache scouts, left for a
skirmish below tho lino before formu
lating a plan of campaign.
Sandbagged and Robbed.
Medfori), Juno 0. Miner Richard
son was knocked down and robbed
near Gold Hill, twelve miles north of
Mcdford, yesterday morning. Ho was
walking ulong tho road and met two
men, who, after pasaliK hlmstruck
him on tho head with a sandbag,
knocking him senseless. They then
relieved him of all his money, about
20, and left him. When ho regained
consciousness, the men were about
fifty yards away, but he was not able
to overtake them.
Children Cry for
PiMrhvr's Castorla.
Circus In Town.
The Bend Brothers' circus arrived
on tho steamer Salem nnd Elmoro
from Corvallls this morning, nnd
pitched their tent In Yew Tark.
Tho parade this morning attracted
large crowds of people upon the streets
and elicited favorable comment. The
first performance was given thlsaftcr
noon, to a crow tied house. Bend Bros,
have a very Interesting menagerie,
sjvcrnl specimens having never been
scu here. The ring performance Is
fir aboe tho average In point of
merit. The La Rollo Bros, ncrlul re
turn act was the best over seen hore,
by long odds. Tho riding of MIsh's
Thomas, Carrol, Armor and Mr. Lo
Wanda, was finished, and elicited
hearty applause. Enough to make n
spectator's hair stand on end, was tl-o
thrilling knife throwing act, done by
Signor Arcuns nnd sister. It was so
entirely out .of tho ordinary, that It
excited the entire audience. It will
be useless to mention any of the other
features that really constituted 11
most meritorious performance.
Enough suld when wo say It was tho
best circus scon ln Salem for many a
day. They close tholr engagement
with n performance tonight, nt which
time no doubt, the house will bo
A CoiutEcrioN. In the report of
tho Held day sports Saturday Tin:
Journal stated that tlirco records
wcro lowered. This a a mistake;
there wcro only two records broken,
Viz: In the 220 yard run nnd tho 110
yard run. Although tho Utile In tho
220 hurdlo wus lowered, tho record
will not stand according to tho con
stitution on athletic sports since tho
winner knocked sovcrul hurdles down
while running. If Mr. Kuykcndall,
of Eugene, expects to lower tho recurd
In tho 'hurdlo rate ho will havo to
clear each hurdlo. Murphy, of Wil
lamette, ran under tho record tlmo
and did not touch u hurdle, although
ho did not cross tho tnpo tlrst.
Manufacturing Again. Westa
cott& Irwin, of Strong's restaurant
yesterday bought of Mr. Stcevcs tho
tools and machinery of the cundy
factory known as the "Lily," and will
uso tho same in tho manufacture of
candy in connection with their bakory
as In former years. Mr. Westacott 1b
onoof tho best posted men on tho
coast In this Unaj)ftrdtuindjyJJj,5ojui.
build up a good business.
Plenty of Music Tho Conduct
or's picnic havo engaged tho First
Regiment band of Portland, ns well
as the McMlnnvlllo bund, In Addition
to tho Silverton and Second Regi
ment band of Salem. Tho boys pro
poso to have enough music. Tho great
picnic will bo held at the stato fair
grounds next Sunday.
This is circus day. Tho little tots
uro In their glory. Their oyes stuck
out llko poorknobs, when tho baby
elephant was led up tho street. The
baby reached after n fow wisps of
grass, and wanted to stop to get more.
Tho keeper punched tho baby with
his prod, and mndo him bump along.
For shame, tho children crlcdl
The Creatien: Monday evening
tho M. E. church.
Tho rendering of this, Hnydon's
mnsterpolco, will bo a great treat to
music loving people. Tho solos arc
by Miss Bloch, Mr. Boycr nhd Mr.
Nknminino co. Tho Gold Beach
Belt Mining nnd Land Co., of Port
land, Jtoday tiled articles of incorpora
tion. Capital, $100,000. Incorporators,
J. Alex Allen, C. B. Spenser, Milton
Wcldler and E. II. Kelhnm.
Best of All. Tho Creation Mon
day ovening nt First M. E. church.
Salem choral society assisted by Miss
Rose Bloch, Mr. W. II. Boyer and Mr.
E. Wessenger. Reserved scats ut
Miss Bloch Will sing
in tho
Creation Monday evening.
Sunday School Convention and Masonic
ThoO.C. & 15. It. It. Company's
boats will mako a rato of one fare for
tho round trip from all Willamette
river points to Portland and return to
all parties wishing to attend tho
State Sunday School convention. Tho
same rate will also apply to all mem
bers wishing to attend the Grand
Lodge, Royal Arch and Eastern Star
Grand Lodges of Masons.
Tickets good going Junq 0th, 7th,
8th and ttlt and returning up to and
Including June 15th.
Edwin Stone,
J. O. Mayo, Manager.
Sunt. River Division.
Prof. W. H. IlOYEUr-Portland's
favorite tenor, will assist In tho crea
tion Monday evenlug at tho M. E.
church. 100 voices in tho chorus.
Directed Upon Persons Prominent Defore
tho Public,
Miss Juno Rose Is on deck,
Tho king can do no wrong.
, f
Tho Eugene boys -always go Into
Kentucky has answered Carlisle's
speech, ten to one.
Tho Populists will mako something
pop next Saturday.
"Unwlho agitation or the silver
question did It." Gov. Lord.
Veiimiyer Is not coming to Salem
Saturday but tho peoplo arc.
Mitchell we mean Senator John II.,
would run well on a presidential ticket.
What Is more pleasing sight than a
well dressed crowd In town on circus
Wlllamctto boys evidently wcro not
born with a silver spoon In their
Better men than McKlnley have
been killed by thn fool talk of their
Fatly disintegration of tho office
seeker's brain Is what alls some of tho
old partisan.
How Is It iKwslblo for Bunker Al
bert nnd Banker Gatch to reside In
the same ward?
Bend ilros. circus Is tho biggest
show in town slnco Dr. Kcone per
formed last week.
Many a dark horso for n stnto olllco
Is llnblo to chaugo his color within
tho next two years.
Alex La Follctt has originated tho
biggest gooseborry on earth. Alex
never docs anything by halves
Tho Statesman ordors tho men who
voted for Vnndorburg and who think
no was elected 10 Keep oir tho grass
Tho Republican national conven
tion Is to bo opened with prayer by
arch-bishop Kuln, If arch-bishops over
pray In such places.
Sugar trust king Sprccklcs, receiver
Burleigh of tho Northern Pacific,
Uuloii PacllloGcuerul attorney Thurs
ton all dolegutcs nt lurgo to tho St.
Louis convcntlonl
Tho solcctlou of Senator Thurston,
of Nebraska, to prestdo over tho na
tional Republican convention Is n
mistake. Ho Is u corporation change
ling In whom tho public havo no
Tho Statesman gives tho peoplo
another page of Sound Money plates
today. They uro furnished freo by
tho Cobden club of Now York that Is
run In tho Interest of Cleveland and
Wall street.
Oregon still has mon and horses
who can run well If properly driven,
In tho frco-for-all trot font purso of
$1,000 Klamath an Oregon horso, won
in two strnsght heats. Tlmo 2:10,
Tho old-timer nays tho circus toduy
Is a very good show, but nothing llko
what they used to see In Oregon
twenty or thirty years ago. "In them
days a circus was tho biggest thing on
earth. We couldn't hold a stato fair
at Salem and get a crowd without a
circus. Money was plenty, and thcro
woro not bo iiiuuy ways to spend It.
IVe had no stato mllltla, but all wero
safe and happy. Peoplo packed up
and camped right along with tho cir
cus a week at a tlmo, and 'tended tho
show twlcoudny, besides taking in
tho side shows nnd leiuonudo stands,
between times, Talk about spending
money to get eastern Immigration
and bring peoplo to Salem! What wo
want, to mako Salem a live town, is
to hlro a circus to stay here all tho
time." And tho old-timer sighed
Highest of all to Leavening rower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Name of tho New
litical Party
State Convention to Be Galled at
McMlnnvlllo, July 9.
Tho Union Bimetallic- Party has
decided to call a stato convention nnd
follow up tho victory achieved with a
stnto orgaulzntlon. Tho county con
trnl conimltteo or Yamhill county
and several leading men of tho party
mot on Saturday lust nnd by unani
mous voto decided to hold the conven
tion nt MoMlnnvllle, Thursdny, July
0, 180(1. Thclconvontlou will consist
of flOO dolegntos, apportioned among
the several counties ns follews:
Uiker. v 8 Lane. , 15 1
Denton 7 Linn 10 I
Clacknni.ii to Malheur .... 2 1
Clattop iu Marlon 31 1
Columbia c, Morrow 4
C001... k Mulinoinah , . 55 ""V
Curry a I'olk 9
Crook 4 Sherman ...... 3
Douglas 13 Tillamook 4
Gilliam 3 Umatilla II
Grant 4 Union 9
ackton 11 Wallowa 4
oicphine 6 Wathtngton la
Oamath 3 Wasco 9
Lake 3 Yamhill ..13
Lincoln 5
Tho convention will bo composed
of mon who favor tho use of gold and
silver as standard monoy and nre op
posed to tho slnglo gold standard, and
favor tho free and unlimited colnago
of both.
J. C. Cooper was mado temporary
chairman nnd W. V. Spencer tern
poarysecrotnry of tho Stato conven
tion. Yamhill county will hold u
mass convention of sllvor men nt tho
court house horo, Juno 20, nt'l-pr ntr,-
to elect delegates to tho Stato con
vention, the platform
on which tho Union Bimetallic pary
was organized and carried Yamhill
county at tho recent election was
printed In Thk Journal of April 0,
editorially endorsed us having tho
right ring and that It could bo under
It was written by J. O. Cooper, of
tariff for revenue suillclout to
meat national expenses with protec
tion to American labor and Its pro
Tho uso of both gold and silver as
standard monoy and not tho gold
standard. And a discriminating tar
iff against gold standard countries,
No moro bonds.
Postal saving banks.
Election of United Stutos senators
by direct voto of tho people.
Close tho gates of Castle Garden
against nil un-Amorlcnn Immigration,
and mako "Old Glory," tho keeper of
tho peace In tho western hemisphere.
Cutoff all extravagant legislative
appropriations for usoless commis
sions, extra salaries of ofllclals and
Jobs, or cut tho political throat of tho
man who refuses to do it when iio has
tho opportunity.
Condensed Testimony.
CIim. I). Hood, Drokcraud Manufacturer '
Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr.
King's New Discovery hw no equal as a
Cough remjdy. J. D, Brown, Prop of St.
James Hotel, Vt. Wayue.Ind., testifies that
lie was cured of a Cough of I wo years stand,
ng, caueed by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New
Dilcovery. ll. V. .Merrill, IMIdwinsvllle.
Mass, says that he bat used and rcccoraendad
it and never kecw it to full and would rather
have it than any doctor, because It alway
curei. Mr HemmlniT. 322 E. 3fth St..
Chicago, always keeps it at hrad and lias no
tear 01 iroup, oecauie u inuauy
Eree Trial bottles at
A. Legg's Drug