Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 09, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal.
Tonight, fair; "Wednesday, showers.
Sec our line of
Straw Hats,
Extra values,
from 15c
to $2 each,
, J, Dalrymple Co.
A. II. JIuddleMHi of Jefferson, In In
Hon. II. It. K I nc;i Id went to 1'ort
land today.
Ifoii. W. II. Leeds went to to Port
land today.
Hrokor Hamilton went to IIiiNcy on
business today.
State Siiit. (i, M. Irwin wunt to
Linn county today.
C. 1 Strain, of MuKco, was In tint
city today on business.
Secretary II. L. llcnts of the Hop
Growers Fire Keller Association of
lliittcvlllp, was In the city today.
Hunt.. Potter or the Chemawa In
dian school was In the city today.
Ho Is making a great many Improve
ments In tlio drainage, tlio conveni
ences, and the sanitary conditions.
A girls bath-house has been connected
with their dormitory.
The Circus Coming.
Tlio false rumor that Hond Hros.
circus and horse show would skip
Salem should not bo allowed to con
fU8o people. The great circus will bo
hero In all Its glory, and If you want
to see the only one of the season don't
fall to lcon hand tomorrow. Part of
the-clrcuH has arrived.
Sunday School Convention and Masonic
ThoO.C.t K. H. . Company's
boats will inako a rate of one faro for
the round trip from all Wlllumctto
river points to Portland and return to
all parties wishing to attend tlio
Ktato Sunday School convention. The
name rate will also apply to all mem
bers wishing to attend tho Grand
Lodge, Iloyal Arch and Eastern Star
flrn nil Lodges or Masons.
Tickets g(KHl going Juno nth, 7th,
Klh and mil, and returning up to and
Including Juno loth,
Ktnvi.N Stonk,
.1.0. Mayo, Manager.
Sunt. Illver Division.
HiCHTOK Aix.-Tho Creation Mon
day evening at First M. E. cliurch.
Salem choral society assisted by Miss
Itoso llloch, Mr. AV. II. lloycr mid Mr.
K. Wcssongor. Reserved scats at
Chicicknh WANTKii-At once twen
ty dozen chickens at Strong's restu
ntnt. Wcstaeott & Irwin
Shirt Waist Sale, , , ,
Monday and Tuesday, , , ,
Ecry lady or miss who buys a
shirt waist from us worth 7fto or
more win m presented with a
handsome bolt buckle
Free of Charge , . .
Willis Bros. & Co,
, , Court and Liberty.
Tho Casli Dry (Jcxxls, Clothing and
Shoo House.
TAN SHOES-Ncw styles,
new toes, extra fine values for
Some Personals and News of the Doings
of Oregon People.
Mrs. Judge Wolverton or, Salem, is
In the city the guest or Dr. Maston.
Albany Democrat.
Mlssc Ilertha and Vesln Mason
were down from Albany to nttend
Pinafore entertainment.
Mrs. Olive S. England and Mis.
Florence E. CarttWIght, are at the
Portland Woman's congress.
It. D. Scott, Miss Anna Scott and
Miss J. Illnklc, formed a party for a
day's visit to Portland yesterday.
Dr. I. D. Driver, state senator-elect
from Lane county, Is In the city visit
ing at tho home of his son, I. I).
Driver, Jr.
Favorable reports aro coming in re
garding a big crowd for tlio conduc
tors picnic next Sunday. Tho Eu
gene brass band has been added to the
attractions, and tho very best of
muslo will be provided. The bicycle
races are coming on in good shape,
but tlio bull race Is declared olf.
"Old Hill" Anderson had agreed
to get up the latter but has
not I Hod tho committee that It
wilt not come off. Mr. Anderson says
a bull Involves too much work, and he
objects to getting it up for Sunday.
However, he will assist the committee
all he can In getting up more harmless
amusements, and lie may be Induced
to take out his baby monkey, which
would bo a whole show In Itself. The
committee Ismaklngamplo provisions
ror the comfort of the crowd, as well
as for their entertainment. In tlio
meantime the good people of Salem
are making amplo provision for feed
ing and caring for all that come. Peo
ple will drlvo In and coinq on steam
boats from a considerable distance.
It will drobably bo tho largest crowd
ever In Salem.
it. m. h. riNAi-oiti:.
Tho good ship under Captain Cor
coran and his crow last evening sailed
smoothly at Heed's opera house in tlio
presence of n vast audience. Tho
company iierforuicd as though It were
a nightly occurrence with them, and
all present gave tlicui tho support of
approval f mm tho turn loose. This Is
without doubt the most successful
entertainment so far given by tho
Salem Choral society, which Is proving
Itself a most competent musical
organization. Professor, 11. A. Herit
age as usual proved equal to tho
occasion, and more too. Ho had tho
training, drilling and all tho stage
manipulation to look alter besides
taking tho leading part of Capt.
Corcoran. Ho was ably assisted by
Prof. Km II L. Winkler, pianist, who
played tho accompaniment for tho
entire opera. There- has been some
talk of these gentlemen leaving Salem
to accept a much tatter llnanclal op-
portunltylln the south, but It Is now
understood that tlioy will probably
remain with Willamette college- or
muslr, much more faorablo arrange
ments haying been made hero. This
is good uows ror Salem, and It Is need
less to say that our wliolo city Is to bo
congrat ulatcd upon tho consummation
of tho same. Ah tho Pinafore rehear
sal .vas written tip fully In these
columns some days ago, it Is needless
to say more of It, except that for tho
short time it was tinder way it proved
Adjutant Flynn Discharged and Comes
' to Salem.
J. M. Flynn, adjutant or tlio Oregon
soldier's home, lias been relieved by
W. IX. Marquis, a son-in-law of J. T.
Mulkcy, who is an inmate of tlio
home. He was presented with a gold
headed cane by the inmates o! the
His family did not live at the home
and lie was general utility man, did
hospital service, and at times running
the home.
Mr. Flynn laid some facts before
tho Governor, but filed no specific
charges. lie docs not admire Mrs.
Hyarsas matron. Mrs. Byars is a
lady well known In Salem for her
many sterling qualities and as an en
ergetic manager. Mr. Flynn is an old
soldier himself and seems to have
been a popular man with tho inmates,
who all signed n testimonial and ho
also received a testimonial from the
Commander Mr. Byars.
Thn. W. Potter paid a
visit to Silvcrton Tuesday.
Seven now scholars have arrived at
Of the Circuit Court Which is Now in
'I'..l,l nnflin IllfV C1SCS tllC flrSt
j-unuiH "J' " " .. . . I . . . ...... ....,., mini
one called was that or tne siaie the school during mo puat ww. ....
against Charles Nelson, charged with total attendance at present is 270.
selling liquor without a license to v . L Jq superintendent of
the Presbyterian 'mission at Juneau,
Alaska, visited the school Tuesday.
v.. Unr. rimrlM Loinbckc nnu outers
nt Btittevlllc on June 22d, last year.
District Attorney Jus. McCain and
his defnity, A. 0. Condlt, appeared for
the state and John A. Carson for de
fendant. The Jury empanelled con-
Hlstnd of W. T. Coleman, liannin
TTo.wna nreonminled bv his wife and
saw""' m
a new student.
Alpheus Dodge returned from a
four month's visit to California Fri-
Mrs. David Wynttand son, Ilcrold,
or Lyons, were Stayton visitors Mon
day. Mr. U. P. Taylor and wire drove up
to Salem Friday, on business.
Mrs. Ualslcy returned from a two
week's visit In Lyons Monday.
Mr. Henry Keen made a trip to .the
Capital city Friday morning return
ing In the evening.
Misses Edith and Pearl Alderson, of
Portland, were visitors In town last
Prof. Richardson, or Subllhiity, will
movo his family to Stayton this week.
Children's day was observed at both
thcCliristaln and Methodist church
last Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Duulvan has been qttito
111 for the past week hut Is on a fair
road to recevery:
Mr. Hugos, or San Frnnolsco, Cal.,
has been a guest at the homo or Mr.
Leo Brown ror tho past week
Tho young people or the Christian
cliurch gayo a supper tor tho bencilt
or the church Friday, which was a
great success.
Mr. Henry Brewer and Claud Darby
left ror Idaho Thursday morning,
where they intend totnkoup land.
Tho Woodmen lodge, or Stayton,
will give a picnic Wednesday, Juno 10,
nt tills place. Music by tho Tumor
band and a gook time in general Is ex
pected. The Silvcrton camp will
Join In tlic'cclchnitlon and help swell
the crowd. There is no doubt but
what tills will bo tho event or the
Smith, W. S. Wattcrs, P. A. Turner, ' day,
C. L. Ogle. J. Korb, J. W. Pate, u.
Dellavcn, L. Wood, A. L. Downing,
J. E. Lewis, F. X. Molsan. Those
examined ns witnesses were W. E.
Her, Charles Lcnibckc, A. B. Dcntlc,
and Mr. Ycargan lor tho prosecution
nnd T. ll. Nelson for the defendant.
Tho following docket entries were
made by Judge Burnett yesterday:
M. M. Ellis vs. T. J. Ford, action
for money; continued.
Ilcnness Bros. s. Allen & Smith
and Scarlc & Dean, action for money;
J. C. Goodale vs. L. M.Hensel ct al.,
a phenoml mil success.
The Mandolin Piano,
Tito "Osslnu" attaclimont In pianos
is a now and novel feature which Is
attracting the attention of all musi
cians, East and West. Wo had num.
orous callers yesterday and last oven
lug and all were astonished and highly
pleased to see and hear tho elTects of
this new attachment. Wo desire to
state that tlioso who might wish to
see and hoar this Instrument before
wo leave, that it will be necessary to
call at oneo, as wo shall only remain
a day or two longer. ln order to mako
quick sales wo will make big reduc
tions In prices that will surprise you.
Easy terms if desired. Wiley B. Allen
Co., 235 Conimercll street.
Woman's Relief Corps and Sons of
On Juno 8th, Oth, loth, lttli and
12th tho 0. C. & E. 11. It. Co. will toll
round trip tickets from nil rail and
river points to Independence to mom
bcrs or tho above orders at ono rare
for tho round trip, tickets good to re
turn on Juno lath.
Edwin Stonh.
QWMiI Manager.
Eckjs Wantki-Two hundred dot
on eggs wanted at once at Strong's
ti-aiiiiimi. i, i-aiill'Ulli v irwill.
Talk About 6orn!
Pi'ilirrcd Stock Corn. , , 15c,
LMrGten 6J2c,
Uftfcmt, C-n 6 l'2c.
IJbvsm. Caen.,.., , 5c
Wt JjW all Wmmis of canned good, for su
' jmim? syitajty and low price.
Wltllo W.T.Bamsdon and wife wore
gone to Salem on Tuesday, Juno 2,
there was a tramp, or somo ono else,
who broke Into hlshouscand this Is
what ho or they took; One pair or
Sunday pants and suspenders, a lady's
pcn-knlfu and button hook combined,
with a whlto handle, wont to tho cup
board, took eight biscuits, tea small
cakes, broke Into tho children's bank
for ton coppor cents, wont Into tlio
milk house and took a ham of bacon,
a big butcher knife and ono pie, and
then went Into tlio spare bedroom
and took a pillowslip off of ono of tho
pillows, wo supposo to carry his
plunder In. So farmers must watch
their cupboards as well astliclr banks.
Two years ago on tho 27th of this
month his house was robbed of about
$75 worth of goods. So tlioy want to
bo careful horearter when thinking
ho Is gone away ho will bo tlioro and
it might not bo good for them.
The Quartsvlllo mtno still running
a 20 stamp mill full blast, day and
night, working about 80 men, and ore
increasing ut iuaiuy ns wen ns
quantity. Supt. Smith went out to
Albany yesterday and Oeneral Mana
ger Lawlor Is expected lit now dally.
Pay day is near at hand, and snow Is
a tiling of tlio past In hero, two pack
trains make regular trips. Snow
nlM)Ut 5 feet on tho summit. Mr.
Frank Heed Is looked for tomorrow.
His arrival moans astir nt tho Al
bany Mining & Mlllllng Co's. works,
which Is now being put in ordor by
Mr. Herb Ames with a small force of
MATTHES.-At tho farm homo, near
) hlteaker, on May 27, 1890, of heart
trouble, John M. Malthcs, aged 57,
Mr. Matthes was an old resident in
Oregoti, having resided on his farm,
near Whlteaker for twenty years. Mr.
Matthes was a good husband and
father, and was loved by all who know
him. Tho bereaved family have tho
sincere sympathy of tlio community
In which the live.
notion for money; continued for ser
vice. Walter A. Wood Harvester Co. vs.
T. J. Chandler, action lor nioncyjnon
sult by plalntilf.
A. M. Smith and II. T. Coleman vs.
A.T. Gilbert and F.N. Gilbert, action
ror money; continued by consent.
J. M. Skairc, administrator or the
estate or D. M. Kcene, deceased, vs.
F. J. Nlcolot. replevin: demurrer to
Charles Becko vs. Geo. H. Satibcrt,
action lor money; settled.
Charles Scott, as the Woodburii
Milling Co., vs. J. W. Sinclair & Son,
action for money; ludgment for plain
tiff on default entered nt February
C. N. Ilollis vs. D. N. Richardson,
action ror money; by consent, Judg
ment ror plalutlil as demanded in
comp1alnt,wlth order to sell attached
C. J. Whltakcr vs. I). N. Richard
son, action lor money; same.
Sam II. Brown vs. Southern Pad lie
Co., action ror damages; continued.
J. Reynolds vs. J. Patterson et nl.,
action for money; settled.
Sarah T. Learned vs. John Knight,
replevin, motion to strike out part of
answer argued.
O. E. Krausse ct al., vs. J.C. Coffey,
action ror money; settled.
W.C. Noon Bag C, vs. Gervnls Mill
ing Co., action for money; plaintiff's
motion for Judgment on pleadings al
lowed and Judgment rendered for
plaintiffs as demanded in tlio com
plaint. J. II. Lunii, vs. J. B. Stump, action
for money; motion to strike out parts
of answer and demurrer argued.
Ladd & Bush vs. N. B. Knight and
Geo. S. Downing, action for money;
dorault and Judgment ns to Downing
and Judgment ror plaintiff against
Knight as pcr-.'stlpulntlon.i
J. C. Johnson, receiver, ys. W. M.
Wirt, action ror .money; demurrer to
complaint argued.
R.J. Hendricks and E. 0. Glltner
vs. Geo. Williams, action tor money;
J. II. Albert, administrator ol T.
McF. Patton, deceased, vs. Fred A.
Legg.action lor monoy;answer (intend
ed by consent.
Libble A Patton vs. Fred A. Legg,
action ror money; dofnult and Judg
Geo. Wllhclmy vs Joseph Maerzet
al , action for money; settled.
Aug. Huckesteln vs. Lyon Adolph,
action for money; default and Judg
ment. Chas. Jacobson & Co. vs. J. L. Cliaso
& Co., action for money; ooittlnued for
II. P. McNary, receiver, vs. George
Collins, ot nl., action ror money drawn
by overdrart; demurrer to plea in
abatement argued.
Capital National bank vs. W. W.
Johns et al., action for money; default
of defendant entered.
J. M. Brown vs. B. Phelps, appeal
from Justice of tho peace, Silvcrton
minci; continued uy consent.
was returned by tho grand Jury today
ill 1 1 iii writ t ii1a 4s-t inihiAi..... .. .
Thirteen milch cows were sold at
public sale Saturday afternoon.
Dr. Julius Sllverstcin.of Calirornla,
is at present visiting his wife who Is
very ill.
A.largo number or boys visited Sa
lem Saturday.
Tlio new sewer Is almost completed.
When it is finished it will add greatly
to the sanitary condition of tlio
Prof. Heritage ofSalem, will favor
the school with one of ills excellent
musical programs Thursday evening.
Wo will bo glad to sec many or our
rrlends In rrom the country.
Wednesday and Thursday,
Wash Goods
Reductions in Dimities, Organdies, Sattccns nnrl n ....
.... UWingoc4
A large lot of remnants of all kinds at very low
257 Commercial st.
Pineapple, 10c can. Corn, 5c can, Stcckcut
Oat Meal, not rolled pats, the new breakfast
dish. Good canned peaches cheaper than
any sold in town,
operations at moderate fee. In ut WbK
in especial requett. ' " w
P, O, Grocery,
Justices and Constables.
Following were elected at the
cent electien:
Salem distrlst II. A. Johnson, A.
T. Wain.
.Tellerhon S. T. Johnson, Uert
Stayton E. Esbome, A.J. IMchatd
son. MehamaJ. M. Eskcw, E.A.Taylor.
Horeb-W. T. Clark, Jas. Collins.
Silvcrton It. C. Itnmsby, P. A.
Aurora-H. D. Waldo, S. 11. T.
Woodburn-J. U. Wheeler, Amos
St. Paul-A. Pfelfer, John Plckard.
Gervais L. II. Poujade, Victor
Ttirncr-W. JI. Hlllcary, Hetlry
I-'ecf, .Topsicers, 3.oo3.25 per lb; fan
lo nool Mccrs, aV2 3.5c; cowi, 2flJc;
tlrc-tsed beef, 1SC
San Francisco, Tune 9 Wheat, l.02j
Wool, Oirgon, choice, 670; inferior 4
jiy, valley, 9ioc
flop Quotable nt 23C.
I'omtoes 65Socper sack.
Oau -Milling. 75W82.
Wheat. ,44c per Du market firm.
Oau ,i8(M2oc.
Hay.. Baled, cheat, $S.oos.soj timothy,
Flour,. In wholesale lots, 3,00; retail,
320; bran, bulk 11,00; sacked, 12.00;
horts, t2.oo13.oo; chop feed, 11.00
Poultry.. Chickens, S6c; ducks, 70 lb;
spring chickens, toe lb.
VcalDresscd, 3.
Hoes.. Dressed, 3;.
uve Lattle..2(g2.
Meets all mall and passenger trains ha.
gage and express Jo all parts oriheS,
Prompt service, Telephone No. j0 ;'
Capital Transfer Co,
Express, biBEape and UH
done promptly. Leave orden
ill Mftls cf von
it Pttttn'i
On farm land security. Special
rates on large loans. Loans
considered without dclar
hush Hank bulldinS.
Did You Ever.
Try Electric Bitters as n remedy for your
troube? II not, get a bottle now and get
relief. This medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure ol
all Iemale Complaints, exert a wonderful
direct influence In giving strength and tone to
the organs. If you have loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
arc Inervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spell, Electric
Bitters is tho medicineyou need. Health and
btrengih are guaranteed by its use. Fifty
cents and $t,oot Fred A, Legg.s Drug Store
YOU'U bo Slimrispil wlinn i-nn -..
Hoe Cake soap, and wish we had told
you sooner. It Is made by patented
process. j n tf
There's no clay, Hour, starch or
other worthless flllintr in "Hoo Cako"
tho hands.
Sheep.. Live, 2.50.
Wool.. Best, i2Vc.
Horn.. Best. 41
Eggs.. Cash. 8 Vic.
Butter.. Lest dairy, 10c; fancy creamery
Cheose .12VJC,
Farm Smoked Meats Bacon, 7c; hams
yui snoumers, 5c?
On city or farm property.
Over Bush's Bank,
"'"'' ' I1
Carpenter, Builder and Jobber.
481 Winter street.
t7Hard times prices always, '
and no free alkali to burn
j 01111 imbues.
The FmsT.-H. Q. Sonncniann to
day displayed at his store tho tlrst
full blown Marechal Nell rose of tho
evuMJii. iti was
and Is about six
rarest fragrance.
Brown out of doors,
inches across, of t.im
Chicago, June 0. Wheat, cash
umur nuippiu tor larccney in a
tiwetiinR. no was arralifned and bv
his attorney waived tlmo and pleads
Iii tho case of stato vs. Chas. Nel
son, Jury failed to itKreo and was tils
charged. John Slough vs. Iver Lar-
!u, iiciion ior money, iriai to jury a
potatoo caso. Carson and Flenilnir
and Shaw, Hunt, and McCulloch, at
torneys. MRS. l'AHUISll WINS.
Ill suit of Ktiardlan of Grace Pierce
et al vs. Mrs. J. L. Parrlsh, as ex
cctitrlx, verdict for defendant was
reudored by Judge Hubbard.
Ti.Bf iCu
JUIIC soi.
New York, June o.-Silver. 66c; lead,
eJw,!nn'VrJ!yne 9 Wheat valley,
55 !, Walla Walla, 5354.
, 7 ur-7l0lnl. 3.oo; Benton county.
Jo:t:WM!a:Sa 'T,bne' 5 Ir bbl.
in w. ir:,:rsr'!.r 3i2;i'
3.75. 3 "
Hav'0?"' 557.Mc P.
uy,' ft!' 9Perton.
5&K ' 9C; E"tern 0reCon,
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stoce of
brushes of all kinds in the
state, Artists materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of xrass seeds,
211 Commercial St., Salem Or
EySults $15 upwards, Panttf ufnuArli
FOR SALE ThrM i.m nn.nj i v
Park, with good house and bam, 100 fruit
trees, all rich garden land, for snls rfiean.
58 im
Apply to
rich garden land,
Lewis Pettyjohn.
1 liKsuwAU 1 any one who has been
emeu uy me use 01 Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills will write to the Capital Journal Salem
they will receive information that will be of
much value and interest to them. 5 8 im d&w
C..M. Epplby,
formerly of Clark & Eppler.U nor
prepared to serve the public wila
everything first class in h'u line,
Simpson Hros. old stand,
The popular pilcTw Wft J
iKen reopened, and is prepredtc
boarders and roomers at tie most reaww
rates. Nice suite of rooms oa t r"3"
floor. Sunday dinner from I to J.
S, Richardson, Prop.
Two doors north Hotel Wlta
cooking and home made pies ua l4JJ
ways uu ihiiu.
Notice to Qit.
Kcsulu Tell the Story
A vast mass ol ditcct, unimpeachable testl.
moiw provei beyond any ouJblHty of doubt
that Hood baruparilU actually does per
fectly and ixrmanentlv rnr .lt..... ,..,..
by Impure blood. Its record of cures it un
Kual!4 and these cures have often been
accomplished after all other preparations had
Hcod't Filb cureTuiTvcr Ills, Ulllousntu.
jaundice, nick headache '
SAUl, J iiuo4, ISflG.
on are hereby notllled to iiuiuedl
ntoly quit and deliver possession to
tlio owners tlioreof tlio store room
now occupied by you as tho assignee
of the estate of Fred A. Lectr, in
solvent. Respectfully,
.. t it ,. .nuns A. Patton.
I,J ?dh. AMrt, her agent; Estato
of T. McF. I'atton, deceased, by J.
To Claud Gatcli.a&slRiiee of tho estato i
of J ml A. Legg, insolvent. 8 2d
Children Cry for
TItchr' CstorI.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
flledal, Midwinter Fair.
tuost Ferfect Made.
. oVearstktSUadarfi
iAaiuutv-i-irst class pasture for horses
or cattle Just aouth of Morningsldo. $i.to
Journai, office. 6 8 i mo.
i'UtiijlC MEN, POLllCIANii AID BUsJl
ineu houses can obtain all newspaper infor
?nfr?mth5Pres$ortho "ate, coast and
Tu1tr?.,,r,omthe.l'ress Clipping Bureau.
Aliens) Union block. Portland k I3.j0tf
fUK aAutjgh, milch cows and
year olds. Inquire of M. J. Egan,
tWO 2-
2 34tf
auuuiKj kiub. v.v., --j
f uu oALhr-l'ioneer crockery and'erocery
store, cstab shed i8e. i.r t....:-J7t
Si !kL,.heobe,t ,ocatlons J" the city; a capital
ELte ?S'000 rc1uicedt object of closing
Jno. G.
5:8 dim
vv!i w 'o.n a"it of health,
"Ku,, oaicm.
miles out. Partly mUZvf
KJJS,.1-.. ? cr
Wm?.i,,- ,,w . smau """igood water.
Nood stumpage can be had. Box 145, Salem.
OUt, Partly imnrnvrd xvcA ;
1 r--,- , nyvw mmi,
" . , , rr-.1
1 D V
oacramento, aeattie,
T1011M..JC 7"' toacramento, aeat
Aeey'ffi510--11 Subscrip.icm
S'Acy.f?ra.n.nwPapers and macaiW
"S ALDCIf ftl A.ftA.n - f .. "
mi " " . nu c
nller, Prop,
confectionery. F. W,
I 14 tl
"1 in Vh.M.l,nd. Yamhill coantv. ' All
t m cooa truit. For sst. ., . i..rr.
ftMrA... !... " " INULAU
LINC TO Jvkw"""
1 Altona and Ramw
Portland, 6n5a.ro.
Salem, 745
Independence, 0130 a. m.
Cuicktlroe, regular serrke ani
WW Witt
l..l- Tl.
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